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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 427 KB, 703x1002, 1406077973880.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8557550 No.8557550 [Reply] [Original]

So /fa/, how do I dress really androgynously?

>> No.8557553

wear a dildo in your butt.

>> No.8557689


>> No.8557704

That's the seriously the scariest thing I'v seen al month.

>> No.8557721
File: 850 KB, 1682x1021, 1402830282120.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>somewhere in the world, there are actual furries like this
Fucking horrifying.

>> No.8559889
File: 106 KB, 320x480, 1396401777792.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That picture
>somewhere in the world, there are actual furries like this


>> No.8560929

What's your body like, OP?

Somehow I doubt it. I mean, maybe, one really fucked up family somewhere, but a lot of Internet sexual-identity fetish shit is pure fantasy.

Like, you've seen the feeder stuff where someone is coercively slipped a magical potion that blubbers them up to immobility in the course of a week? It's almost certainly like that.

Also, is OP fucked up? Yeah, but think for a second: how's coercing your child into a furry identity and lifestyle all that different from raising them heterosexual and cisgender, or in a particular religion and ethnic group, or whatever? Parenting is violence and it's only normativity and that who we are is inseparable from how we were raised that lets anyone overlook it for a second.

N.b. it is different and more fucked up than most parenting, I'm pretty sure, chiefly because it's setting the child up to suffer social stigma they didn't accept like the parents did, but for other reasons, too, that I don't care to unpack now.

>> No.8560961
File: 11 KB, 225x450, 1378239_672438392814405_43261310_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how's coercing your child into a furry identity and lifestyle all that different from raising them heterosexual and cisgender

>> No.8561011

That's right, I said it.

FWIW, I'm basically hetero and cis. As strongly as I might feel those things, as much as they're parts of who I am, as little as I mind being them, I can't pretend they're not consequences of what has happened to over the course of my life.

>> No.8561025
File: 45 KB, 320x240, 20488-29877.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tell me about furries, why do they wear the mask?

>> No.8561043

No it's probably genetic

>> No.8561657

because unless you homeschool your kid, you don't raise your child, society does. And most of society isn't furfags.

>> No.8561698

>unironically using the word "cisgender"

>> No.8561713

being this much of a shitnerd to criticize that sort of thing in 2014
kill yourself, fagboy

>> No.8561721

I'm not discriminating at all, I'm in full support of LGBT, I'm bi myself. But terms like cis and "pansexual" just fucking piss me off, I can't handle it.

>> No.8561770

>not discriminating
>"those terms just piss me off"
how the fuck are you in full support of LGBT if you can't acknowledge that being cisgender is a real thing? there is obviously a difference between those who are trans and those who are cis, and that's what the word cis is for. if you think it's dumb, you obviously do not support LGBT.
this coming from a bisexual trans woman

>> No.8561775

those are legitimate terms that have been used in the academic world way before tumblr was even a thing

you need to read up on your shit dude

>> No.8561789

Itt faggots arguing over who supports faggots more and this is faggier.

Faggots fighting over who is the biggest faggot

>> No.8561795

Get skinnyfat is step one

>> No.8561798


>how's coercing your child into a furry identity and lifestyle all that different from raising them heterosexual and cisgender

>Parenting is violence

Straight back to Tumblr, do not pass Go, do not collect $200.

>> No.8561799
File: 2 KB, 78x118, bf2639fc-ed98-44c1-a73e-7f2ac70cd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol the term "cisgender" was coined just because trannies refuse to agree that identifying as what gender your junk determines is normal.

>> No.8561801

The reason cis annoys me is because I see it used a lot as a derogatory term, and the only people I really see use it are transgender themselves which even if it's not, makes it seem like a negative word. Kind of like if there was a word only white people called black people.

Pansexual however is not a thing. There is no difference between being attracted to both genders and being attracted to "all genders". There are two genders. You can change your gender through surgery, but once that happens you are not the gender you used to be. Plus, straight people can be attracted to transgenders. Due to the fact there are only two genders, there are mathematically four possible sexualities, unless you include the fact it's a spectrum: heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual, and asexual. I'm not trying to offend for insult anyone, it's just true.

>> No.8561806

don't worry seig, I doubt anyone will be able to take the crown from you

>> No.8561810


>The reason cis annoys me is because I see it used a lot as a derogatory term

It annoys me because it's a made-up word to make sure that every special snowflake has their own category.

>> No.8561814

nah, i see a lot of self-identifying cis people these days as well. often, more so than i see trans people using it, since trans are the vocal minority

>> No.8561820

as a legitimate bi person, I get pissed when people call themselves "pansexual." just admit you like dick&tits and stop trying to be a special snowflake.

>> No.8561825

how are you so vain that you get offended by someone else's gender?

>> No.8561832

I didn't want to say it because I'm not really looking to offend people but I completely agree. It's a manifestation of the human race's need to be special and unique. Same with the term "pansexual". Non-trans people shouldn't have their own "special" term because we aren't fucking special. We're normal.

>> No.8561841

underrated post, but its trunks so whatever

>> No.8561843


>> No.8561849

this picture makes me irrationally mad at the world

>> No.8561964

Genes don't exist in a vacuum, and the reduction of behavior to genetics has been pretty well thrashed outside pop science journalism and the people doing it.

More to the point, if genetics were an important or even relevant part of the story, the lived experiences of vast numbers of people would be very different. People's sexuality and gender is enormously plastic and dependent on cultural and environmental frameworks, and whatever genetic involvement there is holds zero explanatory value on its own.

This doesn't mean people "choose to be gay," or w/e. People don't choose anything, really.

I didn't say there wasn't a difference, I explicitly acknowledged there being one, and that's somewhat valid, but plenty of parents raise gender nonconforming children.

What about it is difficult to handle?

Dude, like the other guy was saying, get off the Internet (except maybe JSTOR and your pirating site) and fucking read real shit. If you don't want academic stuff, go read Larkin, go read Nabokov.

"Cis" just means "same." It's literally as literal and unaggressive a term as you can get.

I'll respond to this later, time and rage getting in the way.

More words - more precision, more range - is always a good thing for language, completely leaving out the political uses of language.

Seriously, there are LOADS of people who deal with this shit on the daily who have spent so much of their time writing stuff just explaining their existence to people who don't understand it. The least you can do is try to grapple with their ideas before dismissing them.

>> No.8561974

what does this even mean
terms like cis and pansexual means u would also be pissed at every letter in LGBTQ

>> No.8561981

but there are more than two genders
bisexual doesnt mean you like a person with both a dick and a vagina
means you might like two people, one with a dick, one with a vagina

>> No.8561992

cisgender is a term bc the majority of ppl are cis and we cant just call them normal ppl while we have different names for everyone else
the term "not normal" also carries w it a stigma of being lesser which is why ppl are trying so hard to abolish the idea of normal

>> No.8561997

appreciate what ur saying btw even if no one else does

>> No.8562008

>two people
if they're are more then two genders, what are they?

>> No.8562012

sir, I meant >bi, not >no, bit of a difference

>> No.8562036

cmon man
dont be a child

>> No.8562042

I'm really pissed off you used that pic for asking a question i was really interested in
>never use a pic more interesting then your post

>> No.8562049

I feel like androgynous is automatically feminine, it's either masculine or it's not.

>> No.8562052

But pan is a thing

Bi people typically won't date trans people or people with other gender labels

Pan people are fine with anyone

>> No.8562056

let the contents of this thread remind you what happens when tumblr comes, and you only have yourselves to blame with all your fucking tumblr threads

>> No.8562464

I hate furries as much as the next guy, but if youre pissed off at this you really should reflect on your own upbringing.

>> No.8562486

what the fuck does this even mean

yeah man let this be a warning
in the future when the world is an objectively better place for more ppl
remember that some nerds argued about it on a malaysian picturebook forum

>> No.8563703
File: 5 KB, 259x194, cis scum bitch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8564227

you don't.

you have to physically look androgynous in the first place.

otherwise you'll just end up looking like a queen or queer.

>> No.8564264
File: 21 KB, 500x339, blank_graph[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this would all fine and good if there weren't people who identify their gender outside of the binary, meaning they are not strictly boys or girls, but on the grey scale between or outside the two.

>> No.8564301

>"Cis" just means "same." It's literally as literal and unaggressive a term as you can get.
The common usage of it is the aggression itself. Since being cis has always been regarded as "default", naturally cis people see the LGBT communitys insistence on using it constantly as a way to round up and alienate cis people. They perceive it as a way for queer folk to "get back" at the rest of the world for having been singled out, and I don't think cis people are entirely wrong about that.

>> No.8564323

mehh, I think it's just a clarifying label among LGBT discussions. Saying girl could still include default and transgirl for a lot of people, hence the cis label to differentiate.

The word pairs cis and trans are used in various sciences, cis is fundamentally just the logical opposite of trans.

>> No.8564363
File: 25 KB, 400x286, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>objectively better
just because you shout about how much you hate rapists doesn't make you a good person. It just makes you loud

>> No.8564477

why do you keep saying tumblr

>> No.8565244

Buy unisex clothes or girl clothes that arent incredibly girly.

Of course.. Thats the point.

>> No.8565249

become skinnyfat, get a pixie cut and wear unisex clothing.

>> No.8565432

Wear some women's clothes.

Also, tape ur dick down and put on incredibly tight jeans.

>> No.8565558 [DELETED] 

Could you recommend some unisex clothing?

>> No.8565585

cardigans and skinny jeans and be skinny

>> No.8565600
File: 211 KB, 449x639, 2wpm5wz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unless you look like this, don't.