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/fa/ - Fashion

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8537151 No.8537151 [Reply] [Original]

What's a black nail polish that we still stay black under a matte coat? I have tried matte polishes and topcoats and it usually makes the black turn into more of a gray color. I would rather like if it would retain a deep black color but it seems hard to do with matte.

>> No.8537180

O.P.I. Lady in black.
Also O.P.I's matte top coat is pretty great, although I personally like suede even more

Also this board is 90% male.
Skinnygossip forums are the best! You'll get lots of helpful advice there :)

>> No.8537272

>implying half the males here don't paint their nails
you've seen some of the ridiculous shit that gets posted here

>> No.8537640

What nail polish are you using? I've never had that problem. Try leather fx nail polish, it's matte and texturized.

>> No.8537664

one time i used nail polish to fix a tiny paint chip on my bmw. worked out alright. very /fa/ B)

>> No.8538293

>skinnygossip forum
isn't that where all the crazy eating disorder girls post lol

>> No.8538932

not OP but I had this happen when I used manglaze and barry m. it would be black at first but then over a day or two it would still look dark but distinctly gray.

>> No.8539580

Not really, it's pro-skinny not pro-ana

>implying /fa/ isn't the male equivalent

>> No.8539817

>it's pro-skinny not pro-ana
isn't that just pro-healthy weight?

>> No.8539980

well it depends on what you consider healthy.
Anything between 16-21 BMI is considered good enough there.
Anything over is usually judged and ridiculed (which I don't agree with though).

>16.5 masterrace

>> No.8540025
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>> No.8540593

16.5? That's like cancer weight.

>> No.8541116

I'm 18.5 and consider myself too skinny

>> No.8541578

black nails on guys though?

>> No.8541903

If your BMI is 16.5 you should probably got to the doctor. Or at least start eating.

>> No.8541963

two years ago I was 15.7 so I've gained weight (which is quite hard since I have a thyroid condition). I don't think I'm too skinny at all though now.
I actually eat a lot, for example, today:
- breakfast: fench toast and chocolate milkshake
-lunch: Greek salad and noodles
-dinner: two slices of pizza and fries
-snacks: scones (w/ jam), crisps
also water and soda all day

I think i eat rather a lot, and eating more makes me feel sick.

I think it looks really cute, but it depends on a personal preference; if you like the idea of it, do it!

>> No.8542129

16.5 isn't all that underweight surprisingly, especially for people with certain relatively minor conditions.

>> No.8542347

>I think it looks really cute
lel, I doubt that's the reaction a black nailed edgemaster would want

>> No.8542584

or some people do it because they like how it makes their hands look

>> No.8543490

That's exactly the reaction I'd want :3

>> No.8543755
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>> No.8543806
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Chanel's matte topcoat will mattify your true colour rather than lightening it like some people do. It's probably your mattifier that isn't working - not your polish.

With matte polish, you should be "sandwiching" your layers of polish between layers of base coat since you can't use a topcoat to seal in the top layer. So that means your application will go something like this:
base coat
black polish
base coat
black polish
mattifier/matte topcoat

drying about 2-3 minutes between coats.

>> No.8543952

thats waaaay too long a process

>> No.8543955

stupid weaboo

>> No.8543962

s-so male nail polish is a yes?

>> No.8543988

Sure, if you live in an area where you won't get your ass kicked for doing it.

>> No.8544312

that's the real reason men don't paint their nails. not because it's faggy, but because it takes far far too long for something so pointless. only women have that kind of patience.

>> No.8544579

well how would you do it?

>> No.8545381

Thank you, this looks more like what I want.

>> No.8546112

I do it and I never had a problem. But I do live on a college campus so maybe it's different for others.

>> No.8546632

r u a girl?

>> No.8546684


>done for you

>> No.8546812

seems kind of obvious it is