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8535033 No.8535033[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

r8 m8

>> No.8535066

other shirt and i would dig.
Good vibes.

>> No.8535067


>> No.8535401

posmodern don quixote

>> No.8535426


absolutely disgusting, on several levels.

>> No.8535434

oh my gosh so dapper xD

>> No.8535436

Prob better than the dad-core garbage he was probably wearing before tbh.

>> No.8535459

Prioritizing fashion over what truly needs to be worked on, which is the base foundation, Your physique.

Fatty man boobs dating other fatty cankles.

This goes for you skinny fats and skeletons as well.

>> No.8535463

they look genuinely happy with each other so who gives a fuck

>> No.8535465

Just a fedora nerd in another wrapper.

>> No.8535475

yup you're right. Some people are just meant to settle and live a mediocre life. Living life to the fullest isn't for everyone, it actually takes some standard and hard work.

>> No.8535476

Lau and Lucy preachin the truth

>> No.8535481

This here's the right answer. He's not pretending to be a great dresser, just trying some stuff out and pleasing his girlfriend.

>> No.8535494

how is this guy not living his life to the fullest? because he isnt a skeleton wearing designer clothes with no gf?

>> No.8535501

I never said anything about being a skeleton. Its always the mentality of fatties to take it to the extreme. You're either an obese landwhale or a skeleton.

How about a good balance of actually trying hard to become Fit, or having the discipline to have a healthy controlled diet.

>> No.8535505

>switching from metal band t-shirts to checkered button ups

yeah man he's livin' it up.

>> No.8535524

that sounds like a very shitty relationship, if a girl does that to me i just levae her without saying nothing

i aint changing for some hoe, i did it before and i had depression for like three montsh

>> No.8535526

Kentucky fried/10

Would give Lucy Whitehouse a kiss on the cheek and give her a rose

>> No.8535542

srsly that's just dadcore with a hat and a wack stache

>> No.8535582

and judging by his accoutrements and general get up he has the money to spend

>> No.8535586
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Says the guy shit posting on 4chan.

>> No.8535594

Attacking the messenger to avoid hearing the message.

>> No.8535600

>Living life to the fullest isn't for everyone
Since when does living life to the fullest have more to do with your physical aesthetics and sense of style than with being loved within a happy relationship, being part of a warm family, having a great social circle, a job you get enjoyment and fulfilment out of and what not?

>> No.8535643

Since you are uneducated about being healthy or being fit, i'll break this down.

All you see is physical aesthetics, but you don't see the process of getting there, Living life to the fullest, means you are just going for instant gratification by eating whatever you want, you live a healthier life, you are a lot more agile, you are able to do more physical things than what a fatass can ie living life to the fullest.

Since you love YOURSELF enough to takecare of your physique through hard work and diet, you actually contribute towards the relationship making the relationship a happy one, instead of depending on the girl for happiness.

Also what comes with a healthy lifestyle, you also surround yourself with great influence and you tailor your social circle accordng to your lifestyle, cutting out the hamplanets and landwhales that is a negative influence in your life.

This is what living life should be, being in control of ones happiness, social circle and cutting out the negative things such as instant gratification, obesity and settling for a shitty social circle that affects you negatively.

So yes, being aesthetic physically definitely has a huge influence when it comes to the quality of life that you have, because everything that matters ties to it, Discipline, Self Control, the ability of work hard for something.

When i see a person with a great physique, I see a hard working person that is in control of his life, which comes with all the previous things i said that comes with that lifestyle. All you see is physical aesthetics.

Build your foundation.

>> No.8535663

>All you see is physical aesthetics
Because their weight is not at the point where it will be a threat for their health. Hell, if they are looking for a baby the woman is better off like this in terms of conceiving than being a size four.

You are looking from your own point of view, you could say being in a better condition (already having a decent one) is living it to the fullest, you could also say eating the stuff you enjoy (already being able to eat plenty) is living it to the fullest.

I could see your point if they or either one was so heavy it would actively restrict them in everyday life (like getting out of breath all the time or avoiding going to places where you need to stand, having higher risk for all kinds of nasty shit), but if it's a matter of being in godlike physical condition or being an everyday guy who's not fat or exactly slim, to me it's just a matter of priorities. Time spent on working out can not be invested in other things that could also bring you joy in life. It is a personal matter and there is no absolute truth. To you it is living the fullest to give priority to that, that doesn't make it an objective truth.

>> No.8535716

Good argument

>women is better off like this in terms of conceiving than being a size four

Highly debatable.

But other than that sure, I agree, only because i know most like to settle for Mediocrity. Pushing ones limit like i said is not for everyone.

>But if its a matter of being in godlike physical condition or being an everyday guy whos not fat or exactly slim

But why can't it be? Why can't people raise their standards, having this kind of mentality of just being "normal everyday guy" is the reason why we have a problem of obesity in most countries. Again, "being an everyday guy whos not far or slim" Why does it have to be either of the easier path, Why can't most raise their standard and take the harder path of Being Fit, instead of fat or slim.

>To you it is living the fullest to give priority to that

Yes and it should be for everyone, You should give it your all with something you can control which is ones happiness and physique.

>> No.8535757

>Highly debatable.
Fat doesn't exist for no reason at all, obviously landwhales are all around doing it wrong but if you actually have just a bit surplus you live longer, restore from illness faster and get pregnant more easily. You can look it up, I'm not talking out of my ass, not defending my own ass either as I'm pretty much skeletonmode.

>Why can't people raise their standards
Because eating is a big part of everyday rituals and it's hard to change ingrained habits (which is also the core of plenty of people's relationship issues), and also because they likely have other standards either in life or that eat at them at the present time.

>why we have a problem of obesity in most countries
I don't think that at all, I think it has much more to do with the food being available almost literally everywhere, tons of sugar being thrown in everything to compensate for the salt to make it not expire as fast, in case of America the corn syrup thrown in just about everything, and people growing used to eating for so many reasons (celebrations, to treat or console themselves, regular dinners) that they forget to listen to the signals of their body, whether they're actually hungry or not, and start eating when bored, stressed, sad and so on.

>it should be for everyone
Why? You're not going to be on your dying bed saying "well, I never had a family or made myself useful to my family, community or world, but man I used to have a glorious body when I was younger and I used to be able to use it in the most magnificent ways". Most people on here are young but for married couples it is very normal to already not be able to see your friends, have sex regularly or go out to dinner with your partner once more. Why would investing in being at a physical peak should get priority over those things if you do get some spare time? Which one will create memories that will last?

>> No.8535773

Also what are the great arguments for maximizing the potential of your body rather than maximizing the potential of your mind and gorging on literature, informative books, learning languages and new skills?
It's highly subjective what you deem most important and satisfying/valuable in life, and in the end the person who chooses it is the only one who will have to deal with the consequences so I just don't see the use in trying to look for a universal norm.

>> No.8535783

ironically, i think you're the only one who sees only physical aesthetics

you can learn discipline and hard work outside of gym routines (careers, picking up instruments, etc hobbies) and besides there are a lot more variables when it comes to personal enjoyment and health so attributing it all to "feeling really good cause i'm healthy" is dumb

granted, all of this doesn't apply to dude in OP because we don't know anything about him but i'm still worried people on /fit/ actually think like you

>> No.8536326


Seriously... stop this, fuck off, wrong website, go somewhere else to appreciate how "happy" they look ffs

>> No.8536342

>i never really had a GF before I met her!

>> No.8536346

new york is stupid

>> No.8536357

My favorite wrapper for fedora nerds is gothninja. It's so fun watching them scuttle around thinking they're relevant in 2014 when they're actually just neckbeards who caught on to the fact they're the laughing stock of the internet, and found gorfningo fits on tumblr

>> No.8536363

I feel like the people in the pic belong in Portland.

A man who lives to please his girlfriend isn't living. A man who manners himself to a woman's image isn't a man.

>> No.8536371

"omg so fab and epic XD, le awesome mustache"

there's one comment I actually like that goes like

" I didn't know how to dress before I met her, so I let her dress me and I still look pretty unfashionable"

>> No.8536375

>you can't be happy unless you're anorexic, live in your parents basement, and don't have time for your friends because you're arguing with other autistic nerds on a sailor moon message board about designer clothes said parents bought for you. why am i always friend zoned by qt 3s

>> No.8536406

we are not here to be happy. we are here to be effay

>> No.8536415

I can't speak for what any of the other posters point were, but if your happiness is based around the status of your GF you suck at life.

If you need a GF to be happy, get good.
If girls are bringing you pain, and/or misery, get good.

If "looking happy" is the end goal, you suck. The guy is a clown, and in fact, I bet he is the the guy with a big history getting "friend zoned by qts."
That's how you end up in his position. Maybe he's happy, but what is he without her?

Looks like it's time to get good.

>> No.8536420

in 2006 it would be acceptable as a hipster couple

but idk, it's a bit too forced +style to flashy and bad

>> No.8536427

god damn I just saw this on my facebook
why do people always have to comment on those with some pretentious essay about fuck knows what

>> No.8536438

I don't know why people posts pretentious essays, but it gets on my nerves. When will guys learn that game gets a lot of misconstrued criticism in that ignorant critics presume Game only ever equals PUA and that “those guys are only interested in fucking as many low self-esteem sluts as humanly possible.” It’s much more difficult for them to confront that Game is far more than this, and applicable within relationships, in the workplace (with women and men) and even in their family dealings.

That’s kind of a scary prospect for men comfortable in living within their own contexts and circumstance. Sport fucking isn’t what most men think it is because they’ve never experienced anything beyond serial monogamy, nor is it what most (80%+ Beta) men even have the capacity to actualize for themselves. But, as Game has evolved, it isn’t just about Spinning Plates, or sport fucking, it’s more encompassing than this.

Game is, or should be, for the everyman. “He only wants me for sex” or “I need to be sure he’s interested in me and not just sex” are the admonishments of women who really have no introspective interest in how a majority of men really approach becoming intimate with women. Oh it makes for a good rationale when women finally “want to get things right” with a provider, but even the excuse belies a lack of how most men organize their lives to accommodate women’s schedules of mating.

Mostly to their detriment, the vast majority of men follow a deductive,but anti-seductive, Beta Game plan of comfort, identification, familiarity and patience with women in the hopes that what they hear women tell them is the way to their intimacy will eventually pan out for them.

This is what most men’s Game amounts to; deductively attempting to move into a long term monogamy based on what women, saturated in a presumption of gender equalism, tell him he ought to expect from himself in order to align himself with her intimate interest.

>> No.8536458

Jesus fucking Christ you're the biggest fucking fedora fag in this thread. Acting like you're better than everyone else over 4chan

>> No.8536464

the clown costume of the white nerd fleeing into the warmth of nostalgia because he is too timid to confront the negrification of cultural and political P O W E R that is sweeping america into the post-white era.

>> No.8536471

reddit encapsulated in one person. jesus christ

>> No.8536487

Counter point: if your only fulfillment in life comes from clothing and projecting an image, you probably have a pathetic, sad existence ahead of you

>> No.8536494

>that's two people.
ladies and gentlemen, 4chan encapsulated in one anon. jesus christ

>> No.8536501

If all of 4chan was one person they would probably be Brian peppers.

>> No.8536513

i can't speak for the others, like i said, but my life isn't about projecting an image.
in fact, the point of my post was looking BEYOND the image to the reality. someone, maybe you, said at least he LOOKS happy, but we aren't looking at the projected image, instead what is actually going on.

to be fair, most of us probably have a pathetic, sad existence ahead of us. i just feel bad for guys like in OP pic because he is giving his existence to a female's perspective, and cheating himself out of a better life.

>> No.8536522
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>tangent of the decade

>> No.8536523

I misinterpreted your point. But who's to say that maybe, after initially basing his existence around her, he won't find the confidence to pursue his dreams? It sounds silly, but it worked for me, and landed me in standup comedy with alot of success. And no, I won't tell you who I am because yes, I'm embarrassed about being on 4chan

>> No.8536528

>not assuming I was referring to the guy on a male centric board

kill yourself fuccer

>> No.8536533

This page and some other stuff is why I left Facebook about a week ago.

>> No.8536541

anyone have id on the glass? or smoething similar, like the one yung lean uses on kyoto yoshi city etc etc

>> No.8536574

Appreciate the irony in my post, because i posted a segment of a long essay based on what that picture made me feel, while responding to the point that people post long responses.

really though, every wants to give their social commentary because the guy in OP pic is a joke to everyone, except for MAYBE his GFs girlfriends, but even still they don't respect him, they just say "I wish {bfs name} was like that! I wouldnt be sexually attracted to him anymore, and couldnt respect him, but still"

cool man, i'm a famous tripfag myself. you may recognize me as Dr. Mario, Starfucks 64, Cool Man Luke, and most recently Cool Banned Luke but I also have numerous side projects.

i think it's cool to see a fellow comedian on 4chan, especially because the humor here is so much better than anywhere else.

>> No.8536575

I'm surprised people didn't stop using Facebook five years ago like I did

>> No.8536581

I didn't use my real name or anything, I was part of some post-post-ironic meta meme humour net 2.0 'net artist' white sub-urban group shit.
I was a 'kingpin' and it was pretty fucking bad.

>> No.8536582

>Appreciate the irony in my post

I get it, I just still think you are a gaylord

>> No.8536586

>tips fedora

Enjoy a life without friends.

>> No.8536588

>basing his existence around her, he won't find the confidence to pursue his dreams?
I understand that, and i won't act like i've never been in a similar position, but what happens when/if she leaves? then what does he have?

the problem isn't even that a guy is a lame loser who let's his GF dress him. the problem is that without her he has nothing, and that is a position a lot of men put themselves in today. it's a fucked mentality.

>tfw women are dreamkillers. not because they have an agenda to be so, but because men will all too willingly sacrifice their ambitions for a steady supply of pussy and the responsibilities that women attach to this.

>> No.8536592

bro trust me im no gaylord man.
it takes one to know one, and i dont know any gaylords, but apparently you do, so take that for what it's worth.

>> No.8536622

Huh. Makes sense.

>> No.8536728

Lmao you seriously need Facebook to have a circle of friends? Do you live with your parents? Are you too aspergers laden to use a phone?

Seriously the only people who use Facebook in 2014 are old people and autistic neckbeards like yourself who stay on it to argue about what anime has better robots, you overweight millennial technology reliant fedora wearing faggot

>> No.8536745

What about the people clearly visible commenting in OP's picture

>> No.8536776

You can deduce that they only have friends because of Facebook? How could you tell

>> No.8536807

omg I cant, but if thats really his style than it is what it is...to me he just swagger jacked his fat ugly gf's style though

>> No.8538723

>not using quick messaging apps with your friends
catch up with the times homie

>> No.8538778

I really hate the whole mainstream nerd bullshit that is going around with my generation today.

wil wheaton, big bang theory, chris hardwick type dudes who just hope from trend to trend and want their social media pages attached to anything that is #trending

>> No.8538929

>without saying nothing
so you'd say something then

>> No.8538960

>they look genuinely happy with each other
he looks whipped as fuck. i bet he pretends to agree with her idiot political opinions.

>> No.8538969


who the fuck cares

if someone is happy with how they look and it is not offensive like racist or sexist or something or has swastikas all over it or whatever then good for them

you guys are way too insecure and only judge others because you're not content with yourselves

you're only judging yourselves when you judge others

>> No.8539059

most effay post I've read in a while, anon.

>> No.8539717

>post-white era.
I'm starting to feel uncomfortable

>> No.8539724

>being autistic
ladies and gentlemen, 4chan encapsulated in one namefag. jesus christ

>> No.8540352

You have no idea how a healthy relationship works

>> No.8540367


Well aren't you the supreme gentleman

fedorafuck plz leave

>> No.8540376

>if someone is happy with how they look and it is not offensive like racist or sexist or something or has swastikas all over it or whatever then good for them
i dont see that as a problem

>> No.8540420

>the clown costume of the white nerd fleeing into the warmth of nostalgia because he is too timid to confront the negrification of cultural and political P O W E R that is sweeping america into the post-white era.

This, a million times this. Also the reason for the whole "heritage"/"Americana" craze hitting right about 2008 and dissipating after 2011, when people finally started to face the bullshit.

>Fat doesn't exist for no reason at all, obviously landwhales are all around doing it wrong but if you actually have just a bit surplus you live longer, restore from illness faster and get pregnant more easily. You can look it up

You can learn to actually understand statistics, too. Correlation, causation, etc.

The statistical lifespan of a slightly overweight person is longer than that of a normal weight person. One easy counter explanation to "surplus fat is actually healthy, guys!" is that your risk of accidental death is very low sitting on the couch watching Mad Men.

>Most people on here are young but for married couples it is very normal to already not be able to see your friends, have sex regularly or go out to dinner with your partner once more.

And isn't that sad? That the lives of most Americans are miserable clustersucks doesn't mean that another aspect of the suck is okay.

I'm not even a rabid anti-fatty; I get accused of being from Tumblr FA blogs far more often on here. The middle part of your post is spot on. But the American obese are victims of all that. Generally speaking, they are worthwhile people who something terrible has happened to.

>> No.8540547
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