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/fa/ - Fashion

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8526651 No.8526651 [Reply] [Original]

/fa/ when will you realize girls dont care what you wear, if you buy clothes for girls you are a faggot.
she doesn't want your "17" arms", she want's 28 inch arms on steroids, a fast car, and a guy with lots of money who sells drugs and doesn't work.

Gosh, don't you realize, girls want security... they fear thugs and gang bangers, so they want them. They don't want some pussy guy that is responsible, hard working and creative.

They want the guy that's going to bring drama like script from MTV and COPS so the police to raid their house and get them shot. Then they can go on facebook and tell all their friends "muh boyfriend got shot, real nigga, i love him, fuck the police. baddest bitch #1, comment on my life"

>> No.8526659

dumb girls maybe

>> No.8526662
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>when will you realize girls dont care what you wear

I realized that years ago, you fucking newfriend

Also, have some relevant pasta

>Save yourself some time and don't discuss how to woo women on 4chan, no matter the board. There are normal people here, and autistic virgins. Here is the kicker: autistic virgins are a lot more sure that their theory on how to get women and how they work is the right one than the normal people, despite them having only half of the picture -- the rejection one.

>Long story short, both looks and behavior matter. It is really hard to place a finger on what matters more, and what aspects of looks and personality matter more, i.e. is it height or fat percentage and muscles; is it how outgoing you are or how agressive and confident; so on and so forth.

>There are books on that, and asking these questions on 4chan is very, very stupid. The more girls you fuck, the more you get a "sense" of what they want, but you understand it less because it is not a tangible thing.


>muh black and white world


>> No.8526664

>the only possible reason for an interest in fashion is grils

>> No.8526673

>/fa/ when will you realize girls dont care what you wear
Oh my god.
You dress for women?

>she doesn't want your 17 inch arms.
If she's a whore, sure.
I don't want a bitch that's already been banged out by 10 niggers at the same time.

>> No.8526711

I don't want a bitch that's already been banged out by 10 niggers at the same time.
enjoy being forever alone

>> No.8526721

This is only what's happened to me but so many men are disgusting slobs that you only need to put in the minimum of effort to get some attention.

>work out for six weeks
>talk about going the gym with qt in office
>she grabs my arm
>impressed by biceps that are barely even there
>start dating that weekend

That being said, I've never had a problem talking with anybody and people seem to find me funny and interesting so that has a lot to do with it too.

>> No.8526738

are you sure you're not looking for a slag?

>> No.8526744
File: 197 KB, 387x405, 1338776914370.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw this shit again

Keep your body positivity to yourself, fat fucking faggot. Girls care about your appearance quite a bit, but you have to be confident AND attractive to pull 'em.

>> No.8526763

my fellow supreme gentleman, i bow and tip my fedora to thee

*tips fedora*