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File: 28 KB, 420x251, teeth-whitening-tea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8520539 No.8520539 [Reply] [Original]

How do you guys get the extremely white teeth? What whitener, floss, toothpaste, etc, do you use?

>> No.8520542

I did bleach trays from some random brand once, then just used listerine prowhite and pronamel whitening toothpaste. My teeth are very white and I dont brush them every day because I'm lazy

>> No.8520546

I just picked up Crest whitening strips from local drugstore. Read a lot about them in advance, and they seem really promising

Check out their website, they have a lot of information

>> No.8520573

Are they in the UK?

>> No.8520581


>> No.8520586


>> No.8520597

i use photoshop

>> No.8520666


>> No.8520777

I heard oil pulling is great

>> No.8520797

It's mostly all cosmetic work done by a dentist, or dentures

>> No.8520813

floss every time you brush, brush with some decent tooth paste and get a decent brush (colgate 360). brush twice a day, if not more.]
pps dont whiten your shit, looks weird and blue

>> No.8521073

gr8 b8

>> No.8521100

>tfw top row is perfect and sparkly accentuating my snaggletooth yet bottom row will never match up to par

Why is this?

>> No.8521105

i do a 1 week treatment of crest whitesrips once a year, shit works but my teeth get sensitive & painfull as fuc for that 1 week

>> No.8521128

h2o2 + water (1:1) three times a week

>> No.8521131

i get my teeth whitened at a dentist every couple of years.
i drink a lot of coffee and tea so they stain a lot.
i floss about 3 - 4 times a week and brush at least every other day (i'm lazy or i pass out and forget).

surprisingly my teeth are in pretty good shape considering i've had type 1 diabetes since i was 12 (24 now) and didnt take good care of them as a kid. have only had 4 cavities.

i had braces as a kid but never wore my retainer and got my wisdom teeth pulled a year or 2 later than i should have, so i have some crowding in the front of my bottom teeth, top is pretty straight still.

you can't beat a whiting appt at a good cosmetic dentist, but it can be expensive. i pay $400 out of pocket for it, but it last a good 6 months for me, maybe longer if i didnt drink so much coffee/tea and brushed more regularly.

>> No.8521146

just go to the dentist once a year or once every 2 years for the uv bleach shit.

>> No.8521191

human male sperm

>> No.8521200

can't get enough of it :(

>> No.8521210

You're a fucking neckbeard. Brush your teeth

>> No.8521222

Why the fuck should I brush my teeth when I just get them witened every few years. Ddin't you read my post?

go play in traffic you fucking child

>> No.8521227


>> No.8521231
File: 84 KB, 720x480, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8521297

this isn't the same person who posted >>8521131
i meant i dont brush at night every other day. left out night.
i brush every morning, so at least once a day, i just get too tired and dont brush before i go to bed all the time.
whatever. i floss more than post people, and flossing is more important than brushing, google it.

>> No.8521388

Gargle sum clorox bitchboi quit bein a pussy

>> No.8521451

Teeth aren't naturally white. They're more of an off-white cream colour. Those teeth on the right side look so fake and unnatural. If you want to whiten your teeth, please keep them natural looking.

>> No.8521457

Whiten your 8 front most teeth.

>> No.8521573

My teeth are what you'd call "naturally white"
I want the unnatural ones

>> No.8521830

same. I use whitening strips even on the bottom too and they're still a bit yellow

>> No.8522869

>How do you guys get the extremely white teeth?
looks too fake if it's that paper white color
makes it look like you had stained as fuck teeth, freaked and went out and bleached the fuck out of them

it's like when you see a fat person wearing black
you think "oh, they're wearing black because black is slimming, they must be really fucking fat then"

if they're superstained whitening it to a more natural color is fine, but polar white is as artificial as fake boobs and obviously botoxed lips imo

>> No.8523339

Do those work if you don't have a lot of enamel on your teeth?

>> No.8523351

If you are able / willing to post a hi-res picture of your teeth right I can tell you if white strips will work. It's kind of the texture more than anything

>> No.8523374

nasty fucker

>> No.8523383

What about the texture? Tried using whitestrips and they dont stay on but im guessing thats not what you mean

>> No.8523388

It's kind of hard to explain, but if you have enamel concerns - it's probably a no. I have them too + the natural texture of my teeth makes white strips do nothing, literally

>> No.8523803
File: 106 KB, 1057x658, 0721140257-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry it's so late, I passed out. Hope you're still up. This is the best pic I could get. The bottom of my front two teeth are completely clear and one is chipped.

>> No.8524090
File: 908 KB, 1039x573, whatthefuckdude.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the.....

>> No.8524104


veneers, fuccboi. everything else is too late. the minerals that make out your teeth are gone at the clear spots.

>> No.8524111

totally normal. peoples teeth are different. you could brush everyday twice a day and floss and still get cavities, bad enamel, rot, chips, w/e. thank you based cosmetic dentistry.

>> No.8524210

Feels fucking gross.

>> No.8524230

>Colgate 360

This nigger knows whatsup.
I bought a Sonicare Healthywhite electric toothbrush based off of all of the raving reviews but honestly, I get the exact same cleaning with my Colgate 360.

>> No.8524312

Or do what >>8521128 does (maybe with some baking soda and less water) twice a week and brush after every major meal and save $400.

>> No.8524320

or spend $400 for guaranteed multi-shade results once a year

>> No.8524335

Or save $400 developing good habits so you can stop being a fucking barbarian

>> No.8524338

Or spend $400 once a year and not doing anything for the other 364 + 23 hours. Stay poor lol.

>> No.8524357

top kek
/sci/ troll pls go

>> No.8524386
File: 234 KB, 341x343, 1360877157449.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people openly adimitting to not brushing teeth at least twice a day

What is this pigsty. And then you bitch why you don't have any friends or a gf. Because you fucking stink.

>> No.8524392


>> No.8524394

cool post dude

>> No.8524407

Yeah, if you're still up - white strips wouldn't really work. The best you can do is good brushing habits and get a dentist to whiten them for you

>> No.8524436

dude you should get those two front teeth checked out, they shouldn't be blackened like that. I chipped my back tooth once and it got fucked bad with a really bad cavity and started blackening like that. Had to get a root canal done for that shit

>> No.8524447

You actually don't need to brush them in the morning, just some rinse with mouth wash is enough, but you MUST brush your teeth before the sleep, floss is a must too. If you're such a cleanboi, you should brush your teeth after every meal/coffe.

>> No.8524456

You definitely want to brush your teeth in the morning. Your mouth has been closed for 4-12 hours - breeding ground for bacteria and plaque.

You're fucking disgusting

>> No.8524476

Are you retarded? You brush your teeth to clean them from food and other dirt, you don't need clean them in the morning because you sleep whole night. Mouthwash kills all the bacteria, not fucking toothpaste.

>> No.8524484

>bacteria is bad!!1

>> No.8524488

>paying for a root canal on a molar
fucking why. just take it out.

>> No.8524497

Arm & Hammer toothpaste with added Baking Soda

It's brilliant

>> No.8524503

On the back of every bottle of mouthwash is a notice saying it does not replace brushing

>> No.8524512

when that bacteria is producing lactic acid that dissolves your enamel then yes, they are "bad"

>> No.8524529

cool post, but make sure to stay in your basement so poor people you would interact with won't have to be on a verge of vomiting while inhaling your disgusting breath

>> No.8524555

i brush my teeth like once every 4-5 days at most, and im pretty sure if you asked in any other board most people would tell you the same.

you people are faggots

>> No.8524596
File: 2.87 MB, 320x240, 1361720026988.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about you ask an actual 3D person who isn't a fucking pig like you about your breath?

>> No.8524604

Crest Whitestrips, 3D white toothpaste, and the 3D white crest toothbrush which helps remove plaque...and I have been flossing almost everyday.

I am told quite frequently that I have a nice smile/really white teeth...which is surprising because I've smoked a lot of cigs.

>> No.8524616

Fucking disgusting, kill yourself you slob

>> No.8524732

Withe teeth are actually unhealthy. Healthy teeth should look slightly yellow, but whatever you're into.

>> No.8524745

If I use Crest Whitestrip for a month, will my teeth look whiter?

>> No.8524949

>surprisingly my teeth are in pretty good shape considering
You're 24. So, pretty good shape...compared to 3rd world nations with no dental care? You're in a 1st world nation with access to oral hygiene products and dentists. Why are you having ANY cavities at all?

>> No.8524970

>tfw partially yellow teeth because they are "healthy" and were barely changed by the dentist whitening
>tfw drink diet coke 24/7 and it doesnt help

fuck my life

maybe, but they will hurt like fuck during it

>> No.8524979

Same, I'm regularly told about how white my teeth are. When people ask what I do it's hard to explain that all I do is brush my teeth properly. I'm a smoker/coffee/tea consumer and I still have whiter teeth than most.
I don't know how genetics factor into it, but I assume most people are fucking gross and they don't even bother brushing their teeth.

>> No.8526162
File: 6 KB, 250x186, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made a thread but I didn't see this one, so I'll post it here instead.

>tfw naturally healthy teeth have a yellow tinge, and getting them whitened makes them look unnatural

Pic related, I have brushed them twice a day for as long as I can remember. I chew a lot of gum and don't smoke. Some of the enamel has corroded on my two front teeth, and my canine teeth are blunt from grinding them, as you can see. Wat do to improve?

>> No.8526173

What are the negative effects of having white teeth?

>> No.8526196

I'll take aesthetics over healthiness at this time, fuck it.

>> No.8526541

Bleach them. Save up your money and do it. White teeth>expensive clothing

>> No.8526620

Looks unnatural as fuck though.

>> No.8526638

If thats the case, might as well not groom at all.

>> No.8526719

Surely there is a middle ground? Not yellow but not blinding white either?

>> No.8528436

They're weaker, afaik.

Mine are naturally slightly yellow, and I don't get cavities, no matter what I do. Could stop brushing and subsist solely on soda if I wanted, still wouldn't get cavities.

I might whiten them a little bit though. But not enough to make them completely white of course.. wouldn't wanna look like some weird teeth obsessed american.

>> No.8530503

Please see a dentist

>> No.8530522

Don't really care about Hollywood-white teeth. Nobody really gives a fuck in Europe anyway, unless they're obviously yellow.