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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 930 KB, 614x602, egdota2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8504684 No.8504684[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

is professional dota 2 team Evil Geniuses effay?

>> No.8504691

If they lost weight and had mad facial aesthetics /fa would he posting this as normcore inspo
>Normcore doesn't exist

>> No.8504706

Far right guy is handsome

>> No.8504710

If far right guy was wearing far left's fit, he'd have a very small amount of potential.

>> No.8504715

Fucking...no. Not even a little.

>> No.8504717

you fucking faggot

>> No.8504727
File: 405 KB, 580x400, 9470-5558522628-Evil_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8504778

that's universe

he's even more handsome than in that pic and he's really shy :3

>> No.8504799

guy on left is 16 and from sweden, i wanna sniff his feet so bad

>> No.8504801

last two on the right are best looking fit wise and face wise

tfw no bf

>> No.8504804

If the guy in the avenged sevenfold shirt got tighter pants than he would be better.
He's the only one that looks good

>> No.8504809

artour babaevsky with the god tier jeans

>> No.8504815

w2c pants and shoes of the last guy on the right???

>> No.8504816

Far right is one of the worst looking there.

>> No.8504818

he is gross, just look at the hair
rtz is god

>> No.8504824

I don't know who that is
The guy on the left should trade pants with the sevenfold guy.
The blue pants look better but it doesnt match and those shoes for the sevenfold guy is shit

>> No.8504827

Yeah maybe for racists

>> No.8504846
File: 719 KB, 620x395, 20715.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


zai (far left) is qt but the rest are eh

no one will ever beat fly and pre fuckup fnatic

>> No.8504952

hahaha the fuck is this

>> No.8504974

Why is EG so fucking based?

literally savior of the western world, holding back the inevitable tide of Chinese Domination like an 80's action movie hero

>> No.8504976
File: 46 KB, 666x444, 20130808032806a0djqdaswbi4xfml.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

EG a shit

Akke is my husbando

>> No.8504982
File: 540 KB, 689x480, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dota 2


ps. is semphis (pro csgo player) effay?

>> No.8504987
File: 2.05 MB, 3008x2000, dsc_3240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literally 5P[A]1N
>liking R[A]T DOTA
>supporting someone who is bald
>supporting someone who fucks a monkey slut



>> No.8504992

CS 1.6 = Dota = SC BW

CS GO = LoL= SC2

>> No.8504996

Looks like I touched upon some issues there bro
He's qter than you'll ever be :3

>> No.8505000
File: 350 KB, 1680x1050, 21_00002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw your niche multiplayer game that youve spent 4 years gitting gud at doesnt have a competitive scene

>> No.8505009

Alliance is literally the most unlikeable team out there besides French teams unless youre Swedish

Their playstyle is so fucking disgusting, I like the players but I cant stand the way they play

singlehandedly affected the pub metagames for like 5 months after TI3, literally splitpush everygame SMH

>> No.8505020


wat game is that homie

>> No.8505024
File: 33 KB, 600x242, medieval-clothes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mount and Blade needs to have a better net code, that shit laggy af, cant support more than 100 players either (not that they could ever populate the server)

thoughts on medieval fashion? i feel like not enough games focus on an accurate portrayal of medieval/reneissance life, Assassins creed did it with the setting but the costume design is unrealistic as shit and you cant really interact with many people

>tfw you wear subpar armors in RPGs cuz it looks better

>> No.8505025

looks like chivalry

>> No.8505031

>unless youre Swedish
I am
>Their playstyle is so fucking disgusting
Seriously though, it's an no holds barred competitive game. I don't get why people get mad simply because they found an effective way to play. Fun games with high risk play won't happen often as long as there's a large prize pool, that's natural.

>> No.8505034
File: 178 KB, 1680x1050, 26_00003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mount & blade crpg

v true just got knocked out 4-5 of first na crpg tournament cause server killed me

>> No.8505038
File: 128 KB, 381x611, knight_templar_battle_weary.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thoughts on medieval fashion?
I love when there's thought put into the fashion of a game. See: DX:HR. I also like when armor is designed to look functional rather than having excessive ornamentation and spiky bits.

>> No.8505044
File: 131 KB, 311x458, 1404353931064.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a Korean StarCraft team. They're crazy about StarCraft to the point that tournaments will be broadcast on television. It doesn't surprise me that a team would have matching jackets.

>> No.8505051

Sweden broadcasts dota 2 on national tv. Usually live during dreamhack and the biggest international tournaments.

>> No.8505053
File: 168 KB, 1280x510, ancient_rome___fashion_history_study_by_fashionartventures-d733ghr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ancient Roman fashion was interesting as well

Julius Caesar in his teenage/young adult years was considered a hipster, he wore his togas loosely and in a different way and it caught on

they also banned the use of expensive fabrics because it was imported from the far east and they were scared of easterners getting rich from the trade

>> No.8505059
File: 327 KB, 1600x1280, tw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

witcher 2 gets it really right, but it sucks you dont actually get to wear any of it. as much as i like garrus his armor design is so fkn boring

>> No.8505060

Australians would dominate
US and EU are honestly far below us
that being said the best players don't play anymore

>> No.8505072
File: 193 KB, 1200x675, Assassins-Creed-Early-Concept-Art-Street_Environment.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ubisoft seems like they have a good creative team

the costume designs for the Assassins Creed games are pretty much spot on imo, the setting in general is pretty good, and they pretty much explained why you cant interact with everyone through the plot, even pre industrial revolutionary America was a surprisingly fun setting

seems like alot of the bad shit from their games are gameplay/bug related or stems from their shitty corporate higher up decisions

AC3 in the French Revolution wouldve been 5x better than American Revolution, the setting is just better for that type of game, or even go back farther to Ancient Rome or Egypt or the Successor Kingdoms

>> No.8505082

Great Game

I hate it when games completely brush off good costume design like games like Skyrim did, just half ass, bland, uninspired designs

good costume design actually makes a world much more immerssive and believable, Witcher is one of those games that made a weird setting believable, Eastern European inspired folklore was a nice touch as well

>> No.8505090
File: 1.11 MB, 577x750, EG Fear oh god please delete.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

being effay is 2 ez 4 rtz but yeah I mean Fear is pretty attractive I guess so that's part of being "effay"

>> No.8505104
File: 77 KB, 717x960, 529897_329430013841258_635231241_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dat dick

why are Fnatic players good looking (among competitive video game players ofc)?

only Trixi looks ass, as opposed to most players looking like ass

>> No.8505124
File: 224 KB, 1680x1050, 2012-04-26_00002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have never seen an aus player play with the speed skill and creativity of top na duellists

tbh na crpg duellists invented the high-level meta

>> No.8505134

wait wtf theres a meta game to M&B?

how do u even play cRPG?

>> No.8505142
File: 290 KB, 490x543, mountainblade7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have you ever seen any of the KEEN players?
if not don't bother comparing NA and AU b/c they're so far above anyone else it's ridiculous

>> No.8505160

>only Trixi looks ass
He is fucking huge though, and if he were to work out he'd look the the fucking hulk. He has potential.

>> No.8505182
File: 141 KB, 1680x1050, 2013-10-05_00001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i will fight u rn for ur patty shirt jacket

>> No.8505189

You're all fucking NERDS.
>tfw want to play StarCraft 2 but intimidated by them pro gooks

>> No.8505196

A lot of teams do that. Go look at someone like VG or something.

>> No.8505208

You know I don't mind this, feels pretty futuristic in a sense.
I just hope all pro players don't all look the exact same patchy neckbearded fatass.
Don't mind if they dress like shit though.

I've been meaning to get into a game to git gud at, what are recommended /vg/ or /v/core games to try out?

>> No.8505214

That's the League of Legends team mate.

>> No.8505221

Esport players generally look much, much better than you'd expect them to. There are obviously exceptions though. The three most popular and competitive games right now ought to be CS:GO, dota 2, and SC2.

>> No.8505240

Yeah I saw some random competitions for starcraft and smash bros and a lot of the dudes look pretty decent. Some had sick tats.
I don't know if SSB is pleb shit or not I just know it has a competitive following.

and oh hey, I used to love counter strike when I was younger. I should pick up GO then.

>> No.8505321

p-p-play dota with me anon-kun

I-I-I can teach u


>> No.8505405
File: 90 KB, 640x480, 1260968-sy1o3p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

best game still

>> No.8505410

n0tail is qt as fuck

>> No.8505453

>000>>8505020 >>8505024 >>8505060
>File: 21_00002.jpg (350 KB, 1680x1050)
why would you git gut on a shitty game that has no chance of becoming competitive

>> No.8505466

>medieval fashion
Dark Souls

>> No.8505471

This explains why /fa/ has been shit lately, the autists from /v/ are migrating over.

>> No.8505480

I like a good mix.
Good design takes into account both function and form in the context of its setting.
It's not a slave to purely one or the other.

>> No.8505494

no mentions of singsing or EE-sama.

its like you guys dont enjoy anime

>> No.8505585
File: 115 KB, 580x400, pr0lly_profile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow not even the best of the col brand

>> No.8505598

RIP fnatic.msi u will not be forgotten

>> No.8505628

That SC2 team looks like a 2002 version of futuristic. I'm gonna need some more years before I can appreciate that.

>> No.8505629

>tfw shit at m&b
>tfw turnleft is a cunt and wont play dota2 with u

>> No.8505633
File: 2 KB, 51x114, tekken-capfgt_yoshimitsu-t3_swordrest.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stay the fuck away from mobas, choose a fighting game with an artstyle that suits you and git gut with friends.

>> No.8505638

playing fighting games competitively is so autistic, its almost as bad as speedrunning

if you do anything more than pick kirby in super smash bros 64 and spam down b u probably have autism

>> No.8505647


>> No.8505648

I think speedrunning is cool in old school fps games. Quake speedruns are fucking insane.

>> No.8505672
File: 216 KB, 817x960, IMG_1992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is my butt effay?

>> No.8505681

it's fun

>> No.8505928

no I cant see the crack

>> No.8506043

it will be effay when I cum on it

>> No.8506053


>> No.8506526

what's ur steam faget? 1v1 ill rek u

>> No.8507650


>> No.8507937

his neck game ridiculous

>> No.8508124
File: 931 KB, 974x730, 1404833130079.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder.

>> No.8508142
File: 370 KB, 1406x1091, 1314177364802.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw no BW pros ITT

>> No.8508250
File: 80 KB, 483x600, 20131406105009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

illidan tho

>> No.8508287
File: 24 KB, 400x400, 58zIKR-O.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SSB, if melee, is pretty nice. The majority of the fighting game community thought it was baby shit or something at the beginning but it's starting to become legit

also this is a top 8 melee player in the world

>> No.8508670

Leffen a dick though. What's the most /fa/ melee main? Imo, it's doc.

>> No.8508675

>cherrypick worst examples for left side
>cherrypick best examples for right side
that pic is totally unbiased

>> No.8508680

MVP Phoenix is the most effay dota 2 team.

>> No.8508696

SSBM was at evo last weekend of course it's competitive

>> No.8509089


leffen is definitely /fa/ in a "lank awkwardly around in an ill-fitting drapey scoop neck tee while scowling at everyone and being antisocial" way. i met him at evo and DUDE he was SO lanky man like no joke. not a dick but just awkward.

darkrain has top tier facial aesthetics, plus very good powerful stance and posture. too bad hes shorter than 6ft

m2k is secretly jacked, like his body fat% is low and he does martial arts.

if mango tied his hair back in a manbun and dressed like theo u guys would b all over him. otherwise prob potentially the most /fa/ smasher

hungrybox is a total mfa, reddit tier STEM circlejerk douche. dude's an attention whore, his personality feels so fake in person. he just comes off so arrogant.

>> No.8509096

>ctrl + f
>quake live
>no results

you guys really are fucken plebs

>> No.8509113


no joke dude, quake live is one of those esports where the top level professionals are also handsome and good-looking (with the exception of the americans who just look average). if he's european and he plays quake live professionally, chances are he's also gorgeous

cooller, cypher, strenx, stermy, they all good looking man

>> No.8509380

zai is godlike

>> No.8509411

Just jerked to this tbh a bit embarrassingbut true. Also guy on left has a good fit.

>> No.8509759

far left and right have potential

>> No.8509771

why the fuck did he cut all that off

>> No.8509782

when leffen walked up on day 2 wearing that sweater i cringed at how fabrixsquare it looked

>> No.8509912

So what's the deal with emp? I heard m2k is leaving because he got fucked over and it's being supported by a prostitution ring?

>> No.8509940


super competitive nerdy types are really annoying people to deal with.

I used to go to high school with a "team" that were into the whole major league gaming bullshit

and they all posses this cheat to win type attitude, if you don't get caught you're not cheating types when money is on the line.

and they're so quick to get pissed off when they start to lose.

also they're fidgety as fuck, you know the types that go from angry to super excited fast as fuck as if they were on meth or some shit

>> No.8509951

if ya ain't cheatin', ya ain't tryrin'

>> No.8510114

fucking kek
it's a league team m8

>> No.8510135

>esports bullshit
lmao play a real competitive game like SF you nerdlords

>> No.8510174

street fighter? Smash and marvel had more views at evo

>> No.8510234

The king is BACK

>> No.8510246

ye because smash took fucking 5ever like it always does and delayed ultra until late as fuck
also there were over 300k viewers on niconico watching ultra and something like 150k on ign for some reason so it was hella watched bruh

>> No.8510247
File: 143 KB, 570x388, 2557.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the guy third from the left is pretty effay
He's Crystal for those who don't know

Also is playing Dota effay?

>> No.8510249
File: 80 KB, 308x386, top top lel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>is playing dota effay

>> No.8510253

does anyone have a gif or vid of jwong attempting to get of the stage, that was hilarious

>> No.8510271


Who is dis fellow NA_1 player?

>> No.8510274
File: 2.07 MB, 1280x720, marn rolls out.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that was marn, dude has some disease he picked up in thailand or vietnam

>> No.8510280
File: 561 KB, 1680x1050, 2014-02-21_00001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cudgel champ na

>> No.8510279
File: 84 KB, 640x426, hao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about Hao?

>> No.8510284


>> No.8510294


to be fair, I was on /fa/ way before I was a dotard

>> No.8510308


Oh hey Jester it's Ramza
>tfw you get cudgel knockdown

>> No.8510314

fucking racist cunt he is

>> No.8510318
File: 488 KB, 1680x1050, 2014-04-02_00001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf im not jester im literally in that screenshot

ill give you a s/o next time i see you on tho ramza god bless

>> No.8510324

>tfw want to play dota 2 and learn to be good but scared teammates will just hate you for being so bad ;_;

>> No.8510341


Lol I was trying to match valour list to missing name but didn't see Jester. Still dunno who you r tho... Vanhohenheim or Tugboat? Can't recognize character

>> No.8510352
File: 280 KB, 1680x1050, 2013-10-06_00002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8510373


Oh lol yeah cya around

>> No.8510381


>> No.8510386
File: 163 KB, 600x338, SomeShadowyGerbil.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no pp gf

>> No.8510388

yo i havent played dota in like 6months im probably shit now too

lets play


>> No.8510390

basically triforce, the leader, is broke and also batshit crazy

>> No.8510394


enjoy your valve knockoff

BRB logging into warcraft III: Frozen Throne and finding a custome game


>> No.8510397

enjoy playing the exact same shit but with 10 year old graphics and features

>> No.8510402

honestly trunks ive seen you spit some stupid shit over the years but ragging on wc3 is a new low

>> No.8510409

lmaaaooo, this happens like 20% of the time

>> No.8510410

how do you not understand that its the exact same thing

wc3 dota is good

dota2 is also good

seeing as theyre literally the exact same game

sorry im not a special snowflake

>> No.8510417

enjoy being a bot-net bitch

#fuck steam

>> No.8510420

>oh no le ebil nsa is going to know my porn searches!

>> No.8510425
File: 1.12 MB, 2136x1424, Basic Lands.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>valve, usin' yo shit to mine dogecoin

you like this shit?

>> No.8510448
File: 180 KB, 1500x1000, sasha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you fuck this Starcraft player?

>> No.8510456

shit is this guy still going?

>> No.8510473

is that a lazy eye? if so, yes

>> No.8510475

Steam framework has literally zero botnet features besides those readily visible.
>inb4 /g/ should gtfo

>> No.8510479

prodigy could look like an acne scarred, meth picked version of this chick if she cleaned up

>> No.8510511

you built storm? modern? whats your decklist

>> No.8510516

yup yup

it's just jon finkel's list minus fetch lands

it has the 4 steam vents and 4 shivan reef, then basics.

just a casual deck. but its legal to play in modern

no blood moons in the side board, just 1 shatterstorm, 2 echoing truth and some other metagamed trash

>> No.8510524
File: 936 KB, 2592x1728, IMAG0167.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

which you like better, storm or infect? i built infect in modern too but monoblack

you gonna get fetches when theyre reprinted? thats all thats missing from my legacy storm besides a karakas in the sideboard

>> No.8510529

shit that phone quality

2 gemstone mine
1 swamp
2 island
1 volcanic island
2 underground sea
4 lotus petal
4 lions eye diamond
4 infernal tutor
1 tendrils of agony
1 ad nauseam
1 past in flames
4 cabal ritual
4 dark ritual
4 duress
4 cabal therapy
4 gitaxian probe
2 preordain
4 brainstorm
4 ponder

4 abrupt decay
3 chain of vapor
2 massacre
1 tropical island
2 xantid swarm
1 thoughtseize
1 pyroclasm
1 lim-dul's vault

>> No.8510534

Infect, win rate is higher and it's less decision making (which is why it's double sleeved), and turn 2 win is always nice (its common as shit, but i pretend it isn't in real life)

i might, but i'll probably quit long before they're reprinted

i've been playing 2 times a week for like 6 months and its taking up too much time.

that's Ant storm right? i want to get into legacy but nobody plays it out here, wanted to do the manaless dredge because it's a whole lot of bullshit and people get pissed off when they lose to it (i play infect ad storm for similar reasons, i only play troll decks)

do you like manaless dredge in legacy o is it hard to win with?

>> No.8510539

i have manaless dredge built most of the way its missing like 5 or 6 cards

its fun and can win pretty fast and get ppl salty but if they drop a rest in peace or grafdiggers cage u just have to scoop

>> No.8510557

turn 2 kill is pretty common with that deck right?
are people really fast enough with their hate to shut your deck off before you go off?

what is your W-L with the deck?
im sure it's higher than infect, im only at maybe 60-70% on a local level (some days i go 2-2 or 1-3 due to bad draws and play mistakes or just bad matchups like america control and splinter twin)

>> No.8510562

yeah turn 2-3. theres other versions of the deck that are faster but they have less discard so they fold to force of will more. not many permanents you have to worry about besides maybe some of the death&taxes cards, its mostly just force of will

havent played it irl yet, just got the last cards but online pretty high

>> No.8510573

>4 dark ritual
>4 infernal tutor
>4 brainstorm
dat moneyboi

>> No.8510577

oi trunks bruv what ya doin for 4/20 next year man lets hit up the art gallery and buy concentrates

>> No.8510578

You're talking about that one website you had me play on right? Dude half the people that play on there are like 10 and don't know how to play the actual game.

You see all sorts of stupid shit pop up in the lobby chat, i had to stop using that site within a 2 days. god awful.

>> No.8510580

ftv dark rits are only 8$ ea
infernal tutors 20$
brainstorms 3$

underground seas 350$ ea, volcanic island 300$, tropical island 250$, lion's eye diamonds 110$

>> No.8510581

yeah most people are fucking retarded but the legacy is a bit better than modern

sheeeeeeeit thats in like 10 months but fuck yeah lets do it. u from van?

>> No.8510597

Yeah man, I swear I saw you on granville the other day. or some fukn poser tryin to jock ur prada creeper swag

>> No.8510607

lol u might have, i work on granville. when was it? say hi next time

>> No.8510612

late afternoon, ill shout she brings the rain from my beamer next time i spot ya bruv

>> No.8510673

definitely marth

>> No.8510716
File: 72 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no love for tf2 pros? i think ma3la browses /fa/


>> No.8510739

I wish XTS can get their shit together

>> No.8510818

>looks ass
w33 is that you

>> No.8510826


Curlbros are the worst people on the planet

>> No.8510855

all pro gamers and con attendees are autistic.

>> No.8510878
File: 470 KB, 2448x1836, qtpieliedie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw dota thread and noone mentions pieliedie

also aui is best

>> No.8510928
File: 168 KB, 1300x556, daily reminder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Titan is probably the best looking esports team to ever exist.