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File: 212 KB, 640x448, 6057650889_823445895e_z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8500490 No.8500490 [Reply] [Original]

Do women usually have smaller waists than men?

>> No.8500492

I'm from Nebraska and most of the women are bigger then the men here.

>> No.8500568

only the locals know the terror of GO BIG RED

>> No.8500767


no because child bearing hips

>> No.8500840

Waists aren't hips

>> No.8501013

Hips yes.
Waist, not really. It depends how fat they are and their estrogen levels which varies through out, Girls with the most estrogen/progesterone(i'm not exatly sure of the specificity of how hormones affect it I need to do more research) have good proportion so most fat accumulates in hips/ass and boob then lastly waist and abdomen.
Others have shit tier genetics and most of fat goes to belly, waist, then ass and boobs.
Basically, it will often depend on how fit she is and her diet.

>> No.8501024

well since women are usually shorter than men i'd say so OP. use your fucking brain.

>> No.8501060

/fa/ will say no but men who actually experienced puberty should have gone through a thickening of the abdominal muscles that women didn't go through. The answer with any healthy male vs healthy female should always be that the female has a smaller waist.

>> No.8501075

and women have higher fat storage soooo ??

care to cite any sources?

>> No.8501101

>and women have higher fat storage soooo ??
Not that guy but they don't immediately store fat in their midsections idiot.

>inb4 HAES

>> No.8501104

care to cite any sources that women and men share the same amount of abdominal fat storage?

>> No.8501105

OP here. The reason I asked is because asia dee has a 25" waist and I've never met a man with a waist that small

>> No.8501126

I'm sure there's 5'7" men with 25" true waists. (above belly button)

>> No.8501147

It's called not being a lazy fuck and googling.

>> No.8501153

so, no, you don't have any sources? alright thanks that's what I thought.

>> No.8501166

>out of protest I won't take the time to educate myself

>> No.8501172

>oops someone caught me talking out of my ass lol xD better act like im smart

>> No.8501180
File: 90 KB, 600x1104, this is you .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8501189

sick image dude. you found any sources yet?

>> No.8501228
File: 1.87 MB, 240x220, picardreactstoyourmom.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have never weak b8 as weak as this b8.

>> No.8501242

nope? lol alright dude keep trying, though.

>> No.8501248
File: 2.00 MB, 265x244, 5foot10inches.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lol manlet

>> No.8501862

why are caramel thick girls so fucking fine

>> No.8501898

Considering that on average, denim (waist) sizes for women range from 23" to 32" and for men they generally range from 28"-36", it is fair to say that adult women generally have smaller waists than adult men.

>> No.8501919

what? she weighs 115lbs

>> No.8501930

then she must be like 5 feet tall

>> No.8501975

Smaller waist. Bigger hips. Assuming we are talking about a healthy individual of average height of their gender

>> No.8501987

She's 5'8

>> No.8503731

>those legs

>> No.8503760

Probably because they're german.

>> No.8503782
File: 2.33 MB, 300x332, 1397881627960.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nebraska is in America

>> No.8503794

Nebraska is almost entirely ethnic Germans.

Read a book.

>> No.8503805

holy shit please OP who is this girl

i need to know, i might use her as hair inspo

>> No.8503809


>> No.8503835
File: 145 KB, 2048x1536, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8503841
File: 1.64 MB, 3766x2820, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8503844

Pennsylvania is German too.

>> No.8504115

dat houston diversity

>> No.8504119

>read a book
>posts image

ironic cause that infographic proves otherwise

>> No.8504120

>bigger then men
>read a book
fuck off

>> No.8504128

Remember this is extremely unreliable since ethnicity in the USA is based on "self-reporting" and not any kind of genealogy or actual ancestry.

People jump on chic nations to be related to.

>> No.8504154

lol what? ethnic germans were the highest immigration in colonial times. it's like youve never taken colonial history. all major cities in north midwest were saturated with germans and german neighborhoods. Illinois/Indiana especially. this country is only 200 years old you know?

next you're gonna tell me Louisiana isn't french at all kek

>> No.8504189

That red pillow looks like the torso of another girl laying on her belly and the way that girl's right leg is bent makes it look like the red pillow torso's leg with the knee cap being the butt.

Tell me I'm wrong faggots.

>> No.8504613

Potentially they can, if they become really skinny. However, the average adult female does have about 10% more bodyfat than the average adult male, so that's rarely the case.

>> No.8505657

Yeah but not all fat goes in the stomach, girls usually have thicker legs.

>> No.8506332

>what are hips, legs and boobs

>> No.8506415

What does the "American" ancestry mean? They had to come from somewhere in Europe.

>> No.8506422


>> No.8506425

No not the American Indian one. The one that just says American.

>> No.8506475


Seriously what does it mean?

>> No.8506786

Maybe American Indian means immigrated Indians and maericans are the natives? I dont think Native Americans are referred to indians in literature etc.

>> No.8506911

Unless the girl in question has an hourglass figure or a black big booty they will have their fat distributed everywhere, including their waist. 10% is a significant difference.

>> No.8507223
File: 90 KB, 612x612, tumblr_mdjz25kwzV1qgkrs0o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Asia Dee