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/fa/ - Fashion

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8498151 No.8498151[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I know this is more like a question for /fit/, but how do you all stay so slim and slender?

>> No.8498156

cigs n coffee

>> No.8498186

>Be skinnyfat
>Decide to lose weight so that I can actually fit into my skinnies without being one of those fatsos-in-denial who try to fit into clothes for thinner people
>Cut 500 daily calories
>Start doing cardio and lifting, because internet told me lifting also helps lose weight and is just as important as cardio

About three months later...
>Thighs are huge from squats, because I'm building muscle without losing fat. They jiggle for days on end when I slap them
>Look even worse in skinny jeans, especially because fat thighs are disproportionate to lean calves

Jesus Christ, what did I do to myself?

>> No.8498190

your own fault dude why would you squat when trying to be thin

>> No.8498191

just do cardio nigga, never lift

>> No.8498195

coffee for breakfast, no lunch, skateboard a lot.

>> No.8498207

>doing squats ever
do you not wanna fit your SLP denim anon?

>> No.8498216

not that anon, but would biking give you too swole legs?

>> No.8498244

/fit/ guys keep telling me that you shouldn't worry about "getting too big" when lifting because it takes effort to get big and it isn't something that accidentally happens when you're not paying attention.
/fit/ lied.

Muscle increases your BMR so you burn more calories, and I don't want to just turn into a smaller skinnyfat person by losing weight without retaining more lean weight than fat, so I guess I just have to lift in a way that doesn't fuck my body up even more, and maybe level off the weight I lift with some exercises, rather than continuing to increase it.

Also, I guess I'm inconsistent with my caloric restriction, I gotta be more disciplined on that.

>> No.8498297

you should be jiggling less if you're gaining muscle.

>be skinnyfat
>have dat thigh gap and decent t and a
>decide to lift
>gain 5lbs in 6 months
>much better ass
>less of a thigh gap
>lose inches off waist
>gain inches on hips and chest (broader lats prob kek)

i don't look /fa/ anymore though

>> No.8498314
File: 158 KB, 1008x1395, 1355975679518.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>listening to /fit/
>not reading the sticky
jesus christ, you walked right into that one, kiddo.

>> No.8498323

I don't know, I don't even try. I guess im too lazy and incompetent to cook much

>> No.8498325
File: 133 KB, 612x612, 1399491630408.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Dog. You're taking too much direct advice from forums/imageboards.

What is it that YOU want?

Seems as if your priorities are conflicting. At least you're trying to hone your ideas into a sharp lifestyle.

My dog what is your goal in general?

>> No.8498349

my goal is to be thin. I've always been a little thicker due to american genetics, but i'd like to go from 170 to <140.

>> No.8498370

Well 3 weeks ago I was 198lbs and looked fat as shit.
Right now I'm 178lbs, still look fat but dropped sizes and a ton shit of clothes I stop wearing fit me now, and I'm still losing weight.

All I'm doing is run 6 miles a day and stopped eating fast food.

>> No.8498402

>mfw I can eat 50 quesaritos from taco bell
>mfw I doesn't affect me in the slightest
>mfw I have an excellent metabolism
>mfw I run an 18-minute 3-mile
>mfw I bike an hour each day
Dude, just do cardio if you want a wiry body

>> No.8498442

>not wanting to be strong so you can protect your honey

>> No.8498447

sprinting would. biking long distance would give you dyel quads, which is probably what you're looking for

>> No.8498452

if you're american, go into your local doctor and get an adderall Rx for ADD. it will destroy your appetite, make you much more talkative, quicker thinking, better at concentrating.

basically a whole pill that combats autism and makes your body /fa/

>> No.8498463

How tall are you?

>> No.8498467

>combats autism and makes your body /fa/
Implying I'm autist or not /fit/
Also, I've seen plenty of fat people on adderall

>> No.8498468

5'9 :(

>> No.8498472


>> No.8498475

5'4 :(

>> No.8498477

>Still being this uneducated
>Not knowing that the difference between the bottom 5% and the top 5% differs from only ~600 calories
Stay stupid, you donutbrain

>> No.8498482

170 at 5'9"? Bro you're pretty big. I'm 180 at 6'3" and I feel like a lardass.

>> No.8498497

Nice bro science, /fit/fag

>> No.8498545

I'm 5'9 and I do cardio and pushups and situps on the days inbetween and after my cardio days. It's kept me slim, and now I have some actual definition in my core which is nice

>> No.8498549

I don't eat a lot, even though I'm always hungry, mostly because broke + lazy. Also I do a fair amount of weight exercise.

>> No.8498550

Those JS actually look good.

>> No.8498553

I go jogging and try to do thirty push ups every day

>> No.8498565

"try" you can do that in like 45 seconds if you take a break halfway through wtf

>> No.8498568


>> No.8498575


>> No.8498580
File: 102 KB, 600x847, squidwards_got_genes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I pledge my hunger
to the plate
of the united crepes of america
and to the genetics
because I can't stand.
One powerchair
under my fork
with cellulite and heart disease for all

>> No.8498588

>yoorup fags have so little to do they make up this shit

>> No.8498589

Where the fuck can I cop those? And for how much? I fucking need them

>> No.8498600

lmao I live in Seattle nigga

I don't think any Europefag worth his weight in rick owens tanks would have the pledge of allegiance memorized

>> No.8498610

You met my dubs with dubs. I'll believe you...this time.


>> No.8498611

ITT a bunch of ladyboys that don't want the brad pitt in snatch physique/want to look androgynous

>> No.8498623

>worth his weight in rick owens tanks

I wish everything was priced by its equivalent amount of rick owens tanks

>yeah I'll take a pack of marlboro lights
>that'll be 4.5 percent of your tank m8
>pull rick owens tank out of pocket
>cut off scrap of it
>pay for smokes

If such a world existed...

>> No.8498638


Original retail was $240ish at Adidas flagships and Kith sometime last year (now sold out obviously.) Flight Club has a listing for $325 though I'm sure you could find it for far lower (~200) if you looked.

>> No.8498646

The workout itself isn't the issue, it's trying to get it into a daily habit

>> No.8498648

Wait, would biking or running make my calves bigger/chunkier? I want to start doing cardio to tighten the little muscle that I have in my legs. I'm just afraid biking or running/jogging would make my calves wide or distorted...I've seen it before and it looks like fucking shit

I'm like 126lbs, 5'9 and I'm mostly legs (short chest)

>> No.8498653

God fucking dammit I want those so bad
>mfw broke after splurge

>> No.8498654

be asian

>> No.8498656

Posting this troll image.
You won't be making any noticeable gains until 2-3 months in;however, being short/unhealthy will be sooner.

>> No.8498659

stop pushing this maymay it's not catching

>> No.8498660

No, serious leg exercise and weight lifting will.

>> No.8498665

Thicker because of American genetics.
I'm not sure if this is b8 or not

>> No.8498671

Stop overstating what you eat hungry skeleton

>> No.8498676

why did this make me laugh

>> No.8498680

stay envious, skinnyfat-fag

>> No.8498691

>tries to force "maymay" to catch

>> No.8498693


I have them in patent leather which was easily one of the worst decisions I've made in my life though they are absolutely great for parties and getting numbers since girls will initiate conversation with you about them.

>> No.8498696

>still greentexting

>> No.8498700


Oops, meant for


>> No.8498705

I closed my lips around the end of the Dragonite's throbbing penis and started sucking. This made the Pokemon howl in pleasure as he held onto my head. I continued to suck while moving his dick farther and farther into my mouth, until I couldn't get in in any deeper. I kept up the sucking motions while using my tounge to mop up the precum that was oozing out of his cock. I decided that it was time. I moved his member about halfway out of my mouth, and picked up the pace of my sucking and licking. Feeling the Dragonite's convulsions and hearing his moans, I moved back to the head while sucking even harder. Soon enough, he let out a loud howl. Cum shot out of his member all around my mouth and down my throat. I swallowed as much as I could and slipped my mouth off his softening dick. An extra spurt of semen splashed all over my face as I looked up at him lovingly. I stood up and kissed him once more. "Dragonite...I love you..." I whispered. He responded by licking some of the cum off my face, and seemed to giggle. He took one paw and gathered the rest of the semen onto it. Laying down on his back, he lifter up his legs to reveal his tight tailhole.

>> No.8498707

Do you just not find them wearable to most places in general? I personally thought they were really nice. I'd totally cop if I wasn't broke though

>> No.8498749

Walking down stairs and in crowded places (i.e. school, subway, parties) is the ultimate pain, but, shoes are meant to be worn and I did pay ~250 for them.

Mind you, they're not an everyday shoe. Probably bring them out once every 2 months when flyknits and NBs get boring.

>> No.8498819

butthurt you aren't clever enough to get memes to stick lil guy

>> No.8498827

You can't gain muscle on a caloric deficit. You kept eating like a fatty.

>> No.8498828

LOL. I was in the thread that idea was posted. One guy said "hehe let's make this a meme" everyone else said you were an autist. Seriously give it up faggot or kill yourself, you should listen to what the majority says, not just you're neckbeard clique.

>> No.8498847

that doesn't even make sense stop crying irl before you type again you virgin gamer aspie

>m-muh 4chan cred

go outside and talk to girls

>> No.8498848

>picture of european
>other eurofat food

Nice try Europoor

>> No.8498856

do u like hitler youth hair and raf ownes you nu-neckbeard parents basement dwelling acne ridden subhuman

>> No.8498906

Oh, I see. Thanks for the feedback. I'll be sure to keep this in mind! They're definitely awesome shoes I wouldn't mind copping once I have the money. I'm sure they're all the more special wearing them every once in a while rather than abusing the shit out of them.

>> No.8498914

You guys don't know how wrong you are.

>> No.8498931


hi 5

>> No.8499017

start running and squat less. you'll be fine

>> No.8499031

I run half an our three days a week, right after my lifting. Originally, I tried to run at least 15 minutes every non-lifting day, too, but I took on more hours at work and ain't no one got time for that no more.

But, yeah, I'm doing Stronglifts, which has squats every lifting day, so maybe I'll just squat every other lifting day from now on.

>> No.8499044

>do this everyday for a month


>> No.8499203

>Not spending 3.5 hours each day lifting tiny dumbells every day to give you an ottermode physique, to the detriment of school, work, making friends and dating, or doing something that would actually give you an ottermode physique

I can't even imagine what you fill your day with. All that stupid stuff I mentioned that wasn't lifting dumbells?

>> No.8499246

Diet man. It ain't hard. Shit, go half a day without eating. Eat once a day see if your ass doesn't lose weight. Losing weight literally takes no skill. Just take in less calories than you expend. The whole "slow metabolism" when fasting thing is exaggerated. I've gone an entire day without eating and visibly lost weight. It's not the healthiest way but it is one of the fastest.

>> No.8499285

Its because you eat like shit. Your muscles should be burning off the fat and improving your metabolism but you've never heard of a fucking salad so youre just going to look strongfat forever enjoy

>> No.8499288

>making no sense

mid dicking

>> No.8499308

Eh, I mostly eat produce, but then after a stretch of helfy eating I falter and binge.

Next time I binge, I'll punch myself in the face. That'll lern me some.

>> No.8499538

>Calorie counting
>Copious coffee and water
>No soft drinks/sugary drinks
>Walk quite a lot
>Only alcohol being straight vodka or gin
>Optionally smoke cigarettes, but then you will smell bad to a wide range of people, but on the plus you will look cooler

>> No.8500084

My two cents for slimming:

>Cardio (jogging, and then sprinting if you get into it)
>Fasting (It cleanses your body from toxins and is generally healthy and recommended as long as you have a meal/eat some point in the day. Kudos to those practicing Ramadan right now, actually.)
>Eat more than one kind of food on your plate. Always have something like vegetables with your main course (if you're a meal person). Don't pig out to the same shit over and over again.
>"Avoid outside food or pretty much any kind of junk food" said a gazillion people already. While there are a ton of faggots who have a high metabolism, this will be necessary for you since your metabolism doesn't seem to be doing you any justice.
>Sleep more. Sleep affects your metabolism if you don't get enough of it. Then again, you have your blessed group of faggots.
>Watch your salt/sodium intake and drink more water. Other than weight loss, water retention will make you look all the more fatter.

I hope I was able to help.

>> No.8500104

>I'm 180 at 6'3" and I feel like a lardass.

How? Isn't Wiz Khalifa 6'4 181 lbs? Or so google told me.

>> No.8500131


simply epic

>> No.8500157


Would you mind explaining a bit more about intermittent fasting? How is it more healthy?

Genuine question btw

>> No.8500197

w2c jacket/vest on the right?

>> No.8500209

Well, a poor diet or unhealthy diet will be composed of bad ingredients that your body blocks out or doesn't absorb properly, like HFS (high fructose syrup), etc. Intermittent fasting will help empty your system of those unhelpful components found it bad foods. Which leads me to the next thing, cravings. Fasting is great for helping you develop different cravings so that you're able to give your body a different variety of food. Not everyone is a rich urban nomad who is dining at different five star restaurants every other day, so the development of different cravings or food curiosities will help you open up to healthier and more natural options. I say this from personal experience. I'm naturally skinny, but I have friends that have positively benefited from fasting. Your colon is also heavily cleansed from from fasting because it's not infested with that disgusting shit a lot of people have in their diets...believe me a lot of the food that doesn't seem bad on the outside is pretty disgusting on what it does to your insides, aside from fat -- acid reflux, increase of candida fungus, etc.

Also wanted to mention that fasting is extremely beneficial for better psychological health and overall better mental stability. It calms you down and brings your state of thinking at peace once you know how to maintain your way of eating.
It doesn't necessarily mean that you have to go on some strict ass regimen, since eating things you like is sometimes more healthy (mentally) to you than depriving yourself from them, but consider natural foods here and there along with fasting. Lastly, fasting is great for reducing a risk cancerous diseases and diabetes since your body is not consistently clogged with sugars and copious amounts of salt.

In a nutshell, if healthy food/exercise isn't helping you, go get a fucking MRI for your pituitary gland, because something is going wrong with either your hormones, or simply your genetics.

>> No.8500408

>really wants lame epic meme to take off

>> No.8500416

So much bullshit.

IF is a waste of time. At the end of the day all that matters is calories in vs calories out.

You don't get psychological benefits from fasting you moron.

>> No.8500426

>m-muh beliefs, you're wrong, probably a neckbeard reddit


>> No.8500446
File: 65 KB, 566x480, 1380873923956.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8500497


>> No.8500622


I'm 172 at 6'5 and I could provably lose 5-10 lbs of fat

>> No.8500841

>cutting 500 daily
>not losing fat

yeah you're not cutting 500 daily you disgusting fatso

>> No.8500847

this is good advice

>> No.8500885

At that weight and height, you probably look like a skeleton, unless that's all fat and very little muscle, which then you look squishy. I am only 140 at 5'8" w/ 10% BF and I feel really skinny.

Also, calves are the kind of muscle that are hard to put size on. A lot of it is genetics. But running 4-5 times a week will make your calves trim and defined, not large. I've been running for 5 years now and my calves look like they were sculpted by Michelangelo.

>> No.8500892

good retort !

>> No.8501040

tfw 194 cm and 66 kg

>> No.8501047

i'm 6'3 and 155, losing weight atm. feelin fat

>> No.8501212

Swim and run. And eat less that's it.

>> No.8501215

if you're 6'5" don't bother engaging skellington mode you'll just scare off everyone

>> No.8502014 [DELETED] 

Man trust me from someone that's been there. You're trying to compromise b/w being /fa/ and /fit/ but you're just going to end up neither. You should either commit not doing squats or not doing them.

>> No.8502028

Man trust me from someone that's been there. You're trying to compromise b/w being /fa/ and /fit/ but you're just going to end up neither. You should either commit to not doing squats or doing them.

>> No.8502082

Im a sprinter and sprinting has given me pretty huge yet defined quads/calves. I also do not pay any attention to my diet whatsoever and I maintain 6% bodyfat from just sprinting.

>> No.8502096

i also get accused of roids even though I dont lift anymore just do occasional 100m and 200m runs

>> No.8502119
File: 159 KB, 916x568, Chris-Evans-Captain-America.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most /fa/ body type

>> No.8502139


Is that considered a "body type"? How is that a body type? The guy just works out his arms and chest and nothing else. That's not a "type".

>> No.8502142

skip the occasional meal
drink water and tea only
running, lots of cardio

>> No.8502156


>> No.8502179

Swim, jog, build my fah muscles

>tones arms

No bulk, though.

>> No.8502194
File: 110 KB, 630x630, Simone-Nobili-Independent-The-Model-Wall-ftape_04b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is actually disturbing

this is an actual good bod

>> No.8502208

Shut up twink, you probably look like shit

>> No.8502226

>I know this is more like a question for /fit/, but how do you all stay so slim and slender?

diet and exercise, why is this a fucking question

>> No.8502260

>Get a dumbbell in hand
>Tip toe

4x10-20 whatever you can do.

>> No.8502267
File: 288 KB, 1080x1920, Snapchat-20140220101305.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just do sprints man. That's all I do and these are mine

>> No.8502271

That's a normal body of a man who's tall and lifts a little. I wouldn't say it's good but acceptable. His face is what brings him above everyone else.

>> No.8502289

A preteen girl could beat this guy up

Beta teens ITT

>> No.8502290

wait nvm i just realized you dont want big calves

>> No.8502291

what the fuck am i looking at

>> No.8502303

joocy calves

>> No.8502314



>> No.8502319

>all these twinks ITT

When did western society drift into this feminine bullshit?

>> No.8502322
File: 373 KB, 1080x1920, 1405537497697.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

am i missing something here?

>> No.8502333

nope youre spot on thats actually not a calf muscle my leg bones are just shaped like that

>> No.8502346

interesting. does that affect running/walking at all? just wondering

>> No.8502353

yeah it makes me fast, i have all the sprinting records at my high school

>> No.8502360

what is feminine about not wanting to look like a perpetually angry, roided up monkey?
skinny is the best possible look for men and no, it doesnt have any practical downsides
get over it, fatass

>> No.8502362


I work out too but I don't say it's my "type". Working everyday to meticulously craft your body doesn't make it a type.

>> No.8502370

You look like a preteen girl mois.

>> No.8502372
File: 136 KB, 554x929, 1375553586106.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>skinny is the best possible look for men

Lol this is what twinks actually believe. You probably look like some sickly dork and yet you're proud of it lol. Have fun getting no respect from anyone.

>> No.8502377
File: 29 KB, 570x533, 1370408079777.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw skinny
>mfw valued member of my community

>> No.8502383

it's not all of western society, it's just /fa/. bunch ofssocially stunted betamales never able to have as much testosterone as the guys who bullied them their whole lives, and started to fetishize the androgynous aesthetic seen occasionally in male models, what was temporarily known as "metrosexual" in pop culture, overcompensating for their ladyboy existences by insisting that their weakling frames are what will allow them to reproduce, or altogether swearing off women because millennials have heavily replaced libido with porn addiction

>> No.8502389
File: 1.37 MB, 1068x1635, 2014-05-18 23.42.43.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is my body effay

>> No.8502391

>parents basement/community college

>> No.8502395

/hm/ pls go, this isn't the time to pick up skinny bois

>> No.8502398

>mfw 39cm penis
>mfw gf sucking my dick as I type
>mfw I can make up shit on the internet

>> No.8502410

b-but am i effay

>> No.8502456

Don't listen to this guy.

>> No.8502472

Except not being able to defend yourself when people inevitably beat you up because of your shitty socially awkward fa uniform

>> No.8502475

all you have to do to lose weight is eat at a caloric deficit which means eat less calories than maintenance

>> No.8502548
File: 259 KB, 2048x1352, iSehX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well that and not having a presence
that demands respect from both genders
now am i saying you need to go all out BB mode?
no, but you shouldnt also look like a malnourished Ethiopian child.
as a man you need to have a mans body
and the fact of the matter is that there
wasnt, if any men in the older generations
that looked like their body physique could be mistakened for a young womans
it seems ever since feminism started
that simply BEING a man is almost criminal nowadays
and even the simple natural act of doing, behaving and even looking like a man has been villianized and scrutinized to the point where boys in there late teens have eating disorders which either makes them fat and unattractive or the opposite which is a "hungry skeleton" look or malnourished look that teen boys think will get them everything. except respect..
the only ppl that like that look is teeny bopper grillz and thats because its been hardwired into them because of the media and its portrayal of boybands
after that most women figure out that they want someone that has some sort of ability of protecting them not only financially but ALSO physically
food for thought i guess

>> No.8502616

w2c left jeans

>> No.8502640

did you have a stroke

go back to /fit/ and jerk off to convict conditioning, and sit down

>> No.8502991

>"The Last Stand of the Last Real Man," a freestyle poem by T. Ips Fedora.

>> No.8503901

dont do squats.
do more cardio
i made the mistake of doing squats and even tho i've slimmed down a lot, the mass down there seems to be the last to go.

>> No.8503935

i hate these fucking threads.
cuz theres retards from /fit/
but theres also skinny retards from /fa/
just be cool with everyone
/fit/ dudes needa stop with that whole "omg ur not healthy ur sick, that doesnt look gud ,girls dont like u omg"
and skinny boys needa stop calling anyone whos remotely built fat!

personally I barely eat anything at all but I workout until I'm tired (which doesn't take long) so I am quite slim but getting some definition

>> No.8504216

Pretty much, this.

Different internet groups create their own exclusive definitions of "good-looking" and act like anyone not within these narrow ranges is gross.

Not that I'm a total relativist. There certain healthy adiposity range, and being too fat (or too skinny, but most people are too fat) is objectively unhealthy.

But if you're normal BMI and BWR, you're probably fine, even if you aren't good by a given sub-pit of an Japanese-cartoon picture forum's standards.

>> No.8504227

>There certain healthy adiposity
*There's a certain healthy adiposity range

>> No.8504230

no faggot

>> No.8504235

yeah w2c these jeans

>> No.8504249

what is it about /fa/ that attracts super skinny people anyways?

what makes them more attracted to fashion than the fatties?

as a 6' 125-130l it was literally the fact normal american clothes would never fit me

>> No.8504310
File: 21 KB, 494x400, 1294440496644.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So tell me if I got this thread right.
How to be /fa/:
Don't eat like shit
Eat to the point where you are somewhat skinny
Do a fuckload of upper body calisthenics
opt: Coffee and Cigs

Do I got this all right? is this the key to having a /fa/ body?

>> No.8504360

Tons of water too.

The coffee and cigarettes thing is bullshit though. Sure you may look cool for the 10 minutes you are smoking but afterwards you smell like shit, ruin your clothes, and stain your teeth. Likewise with coffee, you stain the fuck out of your teeth long term. I guess being at coffee shops is cool and cigarettes also suppress your appetite. But is it worth it having fucked up lungs (preventing your from doing your exercises to look /fa/ in the first place) and having to spend $500 to get your teeth whitened (shit is painful)?

>> No.8504490

isn't it obvious?? fashion often celebrates having a skinny or petite physique
that plus everyone on /fa/ is an impressionable little kid who will smoke cuz they saw some model do it/buy that raf sweater/buy geobaskets/buy shitty new helmut lang etc

>> No.8504520

dont eat a lot

>> No.8504547

went from 78kgs to 66-67kgs in half a year
still got a bit of a belly tho. belly fat is the most stubborn i heard, but i dont think its fat, just the skin needs tightening up.

>> No.8505791

fight me irl fgt

>> No.8506466

How to get ottermode if I'm high-metabolic guy, 6'0 130-132lbs
I've started doing these two:
Will it help ?

>> No.8506502

*tips fedora*

good to see another sir from artofmanliness here, men.... what le happened?

>> No.8506517

This is why Ottermode or a bit of muscle definition like Brad Pitt in Fight Club is objectively the best, because it is a balance that doesn't go to the extremes of /fa/ & /fit/

>> No.8506618

bumping this

>> No.8506804


>> No.8506813

Fuck dude you can't just do certain exercises and expect to see results.
Ab workouts won't give you abs, you have to lower your overall body fat percentage and preferably be on a caloric deficit.

Everybody has abs, it's a vital part of the human body, all you can do is develop muscle in that area (eat protein, exercise) and lower your bf%.
Spot reduction is a myth too, you have to do cardio to lower bf% and eat less fatty foods.

>> No.8506855

>you can't just do certain exercises and expect to see results
> all you can do is develop muscle in that area (eat protein, exercise)

So what exactly do I do ? I'm auschwitz mode alredy, do you think I need to lose bf ?

>> No.8506867


>> No.8506874

/fa/ usually means it ironically :0

>> No.8506890

>lose body fat

Man you need to fucking bulk, go to /fit/ and look at the sticky.

Bulking diet...
Calories: TDEE + 500 calories (Google TDEE).
Protein: 1+ grams per lb. bodyweight.

Or double your weight in kg's and get that number of protein.
Cut after you've been through your bulk and you'll be good.

>> No.8506895

Jeremy scott

>> No.8506898

>Cut 500 daily calories
>building muscle

pick one lying little shit

>> No.8506924

genetics. i'm 6'2 and 145lbs, only exercise i've ever done was cross country in HS so i have big thighs.

>> No.8506961
File: 137 KB, 720x545, IMG_1475.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I need 3k calories and 120 grams of protein to maintain and work out ?
Here's me

>> No.8506972

Assuming you worked it out correctly, 3k calories is what you need to put on weight and that's the protein you need to build some muscle.

To help track calories, use the app 'myfitnesspal', all you need to do is scan a barcode of food and it gives you all the details and adds up what you ate for the day, saves it too so you can quickly add it.

Best of luck man, I weigh less than you I'm not trying to put you down but your body isn't nice at the moment, it's the arms.

>> No.8507000

Can I eat whatever I want or I need to avoid food with a lot of fat in it ?

>> No.8507021

Depends, if you want to get your protein eat stuff like eggs, chicken, fish, black beans, milk.
You can have a clean or dirty bulk it's up to you, I recommend a mix of the two.

>> No.8507100

>disgusting et skinnyfat

Slit your wrists you piece of human shit

fucking right now

fucking end yourself

fuck I wanna puke just seeing this

fuck why cant we ban fucks like this on sight

>> No.8507186

Do you fuck in your eyeholes or something ?
I have a completely flat stomach

>> No.8507201

You are pretty skinnyfat, if you were skinny you'd see bones. This guy you're responding to is unreasonably mad though. Probably a fatty.

>> No.8507225

Maybe it's bad lighting or I'm in denial, I can see my ribs sticking out

>> No.8507228


>> No.8507235

Some girls prefer a smooth stomach so you got nothing to worry about kiddo

>> No.8507247

How does it feel like knowing a 12 year old can beat you up?

>> No.8507253

Keep goin man

>> No.8507272

12 year old couldn't
but someone my age but more heavier probably could do beat me, I'm okay with

>> No.8507278

>I'm okay with this*

>> No.8507288

pls be in brisbane

>> No.8507297

You are skinny so your ribs are sticking out

You are fat so you have a jiggly little doughnut belly

You are skinnyfat

Go to /fit/ and read the sticky

>> No.8507502


>> No.8507520

Just run dude