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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 163 KB, 915x678, manlet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8497671 No.8497671 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /fa/,

What are some general clothing choices that a manlet should go for? Any good stores in particular in Australia? I find looking for right-fitting clothes difficult since most stuff are made for a 5'10+ white guy.

5'5 here btw

>> No.8497683 [DELETED] 

baby gap

>> No.8497695

I'm the same height, monitoring this thread.

>> No.8497707
File: 20 KB, 307x307, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8497712

Op's pic is the most autistic thing I've ever seen and I'm 6'3

>> No.8497741

I agree with anon, I'm 6'4 and I wish I was 6'1 or 6'0

>> No.8497773

its a troll idiots

>> No.8497774

can you dunk?

>> No.8497775

has good stuff. they have normal cuts and tall cuts. normal cut in small should fit you with a relaxed fit

>> No.8497796

Thanks bros. Any other suggestions like 'avoid wearing this and that because this makes you look shorter' kind of thing?

btw this thread isn't a troll, the op pic is just the most used pic in /fit/ misc trolling

>> No.8497806

I'm 5'9, but still growing.

Can I be /fa/?

>> No.8497831


Why wouldn't you want to be 6'4? As a basement dweller I've seen several singers in music videos who stand that tall who seem to barely be taller than everyone they have in the video.

>> No.8498555
File: 10 KB, 300x391, 759933-noose_lg_716525_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

picture is extremely autistic

pic related, your next course of action

>> No.8498569
File: 21 KB, 500x375, 10401418_231534717037132_5272462289789986076_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

172 cm here

can cuffed jeans look good on manlets? i have some doc martens boots coming in a couple weeks

>> No.8498586

Are you asian?

Also doc boots are pretty bad on short people

>> No.8498590

i'd say don't do ridiculous stax on raw denim

it's not a thing anymore really but for a while people were obsessed with maddd staxxx and it looks ridic on short dudes

if you have to ask, then no.

>> No.8498594

5'7" here I don't give a fuck I just wear what I like. Maybe it fucks my proportions but I dress for myself first then others.

>> No.8498599

you're misusing "autistic"

yall motherfuckers are just like 8th graders, hop on to a new buzzword then misuse it as fuck.

>> No.8498604

when will you guys learn?

Hi tallbros!

I can.

>6'3" /fa/fit/izen

>> No.8498626

Aight real talk

Your only a manlet if you workout and look like a fucking ball of veins, and are short

The average height for asians is like 5'9
they look good because they keep a slim figure, you can too


>> No.8498642

>The average height for asians is like 5'9
it's 5'6" m8
>inb4 not the new generation of tall asians!

>> No.8498649

how often did u get dunked on in high school

>> No.8498785


Skinny fit pants always

Hem your pants if you need to

If you have trouble finding shirts with correct shoulder lengths work out your shoulders and chest, which

If you have to wear shorts make sure they don't go below the knee

>> No.8498832

>tfw 5'6" Asian
>tfw skinny as fuck from genetics

>> No.8498842

You're welcome. 5'6" isn't a bad height, it's just not the "ideal" buttfuck it, what does that matter really

>> No.8498843 [DELETED] 

5'10 here

wat do?

>> No.8498849

If you're skinny it could work
little hope for overweight people that aren't tall

>> No.8498855

5'10 here. I've been experimenting with tucking in my shirt and using my pants a little higher (a little bit below my belly button) since I feel like my torso is a little large and want to make my legs look longer. Is it acceptable?

wat do?

>> No.8498865

>be 6'3"
>qt's mirin daily
>get random bjs constantly
>literally have 100's of #'s stuffed in my pants daily
>proposed to at least 2 times a day
>gay guys going cray and i just tell em to fuck off
>always get smiles
>get free food from restaurants
>get free everything
>never robbed, criminals run
>people throw money at me in the streets
>rich as fuck from doing nothing
>go to the gym for the first time
>much stronger than all my manlet friends who've gone for at least a year

life is good

>> No.8498912

Is it possible to look good as a fit as a manlet? say something like otter mode?

>> No.8498920

Maybe. But who cares what we think.

>> No.8498930
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>> No.8498960

I'm 6'3" and I can confirm this is what it's like.

>> No.8498998

at least as a manlet your entire life isn't revolving around the fact half of the people you speak too mention how tall you are first, fucking irritating

>> No.8499005

>fresh, new and wet pussy
>fresh and new
I dont think so m8

>> No.8499019

Just run and do push ups
thats all you need man

>> No.8499020

asians are 5'7 mostly m8

>> No.8499033


>> No.8499155


dem double dubs and great question, help?

>> No.8499166
File: 47 KB, 328x315, 1404952191544.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5'4" and proud as a bull

>tfw greatest chimney sweep in the entire city

No greater feel in the world when my co workers call me up for the jobs they can't do.

>> No.8499169

You don't want to be taller than other men, it gets awkward. 5'11-6'2 is a good height. Most people are shorter than 6'0, so going that is the area you want to be around. Guaranteed taller than all the girls and around the height of other men.

>> No.8499239

w2c shirts that have less wrinkles on the sleeves (i.e., slightly shorter than normal sleeves)? wrinkly sleeves is the main problem I have as a manlet

also, what are some brands that make really slim shirts/pants? 5'5 skellymode isn't easy...

>> No.8499248

>napoleon detected

>> No.8499326
File: 26 KB, 150x150, Gizmo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah but I could still kick your ass big man. Chimney sweeping has given me the reflexes of a cat and strength of a boar

>> No.8499333

>dicklet detected

>> No.8499344

Yeah I'll dicklet your sister

>> No.8500376
File: 27 KB, 600x338, 605s3bg53xbiyq03tp40cvq7r.600x338x1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8500384

Man, chimney sweeps are pretty /fa/

>dat monochrome fit

>> No.8500583

>Taller than a lot of people
>Shorter than a lot of people

>> No.8500585

I'm 5' 6.5 and have a smoking hot girlfriend.

>> No.8500593

I would want to be your height

>> No.8500603


>> No.8500620

>implying women can tell the difference between 5"10' and 6"3

>> No.8500623
File: 91 KB, 640x932, 1403843739618.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On a related topic, what is in your guy's opinion, the ideal male height?

I'd say 6'1" or 6'2" but probably 6'2". I'm exactly 6'0" and I'd love just that little tiny bit extra. 6'3" is acceptable but the only reason I'd ever want to be any taller is basketball. Pretty happy with my current height though, could be a lot worse.

>> No.8500636


6'1 for sure. 6'3 you start having fitting issues with length.

>> No.8500639

I'm 5'11 at 18
I assume my puberty was relatively late since I didn't get spots till around 17 I believe
With this in mind, what could I do to grow taller? I'd be happy with an inch since then i'd be an even 6ft if possible

>> No.8500644

>5'8" at 21
Feels bad, but at least I live in an area with a ridiculous proportion of very short women.
>tfw can never move somewhere with normal-sized people

>> No.8500646

lmao just wear what you want
no need to look for special clothes that are slightly more flatering for shorter guys
if you dress good you dress good, just focus on enjoying life instead of worrying about a few inches :)

>> No.8500649

>just b yourself :^)

>> No.8500651

eat meat and do pushups and stuff and maybe :)

>> No.8500652

what is there even to make fun about that though being yourself is good

>> No.8500658

why is james cryin

>> No.8500662

I already posted this once
6'4+ - freakshow employee
6'3 - perfect height, almost always will be the tallest guy, even in places like netherlands you wont feel short
6'2 - perfect height, most models are 6'2
6'1 - okay height, still higher than average joe
5'11 - the Manlet Emperor
5'10 - manlet peasant, works with crops
5'9 and less - I am so sorry... jk im not, spit into your parents faces tho, for shit genetics

>> No.8500676

ty positivity :¬)

>> No.8500683


>makes me a manlet baron or something
>I'm okay with this
>clothes are basically designed for someone my size.

Only thing that sucks is my sizes are demolished in sales. Luckily I wear M where all the skeletons and asians wear S, seems to help a bit.

>> No.8500685

5'2 here, shoe size 5UK, /fit/

I buy my clothes in the kids section, shorts in womens section (i like short shorts to show off legs. Some find it weird or gay, others say i have nice legs.) as well as shoes.

More expensive brands like hilfiger, marc o'polo, ralph lauren, hugo boss etc have a lot of nice stuff for kids which just looks like adults. Women have a lot of male looking shoes.

Shirts, jackets, blazer etc i need a tailor for since my wide shoulders burst everything.

>> No.8500706

overcompensating manlet detected

>> No.8500765

>even smaller girls keeps mirin my fits and confidence
>fucking taller qts feels weird
>hard to find clothes that fit, tho japs stuff fits me okay
>easy to lose and easy to gain weight

Mixed feels really, but i can make out with tiny qts and don't make them feel out of place and maybe have a gymnast son someday.

>> No.8500868
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>he doesnt want grandchildren


>> No.8501003
File: 105 KB, 345x313, YesPlease.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 5'10
>tfw king of manlets

>> No.8501015
File: 90 KB, 933x960, 1384260457128.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>can never wear ILU pants cause they all dropcrotch
>can never wear parkas

just end my fucking life

>> No.8501022


i'm asian and lemme tell you, it sure as fuck ain't 5'6. avg for asians is about 5'9 but if you want to include 90 year old grandparents with spine problems then go ahead.

>> No.8501030

>not wanting to be 6'3"

>> No.8501041

lol asian delusions

>> No.8501044
File: 44 KB, 453x576, really.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Listen bro, I was being nice with 5'6" IRL in Chicago, I rarely see an asian male over 5'4" and that's young guys. I wouldn't be surprised if the average for the new generation is somewhere closer to 5'2".

>> No.8501051

Bro I live in Australia, are you jesting me? Because a 5'4 asian is maybe one in 50, def not common.

>> No.8501058

asian australians are different than asian americans? crazy dude.

>> No.8501064

really? im 5'6 and live in a heavily asian area (bay area) and it seems like every other asian is consistently taller than me by at least a few inches; most of my friends are 5'10+ too

fuck theres even a large number of asian girls who tower over me

>> No.8501069

I'm not jesting, asians are short as fuck here. There's a reason in all american movies you guys are portrayed as midgets. It's not some elaborate ruse.

>> No.8501076

>asian australians are different than asian americans

lol, you are retarded if you believe that. +asians in the US if anything, have more reason to be taller cause of all the hormones you people pump into your food.

>> No.8501078

That's weird as fuck bro. I see probably 1/1000 asians that are my height but then again I'm 6'3".

>> No.8501081

>tfw 5'7
>tfw skinny fat
>tfw near sighted
>tfw small dick
>tfw autistic

>> No.8501083

you're not very good at reading comprehension are you?

>> No.8501086


>> No.8501088


Was that post not meant to be sarcastic? Cuz then you're proving my point.

>> No.8501095



Chinese measured statistics, including rural malnourished farmboys. Average = 5'8.

Nice troll tho.

>> No.8501102

i'm a short girl, maybe the rules are different but i'd encourage you to just dress in whatever style you want - just pay extra attention to your silhouette

i shop in the kids section of op shops, no shame

>> No.8501107

5'8 hm. not quite 5'9 is it?

>> No.8501111
File: 29 KB, 1085x105, Screen Shot 2014-07-16 at 9.34.40.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's 5'6" clearly it's blown up like every other country blows up their heights.

>> No.8501114

>still growing

Underage b& detected

>> No.8501169

Not quite 5'2 either, fag.

>> No.8501183

calm down you little asian manlet.

>> No.8501185
File: 1005 KB, 351x263, 1377567181905.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So USA average height is really 5'7 then

>> No.8501190

No it's closer to 5'10.

>> No.8501197

No, that's blown up :^)

>> No.8501205

Why are you so mad? What's the point of defending your countries height stats? It means almost fucking nothing, and the best you'll get out of it is convincing the 14 year olds on /fa/ that you're right, if that.

>I just joined the thread.

>> No.8501206

for white males it's 5'10.5"
for black males it's 5'10"
for hispanic males it's 5'7"

according to the most recent. but this is poll is probably racist so just switch the white and black numbers.

>> No.8501210

god damn you got some tiny ass feet. I'm 5'3 with sz 7 UK feet.

>> No.8501220

Ok. I still know that asians are the shortest demographic in the US m8.

>> No.8501240

>tfw 5'6
>not asian
>lopsided ears
fuck everyone is 5'9+ where i'm from
shit is hard yo

>> No.8501251

>fuck everyone is 5'9+ where i'm from
What non asian country are you from?

>> No.8501262

>181 cm
>average male height in Sweden.
>everyone thinks your tall because immigrants around you are short fucks
>never have to worry about clothes being too long or short
>Acne jeans fit perfect

I don't know why I should feel sorry.

>> No.8501266
File: 210 KB, 350x355, marketing-delusion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everyone thinks your tall
lol right

>> No.8501267

>always thought I was 5'8
>googled some random celebrities height
>he's 5'8
>no way he's as tall as me
>turns out I converted wrong a bunch of years ago
>I'm actually 5'10

feels good but fuck living in a tall country man, everybody towers over me none the less.

>> No.8501280

fuck me in the dickhole

>> No.8501298

5'2" here, what are my options besides suicide

>> No.8501313


>> No.8501329


>> No.8501365
File: 1.48 MB, 400x275, 1405400041488.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8501367

is this bait? i can't tell if this is bait.

>> No.8501408

I'm 182 cm could I say that I'm 6 ft or am I a 5'11 manlet.

>> No.8501419
File: 12 KB, 483x100, Screen Shot 2014-07-16 at 10.49.13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8501427


>> No.8501429

um... 5.9 feet is not 5 feet 9 inches

>> No.8501432

>182 cm
5.9 feet
not 5 feet, 9 inches you fucking retard
0.97 ft ~= 11.5 inches

fucking IDIOIT

>> No.8501433

amerifats too dumb to understand their own system

>> No.8501435

fuck off cunt

>> No.8501437


Wear cuban heels and take dick in the ass, manfaglet.

>> No.8501438

Hook, line, and sinker.

>> No.8501439

who taught you how to round fagit

>> No.8501450

it doesn't matter if they can't accuratly guess a guys height to the exact inch, but they (and ANYONE) will know who is taller.
that is what matters.

for example, if a girl was a midget, and isolated to a midget only camp, but escaped, came to your mom's house and saw you, she would say "wow, you're really tall" even though you're on 5'2.

and dont be a retard and say "but some guys are too tall"
yea no shit.

>> No.8501452

>lelel I was just pretending to be retarded

Kill yourselfs

182 is just shy of 6'
180 is 5'11
an inch is 2,5cm

>> No.8501464
File: 625 KB, 2651x2073, anonsfamily.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being this new

>> No.8501477

>reaction image
wow you sure told him

>> No.8501483

I'm keeled over laughing my ass off at this thread. I can't believe how insecure you people are over a few inches. If its a troll thread good job.

>> No.8501487

I'm 5'5" and I find Uniqlo is good for my size because it's made for small framed Japanese guys

>> No.8501714

>not me i swear

>> No.8502042

>grandpa 6'5
>dad 6'5
>brother 6'5
>me 6'4
>uncle 6'3
>sister 6'
>mom 5'11
>gf 5'4

>> No.8502052


Fuck your American system. How tall am I in burgerland?

>> No.8502209
File: 21 KB, 246x200, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 5'11
How the fuck could you complain about being 6'-6'5"?
Seriously 6'4" is perfect

>> No.8502224

just short of jojo

>> No.8502233

6'4 is considered tall here. its allready lanklet mode, the land of nogains

>6'5 friend makes fun of my short height all the time
>he got bullied in school, not me
who's the insecure bitch?

>> No.8502265

you, you're posting about it on 4chan

>> No.8502282

dont sully your genes with a womanlet

do u want to have a smalldicked son

>> No.8502285

>doesn't realize american created these jokes so the rest of the world wouldn't anhero

>> No.8502294
File: 83 KB, 500x505, tumblr_m2n8087uBD1r5fi6d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8502301

>tfw 6'4

I hated it growing up because I was called lanky all the time and that made me think negatively of it. Now that I'm 24 I love it and it is probably my best 'feature'

>> No.8502307
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>killem wit the fedora meme

>> No.8502318
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>> No.8502323


>> No.8502334

on fire

>> No.8502339
File: 21 KB, 120x111, internet titan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rekt him so fast it wasnt even a contest

>> No.8503345


>> No.8503426

>you will never catch the train to the 6' and over club
5'11 feels man.

One thing I have to wonder is this: is it bad for a manlet to use cheap tricks like lifts, vertical stripes, big hair, high heels etc.?
The thought is everyone will notice these tricks and the manlet will lose out on dignity because people know he is self-conscious about his height.
BUT: doesn't everyone basically assume he is self-conscious and ripe for humiliation anyway?
It seems that there's nothing a manlet can do to project confidence. Everything he does will be ascribed to small man syndrome.
So why not use the cheap tricks? You won't fool many people's conscious minds but you might fool their reptilian brains a little bit.

>> No.8503583

>tfw 5'3
>tfw manlet
>tfw /fit/ to compensate
>tfw girls are taller than me
>tfw a 8/10 chick helped me reach a box of cereal at walmart
>tfw i hear her also qt friends laugh

should i an hero?

>> No.8503587

Height doesn't matter m8

>> No.8503595

>tfw 6'3" and kissless virgin

>> No.8503614


i want to be 6'4, because Wiz Khalifa and Snoop Dogg are 6'4.

I grew three inches in the past year, managing to go from 5'9 to 6'0, and I'm turning 19 by the end of the month. Am I going to make it, brahs?

>> No.8503621

No we need you. You make us look better in comparison.

>> No.8503628

>>tfw a 8/10 chick helped me reach a box of cereal at walmart

I laughed too hard at this.

>> No.8503643


>> No.8503658


(We're gonna make it)

>> No.8505195

buying children's clothes online

>> No.8505203

thanks, 5'6 asian here

>> No.8505211

at least that chick notices you

>> No.8505217

If I don't at least become 5'9 I'm going to become a trap

>> No.8505263

I would.

>> No.8505280

6'3 is too tall to be perfect. Even 6'2 might be too tall to be truly perfect.

>> No.8505295

I'm 182 cm, convert that into your retard measurement system if you will.

>> No.8505300
File: 67 KB, 695x540, pat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw a 8/10 chick helped me reach a box of cereal at walmart

Oh shit

>> No.8505303


>> No.8505305

what kind of cereal

>> No.8505336

yeah man, imagine yourself on my place
some chocolate nesquik

>> No.8505345


same for me, im 6'4-6'5 and was totally auschwits in HS but now by just doing cardio, push ups and pull ups ive Come to really like my proportions

>> No.8505382

6'7" masterrace in here

lol manlets should just die

ive probably fucked over 100 girls this week

all dese thirsty hoes hittin me up, i ignore em all

all because of my glorious height

manlets, why even bothers

most girls are at least 6' these days

>> No.8505445

Got a chuckle out of me, that's for sure.

>> No.8505575

How tall are your parents?
maybe there is still hope for me, I'm 18 and 5'10

>> No.8505600


My dad is 6'1 and my mom is 5'8. My younger brother(15) is 6'1, and my younger sister(17) is 5'7. I don't know anyone else in my family, much less their stats...

My mom was really deadset on getting it across to me that I'm still growing, though. She measured me to be 5'9 a year ago, which was the first time I got my height measured since I was maybe, eight, and I was satisfied with that height(since I'm beta as fuck anyways). The very next time I had to mention my height, though, my mom insisted I've grown taller than that, which was pretty annoying, so I finally measured myself days ago and now I'm 6'0.

She claimed that the body might continue growing until you reach age 24 so the both of us might grow some more.

>> No.8505610

That's nice. You've made it though, you don't need to grow more
>tfw father is 5'8, mother is around 5'5, nobody in close family taller than 5'10
I'm worried

>> No.8505620

mate i'm 5'11, but it means im 6' in basically any shoes

>> No.8505624


I don't /need/ to grow anymore, but growing more would be cool. I was actually kind of pissed I grew three inches in height at age 18 since I didn't even know what was possible, and I had no idea what my height was before then since I'm just a basement dweller and a high school dropout going nowhere, so I had no references besides my mother, whose height I had no reason to know. But then I need to get a passport, etc, hence my getting my height measured.

My mom appeared to be profoundly irritated by the fact that I was pissed off by the notion of my growing taller. In hindsight I think she might just consider our genes to be good, since my father had a full head of hair in his early 50s(which was when he died due to cancer since he smokes), and my dick size is above average. Kind of a weird thought... but /fa/ isn't my blog.

>> No.8505669
File: 852 KB, 1920x1200, 843ba7db-e817-4e99-9576-4c9dfcc35.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dude, its lower than 5'6. every race has negative trait's its cool. a girl whose 5'6 is considered a giant in Singapore she's taller than her own dad lmao and in England she's normal

>> No.8505676

>South East Asians

>> No.8505747

>tfw below average height, even in singapore
h-hold me

>> No.8505787

Damn Aseans are tiny.

>> No.8505826

are they not Asians? SE Asia is my favourite Asia

kill self

>> No.8505865

>king of manlets

why do short people get to have titles

i would rather be a king than a tall person tbh

>> No.8505914

they can barely even be classified as human

>> No.8505919
File: 23 KB, 720x363, ylDDQfF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lift your feels, bruh.

>> No.8505921

>posted a few times on soc, rated 5-6
someone put a bullet in the back of my head

>> No.8505924

I don't think my arm goes that low, is through the top of head fine?

>> No.8505931

just make it lethal with the first shot so i dont have to wiggle like a worm, ive had enough pain in my life

>> No.8506132

kek'd why don't you like them? the best food in the world is there

>> No.8506138

I got rated a 6 and I was pretty fucking happy. I guess I have more right to be happy since I'm a black guy on 4chan

>> No.8506158

Being a bigdog like myself has it benefits such as drowning in pussy. But it has some pretty severe negatives like never being able to find a shirt that fits well and being unable to wear any jeans besides straight cut

>> No.8506293

>inbetween skinny fat and skinny
>short sighted
>above average dick
>kissless virgin
>mild acne
we'll make it one day....right?

>> No.8506296
File: 76 KB, 623x396, 1203650048723.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I'm only 5'9.5''

I'm 18 though guys so I'm still growing r-r-r-r-right?

>> No.8506311

>above average dick

if anyone ever wants to have sex with me I'll probably just end up hurting them or something

>> No.8506454


When I was 18, I was about 6'. Now I'm 20 and I'm about 6'2". So it's very possible. Guys usually grow until about 21 and sometimes as late as 25.


You're not kidding anyone, just say 5'9"

>> No.8506510

how tall are your parents?

>> No.8506521

6'1-'6-3 is god tier, 6'4 is silly.

>> No.8506529

My father is about 1,80m and I'm 1,90m. My older brother is smaller than me with about 1,80m.
German master-race.

>> No.8506530

too bad ur probably ugly

>> No.8506537


>The hot ones are A L W A Y S with good-looking guys that are an inch or two taller than them
That's because the 5'6"-5'11" crew in hs/college always felt that they needed to get the best girls on their arms to make up for being short. We tallbrahs would just fuck the manlet's gf behind his back, we don't need a trophy on our arm 24/7 to feel like a man.

>inb4 lies
I'm a tallbrah that went through college and high school and you can ask anyone and they'll reluctantly admit this is the truth.

>> No.8506563

>this much autism in one post
post your face 'tallbrah'

>> No.8506599

This is the most autistic thing i've read on /fa/ in months.

>> No.8506605

>be 6'3''
>actually pretty attractive

pussy everywhere you go? nope!

>> No.8506606

pretty good looking but bad hairline, still fuk yo bitch though

>> No.8506619

Well there you go
And your mom?

I'm still searching for an example of a man who ends up being much taller than his parents, seems impossible

>> No.8506625

im 187 and my dad is like 180, not a huge difference but still. all grandparents short as fuck.

>> No.8506630


Hahahaha marks

>> No.8506639


>> No.8506668

>tfw my dad is 170cm
>tfw I'll never be 185-190 master race
everyone else is short too so im fucked

>> No.8506681

it's ok, you have a manly face so people will take you seriously

>> No.8507085

>actually pretty attractive
that's probably where you fucked up

>> No.8507274

i'm 6'0 and 1/2 inch i feel good about it

>> No.8507558

I'm 6'5 almost 6'6 w/ good facial aesthetics and an all right body, should i be happy or depressed about my height? Do tell cause i cant figure it out.

>> No.8507608
File: 122 KB, 820x547, neuer_messi-getty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw a manlet is near me

>> No.8507620

At school I saw this 5'2" dude wearing nothing but supreme

It wax a sad thing to see

>> No.8507632

I'm 5'10" and I've never been called short.

>> No.8507727

Dude, Messi is 5'7''. Also tfw 5'7'' and perfectly happy with height

>> No.8507733

Also Neuer is 6'4'' (you are the master-baiter)

>> No.8507735

i was at a billiard lounge when a group of vietnamese came in. they were all manlets. one was even shorter than me (5'2). had to think of /fit/ and /fa/ because all skellies and dressed weird as fuck.

>> No.8507756
File: 2.97 MB, 640x360, lionel-messi-goal-gif.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Messi is God. An inspiration to manlets everywhere

>> No.8507825

Messi is one of those rare examples of someone being successful because they are short.

That low center of gravity man

>> No.8507829

tfw short

>> No.8507832

That's why you are the king of manlets.

No one calls you short, but no one really sees you as a man either.

At least true manlets are remembered.

>> No.8507842

>no one sees you as a man
hows that autism going for you

>> No.8507867

>nesquik is advertised as an aid for growing children


>> No.8507871

the rope store
rope looks good on manlets

>> No.8507904

It's okay man I understand you need to defend your kin. You are their king after all

>> No.8507922

That comment was painfully unfunny, and humor can help you with women, more than just height

>> No.8507947

too bad you lack both

>> No.8507978

Tfw, good looking, and funny(hint; feels great).