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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 104 KB, 600x600, SPROa4K.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8494962 No.8494962 [Reply] [Original]

Why don't you guys have OC threads?
OC thread
Shit you made

>> No.8494967

What does this have to do with fashion?

>> No.8494968


>> No.8494970
File: 20 KB, 403x389, tumblr_n8b8rv6a5M1sqe4fso2_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fashion that you made

>> No.8495123


>> No.8496128


fuck off you spastic cunt

there's DIY threads on /fa/ all the fucking time

go back to /b/ where autists like you belong

>> No.8496161
File: 425 KB, 397x593, RO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

old OC i did

>> No.8496167

I came home from work today and I was surprised to find that Eyebrows and some of her friends had decided to trespass into my house. A few of them appeared to be under-aged and tipsy from drinking my personal supply of alcohol. Eyebrows on the other hand, was completely drunk and acting obnoxious towards her friends. While some of the girls were sitting on my couch watching The Big Lebowski, Eyebrows was standing behind the couch fingering her asshole from underneath her skirt then putting her finger up to the noses of her friends as she chuckled asking them to smell her finger. Every time one of the girls whimpered about the putrid scent emitting from her finger, Eyebrows would laugh almost uncontrollably and burp loudly. What the hell is wrong with this kid? I thought to myself. I decided that she and her friends would have to spend the night because I don’t want a bunch of kids going home and getting me in trouble for underage drinking, so I went upstairs to fetch a couple of pillows and blankets.

>> No.8496170

When I came back down to my living room, Eyebrows had stripped everything with the exception of her panties and was on top of my coffee table doing the Dude’s dance from the gutter ball scene where he waves his arms around his head to “Just Dropped In” the Kenny Rodgers version. I found her dance to be quite amusing, in the way that one would find watching a mentally disabled walrus flopping around the beach amusing. I noticed no one else was enjoying the show; all of her friends looked revolted and were pinching their noses. As I approached them to see what the issue was, a pungent odor of what I can only describe as tuna mixed with rancid milk hits me. I gag noisily and look around to see where the smell is coming from, that’s when I notice a light green spot of gunk on the front of Eyebrow’s panties underneath her vulva. The poor girl must have been fucking with sieg, trunks, or some other foul creature and contracted an STD I told myself. Eyebrows continued the little dance unbeknownst to her of the repulsive looks on the faces of her friends around her. Pinching my nose like my other uninvited guests, I pulled Eyebrows down from the coffee table and told her to go take a shower. Still drunk, she fumbled a bit down the hallway towards the restroom. I had to go with her to make sure she sat in the tub so that she wouldn’t slip and get herself killed. I let the water run and went to accommodate the other girls.

>> No.8496172

After getting the girls to bed, I returned to the restroom to the sight of Eyebrows defecating in my tub. I began yelling at her asking if she had been a premature birth or born with lack of oxygen as the reason why her brain did not function correctly. She began to cry and burp loudly then began to throw up - she was in for quite a hangover in the morning. I then remembered of the girls sleeping in the living room so I apologized to her and told her to quiet down - she cheered up rather fast. I went over to my sink cabinet and found some Vagisil that had been left over from when Alekzia came to visit. I put on a pair latex gloves and helped Eyebrows apply some Vagisil to her genitalia. I threw her panties in the washing machine and told her she would have to go commando until they were finished drying and gave her my bathrobe to wear. I scooped the turds out of my bath tub noting to myself that I should tell Eyebrows to chew her food more thoroughly because there were visible chunks of chicken nuggets in her feces. I went back into the living room to check on the girls, Eyebrows was nowhere to be seen. I rolled my eyes letting out a sigh and decided to let her fend for herself. I went up to my room closing the door behind me, when I turned on the light I found Eyebrows snuggled on top of my bed fast asleep. I grinned to myself thinking of God’s peculiar sense of humor that he would allow a creature such as Eyebrows to exist. I turned off the light, reached for my laptop, got comfortable in my chair, and then posted in an Eyebrows thread.

>> No.8496179

>transfer into a 4 year university in the fall
>Start to meet a bunch of new people, hear rumors about a girl
>There's a girl who is notorious in school for being a total bitch, but she's drop dead gorgeous
>the girl is a 22 year old dirty blonde, with decent size tits and ass, she has an athletic body and every man wants her
>she has a very cold personality, men try their luck to get with her and she shoots them down
>she has never had a boyfriend but also has never slept around
>I have this blonde in my english class, I sit in the back near the window, she sits on the opposite corner of the room, I steal quick glances at her as she doesn't even notice me
>this goes on for several weeks, I always look at her, but she never notices me

>been lurking effay since 2010, consider myself an oldfag, never posted a fit but I've become very knowledgeable, I win all of my internet arguments on here
>one day I decide to post in a WAYWT, draped in rick and showing my face, my post receives a lot of positive replies
>go to English class that afternoon, glance at the blonde
>suddenly the girl turns and looks at me, I nervously look away – this is the first time she’s noticed me
>try to look at her again, she's glaring at me.
>look down at my notebook, I can still feel her eyes on me, I notice her stare from the corner of my eyes
>has she noticed that I stare at her all the time? But why would she take interest in me? Why does she care if I look at her, she’s used to male attention?
>class ends. Since I sit in the back corner I'm the last one to leave the room.
>walk down the hallway and hear a "hey"
>turn around, it's her. The blonde, she’s calling out to me.

>> No.8496184

>Hand shaking, I clutch at the strap of my backpack.
>gaze into her light blue eyes and mutter a slight “..h-hi.”
>”…so” she says, “ I saw your post on effay today.”
>I freeze up in disbelief that she actually lurks /fa/
>”I suspected you lurked by the way you dressed,” she says with a condescending glare, “fuccboi.”
>my heart sinks into my chest
> I become embarrassed
>a group of students overhear the fuccbomb and turn their interests to us
> the girl I’ve obsessed over the past weeks is about to openly humiliate me because I lurk /fa/
>suddenly, the grin on her face disappears and she lets out a tender giggle
>”I’m just joking with you, anon.” she smiles, “I’ve always wanted to meet someone who also goes on /fa/; you’re the first person I’ve met from there!”
>I look at her in disbelief
>the group of students look confused but assume that I’ve started to hit on her and have mad game
>”so hey, anon. Why don’t you come over to my place and we can troll on /fa/ for a while!”
>mfw I’m about to make friends with the most beautiful and notorious girl in school all because of my post on /fa/
>accept her invitation, walk away with her
>overhear from the group of students, “woah did that guy just manage to pick HER up!?”
>the blonde overhears as well, she glances up at me and smiles

>> No.8496187

>we walk into her apartment
>it’s a cozy studio apartment that’s decorated in a minimalistic fashion
>she walks over to her bed, lying on it she pulls out a laptop from underneath her pillow
>”come over here anon, lie next to me”
> I snuggle up beside her as she logs onto /fa/
>”let’s go into the WAYWT to see the new posts since we’ve been away” she says
>a bunch of fuccbois posting as usual, I tell her to move over and let me type
>I blow the fuccbois out of the water as usual with my razor sharp wit, the blonde laughs all the while
>”you’re so funny anon, but you should be kind to the fuccbois, they will never get anywhere in life”
>we both laugh, looking at one another
>our eyes lock, once again I am staring into her gorgeous sky-blue eyes
>”promise me you’ll stay with me forever.” She pleads, “I’ve been waiting for a man like you a very long time.”
>I know what comes next, she closes her eyes and leans her head towards me
> …th-thanks /fa/

>> No.8496201


no problem dude

>> No.8496205

>Eyebrows was standing behind the couch fingering her asshole from underneath her skirt then putting her finger up to the noses of her friends as she chuckled asking them to smell her finger

Anon, wtf is this?

>> No.8496207
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>> No.8496217

I see. The author of that fiction should get a Nobel prize in Literature, seriously.

>> No.8496232

I saw Rick Owens at le supermarché in Paris yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything.

He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”

I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen refrigerated sandwich au fromage in his hands without paying.

The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Monsieur, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.

When she took one of the sandwiches and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each sandwich and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.

>> No.8496251

This happened to me Friday. Going to lightly summarize the conversation.
>start summer class instantly notice a girl who is SZ tier
>she is sitting in class dressed in RO and AnnD
>she instantly notices me too as I am wearing geobaskets
>she is a petite blonde girl with a cute face and very giggly
>but we spend the entire week without talking, I notice that she looks at me often - she sits opposite corner of room in front so I notice her turning back at me
>finally this Friday, girl gets put in my group with 2 other people who are awkward and quiet (Asians)
>she introduces herself and smiles at me
>eventually we finish our group assignment
>I am sitting relaxed and quiet, she is staring at me, and finally she musters up the courage and says
>”h-hey! I noticed you’re wearing those awesome Rick Owens sneakers! How much did they cost?”
>appalled by her stupidity and petty attempt to begin conversation I answer regardless
>One grand.
>”whoa! *giggle* I know some people who would never spend that much on sneakers, I bet you make bank at your job!
I‘m unemployed.
>*giggle* “oh! You must know how to manage your money then, I bet you drive a smart car too Mcsmarty pants.” – She really did say mcsmarty pants.
Actually I don’t own a car, I take the bus it’s cheaper
>”what, you can afford those sneakers but not a car?”

>> No.8496259

I go off on a tangent: It’s not that I can’t afford a car; it’s the fact that I have to spend money on a car to maintain it, where I can simply spend less and reach my destination just fine on the bus. Thus, I can afford to indulge in my personal hobbies.
>”sorry! I didn’t mean to pry; I often talk to people like I’ve known them forever some times. You’re really cool though. I’ve never met a guy who is into avant-garde fashion designers. Also your choice of words is blowing my mind! *giggle*
Honing in on that last part with a serious tone and a cold gaze I look at her and say “sounds like you need to read a book”
>her blissful expression fades as she slumps back in her chair in disbelief of what I just said, she swallows her saliva then attempts to regain her composure, but it’s too late, I can see it in her face and in her body language, she is visibly shaken up. My open hostility knows no bounds; I caught her completely off guard. She is below me now.
>Meanwhile the Asians are sitting completely oblivious next to us as they have no means to identify social behavior.
>She reaches for her phone and goes outside, then class ends, as I walk out the door I see her standing next to the class with her hair in front of her face and her head slumped over looking towards the ground, phone by her side.
On the bus ride home I grew erect, I felt a sense of fulfillment in depriving her of a positive experience with her first encounter of a guy who, as she put it, “is into avant-garde fashion” That night I masturbated profusely to the thought of her and I making love also to the thought of her being gang banged by a bunch of scrawny models in gothninja attire. I suppose this last part isn’t really necessary but it feels great to relieve myself through writing. Going to have class again this Monday, I wonder what she’s gonna do or say.

>> No.8496264
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>> No.8496268

eyebrows you are honestly the ugliest fucking incestrous looking cunt ive ever seen in my time on the internet, your face looks like my cousins friends disabled grandads gurned jaw. your face looks like a prehistoric cavewomans botched operation..I don't even know why your parents conceived you, they are selfish tbh, why would ugly as fuck parents bring a human life into the world and know that this life will be on the path of failure. its just PURE selfishness, your lips pout out like a prolapsed arsehole. you look like a cavewoman slash oompa loompa hybrid. honestly, why was you even born? you are dumb as fuck, ugly as fuck and just a boring indepth piece of shit. i would love to know what kind of thoughts you think off when you're alone. probably shit like "whens my chicken nuggets done" and stupid shit like that because you are not capable of thinking of anything more intelligent because ur brain is strained. you look like a citizen of chernobyl reactor explosion, you took the radiation up your asshole and now you look like you do. shit son, you fucking ugly as fuck kid. why do you even live? --- biggest mystery known to man. you look like a fuckking feral ghoul from fallout 3 everytime i see your caveman face i get a little bit scared that i will get killed by feral ghouls. seriously, what the fuck is wrong with your face? explain to me, because i honestly dont think you are human, you are a poorly made robot, you was prob made by dell or something as an experiment and the creators gave you the ugliest features known to man.. kid. i swear i just cannot believe it, people like you should be lined up and shot onthe spot so you dont pollute the gene pool, you fucking abomination kid. i wish that happen, never have kids weeabo cavewoman because you will cause a lot of unhappiness and depression, you absolute ugly fuck, you disgusting fucking chernobyl creature, mutant fuck, you an extra in the x-men bitch? die kid, die.

>> No.8496276
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>logs onto /fa/

>> No.8496283
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>> No.8496287
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>> No.8496289

nice meme, bro

>> No.8496295

I haven't seen this pasta before.

>> No.8496296

well im done thanks for reading

>> No.8496297

Nice, you broke the no reply streak.

>> No.8496310
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Any time, friend.

>> No.8496319
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>> No.8496325

Look at you /fa/gifts. All you do is sit on the computer and get mad when I spam your shitty board. If I ever met one of you in real life I would beat the fuck out of you just to teach you a lesson about how you are wasting your already pathetic life. I get so much pussy. I am having a threesome in the shower right now on my waterproof laptop which I made myself. Do you even lift? /fit/ would have a field day with you scrawny bitch boys.
Me and my boys caught some kid at school with an /fa/ lunchbox, we beat the fuck out of him with our huge muscles. I then smashed the lunchbox and pissed on the ashes. I was doing him a favour, he was wasting his life, he will thank me one day. You are all such ugly little nerds. I once fucked a girl so hard that she died. None of you losers will ever accomplish anything like this because you are at home everyday playing video games and fapping.
Oh and in case any of you faggots didn't know, my dad is an FBI commander and my mum is a CIA commander. They let me get away with anything so don't bother trying to report me. My dad even said that if I behave well he will contact moot and get him to delete this board for me on my next birthday

>> No.8496328
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>> No.8496332


>> No.8496334
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>> No.8496340
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>> No.8496355
File: 66 KB, 1172x1087, OCdontsteal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made this the other day

>> No.8496364
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>> No.8496372
File: 608 KB, 872x906, goobs hurt families.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8496374

my dad wanted someone who can play an instrument and handle his liquor

that's what he got

>> No.8496378

>>Meanwhile the Asians are sitting completely oblivious next to us as they have no means to identify social behavior.
top lel

>> No.8496410

> I making love also to the thought of her being gang banged by a bunch of scrawny models in gothninja attire
I know what I'm gonna request on /d/rawthreads next

>> No.8496491

>generic looking teenage midwest emo listening stupid face
>matt "hymen buster" lelders
>chernobyl explosion shit

these keks cannot be undone

>> No.8496512

That was the best part

>> No.8496521
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>> No.8496587


>> No.8496608
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>> No.8496650
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>> No.8496657


presenting my new song: these keks can't be undone.mp3

>> No.8496659

that's a pretty sick tiger decal m8

>> No.8496718


>> No.8496726

enjoyed and saved/10

>> No.8496729


this is fucking great

>> No.8496737

ayy lmao

>> No.8496920

dafuq, did you make this?

>> No.8497027

Sometimes I watch Jay And Silent Bob movie scenes and pretend Jay is Rick Owens

>> No.8497189


not really. I just bought a jacket and sowed the patch on