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/fa/ - Fashion

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8491801 No.8491801[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

ITT: celebrities who are said to be hot but are ugly as sin

>> No.8491806
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>> No.8491816

>implying people don't realize richard owens doesn't look like an old women that works out

>> No.8491824
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>> No.8491825
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-grabs him by the throat- back the fuck off!?!?

>> No.8491831

Cara looks fantastic during shoots but then looks like she has no neck in candid pictures

>> No.8491833

Who said she's hot?

Pedofiles on /b/?

Good job being brain washed by the internet faggot....

>> No.8491836

>gay for a gross old tranny with bad clothes

ayyyy rachel owens lmao

>> No.8491839

who the fuck is it anyway full eyebrows are so 2013

>> No.8491840
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>richard owens

>> No.8491843

is that Arya Stark ?

>> No.8491847
File: 1.03 MB, 300x202, 1376607679599.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

-stabs him in the balls- i said BACK THE FUCK OFF!?

>> No.8491851

i hate her so much >:|

>> No.8491857

that little girl from game of thrones

>> No.8491860

why do people think it's funny to write like this?

>> No.8491861

lol it's like he didn't even wanna kiss her

>> No.8491865

spoken by virgin autismo anon

you're really bad at reading people too

>> No.8491866

sorry about ur autism

>> No.8491873

>crying irl about renee owens being a hacky old woman faggot

>> No.8491874

>having autism irl

wow m8 watch out

>> No.8491875

hi tricky ricky

>> No.8491881
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>> No.8491886

>aspie autist calling ppl autistic

sorry ur hero is a talentless played out tranny and now ur butthurt


>> No.8491890

Are you serious? She's hot as fuck.

>> No.8491892

maybe for ugly guys with no standards...

>> No.8491894


she only looks good after her pictures have been photoshopped to hell and back

>> No.8491897

It's obvious that Rick doesn't even like her. There was no passion or a shred of want in that kiss. Fuck you and eat a bag of dicks, you stinking kike pissant.

>> No.8491901

No, Cara is beautiful. She's an acquired taste though, one day you will appreciate her.

>> No.8491903

yeah i'll appreciate her when i let the fashion industry brainwash me into thinking 4/10s are hot

>> No.8491904
File: 45 KB, 259x300, Jennifer-Lawrence-259x300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This, so much.

>> No.8491906

Cara is hot by IRL standards, especially IRL british standards. Too bad she's a boring model who only gets jobs because her friend's mommy works at an agency. I doubt you'd have a chance with her even if she wasn't famous.

>> No.8491909

looks like a fucking monkey
>b-but aesthetics
nice damage control, she's ugly

>> No.8491911

Unadulterated autism. I can understand that maybe you don't think she's that good looking but there is no way she's a 4/10

>> No.8491913

ITT threads that don't belong on /fa/

more like the opposite the only people who like cara are newfags, how many people "grew out" of her since her debut??

she's a 7
what are you though
an actual 4?

>> No.8491915


I never understood all the love for her.
She can't act and her face is fat

>> No.8491916

She's a supermodel for a reason. Trust me, if she was just a normal person and you met her in the street, you would shit yourself and never forget it.

>> No.8491917

so carafanbois this is your defense?

>lol you're ugly!!

that doesn't refute that she is not attractive

>> No.8491922

Agreed on that Cara thing. I just don't see it. I guess she's kinda cute, but that's about it. Really, just about most models look like trash, especially European models. Weird ass jawlines/facial structures, funky lips, always have something weird going on with their eyebrows.. They just look like a big mess to me. And doesn't help that they're typically modeling some shitty looking clothes.

My vote for people sene as attractive but aren't at all is Benedict Cumberbach(looks like a potato-lizard hybrid), Matt Smith (big ass forehead with no eyebrows), and Channing Tatum.

>> No.8491926

She had potential to be attractive when she was younger, but goddamn she grew up to be potato faced as fuck.

>> No.8491931
File: 338 KB, 1790x2689, 1404719136132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think this girl is also an example

Let's hope it's just an awkward stage she's going through

>> No.8491933

Whom are you referring to dear?

>> No.8491936

People like Lawrence and Delevingue aren't "bombshells". They aren't even crazy hot in a weird way like Angelina Jolie or Sophia Loren were..they're just girls who are attractive enough and have the right measurements to be actresses/models.

And so because they aren't outrageously attractive in a very generic way, people will say they aren't "hot" even if they would easily call these people hot if they met them at work or something.

>> No.8491942

i hate cara as a model and a personality and always have, from day 1 when most of /fa/ was feuling those cara threads i was one of the few who spoke out
not only is she boring to look at in pictures but she cant even walk so its obvious her fame is all connections as some other anon said

but to the point i don't have to like a model to know they are WAY above average and WAY out of your league

>> No.8491944

Arya Stark, don't know the actresses name. OP pic.

>> No.8491951
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sorry, but..

>> No.8491954
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>> No.8491956

>I think this girl is also an example
She looks fine in that picture. Profile pics are usually most flattering but even normally she looks fine. Honestly what are you people complaining about. Let me see about 1000 candid photos of you and see how great you look all the time.

>> No.8491957

>implying Angelina Jolie was ever crazy hot

>> No.8491968

this is true. the makeup artists and designers still make her look hot though

>> No.8491970
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>> No.8491973

when you've known eachother for a long time, not every kiss has to be passionate for it to be meaningful and loving.
Looks like he was listening to something while kissing her. Maybe he thought about something she said 3 seconds before the kiss.
You're an idiot.

>> No.8491982

>implying she wasn't
You're proving my point. Back in the day, there were people who didn't like Loren either. Must still be.

Just because you don't think Jolie was ever a bombshell doesn't mean most people agree with you.

>> No.8491983

>insists renee owens isn't gay tranny

>> No.8491985

>kissing out of habit and not out of desire

yeah, that's not love

>oh we're in public let's hold hands i guess because that's what couples do
>oh is it time to have sex now? oh ok

>> No.8491988

Find me a picture of her when she was younger that proves she is a bombshell. I've been unable to find one.

>> No.8491992

Cara Delevingne
Chloe Moretz
Scarlett Johansson
Jennifer Lawrence

>prove me wrong

>> No.8491994

>unflattering expression shot from a movie where she's basically supposed to be abused and insane
That remake sucked btw. And she still doesn't even look nearly as ugly as most girls her age do (go to a local high school and look at ALL the girls, not just the ones you WANT to look at)

So yeah, why don't actresses look perfect all the time like my animes?

But the internet is where faceless people make snap judgements based on a picture of 1 second in time. Hey, this guy is basing his ridiculous assumptions on a GIF instead of just a still image! We're making progress!

>> No.8492002

There's nothing to prove, and no need to prove anything. She is known as a bombshell. Why do you think I'm going to look for a picture that will give you an erection? You're nasty.

So the only contributions to this thread have been by one (cowardly) person? Unsurprising.

>> No.8492017

Scarlett Johansson will be my future wife.

>> No.8492021

>There's nothing to prove, and no need to prove anything. She is known as a bombshell. Why do you think I'm going to look for a picture that will give you an erection? You're nasty.

Didn't think I'd get a hot pic.

>> No.8492022

>Scarlett Johansson will continue to fuck men who are infinitely more handsome and successful than I am while I look at photos of girls who would never want to meet me

>> No.8492026


>> No.8492027

I am content with this.

>> No.8492039

dis niqqa delusional A'F

>> No.8492044

loooooooong chin
She looks like Ellen Degeneres in this pic

>> No.8492048

>prove me wrong

the burden of proof is on u cunt

>> No.8492054

as much as I hate to admit it, I think Cara is pretty damn cute. Her try-hard funny faces get to to me and she seems like she'd be fun to party with

>> No.8492058

she looks like the type of girl that would keep talking about the really good party she was at the other week and how many drug she did then laugh to herself

>> No.8492059

>/fa/: where people think life is a GQ magazine
>OP is a bundle of sticks

>> No.8492063

Yeah but quite often you see some real qties out in the street and you cant help but think.

Scarlett is still GoAT tho

>> No.8492089
File: 24 KB, 612x612, Frances-Bean-frances-bean-cobain-32481345-612-612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8492096
File: 84 KB, 600x914, Kiernan-Shipka-in-Preen-by-Thornton-Bregazzi-British-Fashion-Council-and-Stylebop.com-Celebrate-London-Style-Suites-2-600x914.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8492098


this shit dude, she's a fucking cow. I don't understand how anyone finds her of all people attractive. She's the only celebrity I cannot wrap my head around.

>> No.8492104

I didn't call you ugly. Re read my post.

>> No.8492124
File: 45 KB, 500x266, one-direction-brit-awards-2014-backstage-1392848312-large-article-0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one erection. ugh.

along with that, channing tatum, brad pitt, 5 secs of summer, and justin beaver. they all have weird faces.

for girls, taylor swift. her eyes are weirdly small, and she's always doing those fake-happy "OMG" expressions. idk her face kind of scares me.

>> No.8492129
File: 204 KB, 1600x1200, zooeydavechapelle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

number one in my book

>> No.8492130

cuz white girl with tits = popular in 'murica

>> No.8492131

Her mouth is huge like Thomas Mueller, but she isnt half as sexy as he is

>> No.8492134

seconding taylor swift. her face just bothers me

>> No.8492136
File: 513 KB, 2368x1535, er2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

scarlett johansson is actually hot and doesn't belong in this thread.

>> No.8492146


Thora was the real qt in that film

>w2c Raptor shirt

>> No.8492147

Yes, its Maisie Williams

>> No.8492149

gtfo, she's the most beautiful woman alive.

>> No.8492165

>fucking cow
She's not fat at all. Not even 'curvy fat' aka Christina Hendricks from mad men. She has ample bust and isn't skinny, but isn't overweight either.

She's been in countless european movies, so I'm not sure why you think only americans would find her hot.

>> No.8492172

>Yeah but quite often you see some real qties out in the street and you cant help but think.
Seeing someone on the street in passing is nothing like the scrutiny a celebrity faces. You don't see hundreds of photos of them from any angle at any situation. You just walk by them. You don't really know how attractive someone is or how attractive they look under these conditions when you just walk by them.

>> No.8492195

Christina Hendricks > this cow

>> No.8492201
File: 79 KB, 800x1000, Ryan-Reynolds-ryan-reynolds-9530023-800-1000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Scarlett Johansson

If she's hot enough for Ryan Reynolds she is hot enough for you.

>> No.8492230

Scarlett johansen has sex appeal like no one else

But objectively she's not that hot, it's weird

>> No.8492231

So how is Johansson a cow while Hendricks is not? What separates them besides your fickle picky self?

>> No.8492238

is that a boy?

>> No.8492246



>> No.8492250


>> No.8492257
File: 21 KB, 515x378, hackers_7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


that movie was the exception

kind of like angelina jolie in hackers.

She ugly AF but was cute in that one movie.

>> No.8492268

the difference is neither would fuck him in a million years

>> No.8492279

>She's highly attractive and everyone knows it but me
seriously post a picture of yourself pointy elbows san

>> No.8492302

go away taylor swift

>> No.8492326

nah shes the hottest and u know it

>> No.8492332

jolie and loren got nothing on the beauty that is cara

>> No.8492344


I like her.

All pedo aside

>> No.8492354
File: 27 KB, 460x276, Angelina-Jolie-008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Why do I have to be more attractive than her to say she's not attractive? Food critics aren't chefs, movie critics aren't directors, etc.

Angelina jolie is not hot, her lips are gigantic, her jaw is ridiculous and she has so much botox it could hold your mothers breasts up.

>> No.8492386
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>> No.8492390


>> No.8492394
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maybe its a love/hate thing

>> No.8492408

nah, i'm good

>> No.8492416
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>> No.8492424
File: 20 KB, 480x360, 0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>high cheekbones
>wonderfully sculptured chin and jaw esthetics
>best cocksucking lips I've ever seen
(made me have a fetish for big lipped girls since i saw her in hackers)
>cute nose
>fierce eyes

should I go on?
even if you don't like her life and personality and anything else there are hard facts

>> No.8492425

Ryan Reynolds is also one of those overrated celebs.
He's like a ripped 6.42/10

>> No.8492429

I don't find her attractive either, but you can't deny that she's an excellent actress. I wouldn't fuck Dustin Hoffman or Peter Sellers, and the same applies with her.

>> No.8492465

zayn tho

>> No.8492475

>le make funny faces because i'm deeply insecure XD

>> No.8492478


She has to be the biggest poseur of all time.

>> No.8492484

i've fapped to that scene so many times

>> No.8492497


You arguing objectivity on a subjective topic. Like, think about what you're doing.

>> No.8492500


*You are

>> No.8492503

>tiny Greta Gerwig

>> No.8492513


giiiirl, jolie is incredibly fucking hot. don't even pretend she isn't.

>> No.8492517

youve never had a long term girlfriend

>> No.8492530


This. She looks like a fucking Neanderthal.

>> No.8492531
File: 29 KB, 125x95, Screen Shot 2014-07-15 at 12.19.49 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

listen to yourself, implying that its all subjective hurrdurr.

there is nothing in this world that cannot be deduced to it's simplest for.
I'm not talkin' about your ugly mug not having a big selection with women and preferring the girl next door because that's the only kind you'd ever had a chance with

beauty is nothing airy fairy that cannot be understood. I'm not gonna tip more characters to waste on you, i ad homie yo as n gtfo

>> No.8492532

i know right. ugly people do this a lot

i don't know why

>> No.8492536

Epic thumbnail, I like it.

>> No.8492537

you've never been in love

>> No.8492546

>tfw you wished and hoped and prayed she would do a similar scene in her tomb raider outfits


>> No.8492550


lol I'm not even the guy you're arguing with. There's no science in beauty and attraction. You can't break a good looking face into its constituent parts and say it's attractive because of this or that or the sum of those parts. It doesn't work that way. Look at this very thread. Some people find some of the women itt attractive and others don't. If attractiveness had a formula and it were objective everyone would agree, but they don't. I'm not sure how you don't get this, but then again you type like a dropout and save thumbnails so...

>> No.8492625

Watch your fucking mouth, nerd
She fine as hell

>> No.8492633
File: 15 KB, 102x68, Screen Shot 2014-07-15 at 12.31.34 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

social conditioning and more importantly there is a level of girl a man feels he is entitled to and usually -who am I kiddin'- ALWAYS ends up with what he thinks he deserves.

it's like art you monkey you couldnt tell a monet apart from an sisley because understanding something complex takes actually doing it and learing like mathematics, you-re like a child who's saying he can into trigonometry without actually understanding what the fuck is going on.

>> No.8492652

>If attractiveness had a formula and it were objective everyone would agree, but they don't.

no you know what would happen? mas suicide.
you don't seem to grasp the concept of having some things left to be undefined so that ugly morons may live,.. and may even realize that beauty comes from within, ascetics not tho'

>> No.8492666

She was never hot. I hate it when ppl insinuate she looks hot in the media.

>> No.8492668
File: 177 KB, 500x500, 225266-lorde.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8492705

even if you don't think she's hot, that is way off.

>> No.8492711

This, so hard. I always say she has a fat girl face and she's a boring actress

>> No.8492720

her face, specially when she smiles, deeeeply perturbs me. there's something weirdly plasticky about it. Like her face was covered in slices of american cheese then painted over. weirdly melty.

>> No.8492722

I've never seen anyone call Lorde hot.
I think she's cute though.

>> No.8492727

1) Move to a big city
2) Go outside

>> No.8492730

low-rent emma watson baby

>> No.8492733
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this is the only example i've seen where she looks attractive imo

>> No.8492734


>> No.8492737

/b/ and /mu/ seem to find her attractive
Grimes, too

>> No.8492738


What is she doing with that pen? Is she implying oral sex on a male.

>> No.8492746

Damage control.
I honestly don't get how people on /fa/ think being skinny with no muscle mass and awkwardly placed body fat is attractive

>> No.8492750

She still has a fat girl face, but I think that's just her face.

She's not ugly, she's just the result of PR selling her as some sexy bombshell when she's not.

>> No.8492754

This chick is actually hot though. Those fat lips.

>> No.8492761

> skinny with no muscle mass and awkwardly placed body fat
>tfw that sounds like my perfect husbando

>> No.8492762
File: 268 KB, 1600x1120, Lorde_Royals.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


She should hire someone to help her with makeup on a daily basis...

>> No.8492767

Nigga if you don't think Jolie was hot your standards are fucked up. You're prob a neckbeard too.

>> No.8492779
File: 89 KB, 634x781, 1361794719078.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>She can't act

>> No.8492782

ya if you're into bestiality

>> No.8492796

>>Delusional uglies hating on successful attractive people

>> No.8492802

More like white girl with ass. The tit obsession is starting to fade.

>> No.8492804

Oh yeah, I forgot the Oscars totally aren't a political machine.

Awards don't mean anything, man.

>> No.8492805

because all of the racial minorities like DA BUTT and also because finding a skinny girl with big breasts who also has a pretty face isN't getting easier.

>> No.8492809

>Brad Pitt
I'm straight and even I think this guy looks good.

>> No.8492816

thats called shit tier UK genes

>> No.8492818


Ok then we'll have to trust your superior acting judgment.

>> No.8492822

maisie is not attractive

>> No.8492832


The reason people(nerds) love her is that she's a girl who doesn't 'act like a girl', she's 'one of the guys' et cetera. I.e people love her because she's spineless and has shit opinions also they think she's a nerd

>> No.8492837

She was hot in Lost in Translation, but the more Hollywood got to her (and the more she got sexualized), the less hot I thought she was.

>> No.8492844

All I said was the Oscars are a sham, I never said I was better than anyone or had better taste.

>> No.8492855

butthurt /fit/izen detected

>> No.8492865

That's because /mu/ has some of the ugliest and most beta faggots on all of 4chan. Like, SJWs are a regular thing there. It's fucking sad.

>> No.8492878

She has little dolphin teeth
And a piglet nose
Beautiful eyes and eyebrows though
But then of course a sloth neck

>> No.8492883
File: 177 KB, 1600x1000, taylor_swift_20090209_1097.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This should be the top nominee. Not even remotely hot. Just a regular looking girl. If I saw her at a party I'd probably try to get with her friend instead of her. Though I understand she makes music so it shouldn't even be about how hot she is.

>> No.8492891

Not at all. 100% straight but he's an attractive guy. Watch Just Friends and tell me he couldn't pull your girl bitch.

>> No.8492896

Love is short term. Long term relationships can't be on fire all the time or they burn out.

>> No.8492899


You forgot to mention the near perfect feminine bone structure of her face.

>> No.8492902

what the hell?
how can anyone deny Jolie was the hottest, and maybe not cutest, but certainly hottest woman of her time, and kinda continues to be?

>> No.8492908

>hanging with friend
>"i cant wait for lorde's new album she has such a pretty voice, i love her songs!"
>"yeah definitely"
>go play toro y moi

>> No.8492911
File: 62 KB, 656x700, jolie88.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You kidding right now?

>> No.8492914

but anon, da butt truly is the best

>> No.8492915

No, because tits are boring as shit and no one gives a fuck about them besides little boys.

>> No.8492920
File: 1018 KB, 320x300, 1356062180451.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: Opinions that I disagree with

>> No.8492928
File: 55 KB, 364x452, AJolie_16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Jolie, loli-mode.

>> No.8492930

White boys lost the ass vs. boobs race. In nonwesternized places people literally don't even treat breasts as sex objects.

>> No.8492941

She is hot as shit. Good bone structure, cute eyes and thick lips for a white girl. She's a unique hott.

>> No.8492953

By celeb standards, ya she ugly as fuck. But honestly, if I dated her I would be so proud....

>> No.8492957

Who wouldn't.

>> No.8492970

People in nonwesternized places usually have disgusting as fuck boobs though
Breasts are the best

>> No.8492972
File: 366 KB, 500x739, kumbh_mela_0213_3592_700px.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait, like...?

>> No.8492996

>be me
>25mbs internet connection; two people online
>wait five minutes for that gif to load
>so worth it

>> No.8492999

This thread should be on /tv/ not here

>> No.8493004

Her bone structure isn't that great. I still think she's pretty hot, but dude she def has some fucked up features that are overlooked because most of the time we see her modeling, or making stupid faces that cover up what she really looks like.

She has the weakest chin I've ever seen.

She DOES have many features that make her attractive, but her teeth and jaw are fucked. Her nose is def a pig nose but I think it's cute and it suits her face.

>> No.8493005

Because that's what breasts look like naturally. They aren't even that hot in the westernized ideal. They're great, but nothing to masturbate over. Ass on the other hand is universally appreciated.

>> No.8493015

Why is that? I've heard it's diet. Some people say bras make breasts prop up but apparently that's a myth.

>> No.8493022

>low-rent emma watson baby

Emma Watson is a trash bag irl, though. I didn't call her low rent because she is also a snob. So, you'll need to have as lot of money if you want to be one of the hundreds of guys that have come in her.

>> No.8493023

>She has the weakest chin I've ever seen
>implying girls need strong chins
Her chin is nice a pointy. Her face shape is pretty good.

>> No.8493026

you shut your whore mouth

>> No.8493027


>> No.8493037
File: 1.54 MB, 2448x3264, IVTQ4L5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Breasts are the best

>> No.8493078

dat nose is so shit

>> No.8493084

I think it's her chin that's ew tier.

>> No.8493100

dat ass

>> No.8493102

awful posture

>> No.8493107

>posts her when she's older and she still looks great for an older woman
jolie is a confirmed milf anon

>full size

>> No.8493108

Ain't saying no to a good ass, bruh bruh.
And either way, one without the other is pretty boring.

>> No.8493110
File: 39 KB, 950x534, jolie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're wrong

>> No.8493127

her forehead/chin are huge and her face is fat, shes so boring too

>> No.8493130

ass without tits = good
tits without ass = horrible
ass is way more important though both are great.

>> No.8493133
File: 839 KB, 1280x1028, gia1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Think Angelina is hot in spite of her stupid public image. She looks like a hungry skeleton in that picture though. Gia-era Jolie is best Jolie. As she got older her facial structure completely changed. Still pretty, but not as gorgeous as she used to be.

>> No.8493152

my 15-year-old brother listens to toro y moi all the time while he plays league of legends

I bet you think his music is so patrish tho

>> No.8493155
File: 22 KB, 261x380, star-juliaroberts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've seen her IRL a few times. She's pretty good looking. She would definitely stand out if she wasn't famous. tall, like 5'10" and sharp features. You have to remember she's also like 50 now. Gotta go back to the 90's.

>> No.8493160

She has a permanent bitch face.

>> No.8493165
File: 111 KB, 500x484, emma stone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mila Kunis
>Emma Stone
>not looking like frogs

pic related

>> No.8493181
File: 1.99 MB, 320x362, 1392965007186.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i just wish she wasn't such a fucking tryhard
i hope she gets rekt somehow for being such a bitch

>> No.8493187

pic related is you after getting rejected by a girl 1/2 as good looking

>> No.8493197
File: 704 KB, 1024x576, chiaki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>7 ▶
>pic related is you after getting rejected by a girl 1/2 as good looking
i only fuck asians anyway

>> No.8493204

Lawrence is the Julia Roberts of our generation.

>> No.8493206

mila kunis is beautiful ?

>> No.8493231

>implies autistic nerd in gothninja could ever get hot Asian gf

u jesting us m8

>> No.8493232

it's not the bone structure mang, she just lost tons of fat
the very picture you posted is evidence of that. look beyond the layer of fat on her face and the structure is identical

>> No.8493246

Are you an alien. Does that look like fat to you? You can clearly see her jawline.

>> No.8493256

Cameron Diaz
For years every tabloid news outlet have called her a sex symbol. The truth is that she's ugly as fuck. She's literally never been attractive from the time she started acting until now. Oh and she's a pretty bad actress

>> No.8493264

She's definitely thinner now, that's true. I guess I like her with a little more body fat. To me she just looks boring now. Symmetrical, nice features but boring. Before there was something really captivating and unique about her face. She's still high level though.

>> No.8493271

Yeah, she's average. Girls get a boost I guess.

>> No.8493289

I didn't say she was "fat" dumbass, but that her bf% was definitely much higher
the jawline is rounded because of fat. compare to >>8492911 where it looks much sharper, and also notice the cheekbones

>> No.8493318

I will fuck the shit out of her even if she does looks like a piglet

>> No.8493357


For me, she looks the best in that one Friends episode.

>> No.8493367


She's pretty but the quirky nerd girl persona she displays is too played out, also

>No bangs=No Zooey Deschannel

>> No.8493427


>> No.8493448

Yeah. I see women on the street everyday who look a lot better than her. Her physique is nothing special, and her face is just average

>> No.8493562
File: 953 KB, 1856x2402, donatella_versace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8493614

bah, go away
the thread says

>celebrities who are said to be hot but are ugly as sin


I doubt anyone in this world would think this piece of ugly piece of dried leather is hot.

>> No.8493626

Thank god someone agrees. Thought I was in for a flaming. Cheers anon

>> No.8493637


the fascination with those games of throne girls is so fucking fedora

every single one of them is fucking funny looking in such an offputing way. god british people are hideous

>> No.8493648

>>OP is a bundle of sticks

>> No.8493657

your mum is underrated on backpage

>> No.8493669

>She ugly AF but was cute in that one movie.
she was hot in maleficent
only time ive ever been attracted to her

>> No.8493675

>tfw thought she was kinda cute in The Mask, when she was a little heavier

>She's pretty but the quirky nerd girl persona she displays is too played out, also
>tfw hate the quirky girl persona but learned recently in meeting this one girl that I actually find it pretty damn cute
Fucking hate Zooey though. Bangs are fugly on everyone except like 3 pictures of Grimes, and bitch got a fucking man voice too

>> No.8493676

and her fucking fucking tryhard antics

>look at me teehee I'm tripping, I'm so clumsy teehee

fucking fat fuck with retarded smile smh

>> No.8493680

the fuck?? is that transexual version of emma w.?? lmaoooo

>> No.8493686

she's ok. but she's trying too hard to appear to have big boobs when in reality she only have b cup tits.

>> No.8493694
File: 44 KB, 630x450, emma-stone-read.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this fucking bitchh!!!

that voice, that freckles.

>> No.8493702

Not the dragon chick with white hair.
>implying I'm a fedorafag and know their names

>> No.8493703


she's not an aussie she's a kiwi

>> No.8493705

He voice is sexy. He face... not so much. She seems like a cool chick though.

>> No.8493796
File: 196 KB, 900x1348, 1374592092486.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Fuck you. freckles are beautiful.

>> No.8493806

u might hve reading comprehension problems, is English not your first language, or are you american perhaps?

>> No.8493822

This, lost in translation was her peak of hotness for me

>> No.8494012

She's a kiwi aye son. Don't let them kiwis hear you saying that they hate us for stealing all their shit.

>> No.8494300

the most basic of bitches

>> No.8494337
File: 37 KB, 520x394, jb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one direction have great prettyboy aesthetics minus the middle one and the blond one
channing tatum is average, classic jock
brad pitt you're objectively wrong about, i can't wrap my head around this one
5 seconds of summer are all ugly and dress like shit
justin bieber is undeniably one of the prettiest men of all time, pic related
and taylor swift is an all-american basic bitch

>> No.8494366

lmao being this dumb

>> No.8494388

>5 seconds of summer dresses like shit
Please post photos of them where they look bad. All I have seen is good thingsq

>> No.8494391

i would go as far to say she's legit ugly

>> No.8494428

google image search will reveal all m8
either dress like tryhard punk rockers or in full aus basic bitch tier shit ie black vans/cons, skinnies, maroon scoop neck tshirts

>> No.8494453



>> No.8494474


>> No.8494490


>> No.8494492


she looks like an ugly girl who saw all those traits you just listed and thought "I want those!!!" and tried to get them through cheap plastic surgery

>> No.8494500

Her forehead and nose really kills it

>> No.8494514

>I'm telling people that beauty is subjective because they don't like my waifu
Dude just get the fuck out with this subjective shit, it's already a known fact that not everyone would like the same thing. But come on man, at this point you're arguing the fact that a generally seen 1/10 can be a 10/10. I really don't want to go more into detail because this is just one of those topics that will never end

Just stop posting please.

>> No.8494521

/mu/ finds her ugly as fuck tho. Only the lowest scum of /mu/ find her attractive

/b/ is well.../b/

>> No.8494526

>popularity contests
>what is giving the fans what they want

Are the Grammy award winners the apex of music

>> No.8494531
File: 57 KB, 450x450, rihanna290414.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's gotta be rihanna for me. don't get me wrong, she has a lot of sex appeal... but she just doesn't have anything special in terms of features (aside from her ass in those recent pics), and she is always wearing an insane amount of makeup.

>> No.8494536


poor man's lisa bonet

>> No.8494537

agreed. she has an alien head and a man face.

>> No.8494538

that haircut isn't doing the vast expanse above her eyebrows any favours either

>> No.8494548

Not sure about the latter, but getting an ass can be fixed in a short amount of time if women just worked on their legs a bit


>> No.8494557

My waifu

>> No.8494609

shit just hit the fan

>> No.8494628

this isnt fashion

>> No.8494666

Someone didn't watch under the skin

>> No.8494678

>she have b cup tits
men are fucking morons

>> No.8494708

I live in south florida. A white girl + blond hair+ blue eyes+ slim figure+a pretty nice face is 1 in maybe 250-500 girls. No joke. This girl would have 25 guys behind her even if she wasn't famous.

It's a shame i like skinny white girls in a place full of fat brown women. Only the ones in south beach are hot but i'm not cool enough to hit the club/party scene often over there.

>> No.8494721
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>> No.8494807
File: 110 KB, 313x417, 1349645772200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw people think beauty is subjective.

If there were no rules to beauty you wouldn't be a virgin and these shitty actors wouldn't be multi-millionaires.

>> No.8494811
File: 53 KB, 422x594, 104133028.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sky ferreira was made for this thread. i admit she's hot but there are a few pics of her where you see that it's cause of here make up/angle of camera.

>> No.8494834
File: 138 KB, 499x750, 3534543323.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come on, she's a cutie

>> No.8494840

She's, uhh, interesting. I'll give you that.

>> No.8494933

she looks so much fun though

>> No.8494942

this so much. i hate seeing her painfully average ratface everywhere

>> No.8494960
File: 928 KB, 2802x3000, 1388365819703.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you man. She's a magnificent angel

>> No.8494973

lmao no you wont

>> No.8494982

rural redneck mug

>> No.8495203

Shes not ugly but she looks fucking average. As in, theres nothing particularly striking sbout her to warrant thr attention. Straight boring.

>> No.8495213

this tho

>> No.8495221



>> No.8495223
File: 197 KB, 1280x853, 1402398845272.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i must defend my waifu

>> No.8495226

least /fa/ opinion i have ever read

>> No.8495410

she looks like she smells bad and is really mean

>> No.8495440

everybody knows your refernces are off the hook bro, everybody knows that

>> No.8495460
File: 55 KB, 560x485, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't get why girls swoon over him, he looks like an average blue collar American

>> No.8495463

except he's a movie star...

>> No.8495464

they're not even that similar, stop samefagging

>> No.8495468
File: 63 KB, 593x960, potato.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To add to that: it's just a teenage girl.

>> No.8495480
File: 983 KB, 2157x1617, Pavlova_dessert.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

give us back the pavlova u cunts

>> No.8495484
File: 30 KB, 617x409, 2584719-21-under-21-Selena-Gomez-617-409.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't see it no matter at how many flattering pics of her I look at

>> No.8495485

That's your own bias. Learn to ascend first, and you shall lose all anger and turmoil.

>> No.8495487

doesnt change the fact shes trying so hard to make her b-c cup appear to be DD.

and men excel in every field in the world. so suck it feminist cunt. lol

>> No.8495489

So much anger in this thread. Why do people feel the need to fill in the holes in their lives with celebrity gossip and arguments over the lives of others?

Oh, right, because we're all just slightly more narcissistic /b/-tier shitheads.

>> No.8495496


this one tops emma watson, fatty jlaw and julia R

>> No.8495500
File: 23 KB, 450x350, 111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


she must be fucking superb at sucking dick

>> No.8495501

You can't be serious about the academy awards being an implication of acting skill.

>> No.8495502
File: 36 KB, 359x237, 1404534754093.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mmm, I bet we could be mean together...

>> No.8495509
File: 133 KB, 626x443, 006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey guys,
Maybe it's for the reason that some people swoon over the characters they play, and some just legitimately think they're probably wonderful people.

Prime example. Jennifer Lawrence is legitimately a nice, charitable person in real life with the "it" factor. Too bad the rest of you don't have a personality.

>> No.8495556

You sound like such a pretentious faggot

>> No.8495559

You suck dick at sucking dick

>> No.8495566

What the fuck. nobody ever says she's hot.

>> No.8495591

>Jennifer Lawrence is legitimately a nice, charitable person in real life with the "it" factor.
Srsly, how do you know?
>Too bad the rest of you don't have a personality.
True dat, still I can tell you truthfully who I consider ugly.

>> No.8495600

i give that face when attempting to not smile sometimes...

>> No.8495623

my dick

>> No.8495626


>> No.8495673
File: 270 KB, 372x422, wut.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, Jews are fucking ugly. Chosen people my butt.

>> No.8495687

fit mate. so fit.

>> No.8495709


>> No.8495721

ugh, she looks like the kind of girl u see in halifax (north england town) on a friday night, dressed in a primark dress. our girls are worse than finlands lmao.

>> No.8495736

ugly nigger with a giant forehead and martian features. if this hoe came up to my car door when I'm parked up at night and said, "ayy lmao" I would scream really loud, put it in reverse and J-turn the fuck outta there.

she's is at the cutting edge of ashkenazi jew racemixing propaganda. no surprise her label is owned by a bunch of kikes.

>> No.8495797

Jennifer Lawrence is a try hard "lol I'm so quirky xD" basic bitch

Can't stand listening to her.

>> No.8495801

Uh, yes they are.

>> No.8496292
File: 225 KB, 682x600, 1358380461735.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if this hoe came up to my car door when I'm parked up at night and said, "ayy lmao" I would scream really loud, put it in reverse and J-turn the fuck outta there.

>> No.8496322
File: 974 KB, 2100x3150, karlie-kloss-victorias-secret-angeles-body-collection-adds-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ugh, she makes me vomit

>> No.8497019

Fundraiser to buy the poor thing a top lip, anyone?

>> No.8497675

>enters a thread talking about celebrities' looks
>hey these celebs look better than normal ppl
>this will make me like a decent person who doesnt only care about looks

>> No.8497685

same but her body makes me feel that way too
so lumpy

>> No.8497692

the one ugly kid who always changes his hair color
also they all have legsthat are ltoo fat and ugly for jeans so tight

>> No.8497701

why white ppl so obsessed with tits
its not like yall have good taste in tits either
ppl love kate upton for her tits and theyre saggy and gross af

>> No.8497711

because of his looks