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File: 100 KB, 1024x768, young_leonardo_dicaprio_wallpaper-normal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8485627 No.8485627 [Reply] [Original]

What's the Name of this haircut young Leo has?

>> No.8485632

The gay cock hardener aka the 90s aren't THAT back

>> No.8485673

It aint lookin so 90s

>> No.8486914

the yung leo

>> No.8486920

Since OP made the thread shit, a better question is how to achieve?

>> No.8486957

you get a long top, short sides & back type of haircut and you grow out yr hair. you may want to get yr sides and back trimmed some times tho

>> No.8486961

Cheers, good trip.
Any comment on >>8486884?

>> No.8486985

you gotta be atleast an 8 face wise if you want to pull off that haircut

>> No.8486988

thanks :)
growing out buzzcut or crew cut for that i guess? i never tried achieving it, unlike the yung leo. it does look really immature unless yr handsome like knoch. :)

>> No.8487146


>> No.8487296
File: 21 KB, 660x199, hair_leo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8488197
File: 127 KB, 400x509, Leo 11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah sides are supposed to be pretty long so that you can comb them behind your ears

>> No.8490378

why is he eating that cigarette

>> No.8490413

when you go to light a cigarette you put it in your mouth so you can use one hand to block the wind and the other to light it, so you put the cigarette in your mouth so you can inhale the flame through the cigarette and light it with the lighter through the cigarette because both of your hands is blocking the wind and using the lighter to put the flame through the cigarette into the mouth of the flame through the wind because of the mouth holding the cigarette in place for the person to light it utilizing both hands when lighting a cigarette like yung leo is doing here

>> No.8490582

jaden: the post

>> No.8490719

>tfw you'll never look like a JRPG character

>> No.8490777

yeung boi leo

>> No.8492206

o i am laffin

>> No.8492223


>> No.8492241

It's called the idgaf I just got out of the shower look/haircut