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File: 139 KB, 640x960, have a sad cum bb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8474145 No.8474145 [Reply] [Original]

the fuccboi-ness is off the chart

>still using fuccboi in 2014

nothing else to describe it.

>> No.8474156
File: 176 KB, 640x960, sad boyrex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot link


>> No.8474314


that's one of fuccboi's shirt from his spreadshirt

>> No.8474362

Holy shit. Literal fucking autism from every single one of them.

>> No.8474386

This is a very stark contrast to what the fans here in Europe were wearing, I mean everyone here was very effay-ish but these kids just dress like memes.

>> No.8476031

Kinda sad that Lean is going to be the next Tyler the Creator with all these autists walking around wearing buckets and meme tees. Can't people just like things without being faggots about it?

>> No.8476037

uhhh i was considering going to the toronto show but yeah no

>> No.8476040


where the fuck are these people coming from wearing pyrex

literally nowhere on the internet condones pyrex

>> No.8476053

yung meme is the new dubstep you heard it here first

>> No.8476066

europe a shit

>> No.8476116

I am kinda hoping that the pyrex is fake and he is doing it ironically but the more i look into his fuccboi eyes, the more i doubt it.

>> No.8476123

come just don't wear a bucket hat

>> No.8476133

Wow looking at those pictures makes me really glad i didnt go. such a shame too since the europe shows look really fucking dope in youtube videos. looks like there are a bunch of 12 year olds there, nobodys smoking or fucked up. what a shit. maybe because people actually dress lile that and act like that in europe and in america its just seen as a joke/not norma.? seriously looks like a bunch of normal people went.

>> No.8476145

however i bet the people who went to the webster hall late show look a lot different than this

>> No.8476215

dam even ASAP Geoff went

>> No.8476224

doesnt matter. the fact that 12 year old meme kids are listening to your meme rap should give you a hint to stop listening and dressing like it.

>> No.8476230


I hate everything about this. i dont know what to say the look on his face the fucking clothes god i dont know anymore

>> No.8476237

So pretty much don't listen to anything popular ever?

>> No.8476242


i feel like there is a whole sub-culture of youth who dedicate their life to being ironic. what the fuck kind of existence is that?

>> No.8476251

it is pretty annoying that the term used to be a derogatory and now newfriends have turned it into some word thrown around to use for "noob fashion threads"

>> No.8476256


this has me feeling a bit better abt being busy during the vancouver show on the 18th.

srsly hoping the autism in that gallery was only bc it was the all-ages show

>> No.8476259

man i was really into yung lean but now i dont know anymore man, these fucking fans look so annoying

just like whats happening to vaporwave

or happened

>> No.8476262

im not going to stop doing something because 12 year olds do it to. i could never live without masturbating

>> No.8476263

yeah exactly

>> No.8476264

lmao. I would laugh at this dude on the street.

I enjoy yung lean a bit but the fans are revolting

>> No.8476271

The thing is, Yung Lean is actually too young to play in 18+ venues. He actually said in an interview one time that they got a show booked but then they contacted him/his manager/whatever and said he was too young to play his own show lol

>> No.8476295

I already bought my ticket ~_~

Anyone going to the Calgary show?

>> No.8476301


interesting. how old is he now? 17?

he's booked at a 19+ club in my city.

>> No.8476304

toronto? hoxton? C U THERE M8

>> No.8476310


im the vancouver guy above soz m8

>> No.8476512

Oh yeah I kind of fucked up in that post lol, he's 17 and basically he can play in 18+ venues BUT it has to be approved by the venue, and in one instance it wasn't

>> No.8476527
File: 851 KB, 539x966, sadboooooys.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw cant wear this out in public now because i dont want to look like one of those guys

>> No.8476918

this fuck is playing an 18+ show where i live,
dont know what the fuck he expects to accomplish by cutting out what appears to be a strong 75% of his audience by not letting the 16 year old tumblr kids into the show

>> No.8476938
File: 1.85 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think my brother saw that same nerd at Governors Ball.
Small world.

>> No.8476954

i went to the early show
dorky-looking fans aside, it was really fun
i'd say about 70% of the attendance were normal-looking people while the remainder looked like the people in the photos and either way no one cared when lean came on

>> No.8477611

you got that #SadBoy YungLEan Buckethat?

>> No.8477634

Nah Europe was Raf, Rick, BBS, Pigalle etc., shit was tight

>> No.8477641

yung lean and this whole subculture are so shitty.

>> No.8477644

holy shit all them nubile sloots

>> No.8477650
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>> No.8477660

saw two guys walking around in pyrex gear today
>in adelaide

>> No.8477663

There is, but i'd say 80% of Yung Lean don't grasp the ironic theme of it. Most of them are serious and it's scary.
But man, these photos proves Yung Lean attracts a whole bunch of degenerated people wow

>> No.8478083

I'll buy it from you m8 :^)

>> No.8478090
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>> No.8479453

seeing them tomorrow night and all this shit makes me want to sell my ticket

>> No.8479529
File: 1.20 MB, 1023x966, ilyakovalchuk12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I -I-Iyla? >>8478090

>> No.8479533


>> No.8479546

he has a bunch of 21+ shows when 90% of his fans are like 15 lmao

>> No.8479593

top kek

>> No.8480709

Is it really that hard to rotate a picture?

>> No.8481189

this guy has the looks to be fa but what the fuck is he doing?

>> No.8481234

i think its fucking funny. why cant you just laugh its funny bro

>> No.8481506
File: 135 KB, 640x427, YungLean-noisey-JasonBergman-070914-015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8481508
File: 72 KB, 640x427, YungLean-noisey-JasonBergman-070914-051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8481576
File: 100 KB, 687x809, 1064720_530981346963016_745326214_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hahahahaha holy shit

>> No.8481588

This is just an updated version of the ironic 2008 hipster wearing a fedora.

>> No.8481738

Kill fanboys with your sick fit.

>> No.8481798


>> No.8481823

who is this guy? he looks familiar

>> No.8481826


>> No.8481841


>> No.8481857


>> No.8481998

holy shit guys i was there for the first show

if u go thru the slideshow im the glasses blonde at the front (excuse the unflattering first pic lel)

there was so much fucking energy at the show mang yung lean goes hard