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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 132 KB, 454x603, 1308811555779.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8473018 No.8473018[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

how many of you are naturally skinny? i mean without diet n shit
im really skinny (not skeleton mode, but close) and eat whatever i want whenever i want. question occuered to me since im going right now to eat 4 big macs and some ice cream as dessert. i know i wont gain even a kilo no matter how many days in a row ill roll with such 'diet'

>> No.8473026

everyone is "naturally skinny" ya dingus, you can't grow much fatter than a newborn without consuming energy.

>> No.8473031

you know what i mean
i really pity people who have to count calories, and disgust with people who are "chubby" and still think they can look good, no matter what they are dressed in

>> No.8473032

That is the most disgusting body I have ever had the misfortune of laying my eyes upon.

>> No.8473033

eating normally and healthy would leave like 100% of people with just a little bit of chubb (mainly girls tho) but if everyone were to eat macdonalds everyday (i believe this is a eating habit of most americans) about 80% of people would get really fat, and like mainly 14 year old boys would just stay skinny

>> No.8473035

I am skeleton mode and can't gain weight. I eat so much but still look like i'm straight out of Auschwitz.

What do?

>> No.8473037

that's what we call a 'shoop'

welcome to 4chan

>> No.8473052

hit gym, get diet and all that crap that helps you get apetite and make muscles bigger i guess. im not /fit/izen

>> No.8473053

You mean eat those buckets of bulk powder?

>> No.8473057

you're just a dumb idiot

if you actually ate a lot you'd gain weight

your definition of 'I eat so much' falls so far short of being a really large amount of food

how about you do GOMAD for a while and see what happens

if you still can't gain weight after that, there are probably some scientists out there that would be very very interested in studying your unique ability to defy the laws of the universe

>> No.8473058

OP what is your age?

>> No.8473065

Go to a dietitian and get a diet plan, I put on 10kg but need to put on more :)

>> No.8473066


>> No.8473069

Eat more. You are not eating enough. It really only is calories in minus calories out, that determines your weightgain/lose. I advice you to lift while adding kilos though

>> No.8473074

Your not eating enough
Count calories
Work out what your how much you need a day then add 500, if you were already eating enough yyou would be gaining weight

>> No.8473079

I have a condition that causes me to lose weight incredibly easily. I tend to eat a lot of things because of it. I don't want to be disgustingly skinny.

I tend to steer clear of super unhealthy foods, though. It might not affect my weight but it will definitely affect my skin, hair and condition if I do.
I don't even want to know what 4 big macs a day would do to one's skin...

>> No.8473088

ew yuck, I'm all for fatties getting in shape but that is just disgusting

>> No.8473099

post fit
my skin is alright as well to be honest
sadly i cant say that about my hairline

>> No.8473101


>> No.8473109

get out of here

>> No.8473112

Really? Most people I know who eat a lot of junk food have terrible skin because of it. How do you do it?

>> No.8473180

you can't seriously belive that's not a shop

>> No.8473183

I have digestive problems and I'm really short so whatever I eat pretty much immediately makes me fat.
Be glad you're not me I guess

>> No.8473188

I think it's sexy
would definitely fuck

>> No.8473194

this, fucking zit mania just trying to gain some weight
>skin cells fail to shed and block pores, trapping protein and sebum

how do I gain weight /fa/? been drinking off protein shakes and it isn't helping either. haven't been out in a month except for today, still at 45kgs

>> No.8473196

why is it okay to photoshop people into looking extremely skinny in order to make them look bad?

why is it hateful if I photoshop an obese person to look fatter, but shit like this is okay

>> No.8473256

no one is skinny naturally. no matter how much you think you eat whatever you want you probably only eat one meal a day

>> No.8473272

Can someone post the original?

>> No.8473291

i think my metabolism is okay, the heaviest i've ever been was like 108lbs? i'm about 100 now and still striving for less, say maybe 95-90 because i think i can get away with it at my height. always look up thinspo/fitspo when i need encouragement.

i actually use to have an obese best friend, sad because her family had extremely poor diet from the beginning and exercise was non-exsistant, she would always feel bad about her weight but there was no motivation.

b/c dumb double standards.

>> No.8473299

its called doing some fitness during the day or work or the gym and you'll stay perfectly fine with little effort. I was always skinny during highschool with no working out just walking around. 6'2 145 pounds in hs now 160 @ age 19. more muslce

>> No.8473351

Being "naturally skinny" is not physical state, it's much rather something psychological. It's more or less an urban legend that human bodies have greatly varying metabolisms. Some people have a fucked up relation to food and only feel satisfied, if they're disgusted by the sight of food. Other people have just the right measure without really giving any thought about it. I guess that's what people call "naturally skinny".

>> No.8473354
File: 76 KB, 640x960, hnnng.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you hungry skeleton

>> No.8473355

>fat (5'10, 220)
>give no fucks about this thread
>disgust with people who are "chubby" and still think they can look good, no matter what they are dressed in
how big is your ego?

>> No.8473395

>5'10 220 fat
nah nigga you obese

chances are you're lying about your height and weight so you're probably even more of a blob than i imagine.

>> No.8473410

very big

>> No.8473416

eww yuck, that's equally disgusting ffs. nigga just be normal, is that so hard

>> No.8473482
File: 284 KB, 500x508, 10slash10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being this weak and gay
Really /fa/?

>> No.8473529

>skin cells fail to shed and block pores

this happens to a lot of people, just exfoliate twice a week (less often if you have dry skin)

>> No.8473535

>that broscience
tfw 6"2 and 194 pounds. fuark i need to loose weight

>> No.8473541
File: 77 KB, 192x154, 1371920782399.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im afraid we gonna need source for that

>> No.8473544

>>that broscience
Go on listen to the fatties crying over how they eat "almost nothing" and still gain weight because of their slow metabolism. It's bullshit.

>> No.8473546
File: 83 KB, 640x960, hng.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They have low standards
'normal' in modern society means fat fuck or flaccid fat

>inb4 muh chubby art paintings

>> No.8473548

You do realize that it's very common for feminine men to be attracted to masculine women, because it balances out their lack of mental and physical fortitude in a relationship. You may as well be gay, mate - you're already half-way there.

>> No.8473556
File: 459 KB, 427x534, cp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>4 big macs and some ice cream as dessert
this kills the hearth
(and the liver)

>> No.8473557


>> No.8473559

why can't people have different metabolism rates? did you never hear about taking t4 (I think) hormones to speed up your metabolism and loose weight? cut the broscience bro

>> No.8473561
File: 32 KB, 398x768, 0d061bda-25e4-44c0-84c5-85374506a607.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just be that, skinny. nigga this aint rocket science

>> No.8473562

I didn't see anyone not gaining weight while I recommended a dietary plan of 1000 kcal above your daily caloric intake.


But of course you shouldn't try to gain weight without a workout routine, because otherwise all the weight will just be fat and you won't look firm and strong. For starting routines stronglifts / Starting strength are excellent. But you can also do an upper / lower ABxAB split routine using 2 barbell movements each day

> Calling someone who curls more than you can deadlift effeminate

>> No.8473566

That's true for the most part, but hormones secreted from the thyroid gland play a part in how your body stores weight. I just pulled this figure out of my ass but:

>90% of fat people do not have a genetic defect.
>90% of skinny DYEL bros do not have a fast metabolism like they always say. They simply don't eat enough, like me when I first got into lifting. Tracked my calories and it turned out I was eating 1500 a day - a 1000~cal deficit.

It's delusion on all sides.

>> No.8473567

this discussion is banana

>> No.8473576

your picture convinced me to do so

>> No.8473583

I was skinnyfat for a while and then I hit the gym and started doing more physical activities (cycling, weightlifting, lifting/moving around more at work). This lowered my BF, while my weight hovers the same area it's always been around my physical appearance has changed. People say I look really athletic now and my pants size went down. I eat some junk food occasionally but if anything it makes me feel like shit compared to healthier stuff. I also eat less unless I'm doing a lot of physical activity.

>> No.8473586

this was in response to those steroid monstrosities posted above

>> No.8473603

I over-eat though. I eat when i'm full just out of boredom.

But I eat horribly, junk foods and such. Might that be the problem? I haven't lost or gained weight since I can remember, and i'm 22 now. My weight seems fixed.

I'll definitely have to increase muscle mass through exercise. But I'd at least have thought that eating would put SOME fat on my bones.

>> No.8473606

You think spending 1000s of hours in a clean, safe air-conditioned gym simulating hard labor is masculine in any way? If anything you are trying to compensate for something that you lack in character by bloating yourself up so people might be fooled into thinking you are a true male, not to be trifled with. Of course this veil you've crafted comes crashing down when they speak to you or read into your submissive body language.

Come back when you've tried mountaineering or killed people in fights.

>> No.8473613

You aren't over-eating if you're still skinny - DUH! Get that through your thick skull. You are udner-eating.

Some people, man...

>> No.8473626

You sound fat and mad.

>> No.8473629

if you make a list of the caloric content of everything you eat daily you will realize it's not that much

yeah you could eat oreos and cheetohs everyday and still be skinny.

>> No.8473671

Dat v taper

He should lift.

>> No.8473706
File: 118 KB, 800x650, climber.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks like a mix of flesh/fat hanging out of bones

>> No.8473734

Drink more beer.

>> No.8473745

nigga u gay

>> No.8473760

confirmed for big guy

>> No.8473779

Nice way to develop tits.

>> No.8473792

Natural skinny:
>omg i eat like a pig but i can't gain any weight!
"what did you eat today?"
>i had a large big mac meal for dinner!
"what else did you eat today?"
>uhhh.... coffee and cigarettes.

Natural fatty:
>omg i am jealous of you i eat normally and i keep gaining weight.
"what did you eat today?"
>for dinner i ate healthy. i had a blue cheese salad. steak and chips and i washed it down with an xxl juice.
"what else?"
>before that i had two muffins with low-fat butter.
"what else?"
>i had a small cheeseburger meal from mcdonalds and a small sundae.
"what else?"
>four reuben sandwiches and a dr. pepp for lunch.
"what else?"
>a bag of potato skins.
"what else?"
>two bowls of lucky charms and THAT'S IT.
"what else?"
>oh. i forgot. coffee and donuts. just little ones. so yeah, i eat normally and i keep gaining weight. i think maybe i have a gland problem, or something.

>> No.8473829

Apex kek

>> No.8473927

>i cant gain weight!
>i dont eat 3 bigger meals but more smaller ones troughout the day
>i also eat snacks and candy
yeah but all you eat is small portions which dont add up enaugh. once you step over 2000-2500cal/day you WILL gain weight

Source: myself who went from skinny to athletic

>> No.8474125

Nah, he's just realistic. More than likely, OP is lying about his caloric intake.

>> No.8474147

i smell a shoop

>> No.8474177
File: 551 KB, 245x220, anime reaction image.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>arguing about masculinity on /fa/
i don't think you could have picked a worse board

>> No.8474227

shoo shoo gainz goblin
drink lots of water for complexion, eat lots of red meat & animal fats, go for healthy but calorie dense foods, start lifting
> read the /fit/ sticky

>> No.8474340

>OP is lying about his caloric intake.
nothing better than fatty tears

>> No.8474385
File: 27 KB, 287x392, 6VD7f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8474392


>> No.8474401

She's beautiful and I'm near asexual

>> No.8474437


Lots of small portions doesn't work

I've lost lots of weight after working in a resturaunt because I'm constantly eating small thing but I never feel hungry. I get at most 1000 kcal a day. Gone down from 130 to 120 in a month.

>> No.8474440

muh dick
who's the grill?

>> No.8474444


I should say it doesn't work if you're trying to GAIN weight. If you're trying to lose weight it probably would.

>> No.8474459

Snejana Onopka

>> No.8474476


>> No.8474477
File: 126 KB, 400x400, 1404290210027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just needs a tan. #pointyboobs

>> No.8474527

Read the sticky
You're not eating enough. I promise you. Your body isn't absorbing the full nutritional value of each meal, where as natural fatties absorb all of the calories in a meal.
You're not a special snowflake

>> No.8474590

The original guy you replied to here

You still aren't strong if you killed someone or mountaineered. If you got muscle and know how to deadlift squat and bench you're probably strong. Body language is just how you present yourself it has nothing to do with it. Not everyone lifts weight just because of confidence issues. I couldn't care less if someone thought I was a little submissive bitch in his mind.

People will think bad about you regardless of what you do. You're viewed as great when you have accomplished something but before that you're nothing and should shut up, while you probably were the same person before the said accomplishment. Worrying about negative opinions is not something you should do because that will indicate that their opinion is well taught out and correct.

>> No.8474595

>Your body isn't absorbing the full nutritional value of each meal, where as natural fatties absorb all of the calories in a meal.

that is the broest science to ever broscience

>> No.8474597

>caring about being strong
>thinking 'being strong' makes you man

>> No.8474640

is this the perfect female body

>> No.8474642

>5'8 (I know, manlet)
>Lost my stomach to cancer
>110 pounds (50kg)
>Struggle to maintain weight

Auschwitz mode is not fun.

>> No.8474678

I would rather be a living skeleton than a fat disgusting fuq.

>> No.8474694 [DELETED] 
File: 91 KB, 667x1000, 10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

too thin for me. i prefer pic related

>> No.8474779 [DELETED] 

thanks. thought about fapping. not anymore

>> No.8474846 [DELETED] 

feel bad

>> No.8474869 [DELETED] 

Is this picture real? What is the back story?

>> No.8474876

>was 55kg
>quit smoking
>60kg now
>gain a skinnyfat belly
Do not want.

>> No.8474908

>Lost my stomach to cancer
ah m8

>> No.8475297


>> No.8475337

Muscles are for men.
Think women only.

>> No.8475347

6"2, 65kg feels good

>> No.8475370

I'm naturally skinny like you OP, but some people will continue to doubt. I've personally tried to gain weight before because I used to feel bad about being skinny, but I just couldn't. I'm 5'11 140 right now, and now matter what I can't get to 150.

>> No.8475373

really skinny people who claim they have fast metabloisms r as delusional as fatties r

>> No.8475382


>> No.8475536
File: 150 KB, 1080x720, Photo on 11-07-14 at 00.02 #2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

6'1 122lbs reporting in

>> No.8475587

I am a skeleton living amongst Amerifats. I feel like a god.

>> No.8475597
File: 173 KB, 640x1136, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i don't eat often but when i do i eat garbage.

>> No.8475605

I have a very small frame but after eating ridiculously unhealthy from middle school to high school I became skinnyfat with a very small frame. I don't know if that still counts ???

>> No.8475607
File: 1.77 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 19 and my arm hadn't increased in width since I was 10 apparently :-)

>> No.8475611

im 25 and neither has mine.

>> No.8475626
File: 137 KB, 650x650, you right now.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's not what he said at all you fucking idiot

pic related

>> No.8475636

it bothers me that the person who photoshopped this couldn't even be bothered to google what a sternum actually looks like..

>> No.8475723


>> No.8476114
File: 179 KB, 1200x1600, 1405046740100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Selfie of big curvaceous and volumptuous me :)

also SFW because i'm a man

>> No.8476120

sick stacks bro what inseam did you get?
those a.p.cs?

>> No.8476134

check out the gains on my calves bro

another cool thing about my workout routine is that I can piss wherever and whenever I want and the piss gets stored within my middle fold. Then I just wobble them around and the piss storage gets emptied

>> No.8476154
File: 96 KB, 942x384, bitches be fake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bitches be fake

>> No.8476169


The fleshboots on that woman seem like something Sruli Recht will come out with in a few years time.

>> No.8476226

uhh more like 127 lbs try again

>> No.8476257

Given your shitty grammar and spelling, along with your poor eating habits, I can safely say that you're only able to eat that way without gaining weight because you're young and have a high metabolism. It'll slow. Best to develop proper eating habits now so the transition is easier for you, otherwise you'll blimp up in your mid 20s to early 30s.

>> No.8476287

id take a shot on a scale if you really don't believe me

>> No.8476309
File: 373 KB, 400x504, 1384712753446.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8476322

the picture is small and far away so its hard to really tell but my brother is two inches shorter than you and weighs about the same and he looks much more sickly than you do in that pic.

>> No.8476325


>used to be 285 lbs before weight loss/lifting
>would rather go back to that than be like skeletons like people in this thread

you guys might think designer clothes compensate for your feminine body and you look like a male model, but most of you are that creepy/greasy skinny dude dressed by the internet.

>> No.8476327

at least she's symmetrical, but what's with the hair in the second picture?
Does a bitch know that ponytails look like buzzcuts from the front?

>> No.8476369

She looks good in both pictures i don't get it?

>> No.8476372
File: 94 KB, 219x298, 1398562601756.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


calories consumed > calories burned = gain weight

everyone's body burns calories while sedentary, and while some have a faster or slower metabolism, no one magically eats a ton of food and stays the same weight. if you increase your food intake, you will gain weight over time.

right now if you're underweight and eat 1500 calories per day to maintain your weight, eating 2000 calories will result in you gaining ~1lb per week. If you build muscle your body will require more calories to maintain current weight, and you will be healthier, eating more, and burning even more calories than you believe to be so special now.

skinny people who say "omg i can eat anything and never gain weight" are embarrassingly uninformed.

>> No.8476427
File: 73 KB, 499x585, vilnix.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>healthy weight
>start taking amphetamines to cure muh 'tism
>appetite plummets
>start eating rich, calorie dense foods to make up for it
>still losing weight
>surprise bitch the stims increased your metabolism!

>> No.8476484
File: 1.82 MB, 235x240, 154.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.8476530

lel get a load of this skinnyfat

it doesnt have to be this way, just start doing some simple bodyweight exercises and eat more wholefoods. i promise you youre quality of life will improve

>> No.8476571
File: 286 KB, 1383x938, Sasha-Pivovarova-10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol fatties