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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 1.01 MB, 1795x1268, sufufu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8462002 No.8462002 [Reply] [Original]

Has there been a poster (other than Teddy) who can post on sufu without coming off as a gigantic aspie?

>> No.8462004


>> No.8462005

Lel burthday

>> No.8462017


who fucking cares

>> No.8462199

>reading the sufujew

>> No.8462798

birthday stop begging for attention by talking shit about yourself you stupid underage faggot. fuck off

>> No.8462810


>> No.8462815

user and mammadod

>> No.8462914

I never realized lemons was a legit moron til I saw his tumblr. He's really dumb.

>> No.8462922

Has there been a poster (other than Teddy) who can post on sufu without coming off as a gigantic aspie?
!HATEDjgkJA 07/08/14(Tue)00:59:10 No.8462004▶
grafic t 07/08/14(Tue)00:59:26 No.8462005▶
>>8462002 (OP)
Lel burthday
Anonymous 07/08/14(Tue)01:02:21 No.8462017▶
>>8462002 (OP)

who fucking cares
Anonymous 07/08/14(Tue)01:49:29 No.8462199▶
>>8462002 (OP)
>reading the sufujew
Anonymous 07/08/14(Tue)05:02:15 No.8462798▶
birthday stop begging for attention by talking shit about yourself you stupid underage faggot. fuck off
Anonymous 07/08/14(Tue)05:07:15 No.8462810▶
uuuuhhhh 07/08/14(Tue)05:10:47 No.8462815▶
user and mammadod
Anonymous 07/08/14(Tue)05:50:04 No.8462914▶
I never realized lemons was a legit moron til I saw his tumblr. He's really dumb.

shut the fuck up bro

>> No.8462925

fuck off cunt before i cut u

>> No.8462942
File: 361 KB, 796x894, 1402125182356.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you? I hope you're joking, you're hideous insufferable and dress like shit literally no one on fa takes you seriously

>> No.8462952


i love this meme

>> No.8462957

its not a meme.... kid

its some spic lol@ thinking he is a mem

>> No.8462959
File: 45 KB, 240x240, 1396756302610.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


notthing personnel kid

>> No.8462960

hahahaha why do the ugliest people always have the biggest egos

>> No.8462968

said this before, you're far too ugly and uninteresting to pull off nonchalance. trying to fake it just makes you look more pathetic

>> No.8462973
File: 36 KB, 451x395, 76d933cd4d021d5f007e3cf4bd4876c8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i love this meme

>> No.8462980
File: 174 KB, 500x344, 1383222491448[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u fucking idiot

i watch sam hyde and like the cia guy meme im superior

pic related me

>> No.8462981

Why don't you post fits bruh?

>> No.8462982

Because they're overcompensating for their complete lack of self esteem. I've seen this kid sit in all tc rooms fa has had, no one likes him, cares about him or talks to him he just sits on cam quietly in the corner desperate for attention and then comes on fa acting like he matters, top kek

>> No.8462984

What is the dude on the left wearing?
I like the jacket and the pants

>> No.8462990

he does but they all are boring

>> No.8462998
File: 91 KB, 496x505, 1403748450310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


keep them memes coming

>> No.8463000
File: 24 KB, 716x525, basednigger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kill yourself mate

>> No.8463004



>> No.8463006

please do, everything you say is so cringeworthy and tryhard

>> No.8463008

HAHAHAHAHAHA did he show him or what? huh? huh? :DDD

>> No.8463010

Hey m9 I know this is off topic but I was googling for kakiharas suit (from ichi the killer, and your post came up in the /fa/ archives.

Im /g/ as fuck so I have no clue what to look for, but did you ever find out anything about this suit?

>> No.8463020
File: 15 KB, 506x606, airsoftkid1998.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i seriously loved this meme, keep em coming


i think kakihara wore some dries van noten shit but im not sure, he be swaggin doe

>> No.8463023


what's lemons' tumblr?

>> No.8463026

the worst niggers are self loathing niggers (like you)

>> No.8463030
File: 3 KB, 140x250, 1403724792464s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8463032

m8 it's only funny when it's not true but you're actually a shit skin from a 3rd world country

no amount of ironic shit posting will change that

>> No.8463035
File: 66 KB, 732x748, memessi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8463038


>> No.8463039


>> No.8463043
File: 136 KB, 744x836, airsoftkid1998.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8463055

I'm really curious, what does someone like you live for? You have no personality, you spend your life mimicking internet cool guys (and doing a bad job at it) in a board full of people who wish you'd kill yourself, you have no talents, below average in everything and far below average in the looks department. Idk man, it's a mystery to me

>> No.8463058

he's just shitposting because that keeps himself from suicide

but you know it doesn't work and he'll get his head cut off in the favela anyways

>> No.8463059

he's just shitposting because that keeps himself from suicide

but you know it doesn't work and he'll get his head cut off in the favela anyways

>> No.8463060
File: 221 KB, 814x740, goy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8463065



He can't make a meaningful reply other than the lol so randumb reaction images because everything you said is true.

>> No.8463066

I see, it's too hard to type through the tears. np man

>> No.8463071
File: 22 KB, 500x375, 1244121697099_f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8463073

you cant even make a coherent post idiot.. haha you are so dumb fucking argentina must breed only retards haha lllooooolll

>> No.8463075

Just ignore it man, you know already he's a pathetic neckbeard and he's just proving it to everybody with every post.

>> No.8463077
File: 248 KB, 512x368, 1373346031094.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8463091

>tfw someone replying to reaction images in paragraphs


>> No.8463097


>> No.8463123

Why the fuck is me posting on sufu automatically considered attention whoring? Sufu's community is infinitely more knowledgeable than here, and I would trust them over /fa/ 9/10 times. I really liked that fit of mine and wanted to see if they did as well. And not to brag or anything but I think I'm doing a lot better than most first timers from /fa/ do as well.

>> No.8463132

why do u like that fit (it's bad)

>> No.8463172

Op never said anything about attention whoring tho - just being an aspie

>> No.8463184

So then how am I being aspie?

>> No.8463196

You're not. /fa/ just likes to talk shit. Don't worry about it.

>> No.8463206

>taking the trip off

>> No.8463235

Setting first off I think it enhances the fit a lot. Next pant, shoe interaction. The silhouette is very simple but clean. Lastly the anorak grabs attention away from the small mistakes in the bottom. I definitely think the jacket is the weak point of this fit and I wish I had ironed it before. I hope this helps, you may still not agree but I hope you can at least see why I like it.

>> No.8463244

truth is you're a major faggot who can't dress for shit. copping trainrendors for $150 off ebay thinking you're hot shit.

it's the way you come off too, ie a huge faggot on /fa/ and /mu/. funny thing is, you won't act out like you do here on sufu, you fuckin bitch.

>> No.8463251


>> No.8463252

Lol @ mad fuccbois talking shit about qt Birthday. He's one of the best dressed trips tbh, better than all the recent shitty Australians. He's gonna smash it on sufu

>> No.8463256
File: 5 KB, 167x68, LOL1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha, caught feelings over me negging his fit

>> No.8463263

since when did it become about trying your hardest to be best voted for

have you seen the people you're trying to impress?

>> No.8463271

I don't post on /mu/ though...
Just wondering why I got negged, and wanted to see if I recognized your username or anything. I understand why people don't like me and my fits. It is what it is

>> No.8463293

>It is what it is

>> No.8463321

theo, mamma, lemons
from time to time trunks too

>> No.8463337

you're not even white

>> No.8463341


Guy on left is looking better than most of the people that (shit)post in waywts and his fit mustn't be any more expensive than 400€. Way less if he bought some of that on sale/second hand.

>> No.8463343

Me, Theo, User, Hated, Ted, Banan, uuuhhhh too (he gotta hook me up w/ sum $50 APC knits tho)

>> No.8463355


nobody cares about you, you're literally autistic

>> No.8463360

"literally autistic"

>> No.8463362
File: 99 KB, 960x960, 1404663479579.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao u wrote this whole post

>> No.8463367

If this Toastytime, sorry 4 neg

>> No.8463375


I'm serious, you're retarded

hilarious superiority complex and completely unfunny, plus oddly stupid at times

>> No.8463378

Understand that posting here for me is mostly mindless.

>> No.8463389


understand that you're a pathetically autistic prima donna that takes himself far too seriously

>> No.8463399

What sorta outcome you tryna achieve with this? Genuinely curious

>> No.8463401

make u feel mad cause I hate my life

>> No.8463402

Hsin8 is aiouh right? He's so fucking lame lol

>> No.8463407

You're just like me you know. Being able to see what my posts kinda look like shifts perspective on things.

>> No.8463410

fuck of faggot

>> No.8463414

>losing birthday to sufu
pls don't leave

>> No.8463428

Who is Birthday on Sufu?

>> No.8463434

ITT caring about what random people think about you internet

>> No.8463463

are you kidding? I'll just post one of his only two fucking fits each day in the waywt and it will be like he never left

>> No.8463486

Why do you post here?

>> No.8463488

Why are you still going? again, it's mindless & I'm bored. Ideally, I wanna be more busy and just post on sufu.

>> No.8463510

sufu's for nerds tho

>> No.8463538

>itt trip fags fight over who's the biggest faggot

>> No.8463539

>be more busy
>post on another shitty internet fashion forum

Lel confirmed for loser looking for human connections on the net. Get your life in order loser. There's more to life than having a sick fit kek

>> No.8463557
File: 14 KB, 320x320, 1841_320c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when are u guys planning to sign out for good from all internet fashion websites

i think age 20 is the cut off point

>> No.8463565

only 4 more years putting up with your tumblr bitch esque grammar and pics that aren't relatable to your comment

>> No.8463570

20 sounds good, by then i'll be a professional ping pong player and an all-around good person.

>> No.8463575

Eh dawg, I'm planning on signing out for good due to my internet addiction and propensity to spend lots of cash on stupid shit. I just can't figure out what wardrobe to quit with. Thinking leather jacket, one pair of jeans and doc 1461s plus some soft shell/hard shell, schoeller dwr cargos and running shoes for rainy days and I'll only cop graphic tees from Sup and Undercover.

>> No.8463581
File: 42 KB, 500x500, dustulator prep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u could filter (plz don't)

ping pong fun af i wish i was good

>> No.8463588
File: 19 KB, 400x300, nurse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's net addiction like? also good luck

>> No.8463592

what are schoeller dwr cargos? google's not coming up with anything

>> No.8463607

I'm 26 how fucked am I?

>> No.8463610

Techwear cargoes made using schoeller fabric with a waterproof coating. They can be from any company making pants in that field like Outlier

Terrible. Real life isn't exciting anymore and I only look forward to plugging in everyday. Plus I'm a massive sad cunt and I'm pretty sure it also comes though online. I just can't live my life out anymore through dope japanese guys instagrams

>> No.8463614

none until 40

>> No.8463618

thanks, i'm gonna have to look into those pants. and btw, iktfb, but it's gonna get better :)

>> No.8463622
File: 447 KB, 1680x1050, 48.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

never tbh

forum culture is cancer

would rather be anonymous old man posting on fashion board than being known as old man on fashion forum (endorphinz)

>> No.8463625
File: 786 KB, 980x1473, Le-21eme-Adam-Katz-Sinding-Vassili-Di-Napoli-Paris-Mens-Fashion-Week-France-New-York-City-Street-Style-Blog_D4A7844.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't you just get frustrated with all the teenage boys shouting at each other?

>> No.8463631

I mostly just look at the pretty pictures

>> No.8463632
File: 231 KB, 940x627, RICKOWENS-PREVIEW-0055.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn that's horrible

are u just gunna quit cold turkey?

>> No.8463654

>dope japanese guys instagrams
Please share

>> No.8463656
File: 36 KB, 586x391, 00_rickowens.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fashun forums are toxic for all ages imo (you sound like you've escaped it though kind of)

all these websites are environments where grown men get earnestly furious w/ teen boys over white mountaineering or whatever

obviously there are nice older guys on whatever website but imagine having a partner and children and actively spending your spare time screaming about fit pics and authenticity on superfuture and 4chan

you need to be kind of predisposed to that kind of behaviour in the first place but i definitely think a reasonable dude can get warped by e-fashion culture

i am going to escape before that happens

>> No.8463660

no mostly you

>> No.8463668

Imagine knowing one of those guys who frequents porn forums and spends their days writing reviews (for free) on the latest site-rips

>> No.8463684

dream job

>> No.8463714

these forums are what you make of it and theres plenty of people who can manage their access without becoming too invested. and this is something youre gonna have to learn to live with because internet culture certainly isn't going anywhere; whether you like it or not, it's only going to become more pervasive and im not gonna run from it like some neoluddite because im afraid i might catch a feeling or two. and discussion without any dissent would be boring af

sounds like you need to learn how to handle yo drink nigga

>> No.8463751
File: 27 KB, 300x451, 128275202-300x451-0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't disagree w/ u at all, but you can't deny that there are a ton of adult males on any given site getting like legit enraged at kids (this freaks me out)

i just don't wanna be one of those overly invested guys u know??

maybe invested is the wrong word idk

i just think that any grown man arguing seriously with a pubescent on the internet is unbalanced

>> No.8463766

I'm Toastytime if you still didn't know. As for the neg, its not a big deal I'm really just glad I didn't get negged to oblivion.

>> No.8463796

you're already invested

cute trying to distance yourself though, all the while trying to maintain relevance through tripfagging (i don't have anything against trips either)...

just letting you know how you're coming across right now

>> No.8463819

yes defend your board culture at all costs! slay the evil trips with forced nonchalance and armchair psychology. finish him off with an ironic hashtag.

>> No.8463822



>> No.8463823

you forgot to put your trip on


>> No.8463826
File: 57 KB, 500x700, 88a513ef6a67dd19837b6a374337b17b0ff6efe8_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

'invested' as an eighteen year old boy

that's very different from being a thirty year old man smashing out paragraphs about visvim that will be read exclusively by teenagers

there's also not really any need to distance myself. i'm just going to quit everything fashion related after a little while and shitpost anon on /tv/ or something

>> No.8463831

hey man please dont leave

i rly like your fits ;_;

>> No.8463833

hey thx

>> No.8463862

yeah same dude your fits are cool, esps since you started wearing yohji

>> No.8463867

no one's disagreeing with you, but you just look foolish right now trying to act above it all. let people live out their pathetic existences in peace, that's all i'm getting at

>> No.8463882
File: 218 KB, 1000x1334, ss14 ywrap pants.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks friend ◕‿◕
i'm currently hunting for these

>> No.8463891
File: 361 KB, 609x611, rick on stilts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok yh i feel you i'm being semi annoying sorry

>> No.8463980

learn to ignore the shitposters on /fa/. uh is a shitposter

>> No.8464010

As it is with most of the Australians

>> No.8464011

uuuuhhhh is cool though

>> No.8464061

guy on the left is killing it tbh
anyone ID the joggers? are they the ILU ones?

>> No.8464074

Nike ACG Trainerendors

>> No.8464091

I'm assuming your talking about the pants. They are some Carhartt WIP pants I pinrolled with long socks underneath. Get the jogger look for a lot less.

>> No.8464211

Where are the superfuture waywt threads?

>> No.8464217


>> No.8464290

>Some faggot gets called ugly
>He keeps saying it's a meme
Am I missing something?
Does he just not understand that people think he looks like shit or something

>> No.8464420
File: 58 KB, 480x638, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hated is the worst poster on this board. He's so ugly, dresses like shit, is a shitskin mutt and lives in a pleb hoise and brags about having a ugly brown gf

>> No.8464431

nah he's just autistic

>> No.8464441
File: 1.17 MB, 2448x3264, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some dope fits and hair manlet

>> No.8464447

I could even tolerate his ugly face and fits but him acting like he actually knows anything about fashion or aesthetics and giving 'critique' (hard to call it that, it's more like shitposting) is infuriating, some newfag might actually take it seriously

>> No.8464454

>his girl's forehead
>them yellow ass teeth
>nasty nappy hair on both of them
LEL sandmonkeys when will they learn

>> No.8464472
File: 151 KB, 368x359, 1373920142536.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


isn't it ironic that you're still a spineless dweeb dressed by the internet though?

only this time, you seek approval from anonymous dudes in a fashion forum with 'reputation' upvotes, which is even more pathetic

>> No.8464476

information-technology nigga made me lol

>> No.8464479

good fit mate

>> No.8465420

Why the fuck are you a trips? I've never seen you post

>> No.8465453
File: 17 KB, 366x96, Screen shot 2014-07-08 at 22.14.49.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw gaspar is mean to you every time you mention henrik

>> No.8465554


>> No.8465561


>> No.8465611

all /fa/ posters think theyre "DOING SOOOOOO GOOOD" on sufu for maybe the first two weeks and then everyone there starts negging them into the red and they come crawling back here

only exceptions are user and timber, but both ended up leaving sufu anyway

>> No.8465695


who is that qt

>> No.8465731


>> No.8465736

post ur vibskov or ur a poser

>> No.8466018

Theo and Gaspar both have some of the highest voted fits for this year. Also teddy posts there and does fine, tinny to but he's more on Tumblr recently.

>> No.8466026

>(other than Teddy)
teddy isnt an exception but theodore and gaspard

>> No.8466498

Maybe these 30 year old men enjoy talking and discussing, and yes even debating about designers and clothes. I know even at my age I don't have too many people who want to talk about Visvim, it must be a lot harder for 30+ year olds to find those like minded people.

>> No.8466533

Straw does alright on sufu

>> No.8466539

Sufu is so gay

>> No.8467782

neither originated from fa
just crossed post you fucking monkey

>> No.8468414

Where did theo and gaspard come from then?

>> No.8468432

idk why don't you ask them.

>> No.8468444

lol that cant be really him... if so......... LOL

>> No.8468449



fuck everyone else

>> No.8468555

You guys haven't been posting tho