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/fa/ - Fashion

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8460602 No.8460602[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What's /fa/ view on plastic surgeries?

I am most curious about nose-jobs and similar, nothing like liposuction or silicone tits.

Is it better to look unusual or have standard 'attractive" face?

most obvious ones (reconstructive after some accident, looking so grotesque it makes life impossible) are out of question of course.

>> No.8460657

Well she went from she-male to qt so...

>> No.8460732
File: 191 KB, 627x470, 18325a37bf525b9d88d51a3441669c72_L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but is it always (or at least in majority of cases) better?

>men pics are harder to find btw

>> No.8460759

tfw I had double jaw surgery less than a week ago

kill me pls

>> No.8460772

something wen wrong or just post-operational feels?

>> No.8460784

I think plastic surgery works if you make it fit the rest of your facial features and not just copy a celebrity's nose, chin, jaw, etc. You need to make your face work, not copy someone else.

>> No.8460787

just post op feels
being fed through a syringe is not /fa/

>> No.8460789
File: 56 KB, 200x195, 1337570881831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

qt ruined and turned into basic bitch
>tfw no prominent nose GF ;__;

>> No.8460807

Her nose isn't even big or really prominent.

Were is the line between "good" and "way too much"?

I am considering nose job too.

>> No.8460813

post nose slut

>> No.8460815

I had my earns pinned when I was 14, best decision of my life, although I suppose it doesn't count as a facial feature

I'd do subtle mods like fillers and stuff, people would only notice that I look better, but not sure what changed

Kinda like Kim Kardashian, you seriously can't tell she had work done unless you compare pictures 7 years apart.

>> No.8460816

she looks so boring after and she knows it.

>> No.8460825

>like Kim Kardashian, you seriously can't tell she had work done


>> No.8460828
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thinking of getting some cheek lipo so I can have a more defined face. I'll be brave and post a candid photo of myself.

>> No.8460850

not to be a dick, but try losing a bit of weight first. You might have features you cant see

>> No.8460871


I have lost weight since that pic was taken, and my jaw has gotten more defined. Not much improvement on the cheeks tho. I'm gonna take it down to 10% bodyfat and see how it looks.

>> No.8460878

>unless you compare pictures 7 years apart.
Her transition was pretty gradual imo.

>> No.8460924 [DELETED] 
File: 56 KB, 337x372, DSC_0116.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, here is pic (shitty but tried as natural one as I can get), I do consider nose job for some years (as did my mother and so on)

Should I go for something like that?

>inb4 /pol/ kike

>> No.8460940

jew nose im sorry

but nobody who's worth talking to would give a fuck about your nose. plastic surgery is about as insipid as it gets

jus b urself

>> No.8460947

well thanks for answer anyway

>> No.8460957

>tfw no qt oldcountry gf

>> No.8460969

i love noses and nosejob is one of the few plasticsurgeries i support. Its just so much better to look at.
Will always prefere the real natural beauties though. genes etc.

>tfw love my nose and would smash someones face if he broke it.

>> No.8460976


i don't know what about when your kids look like you pre surgery. sort of weird. can't change genetics

>> No.8460992

This is my opinion
There are factors that you should consider before going through with it

How much money are you willing to spend without regret and is it worth it to you?

Is it giving you serious self concious issues?
If it is were you literally can't look people in face yeah you might want to consider it.

If it's for a injury like me it is justifiable IMO. My nose was horrible before I had it done. I can look in the mirror now and see a physical improvement in my face and that gives me confidence.

If you really don't have any issues and you get along in society fine the way you are I don't think you should. It's not going to change what's going on up inside your head just physically change your nose.

>> No.8461009

And when I say it's not going to change what's going on up inside your head I mean if you have serious psychological problems and you think that it's just insecurity when really it's something deeper rooted getting plastic surgery won't fix that it won't make you happy.

>> No.8461193

>tfw no amount of plastic surgery could ever fix my tiny chin
It juts out like an inch from my neck.

>> No.8461274

tfw i fell down the stairs as a kid and it reshaped my nose into a 10/10.

>> No.8462206

humans are pig disgusting
why cant they accept that we are mostly hideous creatures
only mai waifu was made perfect

>> No.8462221

if you really wanted to get a nose job, you'd just get one. they're not that uncommon.
idk why there's a thread on this everyday

>> No.8462232

>Is it better to look unusual or have standard 'attractive" face?

standard attractive obviously
only hot "unusual" faces (ie: jolie, depp),have a standard face with one exaggerated masculine/feminine feature that is already desirable (ie: lips, chiseled bone structure). not an ugly feature that is exaggerated.
if youre a guy though and arent going into acting, modelling dont worry about it too much. you can still be attractive despite of it

>> No.8462235

is this a joke?
there are literally dozens of sites re: this shit
go to realself or makemeheal not 4chan wtf

>> No.8462833

does anyone know if its possible to remove scars?
oviously there would be new scars but maybe they can make them small?

>> No.8462841

i use lemon/lime to lighten my knees and elbows but iirc it can lighten scars
you can use honey, or olive oil (use them separately when applying on area) but to my experience citrus works best
other than that, probably surgery or cover it up with a tattoo if its really bad or you cant be fucked explaining your warlord inner self to others

>> No.8462850

Looked better before.

>> No.8462861

Laser I think

>> No.8463669

It might look good now, but the body is naturally ever-changing. Who knows what you'll look like 10 years from now.

>> No.8463716

OP looked better before. She used to be ugly in a beautiful kind of way, now she looks like every other whore out there. It's the Koreanization of Western society.

>> No.8464118

Why did you post a picture of when you were chubby instead of posting a current one?

>> No.8465608
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>> No.8465654
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imo, most of the time, it's unnecessary. it's never really truly ugly people who go out and get the surgery. just someone with a shit ton of insecurities. if you're going to let something petty as a nose or chin stop you from feeling confident, who's to say you won't nitpick about something stupid after the surgery? surgery doesn't fix confidence issues.

pic-related. koreans are plastic surgery-obsessed, and most of the time, it is a waste of money.

>> No.8465678

pretty much this. if you insecure about something small before surgery your probably going to continue being insecure about a different thing after surgery

>> No.8465713

I'd probably get a hair transplant if I couldn't pull off the shaven head look, both my grandfathers went bald but my dad still has most of his hair so I have a decent chance of losing it eventually. And maybe get my teeth sorted if I had the money, not too bothered about them, but my incisors stick out and makes an open-mouthed smile look a bit goofy.

>> No.8465752

what the fuck, qt ruined.

>> No.8465779

Have you been lifting on a cut while only eating proteins/fats, no carbs? This will basically get rid of all fat. Having cheek lipo will just fuck up your proportions if you haven't tried this.
If you haven't even lifted or done keto yet then don't be lazy and just go over to /fit/ and ask about Keto, do starting strength with supplemented curls and weighted crunches. Be on a caloric deficit of 500 calories to lose fat, caloric surplus of 500-1000 calories to gain muscle. Measure your body fat. If you're above 10% then fuck off and don't think about plastic surgery. (even at 10% you could just be anorexic and flabby.)

>> No.8465820
File: 249 KB, 762x1188, rhinoplasty-5-before-and-after-front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's probably her hair, but she was more qt before.

Not much of a change, though, honestly.

>> No.8465956

Really unnecessary

>> No.8465959

he looks derpy the whole time

>> No.8465980

This one is absolutely crazy though.

>> No.8465988

tan + haircut = aesthetics

>> No.8465997

she looked better before, assuming the left was before and the right pictures are after.

>> No.8466000

..... did you miss the part about the shitton of surgery?

>> No.8466007

Adam's Apples are p sexy on guys, no homolust.

Wish I had a prominent one...

>> No.8466034

You are correct/

ikr, you can hardly tell.
waste of money

>> No.8466170

are hooked nose /fa/ on men?

>> No.8466173

puberty saved him
all he had was brace (standard shit, everyone had that), a slight nose job and a genioplasty (more medical, maybe the jaw change is mostly because of the posture change)

>> No.8466176

>tfw im a guy
>i look like her when i pull my hair back

>> No.8466178

what surgeries did she get?
i see neck liposuction
eyebrow shave
jaw reduction
forehead implant

she didnt just have a nose job

>> No.8466182

fucking plastic bitch
you can see the makeup all over her face

you can keep the bimbo.

>> No.8466183

Looks like just a nose job to me, maybe something to the cheeckbones.

>> No.8466198

she probably had jaw reduction and her lip change too so she probably had something to fix an overbite

>> No.8466209

Such an emotional response.
You're on an imageboard, man.

It's just a picture I found.

>> No.8466211

Would make 10/10 trap

>> No.8466224

I'm of two minds. People can and should make their bodies match who they are, or who they want to be.

But that raises more questions than it answers, somewhat obviously. Who are you? Who do you want to be? The old "do you want what you want" thing, too.

It's got an innumerable number of variables, and your nose or whatever is just one of them.

Generally, I think it's a bad idea, and attempt to shortcut become a more universally palatable person that seldom actually works out, visually or otherwise Idiosyncrasy is actually what we prize in others and effort shows on your face.

Developing your own unique charisma seems to be what works the best for the most people something actually works for. And remember Orwell: "At 50, everyone has the face he deserves."

C.f. the saga of Heidi Montag and this typo-riddled but better thing I wrote a few weeks back on similar themes.


>> No.8466242


It's her hair making her look shitter, but tbh, she was hotter before the nose job regardless.

>> No.8466270
File: 370 KB, 760x1752, full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

knew I forgot something

>> No.8466279

wtf!?!??! she got her jawline removed??? topkekekekekty kek kek, women are truley the most stupidest species on the planet, she looks like a mouthbreather now

>> No.8466292

Alright she honestly looked better in the before photo. Don't want to sound like a white knight fedora lord but completely srs.

>> No.8466307

i think she looked better after
is it just me

>> No.8466313

Yes, it's just you ;)

>> No.8466344

i feel le special

>> No.8466354

last pic looks better after than before.
i honestly can't see the difference on all of the other ones.

>> No.8466366

I believe the middle pic, it's the pointedness of her nose

>> No.8466771

fuck she looked better before, what the fuck.

>> No.8466774

looks better on the left