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8455039 No.8455039 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw someone called you a hipster

>> No.8455041

but you are one

>> No.8455044

Did you tell them it's not 2010 anymore?

>> No.8455046

gabe pls go

>> No.8455053

>tfw wearing diaper pants
>tfw people yell 'nice pants, FAGGOT!' everywhere i go
p-plens, right?

>> No.8455057

b-but im not ;_;

>> No.8455060

>tfw ppl think you're a goth

I started to work with grey and taupe to escape the all black hell.

>> No.8455062

Just ask them what they mean by hipster and enjoy the reaction.
The only reason you'd be called a 'hipster' is because you're playing dress-up and don't look comfortable in what you're wearing.

>> No.8455063

post your fit

>> No.8455067

I love how that word has absolutely no meaning anymore when everyone and their dog has their own damn misconception of it

>> No.8455070

>"you dress very trendy, anon!"

>> No.8455132

>people compliment you but you think they're lying and are secretly thinking "haha wat a fgt"

>> No.8455138

mental illness

>> No.8455175


>> No.8455276
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>> No.8455278
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>it's just a button-down
>the sleeves are rolled up and it's not even tucked in

>> No.8455578
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am i a hipster? (black)

>> No.8455922



>> No.8455928

Top kek

>> No.8457418

Thanks bald chan

>> No.8457436

I'm glad I just barely missed the generation that thinks it's cool to dress like this.

>> No.8457654

>tfw you get offended because you take yourself too seriously.

>> No.8457671

hey man, we get the last laugh when we have to take the elevator because we can't walk up stairs

>> No.8457892

wud hang with

>> No.8457903

Happens a lot

You can consider it a compliment because people think hipsters are cool idk why

>tfw you get called a hipster for wearing Rick Owens

>> No.8457912

“Hipster” is a term co-opted for use as a meaningless pejorative in order to vaguely call someone else’s authenticity into question and, by extension, claim authenticity for yourself.

It serves no conversational function and imparts no information, save for indicating the opinions and preferences of the speaker.

Meanwhile, a market myth has sprung up around the term, as well as a cultural bogeyman consisting of elusive white 20-somethings who wear certain clothes (but no one will agree on what), listen to certain music (no one can agree on this either), and act a certain way (you’ve probably sensed the pattern on your own).

You can’t define what “that kind of behavior or fashion or lifestyle” actually is, nor will you ever be able to. That’s because you don’t use “hipster” to describe an actual group of people, but to describe a fictional stereotype that is an outlet for literally anything that annoys you.

The twist, of course, is that if it weren’t for your own insecurities, nothing that a “hipster” could do or wear would ever affect you emotionally. But you are insecure about your own authenticity - “Do I wear what I wear because I want to? Do I listen to my music because I truly like it? I’m certainly not like those filthy hipsters!” - so you project those feelings.

Suffice it to say, no one self-identifies as a hipster; the term is always applied to an Other, to separate the authentic Us from the inauthentic, “ironic” Them.

tl;dr: if you believe hipsters exist, you are a plebeian.

>> No.8457937
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>tfw you get called a faggot for wearing Rick Owens

FTFY anon, are you sure you heard them right?

>> No.8458069

It was a girl and she told me that twice so I'm sure

I have never been called a fag for wearing something different

>> No.8458080

hipster and fuccboi is a same thing?

>> No.8458110

you sound like a pretentious piece of shit

>> No.8458117

w2c qt3.14 gf like the one standing next to teenage melanin ninja turtle?

>> No.8458138

>Walking with friend of friend
>Guy wearing a scarf, peacoat and skinny jeans walks past us
>"Man, what a hipster, don't you think so too anon?"
So wearign a scarf constitutes as hipster now?

>> No.8458153

its pasta, fuccboi.

>> No.8458157

yup, not necessarily a bad thing either

>> No.8458161

no it's writing. How does that look anything like food??

>> No.8458191

check these dubs

>> No.8458197

meant these ones

>> No.8458205

Sorry about that, check mine.

>> No.8458209

Which are coming in this post.

>> No.8458214

good effort but let me demonstrate the proper way with these dubs

>> No.8458215

just a warm up

>> No.8458222

all this shitposting

check um

>> No.8458230

God damn it man..

>> No.8458233


>> No.8458235

>giving a shit about pleb opinions
c'mon man

>> No.8458236


>> No.8458237

well why don't you tell us what it means

>> No.8458256

It had no meaning, that's his point

>> No.8458268

When you ask someone what a hipster is, they would usually reply with someone who dresses outside of trends, like dressing semi-formal casually. They're wrong
Hipster is just a tag without meaning

>> No.8458279
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Memorize this.

I've used it before and it's hilarious seeing someone try and describe a 'hipster' right after calling you one.

>> No.8458299

This is probably the most hipster definition of hipster I've ever read.

>> No.8458308

Idgaf about any other definitions but I define a hipster as someone who continually wants to deviate from the norm just for the sake of being different.

I.e A person that genuinely a film but starts to hate it once it becomes popular is a hipster.

I don't really see it as a way of dressing.

>> No.8458312

I once got called a hipster for weighing my coffee beans and that was the day I realized this copypasta is right.

>> No.8458320

People who post this unironocally are the real hipsters

>> No.8458461

nice copypasta

>> No.8458470

If you're different, you're a hipster.

>> No.8458499

>I.e A person that genuinely a film but starts to hate it once it becomes popular is a hipster.
you're a big guy

>> No.8458502

it can apply to dressing too
there he goes again etc

>> No.8458521

I really don't get out much, do people actually still use this term?

>> No.8458526

only if you live in a shit place

>> No.8458934

only a hipster would say something like this

>> No.8458950

is this a feels thread

>> No.8458958

Berlin is the most hipster city on the planet.

>> No.8458976
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>he hasn't actually read it

>> No.8458980


>partying near christmas on the street
>wear all buttoned red shirt, skinny jeans and black parka
>meet a couple of girls from uni
>"wow anon u looking good u so hipster today"
>bunch of random girls i don't know approach me
>"hey! you're a hipster!"
>"wait, what the fuck. Why do you say that?"
>"your shirt is all buttoned up! Take try my friend's hipster glasses!"
>"yeah sure"
>go back with mates
>"what did those girls want anon?"
>"idk they called me hipster can you believe?"
>"well, a bit. Hey girls do you think anon looks like a hipster?"
>everygirl says yes or kinda
>a couple say they love it


>> No.8458998

holy fuck where do you live

>> No.8459023



>> No.8459350

I think I remember you posting about that on /mu/ like 6 months ago, unless the same thing happened to someone else.

>> No.8459383

Disgusting. Hipsters are too soft and pussified I hate them.

>> No.8459431

then why is there a wikipedia article on it?

>> No.8459442

>skinny jeans

>> No.8459451

That was me actually. I guess I just like complaining about it.

>> No.8459470
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>> No.8459488

>stop wearing cargo shorts and graphic tees
>replace with collared shirts, pants/jeans in different colors and focus on color composition
>"wow anon looking good "
>"wow anon what are you dressed for? "
>"wow you look gay"

>> No.8459502
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Forgot my face

>> No.8459537

>buying new glasses
>go up to opticians
>"yeah we have a lot of frames that'll fit your edgy look"
>keeps saying edgy

>> No.8459545

maybe stick to tees and sweatshirts, or just avoid the idiots

>> No.8459550


change your friends or start accepting them for the plebs they are xDDDDDDDD

>> No.8459553

No you're black

>> No.8459561

I think I'd change my hair and the way I dress after an experience like that

>> No.8459582

what kind of glasses are edgu according to your optician? like what style or brand?

>> No.8459594
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>tfw step sister calls you a hipster

>> No.8459601

>wearing black skinnies, samba beaters, grey flannel shirt
>"anon, you really are a hipster haha"

To be fair I have a massive beard but it's more due to a lack of effort to shave and to stop being confused for some guy that looks exactly like me that lives nearby

I suppose I do have some typical "hipster" qualities, though

>> No.8459681


Might be I browse /mu/ and I think I already greentexted this before. I just don't remember if it was here or there.


Yeah I know. Everytime I see some trendhopping hipster, now with their undercuts and their printed/floral shirts around here, they look like big children. Sometimes I even shout at them "fucking hipsters!" or sth on the like if i'm drunk or feel punk.

>> No.8459727


A hipster is someone who simply dresses like a twat and talks like a twat

Does a hipster dress like a lumberjack or a fagy ninja? Both, because twat

>> No.8459794

fucking lol


>> No.8459804


>> No.8459811

Why didn't you get plain tees and henelys like a normal person?

>> No.8459858
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>TFW when lift weights
>TFW never be called a hipster

>> No.8459979

i feel like like he was deliberately trying to piss you off, p funny.

>> No.8460117
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I did.

People looked at me like I was Paul Newman just because I got a Moroccan cut shirt that went well with the rest of my fit

>> No.8460617

>collared shirts, pants/jeans in different colors
kill yourself

>> No.8462608

Did you remember all the hipster related copy pasta's before hand and unload your autism on to them?

>Wow welcome to 2009. Do you even realize how late you are? I'm a post-new-sincerity non-hipster, which technically makes me post-post-post-post-hipster since I'm the post ironic succession from a new sincerity hipster, which proceeds post-hipsterdom, which proceeds hipster, which proceeds conventional sincerity. Simply by the count of succession I'm technically a superposition of old sincerity and post-new sincerity when it comes to being a hipster. You'll never reach my level. Even if you do, I'll be 5 post-sincerities ahead of you.

>> No.8463259

w2c cool intentionally antagonistic optician

>> No.8465139

archive this shit

>> No.8465180
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>Live in Wicker Park
>Everyone is a "hipster"
>nice place

>> No.8465226

W-w-wut..... are you from Illinois?

>> No.8465396
File: 111 KB, 320x345, sk.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the part about insecurity is kind of wrong. i would posit that hipsters spark the idea in your head, "hey this douchebag is sure shitting all over authentic cool shit, and making it retarded." since this kind of thing bothers you, its natural that you analyze yourself to make sure that yes, you are not a satan worshipping hipster devoid of integrity conscience, humanity.

tl;dr, if something irks you instinctively, you are on the right track to follow it. this whole 'you hate what you are' thing is false and full of fallacy

>> No.8465409

yes. you know who this is?
hint: not arab

>> No.8465423

>be a rly big xiu xiu geek for over 4 years, listen to every album, watch all the interviews, see them as soon as i was 19, etc
>meet some guy at a party with a xiu xiu shirt and a patch (he made the patch himself)
>tell him i dont really like the new album, its kind of dense and i sort of dont get it..you know, trying to discuss the new direction with a fellow fan
>guy says he liked it, proceeds to introduce me to someone saying 'this guy is a xiu xiu fan too...i think...'
>me spend next day fuming about this guy exploiting a band he thinks has cool imagery but probably doesn't actually like them very much/as thoroughly as my autistic self

now in further contemplation maybe he is just kind of stupid but does genuinely like them and think they are cool...and could not sense my obvious fan superiority.

>> No.8465429

i think hipsters explore concepts on idiotic surface levels which just annoys anyone with sense.

>> No.8465487

I am Gabe. Skinny pale kid? Dirves mustang?

>> No.8465518

do you drive a mustang? but yeah i seen you at ahmads house. ring any bells.

>> No.8465667
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A well-constructed response brimming with detail and accuracy.

>> No.8465675

There's a word for that. "Poser".

>> No.8465676

>yfw that is the perfect simplified form of the "Hipster” is ... a meaningless pejorative" copy pasta

>> No.8465818

Misinformation is the essential problem. Boiling it down to a concentrated form doesn't help at all. That might make a point, but it detracts from the original, lengthier thesis.