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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 1.39 MB, 1080x1920, 8adb531d-dc0e-4b84-8e03-bb113554b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8456002 No.8456002[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Damn Bro you're so dressed up.
>this is what Americans actually believe

>> No.8456008

Normally don't find this shit funny but damn that's not good.
Imagine being that poor bastard.

>> No.8456019

that hoe actually believes this is what dressing up is


>> No.8456021

>cargo shorts
>fugly shoes
>"dressed up"

i'd do that girl though

>> No.8456025

lol describing him like a pet.

>> No.8456029

Everyone mad dis nigga is laying the pipe

>> No.8456031

He's knee deep in the friendzone

>> No.8456033

Trust me, she doesn't put out for anyone.

>> No.8456039

Hes balls deep in that fine white ass nyukka

>> No.8456043

You know this bitch?

>> No.8456051

Yeah she's nice but very prudish.

>> No.8456055

Better than being a skank

>> No.8456058


>> No.8456066

ah, nothing warms my heart more than seeing a happy young couple :)

>> No.8456093

Dat projection tho

>> No.8456100

this whole thread is projection retard.

>> No.8456109

I fucking hate seeing happy couples

yes it's because I'm jealous

>> No.8456121

he looks like shet, she thinks it's good, nothing being projected here m8

>> No.8456132

Unfortunately, this is actually how it is in the South here in the US.

>twill shirt
>"Woah anon, why are you so dressed up? Where are you going?"
Anytime you have something with a collor, people start asking "where are you going?"

Well, with the exception of highschool, but now in uni it's just ridiculous.

>> No.8456133

>see guy with girl
>talk shit about him
>not projection
>im cool i swear
god, /fa/ never changes

>> No.8456146

>implying they aren't yuropoors

You fucking fags are so jealous that you constantly try to make fun of America to take your mind off of the fact that Muslims are taking over your continent.

>> No.8456150

They are Americans

>> No.8456164

Are you angry because he can pull petite cute bitcgez and u can't haha

>> No.8456173

Nope. She doesn't put out for anyone until marriage.

>> No.8456181

oh fuck oh christ


>> No.8456182
File: 1.66 MB, 1080x1920, 1404679086456.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they're dirty brits idiot. americans don't have a king.

>> No.8456184

Back to /b/

>> No.8456200

Are you a retard? So much American butthurt.

>> No.8456204

uh hello
>tiger woods
thats a sign for the par king

>> No.8456209

i mean golf

>> No.8456210

>keeping it until marriage

I'm always amazed how Americans can retain ancient religious morals all while being one of the most developed nations in the world

>> No.8456214

How'd u no

>> No.8456225

>being this jealous
>projecting this hard.
wow, you're cool.

>> No.8456237
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>be me
>try to be effay/prepcore for school
>have to volunteer with a class to do some charity shit
>you absolutely have to wear jeans and the organization's polo
>qt I talk to starts mirin
>says I look good dressed up
>t-thanks... y-you too


>> No.8456245

imagine fucking that qt? sounds nice.

>> No.8456256

I don't think you know what projection means.

>> No.8456257

dude I'm american and you gotta admit this is funny.
>those shoes
>how hard is it to wear pants

>> No.8456260

no one cares

>> No.8456261

Are you guys retarded? she's basically insulting him. "Hurr he cleans up well", and he does look like shit. I bet she takes advantage of that fucker

>> No.8456265
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>> No.8456274

well you did enough to respond

>> No.8456282

ahhhh :^)))))))))

>> No.8456290 [DELETED] 

Assuming you're not American, right?

What if she was just comparing that to what he would previously wear. What if he would always wear tie-dye shirts and black pants? Some shit combo number 5 (inb4americanalwaysthinkaboutfood)? Don't be ignorant.

>> No.8456298

He was making a joke. Are YOU retarded?

>> No.8456338


>> No.8456345


>> No.8456380

We have interests and like to go online to interact with people of similar interests and appreciate aesthetics. You actually spend time pissing yourself off I guess?

>> No.8456425

You know damn well that it's more than what you just said. Do you see all the shitposting on WAYWT threads? That's not "discussing". that's angsty teenagers with a novel's length list of insecurities and/or mental hindrances. Everyone just likes to talk shit because they know they look like shit, aren't social, and have never even seen pussy. Most of them probably don't even have a job. don't try to justify this because it's true.

>> No.8456438

And on top of that, they like to make fun of other people and make entire fucking THREADS devoted to laughing at other people on reddit or other forums that look like shit. this forum is some sort of bull shit fax-elitist community that uses "we all have the same interests and like to interact" Oh really? why not get the fuck out of the house and interact then? Find people in real life that share interests? youre not going to make money online talking shit about others during the hot summers in your parents basement and playing dress up in front of your full-length just to have people say you look like shit.

>> No.8456447

Worst thread on /fa/

>> No.8456459

More like another shitty thread along with the other countless shitty threads that have ever been posted on this garbage website.

>> No.8456464

i was talking about you, not the sap in the pic.
it isn't funny. you're just pointing out the obvious. he looks like he's dressed for a regular day at high school. and the implication that he usually dresses worse is clear.
you're just a cunt. that's what i was getting at.
>hurr duh womyn is manbashing
she seems genuine. and she looks too stupid to be mean to the guy.

>> No.8456477

>she looks too stupid to be mean to the guy
another class-A example of some shitwad on the internet calling others that are shittalking cunts when, he himself, is one. Judgmental prick. There is no doubt in my mind that you buy clothes online and post them for other random fuckers on the internet to see and critique for the pleasure of your own self-satisfaction. Also, you're not a very attractive person. Don't even try to defend yourself because I can tell.

>> No.8456479


>> No.8456484


>> No.8456495

The maddest guy ever.

>> No.8456509

Wtf half the posters in this thread need anger management

>> No.8456510

Im not mad. Maybe if you read what I posted you'd understand that it's nothing other than true. Typical response from one of you /fa/ dwellers. its on even this board. Do you even look at the other boards. It's a giant clusterfuck of underdeveloped minds and raging hormones. Think about why you don't tell others you browse 4chan. Because you know damn well the reputation behind it. Not to mention the average person has no fucking clue what 4chan is. it's a waste of time, that's what it is. Sure, some of the shit on /fa/ is pretty cool because I enjoy clothes, but most of the time iits bullshit threads like this that don't belong.

>> No.8456514

Like I said, lmao, I'm not angry. I don't need anger management. I'm trying to make a point and bring the obvious to light so maybe you can see through your veil of ignorance.

Still waiting for the "hurr durr autism XDDDD" "dank meme brah hahahah lLOL KKEKEKE" and bait images to show up.

>> No.8456518

Seriously dude, it's been an hour, chill out, get off the internet, take a walk outside.
You shit on 4chan yet you're here getting mad at nothing for HOURS.

>> No.8456519

>not angry
>obsessively rants and exaggerates about apparent meme and uses "hurr durr"
Babby's first week on 4chan.

>> No.8456521

Hours? I legit just ate dinner and took a piss break. Plus it hasn't even been an hour yet. I came to this thread like 10 minutes ago ;p This is the first time I've even posted on this website in a while

>> No.8456523

If you're getting this worked up over anonymous comments on a fashion board, I seriously would consider just leaving the thread. You're not going to win anything.

>> No.8456524

Yeah but you have no idea what he wore before.

>> No.8456525

Nah, it's not my first week. Maybe yours though because that shit has been on here for ages. Plus the "babby's first week" shit? Dude, people have been saying "babbys first x" for quite a while now

>> No.8456526

get the fuck off OUR AMERICAN website theb u stupid piece of shit

>> No.8456531

First post 17h39, it's now 18h26.
You're so mad you don't even notice time passing by anymore.

>> No.8456538

It's not that im getting worked up, but the point is, it's not just "anonymous". this is how these people are on the outside of the internet as well, accept too much of bitches to actually point something out to someone like "lol shit fit bro" that's why this website, along with others, are shit. There's underlying causes to why people feel the need to talk shit to others about their fits for no reason. Why not just care? Yeah, maybe it looks like shit, but who fucking cares?

>> No.8456539

How could it be my first week if you've just said that the reference I made has been around for a long time? Your argument sounds like an "I know you are but what am I?" but then contradicts itself.

>> No.8456541

>implying I've been staring at this page for an hour.

>> No.8456543
File: 1.39 MB, 200x150, 1396397489041.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not mad

>> No.8456544

I was being facetious. clearly we've both been here for a while

>> No.8456548

>repeatedly coming back to argue with several different posters, rather than doing something productive.

>> No.8456549

>sarcasm doesn't work over the internet, friend
:^) You think I wake up and actually want to get angry and come to this board? I just come on here to chill but i cant when its full of shit threads like this.

>> No.8456550

It's better than teens who go to fancy/dressy places dressed in a Hollister tee and cargo shorts thinking it's appropriate.

>> No.8456554

Well yeah.

>> No.8456557

>doing something productive.
explain to me how that's going to work, exactly. I'm bored as shit, it's summer, no fucking job, friends live over an hours away.

>> No.8456560

I came here to make my initial points about all the bullshit on this board. That's it. Im looking at other tabs between posts then come back to refresh and theres multiple posts replying back to me soo.

>> No.8456561
File: 1.76 MB, 1088x1920, thatpictureisshoppedhereistheoriginal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that picture is shopped!

here is the original

>> No.8456563

Well continue to jerk off to these replies, Scooby Gamer.

>> No.8456565

better is subjective dude. Some people just don't give a shit. The problem with this board is that literally everyone on here is so fucking concerned with what so other random is doing that they feel the need to shit talk it and even make an ENTIRE THREAD about it. Why? While they're being happy doing whatever "pleb" shit theyre doing, youre sitting here lamenting in your own depression and feeling of self-worthlessness

>> No.8456570

you spelt so wrong,



>> No.8456571


>> No.8456575

>Scooby Gamer.
SHIT right i forgot to make fun of his email

>> No.8456579

Why don't you just leave the thread? Why don't you just leave the site if you don't like the 4chan mentality. If this makes you upset, why come here at all? If you want no bullying go to /r/mfa

>> No.8456581

I'm trying to make a point and maybe open people's eyes to get off of this toxic cesspit and actually meet people. Honestly, I give credit to those "meetups" people have. But really, if you just fucking went outside and chilled at bars or some shit you could meet people on your own isntead of some fucking randoms online that are just as awkward as you are and justify it by saying "lel brisbane meetup was success we had drinks and talked and look like fucking retards wearing designer clothes that don't even fit"

>> No.8456582
File: 27 KB, 480x360, His fedora benches 220.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Making fun of based Scoobert
Better watch what you say fuccboi, Scooby will tear your little asshole up

>> No.8456585

appreciate the attempt,bud :^)

>> No.8456590

no you really did spell "so" wrong

you're a fucking idiot.

>> No.8456591

I can take the bullying, but why bully in the first place. I'm trying to open people's minds (inb4 any says some stupid shit to that). I personally don't like reddit so I don't go there. I come here because The occasional threads that ARE good, i like, but it's so full of nonsense shitposting and people shitposting and others taking the bait. it actually hurts to see people so retarded.

>> No.8456596


No one on this website, shitposters and all are "retarded", that's why we all come here. We all know we are elitists.

And shitposters just happen to be one step above the elitists.

>> No.8456597

If youre really that upset, I elongated the so because that's what people do sometimes in conversations. If you don't understand it, that's ok. I also love that you diverted to calling me a fucking idiot even though it was a minor (intentional) "mistake"

CAPTCHA: I keep taking bait because people may get the message soon enough

>> No.8456607

Dude, I don't wanna be that guy, but I will. You aren't reaching anyone. It's pointless. This community is a toxic cesspool of insicurity. Love it or hate it.

>> No.8456608

But honestly, Where does this "elitism" get you in the real world? What do you think people think when they see you wearing your "rick owens" or "anne d" in the streets of australia or w/e youre from? I personally don't give a shit what people think either, but honestly. You're not famous. Noone knows who you are. Youre just a bunch of black-cloth cladden teenagers with no job or future walking together because you're "friends"

>> No.8456610

>dat qt

>> No.8456612

Lol I guess my first mistake was trying to open up people on "4chan". this website is doomed regardless. I'll pack my bags and leave.

>> No.8456613

>thinking she's a qt

she's a 6/10 at best

>> No.8456614

Are you going to be ok

>> No.8456616

Hahahahahahah I just posted that and I have no idea whats going on in this thread im not even the guy you were talking 2

u just got trolled m8 :^))

>> No.8456619

okay man, have a nice day/evening. lata

>> No.8456620

*tips trilby*

>> No.8456621


>> No.8456777


you're trying to get people off of this toxic board by being on this toxic board and doing the exact thing you are mad at this board for?

Just wow.

>> No.8456831

never claimed I wasn't a cunt. I just don't go out of my way to shit-talk others. In fact, I would've never thought a thing about either of them if you hadn't made this thread and the subsequent mad scramble to prove yourself correct when, in fact, you're still incorrect.

>> No.8458439

His hair is awful

>> No.8458443

what is up with girls wearing that get up
it's fuckin digusting

>> No.8458557

because the people that I just "shit-talked are the same ones that post here every day with bullshit and call other people:'s fits "shit" or"lol fucking poorfag" or "babby's first x". The reason reddit is "slightly" better than /fa/ is because they're incredibly friendly and give good advice and then you shittards come here and CONTINUE to talk shit about them even though they're infinitely more happy and content han you are.

>> No.8458564


*dressed up relative to what he was probably wearing beforehand

Goddamn you fuckers are autistic.

>> No.8458570

underrated post.

>> No.8458576

i'm very concerned about his hair if anything

just what the hell exactly is going on up there

>> No.8458606

Look at the girl's hairline too

>> No.8458637

You guys really need some pussy if you think anyone outside of this retarded website gives a rats shit about their "hairline" my god

>> No.8458644

why are you still here, got to mfa's circlejerk

>> No.8458670

maddest guy ever

>> No.8458678

lmao @your life scooby gaymer

>> No.8458746
File: 100 KB, 500x375, 1402965910860.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ragin' brah. Almost smashed my keyboard over it. Dank meme btw. Glo up

>> No.8458776

post more of her, is she 1,50m?

>> No.8458794

full retard

>> No.8458797
File: 45 KB, 954x310, BaitTackle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8458807
File: 142 KB, 793x238, bitch crazy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i-is this tumblr raid people were talking about?

>> No.8458884

>other peoples' faces when I say I don't own jeans

>> No.8458894

the amount of fuccboi in this pic is overwhelming

>> No.8458965

serious autism. see a dr m9

>> No.8458969

LOL HILARIOUS MAN YOU GOT ME. Yah keep spewing the autism shit all over the internet, maybe you'll meet an autist one day and realize you're fucking retarded.

>> No.8458971


>> No.8458974

You mean the amount of money you'll never see in your life. Stay poor. and keep saying "fuccboi". Maybe if you conform hard enough you'll be cool like everyone else on this board.

>> No.8458982


>implying britfags dress any better than the dweeb

>> No.8458984


>> No.8459049

quality thread

>> No.8459057

I dressed up in khakis and a button up shirt and I got like 6 girls numbers. Girls love that shit, I have been swimming in pusses ever since

>> No.8459083

yeah me too dawg. bitches love the airway that goes up from the relaxed fit, balls don't taste like flat mt dew ayy lmao.

>> No.8459178

dat projection tho

>> No.8459721

You're like 14.nobody cares

>> No.8459752

If his birthday was in 97 he'd be 17 now.

>> No.8459755

Your an angry virgin. How's Leauge of Legends?

>> No.8459879

She's like 3'4" and 13.

>> No.8459882

What's your point?

>> No.8459886

I've loved this gif ever since I started nodding with him. It feels like we just accomplished something great.

>> No.8459891

>not teetering in the gray area between a first and third world country

>> No.8459895

Have my upvote, kind sir!

>> No.8459910

Huh hoh höhöhö did nut expegt dat cuming

>> No.8459939
File: 278 KB, 1179x742, bald.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we're on /fa/ fgt, the only place to talk about shit like that

>> No.8459947
File: 86 KB, 992x744, HT_elliot_rodger_jt_140525_4x3_992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw that dude has a gf and I don't

>> No.8460039

lol shut up fuccboi

>> No.8460663

dat projection tho

>> No.8461788

what a fucking fag
I bet people talk behind your back cause you're such a fucking faglord

>> No.8461807

What do you want/need a GF for? What will a GF bring you? What is that guy sacrificing for his relationship? What will he have when it's over?

>> No.8461820

lmao that boy better b rich or that gurl ain't got no standards.

plebes. smh

>> No.8461841


>wears raf meme shoes

>> No.8461898

I remember my first time posting

>> No.8463636

she looks like that duke porn star

>> No.8463916

Lol she does

>> No.8464321


>Dat projection tho

>> No.8464330


Oh, Elliot what are we going to do with you?

>> No.8464346

They do it's fucking burger king the fat cunts

>> No.8464724


>> No.8465498

Has anybody taken into consideration that they might be family and not a couple? They look really young.

>> No.8465526

>shirt fits him well but it looks too short

I'm not as skinny as him, but I'm tall and I'd say I have narrower shoulders and back than the average person, so if I get a shirt that fits me well, it's usually too short.

How do I deal with this?

>> No.8465664


>> No.8465706


>> No.8465751

I went full retard and got a t-shirt that was a big baggy for me. How do I wear it /fa/? It's just a regular yellow t-shirt for clarification.

>> No.8465810

This is one of the most idiotic questions I've seen on here in a while.

>> No.8466008

I think that's his sister.

>> No.8466022

no brother puts their hand on their sister like that

>> No.8466024

why are you such a scared faggot