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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 56 KB, 450x659, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8443040 No.8443040 [Reply] [Original]

#thinspo thread

Post ur thinspo, weight goals, daily food log, etc.

No fatties allowed.

>> No.8443163

that body looks gross af lol

>> No.8443210

holy shit those disproportionate as fuck arms

>> No.8443216


>> No.8443220

did you not see the sign? no fatties

>> No.8443265

how2achieve this

>> No.8443280
File: 52 KB, 400x489, 235f6627-3487-4c54-bcb3-dfbc7f3a4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this Nigga looks like an uglier Iggy Pop

>> No.8443529

goal body

>> No.8443675

Oh my god his torso looks like someone's knee trying to burst out from an old leather handbag.

>> No.8443884

can /fit/ and /fa/ go together?

meatheads don't usually dress nice

>> No.8443890

Eat 1k cal a day for the rest of your life. basically no effort

>> No.8443904

basically i weigh 150 pounds 6 feet and being even THIS skinny kinda sucks. my back and arm muscles are so weak i cant even lift a case of water anymore, rendering any manual labor work impossible. how do i desk job

>> No.8443906

i do that already and work a physically demanding job though

>> No.8443916

Wtf I'm 6'4" and 160 and I do heavy lifting on a daily basis because of muh job. I must just have weird stringy chimpanzee muscles or some shit.

>> No.8443918

how do I get this thin?

>> No.8443919

Very possible. I'm working on doing both.
>tfw so hungry skeleton I can hardly find clothes that fit me.
>tfw also manlet
>tfw wide chestgap
Anyways, both lifting and fashion are hobbies, and most people only have one real hobby, so it's unlikely to find someone into two hobbies, especially ones that contain groups that hate eachother.

>> No.8443952

>being this much of a skinny fat

6'4" and 160 and I have no problem lifting heavy weight.

>> No.8443958
File: 32 KB, 600x800, 1340194069712.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. /fa/ /fit/ is different from /fit/ /fit/ though

>> No.8443977

>an uglier iggy pop

Literally impossible

>> No.8444569

lol this guy looks like he needs his ass kicked

>> No.8444575

who still says shit like this?

>> No.8444578

I am a white male human skeleton living in America, the fattest country on Earth.

I am basically a living god.

>> No.8444581

I was with you up til "smfh"


>> No.8444582

go away nerd

>> No.8444597

LOL DIS YOU? >>8443958

>> No.8444603


>> No.8444604

you seriously need your ass kicked

>> No.8444610

will u be doing the asskicking yourself tuff guy

>> No.8444612


>> No.8444617

lets c wat I'm working with shall we :^)

>> No.8444627

how do you get that definition without eating tons of chicken?

i've always been skinny but never cut

>> No.8444640

ye thats wat I thought

>> No.8444642

u w0t m8? you want my dick in your ass. I don't fuck men and if i did they wouldn't be skellington manlets liek u.

>> No.8444655

homo chubby chaser, detected

>> No.8444663
File: 28 KB, 500x614, me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try again weaklet.

>> No.8444943

goddam you're so gay

>> No.8445011

le thin hair chin man is in :^)

>> No.8446602

>this guy looks like he needs his ass pounded
ftfy, he's hot af idk what ur on abt m8

>> No.8446610

Today I am cutting I'll probably have one small meal like a bowl of veggies I may just fast tho and drink my whey protein.
Gonna run and do nothing but core.

Usually I work out then eat a regular meal.

>> No.8446652

He looks like Fudo from Vagabond

>> No.8446676

there's a difference between skinny and ottermode

>> No.8446692

Yeah I rather be otter mode for sure.

>> No.8446733

w2c ottermode?

>> No.8446752

the pool

>> No.8446779
File: 121 KB, 640x480, ccp human skin abs natural dye.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how 2 reduce bodyfat?

>> No.8446923

why? because your gf would gargle his cum any day at the drop of a hat?

>> No.8446995

start eating asshat, get healthy. I'm 130 6' and could run a marathon ride now, starvation will never get you to the master race.

>> No.8447554

I'm 5 8

130 and really skinnyfat

Should I start swimming or doing starting strength?

I want to be aesthetic but I dn't wanna gain much weight

>> No.8447567
File: 510 KB, 2048x1232, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Already there.
147 lbs

>> No.8447602

at that weight you've got no actual muscle. speaking as a 6'5 190 lb high level athlete (track and field, D1, hurdles) you can not be (meaningfully) fit below 165 lbs. post a full body pic from head on instead of an oddly angled chest shot and I suspect we'll see that either your stomach or legs lack definition.

>> No.8447620

this is a skinny/ thin thread
not a /fit/ thread

>> No.8447624


>> No.8447629

i feel bad for fats
fuck em

>> No.8447634

Mexico is fatter now. Move there

>> No.8447635
File: 102 KB, 640x640, gg444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw lean cut
>people compliment me on my dedication
>it's really just malnutrition and drug addiction

pic of a girl i know
big ups to her

>> No.8447651

>tfw she worked that hard to maybe gain like a quarter of a point on the hot scale
that sucks

>> No.8447657


only been one month
although, her tits look a bit off now

>> No.8447663

mirin progress in such a short period of time

>> No.8447671 [DELETED] 

>implying you wouldn't lick her asshole if she bent over naked in front of you and told you in a sexy voice to lick it

>> No.8447673 [DELETED] 

>/fa/ - Fashion

>> No.8447675

Currently 155 at 5 9
Want to hit hopefully under 145.
But cant do it man with all the tasty food nearby
Been at a steady 155~157 for 2 months now.

>> No.8447680

run alot
skip meals, eat a fuckton when im hungry but thats it
drink only water or tea
>tfw can't gain or lose weight at all ;____;

>> No.8447770

>tfw 6'3
>was 195 lbs
>150 lbs
>it's just stimulants

>> No.8447775

what's your height/weight? by lean cut do you mean muscular and thin or just kind of skinny?

>> No.8447781

i'm 6'2.5, goal weight is 145

>> No.8447782


im about 120lbs at 5'9, im looking to put on weight because my hips look huge compared to body like in OPs pic

>> No.8447784
File: 138 KB, 301x450, ronnie_coleman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8447785

thats some pretty fast progress

mirin gains

>> No.8447792

that's more of a genetic thing. putting on weight might not help in the way you want it to.

>> No.8447804
File: 479 KB, 779x371, bodychecking.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how far do i have to go, 15lbs?

>> No.8447818

did you actually just post nudes to ask how much weight you should lose.. nudes where you're covering your breasts but not your vagina..

>> No.8447820


>> No.8447826

probably ~15 pounds. what's your h/w?

>> No.8447830
File: 507 KB, 500x500, 1401978169848.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>covering your tits but not your vagina

>> No.8447831

looks fine to me

go for morning runs

>> No.8447833

5'8'', somewhere between 120 and 125

will do

>> No.8447835

>15 lbs

you sound disgustingly anorexic to me. You're already extremely skinny, don't kill yourself.

>> No.8447839


Bitch you crazy.

I wouldn't say you need to be thinner. Your problem is you're out of shape and lack posture. Do posture exercises, try running a bit and push that ass up.

Nice tits.

>> No.8447843

julia is that you

>> No.8447845

anyone save this

>> No.8447847

ya pm me

>> No.8447848 [DELETED] 
File: 382 KB, 700x1050, 1383536447888.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please get this degenerate shit off my fucking 4chan and learn how the female body works



>> No.8447850

the thirst is real

>> No.8447855
File: 20 KB, 497x408, 1620874_1479761028922769_7967121578173818960_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>120-125 pounds
>tfw I weigh 8.5 stone and I'm male

Almost 9 stone but I can't put on much more weight, it's too difficult in my current circumstances.
Should I start a running program to lower bf%?

>> No.8447857

>everyone who doesn't like the same things I do is retarded

>> No.8447858


>> No.8447866
File: 36 KB, 619x263, body fat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>everyone who likes unhealthy things is retarded

this is actually true

>> No.8447871


>americans in charge of making charts

>> No.8447881 [DELETED] 


>eurobese in charge of reading comprehension

>> No.8448018

that's a mom butt, long and low

>> No.8448042

Under 16% risks amenorrhea though. Can cause osteoporosis, and isn't good for future pregnancy plans either obviously.

>> No.8448835

Routine plox?

>> No.8448954
File: 49 KB, 500x667, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8448968

I'm a 22 year old male and have the same waist size as the average American six year old boy.

>> No.8448993 [DELETED] 

Start lifting and get glorious V-taper

>> No.8449000 [DELETED] 


I once caught a qt mirin my glorious back
End up fucking that bitch everyday for like 2 years

>> No.8449010


5'8" 128 lbs

Muscular and thin. I'm just naturally defined and got low bf%

>> No.8449014 [DELETED] 


how qt is he?

>> No.8449046 [DELETED] 

this, v taper & developped pecs are p cool to have

>> No.8449085 [DELETED] 

please eat.

>> No.8449115 [DELETED] 
File: 2.13 MB, 968x1296, my quads are TOO BIG for skinny jeans.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can we turn this into current body thread

>> No.8449116

As a 5'11'' guy, I've found that the lowest i can weigh and still have a functioning brain and sex drive is 125 lbs. I fluctuate between 130-140 lbs right now because I love myself enough to stay at a healthy weight, but if hedi ever calls, I could drop 10 lbs easily.

>hedi will never call

>> No.8449121 [DELETED] 

how do i v-taper

>> No.8449122 [DELETED] 

lol. you need to deadlift

>> No.8449126 [DELETED] 

do you have to wear normcore clothes when you're that big?
good way to ruin a v taper

>> No.8449130 [DELETED] 
File: 32 KB, 800x600, 2hem0w5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love my v-taper, gets me all the bitches

>> No.8449132 [DELETED] 

work out shoulders arms and back mainly :)

>> No.8449154 [DELETED] 


stay jelly, big belly
havin fun with my skelly

>> No.8449179 [DELETED] 
File: 412 KB, 1396x1500, skeleton1-jumbo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

8.5 ~ 9 stone (fluctuates) 5'11 male, I've been trying to bulk for a while now, eating a 500 caloric surplus and using myfitnesspal for about 20 days and I'm finding it difficult to put on anymore weight from 8 stone.

Should I start running instead? Do a couch to 5k program. I'll still do calisthenics like pull-ups, push-ups, sit-ups and that sort of thing.
It might be better for me to lower my body fat percentage for the summer instead of trying to bulk and not succeeding.

>also /fit/ posted my pic once and collectively took the piss out of /fa/'s summer clothing and weight

>> No.8449194 [DELETED] 
File: 1.42 MB, 1421x799, 335lbs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8450012 [DELETED] 

>crossfit pl8s

>> No.8450169

Im not becoming super hungry skeleton.

>> No.8450176

>Still using some sort of "hot" scale.

When will you transcend?

>> No.8450239

she's lost a lot of buccal fat in the face, actually. this picture is pretty good evidence that lifting/eating well can change your jaw/cheekbones, not just your arms and chest...for all you fuckboys making threads about that.

>> No.8450242 [DELETED] 



>welcome to /fa/, where people know fuck all about diet or exercise and becoming the definition of anorexic is literally a goal for many people around here

>> No.8450244 [DELETED] 


Top lel, them empty crossfit plates

>> No.8450247

repressed homosexual closet fantasy

>> No.8450271


>not using the binary scale

pleb plz

>> No.8450285 [DELETED] 
File: 2.98 MB, 200x150, welcome to fit.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8451385 [DELETED] 


those are bumper plates so then metal plates don't break the oly platform.
have you ever been to a good gym before?

>> No.8451412 [DELETED] 

>have to bulk up for lifting
>now face is bloated as fuck
wat do

>> No.8451417 [DELETED] 

Cardio might be an option, lowers your bf%.
/fit/ is fucking with you if they say it kills gains, it doesn't, the only real evidence of that is a bunch of athletes who partook in a triathlon for 2-3 days and lost muscle mass in their legs, from over stimulation.


>> No.8451423 [DELETED] 

it only kills gains if you dont eat enough to keep up with it. if you add it to an anaerobic routine you are going to have to up calorie intake

>> No.8451436

>super skinny
>last night went to see the fireworks with my friends
>one was there with a few of his qt female coworkers
>one invites us to her house afterwards to drink and smoke
>had to decline because I have such a low bodyweight I have pretty much 0 tolerance for any of that

Why do you people glorify this shit?

>> No.8451440

/fit/ sticky, man, come on
youre gonna make it :)

>> No.8451443

I just ate 900 calories of peanuts and raisins. come at me skinny fags

>> No.8451448

just drink one or two beers?
also you can build up tolerance if you're so inclined
i'm 125lb and used to be able to put down ~20 drinks in a night. i barely ever drink now so it all went away can only drink like 5 or 6 lol

>> No.8451449 [DELETED] 
File: 274 KB, 1267x966, IB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I just did something and want criticism
Nice I guess hope you enjoyed them.

Yeah true. I'm >>8449179 Idk if I want to start a cardio routine or not, in my current circumstances it's pretty fucking difficult.
Honestly I don't feel comfortable eating a lot of food, it's not me you know.

Pic attached is ideal for me.

>> No.8451451 [DELETED] 

once you start running or whatever you WILL be hungrier trust me

either run before breakfast or before dinner, come back, 15~30 mins of preparing dinner and you're gonna be starving

>> No.8451458 [DELETED] 
File: 357 KB, 850x850, Couch-to-5K-.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds good, appreciate it.
Is this a decent program? I'd ignore the relax shit and do all my exercises obviously, every day.

>> No.8451464 [DELETED] 




>> No.8451472

what he said, that couch to 5k is for people either so out of shape they can't breathe or for people with weight problems.

just go out and jog, try to jog for like 30 mins or so, feel it out and just try to push yourself every time. if you need to walk for a bit then walk for a bit etc.. if you feel like you can run then run

>> No.8451476 [DELETED] 

You're a complete idiot.

>> No.8451492 [DELETED] 



>> No.8451533

They're still 45's, I used to use big rubber bumper plates in my high school weights class. When you drop power cleans they bounce and I used to catch them.

>> No.8451595

me too bro I feel ya

>> No.8451730


If you fast the following day you can make it brah.

>> No.8452061

I just started my hungry skeleton transformation.

It's easier than I thought. Eat a banana or something like it for breakfast, small bowl of soup for lunch, salad for dinner. like <1000 calories and lots and lots of water

>> No.8452066

lol. you're training yourself to look worse

>> No.8452073

>look worse
baby face pls

>> No.8452076


why exactly does /fa/ think you need to be disgustingly thin to wear clothes?

>> No.8452079
File: 1.09 MB, 1390x3113, IMG_3746c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bumpin with thinspo

>> No.8452082

dude, your build is average

>> No.8452108

>lost 20 lbs months ago
>family crisis happened and I started eating again
>start again
>lost 5 lbs over the past week
>living on net intake of less than 900 calories
>have a shit day
>eat entire large domino's
>today go out to dinner with family to burger joint

Well I feel shit now.

Still 30 lbs or so lighter than 6 months ago though. Looking to lose another 10 or so. I've gone from 30% BFP to 21% BFP.

>> No.8452113

You don't need low bodyfat to have a nice jawline and hollow cheeks. You're just shit looking.

>> No.8452127

this is almost fat by /fa/ standards
try again /fit/pleb

>> No.8452149

>being healthy, having broad shoulders &defined pecs is pleb

ok stay delusional

>> No.8452157
File: 121 KB, 473x836, DSC00795b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8452163

>/fa/ is filled with people that would rather do nothing to reach "aesthetics" than work hard

don't get too butthurt at these betas

>> No.8452167



>> No.8452169

lol I have taken too many dicks to be butthurt over that

>> No.8452180

I had to stop myself from purging and like I am super upset I am falling back into habits I thought died almost a decade ago :-(

I lost like 25lbs and I seem to have plateaued I think I need to get down to 1,000 6/week and really count and not do this 900-1,500cal bullshit

Sometimes I just wish I was on the islands again just for the weightloss :-/

>> No.8452187

Whenever you have a bad day in terms of eating just remember that tomorrow is a clean slate, you can always make up for it.

Best of luck with your life though Anon.

>> No.8452201

It's not s matter of just wearing clothes, it's about looking good in them :^)

>> No.8452209

but if you're rail thin you don't look good?

>> No.8452223

no one who's posted itt is rail thin

>> No.8452228


>> No.8452268

Well if that's your definition of rail thin, yea these people still look good. Big =/= attractive

>> No.8452305

none of that is particularle thin

>> No.8452383

I just got signed by a modeling agency I am at 4 % body fat, Is it possible to lose more fat or is that unhealthy?

>> No.8452391

You're not at 4% bodyfat, that's barely possible for most people, if you think you have 4% bodyfat and you're not some sort of bodybuilder you'd be in a hospital right now.

>> No.8452399

Apparently loneliness and stress cause you to lose weight. This explains why I'm 115 lbs.

>> No.8452416

No, eating at a caloric deficit does ;)

>> No.8452425

Ok the scale at the movie theater must be broken then

>> No.8452550
File: 61 KB, 500x750, tumblr_m22acxfqG61r7x7zzo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8452555
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>> No.8452556

W2c physique.

>> No.8452567
File: 137 KB, 400x600, 1383415882851.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wish i knew

>> No.8452569
File: 61 KB, 418x625, 25252345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8452598


I'm 6'1" 140 pounds.

>> No.8452603


No, being "big" is an American (Now, western) phenomenon. Clothes don't fit nicely when you are bursting out of them, I don't know where the obsession comes from. Gyms are hilarious, 90 percent of the people in there are working out just to get muscles to have muscles. Never to actually use them for anything substantial.

>> No.8452607

No matter what, you'll always have that disgusting foot tattoo.

>> No.8453721

Stuck in the deep canyon between /fit/ and /fa/, DYEL by one's standards and fat by the other's. Only choice is to post dick on /soc/.

>> No.8453727

try eating

>> No.8454133

dude, that roid gut isn't working out at all

>> No.8454238

More like kissed! AY-O!

>> No.8455163


>> No.8455203

if i loose weight will my boobs shrink like that? I honestly think she looked better when she could fill out that triangle top

>> No.8457483

depends if your boobs are fat or mammary tissue, but yes.

only fat whores say "i can lose weight, but i don't because i don't want to lose my tits"

>> No.8457531

pls b iun lobdon

>> No.8457578

tfw 5'9 and 175lbs.
being diabetic and trying to lose weight is suffering.

>> No.8457604
File: 512 KB, 1302x1612, P1140107.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8457815

I'm 1.83m and 57kg. I think for once I may be outside one standard deviation of /fa/.

>> No.8458076
File: 1.56 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_2816.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

6 feet tall. 144 lbs. I'm working on gaining weight

>> No.8458159

you look like geodude

>> No.8458170
File: 197 KB, 500x700, 20140706_233053.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

am I skinny?

>> No.8458178
File: 29 KB, 250x387, thinspo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8458182

ayyy limao

>> No.8458194
File: 14 KB, 625x582, 1363816702595.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw was on track and losing weight but about halfway through lost my will and gained all the weight back

>> No.8458323

Youe need eat more

>> No.8458495
File: 30 KB, 450x350, anorexiamodelAP_450x350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

greatest of all time

>> No.8458593
File: 170 KB, 720x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

H-hi boys...
Is this thinspo?

>> No.8458647

It's more than obvious youre taking something to achieve that. Nice try, roidboi. and don't bother replying with some dumbass "natty" response either because youre not natural either way. GG

>> No.8458650

let's see the back

>> No.8458744 [DELETED] 
File: 24 KB, 313x286, 1347808274448.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw craving ice cream

>> No.8458755
File: 401 KB, 600x900, Siki_Im - Copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know you shouldn't do that Anon.
If you're craving something like ice cream try a yogurt or something, maybe even a small glass of milk but that's it.

>> No.8458765
File: 937 KB, 5000x5000, 1404671367290.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8458767

lose some weight u fat piece of shit

>> No.8458826

BF% 9.76
BMI 17.2
Man. I remember when I used to be 85lbs. Now I'm forever stuck between 95-99. This shit sucks.
Honestly the only reason I'm not lower is because my doctor is a dick and'll send me to the nut house if I drop any lower than 95.

>> No.8458837

5'3? I'm so fucking sorry dude, at first I thought 7 stone was small but damn now I see why.

Are you a girl by any chance?

>> No.8458843

Yep, female, that probably makes a little. difference.

>> No.8458848


That's even short for a girl.

>> No.8458852

post pics sounds hot

>> No.8458856

And isn't stone just for weight, not height?

>> No.8458867


I didn't even get that part. Your britbong imperial units look so dumb to me.

Btw I just searched karlie kloss' height for reference.

>tfw she's as tall as i am
>tfw she's one year younger than i am
>tfw if you put us side by side i'd look like his 18-19 yo little brother

>> No.8458889
File: 411 KB, 960x1280, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too lazy to take a more recent one
I probably weighed 94 here.

>> No.8458903

holy shit before I read the thread I thought someone was posting jailbait

how old are you?

>> No.8458906

18 bb
Totally legal. I bet I could get some amazing deals in the porn industry.

>> No.8458910

thanks, hot.

>> No.8458913
File: 159 KB, 720x960, image (8).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How easy would it be for me to end up like these? They're pretty ideal.

>> No.8458915 [DELETED] 

Are you mentally ill or something, do you really think you need to lose 10 pounds?

>> No.8458923

As a matter of fact I am.
Anorexic, Bulimic, but diagnosed as EDNOS.

>> No.8458932

u wan sum fuk

>> No.8458943

If you ever see me around the streets of Alabama, sure, why not.

>> No.8458949

gib gmail

>> No.8458972
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Nah, you seem to needy.

Be more alpha next time, son. Bitches like me need someone to dominate 'em.

>> No.8458979
File: 24 KB, 312x247, 1385562863746.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking #ethered

>> No.8458990

oh lawd i'm glad i see a smaller girl here too(if real), i just wanna say i'm 'mirin dat pic, 90-95 is muh goal even though i'm shorter.

>> No.8458991

I tip my fedora to you sir.

>> No.8458999

Diagnosed EDNOS because you can't have more than one eating disorder you twat
5'6 87lbs here. Diagnosed anorexic subtype 2.

>> No.8459000

aww shit niga

>> No.8459016
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>> No.8459021
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Are you doing any kind of treatments, or tried any? I'm curious.

>> No.8459027

Why is this giving me feels

>> No.8459038

what is this from

>> No.8459092

Yeah being sent to residential tomorrow actually
Shit sucks

>> No.8459119 [DELETED] 
File: 88 KB, 478x642, current_legs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wanting to be thin
you look like the kinda faggots i'd rape in prison

>> No.8459180

6'1" 135 lb
i'm like 90% sure i'm in the early stages of developing an eating disorder. i was at 145 and started restricting myself which made me obsessed with food all the time which made me binge eat when i occasionally cracked, which made me feel guilty and try to throw it all up (i've only been able to make myself gag, i have a whole new respect for people with anorexia nervosa, that takes some serious strength and will power) and then put myself on restriction again. so its like restriction > obsession > mistake > guilt > restriction over and over again

part of me wants to just have a normal relationship with food again

>> No.8459364

5'7 159

i want to lose 20 lbs

i wrestled at 145 then i got injured and fat and sad

>> No.8460272


Please get out of it while you can. I recovered from it earlier than I would've wanted to and I'm so thankful that I did. I was right on the verge of it getting really bad. I started exercising every day and eating only 800 calories a day for about a week before people realized there was something wrong with me. Up until that point it was a few months of exercizing every other day and eating 1600 calories a day, which was a lot more sustainable but definitely no way to live. I don't have horror stories about me passing out or pictures of me looking like a literal skeleton but I'm kinda happy I didn't let it get that bad. Never had to drop below a 15.5 BMI, never had (serious) hair loss, never suffered any permanent health complications, and my mental health bounced back much more quickly than it would have if I continued on that path for as little as another month

>> No.8461317
File: 88 KB, 718x838, hangman - functional strength.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, you never know when you lifting can come handy alright.
Jk, it's pretty much fucking useless with all the gaining and lifting people are doing today. Most guys do it to get their dick wet.

>> No.8461454


webms are amazing.

>> No.8461480

you're ugly

>> No.8461586

5'11 and 205lbs. Pretty regularly lift on a 3day split. I'm definitely into fashion but not the sneakers/streetwear stuff that most people post here. More like Americana/trad stuff I guess. Probably post posters here would call me a fratbro pleb. I work in construction and as a bouncer on weekend nights so I need to stay in pretty decent shape for both jobs, but lifiting is more of a hobby for me if I'm honest.

>> No.8461652

5'4'' at 118 lbs

i wish i wasnt so tubby but if i dont eat my parents would throw a fit ;_;

>> No.8461659

>5'11 @ 160
>tfw skinny-fat
It's good looking enough that girls think it's ok/cute but bad enough for me to hate myself

>> No.8461671
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>> No.8461699
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I'm 1.67m - 5'5 and 40kg - 90

I really look like a kid on the street, being so thin and short is not cool dude. What's some thin+manlet inspo?

>pls no bully

>> No.8461864

I'm a 5'9 120lbs fatty and have lost the motivation to lose more weight. I feel miserable but everytime I see food I think "fuck it, I rather be fat", and regret it as soon as I am full.
If I do control my intake, the ONLY thing on my mind is food, that's all I think of and I have trouble concentrating on work & school.

Where to cop self control?
How to forget about food?

>> No.8462339

5'4.5" (164 cm) and about 103 pounds, down from 110 a month and half ago or so.
I promised myself that I would exercise and restrict this summer and go back to school thinner (thinking 90-95 lb), but I'm completely lacking in physical motivation

please help /fa/
w2c motivation

>> No.8462356
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here's your inspo

>> No.8462654
File: 106 KB, 312x396, Screen shot 2014-04-28 at 11.46.42 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 172 cm (5'8) and 121 lbs (55kg)
(I know.. manlet...)

I'm pretty skinny/skinnyfat but want to have more muscle definition instead of just being small. Should I lift? Run? I don't eat a lot, usually a small meal once a day and a lot of small things all day [work at a restaurant]

Never calculated it but I probably take in 800-1100 calories/day. I don't think I look bad but I went to see my family and they said I looked like a junkie and shit, was too skinny etc. They're not fatties at all either.

Is this too skinny?

>> No.8463173


>> No.8463183

Actually, he looks a lot like someone I know who would actually benefit from an ass-kicking.

>> No.8463366
File: 1.95 MB, 2592x1936, photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What dya think
170 cm 65 kg..

>> No.8463718
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>> No.8463738



>> No.8463941

fat manlet

>> No.8463949
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am i obese

>> No.8464092

yea u r
jezus u skinnyfags are like fucking girls with ur fucking compliment fishing. if u just come in here with a bit of confidence it wud be much better than ur lame ass attention whoring

just to make it clear ur not fat (what u want to hear) but ur a collosal faggot

inb4 autism idgaf

>> No.8464102

Why are you shoulders so slanted?

>> No.8464149


>> No.8464185

111 lbs
Why am i so weak to temptation ;_;

>> No.8464191

How to cop?

>> No.8464201
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when will you learn?

>> No.8464229

then you're eating too many calories

>> No.8464247

I know tf. Resisting yourself is hard enough.

>> No.8464251

learn what?

>> No.8464278


>> No.8464300

5'4" 111 lbs on a female, it just seems attention-whory whenever you post that kind of thing without a reason.
I wish I was taller regardless.

>> No.8464317

lol womanlet

>> No.8464319

When I started counting calories I was around 160 pounds and pretty chubby looking, now I'm down to around 140 look a lot better in the face, stomach and waist, but still kind of have love handles and a skinnyfat stomach. What should I do to get those areas more defined and slim? I'm pretty content with the way the rest of my body looks though. 6 feet tall btw, and currently eating about 1000-1400 cal a day.

>> No.8464332

Work out, don't try to lose more weight but just try to replace that fat with muscle.

>> No.8464352

>tfw 5' 3" femlet

>> No.8464364

I like my ladies short. Do womanlets mind dating tallbrahs?

>> No.8464382

of course not

>> No.8464387

tallbrahs are bestbrahs

>> No.8464396

can I lick your face?

>> No.8464401


maybe he could work a bit on those legs bit it's not like they are extreme disproportionate.

>> No.8464421


9/10 would dominate and choke in bed and then watch anime and discuss fashion w/ afterwards

>> No.8464424

pls b my gf

>> No.8464500
File: 507 KB, 1600x1042, 1404792813354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why anyone would want to be weak and skinny is beyond me.

wtf how did i end up on this board again?

>> No.8464502

pls be in chicago

>> No.8465132

Does anyone know of how to dress to show your abs? Don't care if it's gay if it makes girls melt

shit like >>8452550

>> No.8465135

don't wear shirts retard

>> No.8465140

yea this board is weird, full of anorexics

>> No.8465144

Is wearing an unzipped sweater without a shit underneath viable? Shit like that

>> No.8465169


does it actually get their dick et

>> No.8465239

>tfw lost 6kg over 3 weeks last summer
>tfw its all come back by now


>> No.8465255

what's the fastest way to lose a lot weight quickly and become skinny?

>> No.8465267

anorexia = best chance

>> No.8465268

how do i into anorexia?

>> No.8465275

Those legs are disproportionate. I didn't know it needed to be extreme to look bad, considering it was my first impression from the picture.

>leswaggot detected

>> No.8465382

>maybe he could work a bit on those legs bit it's not like they are extreme disproportionate.
You're a complete idiot. That guy is a recovering paraplegic, which is pretty much the only real instance where you see extreme disproportions.

>> No.8465419
File: 55 KB, 592x800, abbey_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I was Abbey-like thin.
>tfw used to be a 166lbs landwhale
>now 5'7" 125lbs and still not thin enough

>> No.8465476
File: 541 KB, 740x1000, mmmmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

adderall. sweet sweet adderall.

>> No.8465481

dont stop til you're under 110

>> No.8465490

I'm >>8458913 >>8458593
Replace any fizzy drinks with water, drinks lots and lots of water.
Only eat when you're hungry, and even then only eat something small. Yogurts, a banana, nuts, vegetables.
Coffee or tea can work really well to suppress hunger, but both of them can stain your teeth (you can use a straw it kind of takes the fun away though).

Best of luck. If none of them work well enough you're either doing something wrong, but if you're really determined to be like one of us then try some cardio too.

>> No.8465497

k ty, ill try it

how quickly does it work?

>> No.8465520

You aren't tall enough to be.

>> No.8465524

That's my goal actually, thanks tho

>> No.8465542

lose some weight

>> No.8465662

Doesn't matter for me. I don't lift at all, because I have an interesting and fun personality and a good looking face.

>> No.8466932

pretty sure the ones under 5'5" are all girls

>> No.8466951

most models are about 5'10" and ~105 lb. If you really want that skinny model look, you're going to need to be around 100 lb

>> No.8467106

nice vag


>> No.8467132

tfw 5'9 and 140lb and 3 beers gets me hammed because eating absolutely nothing

>> No.8467142

5'9" 112 lbs u mirin

I wish I was 3 inches taller tho but the same weight

>> No.8468842

>anyone mirin
silly manlets

>> No.8468937

>tfw 4'10 and 100lbs
>tfw fattie

>> No.8468969


Trying to pay more attention to what I eat because I want to go back to 110lbs again.

>> No.8469000
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6'0, 125 lbs

>dad constantly telling me to eat more
>I know he actually doesn't give a shit about my weight
>he's just a puppet for my grandmother so she'll shut the fuck up

>> No.8469134
File: 364 KB, 916x1632, WP_20140709_008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ideal body reporting in

>> No.8469566

Pls post routine

>> No.8469615

day 1
db shoulder press

day 2
db bench
pull ups

all fairly low rep. 5-7 reps. About 3 sets. Alternate day 1 and 2 and work out 3 times a week.

bearing in mind i have been working out for years..i used to be bigger(and fatter) and do squats and deadlifts but not motivated enough ..just wanna be lean. Still kept a lot of the strength though.

>> No.8469643
File: 285 KB, 630x473, DSC11013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sure thing, bud.

Note that i don't have that haircut anymore.

>> No.8469659

swole as fuck, I've thought about bulking up but i don't see the point of buying nice clothes in size L really. In all honesty, size L clothes aren't nice period on somebody my height.

>> No.8469672

by 'ideal' i just meant for a balance between being muscular and being able to maintain fashion as a hobby. I feel im pretty much there, similar to a Mr.porter model but a bit shorter :3

>> No.8469680

>size L shoulders and chest and size m waist
>hard to find well fitting clothes.

Feels 6'2" and well proportioned.

>> No.8469724

but your stuck with that mistake on your back for the rest of you life

ayyyy lmao smh

>> No.8469808

185cm, 137lb

>been skinny all my life
>tried gym, put on maybe 10lb of muscle
>can never last more than a few weeks on high calorie diet, get bored of cooking same shit every day 5x a day.
>Drives my gym motivation down > Quit > Lose gains.
>Shit wrist/ankle genetics with 6.7" wrists
>Normal day usually around 1600-1800 calories

Good posture and relatively broad shoulders so I don't look frail. The goal is to be 150-155lb some day. Guess that'll only happen if I'm ever a rich enough to afford a personal cook.

>> No.8469833

it's good for pulling off androgyny fits

>> No.8470453

seconding this, when you try to eat food it makes it like you're just kind of shoving shit (not literal shit) in your mouth and it's just kind of there and you have no desire to chew or swallow it and it's meaningless but sometimes you have to because eating absolutely nothing is bad. But it's great that you don't feel tired from being malnourished because adderall peps you up for sure. Although this is all coming from someone who is by no means an addict and have only dabbled with it a few times

>> No.8470687

I want to be this so bad.

>> No.8470804

quick, I tell you.
I'm not the anon you replied to but i can asure that eating less and healthy kinda do the trick

>> No.8471303

Thank you BASED anon.

>> No.8471332

I've had 1300 cals so far today, feeling good, probably will go to bed without anything else. Went to the gym and burned 580 calories so I'm at a pretty deep deficit. I might have another meal if I stay up too long, probably egg whites or something. Hoping to lose 25 lbs by labor day. It will be tough but I think I can do it.

>> No.8471346

this is for women. 25% body fat on a woman looks much different than on a man.

>> No.8471494
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Currently 5'8" and 150. Wanna lose like 55 lbs.
Luckily I carry my weight well so it's not completely disgusting.

>> No.8471525
File: 47 KB, 426x640, ZVVhYat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How to thinner waist/wider hips

>> No.8471549

idk if it's the underwear causing the thigh gap or not

>> No.8471571
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>> No.8471577
File: 95 KB, 640x480, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, I have a slight box gap. Wide hips ftw I guess.

>> No.8471584

Same height and same weight yo

Except I'm a guy

>> No.8471595

how long does it take to capture the perfect nip slip?

>> No.8471729

damn girl lemme clap dem one fiddy cheeks
you can burn calories on dis dick, ma

>> No.8471754

you're a big girl

got a tumblr i can donate to?

>> No.8471762

holy fuck pls b in sydney

>> No.8471771

Story of my life ;-;
Well I'm 21 and I have yet to master it, so at least 21 years.
And of course I can twerk too.
Ugh I know. I'm so sturdy.
Nah, hate tumblr. Just unoriginal horseshit.

>> No.8471792

but on the real ma, i'm tryna eat yo ass

pls rspnd

>> No.8471831

>tfw 5'2"

>> No.8471954

hey how r u got a set of nudes i can purchase


>> No.8472552

I have the same body type as her. She looks the same but with muscle instead of fat
Literally what's the fucking point if you can't be meth addict mode?

>> No.8472558

5'10 hovering around 160. I used to be real close to 200. I'm the ultimate skinny fat now. I have no idea how my brother looks so much thinner than me at around the same weight.

Maybe its cause I was fat as a kid. I was thin as a kid up until like the third grade. it all went bad after that really.

I want to lose 20 more lbs and then see where I should go from there.

Where do I get a bf%?

>> No.8473067

>I have no idea how my brother looks so much thinner than me at around the same weight

lower bf% obviously