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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 37 KB, 700x525, lr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8429032 No.8429032 [Reply] [Original]

left or right?

>> No.8429043

most ppl will say left

1) looking white is preferred
2) feminine faces are preferred generally
3) left is like a 9/10 feminine face right is like a 4/10 masculine face

>> No.8429048

Twink or serial date-rapist?

>> No.8429055

citation is really fucking needed here needed
left looks like a scrawny gawky beta piece of shit, where as right is alpha, handsome, the best finest specimen of the human race.

>> No.8429059
File: 49 KB, 477x345, 1403532583777.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>right is a 4/10 masculine face

When was the last time you left your room?

>> No.8429062

>most ppl would say left

Would lol @ if not so obviously bait/10

>> No.8429066

Who would you rather board an airplane with?

>> No.8429079

its a common phenominon. just google the phi face and deviancy from it and overall preference for masculine male faces vs feminine male faces. feminine male faces are highly preferred over masculine faces nonsexually and even sexually

like 2 weeks ago that mudslime looks like an ugly piece of shit I cant believe he models

>> No.8429081


>> No.8429086

bek 2 >>>/pol/

>> No.8429097
File: 62 KB, 480x480, 1404059854304.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cover yourself anon, your insecurities are showing

>> No.8429109

no ur rong abt me

>> No.8429113

Preferred by homosexuals.

>> No.8429117

no by women, theres a chart posted here all the time from some study.. theres even studies on tinder n stuff fartlicker

>> No.8429122

why cant i look like the guy on the right

>> No.8429130

is age important here?
it looks like a 17 year old vs. a 27 year old. Both would look ridiculous imitating one another. what's to discuss?
Can you really be over 25, having long hair and band t-shirts, looking semi-alternative?

>> No.8429132

It's related to birth control pills. Women on birth control tend to prefer men with more feminine features. I don't remember why is that, but you can google it an see for yourself.

Still, women who are not under the pill still tend to prefer masculine men.

>> No.8429134


>> No.8429136

Left with right's build and beard

>> No.8429141

masculine men are also seen as more threatening tho so its a hit or miss from a general nonsexual standpoint.

>> No.8429142

well that's kinda the perfect male.

>> No.8429148

Yeah, prettyboys get matched, then get flaked on. I have a prettyboy friend with lots of matches but every single girl has flaked him. I have less matches but have slept with many girls off of Tinder.

You have to ask yourself, why the fuck would a woman be sexually attracted to a girly man? Are we attracted to manly women?

Only 15 year old girls prefer faggot twinks. Sucks 2 b a twink...

>> No.8429150

Who cares about nonsexual? Why would you care about a woman in any way other than sexual.

>> No.8429152

Quite possible. but the feminine male in the op pic would still be the most generally preferred. OP didn't say sexually in his op post so its unfair to assume.

>> No.8429158

because op just said left or right and I said left would be preferred. Not left would be preferred sexually.. because i'm a guy and not homosexual unlike u

>> No.8429688

right wtf u think brah?

>> No.8429696

>but the feminine male in the op pic would still be the most generally preferred
You are a kissless virgin if you think this. Or you don't have many girl friends / associates.

>> No.8429707


>> No.8429714

no u r faget

>> No.8429719

legit lol'd

>> No.8429721
File: 871 KB, 276x216, tumblr_mqkoimrnUB1rar94xo2_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

right is some overcompensating, gym junkie, "real men have beards xD", dog tag wearing insecure loser
left guy is adorable, clearly confident in himself, what he looks like and who he is
not a hard choice
neither in terms of who i'd rather be or who i'd rather fuck/date/be friends with

>> No.8429725

>Are we attracted to manly women?
I..I am. Or at least very androgynous ones, I don't like women who wear lip stick and crap tons of makeup, it's a turnoff.

>> No.8429765

Left, the right one got tattoo on his chest.

>> No.8429766

>"left guy is adorable, clearly confident in himself"
>really believes this

Alright folks, nothing to see here. Time to let this one die.

>> No.8429770

Weak and/or fat fag detected.

>> No.8429783

left has an objectively nicer looking face

right is caveman tier brow, ugly facial hair, shitskin

housewives would go for right

young/er girls will go for left

>> No.8429803


Holy shit. You are despicable.

>> No.8429811


>> No.8429813

You sound like a fucking idiot.

>> No.8429829

>still crying about tumblr
what is the year again?
mad that everyone can tell you're constantly being crippled by self doubt, mr gym junkie? :)

>> No.8429844
File: 293 KB, 650x900, divaio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The guy on the right is straight up ugly, that's not a fair comparison. You pick someone with perfect bitchboi aesthetics and then just an ugly dude.

At least use a handsome masculine dude.

>> No.8429877

lol. most people would say right idiot. only people that browse /fa/ would say left. that being said, i look more like left and it sucks.

>> No.8429903

>theres even studies on tinder n stuff
women don't know what the fuck they want so that's not actual data. Most men and I mean the whole world (not just /fa/) would want to look like the right one. Only homosexuals and /fa/ would pick left.

>> No.8429911

Definately the right one. I like masculine men more, not really a fan of the model type.

>> No.8429914


>> No.8429919

left guy looks like me with long hair
even has the fucked up nose

>> No.8429920

that left guys not model type lol, he's twink type. only /fa/ thinks that look is the "correct" male model.

>> No.8429927

>young/er girls will go for left
lol. obviously delusional.

>> No.8429944

well considering two shills are samefagging for the left, it seems even /fa/ has a penchant for the right one

>> No.8429948
File: 271 KB, 1279x1923, hermes_mens_spring_summer_2014_pfw34.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he is a model

anon post face that's all we need

>> No.8429951

does anybody on 4chan know what a fucking shill is holy fuck do you get your vocabulary exclusively from /v/ buzzwords

>> No.8429959
File: 25 KB, 312x480, david.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm a girl and i'd prefer left for a long term relationship and right for a one night stand

plus twinks end up being the best looking guy when they age
see david bowie

>> No.8429977


People tend to prefer features that remind them of themselves.
see >>8429919

>/fa/ confirmed for pasty white boys who lack testosterone.

>> No.8429986

was shorter than saying samefags perpetrating psychological manipulation as a type of social influence that aims to change the perception or behavior of others through these underhanded, deceptive and even abusive tactics

>> No.8429990

but i'm a girl does that mean i prefer feminine guys?

>> No.8429992
File: 105 KB, 650x866, 6a00e54ecca8b98833017d4121dc10970c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't say he can't model. I said that /fa/ thinks that only faces like his can model.

>> No.8429993


>> No.8429994


>> No.8429999


It is true that they age better. Testosterone's effect on aging is detrimental.

>> No.8430000

I guess. If a 'masculine' guy comes up to you and you show disinterest initially, he can probably convince you otherwise, despite your preference.

>> No.8430002

i'd fuck the shit out of both of them, dude. if we were a human centipede i'd be the middle, with beard guy in the back.

next question

>> No.8430003

if they were balding you wouldnt want either

>> No.8430005

you got the wrong wiki summary buddy

>> No.8430006
File: 41 KB, 490x440, sirpaul.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>plus twinks end up being the best looking guy when they age

yes, so true

>> No.8430009

for a sec i really thought that image was a before/after

>> No.8430018

wait which one is Paul?

>> No.8430020


>> No.8430021

one is an opera singer from like american idol
the other one is paul

>> No.8430029

wtf? if you were balding you'd want the right. bald + masculine face + beard = manly scary big cunt mode

>> No.8430040
File: 246 KB, 1024x576, 21_bowie3_g_w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not masculine
try again "girl"

>> No.8430046

that was bait to lure baldfags, baldfag.

>> No.8430048

>wearing military id tags as a fashion accessory


>> No.8430050

i have a full head of hair. nice try though

>> No.8430055

>i have a full head of hair
post pics

>> No.8430060
File: 88 KB, 605x800, bowie beach wedding.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he looks really masculine in those pics of him with his wife on the beach too but thats also from the beard
he has aged well but definitely not quite feminine

>> No.8430075
File: 39 KB, 728x266, HUR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

doesn't helping my point but ive always had that hairline. slav genes

>> No.8430076
File: 21 KB, 400x280, 08559977.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is the same guy.

>> No.8430098

right has low hooded brows, square jaw, better nose (given the choices), ability to grow a beard, isn't a skeleton, isn't sickly white, more athletic ability and cognitive skills, and bigger penis.

there's no competition so is this some kind of meme I haven't heard of yet?

>> No.8430120

nice troll

>> No.8430125

what about my post is troll-like?

>> No.8430132

>more cognitive skill
genuinely intrigued, what makes you say that?

>> No.8430134

>more athletic ability and cognitive skills, and bigger penis.
you don't know this. The guy doesn't look like the can be that strong, but for all you know the guy on the left is a triathelete who runs 70 miles a week

>more cognitive skills
>bigger penis
there is no way to tell

>> No.8430157




the penis thing i don't know, i guess i just think masculine men with obvious exposure to testosterone in utero should have bigger ones. but i can be wrong.

>athletic ability
the other guy's a stick.

>> No.8430169
File: 18 KB, 361x376, marathon[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>correlation equals causation

both of these men are olympians. guy on the left is a long distance runner guy on the right is a sprinter

>> No.8430177

>beta faggot wearing a generic doors shirt
>alpha douche wearing a wife beater and dog tags

Kill me, please.

>> No.8430179

>using that troll image

>> No.8430184

I think you're missing the point of the photo. Which one really is best for health and performance in all areas of life. Sure the guy on the left has lungs for years but how about when he has to move into a new home and bring in his furniture, this "athlete" is gonna hire himself some muscle. Doesn't seem too athletic to me.

>> No.8430191

jesus christ, mirin that left.

>> No.8430201

>People actually picking left over right

You niggas are gay. Right looks way more masculine and how a man should pretty much look. Men are men for a reason.

>> No.8430202

Left looks like a faggot, right looks like a terrorist with Down syndrome. So, it's up to you, OP. Be as you wish to seem.

>> No.8430217

fucking lel

>> No.8430252

it's funny though because gays would pick the right, dummy

>> No.8430278

Women over age 14 would as well.

>> No.8430280

the guy was saying that the dude in the left of OP can't be athletic because he's skinny

yet the guy on the left is definitely athletic but is very skinny

>> No.8430289

yeah but gays would too

>> No.8430293

>liking women over the age of 14
LOL get a load of this guy. Why do you think most female models start out @ like 12?

>> No.8430433

he's not athletic.

>> No.8430443

Left left left!
even though he is less fit he is my age and i love his face

>> No.8430453

they're both the same age. just one got test as a baby

>> No.8430458

HAH! that so called mudslime looks better than you!

top kek

>> No.8430459


twinks are disgusting and should be genocided

>> No.8430516

I would love to see the one on the right with the haircut, eye color and shit of the one of the left.

>> No.8430523

someone's jelly they didn't stay cute 5ever

>> No.8430534

they die gay death at 22 or so anyway, they are not a threat

>> No.8430538

Right of course, if he had the left's hair or man bum it would be "purfct"

>> No.8430575

w2c the left guy's body

>> No.8430586

no i enjoy being a man, not a little girl with a penis

>> No.8430595
File: 73 KB, 288x242, 1382992603356.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that sounds like some awful buttpain anon

>> No.8430599

no i give the buttpain :)

>> No.8430605


masculinity is the best fight against aging.

>> No.8430621

which is which though?

>> No.8430646

>pol in charge of knowing how normal people think

>> No.8430652

What if we combined the two?

>> No.8430658
File: 36 KB, 280x415, 93327-sean-opry-fotos-streetstyle-paris1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is probably pretty close

>> No.8430707

right all the way. Left looks too much like skelly faggot.

>> No.8431325


>> No.8431334
File: 641 KB, 1280x960, 1280-nwe56kzfdyh33n8z8cqhhfwt36adrcpbjw4ezfaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I laugh at pic related so much because a woman like Kate Upton would never let a twink sample her goods unless it's for a professional photo shoot.

On a related note, I understand that V is a fashion magazine, but they should have at least paired Kate with a dude who looked like he could handle her gargantuan hooters.

>> No.8431338

She's trying to escape from the twinky faglord. You really think hot women like her want a guy that looks like that on top of them?

>> No.8431342

holy fuck dat pic. my sides. /fa/ expectations in a nutshell.

>> No.8431343

>plus twinks end up being the best looking guy when they age

Nothing further from the truth

>> No.8431350

>I know what women think

all this hate for younger looking guys is kind of excessive and unwarranted, I couldn't call it anything else besides insecurity.

>> No.8431351

she's ugly why would he want all her fat rolls anyway

>> No.8431356

how would you know?

>> No.8431357

left looks like a woman
right looks like a man

>> No.8431360


Because it's GAAAY. If you're an actual faggot that's brilliant, congratulations... But straight men looking like homos really gets on my nerves.

>> No.8431367

they're both men

>> No.8431368
File: 181 KB, 570x774, o-KATE-UPTON-VOGUE-COVER-570.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8431371
File: 467 KB, 1771x3000, 6p5vAV4v0anTVPq3bL3rDfRN2SLgq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Only 15 year old girls prefer faggot twinks
15 yo girls are hot tho

>> No.8431374

>perfect angle
pretty chunky

>> No.8431377

thats all you ever see on tumblr lol

>> No.8431379

>shows some rich nerd bitch

>> No.8431381

because every manly man I know who has aged still looks good, while all the twinks look like a bag of shit?

just look at all the actors like pierce brosnan, richard gere, sean connery, sean bean, etc. etc. - every single one of them still looks good. (unless they ruined themselves with botox like stallone)

>> No.8431382

>But straight men looking like homos really gets on my nerves.
I don't get it, the guy on the left doesn't look like a "homo". The only way he could is if he was wearing a rainbow headband or something and his shirt said "I <3 dick". Sure, he looks a little more effeminate than the right guy but not necessarily gay.

And wtf is up with getting so pissed over straight men looking effeminate? Does it really create that much of a "ARGGGH MY PARADIGM IS SHATTERED BY THIS!!" situation for you that you react with anger? If yes then you're incredibly and mindlessly stupid.

>> No.8431393

r u 1 of those manly men :)))

>> No.8431397

can you even mention a twink who aged and looked like shit? There's not even enough of them in show biz to make an accurate comparison. They're a rarity as it is in the general public as well.

>> No.8431401

>what is sexual dimorphism?

by secondary sexual characteristics, the left one looks more like a woman than a man: small chin, no supraorbital ridges, skinny, etc. all of this is usually a consequence of having more estrogen than testosterone in your body, i.e. being a woman.

>> No.8431402

why are you so obsessed with her

>> No.8431404

I think it's pretty obvious that Tumblr is a WEIRDDD place. It's where the housebound Social Justice Warrior feminists live. I wonder if feminists get off on dominating a man.

>> No.8431412

He looks gay. Legitimately gay. It annoys me because they're degrading themselves and acting like women. Like little weakling sissy boys.

Actually I don't know why I find it grating, I just do.

>> No.8431415

>can you even mention a twink who aged and looked like shit?


>> No.8431416

they're both men though

>> No.8431419
File: 133 KB, 630x962, uglytwink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

McCaully Caulkin.

>> No.8431423

if anyone lived like him they'd age bad

>> No.8431424

Oh, I forgot though... Damon Albarn looks alright... But he was always more "pretty-boy" than twink and he's become more manly as he aged.

>> No.8431426
File: 232 KB, 1600x896, leo-dicaprio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8431439

he didn't take care of his shit though

>> No.8431449

>implying little girls with penises aren't the epitome of sexual attraction.

>> No.8431451
File: 73 KB, 612x612, 7021111aea6f11e29f2e22000a1fb37d_7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's peyton list, one of the stars of disney's hit show jessie
she's not a nerd

she's sexy and cute and i want her

>> No.8431455

Damn he is stuck with facial until he can lose enough wait

>> No.8431458

>He looks gay. Legitimately gay.
you can't "look gay" unless, as I mentioned, an article you're wearing declares you are so.
>It annoys me because they're degrading themselves and acting like women
how do you even know how he acts?
>Like little weakling sissy boys.
spoken like a true playground ape
>Actually I don't know why I find it grating, I just do.
Because it shatters your gender paradigm, you think men should look a certain way and women should act a certain way and when you see something that deviates from it, you react violently. You see the same thing in babies when they notice something that seems out of place or doesn't correspond to what they perceive as the way things work, they cry and have fits.

>> No.8431473

FUCK implied to wrong anon.
this fucker >>8430586

>> No.8431491

holy fuck, that's just scary!

>> No.8431494

Back to Tumblr you go, little gender bender...

>> No.8431509

why are you even here when we're on /fa/ where everybody loves rick owens who makes and wears wedges and skirts for men and met his wife through a boyfriend of his

>> No.8431517

that guy was a weird lookin kid anyway

and this dude went full retard as he aged, look at gaunt his face is and how pasty he is

>> No.8431525
File: 23 KB, 300x300, leonardo-dicaprio-wins-best-actor-comedy-at-golden-globes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think he looks real good for someone who's 39

people age.

+ that photo on the left is a a doctored photoshoot and the right is just an everyday shot

>> No.8431529

Manly hunks can wear Rick still.

>> No.8431538

>i think he looks real good for someone who's 39
not really. i mean for a celeb that is. sure compared to the average joe but that's not what we're talking about is it.
>twinks don't age well

>> No.8431553

post someone who is good looking at around 39

>> No.8431561
File: 732 KB, 669x1000, jon-hamm-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hes 43

and supposedly he never got roles in his early 20s because he always looked 5 years older than he actually was

>> No.8431571
File: 113 KB, 1024x819, NTE4MTI2NTUz_o_arnold-schwarzenegger-terminator-to-speminator.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

37 when he made the movie.

>> No.8431584

lol arnie was always ugly

>> No.8431587

twink detected

>> No.8431593
File: 8 KB, 300x312, YYm7a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8431596

He's bloated from all the drinking and eating. He let himself go. He looks like trash for someone who's only 39 tbh.

>> No.8431599

>bad pics don't happen

>> No.8431602
File: 65 KB, 620x413, pharrellwilliams1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he is 41 but is it cheating if you're black? denzel washington is pushing 60 and still looks young as hell

>> No.8431604
File: 45 KB, 984x738, ryan-gosling-remember-the-titans-2000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gosling was a total twink, now he's 33 and he's a mega badass

>> No.8431606

you nerds cant use hollywood as an example

they are almost always wearing makeup, have had some surgery etc

>> No.8431617

Cool, except hollywood actors are the only people who stay in the public eye and have lots of pictures from their younger years until they're older.

>> No.8431642

>tfw Leonardo DiCaprio looking twink boy with fairly athletic build
>gay guys are fucking obsessed with me
>tween girls won't stop staring at me
>ugly girls won't stop stalking me
>normally attractive women act too good for me
>young looking women are my only strong option

Shit fucking sucks. I'm 22 now, attractive but I look like I'm 18 or 19. Good thing I prefer younger looking girls anyways. I'm not the only one with this kind of feel I know.

>> No.8431649

post face

>> No.8431718

>posting my own picture after calling myself attractive
That's just asking for people to tell me I'm a faget ugly loser, lol.

I've posted it here before. Without suggestion people here told me I look like young Leo and young Brad Pitt. IRL, people tell me I look like young Leo all the time, at least bi-weekly. Foreigners who have only seen the Titanic have mistaken me for Leo and done a double-take.

Shit still sucks though. My confidence is fine, I just know that I fit a specific image of "pretty boy" that only works with the right attitude and style, and while some obsess with it, not everyone loves it. At least I'm not a virgin boy.

>> No.8431726

Fuckin Jared Leto is 42

>but he's a sober vegan who doesn't party

How about Tobey McGuire?

>but he's a sober vegan who doesn't party

>> No.8431982

his right eye looks like an upside-down version of his left eye

>> No.8432443

he's 6/10 at best. a perfect example of the delusions money causes.

>> No.8434150

Why do you even consider older women? They are more dramatic and have more issues than yung grills

>> No.8434551

right clearly. whoever says left...i don't even know....i don't want to meet that person.

>> No.8434566

guy on the right looks kinda like a sandnigger so I'll say left.

>> No.8434577

Scrawny guys look creepy when they age.

>> No.8434587


>> No.8434590

Left is keeper, right is one night stand. 18/f

>> No.8434595

quit samefagging this whole thread for left. no one agrees

>> No.8434596


>> No.8434598


>> No.8434613

he's a 10/10 m8
his eyes are just relaxing to look at, i would maybe go gay for him

>> No.8434626

Idiot. Women will always prefer the guy on right.


Left is an androgene twink. No masculinity, no sex appeal. Right guy is a rugged masculine hunk.


>> No.8434630

>no by women
LOL@ being this delusional. Guys on left are seen as twink betas by women. Guys like the one on right get laid all the time. They reek sex appeal and masculinity.

LOL @ twink symphatizers. You look feminine yourselves and want others to feed on your bullshit. The hunks get laid not some faggy femfaced models

>> No.8434637

>more threatening
more threatening = more sexy
a man should be threatening
nobody respects a high trust beta boy
especially not women

>Quite possible. but the feminine male in the op pic would still be the most generally preferred.
Wrong. He would not be. He is a sexless creature. Feminine women want masculine men. Feminine women DO NOT WANT feminine men. Maybe the masculine dykes do. If you are into that.

High estrogen wants high testosterone. RULE OF LIFE. RULE OF NATURE.

>> No.8434640
File: 1.85 MB, 200x200, idiothulse.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8434641

You are attracted to manly women, because you are low testosterone beta twink, so you sour grape yourself into not liking hot women with plump lips and hourglass bodies, because you know you couldn't get one in a million years. It's a subconscious coping mechanism.

I bet you are short, weak, twink beta, low self esteem, possibly an introverted virgin.

Sucks to be you. The only problem is that those androgynous girls still want masculine men like the one on the right.


>> No.8434646

All girls will go for right.

Caveman tier brow is a MASCULINE and GOOD feature. Women are not attractive to weak smooth brows. It's FEMININE, get it through your beta skull

>The guy on the right is straight up ugly, that's not a fair comparison.
He is not ugly lol. You virgins are deluded. Actual girls would find the guy on right hot.

>> No.8434648


>> No.8434655

>women don't know what the fuck they want so that's not actual data.
Women know what they want idiot. They just aren't loudspoken about it. They want a masculine man, a tall man, a confident man. End of story. They don't want some twink handbag. Studies prove everything. Should have paid more attention in biology class.

>plus twinks end up being the best looking guy when they age
>see david bowie
They don't. David Bowie looks like a transvestite now. And so does Gackt. Twinks age badly, they don't have pronounced and sharp features to hold off all the drooping skin. Masculine men age like vine. All the actors who play older masculine roles are men with strong facial features. Androgynous boys are done for after 30.

>> No.8434684

yeah but he models shitty clothes
D&G/givenchy/dsquared/gay as(s-) fuck clothes

>> No.8434707

>hairy guys who have looked full grown since they were 13 argue that they're better
>twinks who still look like tweens argue that they look better

btw ideally you want to look somewhere in between for the long haul. Some twinks will end up looking like the picture on the right if they bulk up when they're in their mid 20's to early 30's

>> No.8434719

>somewhere in between
Bro, you're 5'7"

>> No.8434757

i would suck both of their dicks tbh

>> No.8434763

Grill here and fuck this whole thread. It is a bunch of dudes telling other dudes "what women want".

We are not a fucking monolith, we don't hold votes to decide what is attractive.

But FUCK YOU ANON in particular because Bowie is about three times my age and I would still kill to have a shot at him.

"Biology" ...

>> No.8434772

>Grill here

>> No.8434783

actually 5'10"
wish I was a bit taller but I never get called short

>> No.8434788

>nah but you're in between
fucking normalets, when will they learn

>> No.8434825

bowie looks gross now, what are you smoking

>> No.8434834

>tfw being mixed allows me to be both of these whenever i so choose
>transformer, negro in disguise

>> No.8434843

do you think you're going to look as good as him when you're in your late 60s?

>> No.8434869
File: 295 KB, 793x688, 1381381158221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: autistic anime board users claim to know what women find attractive

>> No.8434919

First of all, you like Bowie because of his money and status.

Secondly, you are most likely ugly or somehow defective otherwise and therefore suffering from sour grape syndrome.

>> No.8434924

yeah probably. i didn't do drugs my entirely, although he does have the plastic surgery thing.

>> No.8434943


>> No.8434944

guy on the left will attract skinny little artsy qts, guy on right attracts curvacious babes.

Those who deviate from the norm gravitate towards those who do the same as well, those who stick to it will attract others who do too.

>> No.8434947

>girls interviewed are either negras or dumb bimbos

well if those are the girls you like anon...

>> No.8434959


>> No.8434960

>tfw no hot smart gf into scrawny babby faced pale guys like me

>> No.8434968

That physique is all kinds of broken.

>> No.8434980

TL;DR: I'm a flaming faggot

>> No.8434992

it's a modified troll pasta. don't respond.

>> No.8434996

>one twink fag samefagging

>> No.8435052

at the same time

>> No.8435074


Same cooking appliance with XX chromosomes here.

I am dead sober about present Bowie. You can be skeptical, but all that would ultimately show is that this shit is so obviously subjective and personal. No one can speak about it authoritatively --Especially not anyone on 4chan (myself included).



You did it, Anon. You found what I really find attractive af: Ad hominem arguments made by strangers on the internet. It makes the hunch in my back tingle and my lazy eye light up with glee. Now who here has status and money?

>> No.8435335

How can I look more like left if I'm built like right?

>> No.8435366

suck 10,001 cocks

>> No.8435380

grill here would have rights children

>> No.8435463

18 is almost the same as 22 ffs

>> No.8435660

gril here
left is best
would dominate/10

>> No.8435667

Rapist. I bet you fuck little boys. Kill yourself immediately

>> No.8435670
File: 99 KB, 612x612, 1213210540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying he looks like a little boy

>> No.8435677

u still chattin m8? swear on my mum I will punt ur cunt

>> No.8435678

I'd left

>> No.8435680

grill here would have lefts children

>> No.8435682

come @ me m8
your skinny little arms can't beat me

>> No.8435684
File: 50 KB, 295x188, 1379212821188.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw he has a 10 in cock
no anon, it is you who will be dominated

>> No.8435722
File: 255 KB, 1024x768, 15SINJI1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

left for sure.

>tfw no dom gf

>> No.8436576
File: 722 KB, 344x525, mix.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8436593

lol, left's features ruin the shit out of his aesthetics

>> No.8436711

right looks like he'd have a hairy chest and back and butthole EW

>> No.8436725
File: 1.61 MB, 300x168, implying.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8436786

OP you're a negro faggot with aids in your enus, ya jew nigger.

>> No.8436796

plz b n dallas

>> No.8436859

>correlation equals causation
>Implying these people would publish results without first doing a T-test to ascertain statistical significance
Learn to scientific method pleb

>> No.8436869

2014, where tumblr is still for raging faggots

>> No.8436882

are you fucking retarded, ofc. you can look gay you homosexual ass lookin' faggot

>> No.8436931

So many betas in this thread rofl.
Look at the top 10 best looking men list on any site, and try find one beta/twink looking person.

They're all alpha - Ryan Gosling, Brad Pitt, George Clooney, Gerard Butler etc.

Feminine faces are only good on models, girls don't want to sleep with a pussy, evolution m8 the alpha wins.

>> No.8438533

I'd rather look like the one in the left. If rather fuck the one on the right

>the only acceptable response

>> No.8439289

I want to fuck left, but I want to be right

>> No.8439302

Left's head on right's body

>> No.8439311

>masculinity is entirely performed
tumblr pls go

>> No.8439314


>> No.8439349

Hang out with right while dating left.

>> No.8439357 [DELETED] 
File: 3.99 MB, 270x188, 1065964254.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'd rather look like the one in the left. If rather fuck the one on the right

>> No.8439421

I'm twinky as fuck but I have a gf with kate upton tier breasts. It's fucking glorious.

>> No.8439433

I want the guy on the right to domestic abuse me

>> No.8439449

He was fucking hot when he was young though. Like seriously fucking sexy as shit.

>> No.8439556

lel tumblr please go

>> No.8439661

>most ppl will say left

"Most ppl"? I'm almost certain most women won't pick the guy on the left. He's not handsome, he's just strange looking.

The guy on the right is your average handsome dude that women open their legs to in a jiffy.

We're talking real world here, not /fa/.

>> No.8439705

>tfw I look the guy on the left and have a married european domme flying from europe (all on her dime) to spank me in a /fa/ hotel room

shes like 50 but still looks nice, plus she will probably take me shopping at some expensive places since she's pretty /fa/

>> No.8439711

he aged well, like a true heroine chic bro

fuck off

>> No.8439721

right and left is effay
but I go more to the right

>> No.8439933
File: 89 KB, 600x641, jaco van_de hoven.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw Jaco looks literally perfect but seems to be pretty normal/boring personalitywise

>> No.8439946

Right but clean shaven.

>> No.8439956

aww he sounds so sweet and nice :')

>> No.8440023

Kate Upton is pretty hot, but looks like a real whale in that pic

>> No.8440063


I'm sick of this bitch already. It's as if her and Emma watson are the only hot women.

>> No.8440112
File: 44 KB, 320x480, owens.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this entire thread is why /fa/ is the gayest and worst board on 4chan

>> No.8440364

left is feminine right is masculine
nailed it

>> No.8440401

Lol the funniest part is, Trunks would actually go to the shops like that.

>> No.8440415

/fit/ is gayer
/fa/ is pretty awful though

>> No.8440442

>You know, you have pretty seductive eyes. Are you aware of that?
>Haha, uuhm I guess I’m kind of aware of that but that's just because people tell me sometimes

Omg he's so cute and modest

>> No.8440448

please tell me youre not a female who finds that 'guy' attractive...please tell me youre a fag.

>> No.8440453

Sorry bb I know it's hard for you to accept the fact that girls don't all go for 'masculine' guys.

>> No.8440458

Masculine gays > effeminate ones

>> No.8440464

>this is what twinks and skinnyfats actually believe

>> No.8440467

its not hard to accept. you just must have a giant pussy for a father. no masculine guys want your shriveled up low hormonal ovaries anyways

>> No.8440472

lefts girlfriend gets her purse stolen

the thief is running away

he does nothing for fear of scuffing his shoes or breaking a nail

even if he caught the guy his arms would probably be ripped off trying to even grab the purse

>> No.8440479

probably the best answer here

>> No.8440493

what about a guy who looks like the dude on the left but isnt built and manly and bearded

>> No.8440494

maybe europe is different. i dont know a single girl who wouldnt think that skinny guy was a 13 year old in the usa.

>> No.8440501

>this thread still exists
Jesus christ you faggots

>> No.8440506

Beards look weird if you're not built imo. It's like you're trying to compensate for something.

>> No.8440549

>have a god-tier mix of masculine and feminine features
>tfw asymmetrical bone structure ruins everything

The self-consciousness is real

>> No.8440746

Definitely right

I like androgyny but left doesn't even do it well so right for sure

>> No.8441016

years of constant preparation

>> No.8441672

>Have god-tier mix of masculine and feminine features.
>would be 10/10 if not for slightly large nose that would be fine if it had any definition at all.

>> No.8441836

>tfw same
>10/10 if not for my fucking lazy eye due to a childhood surgery