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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 94 KB, 606x597, 1337126039397.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.8419616[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Most /fa/ way to an hero?
I was thinking wrists

>> No.8419620

dont do it OP

if you need someone to talk to email me

>> No.8419622

what about all the sick fits?

>> No.8419624

60 mph around a hairpin turn on a cool mountain in a badass car

>> No.8419634

heroin overdose obviously

>> No.8419640

I tried od'ing on vidocin about 2 years ago
shit didn't work

>> No.8419646

This, but don't do it, OP.

>> No.8419649

most fa way is the way where there is minimal clean up afterwards. got all your loose ends tied up, debt free, no commitments.
overdose yourself and jump into the ocean.
tube into car while listening to your favorite song

don't do it though. its okay to think about it, especially if you've been through a lot. you can't justify ending your life when your life isn't over yet.

>> No.8419664

When's the last time you made someone laugh OP? Or smiled at another person, and felt that warm fuzzy feeling when they smile back?
Please don't kill yourself- everyone has something to offer and something to live for, even if it's just being happy with your outfit for the day and posting pictures of it on a chinese cartoon internet forum.
Let me know if you want to talk :)

>> No.8419673

google james dean

>> No.8419693

Anything else is not /fa/

>> No.8419702

au revoir , effay
it's been a good 4 years. i mean it

>> No.8419707

glad there aren't any edgy /b/ kids here today, remember the words yohji yamomoto:
"When life seems black, remember that you're made of stardust or something and keep on going"

>> No.8419889

dude dont do it

>> No.8419893

that's retarded by that logic so is the shit I took this morning

why you wanna kill yourself bruh

>> No.8419897

Go for the high score.

>> No.8419899

If you want to be a hero, get a job with Salvation Army. People who do charity are some of the most amazing men and women I've ever met. If you want to be a hero for notoriety, become a fireman with your local Fire Department - you may just save someones life!

>> No.8419970

Probably not what he means but good advice

>> No.8419984

hahaha fuck
also op why do you wanna off yourself?

>> No.8420004

Fuck that, why WOULDN'T you want to end it?

>> No.8420017

that serbian qt might be interested in me

wanna make my mother's retirement safe and good, gift her a house near sea or something like that to live when she retires

wanna make my ex jealous and have her regret breaking up with me

wanna see ti4 being won by chinamen

there are few more

>> No.8420027

That's because you used vicodin

>> No.8420052

Go to the nearest big city and talk to some homeless people.

They know what's up.

>> No.8420061

Not a bad idea - they'd love to talk to someone

>> No.8420072


You'll also never forget the way they glowed when they gave you that heartfelt thanks for treating them like a human being.

You'll never forget how leathery his hand felt when you shook it.

You also may grow an endless appreciation for insanity.

>> No.8420077

Wear navy blue and black at the same time in public

>> No.8420210

damn guys do you think op did it?

>> No.8420232

medical/hopital/doctor "mistake" you family sues and wins a few million

>> No.8420721

What's wrong with navy and black? Just over played or...?

>> No.8420724

Fuck, I wish I had motivations like these. I'm not suicidal, but I wish was excited about things

>> No.8420725


hang out here and talk if you need help OP

I've been there, it gets better.

>> No.8420726

i feel you m8
i've been in your position too multiple times but there's always something you can find that'll be worthy to live for
atleast for me
but in reality life is as shitty as you see it right now but that doesn't mean it's a constant, i hope your perspective shifts m8

>> No.8420727


they will come, you're just in a rut. Make yourself available and interesting things will present themselves.

>> No.8420766

Thanks, man. That's actually nice to hear. Why am I so emotional, holy shit. C ya

>> No.8420778

>Serbian qt
more info, serb qts are the best and I promise I can help

>> No.8420794

didnt ask her number, shit
and she talked about how her neck hurts
maybe she wanted me to massage
maybe she wanted me to go back to her place and give her full body massage

moral of the story: always ask for number
at least you wont regret not asking, even if rejected.
no class next week too, only next next week, fuck.

but I got that chinese qt number tho.
thank for listening, my personal blog

>> No.8420804

I honesty dont remember the last time I was excited or hopeful. Im going to die young anyway due to my fucked up medical history, now really does seems so much better than dragging on.

>> No.8420822

Is there anything that you're passionate about? Hobbies, music?

What's wrong with your health?

>> No.8420858

Buy some cool clothes and discs and wait for them to arrive on the mail and you will be excited

>> No.8420868

most /fa/ way to kill yourself is definitely sucking cocks until you choke

>> No.8420888

I just sit at home wasting time on the internet

My spine/lungs are fucked after cancer.

>> No.8420892

Carbon monoxide intoxication.
Make sure you do as many drugs as you can before doing it.

>> No.8420897

My self-esteem has been rock bottom these last few days. Oh well getting drunk 2nite(this is basically the only thing i look forward to, that cant be good) and the idea of socializing if there's no alcohol involved seems like the most boring pointless thing ever, i don't even do it anymore.

>> No.8420910

>the idea of socializing if there's no alcohol involved seems like the most boring pointless thing ever
i feel u

>> No.8420950

to me its like, being at work without the work.

>> No.8420952

m8 your posts are always giving me the feels

>> No.8420955


>> No.8420957
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>tfw op is dead

>> No.8420961

pls no

>> No.8420968

really? I never really meet anyone in real life who relates to what i say. Not even other no-hopers, nothing seems to get to them, theyre either very good at blanking it out or just don't think about anything much ever. Whereas I'm very open about how terrified i am of looking back at my youth with regret.

>> No.8420982
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>> No.8420984
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>> No.8420988
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>> No.8420995

what should that mean

>> No.8420997

Make a grindcore/noise album and use this for the cover

>> No.8420998

not that guy, but it could be the recovered phone of someone who died/killed himself

>> No.8420999

the phone was a trigger for an IED which was supposed to explode when the phone received a call
apparently it malfunctioned
i presume it is supposed to be motivating, as in "miracles can happen, stay strong", but then again, as most stuff to come out of the us military, it's just some staged crap

>> No.8421004

well, I'd more like to believe >>8420998
would've been cooler/sadder if there were more than 1 missed call

>> No.8421010

it isn't tho, you can see the mechanix gloves a lot of soldiers use, the vest and some baghdad ass shit in the background
i think it is a cool picture anyway, although staged as hell

>> No.8421011
File: 2.87 MB, 1280x720, Argentiniëganaarhuis.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I sorta ran out of motivational material faster than I thought, but this guy is right.

>> No.8421016

leave me alone in my fantasies duuuuude

>> No.8421017
File: 387 KB, 1280x838, Sunset, West Twenty-third Street - John Sloan 1906.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8421019

you can be alone in your fantasies if you kill yourself :)

>> No.8421021
File: 239 KB, 960x1296, Ralph Albert Blakelock, Moonlight Sonata,c.1889-92.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8421023


>> No.8421036

just letting you know i was brushing my teeth when i watched this and i spat toothpaste and now it looks like cum on my clothes.

that's oneo f my favourite things about black tho. Marks/stains dont show at all

>> No.8421055

This is the nicest thread I've seen on /fa/ for some time

Proud of you cunts x

>> No.8421077
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>> No.8421098
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Electronicfag reporting in

They used the wrong colour band on the resistor (the blue thing with lines on it), it blocked too many watts, they used the wrong chipset too (the black chip with spider legs), they should've used a 555, the soldering was probably shabby too, fucking mudshits.

>> No.8421183

The only reasonable a humane way to kill yourself is asphixiation via inert gas. Carbon monoxide will be horrendous compared to NoS, both would end in a euphoric experience. Killing yourself is in no way a good idea, depression can be overcome, death can not. In b4 god/ reincarnation

>> No.8421191

>out earn them
Don't try to have better morals, expand your mind more and find deeper levels of content and well being. Money is all that matter kids. If you can't make it kill yourself.

>> No.8421203


>> No.8421206

This is about spite, not living well.

>> No.8421208

Shopping always helps me.

>> No.8421211

Do NOT jump in front of the train

some wanker just delayed my journey from Brighton to Plymouth by approx 1 hour 40 minutes. That's 100 minutes of wasted time per each of those thousands travelling, so a LOT of lifetime infringed upon. +a traumatised driver


>> No.8421217

>ctrl+f gun
>0 results


>> No.8421224
File: 97 KB, 720x960, 1609569_10151936377775938_294037710_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you're going to die young anyway why don't you go around the world and do volunteering http://www.projects-abroad.org/ so you can see new parts of the world and help people

>> No.8421226

buy some moschino and then go to a /fa/ meetup

>> No.8421228

Dr. House pls

>> No.8421230

>she talked about how her neck hurts
>maybe she wanted me to massage
>maybe she wanted me to go back to her place and give her full body massage
you watch too much porn m8

>> No.8421584

>tfw getting emotional from a thread on an anime website
when i saw the thread i kind of expectede some /b/-core edgyness, but damn, you guys are so cool
i hope OP posts something so we know they're ok...

>> No.8422128

Man I was fucking depressed as shit for the longest time, hated talking to people, got super fucked up all the time to escape. I graduated college and felt lost. I had a job in a surgery center, but I mean it was for my dad and I obviously was just given the job because.

I've since moved across the country, I'm growing certain plants, and am living in the middle of nowhere. I couldn't be happier. The view is amazing, beautiful weather, and I'm in the middle of two cities so I can get out and socialize. I drink some wine and play video games, spend a few hours every day watering plants (finally got past the back breaking Manual labor), blaze it 420 faggot and just chill. Fuck around on the internet and just chill. No qt3.15s in my life yet, not really doin much, but it really is so stress relieving. No hustle of the city, no unnecessary contact and conversation with people I don't like (well only if I want, go to some bars or play group sports on the weekends).

I dunno, I just felt like telling y'all where I'm at, but maybe y'all should think about trying it out. I'm young, and maybe no one can see my siqq fits out here but honestly it's kind of nice that I don't have to think about others. Just myself and the plants.

>> No.8422142
File: 109 KB, 1274x1001, 1394520318466.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you do it any other way, you're doing it wrong

>> No.8422161

did u not read TFIOS? theres hope for u, u will find a gf and get to experiene love, rick has a plan for all of us!

>> No.8422206

I think I can speak for everyone with this: Look here mate, it is not time to return to the holy place that is Rick's shadow. You've got to bunker down and get through these hard times. If you're on this website that means you've got a lot of life left. Yes the struggle is real, life gets super hard some times. Yes mentally you might not be doing okay either. But you are a human and have the ability to go forward and get better. Seek help. Here's a link to a lot of help: http://yaoi-o-s.tumblr.com/post/90188188280/10000steps-be-brave-depression-suicide..
People want to see you better. Even if you don't think so your friends and family want you around. Get out and exercise. Just talk to a stranger even. You're /fa/ family, as much shit as we give each other, want you to get better so you can cop sick pieces, post fits, and yell at us too. Stay strong and live long brother, it'll be okay in the long run.

>> No.8422241

This is the first time I've ever been on /fa/, and I have no idea why I'm here... I usually browse /v/ but I've just been so down lately...

My life is just one tragedy after another... The light at the tunnel just doesn't seem to exist.

But people here in this little thread have made me chuckle. Highlight of my evening. Thank you.

>> No.8422247

It looks like he has super balls

>> No.8422251

I really want to know the story begind this image

>> No.8422294
File: 399 KB, 1029x1029, a2616063200_10[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ayy man, this is 4chan, we are sad deep down in our hearts, or else we wouldn't be here.

>tfw can't even be positive anymore

read the sticky so u can at least look good and be sad :)

>> No.8422298

It seems a lot of people here are in some sort of transition - hopefully towards the better

>> No.8422540
File: 407 KB, 608x607, rockyfriend1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tru shit, it seems as though all the weaboos, otakus, and nerds come from the other boards on 4chan to /fa/ seeking to improve themselves and clothing is just one of the first things they decided they had to change.
Onward to better lifes my fellow anomynooses we will all make it one day

>> No.8422614

what country are you in/between what two cities?

>> No.8422646

become a seasonal firefighter

when they fly you down into the center of an imminently engulfed forest, make amends with your sisyphean fate or succumb to a cleansing fire

>> No.8422691

This. You can rent or test drive a really nice car and take yourself out in style.

>> No.8422707

Tape carbon dioxide mask to face even when you pass out it will keep going.

>> No.8422711

Cuz liver apap induced liver failure is obv a peaceful way to go out amiright?

>> No.8423165

except when you dont die and have to pay for the damages

>> No.8423168

no one cares about ur shitty job
fuck off scum

>> No.8423188

that was obviously a joke

>> No.8423207

Starvation is poverty tier, far from /fa/

>> No.8423224


Get the most /fa/ hiking and camping gear then drive up to Oregon. Hike up into the mountain range on your journey to find the perfect means to an hero. What is the perfect means? Well, it's the Rough-skinned newt of course. You might be asking yourself why a newt? Let me tell you anon! This little guy is one of the most deadly buggers in all of North America. It's skin is packed with Tetrodotoxin and is roughly 100x more toxic then cyanide. Once you find the little guy and you still want to go yourself in, just toss him in a pot of tea and drink away. You'll be dead in a few minutes.

The most /fa/ way to an hero. Drinking tea.

>> No.8423421

Im from he US, lived in Copenhagen for school, then came back and moved to California. In Northern California now.

>> No.8423429

tfw have no one to smile or make laugh

>> No.8423441

implying rollins did any of that

>> No.8423448

probably half the people in here are the same people saying awful shit to people in other threads though

>> No.8423502

That sounds really nice. You're living the life

>> No.8423510

>what about all the sick fits?
this shit just changed my outlook on life

>> No.8423516

I read it and understood the context. It still implies money matters as the standard to compare yourself with others. A backwards concept.

>> No.8423533

well what do you expect from henry rollins?

>> No.8423576
File: 174 KB, 600x412, Burberry_Classic_Cashmere_Check_Scarf_Light_Brown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hang yourself with a Burberry scarf.

Seriously, don't do it. Almost all life's problems have solutions.

>> No.8423627

it's because now it's a serious issue most of us have had to deal with at some point, and we know it's delicate

>> No.8423670

but I only have lanvin

>> No.8423692

starve to death in a well made single bed with plain white sheets, while watching the 7th Seal in your silk pyjamas. Leave a note on the windowsill saying "Thank you for my time".

seriously though don't joke about this shit op, it's not cool

>> No.8423961

>how terrified i am of looking back at my youth with regret.
I'm 21, I worry about this every single day

>> No.8423971

I like you and your knowledgeable ways.