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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 2.85 MB, 2112x2816, gherkin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8396151 No.8396151 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone London here?

Is London /fa/?

>> No.8396155
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Obviously, this grill lives there

>> No.8396156

looks like a dick

>> No.8396169

It used to actually have a white antennae at the top but they took it off cause it looked like jizz

>> No.8396197

h4h4 not living in bristol (rly cool place)

>> No.8396205

I'm saving to move to London next year because my mom is from England so I can get a British passport and live there

Where's the best suburb

>> No.8396212

too many darkies

>> No.8396213

im moving there soon, if i see u im gonna fit battle u u little shit

>> No.8396214

This is not true

>> No.8396231
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>> No.8396235

looks like a dick

>> No.8396245

fuck off u ugly wog, we're full up on ethnics as is. stay in ur shithole, skippy poof

>> No.8396250

>full up on ethnics

gj british education

>> No.8396266 [DELETED] 
File: 41 KB, 333x306, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With your cystic acne having ass

I see you lamz

>> No.8396272

looks like a dick

>> No.8396321

is that dragon dildo?

>> No.8396325

looks like a dick

>> No.8396352

well we can't all be aspiring writers (enjoy your future of minimum wage jobs)

>> No.8396370

It's true. The gherkin represents the muslim cock RAPING our country. Why can't they just all die? Nobody likes muslims, not even muslims, they're blowing each other up every day.

They're all dirty like they haven't bathed in weeks, don't like speaking English, hate non-believers, look ugly, wear ugly clothes.

Accept the collateral damage of deporting goid muslims and get rid of them all. All my pubs being replaced by Turkish kebab shops and restaurants, arabic supermarkets. Cunts.

>> No.8396375

looks like a dick

>> No.8396417

looks like a dick

>> No.8396458

looks like a dick

>> No.8396469

looks like a dick

>> No.8396486

looks like a dick

>> No.8396491

looks like a dick

>> No.8396492

I visited london a couple of days ago and it is far more /fa/ than where I am from (somewhere else in england)
so coming from my perspective - yes it is /fa/

I actually found myself looking at other peoples fits and being interested in what they were wearing rather than not taking a second look at the majority of plebs where I am from

>> No.8396500

looks like a dick

>> No.8396511

looks like a dick

>> No.8396520

In London it's all Kenzo. Just azn manlets everywhere in full Kenzo outfits.

>> No.8396523

looks like a dick

>> No.8396535
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Look how Hamsun prince William was a teen no homo tho

>> No.8396538

looks like a dick

>> No.8396550

looks like a dick

>> No.8396560


>> No.8396562

so i want to study abroad by going to Britain, are there any universities I could apply for a scholarship for in London (that teach comp sci)?

Hopping to ace my A levels next year and hopefully get a scholarship to some school there but I dont know what school to apply for lol.

pls advise

>> No.8396572

looks like a dick

>> No.8396970


rep northwest london fam

>> No.8397090

lol nice trax bb

>> No.8397094

fuck off back to cornwall

>> No.8397112

underage please ban
a-levels take place at ages 17-18 meaning this poster is sixteen please ban

>> No.8397181

lol completely opposite direction m80

>> No.8397192

charlton here

>> No.8397194

Bristol's a fucking shithole. It's literally a fucking council estate extended into the realms of an entire city.

>> No.8397208

where bouts fam? Ealing here

>> No.8397382

bet you don't even live in London lol

>> No.8397515

looks like a dick

>> No.8397652

moving to clerkenwell in october
how's the area?

>> No.8397656


>> No.8397659

It's a celebration of the penis England has routinely rammed up the world's ass throughout history. It's not very subtle.

>> No.8397661

looks like a dick

>> No.8397674

What's uxbridge like?

>> No.8397708

Shit, full of muslims.

Shit, full of office workers, suicidal atmosphere. Very un-homely.

>> No.8397827

looks like a dick

>> No.8397849
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>> No.8397970

>trying to defend a city that has a foreign majority
Paki's around every corner

>> No.8398184

habbibi say that too my face

>> No.8398194

sicc im in wembley

>> No.8398210

Too lazy (and not enough of a good person) to check if they have comp sci, but you should check out places like King's College and UCL. Awesome reputation and good location. Hoping to do English Language at King's actually

>> No.8398219

Muslims should not be on this planet.

>> No.8398232

looks like a dick

>> No.8398679

there's a london fa whatsapp group, we meet up quite a lot

better than fucking brisbane

post your #s and i'll add u

>> No.8398720

google that word plz bcz brown =/= foreign lol

>> No.8398723

looks like a dick

>> No.8398732

y-you guys going to yung lean?
can i add you on snapchat?
are you all really old?
what if I'm posh?

>> No.8398753

Judging by the way you're spilling spaghetti everywhere you'll fit in just fine

>> No.8398756


>> No.8398760

looks like a dick

>> No.8398762


Only if u own the nike vapor flash jacket, if not ur a faggot.

>> No.8398810

>£200 entry fee to be in a crew
sure is London in here

>> No.8398815

looks like a dick

>> No.8398825

im autistic and overweight
do i fit or are you guys all models?

>> No.8398828

looks like a tampon to me

>> No.8398829

It really doesn't matter because you'll only be able to afford to live somewhere really shit
Unless you have millions, in which case buy a place in Kensington

>> No.8398831

Sicc Camden

>> No.8398837

Also are you over 18?

>> No.8398851

YO ME TOO, although not this year. You going in September?

>> No.8398901

ealing too, you scare me

>> No.8398918

The 'cool' parts of London has been Shoreditch or Dalston for a while. Obviously Soho, but no one who's not an oligarch lives there.
Peckham's very cool and on the up. Consider Lewisham and Bow/ Hackney too.

>> No.8398925

what london unis are "cool"

>> No.8398929

>peckham/lewisham cool


>> No.8398932

my gay photographer mate lives in soho
although he is ridiculously rich
dunno what point im trying to make

>> No.8398955

What do you mean "nope"? Go to Oxford Circus and see how long it is before you lose count of Kenzo azns everywhere. They even have KENZO written on their caps.

Oh and Comme Des Fuckdowns whoever makes that shit.

>> No.8398964

Getting stabbed by niggers is /fa/.

>> No.8398977

>oh no giggs/skepta will kill me!
>gas gang OG 2004 gunshot buss a whiteman
;0 keep up w/ the times man

>> No.8399213


>> No.8399215

looks like a dick

>> No.8399413

looks like a dick

>> No.8399532



>> No.8399536

sounds like a dick

>> No.8399543


>> No.8399565

you are clearly not from london then, it's just all white people know. kinda like dalston and shoreditch and stuff. the bubble has burst tho

>> No.8399574


>> No.8399582

peckham's dead. sadly. grew up there and watched it die in about 2012

>> No.8399583

looks like a dick

>> No.8399585

>tfw you have seen London change from crime ridden hellhole to a gentrified, white middle class hellhole

I honestly don't know which one was worse

>> No.8399587

shortest guy is 5'11 so please try to be at least over that. all skinny. please enjoy drugs, alcohol and clubbing. you'll also have to post some fits with decent designer pieces


>> No.8399592

How exactly did it 'die'?

>> No.8399596

i'm white, middle class, and moving to london in the next few months

i'm terrible

>> No.8399605

Fuck you man, fuck you.

>> No.8399607

>born in london
>complaining bout rent prices

lol ur fucked anyway kiddo get good

>> No.8399613

you been to any bar/club on a weekend? absolutely overridden by essex slags who heard peckham was cool on timeout and ra. when i used to walk down rye lane it was filled with friendly, nice african people. know it's just screaming, drunk white retards

>> No.8399621


bar story and bussey were bad but the popularisation of frank's was the final staw

>> No.8399641

>Friendly, nice african people

Nice b8. You should check out Tower Hamlets... Lots of friendly, nice muslims and africans there.

>> No.8399643

w-whatever man I didn't want to be in you're shitty group
>your joking rite? plz?

>> No.8399646

what the fuck is wrong with that place, that building looks like a dick

>> No.8399648

Being racist isn't /fa/ you know.

>> No.8399653

i'm being serious. obviously you don't go and hang out in bell garden's or yellow brick estate or something. but rye lane used to be people playing music and old men dancing and people eating nice food and old women shopping and stuff. all those people are getting pushed out

>> No.8399657
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>having a huge niggercock in the middle of your business district

brits are the biggest cucks on earth I swear

>> No.8399660


>> No.8399661

confirming, also kingston

>> No.8399665
File: 391 KB, 500x380, dogeisdoge.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck i keked

>> No.8399669

You're racist for not living in Tower Hamlets. Go live there, please. I'm sure you'll enjoy the friendly atmosphere of the kind immigrants which inhabit the area.

>> No.8399672

>living in year 2004
you're ideas about London were probably formed from ali g/headlines about ASBOs from the Blair government

>> No.8399675

Maybe if you like hanging out with plebs.

>> No.8399679

looks like a dick

>> No.8399681

is this srs? can a whatsapplondon member confirm?

>> No.8399683

>implying I don't live in an Asian majority area
>implying I give a fuck

You non-Londoners are so insecure :)

>> No.8399687

Nah, probably formed from living here. Then again I might just be hallucinating the ghettos that surround me, the 99.99% black schools right near my house and mugger-filled underpasses.

>> No.8399688

haha, it's not that strict. one of the guys in it actually models for saint laurent though

>> No.8399689


>> No.8399692

I went to tower hamlets in the day and it seemed grim w/ a few high end places and all expensive apts

>> No.8399700

>leave at whitechapel station
>make ur way upstairs
>white people 404

dat revolting smell of halal meat stores and muslims
was this real life
thanks cameron

>> No.8399701

Agreed, that place looks like a fucking dick. Leave it to the brits to fuck architecture and art. How fucking dumb do they have to be collectively to not realize in blue prints that that building is gonna look like shit.

>tldr; looks like a dick

>> No.8399704 [DELETED] 

a-are you all really 5'11

cause im not that bad looking an all the others are true but,... m-manlet


>> No.8399713

LOOOOOL, I laughed out loud because it's true. Muslims are so disgusting that I genuinely giggle thinking about them being everywhere.

>> No.8399722
File: 37 KB, 400x300, 1374749370222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a-are you guys all really 5'11+

cause im not that bad looking and all the others apply but,...,. m-manlet


also Camden bros where we at?? living there next year (inb4 ex-/fa/ millionaires playground, i know)

>> No.8399725
File: 66 KB, 544x468, 1401662787715.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I go to Kingston, its shit, full of muslims

>> No.8399727

dude im 5'8 we could make a beta london crew if they're telling the truth

>> No.8399731


m-m8 im like 5'7
hold me

>> No.8399733

nah just fucking with you. i'm actually 6'2"
feels great man

>> No.8399740


y ;_;

>> No.8399741

proof plz?

>> No.8399746

its a lie its a lie its a lie
hard water makes u short but chicks still dig u

>> No.8399747

nah, it's fine lads. everyone's nice and chill. so long as you're cool, actually live in london, and enjoy the things listed above, you'll be okay. post your numbers and i'll get the admin to add you

>> No.8399751

tfw an immigrant and everyone would be like you dont sound like youre from here, where are you from? and i would be like i dont wanna tell because idgaf about that place anymore and everyone would be like lel dirty immigrant stay pleb

>> No.8399753

u made me happy man
I DO enjoy drugs :))

>> No.8399755

>Muslim land


>> No.8399768


>> No.8399791

>negroe's everywhere
>paki's everywhere
>rich cunts and white collar cunts eveerywhere
pls DO NOT b in landun

>> No.8399799

stay jelly poorfag

>> No.8399809

>BBCs everywhere
>Paki penises everywhere
>big dick shaped building every fucking where
pls DO NOT b straight in assland

>> No.8399840

it's not /all/ white people. it's heading that way. the majority of people about are still black and or poor, most of the white people are students, and if not they're graduates. I don't get why peckham's only just becoming 'cool' now anyway, goldsmiths and camberwell have always been 'cool/trendy' unis in the area, why now?

>> No.8399902

another camden cunt...

>> No.8399916


camden bros what am i in for next year apart from expensive af
already gonna be spending 200 quid p/w rent + bills smh
am >>8399722 btw

>> No.8399922

>200 quid
m8 where u gettin rates that low

>> No.8399928

i-is that low?
uni mate's mum kekek

>> No.8399936

u givin' her a good poke in the low whiskers m8?

>> No.8399953

Prices range from about 130/week (shithole) to about 170 which some of my mates pay. (more central, still a shithole)

>> No.8399967

nah actually tho her bf is one of the other housemates. mayb drama ahead
meant rates in camden tho m8. unless thats what u meant?

>> No.8399974

is she a milf?

>> No.8399978

This is coming from a student, if you look early summer usually you can find something liveable for about 140 -bills.

>> No.8399986

kek nah hes banging her daughter is what i meant my bad. and no she isnt.
eh i thought so. but i was happy to take 200 w/ opposite camden stables, 25 min bus to uni and having to do no work to find it myself

>> No.8400001

Camden stables, kek. Have you been to Proud yet? used to be not shit on a thursday

>> No.8400017

>used to be not shit on a thursday
maybe i should try it thursday instead then :^)
its not like stables was an attraction or anything btw, jus that i knew the area more cause uni halls were like 15 mins down the road

>> No.8400026

You in Ifor too? and I wouldn't bother with proud much anymore either, still looking for a decent night out in camden.

>> No.8400033

nah im LSE mate (tfw)
>still looking for a decent night out in camden.

>> No.8400053

Ice Wharf on a saturday is pretty grim if you'd like to hang with the locals.

>> No.8400069

tbf i didnt know a local spoons actually so thanks. sadly p sure ill visit at some point

>> No.8400396

bump for london fam

>> No.8400476

>nah I'm at LSE

How's neoliberalism going for you

>> No.8400534

working out p well for me, apparently not so well for others :¬|

>> No.8400990

le ebric bump

>> No.8401363

where abouts? I'm down by hanger lane

>> No.8401406

brixtonite here. watching this happen right now...

>> No.8401465

i went to brixton the other day and it seemed nice

>> No.8401551
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Post more Cara webm's pretty please :33

>> No.8401741

Kingston here

>> No.8401977

s h i t h o l e

>> No.8401988

Do people advice going to London to study a semester abroad?

>> No.8402101

no fuck off

>> No.8402138

in my country (malaysia) we can take a levels at any age after our entrance exams (spm).

>> No.8402147

please never come to berlin good knight of brittania

>> No.8402283

already been and i banged yer sister

>> No.8402307

i dont think uni maas has partner unis in london.

>> No.8402315

Gonna be going Uxbridge next year (Brunel)

have i fucked up?

>> No.8402326

I think it's /fa/, it's an old city, very diversified and most of the people are pretty cool. The only thing that sucks is when you run into white people who think that it should only be whites. But they represent a very small autistic population so I wouldn't worry too much.

>> No.8402354

+1 confirm nice city with some shits

>> No.8402357

Most people secretly wish the muslims weren't here. Many wish the blacks and muslims would stay in Tottenham. Some brainwashed college and uni students don't think so, but that's because they're taught beta values of putting outsiders before themselves.

>Tfw stench of muslims
>Tfw stench of halal meat
>Tfw dirty burqas everywhere
>Tfw ugly brown men with big noses
>Tfw ugly brown women with moustaches

Imagine how much better the world would be if someone waved a wand and every muslim in the world become a white person.

>> No.8402360

na its pretty cool uni

>> No.8402363

Yeah, 99% browns and blacks. Enjoy sleeping with indian girls.

>> No.8402368

>this amount of delusion
You and your neckbeard friends don't represent a majority. Maybe you should get out more and I don't know, talk to people who don't overthink culture on a chinese message board.

>> No.8402375


UKIP is getting lots of votes this time round. A big number of those voters are just racists who realize that BNP will never win and so vote for the next best thing.

Soon the dirty foreigners will take these white lands, and England will become Brazil 2.0. But that's okay because I have Aussie family so I can just move there and be amongst the amazing amazing white people. There's some abos and gooks, but that's okay asians are cool.

>> No.8402376

then you'd be a shitty person regardless
>b-but the melanin
ur a super pleb EDL aren't cool racism isn't /fa/

>> No.8402382

>Enjoy sleeping with indian girls.

i hope thats not sarcasm cause i will

not him btw

>> No.8402390

australia is literally the worst country in the world

>> No.8402392

You deeply misinterpret the things Pat Condell says. And you probably shouldn't get your political news secondhand from a comedian anyway.

>> No.8402408

>Enjoy sleeping with indian girls

>99% browns and blacks

I'm brown though so it's alright

>> No.8402411

What's New Cross like these days?

>> No.8402413

Racism isn't /fa/ it's just right... You're obviously ethnic scum. No white person would enjoy living in a city full of muslims, halal butchers, mosques and arabic shop signs everywhere.

My favorite pub is being turned into yet another Turkish restaurant.

Muslim areas are filthy. The more muslims living in an area, the dirtier and dirtier it becomes until the streets are lined with trash, spitting Africans and abandoned matresses.

>> No.8402416

Muzzas wash 5 times a day neckbeard

>> No.8402429

>My favorite pub is being turned into yet another Turkish restaurant.
How does that even happen

>> No.8402431

its just right that melanin = bad ok lul

>> No.8402434


>> No.8402437

heads up I bet you're not from London ;)

>> No.8402438

You'll never get it. We all know that people are the same where ever you go. There is good and bad in everyone.And we learn to live, we learn to give each other what we need to survive, together alive

>> No.8402451

mate if i couldn't get a kebab at 4AM from a sweaty turkish bloke i honestly don't know what i would do

pubs are shit anyway who still goes to pubs

>> No.8402463
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>inb4 50+ more /pol/ responses

>> No.8402475



>> No.8402476

Australia is full of alpha males thanks to convict genes.
Australia has nice beaches.
Australian people are good looking especially compared to the HIDEOUS Britons.
Australians are more right wing due to being alpha males.

Who cares about Pat Condell? I'm telling you from experience. I live near Forest Gate. It's worse than Harlem... Except Harlem is only one area whereas the dirty immigrants are slowly spreading out and infecting other cities too including my own.

When I went to school it was mostly white with some immigrants but they were westernized. Now when I drive past my old school I see herds of blacks going in, and a sign outside saying my school is "partnered" with one in Africa.

Blacks aren't bad if they're british blacks or westernized blacks (so long as there's a balance). The problem is that it's not. It's dirty Africans who can barely talk English wearing filthy rags dumping trash on the streets.

Who wants them here? How do they enrich society? The only people who like London are people who don't live here in the immigrant-heavy areas of which there are many.

>> No.8402496

>they're different so they're bad

>> No.8402509

LOOL, why don't you kill yourself then? Bitching about why you think we should all be racist on the internet isn't going to change anything and there's no way the UK's going to take steps to limit globalization. You'd be better off dead if it bothers you so much.

>> No.8402510

It's muslims that are bad. They're like a dirtier version of the crusaders from years ago. They follow a DISGUSTING religion that, like 99% of all religions, teaches hatred and murder. Many Christians nowadays have become WAY WAY WAY more moderate, but Muslims take their religion VERY seriously.

Also the first generation immigrants who still have their filthy third world behaviors and mannerisms.

Yet they eat everything with their hands and some eat off the floor. I had Iranian neighbors. I went there once 'cause I was mates with one of them and the family sat cross legged on the floor eating KFC (no troll lol) off the floor.

They also spit and litter a lot.

>> No.8402512


>Australian people are good looking.

I used to think this, but every Australian I've seen up close had horribly sun damaged skin either really blotchy when they are young and getting more leathery as they get older.

>> No.8402520

>Yet they eat everything with their hands and some eat off the floor. I had Iranian neighbors. I went there once 'cause I was mates with one of them and the family sat cross legged on the floor eating KFC (no troll lol) off the floor.

>1 family represents an entire race
You're thick mate.

>> No.8402527

They ate sitting on the floor what's wrong with that? You need help

>> No.8402533

>Many Christians nowadays have become WAY WAY WAY more moderate
You're either a delusional Christian or blind.

>> No.8402534

I don't care about England, it should be nuked. It's a pussy beta-as-fuck country filled with UGLY people thanks to disgusting British genetics (not sure how that happened in old pictures Britons look better).

Men here are in shape while the women are OBESE and DISGUSTINGLY ugly so you end up with handsome guys fighting over Chernobyl-tier bitches.

I'm leaving the country soon. Or I might just move to the Isle of Wight... Or maybe buy a house on the Isle of Wight and another one in Aus... And a small villa in spain after a few years.

>> No.8402539

The irony

>> No.8402540

>And a small villa in spain after a few years.

hahahaha okay this is satire i get you :)

>> No.8402544

I have tons of Indian friends wanting to come to the US. Maybe I should send them to the aussies. Where does your fam live?

>> No.8402547

No, I mean they ate off the floor. As in, they were sorting out the chicken wings and putting them on the actual floor trying to find the drumsticks. I.e. actually placing the food onto the unwashed carpet.

I don't believe the rag-wearing Africans walking about the town spitting somehow practice better hygiene.

>> No.8402549

>Australian people are good looking
but they're white?

>> No.8402561

What extremist Christians are there nowadays? Westboro Baptist Church?... I don't know of many instances recently of people killing in the name of Christianity.

Either way it doesn't matter because Christianity is disgusting too. Religions like Christianity and Islam preaching murder and hate.

Moderates are disobeying the word of God anyway most of the time.

>> No.8402565

they may not be killing but they're far from moderates

>> No.8402583

>Enjoy sleeping with indian girls
>this being a bad thing

what a pleb

>> No.8402586
File: 463 KB, 1796x2700, Black Pics-139.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>99% browns and blacks
you don't say.

>> No.8402587

full of oversensitive lefties

>> No.8402593

Is that girl in England? I would be surprised of anything that's not a 0/10 monstrosity coming out of that shithole.

>> No.8402596


>> No.8402600

jesus christ this thread is autistic smh

>> No.8402602

>Chernobyl-tier bitches


>> No.8402604

she's american

>> No.8402613

Yeah, no kidding. You'll never find a black girl in England who looks better than Oprah Winfrey.

>> No.8402638
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>> No.8402647

looks like a plev

>> No.8402656
File: 1018 KB, 245x350, Black Gifs-003.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>live in Chicago
>black beauties everywhere
I turn to spaghetti only with the ebonies..this feel..

>> No.8402663

why do they always dress so basic tho, i hardly ever see effay black chicks

>> No.8402669

Air of elitism
Plebby outfit

>> No.8402680

>no money
I've seen a few that look like they went on /fa/ but they're stuck up as fuck and usually have a rich BBC following their every step.

>> No.8402699
File: 81 KB, 467x700, Black Pics-028.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

black girls care about black guys and black guys don't care about fashion just ass.

>> No.8402764

i'm close by but not willing to meet up, but if i see anyone around wearing an Acne and CPs i'll be sure to say hi

>> No.8402781

extended goldsmiths campus

>> No.8402892

this is why UKIP won the european elections then right lmao

>> No.8402901

can we all agree that polish people are the literal worst and should all be shot

>> No.8402905 [DELETED] 

ayy lmao ur an idiot

>> No.8402910

i once had a polish buddy, he turned into a normalfag and we don't talk anymore

>> No.8402963

lmao are there more undercover fa dudes at goldsmiths?

i was in the RHB building last term and saw a guy sitting having a coffee in full rick

>> No.8402969

all london faggots email your numbers here and i'll add you to the fa london crew whatsapp


>> No.8402970
File: 843 KB, 500x281, Black Gifs-008.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8402990

nah bro, im not /fa/ enough, I don't even have a hitler youth haircut

>> No.8403570

Right wing is actually waaay more alpha than left, so it's probably more likely for a liberal to be neckbeard.

You'd never see someone like Charles Bronson at an equality rally.

>> No.8403613

looks like a dick

>> No.8403680



>> No.8403700

It's true. I don't think bad boys care about feminism or the struggles of minorities.

>> No.8403732

Hey man you didn't add me i emailed you yday

>> No.8403887

looks like a dick

>> No.8403912

lmao, that happened like 6 years ago...

>> No.8404466
File: 69 KB, 1080x1776, 59d17ad0-9481-498e-bf95-887446af1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2014 or 2015? Exams been fuckin wit' my cognitive ability to process simple things so apologies.