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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 1.54 MB, 2989x3865, tiedye2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8387064 No.8387064[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Show us what you've made! I'll start.

>pic related: tie bleach shirt

>> No.8387110
File: 1.91 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't know whether DIY or Margielas

>> No.8387117

That's fukken sikk m8
how'd you get it to turn out like that?

>> No.8387120

how hard is it to make a t shirt?

>> No.8387129

That's the basic pattern o a tie due but with bleach. Smh. My 12 year old sister could do that

>> No.8387133

Search youtube for "tie dye bleach"

Yeah, didn't say it was hard

How so? Actually making a shirt with "raw" fabric?

>> No.8387171
File: 105 KB, 900x393, bleach_tie_dyed_shirt__1__by_emmajory-d4zxzdi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic is not mine, but inspo'd me to do the same
should i just fold a black t in a spiral, tie with some bands and dip in bleach? will it look like pic?

>> No.8387176

Spiral would not look like that. Im not sure how to achieve this kind of look, but it's dope.

>> No.8387180

then help me think :^(

>> No.8387186

maybe tied up in a spiral then dye painted on with a brush on the edges that stick up?

>> No.8387191

> with "raw" fabric?

>> No.8387193

it was done with bleach, that I know. thanks for the tip tho

>> No.8387207

can i make an ombre sweater like raf?

>> No.8387210

OP here, don't dip it. It will bleach too much fabric. For that look you'll need very concentrated bleach and a brush or something. (Since you want clean edges around the white areas). Not sure how to fold it though.

Oh and btw, It's unlikely that's been done with bleach, since the fabric on black shirts is usually orange/yellow.

>> No.8387288

See here for different patterns:

>> No.8387488

yes but its v hard to get it to come out even

>> No.8387792


>> No.8387927

white shirt dyed black then bleached maybe?

>> No.8388034

Can you give skinny jeans a decent drop crotch without adding fabric?

>> No.8388256

yup, that's probably it.

>> No.8388374

put foot in crotch
hold onto waistband
push and pull as hard as you can
please dont actually do this

>> No.8388905

no more DIY? : (

>> No.8389390

This is mine from the other thread
This looks sick af
Thanks for this link might try and do some of these later on this summer

>> No.8389506

Pretty kewl, I just dont dig the orange that comes out from black tees. I think I just did too many of them.

>> No.8389867

OP here, I have
>2 black shirts
>1 gray (those 50% polyester 50%cotton mix shirts)
>1 white
>1 dark purple

I also have:
>Black paint
>White paint

The white paint covers black shirts, and vice-versa.

What do? Suggestions? Inspo?


>> No.8390702

Is it a bad idea trying to make a pair of pants from scratch with no pattern or experience?

>> No.8390793
File: 31 KB, 406x404, creed-green-irish-tweed-2_4fe7c9f26be93.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone ever make cologne?

It appears to be as simple as adding essential oils into and alcohol/water mix, but... how would they create top and base notes if everything just gets all mixed in there.

>pic related. making a counterfeit creed would be a fun place to start

>> No.8390799

Would rubbing alcohol work?

>> No.8390802
File: 134 KB, 768x1184, Snapchat-20140618091315.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whats happening to /fa/ culture ? the part that design and make their own clothes ? i see less and less DIY threads lately

Did this three days ago, i got a hold of over 5 pair of pants, will be working about them this week

before - after

>> No.8390814
File: 123 KB, 768x1184, Snapchat-20140618102820.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the angle is fuck up, i will post good ones on the next thread

>> No.8390831

i dyed a pair of all white vans authentics with tea. theyre drying so i'll post a pic tomorrow

>> No.8390836

no. it will be a fun experiment. do it.

>> No.8390855

Yeah, now I just gotta figure out how much fabric I'll need and where to get it.

>> No.8390861
File: 185 KB, 720x1280, tumblr_n7g9ix8QKg1t0dr9so3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

almost finished with dis tee

>> No.8390864

Cheease whats up ;D

>> No.8390865

michael, wheres the stpne?

>> No.8390869
File: 163 KB, 768x1184, Snapchat-20140527012021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

make geometrical shapes on the back, pic as a example but i fucked up because the glossy letters from the shirt can be seen

>> No.8390882

u a bitch cheese. get a haircut.

>> No.8390909
File: 51 KB, 960x960, saintmatthias3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how can I do it myself?

>> No.8390913

Tapered cargo pants/shorts look really cool to me for some reason.
Also when are you going to make that YouTube video that shows how to taper pants? It would be really helpful.

>> No.8390933

i did it months ago, i posted the link for weeks on every DIY thread

the video is outdated but doesnt mean you cant follow it; it uses an old way to do it but easier. the new way i know is harder but perfect

>> No.8390953

there are two ways

cop the pattern and cut the fabric over it and sew it

buy a shirt and tear it apart from the seams a,d pay a lot of attention on every seam and piece, usually a regular shirt has 2 pieces and the 2 sleeves, then draw yourself the pattern and sew it back again and you can use the pattern to make new shirts

i made a vest the other day for my little sister, it isn't that hard, its just a matter of space imagination and ability to cut and sew, just remember to let some extra fabric on the seams for the flaps or,else it will tear apart

>> No.8390959
File: 75 KB, 1000x1000, 61S3ZArQZ-L._SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes, but there are precise measurements for water:alcohol and essential oils.
I don't know to much about it though and am hoping someone who has done it or tried it before can chime in for us.

But look at this shit. An entire bottle of oil is only $3... fuauurk some is going to do this

>> No.8390994

Cologne recipes are a thing.
This is so happening now.
edit: essential oil prices kind of kill it...
this has been an emotional rollercoaster...

>> No.8391207

like a meter or two, i really don't know where you can cop fabric, maybe ask in a tailor or something like that

>> No.8391216

How hard would it be to sew a properly draping, long sleeved t-shirt? I was looking at some $150 shirt and i was sooo close to copping just to recreate..

>> No.8391261

I did mine by splattering black dye on a white t. I guess you can achieve the look you want by splattering in horizontal movements or smth

>> No.8393059

what sort of paint did you use?

>> No.8393217
File: 107 KB, 225x257, print shit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That reminds me, I had these tees with brand logos in them so I did this to them.
"Raavas" was the name I came up with and sold the shirts I made at the time.

>> No.8393327

Hmmm sounds cool. Some pics or nah? I dunno how to achieve this shade of marbled grey on the white. The black veins I would do with feathers and brushes.

>> No.8393383 [DELETED] 

that's such a great idea, you are a genius >>8393059
use spray paint, make sure you don’t use a glossy one, i did use glossy on few tees and it looks like plastics dark poop

>> No.8393398

that's such a great idea, you are a genius

use spray paint, make sure you don’t use a glossy one, i did use glossy on few tees and it looks like plastics dark poop

>> No.8394891

I wanna make something vaporwave'y.

Ideas? Japanese type perhaps? Some geometrical shapes?

I only have black and white paint

>> No.8394943
File: 1.98 MB, 1638x816, DIY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guise i need help

i accidentally bought this tee a few months ago and i find the text a bit cheesy for my tastes.

i did some modifications in paint and have come up with three options (if you can convince me that the text isn't cheesy, that is)

please note that that's the front. since it's a jersey tee, shouldn't the numbers be at the back? has anyone modified a tee to be worn the opposite way?

>> No.8394972

how did you edit your post

>> No.8395012

Option 2

>> No.8395079

Take out S and add NE, and a K at the end. "An Frank"

>> No.8396139

Any tips on cutting holed in jeans to recreate the ones seen in higher end brands?
There was a DIY thread about it last week but I didn't save it

>> No.8396476

whats some good yet cheapish dye i can order online? what a dip dye a bluish/greenish shirt 3/4s black

>> No.8396479

want to*

>> No.8396722


>> No.8396847


>> No.8396858

I wanna do some cargos with old pants and my own slim fitted long tee.
I may post some pics when it will be over.

>> No.8396947
File: 232 KB, 573x595, f3ee38a95c483c67ef3e1b5c48b8f035.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would it be possible to cover the bottom right print on this t-shirt?

>> No.8396953

You could try getting a shirt sizes too big and then just using your amazing /diy/ sewing skills to cut that out and still make the shirt a good fit.
Most likely no chance with dyes or paint though.

>> No.8396954

with dye probably

its cool tho, cyrillic is aesthetic

what it say

>> No.8396980
File: 21 KB, 336x681, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I'll probably just try to hide it without modifying somehow.

The cyrillic says "Film Sjene", it's from a film project about the last days of Gavrilo Princip.

>> No.8396985

Oh yeah forgot to write that I did that in paint.net, I'll see what it looks like on skreened. If it's good enough I might cop it from myself instead of buying the film one, but I think the film one has a nicer texture to it and I'm too shit to do that myself.

>> No.8396993

is Rit fabric dye alright for dip dye?

pls respond

>> No.8397076
File: 43 KB, 336x681, asdasd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That would also be fairly simple design to just print on your own, but the color would be just solid red most likely, I mean it's basically a ready stencil, you only need a single bridge.
Pic related, I'd just make a stencil out of it, bridge placement pictured.

>> No.8397087


>> No.8397191
File: 1.92 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought an adidas x bape mesh jersey that's pretty cool, but it's many sizes too big
I was thinking about cutting out the cool logo part and made cutting out an equal amount on an old tote bag I have and attaching it to make a see through mesh panel on it. But I feel like there's a high risk of faliure doing that, does anyone have any better idea's?

>> No.8397218


I'mma try this today on a tshirt

>> No.8397250

What's the plan exactly?
Like can you draw with paint how you would cut that? Also how does the material feel?
It doesn't look too sturdy so more than likely the tote would get rekt pretty fucking fast, I would attach some sort of stronger fabric behind that and then sew it to the tote bag myself, but that kinda ruins the mesh panel idea (which is pretty fucking cool honestly)

>> No.8397875
File: 98 KB, 640x480, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't thought it out very much
but I guess my plan would be to cut a rectanglular hole out of a black tote I have (or buy a cheap black backpack or something) and attach the cut out from the jersey on the inside either sewing it in or using fabric glue
the jersey material is fairly thin, but it feels pretty high quality and durable, I'm not too worried about it ripping

>> No.8397916

Heres a better idea, sell it to me. Size?

>> No.8397993

>but it feels pretty high quality and durable
If you feel like it's gonna work, go for it.
Cool idea with the see through mesh panel.

>> No.8398107


>> No.8398436
File: 2.56 MB, 4000x3000, DSC_0685.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not the anon you're replying to, I'm OP.

Just did this, had painted with brush and sponge.

Did I do good?

>> No.8398449
File: 2.53 MB, 3000x4000, DSC_0685.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucked up the image

>> No.8398453
File: 2.34 MB, 2002x898, Tee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably don't remember this but about a week ago I asked about an idea of cutting the collar of an odd-fitting H&M t-shirt. I finally got round doing it, and I'm pretty happy with the result, fits more comfortable and I like the look of it better. Pic related. Not anything fancy but I like the outcome. Sorry for the faggy pose, don't have my stative to take pictures atm.

>> No.8398460

wow that looks so cool, nice job

>> No.8398467

Thanks, I still have to do the back though. Took way too long for a shitty primark shirt that will fall apart in a few washes. About 1:30h for the front

>> No.8398497

Explain how

>> No.8398544
File: 1.20 MB, 4472x3264, shurts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

came out real good. Also I'm the original anon he was replying too, sorry just wasn't around, here are pics of what I did

>> No.8398546


>> No.8398551

Your's looks cool as well.

>> No.8399805

bump! let's DIY

>> No.8399899
File: 2.87 MB, 3264x2448, 20140623_205503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bought these grey h&m joggers for the gym and dyed them black. i like the light black colour i got

pic is bright

>> No.8400034

>get dish of black dye
>find something with a rotating disc or whatever
(fan, rotary tool, fucking saw, whatever)
>hang shirt sideways
>guard yourself against dye that will be flying everywhere
>dip tool in dye
>aim at shirt, turn on tool
theres probably a better way to do this but whatever

>> No.8400531

Wow, anons. Congratulations! You guys did an awesome job. Thanks for the answer, god bless you all. Now I'm gonna try doing mine.

>> No.8400877
File: 348 KB, 1128x848, gross.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My mom got me these shoes forever ago, The design isn't to bad but the shitty brown color makes me want to vomit.
I want to paint them white but im not sure how
spray paint will look on canvas shoes.
Ill post pictures tomorrow if this thread is still up

>> No.8400890

bleach them or dye them black

>> No.8400897

rit dye works best with certain fiber contents (i forgot which though). there's other types of dyes like acid and fiber reactive, but again i don't remember what each is good for.

>> No.8400916

where can I find more information on it?

>> No.8401315


>> No.8401318

are you kidding me?

>> No.8401319

bleach then dye. if it's not dark enough the first time around do another coat of dye

>> No.8401769

actually that's a great fucking idea
and add the number 45 instead of 58

>> No.8402300

u serious ?

>> No.8402558


real edgy

>> No.8405192

best diy thread in some time

>> No.8405984

Unfortunately I don't have a silk screen printer so I can't add any letters/numbers.

Thanks for the feedback though.

>> No.8406011


What pants and shoes would go well with this?

>> No.8406142

How do I fade dye a shirt?

>> No.8406165
File: 905 KB, 1638x816, 1403491568012.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8406207

You don't necessary need a screen for it, granted you end up with slightly worse print and not as even layer of paint.
But yeah, it's totally option even though you don't have screen.

>> No.8407933


>> No.8409032
File: 803 KB, 1376x2068, sweatshirt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bleach splattered hoodie

I cant tell if it is dope, or i got too much bleach on it and it looks like a fuccboi galaxy sweatshirt

>> No.8409198

probably too much bleach, but i guess it could still work.

don't put yourself down

>> No.8409260

yeah its fine, i just get a weird reminder of those god awful galaxy sweaters when i look at it, especially the back. whatever

>> No.8409296
File: 136 KB, 250x250, 1390630893776.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8409318

yo how do you go about doing this? I'd wanna give it a try with a flannel shirt...

>> No.8409331

Hahahaha. He just typed "edit:" then carried on writing. He didn't actually edit the post.

>> No.8409594


>> No.8411220

Got my blank black hoodie today, I was planning on printing something on it, though I have to wash it first, I'll post the results today or tomorrow.

>> No.8411276

I would wet the flannel then take a spray bottle of bleach and go to town

>> No.8412577

this is dope af mate
what was the original color of the hoodie?

>> No.8412759

how do you get that specific pattern? usually there would be completely white spots, but it looks like you poured bleach then somehow diluted it in the center to form an outline?

>> No.8412799


>> No.8412947
File: 566 KB, 603x515, hoodie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here we go
Things were looking pretty grim, the paint was uneven as fuck but 2 layers and ironing did wonders.
The logo on the back could have been bit higher but I'm pretty happy all in all.

>> No.8413062

looks nice. is that 20th century boys?

>> No.8413420
File: 70 KB, 700x700, Nike-Blazer-Mid-Wool-Black-Gum-1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bought pic related a while ago. I like the silhouette, but really aren't a fan of the wool swoosh.
any idea how i can remove it?

>> No.8413438

looks a lot like galaxy print, maybe redye the white parts to orange or red?

>> No.8413468

Masterful taste.

>> No.8413494
File: 145 KB, 768x1184, Snapchat-20140625031804.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

probably one of my best DIY

took this big ass pants $6 and about 34/32 and made them 29/30, more than 5 hours straight working.

>> No.8413500
File: 95 KB, 768x1184, Snapchat-20140625035720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8413506
File: 108 KB, 768x1184, Snapchat-20140625035645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8413514

Why didn't you just buy the right size?

>> No.8413522

because i found them for 6$, and it was a store were only old people go shop and they didnt have something smaller than that

>> No.8413525

Looks cool

>> No.8413533

You butchered these pants and are proud of your work? This is a collosal fail.

>> No.8413543

Damn bruh you seem mad about something that doesn't affect you in any way.
The pants look good, I don't know why you're so mad

>> No.8413547

why shouldn't i be ? im not a skilled tailor, i dont do my stuff with a machine, i only use a needle and yarn

>> No.8413553

Ah cool, not bad man. How long did it take you with just a needle and thread?

>> No.8413566

i would say that it took me like more or less than 5 hours, i took a lot because i had to go back and fix some parts but it usually take me less than 2 hours

>> No.8413603

step one: materials
>buy some white fabric paint (speedball)
>buy a roll of freezer paper
>get a brush
>get a razor blade

step two: prep
>print out words/letters in the same font as the one you removed
>trace words onto freezer paper
>iron freezer paper where you want print to be on fabric
>dip brush

step three: doing
>brush over the letters with the fabric paint making sure you get a good even coat
>you can do a few coats if you like
>peel off freezer paper SLOWLY after everything has dried
>spell check

there you go. now you know how to make stencils for screen printing

>> No.8413627

assuming you centered it correctly and didn't use the cheapest paint they had how well does this method turn out?

>> No.8413706

Not the most effay one though

>> No.8413728

>>brush over the letters with the fabric paint making sure you get a good even coat
You can also get old sponge or piece of mattress or something similar and 'tap' the paint in, it gives pretty even layer of paint and is just plain fun to do.

>> No.8413757

with a knife/razorblade/seam-ripper you dingus

>> No.8413777

seam remover.
but do know that there will be punctures in the leather where the string currently is when you remove it.

>> No.8413790

I ve got a h&m White Shirt with long sleeve
What about make it 3/4 (the sleeves)
I think about it but i dont know if the Shirt i possess will be good enough

>> No.8414195
File: 30 KB, 262x308, supreme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

would I be able to get a similar blotchy design to the supreme shirts? (image related)

>> No.8414242

black uniqlo hoodie , thanks btw

white is the most bleached parts, with the other colors being a little less bleached. I dont want to get more bleach on it for fear of being even more spotted

>> No.8414732

Nope, I just tied it the same way you tie shirts for the classic "tie dye" look, and then applied some bleach with a bottle in a spiral.

>> No.8414742

Did you stencil that? Ot just freehanded it?

I dont particularly like the design but it's really well executed m8

>> No.8414746

just wear it while u r sucking mad dick bb

>> No.8414884

you think that'll work???

>> No.8415247

holy shit thank you so much

>> No.8415279

I sewed from scratch a double layer t-shirt.
I'll post pics if people want.

>> No.8415342

well OBVIOUSLY somebody is going to ask you
let's see it

>> No.8415941

Used stencil
I have silkscreen so it helps

>> No.8416694

yeah post pics

>> No.8416705

How many times did you spell check after step 3? Lmao