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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 580 KB, 1743x2500, Jennifer-Aniston-Vince-Skinny-Pandora-Justin-Theroux-Nudie-Thin-Finn-Coated-Indigo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8394670 No.8394670[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I'm fucking pissed /fa/, I know there's no such thing as spot fat reduction but I have such big quads even though overall, I'm rather thin. It's gotta be genetic since my father have big muscular quads even when he didn't work out. I'd like to know if there are any tricks to faster fat loss. I know this seems like a /fit/ post but I thought maybe you guys could relate when trying to fit skinnies well. All I want is to look /fa/ as fuck in a pair of nudies skinnies. Can you guys help?

I would even like to know if there is any big leg inspo.

>I'm a male btw if that wasn't obvious.

>> No.8394687

are you working out? Quads are muscles, loosing fat won't help

>> No.8394699

Does anyone else know this feel? I really feel like their size ruins my fits. I have to wear loose ass jeans and it sucks.

I work out sparingly. I used to do it intensely and my quads got bigger, I think that's why I kinda stopped. Can big legs ever look aesthetic in a nonfitness setting?

>> No.8394721

Some more info: I have small-medium hips for my height (6'3"/191cm), my waistsize is about a 30-32 but I have to wear 34-36 loosely around my waist just to fit my legs. Are there any good brands that can fit me properly without having to get tailored.

>> No.8394728

Maybe cardio helps but low resistence 35+min, deplete yourself of protein at first. And then when they shrinked build up your muscles again. But no squats only hip thrust which won't aim quads at all

>> No.8394738

just get mesotherapy. a few injections and it should be reduced heavily. but make sure you keep to a calorie controlled diet afterwards otherwise it will just come back

>> No.8394740

Quick question: is it possible to grow muscle in one area while losing it in another? What I mean is can I grow my upperbody while simutaneously losing mass in my quads. I'm not talking about fat, I mean muscle. Or is this just crazy?

>> No.8394742

Is /fit/ really so bad to warrant being asked questions like this so often

>> No.8394748

Is that expensive, I live in the Chicagoland area if that's helpful? Also like >>8394687 said a lot of it's muscle. I mean, there's a good amount of fat but when I flex my quads I can tell that the muscle is naturally overgrown.

Yes it's bad. They only speak seriously about olympic lifts and showing off their bodies. NO HELP at all for specific questions.

>> No.8394749

You need to do exercises that only target your upper body. There are lots of guys with a ripped upper bodies but skinny legs because they skip leg day.

>> No.8394750

Only do upper body weightlifting. Go full curl bro and never do legs, and make sure you do a lot of long distance, slow running. Keep eating your protein though, or your upper body muscles won't grow. You're looking to balance the two.

>> No.8394759
File: 113 KB, 574x689, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

agreed. don't bike either. just run a lot

it's definitely doable. just do upper body work outs and don't work your legs other than running

>> No.8394760

I guess that makes sense, since my legs are naturally large, I'l get balanced body without going ham on legs. The only thing is that despite the upperbody, I'll still have large legs. Can I ever look /fa/ this way?

>> No.8394770

Goddamn it...I appreciate the help guys but is it really impossible for me to look like the guy in >>8394670 ?

>> No.8394775

yeah but since he wants his quads to shrink, he should eat less protein. Him stopping working out didn't make them disappear. Later he can load on protein, start from zero and bulk up his upper body again.

Without seeing them I can't really tell if they're that bad

>> No.8394781

so go full skelly and then work up a balanced body?

>> No.8394797

yeah I lost my quads that way too but it won't happen overnight and it's quite a risk, it could fuck up your metabolism. So nutrition is important, don't get under 1400 calories. But that would depend on how high your intake is now.

>> No.8394804

MY TDEE is about 2400 but I'm at about a 500 calorie deficit these days. Should I go much lower or will that start fucking me up?

>> No.8394814

I wouldn't go much lower yet but see how things go this way for the next 3 weeks. 200 - 500 deficit with cardio would be enough.

>> No.8394824

K. Thanks guys. Any pants I can cop in the meantime that won't look like shit. I'm mostly wearing workout shorts daily now but I won't be able get away with that much longer.

>> No.8394855
File: 150 KB, 1023x911, 1398802831279.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

eat only fiber and protein and maybe one carbohydrate meal a day if you arent getting the carbs from your veggies. use every muscle in your body ( do bodyweight exercises or just lift decently) everyday to keep your muscles from being burned off and drink plenty of water. take creatine if you want to and take vitamins and supps to help your body since your organs are working hard. You will shed fat and almost solely fat, very quickly. I think scooby says a similar thing to this in one of his videos too.

>> No.8394863

and by fiber I mean mostly the insoluble kind. as it will keep your feeling fuller.

>> No.8394864

what's the fastest way to go skelly??

>> No.8394871

don't eat.

>> No.8394873

levi's 508 is a relatively inexpensive tapered-fit jean. wider in the thighs. tapers to ~7" cuff or something? sizing can be variable with levis tho, so i'd go try some on. two pairs will never fit the same.

>> No.8394881

>deplete yourself of protein
>eat only fiber and protein

>> No.8394888

Eating less calories than use / AKA low-calorie

You need to eat so that you don't binge

You can basically load up on fruits and vegetables until you are full - avoid eating bananas or oranges excessively because calories from those particular fruits can add up quickly

Die hard mode: eat only vegetables and drink only water for - after which you can then begin figuring out what to eat to maintain the weight you want

>> No.8394896

your body needs x amount of protein at a certain bodyweight to retain its muscle mass. It also starts to consume protein once its burnt off fat and carbohydrates. I'm not really sure about the first guys diet plan but i'm the 2nd post and I know that my method works and you can still keep most of your muscle because i'm 6 feet and have cut down under 120lbs before (really low bodyfat, and I had little muscles anyway but decent muscle definition).

>> No.8394904

consume your muscles rather, by breaking down the bonds in the protein

>> No.8394907

post pic please, i have a friend who's 6'2" at 135lbs and he's beyond skelly with almost no mass.

>> No.8394911

which pair is the most /fa/?

>> No.8394931

a full body, just my arms or what?

>> No.8394938

whatever you feel comfortable with? I'm just curious how skinny you look.

>> No.8394969
File: 307 KB, 1392x1392, dsadsadsad2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's arms and i'll post my chest in a second. I'm 125 now but I could /can see every muscle / all the heads of my shoulder etc.

>> No.8394971

This guy's got a great bod and face but how could he ever look good with clothes on with those quads?

>> No.8394978
File: 399 KB, 1392x1392, 20140618_180451.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a 26 inch maybe smaller waist at this weight / body mass

>> No.8394979
File: 142 KB, 600x900, muscular-legs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic.

>> No.8394988
File: 1.78 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_0035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same problem here. I've ripped most of my favorite pants...

>> No.8394995

At least we have some hidden strength. I've always noticed people are surprised by how strong I am and I attribute a lot of it too my legs since I don't have that huge of an upper body.

>> No.8395017

haha yeah i always move/pick things up by myself at work and it baffles people

>> No.8395023

"new woad" (what is that name?) and "rigid envy" look best to me, but black is usually good.

also, do a google search for: 'cuffed chinos'.
the cut inherently has a lower crotch (i.e. more room in the thighs) and are cuffed at the ankles for a cleaner fit. like a jogger. if it looks like your style it may be worth looking into.

again, i'd buy cheap if you're serious about loosing a lot of weight though. you'll need to spend money on a new wardrobe soon enough.

use the interim time to save money and research what you really want/need in your wardrobe, as inspiration.

>> No.8395033

anyone going to point out that this is a rick jacket
>but rick only makes drapey tshirts and goob shit!
le smiling dick ovens.jpg

>> No.8395044

typically* my bad.

here's an inexpensive - however, also low quality - example:

>> No.8395058

cuffed chinos look pretty interested. I love cuffed sweatpants already so i wouldn't mind these. and yeah, affordability is important if what i buy isn't gonna fit me well in a few months time.

Here's a bit of a sidenote, I've noticed that women usually like my legs and the butt that comes with it. I don't know what it is but I naturally feel uncomfortable like this though. Does this just stem from how men are represented in media or is it something else? From the compliments I've gotten it would make sense for me to stay this way but I don't know.

>> No.8395062

women are just naturally biologically attracted to a muscular butt. It's similar to height and shoulder width. legs idk... its been a long time since I studied that kind of shit.

>> No.8395073

Yeah I get that but how come models are encouraged to have more muscular legs if that's what's considered, from an evolutionary perspective, more attractive?

>> No.8395083
File: 48 KB, 452x518, jodhpurs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've got enormous quads too, but I was thinking of playing around with the idea of classic jodhpurs style pants to give more room to my quads and slim the lower leg area.

>> No.8395090

The glutes are the main muscles used to thrust the hips forward. That should tell you enough of why girls like them.

>> No.8395093

Unless you're a pilot or a director, don't do it.

>> No.8395094

women like butts like men like butts. it's just not as prominently displayed in Hardee's commercials or socially spoken about as much as what men sexually prefer in women (at least in amerifat...). none the less: many women do like voluptuous glutes in a male.

i've been complimented on mine occasionally and it actually feels kind of nice. or, maybe i'm just another thirsty fukkr. who knows. whatever.

>> No.8395098

because models are encouraged to be human-hangers

>> No.8395100

...Weird independent jazz-fusion prog musician okay?

>> No.8395103
File: 50 KB, 393x700, Asian Pics-043.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I gotcha. The interesting thing is that I like my women built tightly and thin. like pic related

hehe, it's be better if they were encouraged to represent the "true" ideal, healthy I suppose.

>> No.8395140

"RaNdOm! independent jazz-fusion prog try-hard" is what i just read...

no offense. i just think it'll look bad.

>> No.8395148

what models look like depends completely on the market location and and type of modeling. There are plenty of models with large glutes and butts. In fact a lot of the most succesfull male models right now are fucking ripped brazilian looking guys. /fa/ is just geared towards parisian fashion for whatever reason and skinny waif boys are in since hedi brought them in like the 90's.

>> No.8395168

my entire body is skeletonmode except for my thighs and it's awful. i don't know how to get them down do i have to walk less or something i walk a mile or two every day just back and forth from work and stuff

>> No.8395178

some of it is genetic, its just where your body stores muscles first. if you didnt eat as much protein as your muscles need and stopped walking so much it would help.

>> No.8395185

Commute by wheelchair for a year. You'll be /fa/ as fuck by the end of it.

>> No.8395190

lol, until you cant walk for realz

>> No.8395219

SOMEONE POST SOME GODDAMN MUSCULAR LEG INSPO. I want to see that shit because I've seen it before.

>> No.8395229

But really tho, I'm not this guy but, I had huge quads due to sports. Then I tore something in my knee and had to have surgery. I swear to god 2 weeks on crutches and my left quad had atrophied nearly 50 percent.

you should do that to one leg, then to the other.

beauty if pain

>> No.8395234

Handstand everywhere?

>> No.8395237 [DELETED] 

sorry OP for your fat shit-tier legs

But for those with slimane legs, i'm putting my dior mij indigo s/s raw for 99 cents on ebay


>> No.8395242

LOL. post body.

>> No.8395245
File: 876 KB, 1195x2445, IMG_1013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heres me in my dior jake jeans size 26

>> No.8395250

height? face? dick size?

>> No.8395265

lel. u look like a derp

>> No.8395273

Top fuccboi

>> No.8395275

would you like my ss # too?

you jelly

>> No.8395276

You post in twink threads right?

>> No.8395288

Fine I'll guess. 5'6", 6/10 face, 5-6inch dick

I know I'm close so don't lie.

>> No.8395299

Only certain brands can fit my legs, previously I had a pair of nudies that unfortunately torn at the groin that I suspected from my weightlifting.

Fortunately my waist is still pretty much the same but my hamstrings and quads have grown quite a bit but far from an extreme just a small inconvenience that I really can't shop online.

>> No.8395304

congratz you characterized half of asia

>> No.8395315

And you're a chink? Talking shit? What the fuck has the world come too?

>> No.8395318

welcome to 2014 you cracka

>> No.8395322

>implying im not a nigger

>> No.8395325

>implying i consider black people as human beings

>> No.8395333


ofc not with my big ass dick I'm a sexy ass beast, you, homofaggot.

>> No.8395343

stop projecting how much you want "big ass dick" on to me.

>> No.8395378

what the fuck? post face

>> No.8395415
File: 458 KB, 3508x2480, Famous-characters-Troll-face-Troll-face-poker-45046.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8395420
File: 90 KB, 600x1104, this is you .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8395430

i came here to plug my jawnz. i could care less what other anons think of me

>> No.8395435
File: 100 KB, 342x245, tiredbugs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're still here...

>> No.8395441

i'm putting my dior mij indigo s/s raw for 99 cents on ebay


>> No.8395458
File: 1.39 MB, 240x252, noway.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Woah, this guy's so alpha. He literally doesn't care about anyone's opinion, he's just buttplugging his jeans. I'm gonna start bidding right now. I might even try to find this godlike anon and ask if I can suck his dick. My life is forever changed.

>> No.8395505

I know this feel too well.

>> No.8395507

i'm putting my dior mij indigo s/s raw for 99 cents on ebay

thanks for keeping my ad bumped guys.


>> No.8395832


>> No.8396099


>> No.8396283

it will help. i had huge quads and glutes from squats and at 15% bodyfat was always unhappy with my lower body. since cutting to 10% using a lot of cardio and calorie control, i actually really like my legs and ass now. they arent stick thing but look good. cutting fat is going to mean a lot of muscle goes in the process. you just need to lose weight. if u somehow look like a pro speed cyclist at under 10% bodyfat then you can think about balancing your upper body with weight lifting

>> No.8396427

actually there is!!

I read it like 2-3 months ago. go do some research about it.

>tfw inherits dad's gyno
FU dad. but I love you! no homo

>> No.8396437

smh. you never touch dumbell in your life have you?

>> No.8396438

>What is diet

>> No.8396440

>what is reading thread before posting

>> No.8396448

Sadly, no.

why fit people dont understand this? his legs are bigger than his torso. it makes him looks like a t-rex.
what happened to arnold's and zane's aesthetic?? smh

>> No.8396459

>nigga thinks he's hulk ripping up pants

unless you wear 4 size smaller pants, I dont think anyone can rip his pants from having big quad. more likely the crotch blows out first before the quad area.

and your calves are small af. that make your thigh look big

>> No.8396490 [DELETED] 

i'm selling my dior mij indigo s/s raw for 99 cents on ebay..


>> No.8396494 [DELETED] 

i'm selling my dior mij indigo s/s raw for 99 cents on ebay..

>> No.8396549

fake!! dont buy from this faggot!!

>> No.8396569

Hey, my thread reached 100 replies. Cool

>> No.8397345
File: 30 KB, 350x524, sw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have the same issue as op, but is there an alternative to getting cuffed chinos? Can't wear those at work.

Who makes low seat chinos with a 14" or less leg opening?

>> No.8397378

OP what is your diet like?
how often do you exercise?

if you answer these two questions truthfully you will know where the fault lies

there are baggy pants that are still cool

>> No.8397513

not true
>baggy pants that are still cool
not true

>> No.8398024

Levi 508 are ok
Outlier Kierin

>source: me

>> No.8398745

aren't OKs discontinued?

>> No.8398893
