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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 348 KB, 1224x1224, fuark.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8394606 No.8394606[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What does it feel like to be beautiful? :,(

>> No.8394607

it's cool

>> No.8394611

it's one less thing to worry about that's for sure. but life has many facets so stop crying like a bitch.

>> No.8394613

you tell us, anon ;))

>> No.8394622


Probably the best possible answer

>> No.8394785

I'm handsome, but definitely not model teir beautiful.

It's nice to know you look good, but when another man is in the vicinity as you and he's clearly better looking, it sucks. It's like what you once had has been sucked away from you. Your aura is gone. You're no longer hunted after by women.

I lived with my best friend who is most definitely a beautiful man, he overshadowed me hard. It was rough on me at times, if I was alone I'd get checked out by chicks a lot. But as soon as I was with him it was like I wasn't even there. I mean he's my best friend but sometimes, as fucked up as it is to say, I really hated him because he just had it all. With his looks he coulda been the biggest dick, but nah he was just a nice dude all around. Probably hurt him with the ladies if that could even be possible.

I learned to get over it and realize that most of these women were in my league, and yeah he pulled way hotter chicks than I did , but I still had pick of the litter when it came to 7.8+/10. If I wanted to get to the 9.5s+ I just had to work harder than he did.

Still love that dude no homo, he's fuckin killin it NYC modeling.

>> No.8394787

Lol. Im that better guy. U jelly?

>> No.8394800

I'm sure you have a great personality

>> No.8394818

ask me 2 years ago before id stopped exercising and gained 30 lbs

>> No.8394822

not enough to get buttmad over obvious b8

>> No.8394829

You passed. I like you now.

>> No.8394834

you'd still get more pussy over an ugly fat guy

>> No.8394851

>tl;dr idiot anon got written up at work for offending grill

Feels great, but it isn't easy mode like people love to believe. If you don't have good social skills/personality or are just plain retarded, your looks won't save you. For example, every time I start a new job I over hear the girls "it'll be fun to have a cute new guy" and "wow he's really hot" and eventually they start playing dumb girl games with me, and the flirting starts.
that stuff is cool, as long as there are some reasonably attractive girls.

but i still can't maintain a job for a long period of time because i just don't get social politics. I mean, i understand social politics better than most people, and I can see them unfolding, but I can't make sense of how to adapt into them, if that makes sense.
everybody hates me, and my bosses say I never work fast enough, well enough, etc, even though i do a great job at work.
every single day i get talked to by my female boss, and bitched at by female coworkers.

female manager stands in the middle of the floor with two female coworkers, and i'm running working harder to compensate for the work they're doing. all i get is a "Anon, I need you to stop slacking and focus"

All male employees are nice to all female employees, even if they hate them, and there is just nothing rational that I can seem to grasp onto. it really does feel like the situations described in the Stranger.
>inb4 entry level /lit/ get out
The people causing problems are the people who never have any problems, and the people (me) who just wants to do work, and doesn't complain about all the bullshit he has to deal with, gets blamed for everyone elses bullshit.

Being good looking is cool because it's very easy to attract girls, and if you learn some game it's easy to get control of them, but it isn't really worth that much, and if you aren't a good fuck, it's worth even less. I think "what can this girl bring me" and usually I'm thinking about employment opportunities...

>> No.8394858

Which brings me to my main point:
How many people are self employed and making good money at it? what do you do and how/why did you start?

>> No.8394918
File: 381 KB, 1536x1022, oosh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feels good man.

>> No.8394929

her smile is so fucked

>> No.8394935

even if I was beautiful it wouldn't be enough.

I want to look like the idealized human I have in my head.

>> No.8394976

I feel this, im a moderately pretty grill, but I mostly hang out with like 4 model tier 8.5+ bitches
when alone, lots of guys hit on me and show interest but I just blend into the background when i'm out with them and even my v. serious ex-boyfriend would flirt with them
>w2c uglier friends to go out with

>> No.8394999

Ryan Taylor is the most handsome person I have ever seen. I once saw him in the meatpacking district when I lived in NY and he is better looking in person, no joke. People from all ages and ethnicities were looking at him in awe, it seriously looked like a movie or something.

>> No.8395152

Wow. Same story here, except the "friend" is my brother. Also we don't compete for girls or anything (I'm gay he's straight), he just always overshadows me. I've been extremely insecure about my looks all of my life even though a lot of people I know find me attractive and I don't have a problem finding dates (idk if that validation even matters because those in the fashion industry would probably consider all of those people ugly or average at best), so the fact that my brother is going to Paris in a few days for fashion week and I could never be a model is just a huge fucking slap in the face. I just think I should kill myself for being the inferior one.

>> No.8395174

Live, Snake... that's all I can tell you.

>> No.8395308

I'm definitely not as gorgeous as the guy in OP's pic and I hate to sound conceited but I am pretty good looking and I work out quite a bit

One thing I notice socially is that I always have to be the one to initiate conversation, which sucks because I'm pretty introverted but sometimes you just have to talk to make inherently awkward situations a little more tolerable

At the gym I feel like a lot guys give off this "well, I'm stronger than you" vibe. Again, I have to strike up a convo and be friendly because people automatically assume I'm a dick

And the last thing is that I always feel bad for people that don't have very good self confidence, even though they're fantastic, educated individuals or whatever. I'm pretty closeted with my sexuality but I wish I could give more straight guys a "you're awesome and women are stupid" talk. Hell I've even dated someone who wasn't too pretty in the face but the conversation was excellent and I really enjoyed spending time with him

>> No.8395317

is he wearing a nurse outfit..? lel

>> No.8395328

I get the occasional girl that flirts with me, but for the most part, nobody gives a fuck. I'm no model though.

>> No.8395367

Post a picture, mate

>> No.8395383

no, because if I do everyone is extremely critical and will point out a small asymmetrical feature, say something about my skin, or just whatever trivial feature that might not even be something relevant

mean while I could post the same picture in a hairstyle thread and lets just say it gets derailed pretty quick

This community is awful and predicable

>> No.8395426

That's a fair point.

>> No.8395429

I'm attractive. People are just nicer to you and give you more of a leeway. Plus I'm skinny and have a bit of an androgynous face so I get a lot of bicurious guys.

People just come up and start talking to you for no reason especially when alcohol is involved. Get compliments out of nowhere. I get given free shit a lot: drinks, smokes, clothes (for some reason). The line between confident and cocky is more blurred.

>> No.8395432
File: 102 KB, 610x610, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A-am I handsome..?

>> No.8395436

too feminine. i would say you're pretty. not handsome.

>> No.8395452


talkin shit not postin fit

>> No.8395455

yeah its feels good to be good-looking but for a person like me whos not really into attention, its not cool. and yes, the treatment you get is much better BUT thats not always the case. you get mad if some people dont give you the treatment you expect. its better to be average so you dont expect anything.

>> No.8395461

Lol when I grow facial hair I look like shit thoug, so that's why I keep a close shave. Grills talk to me alot and guys get jelly lol.

>> No.8395464

>you get mad if some people dont give you the treatment you expect
the problem is your personality in that instance though.

>> No.8395466

>Grills talk to me alot
but are you slaying nigger? or just another girlfriend?

>> No.8395472

yeah youre right. im a dick. well at least i admit it. but im a nice person really.

>> No.8395486

>implying having a feminine face is a bad thing

>> No.8395487

Tbqh i've sexed 2 girls and messed with a couple more. None worth gfing though

>> No.8395490

then ur in the clear.
i didn't say there was anything wrong with it. just that i consider the word handsome to refer to masculine attractiveness
not talking shit

damn, /fa/s sensitive.

>> No.8395497

when i was 13 older girls used to tell me that when i grew up i'd be hot
now that i'm 20 ive realised that they're full of shit

>> No.8395504

maybe i wasn't beautiful, but at least i wasn't a lazy fatass

>> No.8395509

if you above 5'11 and anywhere close to new york la miami paris tokyo etc u should try 2 modle

>> No.8395512

Damn, is 5'5" close enough?

>> No.8395515

Lmao I'm literally 6'6", a bit too tall lol.

>> No.8395518

post body pls

>> No.8395519 [DELETED] 
File: 96 KB, 640x480, Photo on 2014-06-23 at 02.11 #4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

am I beautiful??

>> No.8395521

no... I mean I think you could probably still get some editorial modeling in if you were to push yourself and contract yourself but i'm pretty sure you couldnt get an agency

6'6 is a bit tall, but you may be able to slump through auditions. most of the runway models are ~6'2 and I think most of the agencies dont want people over 6'4 but there is a lot of lying and rule based rounding in modeling.

>> No.8395523

above average

>> No.8395526

Damn this nigga didn't even ask who's real. Straight up answered both.

>> No.8395527

you look like an average person babyboi, sorry but I dont think u gonna be top model.

>> No.8395537

there is big and tall modeling, may i add. You can be either big or tall, and dont have to be both.. but I dont really know the requirements. the agencies site should have a big and tall section if they do big and tall.

>> No.8395538

nope. avg to little above avg. if ur tall then u gain an extra point

>> No.8395539

Lol it's a shit fit but it's from like ~6 months ago..

>> No.8395540

post more pics please

>> No.8395542

Hey guys, remember when you were younger, and you had little life experience, knowledge of aesthetics, and grown up in a false economy of familial compliments?

Then you grew up and realised you were incredibly average, if that, and you would have to work work work just to pull other average girls.

>> No.8395543
File: 62 KB, 301x585, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4got pic

>> No.8395546 [DELETED] 

thnx for honesty


>> No.8395547

I don't think the fit's terrible
But maybe that's just your overall attractiveness

>> No.8395552

looking slender...
anyone, anyone?

>> No.8395558

>tfw ugly
>tfw manlet
>tfw had to get ripped in order to pull some skanks, and even after getting ripped, I get rejected a lot.
You guys have life on easy mode

>> No.8395559

Eh, pretty bad as opposed to now, especially the shoes.. I wear quite a bit of John Varvatos, Saint Laurent, Dior Homme, and Sandro Paris now.

>> No.8395565

>average guys have to sex ugly girls
>good looking guys have to sex average girls
>good looking rich guys get the hot girls
Men have to be perfect to pull anything decent. Girls date guys who are more attractive than they are most of the time simply because pussy is put on a pedastal.

>> No.8395566

Yeah, not gonna lie being 6'3" and reasonably attractive has it's perks. But, we're all just people man, live as you want not as your expected.

>> No.8395568
File: 141 KB, 807x1013, 1390505419770.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw short
>tfw shitty skin
>tfw shitty facial genetics
>tfw anxiety problems
i'll still be a loser no matter how well i try to dress
at least it's given me a hobby i guess

>> No.8395574

Well, I'm an ugly manlet but people tell me my ex was beautiful.
In my opinion she is a 7/10 because she wears too much make up, she's also taller than me and gets hit on by guys 24/7.

>> No.8395576


More pictures please!

>> No.8395577

post a different face pic that shows more of your face please

>> No.8395579

she probably seemed beautiful to them because, no offense, she seemed so out of your league.

>> No.8395582

It could be worse.
I went to north Carolina and saw this 5'3 inbred white thrash kid with the biggest receding hairline, he was also skinny-fat.

>> No.8395592

every girl 5/10 and up gets hit on constantly. My ex and I were always talking about which dudes in her friend circle were crushing on her, which customers at her work were hitting on her, which guys at the club were hitting on her.

Guys hit on girls. Where it as a badge, that you're dating a high value female.

>> No.8395594

She told me many times that she only went out with me because I was different, she couldn't predict the shit that I would do or say, and thought it was interesting.
She was also molested as a child so I guess I look like her dad or some paternal shit.

>> No.8395598


You me?

>> No.8395603

LOL. I've dated down before. I'm probably about an 8 and my ex was 6 and we went out for 2 years. It's funny, the whole time we were together I never once thought about looks. Then I found this shithole....

>> No.8395605

We used to always talk about how guys on the internet would tell her that she was the love of their life and I used to even reply to some of them, it is pretty funny how guys embarrass themselves for a girl.

>> No.8395608

>tfw realizing your gf is uglier than you and being insecure about taking her out in public.

>> No.8395611

holy mother of your youre handsome post another pic

>> No.8395619

I'm better off here.
I used to lurk /b/ and pol, now I mostly lurk fa and fit, its been 3 tough years of transformation.
I lost my virginity and hava had 3 serious gfs ever since, I even cheated on one of them and she took me back after it.

>> No.8395621

LOL yeah, I never felt that way before. It was all love between us. Sometimes I really don't think looks are a thing man, we're just all sheep who listen to what we're told is beautiful.

>> No.8395622
File: 99 KB, 450x610, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even if you are "ugly" that shouldn't stop you from living your life. A lot of my buddies in high school were fucking losers in the eyes of girls but still had a blast on the weekends lighting shit on fire, tp'ing houses, etc. Moral of the story, fuck bitches get money.
If ANYONE from rl saw this I would kill myself lol.
>inb4 buttoning the top button
It went with a black tweed blazer.

>> No.8395628

Damn you're beautiful
>n-no h-homo

>> No.8395635

Any unflitered photos???

>> No.8395637

jesus, you're blessed

>> No.8395642

I'm kinda with this guy >>8395635
I mean, I get it, filters make people look better but come on, normal photos are already quite deceiving and when you slap some blur on it, people look completely different.

>> No.8395644

its definitely best if you were an ugly duckling as a kid or got picked on and then became more attracive as you got older. those kids tend to understand both sides. kids pretty from the start have this weird dissonance with it.

but honestly guys a fantastic personality really is a huge key. and its not like someone with an ugly personality or an annoying or plain one is less pretty physically, but definitely less attractive. almost just like "ew like grow up".
-beautiful guy with the gold iphone and into really shitty music expecting to be treated like a princess
-buff guy who's just wayyy too extra and concrete with everything
-handsome older guy who knows he's older and constantly patronizes you.

they can all be gorgeous but you don't even wanna deal w/them.

from a gay perspective where we're all ridiculously visually oriented -especially high density areas (SF, NYC) beautiful guys are honestly a dime a dozen so its a matter of can you hold a conversation, make them laugh and essentially inspire them to be happy - those are the beautiful ones.

>> No.8395649

You probably are too brah. /fa/ makes everyone feel like shit. I mean God damn, look at the guy in OP's pic, no homo but that is one handsome son of a bitch.
Lol I had to scroll back in my phone to find some photos of myself, I deleted all of my social media accounts a couple of months ago to focus on school and to actually live a life lol.
I'm pretty insecure though.. Like looking at OP just makes me go wtf m8

>> No.8395651

assuming you're 6'6; google some agencies in a market you'd be willing to fly to. send pictures through mail or e-mail (their guidelines will be on their website, they wont require professional photos but there will probably be a form requiring measurements [which you could get from a tailor]) and list the smallest height that you can slump to (bend your legs and everything) without making it dreadfully obvious.

>> No.8395660

I know what you mean...I've seen filters so much I feel like I'm only seeing a very vague representation of a human being. It kinda bugs me but hey, what are you gonna do right?

>> No.8395662

It deadset doesn't mean anything if you have shit social skills. To mean being good looking only mean females look at me in public. I can't talk to females for shit so I will probably be a permavirgin

>> No.8395664

Thanks man.

>> No.8395668

Not true, a lot of girls will initiate if you were actually attractive.

>> No.8395673

Thank you for the picture, if you want to share any more we would love to see them.

>> No.8395683

>Lol I had to scroll back in my phone to find some photos of myself
So you can't take a photo right now for a particular reason?

>> No.8395684

That is sometimes true. I find because im good looking a lot of females go for guys that are a little bit less attractive than me, because they think I won't be into them. Even me females make the first move I spaghetti out anyway

>> No.8395686
File: 42 KB, 495x636, 1394251519370.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw people always say that you look bored or sad
It's just my face. Am I supposed to be always smiling or something? How do I fix this?

>> No.8395691

>this delusion
sry bruv ur just uggo LOL

>> No.8395694
File: 15 KB, 441x411, hrdjk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw never be beautiful because of shit skin
>tfw have a shitty personality to match
I-It's not like I need someone when I have my waifu.

>> No.8395701

>I find because im good looking a lot of females go for guys that are a little bit less attractive than me, because they think I won't be into them.
You're gonna have to back this up with pics or you can stop posting.

>> No.8395702

this. bitches get intimidated and completely paralyzed with fear.

>> No.8395705

Nah. Just can't talk to girls for shit. Don't you have any ugly mates that girls love because of there golden tounge?

>> No.8395708

no. i get them because i don't talk, if i did only shit would come out that girls arent' interested in. it's better to wait til the panties are off before you even really acknowledge they exist.

>> No.8395709

only the ugly girls

>> No.8395712

>tfw people always think you look angry

>> No.8395717

Are you implying you rape females?

>> No.8395719

it seems like it happens if they're more than a few points away from you on the 'attractiveness scale'. Usually even if you give them a chance they'll ruin it for themselves because they dont really believe you would ever like them.

>> No.8395723

Not really. Good looking guys will intimidate a lot of girls, and the girls that will approach will be shallow, drunk, not serious.

(Having to qualify myself..so cringe)...anyway, as someone whose done a lot of going out, bars, clubs etc and is always observing and datamining social interaction.

Girls do not, for the most part, approach guys, no matter how attractive.


Because, when we're are not talking about modeling, and just guys x girls in general..

Its the girls job to be good looking to attract the guy

Its the guys job to be attracted and approach

If both parties are on board you get small talk and flirting, leading into conversation.

Mating rituals do not go

Guy looks good and girl approaches

>> No.8395724

male model here
are these supposed to be attractive?? lmaooo

>> No.8395728

>Good looking guys will intimidate a lot of girls
Ugly girls.

>> No.8395733

>male model
white male entitlements.

>> No.8395734

other male model here. I was legit loling at that center bitch.

>> No.8395736

my feels

I having 'resting serious face'.

Why do you look sad anon?
Why do you look serious anon?
Cheer up anon?

No. Its just my face, in default, when not engaged, I look serious...

>> No.8395741

Ugly and insecure females. Which is most of them

>> No.8395752

and why would you fuck those if you're attractive. anyway like i said, you don't need to talk the hot ones will come to suck your dick the moment you enter the club. except for the ones that think they're queens or some shit and who wants to fuck those.

>> No.8395754

>hot ones
>not all thinking they're queens
LOL. Dude, shut the fuck up.

>> No.8395759

I've already said I spaghetti way to hard. It doesn't matter if you have above average looks, if you spaghetti out you will never get females

>> No.8395760

LOL. Seriously though, YOU should shut the fuck up.

>> No.8395764

>subhuman tears
ahahahah remove urself from the gene pool thx

>> No.8395765

Why do you people imply having a bad personality is a bad thing?
I'm a fucking douchebag asshole and people think what I say is funny, just be yourself in a good way, as in just go out there and be you, talk to people about your dumb ass hobbies, if they don't like you, who cares? Is not like you want to talk to a bunch of bitches who don't like you, really, there's girls that like the same stuff you do, maybe cute ones too.

>> No.8395766

You actually don't get the Sunny in Philly reference?

>> No.8395770

i dont watch that show so no
ur comment is vry sjw tumblr

>> No.8395780

Attractive girls already have their pick, and will surprisingly be attracted to a guy who is self assured enough to not put them on a pedestal and just be a normal guy. In addition, an attractive girl won't approach a guy anyway, why would she need to?

The average girl will most likely be intimidated by a good looking guy. She spends the most amount of time thinking looks in general and projecting x y z onto him.

The ugly girl will most likely approach, she is confident, has nothing to lose, and knows that if she doesn't get drunk and hit on something, nothings going to hit on her.

>> No.8395784


>> No.8395787


>> No.8395805

I've noticed that I tend to get mistaken for other people, compared to celebrities, or people say things like "You look familiar. Have I seen you before?"

Also people make all kinds of egregious assumptions about you - either they overestimate your intelligent, think you're really nice, or they treat you like a complete shit and think you're arrogant. People either love me or hate me; it seems impossible for others to have a neutral opinion about me.

I don't have any issues getting women, but I don't often try. Most girls that I end up small talking with become visibly distressed unless they have assertive personalities or high confidence. That's why I usually just let girls come to me, and then I determine if they're worth my time or not.

Plus you get some awkward but satisfying compliments ("no homo dude, but I really love your hair!).

>> No.8395809

And yours is very /pol/, racist.

>> No.8395810
File: 592 KB, 1936x2592, 747399cd-30f2-48cc-b860-673019e4f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People always tell me I'm aesthetic, it's cool but sometimes I think that it's worse being mildly pretty than averagely ugly. It's like being tall (6 foot 5+) and knowing youre the center of attention at all times. I know some people love it, but sometimes I would prefer to just be "written off" as an ugly person

>> No.8395818

dont think you could model but cant really tell because your mouth be open

>> No.8395819

>I think that it's worse being mildly pretty than averagely ugly.
you're very wrong

>> No.8395821

>or they treat you like a complete shit and think you're arrogant

its really a double edged sword

also i think chicks on higher grounds of attractiveness see u as a threat and will go out of their way to fuck u over out of jealousy esp if u ignore them ie basics/corny white girls

>> No.8395824

YoU kNoW wHaT bEiNg MiLdLy PrEtTy Is LiKe???

>> No.8395838

How did this turn into a PUA thread on /fa/?

>> No.8395842

Okay, yeah yeah, some fags on /fa/ are 7's or 8's, and they talk to girls sometimes wearing their Common Project sneakers and Thom Browne shirts. But what does it feel like to look like op's pic? Like a real aesthetic God? Surely they live completely differrent lives...

>> No.8395844

mfw the middle one makes the other two look like trolls

>> No.8395850

Have you considered surgery? Get a good job, move to another country and become an entirely new person. But you'll have to leave your old life behind.

>> No.8395851

LOL. He's a human being like anyone else, there isn't some aura he projects. /fa/ takes this shit way too serious. If you saw this nigga in rags on the street with bad hair and clothes, you'd step all over him like the next person. Now, if your talking about the modeling thing, I'm sure that's fun but the fuckers not walking around with a girl sucking his dick 24/7.

>> No.8395853


I've never realized what you just said, but it makes a lot of sense now. Hmm.

Sometimes I wish I was gay so I didn't have to deal with the bullshit that comes when girls try using weak and generic ploys to attract men with poor aesthetic discernment.

I know men can do the same thing, but it's not so one sided.

>> No.8395859



you misspelled autistic

>> No.8395860

You aren't the type of dumb fuck who thinks any type of generalization about common sense seduction methods is PUA, are you?
Because that's what you sound like.

>> No.8395866

you really don't understand human evolution.

>> No.8395871

your a girl arent u

>> No.8395874


bitches aint shit and i pay them no mind

ill probably die alone but thats cool my nigga at least ill have a wardrobe full of gorgeous black four figure garments

>> No.8395875

KEK. You're the kind of person who waits to talk aren't you?

>> No.8395877

We got a hot head over here

>> No.8395880

I think you don't understand social conditioning.

I'm guessing you also don't understand that there is actually scientific proof that specific traits are more attractive to women.
I'm guessing you're they type of person who, even when shown proof, will say "that doesn't count as proof" even though it does.

>> No.8395883

WTF. You're literally stealing my response but putting it into a longer, unnecessary phrase. What the hell's wrong with you.

>> No.8395887

probably because you're hot

>> No.8395888
File: 1.81 MB, 320x180, smokingmakesyoushort.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/fa/ happened anon.../fa/ happened.

>> No.8395901
File: 18 KB, 502x431, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

answer me ho

>> No.8395913

This thread made me think of life and stuff

>> No.8395914

Maybe i'm lost, but the person who says "PUA" at the slightest thought of females being predictable is unaware of social conditioning.

>> No.8395916


>> No.8395919
File: 1.99 MB, 209x240, pantspantspantspunch.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not a girl. just a guy who's had a lot of success with women.

>> No.8395939


True that. I'm just too caught up in my own world for things like love and intimacy.

>encounter your ex-gf two years later at a party
>compliment her boots (she's pretty fashion savvy - writes weekly columns on fashion and gets her fits published in her university's newspaper)
>gives me this look, almost like she's worried.
>approaches me, dodgy eyes, some shallow conversation
>she speaks abruptly and quietly:
>"you're way more handsome now dammit"
> she cowers away

I live for those moments.

>> No.8395944
File: 16 KB, 200x240, 1378529855321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people automatically assume I'm a dick
That feel.

Girls don't trust me because of it either, they're all insecure as fuck and they'd think I go behind their back with other girls. (when they see me talking to other girls like normal)

Plus, dudes play this psychological warfare bullshit with you and try to one up you all the time.

>> No.8395947
File: 342 KB, 1272x1272, tumblr_m67ljcgEIE1qg22hlo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Ryan Taylor our new lord and saviour?

>> No.8395949

Probably around 10th grade was when I became attractive. I was invited to more parties and I had a ton of friends due to that. The guys who were attractive as me usually became my friends and the uglier guys always gave me a cold shoulder because I was a threat. My friend told me I could be a model, I had friends always saying off comments like "Dude, girls are always asking about you, so annoying" and shit like that.

This led me to understand that people will hate you just because you're good looking. After I realised this, I decided I would become a very nice person and always be the first person to strike up conversation to let them know I'm not a snobby prick.

Girls treat you nicer and take a lot more shit from you. I would ignore them for weeks at a time and strike up a conversation, they wouldn't even mention those weeks I ignored them and assumed I was up to something 'fun'. It's really weird the perception people have of you when you're attractive, they think you're always doing something awesome.

I get stared a lot on the train, I caught a girl taking a photo of me once. It actually makes me feel very self conscious when taking public transport because people will always stare for the longest time and see if you have any imperfections.

Overall, of course I'm happy that I struck the genetic lottery. But I don't let it get to my head because I've dealt with a lot of pretty girls and guys who have let it get to theirs. They have fake, shitty personalities that cater to the people around them and it's so annoying finding real friends.

Now I feel like an asshole even for acknowledging my looks.

>> No.8395950

i find other men try to mimic me and constantly try to appease me lmao its fucking pathetic

>> No.8395953

There's something generic about his face. Obviously he's more attractive than me so let's not get into that please, but he's not that amazing to me.

>> No.8395959
File: 2.35 MB, 300x200, arniepot.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy fuck!!! you took the wordds out of my mouth

>> No.8395971

lol i'm not even a guy either ij ust hate fake ass bitches like you

>> No.8395977
File: 644 KB, 2136x2136, post-34874-1308498613.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but he's not that amazing to me
It's beacause he subconsciously reminds you of the alpha male Chad Thundercock in high school who shoved you into lockers.

>> No.8395983

lol not really. i was the kid shoving others and i feel really bad about it...thanks for reminding me.


>> No.8395990

if by lockers u mean ur moms vagina

lol im not even dat guy u replied 2 wut bitch wut

>> No.8395997

You look very average

>> No.8395998

whats wrong little slut

why you all confused and shit?

>> No.8396003
File: 160 KB, 946x946, chad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol what if there was a bully who forced nerds to have sex with his mom

>> No.8396005

im on to it

>> No.8396006

Nailed it.
I used to think everyone just hated me, but as soon as I tried actually initiating conversation they'd react as if they'd been my best friend for years. Weird as hell. Ugly dudes always go for that stupid macho handshake and shit like that when they're threatened and I feel like a dick for pitying so many people.

It does have its good points, obviously, but the negatives are almost always overlooked.

>> No.8396008

if that's average then what the hell is below average to you?

>> No.8396022

very possible in AMERICAAAAAAAA

>> No.8396047

this made me laugh pretty hard

>> No.8396049
File: 82 KB, 402x402, 1384407909344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tfw you are out of her league yet she gets hit on everywhere she goes while people just give you dirty looks.

>> No.8396063


>> No.8396066

I don't.

>> No.8396068


>> No.8396081

That's a very plain face, not anything particularly attractive. Average/10.

>> No.8396093

Honestly, I think people look better in professional shoots and movies, not just because of the lighting, expensive camera etc, but just because its professional. The fact they're in pictures like that makes you assume they're godly. I've met a lot of very beautiful people, but in person everybody looks human. And the more time you spend with people, the more the lines between their looks become blurred.

>> No.8396103

That...is not a good picture...

>> No.8396110

You're just repeating what >>8395851 said, I don't understand.

>> No.8396116

No I'm not. I'm not saying he looks godly because of the clothes or style. I'm saying people project a godly image of them precisely because its a professional shot. And that even with expensive clothes, trendy hair etc, he'd still look quite normal in person.

>> No.8396126

>you get mad if some people dont give you the treatment you expect. its better to be average so you dont expect anything.
consider that you might be a fucking idiot

>> No.8396202
File: 1.72 MB, 300x227, vaseline.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This whole thread: wut

>> No.8396252 [DELETED] 

Fuckin' that nurture vs nature though
>uncle 5'8
>aunt 5'10
>their son (my cousin) 6'4
mfw that motherfucker is 14

>> No.8396257
File: 29 KB, 500x375, tfw male model.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it feels like this

>> No.8396265

>another average kid who thinks he's a model.
I bet you think that girl is 10/10 too right?

>> No.8396270

ur hair is so suburban lmfao

>> No.8396279
File: 49 KB, 640x430, Simon-Van-Meervenne-Tom-Ford-SS13-02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u wot

>> No.8396294

Low quality b8 m8.

>> No.8396305

who's this ugly fuck?

>> No.8396309

He's got a "I just shat myself I know you can smell it but just keep dancing bitch" look in his eye.

>> No.8396339


>> No.8396346
File: 48 KB, 660x330, Simon-Van-Meervenne-DSECTION-Arnaldo-Anaya-Lucca-Featured-Image-660x330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry I couldn't here you over my modeling career

>> No.8396349

I'm a girl and I would never date a guy like this. He just seems too cocky, not to mention I'm way out of his league.

>> No.8396358

no one asked bitch

>> No.8396362

Crooked nose. Buck teeth. No noticeable jawline. Receding hairline. Who does this kid think he's fooling?

>> No.8396364

Are there any models with dark circles?

>> No.8396365
File: 52 KB, 960x643, simon-van-meervenne-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dat mad

>> No.8396367

all of them

>> No.8396369

there are a lot of people looking like this in my country
like 1/4 of the male
feels bad

>> No.8396372

This kid has to be like 5'6" right?

>> No.8396378

its a nightclub and women wear high heel too high for them to weed out the manlets

>> No.8396386

WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU WEARING? And what kinda retarded party is this with 5 guests?

>> No.8396405
File: 16 KB, 142x166, Screenshot - 06232014 - 01:58:36 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no qt gf

>> No.8396411

Is this guy gay? He's totally ignoring the girl to look into the camera like an idiot. When this kid finally realizes how ugly he is, he's gonna crash hard.

>> No.8396416


>> No.8396444

>boohoo i only choose chads as friends because i'm creeped out by hugos
>it's not my fault i'm pretty and cant get ugly friends boo hoo

>> No.8396466

Simon pls go

>> No.8396632
File: 979 KB, 500x281, laughing.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8396636 [DELETED] 

Buy my jawnz and be beautiful. I need coke money


>> No.8396643
File: 1.40 MB, 245x250, simon lips color.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>those lips will never be wrapped around your 4 inch dick

>> No.8396650

ur cocks seriously 4 inches? just curious.

>> No.8396666

no but it feels like 4

>> No.8396689

is he seriously looking into the mirror


>> No.8396693


>> No.8396704

my bad, thought it was both the same guy and he was acting all sexy in front of the mirror

>> No.8396742

sometimes I feel beautiful, sometimes I feel heart shatteringly, depressingly ugly.

usually the former while I'm alone in my house.

>> No.8396749
File: 109 KB, 931x705, iknowthatfeel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

initiated this better guy at tinder, in two weeks he add more than 40 matches, in three month of use he banged 6 of them and have more than two hundred fifty matches.
I used Tinder since 5 months and got 7 likes, and I'm not even ugly, I'm probably a 6-7/10, fuck him and his strong jawline. (worse is that he is a fatty...)

>> No.8396755

I don't find any of them beautiful, fact is I find them sorta ugly.

>> No.8396767

I think I'm average to ugly for most people. I set up a tinder with just a clean frontal picture, spammed tons of matches and in the morning I had about 50 matches. A lot of them were fatties, goddamn fatties.

>> No.8396780

this is the feel.

>> No.8396791

dude, are you me?

>> No.8396807

>tfw legitimate model tier face
>tfw 5 9

>> No.8396813
File: 2.07 MB, 2448x3264, 1388754767209.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not exactly beautiful but sometimes I got this problem that people think I look like a douchebag and I can't live up to the expecations since I'm the lamest guy ever so people won't think I'm a nice friendly guy but there's no benefits from badboyness either. I can't really pull off any looks other than the buzzed douchebag either without looking lame.

>> No.8396837

That face structure is like hilariously douchy.

>> No.8396842

I have other less attractive friends but the prettiest ones are the ones who have the most plans and ask me to hang out the most. they're chill girls so I always agree but I just feel overshadowed especially at parties...
>tfw you realize you the ugly friend

>> No.8396854

d-bags always think they are nice p sure you manage to be douchy without gettin it

>> No.8396863

That's such a masculine face, that's like the opposite of sissy 100 pound model prettyboy face.

>> No.8396868
File: 234 KB, 1469x1530, Picture 57.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tfw slightly above average but will never be anything more because wide Jew like nose. I just want to be beautiful /fa/ ;_;
Ignore the shit stubble I shaved it off asap.

>> No.8396871

>slightly above average
i will never take anything serious on this board anymore

>> No.8396879

OK fine flat out average on a good day. Better?

>> No.8396881

Yes, as average as one can be.

>> No.8396887

Ah well, that's life. Better than a monstrous neckbeard I suppose.

>> No.8396894

I find you pretty cute would look a lot better if you spent more time in the sun and working out so you get a more healthy glow.

>> No.8396895
File: 282 KB, 720x686, Cry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Been ugly my entire life
>Finaly get some decent facial structure thanks to based puberty kicking in at 19
>Able to get some 7-8/10's, happy as fuck
>Shitty genetics kick in again and cystic acne happens, only just got rid of it and now stuck with moderate acne and scars

Atleast it was good while it lasted /fa/ :(

>> No.8396901

microderm, moisturising like crazy everyday, chemical peels and retin-a are your friends. If you do these then in about three months you could have perfect skin, as long as the scars aren't too deep.

>> No.8396902

nobody can tell with those filters and that angle, post a clearer picture filterless facing straight

>> No.8396910


>> No.8396919

holy fuck IKTF bro we've got a bond right here, except instead of cystic acne I only got mild acne but my new found perfectionism from getting attractive made it about 100x worse

>> No.8396920

t-thanks anon and yea I'll be getting a decent tan soon when I head out to the beach for a week.

>> No.8396991


>> No.8397163

but up yourself their sorry dude id give you a 6/10
lose some fat on face an 7/10

>> No.8397308

You just look like a wannabe hardman cunt. Its easy to rectify, man. Grow the hair out a little, it doesn't even need to be that long, and wear "friendlier" clothes.

>> No.8397317

>people compliment you 25/7
>people buy you drinks at da club
>you get to turn in your assignments late even though your professor won't accept anyone else's late work
>you get stuff for free sometimes

yeah it's awesome

>> No.8398141

this is not true, actually. i don't think that only the 'good looking rich guys' get all the woman. of course that they have beautiful womans around them, but there are a lot of pretty girls behind all that shit too.

>> No.8398254

depending on the lightning i'm either a 8.5/10 or a 6/10
what am i really

>> No.8398312
File: 9 KB, 307x319, 653635.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people compliment you 25/7
>people buy you drinks at da club
>you get to turn in your assignments late even though your professor won't accept anyone else's late work
>you get stuff for free sometimes

Wait a minute...
Am I actually good looking?

>> No.8398338

it means almost nothing without a likable personality ask me how i know

>> No.8398345

if you're a grill and probably not. guys just want to fuck anything that moves

>> No.8398354

Maybe! I am a guy though

There is a chance you are cute too, but I don't think ugly girls get drinks for free at the club; at least not that many. If you are a guy then definitely

>> No.8398360

>tfw literally every single older woman i meet compliments me on my looks but girls my age seldomly do

>> No.8398363

lmao why is everyone hating on this pic so hard, jelly uggos, smh

>> No.8398364

I don't know. Where do you work?

I can't believe I'm probably gonna lose this job over some dumb girl bullshit - again.

I swear to god it's a mystery how some of these girls end up as the fucking manager because they don't understand a damn thing about anything it seems. like when a girl complains her stupid feelings are hurt because she has to do something she gets paid for, and storms off into the managers office the manager comes out to harass me.
i asked her "so am i supposed to come to you if one of my coworkers is giving me problems?" and she said "yes, and i'll talk to them"

It seriously blows my fucking mind that is how females do business. like, obviously when i tell you (which i won't, because i don't see a reason to), then you go tell the girl "someone" said something about her, it only makes the hatred she feels towards me stronger.
Yet I was under the impression that the simple act of complaining over trivial shit is frowned upon, due to the fact that we are adults....

It makes me literally mad, like i want to scream at how powerless and trapped I am and the thought of being unemployed again, is just making me go crazy.

>> No.8398372

young girls seldomly compliment anyone

>> No.8398373

A 7.25

>> No.8398387

d-does this mean i'm pretty

>> No.8398392

I'm talking with a guy i met on tumblr. I've been talking with for 2 months on skype (tfw not gay). I find him handsome and advise him to be a model but he seems to have no self confidence. What can I say to him ?

>> No.8398395

Girls in their 20s are the most entitled slut princesses in the world.
And please don't take that as hatred or "slut shaming" because i know a lot of girls sleep around, and i don't have a problem with it.

I say they are "slut princesses" because they want the freedom to act however they want, without expecting or receiving consequences, while also expected to be treated like royalty.
And that is because they are at the peak of their sexual market value, where they have the most options.

>> No.8398397
File: 155 KB, 640x1136, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is him if you want a pic (i like his grey eyes)

>> No.8398402

pfffft lol lmao

>> No.8398404

please be trolling/

>> No.8398409
File: 63 KB, 640x480, Photo on 2014-06-23 at 12.46 #3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bretty gud unless someone is only interested in you because of your looks. Being objectified blows.

>> No.8398418

yeah i agree, it's just that i've seen some guys be approached by girls and even though i frequently get told i'm handsome this has never happened to me so idk

>> No.8398422

low quality b8

>> No.8398432

Wtf i get complimented like everyday

>> No.8398442

Why ?
I didnt see him in real Life
But on cam i like it

>> No.8398450

wrinkled foreheads are ugly

>> No.8398462
File: 63 KB, 640x480, Photo on 2014-06-23 at 12.53.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u upset?

>> No.8398465

it's honestly pretty hard to cop ugly friends as a grill that won't secretly hate you and be jealous and try to undermine you or never invite you out with them cos you overshadow them. trust me, i know this from experience. now have only 2 friends who are girls and we're all 7s on a bad day but they're probably the best grill friends i've ever had

>> No.8398468


>> No.8398470

>tfw 8.5/10 face but significantly receded hairline at 20 to the point where it affects my looks
>tfw only 5'10

would be beautiful if I wasn't short and balding

>> No.8398476


>> No.8398477


>> No.8398486

I like it
Deeper eyes :3

>> No.8398487

6'3 :^)

>> No.8398509

eyes too far apart

you look like a frog

>> No.8398515

that head on 6'3"
sorry m8.

i'm 6'3" also

>> No.8398525

He looks like Justin Timberlake during the NSYNC days

>> No.8398530
File: 25 KB, 427x640, 1424373_10202156475423792_1453698867_n(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not so bad.

>> No.8398532

kek see>>8396265

>> No.8398549

dude's like a mix between johnny depp, francisco lachowski, and daniel day lewis


>> No.8398569

you can't even see his face clearly, i doubt that with a plain pic without filters he's nothing like any of those people

>> No.8398574
File: 15 KB, 336x229, 1375321537974.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw me and my friend are both 5-6/10
>look quite similar and have similar personalities but he's ginger
>his gf is the most beautiful person in the world and only fat 2/10 with moustaches seem to show any interest in me

>> No.8398704

Maybe he has charm and a nice personality and you don't?

>> No.8398852
File: 93 KB, 500x208, 1401711260892.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God damn it I know this feel.

>> No.8398862

post a picture of:
-your friend
-you and your friend together
-his girlfriend
-your 2/10 gf

>> No.8398897

>tfw called cute, pretty, eatable, etc more than handsome

feels bad man

>> No.8399093


>> No.8399111
File: 128 KB, 292x300, feelsgoodman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw called handsome, godly. captain of the football team, 6'4" 10/10 face. straight a's. fucked every girl in school.
sometimes in life you just win the lottery

>> No.8399133

Anyone else watch the world cup? croatian coach is pretty aesthetic

>> No.8399192

not a single fellow posted in this thread has been as good looking as moot

>> No.8399292

'cept me m8. i'm >>8395432

>> No.8399370

wtf is wrong with your hand, you handsome motherfucker

>> No.8399383

I'm just really veiny.

>> No.8399384

Same here, last weekend i was with a girl i met at a party and she just kept telling me i was a cute guy

>> No.8399388

hm, your middle finger looks strange I think, but it doesn't matter anyways

>> No.8399398

I get called handsome often enough, but don't feel like it. I get that I have ok features, but I hang around on /fa/ too much and get confronted with too many beautiful people to consider myself attractive. I'd rather be less "good looking" and confident than have my looks and lack of confidence

>> No.8399424


>> No.8399448

post an unfiltered, straight on picture and i might consider you good looking.

>> No.8399451

tbh really doubt that's you...

chances that you're an impersonator > chances that is actually you

>> No.8399463
File: 436 KB, 2492x1708, tfw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I look at this male model collage I built everday

it is truly soul crushing

>> No.8399469

not really, if you look kinda similar

>> No.8399472

some of those individuals just look goofy, like the top right guy and the bottom-most fella

>> No.8399475
File: 44 KB, 453x576, really.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8399484
File: 115 KB, 970x1306, mee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8399489

>not looking like rj

I cri evrytiem

>> No.8399492

lookin supreme

>> No.8399502

It's even worse that i feel like that fat nice guy when ppl say that, because i was chubby when a kid

>> No.8399538

He looked passable in some pictures but he looks really hideous here

>> No.8399552

The top right guy has the gayface.

>> No.8399584
File: 361 KB, 1530x1016, mugshots.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's because it's an id/passport picture with adequate lighting and no post-processing trickery. If you don't look good in straight on pictures, chances are you're just not good looking.

>> No.8399696

plus photoshop

>> No.8399739

if i had all that i wouldn't be posting pictures of frogs on 4chan of all places

>> No.8400050

m8 i've had tinder for 3 months and have over 500 matches, not even from a city. Being good looking is decent but there will always be someone better looking than you, just go with what you got and make the most of it

>> No.8400051

these 4 girls are the 4 best grill friends i've ever had too
I don't necessarily think that my face is uglier than theirs, but I happen to be 5'5" which isn't even that short but these girls are all legs for miles and 5'7"+ which is why they overshadow me.
>tfw my body type will just never be as desirable as them

>> No.8400139

Well, yes.
Never been a fan of sneakers, as opposed to the rest of /fa/, seemingly.

>> No.8401173

a c u t a n e