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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 31 KB, 380x462, 2550cffe8e5ae5d3af9fb270c7358189.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8369388 No.8369388 [Reply] [Original]

is anybody exited that beards and tattoos are becoming more and more accepted in modern society?

i am!

time to grow a glorious beard

>> No.8369423

Go back to writing your screenplay in starbucks. You dirty flannel wearing deset boot stomping hipster

>> No.8369430
File: 1.99 MB, 3595x2995, babby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but im not a hipster m8

>> No.8369449

Not a huge fan of beards myself
Tattoos for the most part are cool though and mustache's if you can rock a pair.

>> No.8369464

I can't grow a beard and I've been tricked into being afraid of tattoos, so that's a no. But then again, I don't believe your statement anyway.


>> No.8369469

I don't really care about beards being more "acceptable." A well cared for beard has always been acceptible, and a wild bushman beard has always been awesome.

Tattoos I generally find boring. These days you make more of a statement by not having any. There are some great tattoos out there that really suit the people with them, but I'm pretty sick of dudes (often with beards) with stars and birds and ships on them. You grew up in suburban Wisconsin, why do you have tallships and anchors tattooed all over you?

It's also pretty lame when you meet a cute girl and then she's got BREATHE IN SUMMER or some lame shit tattooed in cursive on her arm or her waist or wherever the fuck.

As always, a good tattoo is personal, unique, master-planned (in the case of larger pieces like sleeves) and congruent with the person's life, experiences, and personality. A bad tattoo is one that someone went and picked out of a bunch of generic shitty designs that everyone has and spent thousands of dollars slapping them all over their body.

>> No.8369478

No, they look like shit. My face is smooth and my skin is clear because I'm not a degenerate monkey.

>> No.8369482
File: 30 KB, 288x297, sad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you hate tattoos
>tfw your gf has tattoos


>> No.8369489

Why would you date someone with something you hate all over their body? Get over it or get a new girlfriend.

>> No.8369493
File: 23 KB, 550x550, fc,550x550,white.u2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can take you're girlfriend if you don't want her...
>tfw no gf

>> No.8369495

>tfw your friends beard is growing in patchy and ugly as hell and looks like glued on pubic hair
>tfw your beard is coming in perfectly and looks sick as fucc and compliments your jawline
feels goodman

>> No.8369502

Beards are cool but not overgrown like that shit.

>> No.8369503


beards have been in fashion for a while, and they're about to go out

>> No.8369505
File: 394 KB, 453x604, 1402989573408.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow you are such a faggot

>> No.8369507


Fucking hipsters.

I don't mind a man in the middle of the desert having a beard that reaches his chest. He's in the middle of the desert why the fuck should he care. It's just the natural thing.

But a damn hipster growing a beard just because it's trendy and going every five days to the saloon to keep it in shape... Seriously die.

>> No.8369519
File: 109 KB, 1024x768, IMG_0141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. Tattoos fade, and there's a reason why when Peter the Great returned from Europe he started ripping out other people's beards.

>> No.8369521
File: 46 KB, 500x363, ruh-roh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why would you date someone with something you hate all over their body

Because I like her? Doesn't mean I have to like everything she does or support every stupid decision of hers, you faggot.

Pic related.

>> No.8369541

>Glorious beards so epic and manly xD

Go directly to reddit

>> No.8369544

guys can we stop saying hipster its 2014

btw hys + big beards + tattoos need to die fuck that look its so fucking GAY

>> No.8369553

destroy beard culture

>> No.8369554


I know that feel bro, feels good to be white with no tattoos, even my girlfriend dont like to have tattoos now

>> No.8369558
File: 27 KB, 169x185, u real, bean.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw generic clean-shaven "hipster" look has been replaced by generic urban woodsmen with stereotypically "masculine" tattoos
>mfw this is the male equivalent of girls wearing owls/getting owl tattoos

To be fair, I do have a beard, but I didn't (and still don't) care if it's "accepted". Most jobs won't ask you to shave it outright unless you work in foodservice or something, so there's not a major social stigma unless people think that your beard means something else. The worst case of "beard judging" happened while I was reading a copy of the Qur'an in a car dealership, but that's not so much beard judging as a much as the combo with the Qur'an.

As for the tattoos, I don't have any. I do have some ideas as to what I want, but I want something that has real permanence for me before I get inked. To me, a tattoo is using your body as a canvas in a way that is more meaningful than the clothes that you wear. It becomes your skin and part of you, so I perceive it as something spiritual or at least indicative of character.

At the end of the day, you need to do what you want to do. If someone hates your look, disregard them.

>> No.8369561

>not trimming your beard yourself

It's really not that hard, or at least as hard as you're making it out to be.

>> No.8369568

learn to accept them. sucks at first but you get over em, unless she's one to get meaningless tattoos like my ex
>why did you get stars on your forearm
>"they look pretty and I like stars"
>fucking. dumb. bitch.

>> No.8369573

my brah

>> No.8369574

I dont care about beards, but beard culture is annoying.

I dont care about your beard and I dont think you are a tough guy just because you have got one.

But maybe I am just jealous because I can not grow a proper beard, I dont know.

>> No.8369580

you're jelly brah

>> No.8369582

>feels good to be white with no tattoos

Fuck yes it does.

I've accepted them already. I still don't like them.

She has (among others) "Lady Luck" tattooed on her chest LEL. Luckily she has a perfect ass, which makes up for a lot.

>> No.8369587

kek, it's like some people don't leave the house

>> No.8369594


This so fucking much!
Fucking highschoolers full of tattoos and piercings etc, fucking LOL at those "le though" babies.

Does mommy pays for ur tattos boi?

>> No.8369597
File: 43 KB, 350x227, opinion3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lady Luck on her chest

Sorry bro

>> No.8369607

No wonder this forum is filled with "tfw no gf".

Thanks, bruh.

>> No.8369623


>beards being more accepted in modern society

no dude.
they're just whats currently fashionable for a particular sect of people.

within 3 years beards will stop dropping off and will start to be associated with gross people again.

>what is cyclical

>> No.8369635

>what are u a faget haha i get pusi all day frum da wimmin with sick hot tats and good tumblr blogs because I like faggots and faggots like me

>> No.8369643

Someone's pretty mad.

>> No.8369644

I've never dropped my beard since the day I was able to grow it. I got a shitty jawline and a well kept beard makes it look infinitly better.

>> No.8369656

Its every man's privilege and birth-right to grow a beard.

Fight Feminism. Grow a beard.

>> No.8369664

Fight feminism. Don't cut off your foreskin.

That'll teach 'em bitches.

>> No.8369676

My foreskin is intact, and my beard is glorious.

I am Man.
No Feminist can take that away from me.

>> No.8369682

whats wrong with having meaningless tattoos that you personally like?

>> No.8369687

xD bacon mayonnaise beer jazz music epic

>> No.8369689

oh boy here we go.jpg

>> No.8369691

you can't give people a pretentious 2minute story about how the crow on your forearm represents your death grandfather or whatever to make you look deep and poetic

>> No.8369708
File: 13 KB, 320x231, moppefjun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and my beard is glorious

And mine.


>> No.8369711

thats... a start.

>> No.8369724

No, no, I don't want it any longer or else it would become hard to manage

>> No.8369729

No, because now if I want a job in California, I need to have a beard and tattoos, unless Im working in some upper corporate position.

I just wanna sell beer and have fun ;_;

>> No.8369732
File: 48 KB, 300x450, whylight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think anyone with a beard wants people to think that they're tough unless they're compensating for something. It's no different than wearing a leather jacket or combat boots... an aesthetic choice is not necessarily made to impress others simply because YOU perceive it that way.

>bringing race into things for no reason

>> No.8369738

>No reasons
If you are a shitskin no one cares if you have tattoos, white skin is beatiful without shitty things on it, are you a nigger that get upset everytime someone says white?

>> No.8369743
File: 68 KB, 400x538, 1383382029311.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8369744

[summer intensifies]

>> No.8369751

Honestly? Nothing. It's your body, do what you want with it. Personally, I think it's stupid when people tattoo tiny mustaches on their index fingers so that they can make stupid poses in pictures, but I respect their right to do so.

With that being said, I can respect their right to do so and still dislike the tattoo/their motivation for doing so.

>> No.8369758

Why would you ever think that? What job would discriminate against a shaved person? Are you joking?

>> No.8369762

Places now prefer hipsters when it comes to certain industries.

Also, live IN San Francisco. Think about it.

>> No.8369767

Post a bitch of your lady.

>> No.8369770

butbutbut thats sexism if a man is required to have a beard to get a job, but a woman isn't?


>> No.8369771

If you have visible tattoos you won't get hired for 90% of jobs you apply for. And rightfully so.

>> No.8369792
File: 163 KB, 408x280, muhbeard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can grow a decent beard, but I don't like it and shave daily. I have no problem with bearded guys in general, except with the ones who make a big deal out of their beards. It's just a beard and most adult men can grow one. The advantage is more options, you can play with your beard, look scruffy, clean-shaven, etc.

As for tattoos, I usually don't pay attention to them, not my thing.

>> No.8369797
File: 195 KB, 800x1202, martine lindsjkold.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Personally, I think it's silly to bring race into a discussion where it was not mentioned, nor is it pertinent. Barring acne or other skin disorders, I think that all skin tones can be beautiful (at risk of sounding like a cliche, of course).

I think that tattoos generally do show up (and subsequently look better in most cases) on lighter skin tones, so I don't understand your argument. As for taking pride in race, that's an ultimately silly process for second-handers that are trying to stand on the achievements of others that happen to look similar. Ms. Lindsjkold here is rather fair, and I think her tattoos add an interesting and unique element to her look that would be plain without them.

>> No.8369805

This is the tattooed, neck-bearded, idiot's spelling in action.

>> No.8369806

>while I was reading a copy of the Qur'an


>> No.8369810

i think they don¨t add anything of consequence.

>> No.8369812

I've never been that far west, so I can't speak to the culture over there. I live in suburban Georgia, so people think that I'm a "hipster" because I have a beard and actually listen to music that doesn't play on the radio.

>> No.8369818

wtf is a neck-beard anyways.

you must be either a faggot or female incapable of growing a beard, because you have no fucking idea what you are talking about.

>> No.8369825

I'm not, but someone had given me a copy at an Indian restaurant. I was reading it because my phone had died and it was the only reading material that I had in my car before I put it in for servicing. I didn't really think about it until I went to play with my beard.

>> No.8369829

>tfw no ricki hall bf

>> No.8369830

>Personally, I think it's silly to bring race into a discussion where it was not mentioned

Hey, I didn't bring it up, I just jumped on it for teh lulz.

And after having dated a desi, I'm allowed to be racist.

>> No.8369833

top kek

>> No.8369844

Me too.

I once said hi to a black guy, so I'm allowed to be racist.

>> No.8369847

what is this, 2008?

>> No.8369848

oh yeah and i almost forgot.

a black dude once called me "my nigga", so now i'm like allowed to say nigger if i want.

>> No.8369936

>tfw you have a huge beard and enjoy having one
>tfw you hate "beard culture"
>when you meet other people with a beard all they want to talk about is beards like they're a secret club
>most of those people have a shit beard and just tell you they're mirin

mixed bag of feels.

>> No.8369960

>>when you meet other people with a beard all they want to talk about is beards like they're a secret club
Do people actually do this?

>> No.8369961

beards r hot imo

>> No.8369964

Head over to /soc/ you might find a thread or two about beards. People do that irl as well, albeit to a lesser extent. I live in a hipster neighborhood.

>> No.8369974

Unfortunately. They'll come up and compliment you on your beard, tell you they're jealous, ask how long you've been growing yours. Ask what products you use in it.

Shit's exhausting. You have to keep the convo as curt as possible or steer them onto another topic, which will require shepherding because they'll try to steer it back to beards.

It's usually people who haven't had one for a while, or are really into other "manly hobbies" and let that be their whole definition.

>> No.8370014

>No wonder this forum
>this forum
hang yourself

>> No.8370172

this faggot like this is dime a dozen.

they just look exactly the same. wtf

>> No.8370297
File: 342 KB, 500x493, tumblr_mzv0qqljb81rrwiiko1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking plev

>> No.8370324

ya but does it actual look good and /fa/ and not some trendy bullshit?
>everyone said sagging pants and oversized shirt looked good and look at that style now...

>> No.8370328

>5/10 face
>4/10 body
>get tattoos because lacking

>> No.8370353
File: 27 KB, 460x541, 10xhaf7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is dis tatu gud?

>> No.8370358


>> No.8370360
File: 27 KB, 450x600, 17Maj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8370383
File: 294 KB, 1280x1440, beard no beard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

which one looks better on me? beard or no beard? I think clean no beard looks better, because youthful look. i'm 20.

>> No.8370393

the reason why I'm asking, is because I plan to grow my hair into a man bun and generally one needs a beard to go with the man bun, or no??
if anyone has beardless man bun inspo, then that would be cool.

>> No.8370397

keep the stubble, you look way younger than 20 without

>> No.8370401


>> No.8370417
File: 98 KB, 500x400, 1400109552699.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you consider that a beard you should very slowly and meticulously arrange a shotgun barrel between your teeth with the butt resting snugly against the floor. The take your finger, lean down, and position it against the trigger. Take one last moment to reflect on what a faggot you are, and how you've been this faggot your entire life, up until this very moment. Once you have let these thought marinate long enough, proceed with pushing the trigger down the rest of the way to send your faggot brain pieces spiraling all over the wall behind you and littering your dad core clothes with chucks of that faggot haircut.

>> No.8370426

stubble looks good
without it you look like a teenager

>> No.8370442

wow, this imageboard must be your life!
anyway, I never meant to imply that the stubble in my pic was a full-beard. I usually can't get past stubble in the pic, because of extreme itchiness and discomfort. but I'm willing to look past that, you know, considering that it will make me look better. just tell me, which one of my pics looks better, please. :)

>> No.8370452

Nope, on the contrary - i'm mad.
Hipsters like on OP pic made beards ubiquitous and tacky.
I had no chocie but to shave it off and leave just a pedo mustache

>> No.8370459

Also, tattoos are lame and uber-tacky.
Don't do it.

>> No.8370466
File: 619 KB, 1280x1440, 1403044443657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

grow a fu manchu

>> No.8370469
File: 98 KB, 1350x1350, Jim_Jocoy_Sid_Vicious_thumb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jim Morrison had no tattoos. Kurt Cobain had 1 tiny tattoo and he probably regretted it a lot. Sid Vicious had no tattoos. Iggy Pop - no tattoos.

Tattoos are lame and tacky.

>> No.8370472


>> No.8370485


>> No.8370486

>hard to manage

yeah because the 7 hairs along your jawline would really take a toll on on your morning regiment.

>> No.8370487

>having a physical picture of drips on your wall

>> No.8370496

Dump the bitch, she's fucking ugly and far from /fa/

>> No.8370499

Tattoos don't seem to be popular with generations before us.

>> No.8370503 [DELETED] 

Tattoos post tramp stamp are just utterly tasteless. No matter how hip or geometrical you think your tattoos is - it's tacky.

>> No.8370506

Tattoos in the post-tramp stamp era are just utterly tasteless. No matter how hip or geometrical you think your tattoos is - it's tacky.

>> No.8370525
File: 63 KB, 450x450, fbe8a793-7e9d-4629-97df-f0acc5454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I was in college one of my roommates said he wanted a tattoo but couldn't think of what he might want.

The girlfriend of a different roommate then proceeded to get on fuck yeah tattoos dot tumblr or some such faggotry and just kept picking out random tattoos other fucking people had like "how about this one, what about this, this would be cool" and just went on and on.

Freshman girls, man.

>> No.8370530

That dude would look infinitely better with a clean tattooless body

>> No.8370545

fuck dude every time I see this image I scroll away from it as fast as possible

>> No.8370657
File: 68 KB, 640x640, 10261092_637675779640280_2089656978_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

b-but muh body canvas and art

>> No.8370674

the problem there is when someone asks why you have your tat and is a deep personal story behind it. I don't share the reason I got mine because it would bum people out

makes me feel like a 2deep4u edgemaster.

>> No.8370676

R scars from cutting urself /fa/

>> No.8370701

No, retarded trend

>> No.8370733

I hope one day I have a son who makes poor life choices such as covering his body in stupid fucking tattoos so I can disown him

>> No.8370753

beards come and go in waves

they're going out again now, the fad is dying

>> No.8370767

Don't need a beard. Have a proper chin. But congrats on finding a way to hide your Downs-looking jawline.

>> No.8370770

>Hate facial hair
>Am the hairiest motherfucker in the world

>> No.8370771

>ear piercing
Absolutely disgusting.

>> No.8370776

that peacock probably cost around 7 grand and would require multiple sessions.

Tattoos almost always suck because of shit tier artists and shitty choices.

A guy I knew got a pretty basic half sleeve and it cost him around 1600, and he didn't go to a well known or highly talented artist.

>> No.8370779

it's really corny to me. like in the same vein as bacon jokes. i mean i'm glad people are able to do the stuff that they like without feeling judged but yeah it just seems try-hard/gross to me. like when people tell you about how they went backpacking through europe

haha yes you are very interesting. tell me about how you like bukowski/vonnegut next

>> No.8370789

>that peacock probably cost around 7 grand

$7000? Really?

>> No.8370974

That is an intricate peacock.

>> No.8370994

How do I achieve this bod? He can't be bigger than me, but he looks fucking shredded. Mainly in the abs.

>> No.8371051
File: 89 KB, 498x750, awesome tat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


no tattoo is the new tattoo

Everyone and their mom is a slave to the needle these days.

Mark my words, nerds.

>> No.8371059

Beards are on their way back out, and tattoos are shit.

Sorry OP.

>> No.8371067

Very low body fat and regular moderate lifting.

>> No.8371213

Why do tattooed people on 4chan claim they get stupid/trendy tattoos for 2deep4u reasons, then proceed to rage at anyone who states a contrary view or questions them?

Getting a tattoo is a major life decision, it's not like an article of clothing that can be retired when you decide it no longer suits your style. It shouldn't be some tumblr inspired impulse.

I honestly feel bad for people who get these flamboyant tattoos. When I look at them, I know they probably regret it deep down. Image a balding, loose skinned, middle aged man working a middle class office job, covered in goofy tats he got when he was young. Your tattoos will forever date you and make a statement.

>> No.8371233
File: 623 KB, 920x1632, Bearded Nigga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me if i had a beard i think i'd look great

>> No.8371235

I thought you weren't wearing pants at first.

>> No.8371249

I grew my beard in at a time where they were just starting to become popular

I hate this shit, I try to avoid trends and somehow fall right into them

>> No.8371265



>> No.8371266

>is anybody exited that beards and tattoos are becoming more and more accepted in modern society?
No. The appeal of tattoos was precisely their taboo status. Now any douchebag can have one. It's almost like how the fedoras are now associated with neckbeard losers.

>> No.8371271
File: 180 KB, 900x1200, 4O5Adlx[2].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can't cop MC Ride's style because I am white and Ill just look like a racist hillbilly

>> No.8371286

should i attempt to grow or no 👽

>> No.8371290

Beard culture needs to fucking die already.

>> No.8371596

tattoos dont have to be special
the dumbest tattoos are ones that try to be meaningful

>> No.8371604

lmao how come all the responses to this are negative
this is sick as fuck

>> No.8371612

all those ppl are lame as fuck
also cobain did his tattoo himself so i dont think he would have "really hated it" as you say
regardless thos why would you hthink following any of those ppl is a good idea

>> No.8371618

>grown men obsessing over hair on their faces
y white ppl so fuckin lame

>> No.8371625

my inner/b/tard never left I see

anyways would like it better if the artist did a better job on the loli's face and arms

>> No.8371631

white master race; brown/yellow people need not apply

>> No.8371632

Man, beards and tattoos reached cultural saturation like seven to ten years ago, i.e., they haven't been for hipsters in a long fucking time.

>> No.8371890

mfw spaniards/middle eastern men grow the best beards out of all races

>> No.8371996

Middle eastern beards are nasty as fuck fag

>> No.8372018

Kind of annoying as it saps the meaning and associations once had, although as long as Im fortunate not to run into those shallow people who define themselves through such choices it isnt really an issue.

>> No.8372052

>tfw would rather have a cut look
>tfw look better with a beard

>> No.8372128

if a persian or arabs beard was brown and on a white mans face you pasty beard culture fags would all jizz and shit urselves at the same time

>> No.8372152

Yeah, because then it wouldn't look so dirty and smelly.

>> No.8372160


>> No.8372177
File: 59 KB, 612x612, 2a753c05540849c6f0e5245565191dbd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love how every non tattooed elitist comes in and feels the need to let everyone know how much better they are than everyone else. if you don't like tattoos why do you always post in a tattoo threads?

>> No.8372182

>muh secret treeclub

>> No.8372184

Beards hell yeah, tattoos eeehhh

>> No.8372185

I highly doubt that peacock cost 7 grand, probably more like 2-3

>> No.8372188

Greeks grow the best beards

>> No.8372193

No, because i can´t grow a full beard, my genetics forbid me, and i´m not even asian, fml

>> No.8372212

Actually if you read the thread its mostly discussion on beards. Of course if you posted in the other tattoo thread you would be right

>> No.8372217

I did read the thread, and I wasn't about to post since it wasn't really a "tattoo thread" but my point still stands.

>> No.8372226

maximum dablage cortisol

>> No.8372234

im a tattooist by trade
tbh i would never attempt smth like that (not good enough to do it)
but 7k seems reasonable.

>> No.8372368

Hey do you know of any online guides or information about how to design a tattoo that will age well? All the results on the net seem to be along the lines of after care rather than discussing things like the type of colors or styles that should be used if you want it to age well.

>> No.8372382

tfw cant grow a beard

>> No.8372392

>tfw cant grow a beard

>> No.8372402

that's becuase it really is about after care.
obv bold styles with thick lines will last longer but u know that
but its like plain skin care almost. if ur skin gets shittier as u age ur tattoos-chich are now part of ur skin- will age like shit also.
If ur not confident that youll be able to take care of ur skin well enough to keep the tats looking good for a long time i say go for a bolder style like i said ie american traditional
u dont want intricacy, whether it be in the linework shading or color because that shitll fade. u want strong think lines and solid colors that wont show the effects of age as much.

>> No.8372430

I'm sad to see a good looking girl going to waste because of this "art"

>> No.8372451

The full beard is the fashion world's fedora over here. Only the softest of boys wear them, sometimes along with nautical tattoos and such, and they always turn out to be either gay or incredibly weak.

>> No.8372502

>good looking girl
>go to waste

>> No.8372519

I am east asian, only can grow pedo pub beard :(

>> No.8372535

I am. Because as soon as they are mainstream it will start to die off again.

It's already more edgy to not have any tattoos.

>> No.8372556

Thank you

>> No.8373215
File: 267 KB, 632x365, burr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8373779

well iggy is/was the only one that wasn't awful.

>> No.8373802

> Image a balding, loose skinned, middle aged man working a middle class office job, covered in goofy tats

such a dumb point. if you're old and your life is mediocre what does it matter at that point if you have some random tattoos.

>> No.8373991

>It's already more edgy to not have any tattoos.
Everyone says this, but its obviously not true. Maybe if you're talking about some tiny shoulder tattoo or foot tattoo but very few people have stuff like full sleeves, large back pieces, neck/hand tattoos.

>> No.8374125

she looks good. Don't pay attention to the idiots on this board.

>> No.8374135

>people who know literally nothing about tattoos.

>> No.8374181

nah she doesn't. her tattoos are terrible and she's not more than a 6/10

>> No.8374271


Who cares? It's the same thing as hair, or clothes. It's a conversation starter. Just because you're an antisocial pleb doesn't mean talking about beards is a bad thing.

>> No.8374467


>> No.8374487
File: 136 KB, 554x929, 1400281694295.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hellyes, Imma get sleeves n a star on my neck

>> No.8374507

she can never wear a bikini again

>> No.8374509

kek it's like uv never done heroin

>> No.8374513

imagine the same on a man

>> No.8375005

4chan is an imageboard and each board is a forum

>> No.8375032

Only if you're a QT gurl.

>> No.8375046


>> No.8375055

Spaniards are white, and hobo-Santa has an ugly beard.

>> No.8375094
File: 113 KB, 557x557, beard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>im spanish
>cant grow beard for shit
>people think im arab

oh americans, why are you so afraid of a shitty beard

pic related its me

>> No.8375223

prett girl with tattoos , she makes me horney in my sex. post photos. excuse me, english not my first language mates.

>> No.8375330


Fuck off, autist.

>> No.8375341

You don't look arab. your mustache has the Eurotwist at the tips.

>> No.8375933
File: 54 KB, 800x804, 1386965130561.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Damn, this bitch is deep."

>> No.8376119
File: 243 KB, 1600x1200, 20130520_194131.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tfw just got a dope ass tattoo

you mirin?

>> No.8376125


>back of shoulder

confirmed for gayboy

>> No.8376141

underrated post

>> No.8376269

why do i see so many posts that say this
its not edgy to not have tattoos
dunno what shithole u live in but tattooed ppl are still the minority in the world
even if u count the ppl w little wrist or ankle tats non tattooed ppl would still outnumber them

>> No.8376290

god damn this dude is boring and unfunny as fuck
is this what white people call comedy

>> No.8376295

you dont write "underrated post" on the newest post in the thread
why did this bug me so much
why would you do that
do you know what that phrase means

>> No.8376304

post pic

>> No.8376306

autismal feminist detected

>> No.8376342

I'm 29

I'm so glad I didn't ever get any trendy tats. Or any for that matter.

>> No.8376411

>mfw i have shitty stick n pokes
>mfw i actually like them
>i have a stick n poke of a snail, just the word "fuck"

>> No.8376503

nice dolphin m8

>> No.8376682

how does he make his hair do that? i've tried

>> No.8376726

tumblr fad
beards are for faggots trying to compensate for their feminine look or skinny build
tattoos look awful, especially big and cluttered ones

>> No.8376727
File: 215 KB, 1176x1050, B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My beard, circa 3 months ago. I trimmed it up a smidge so I don't look as homeless.

>> No.8376789


>> No.8377699

I have thick as fuck facial hair and it was always a pain in the arse to shave - when it grew back my neck would get all irritated (i have a huge adam's apple so the skin sits weird or some shit)

One day last october I just thought "fuck this" and stopped shaving, couldn't be fucked anymore

Now I get bitches wanting to plait it and stroke it and shit but I don't care, my family hates it but I don't care, my friends love it but frankly I don't mind at all

People who go on about how "epic" or "manly" or whatever shit they/others are because of their beard are frankly retarded. So what if you can grow hair out of your face? Do it or don't do it, who gives a fuck

I have a "friend" who grew out his beard, but couldn't grow a proper beard, and he got all the tattoos/undercut and everything to match, and he honestly looks like someone with no personality, just blindly following a trend to try and give out a look, instead of finding his own look.

>> No.8377717
File: 21 KB, 400x399, 10455851_319828621504954_1372103326697832243_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>manly hobbies

>> No.8377723

beard = compensating for no jaw 99% of the time

>> No.8377750
File: 26 KB, 300x381, DONE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shitposting = compensating for height 100% of the time

>> No.8377760

In my area it is more hipster and unique to NOT have a beard / tattoos than it is to have it.

>> No.8377761

Beards, yes, tattoos, no.

>> No.8377885

>Shit's exhausting
Its a higher tier comprehension but if we work at it we can get it.
Is anon:
a) worn down/tired by repeated beard conversations.
b) a 'pleb' who thinks that talking about beards is a bad thing.
c) A beardless man.

>> No.8377888

>but u just shitpost

>> No.8377895
File: 370 KB, 930x1400, 3BLES 25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because im short

>> No.8377990

>tfw great jawline
Will people think im compensating if I grow out a beard?

>> No.8378066
File: 61 KB, 433x650, bbaa54993ee1d41563fd7c1488550285.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have tattoo's and haven't said a word, people can think what they want, everyone is entitled to their own opinion.

>> No.8378130

>and they're about to go out

This can't happen soon enough.

So sick of beardo worshipping faggots. It's reached middle east levels of backward faggotry.

>> No.8378140

That guy has very feminine eyes, looks like a woman with a beard
fucking circus freak

>> No.8378167

>buy safety razor/straight razor
>never pay more than 50 cents a shave again

>> No.8378313
File: 149 KB, 600x600, D5Pb9CK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw already 26yo and still can't grow a beard

>> No.8378392

Is it wearing a hula skirt?

>> No.8378770

are you Asian lol

>> No.8378791


>if this thing lost it's defining characteristics it'd be a different thing!

oh no shit?

>> No.8378793
File: 15 KB, 240x300, Ediwn-Jagger-Chatsworth-Barley-Chrome-4-pc-shaving-set-4pcCBASRst1-240x300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I, for one, am really pleased with the resurgence in popularity that duoble-edge safety razors and wet shaving in general have been receiving. I recently got into it and I can tell you that it's an incredible investment.

>> No.8378804

Was wondering, I stayed for like 4 months making my beard grow but in the last times my skin has gone red in the chin (place where it was pretty thick) and it became pretty dry too, what should I do?

>> No.8378805


it's more about your social circle. the majority of my friends and people we interact with when out have tattoos.

in short, leave the house and stop hanging out with your parents so much.

>> No.8378832

I wholeheartedly agree with this statement, the return of the gentleman.

I also welcome the return of fedora in certain fashion circles, I know I wear mine with pride!

>> No.8378847

Yeah, it's not that I'm antisocial, it's just that I can always see the the people coming before they even speak to me and the conversation goes the exact same way the majority of the time. I usually just want to let them know their beard is patchy and they should probably shave.
Yeah when I say "manly hobbies" guys I mean the kind of people who watched an episode of Parks and Rec and thought "Woah, I need to change my life to be exactly like Ron Swanson"

>> No.8378853
File: 802 KB, 500x279, tumblr_n50dfjbQ711rydwbvo1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>wet shaving

Yes, because having an inferior shave is soooo /fa/

>> No.8378858


I know this might be counter to what you wanna hear, but both look great for the respective outfits you have in each pic.

>> No.8379070

don't forget, having blotchy skin and british teeth is /fa/ too according to most anons here

>> No.8379174
File: 19 KB, 504x342, c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking marine pollution, man!

>> No.8380093

the guy said he hates arab beards. He actually just ahtes arabs. To him the worst part of an arab beard is the face it's attached to.
just tryna point that out

>> No.8380108

the norm within ur little social circles is not the same as the norm in society
u cant call something edgy because u and ur friends dont do it
thats really shitty logic
if u were friends with only hardcore vegans it would still be edgy to be a hardcore vegan

>> No.8380419

Guys, it's normal to have patchy beard growth at 18, right? Right?

>> No.8380469

guys who can't grow beards but only shitty peach fuzzes are the ones who are against beards. hahahaha pathetic faggot.

>> No.8380570
File: 59 KB, 768x1280, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw full beard at 18

>> No.8380593

But please try to stop real soon, okay?

>> No.8380601

jesus christ man

>> No.8380653

Hey guys

Anyone got any tutorials on how to grow a mustache beard combo and the proper way to take care of it/maintain? Also a hairstyle that goes with said beard and mustache.

I want to grow a cool beard and mustache but my shit always looks bad since I don't know how to maintain it and how to trim certain parts to give it a good shape. I've seen people at my old job with beards that seem to defy gravity. Like some Egyptian shit that points forward with their chin. I want cool shit like that.

>> No.8380893
File: 325 KB, 1280x1912, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like this guy is obligatory in every beard thread, there's products you can use and actually companies like Stubble n' Stache that focus only on beards. There are alot of options as far as hairstyles with beards go but the majority seem to go with long top short sides/back

>> No.8381139

so, so much. how much time do you have

>> No.8381166

he's shitty /tv/-core comedy

4chan in general seems enamored with unfunny angry faggots who go up on stage and just get mad at all the shit conservatives get mad at

>> No.8381167

leftist detected

>> No.8381174

most of these guys would be more attractive without the bears lol

>> No.8381613

this faggot sounds like review brah but unfunny as fuck

>> No.8381629

>muh glorious white race that are incapable of doing any wrong

>> No.8382091

that nose piercing is pig disgusting
why the fuck

>> No.8383593

post pics m8 you're on an imageboard

>> No.8384511

wow what real, crisp, original and funny banter

>> No.8386135

no theyre gross as fuck
no one likes to look at cutting scars
your body is disgusting

>> No.8386143

>louis ck
>george carlin
>any other unfunny gross looking white cunt that lonely angry white men can relate to

>> No.8386146

just as crisp and original as beard culture

>> No.8386554



29 too. When I was 17 I had some horrible, horrible tattoo ideas. I'm so glad I was too poor to afford tattoos when I was younger.

>> No.8386621

>le beard, am i le manly le classy le gentleman yet?

>> No.8386635

i have an strong aryan jawline why would i care about beards

i think ink being ""accepted"" is terrible
the whole point is to voluntarirly ostracize urself why would i want to be accepted by soccer moms and korny white girls

>> No.8389394

wow shes fuckin hot. would date

>> No.8390301


As beards have become accepted and cool, my facial hair is now riddled with greys.


>> No.8390310

>is anybody exited that beards and tattoos are becoming more and more accepted in modern society?
beards are, but not tattoos

>> No.8390325


Wow, talk about an overhyped hack.
This guy is fucking terrible.

>> No.8390329


So you spend 45 minutes in the bathroom every morning?

>> No.8390334


I would look like an 8/10 copy of this guy if I had 6 months of patience to grow that beard.

>> No.8390387


looks black

>> No.8390678

This. If you want to get a tattoo get it because it looks cool.
Not everyone on the street needs to know that your grandma and or uncle is dead no one cares you're not uniquely struggling with life we all have dead relatives.

>> No.8391056

>what is MC Ride

>> No.8391161

>6 months


>> No.8391255

bullshit you're a Mexican from the north and also a fat fuck with shitty genetics

>> No.8391258

u wot m8?

>> No.8391263

that nigga looks like a kid trying to look older and failing miserably

>> No.8391273

It's just a fad.

Crazy how many guys have an undercut and beard now.

>> No.8391397
File: 431 KB, 1100x768, 1350152411720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Grey beards are cool anon

>> No.8391404

yo this dude is sexier than most women I've seen

and im straight

>> No.8391423

I had a nightmare last night that I had a shittily done outer bicep tattoo. It was the worst feeling in the world. I was so happy when I looked at my arm and it was ink-free.

>> No.8391456

I call guys with feminine eyes, "Bitch Eyes".

>> No.8392098


>> No.8392387

>says the faggot who can't grow a beard

thanks for the keks.

>> No.8392393


jealous faggots detected itt.

>> No.8392399

>a good tattoo is personal, unique, master-planned (in the case of larger pieces like sleeves) and congruent with the person's life, experiences, and personality
Why have it scrawled onto your skin then?

>> No.8392404

is a stick-and-poke :| smiley /fa/?

>> No.8392461

what product would I use to get my hair like this?

>> No.8392480

pomade i think. maybe he has something on his ig page.


>> No.8392482

thank you

>> No.8392487

pls 404 already shitty thread
that guy looks like a total fucking faggot

>> No.8392784

>you will never be as /fa/ as sid vicious
>you will never have his god tier aesthetics
feels bad man

>> No.8394898

>literally nothing wrong about those things

you're a pretentious, fuck you know that?

>> No.8396602
File: 168 KB, 530x298, can i touch it.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

feels g8 m8, no competition
>bitches be like unicorn

>> No.8396619

did he step out of a tumblr tattoo shop, god i want to hit him very hard

>> No.8396725
File: 142 KB, 635x429, the-place-beyond-the-pines-ryan-gosling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stick and pokes are the only tat's I think look aesthetic, not trying to be edgy but over complicated and color shit looks awful to me, gosling in place beyond the pines is my tattoo ideal, not sure if stick and poke but it's the style.