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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 104 KB, 640x640, panties.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8373097 No.8373097 [Reply] [Original]

It's ok for a guy to wear panties? Have you tried one before?

>> No.8373102

do you really have to ask?

>> No.8373104

Its ok if you are a faggot

>> No.8373112

yes, I have this curiosity inside of me

>> No.8373122

no, you are retarded if you think it could be normal for a guy to wear panties
use your common sense

>> No.8373124

Fucking degenerate

>> No.8373126

but why is that?

>> No.8373131

I wont have this conversation

>> No.8373133

No, probably not

>> No.8373136
File: 322 KB, 545x700, back3pol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

;_; waaaaah muh 'culture'
waaaah my values
get bent nerdwad you're values mean shit

>> No.8373144

its not societally 'ok' but if you wanna who cares
wouldn't advice it tho, no space 4 ur wein

he said 'ok' not 'normal'

and OP its not normal because people are scared of things that are different (cuz they basic)

>> No.8373147

dunno why people act like this, its just a underwear like any other

>> No.8373149

Your pc crap also doesn't mean anything when you're a fucking degenerate with a fetish for panties

Stay mad liberals :^)

>> No.8373156

its not like I would be scared or shocked, Id just laugh my ass off if Id see it

>> No.8373167

its really not - I've tried and there isn't space for wein really

no thats what I think - other people think its somehow a big deal

read back what you just said - its just nonsense. we all see red sometimes I accept you even if you are an angry teen

just not too loud or it could embaress them

>> No.8373171

Whatever you say is immediately invalidated because you're a fucking degenerate, how did you not see this yet?

All this "maturity" act you have going on doesn't matter, because you're a corrupt human being whose opinion doesn't matter.

Please seek help immediately, thank you.

>> No.8373173


Why exactly would you wear panties?

>> No.8373179

thats an ad hom aint it? I thought you nerds were into 'muh argument' nonsense

does me being corrupt imply there is an ideal?

(does that mean you're religious?)

>> No.8373184

It's not about me man. It's about you.

Let me give you the facts in a way even you can understand:

1) you are a degenerate
2) you need help
3) you cannot argue in your perverted state of mind
4) none of your opinions matter while you are still acting like a deviant (it's like being temporarily insane)

Did that get through to you?????

>> No.8373186

Whatever you say is immediately invalidated because you're a fucking degenerate, how did you not see this yet?

All this "maturity" act you have going on doesn't matter, because you're a corrupt human being whose opinion doesn't matter.

Please seek help immediately, thank you.

>> No.8373188

lemme ask more questions:

if wearing panties means you're corrupting a moral form does that mean gender roles should refer to clothes?

does that also mean you hate: skinny jeans, manskirts, long hair, tight shirts?

what about persuits percieved as gay? is dancing degenerate? how about fashion?

>> No.8373189

ffs dude you're asking a chinese cartoon board if wearing women's panties are okay

lmao what answer do you expect

>> No.8373190

Whatever you say is immediately invalidated because you're a fucking degenerate, how did you not see this yet?
>All this "maturity" act you have going on doesn't matter, because you're a corrupt human being whose opinion doesn't matter.
Please seek help immediately, thank you.

>> No.8373191

It's not about me man. It's about you.

Let me give you the facts in a way even you can understand:

1) you are a degenerate
2) you need help
3) you cannot argue in your perverted state of mind
4) none of your opinions matter while you are still acting like a deviant (it's like being temporarily insane)

Did that get through to you?????

>> No.8373196

;_; im not OP
also this is a board where shaving your legs is like 50/50 supported and everyone admits to gay tendencies

>> No.8373197

It's not about me man. It's about you.

Let me give you the facts in a way even you can understand:

1) you are a degenerate
2) you need help
3) you cannot argue in your perverted state of mind
4) none of your opinions matter while you are still acting like a deviant (it's like being temporarily insane)

Did that get through to you?????

>> No.8373198

wow people get this angry when comes to a guy wearing a pantie wtf

>> No.8373202

It's not about me man. It's about you.

Let me give you the facts in a way even you can understand:

1) you are a degenerate
2) you need help
3) you cannot argue in your perverted state of mind
4) none of your opinions matter while you are still acting like a deviant (it's like being temporarily insane)

Did that get through to you?????

>> No.8373211

I agree - I think its kinda uncomfortable and its not typical but I don't want to stop anyone doing it

>> No.8373213

Lmao, overthinking faggots

It's just clothes. Genders are natural things, not silly sociological constructs. You're meant to dress like your genitalia tells you to. If you don't you're a degenerate

Yes, skirts and panties are for degenerates. Ultra skinnies are for degenerates.

But above all, regardless of what YOU in particular wear, you will always be a degenerate because you want to wear fucking panties because of some twisted degenerate fetish you have

If only you would keep it to yourself and not share your degenerate thoughts with us, it would have been okay. But you're choosing to bring your degeneracy to the forefront, like a faggot, instead of tackling it on your own, being penitent on your own, like a man

Please seek help

>> No.8373220

I don't wear panties

but isn't fashion a bit gay? and thats degerate?

would your abuse father/strict mother respect you if you said you liked fashion? how about your conservative friends?

son you're on a fashion board of a chinese cartoon forum

>> No.8373226

One time when I was hanging out with my gf at the time I put on a pair of her panties. I can't remember who suggested it but it was kind of funny and I haven't worn any since. They were really right on my junk because girls underwear isn't designed with male genitalia in mind.

>> No.8373236

>implying I like fashion
>implying anyone here likes fashion
>implying this isn't just a designer circlejerk board
>implying you're not a degenerate
>implying you're not a faggot
>implying you don't need help/aren't insane

>> No.8373239

>falling for /pol/ the troll

nigga, what are u doing

>> No.8373243
File: 7 KB, 372x446, 1386691790843.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so lemme get this straight

you come here to "circle jerk" with other men and to get angry at people for what they wear?

thats fine man you keep doing what you do - aint my idea of fun but if it keeps you happy

>> No.8373246

I went travelling overseas to a few 3rd world countries. Ended up going around with this German girl for a couple of weeks, sharing hostel rooms etc and banging every so often. One day she went out on her own so I picked up a thong she left lying in the bathroom and put it on and jerked off while watching myself in the mirror. I placed the thong back EXACTLY as I had found it, I took serious measures to mentally envisage what the scene looked like before I tainted it with my perversions. She had no idea.

>> No.8373250

:[ now I get it
I hope it really is a troll
sorry team I let the side down

>> No.8373254

I don't wear panties but I find that undies are way better than boxers. The leg thing just gets in the way when you are putting on tight jeans and the leg part of your briefs often ends up riding up your thigh which gets uncomfortable

>> No.8373257

Boxer briefs

What are you, Somalian?

>> No.8373264


> implying circlejerking over.designers isn't gay
>implying you aren't a degenerate
>implying you aren't insane.

You sound like one of those conservatives that always get caught soliciting homosexual sex in public restrooms.

>> No.8373274

Lmao, whatever you say degenerate

It's clear to everyone else here that you're beyond saving. Keep doing what you're doing, trying to justify your unnatural, unholy existence

>> No.8373280

>soliciting sex on public bathrooms
>projecting this much

Anything you want to get off your chest, degenerate?

Wait, never mind, no one wants to hear all that sick unnatural shit

>> No.8373287


>projecting this hard.
> trying this hard to price to an anonymous image board that you aren't gay.

You might as well just come out of the closet. We don't care.

>> No.8373296

lmao, you're beyond saving

Enjoy being a drag on the rest of civilized society, fucking faggot

>> No.8373306


Well I tried to help but I guess you don't want to come to terms with your feelings. Enjoy hating your true inner self.

>> No.8373312

S-s-s-stop it

You're a degenerate, you're all degenerates. Kill yourselves already

>> No.8373353

>You're a degenerate, you're all degenerates. Kill yourselves already

You are trying way to hard to prove to strangers you aren't gay. Maybe you should spend less time "circlejerking" with other men about clothing.

>> No.8373363

>implying circlejerks are gay

I used to do that all the time with mah uncles in Montana. It's totally natural, a part of growing up.

Wearing panties though, is for degenerates like you. Kill yourself.

>> No.8373374


>Being raped by uncles.
> being in Montana

No wonder you're so gay and angry about it.

>> No.8373381

>projecting this hard

Anything you want to confess, degenerate?

>> No.8373393

>I used to do that all the time with mah uncles in Montana. It's totally natural, a part of growing up.

Looks like you've confessed enough.

>> No.8373401

>implying you're not a faggot
>implying you're not a degenerate

Jesus, this board. When did this place get filled with your kind?

>> No.8373422


> this much projection
> this much denial

I think that being openly gay is a lot better than circle jerking with your uncles as a young child. At least normal gay people aren't angry about their situation and don't sirens their time trying to convince strangers on an anonymous image board that they are heterosexual. I will pray that you get the help you need to deal with your inner demons.

>> No.8373450

get a room you two

or go here >>>/lgbt/

>> No.8373452

>for me
>a degenerate


I don't understand why the good Lord doesn't just smite your sinning hind right now like he did to Sodom and Gomorrah. He must be a better man than me

As for you, keep wallowing in your filth. I'll be watching from above, while you burn and fornicate down below.

>> No.8373468


> this much overcompensation.

It's okay. Good will forgive you and your uncles for their sins

>> No.8373478

I've worn my gf's thong for a laugh but that's it.
Wear whatever the fuck you're comfortable with.
Most people will think you weird but what do you care?

>> No.8373550

man, what's with all these fuckin /pol/fags up in here. you'd think these boards would be mutually exclusive.

we're all a bunch of faggy degenerates. go away with your values. we don't need them here.

>> No.8373626

hell yes

panties are so comfy, as long as your balls don't fall out of the crotch

qt3.14 as fuq

>> No.8373631

boxer briefs do it too. maybe even worse, since they're typically a thicker fabric

>> No.8373646
File: 292 KB, 500x889, tumblr_n4zbku6K6s1qb1kkzo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

panties are great. kinda depends on how big your dick is tho

>> No.8373686

I wore a gfs pair one for kicks. They were actually really comfy.

>> No.8373696

jesus christ would bang

>> No.8373727

t-thats a boy

>> No.8373734

degenerates, all of you

>> No.8373755
File: 196 KB, 3264x2448, 1395734433559.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They were actually really comfy.

>> No.8373758

You are aware that men has used some sort of skirt all over the world since the dawn of time, right? If anything, pants are what's wrong. Skirts has more room for the dick.

>> No.8373761


>> No.8373774


>> No.8373784


>> No.8373793

>Going to a fashion board
>Expecting anything but gays

>> No.8373807


>> No.8373813

>implying you and your degenerate ways could ever know what the good Lord has in store for you

>> No.8373823
File: 55 KB, 600x600, f75.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8373825

only sad, stupid degenerates call "bait" on logical, sound, and above all, correct arguments

>> No.8373828
File: 17 KB, 626x624, 1387129576366.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8373834

It still baffles me how /pol/ took a complete 180 and went from atheist to full bible thumper.

>> No.8373838

silly, silly degenerate

they saw the the light

and soon you degenerates will too

>> No.8373839
File: 855 KB, 625x626, 105.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8373861


>> No.8373879
File: 158 KB, 625x626, 20f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8373906

panties aren't designed to keep a dick and balls in place so no. If it gets your jollys off grats to you, but don't do it as a regular clothing thing.

>> No.8373936

>tfw wore panties under my boxers in highschool to keep boner from showing around my newly copped gf

>> No.8373979

In the west it is because they're progressive aka gay

>> No.8374004
File: 182 KB, 1280x982, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Waiting to hear what your definition of "degenerate" is. I'm sure it'll be hilarious.

>> No.8374006

doesnt twerk wear panties

>> No.8374035

>asks /fa/ if it's okay to wear panties
>gets told no

>> No.8374043

whatever happened to twerk?

>> No.8374050

He's busy twerking

>> No.8374057

isn't twerk a girl?

>> No.8374104

for you

>> No.8374635


>> No.8374737 [DELETED] 

It happens in every thread:
>"is this /fa/?"
>"fuck you it's my own choice I can wear it if I want and it looks better than raf shitmons, etc"

>> No.8374748

its nice having a small enough dick that can be cradled perfectly by a pair of panties. they last longer than any mens underwears, support better (never have to adjust myself) and always feel better too. *sigh* thus is life is suppose....

>> No.8374758

>its nice having a small dick
Manelts, will they ever learn...

>> No.8374768

actually im 6feet.... :(

>> No.8374774
File: 22 KB, 522x679, 719+O3-0MsL._UX522_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just got these in the mail last night. Put them on today after a shower. Holy fuck so comfy, tons of room for the junk. 10/10 would buy again

PACT Women's Indigo V-Neck Tee and Orchid Stripe Hipster Set on Amazon, $12

>> No.8374918

whats wrong with her vajayjay?

>> No.8374933

>proud of being a pot smoking slut

Fucking degenerate

>> No.8374957

There is no dick pocket in panties. It cannot be done.

>> No.8374962


>> No.8374979

>saying vajayjay
>thinking anything is wrong with it
bruh do you think breasts feel like sandbags?

>> No.8375092
File: 263 KB, 520x377, d3a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8375103

dunno...give me a sec to squeeze mine....nope...

>> No.8375144

I kinda want to try, don't really see a problem with it (how often do someone look at your boxers?)

>> No.8375183

ive been wearing panties since 2009 and no one has noticed yet. why does that sound like a reformed addict?

>> No.8375266

There are boyshorts, which basically are feminine styled boxer-briefs, and plenty of "manties" available with room for the little fella.

>> No.8375325

yeah. yeah

>> No.8375488

post nudes this isnt femgen so its ok right

>> No.8375521

Tried some Hanes briefs and had a problem where my dick would get disheveled after like an hour. Would panties help that?

>> No.8375546

Yes. They keep it in place

>> No.8375562

Where do you buy your shit?

>> No.8375584

On line

>> No.8375666

>tfw panties fetish
I would never wear them as clothing, I just like looking at them on a girls ass. Or fapping onto them, with or without a gril present.

>> No.8375705

Pls b in london

>> No.8375737
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>> No.8375748
File: 96 KB, 500x600, tumblr_msizsqSOWb1qgagw0o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gonna post this in here since it is a shit thread

So I messaged a babe on facebook about 8 hours ago. THroughout the day when Ive gone on to check she has been online sometimes, offline sometimes, usually on mobile, but the message says it hasnt been "seen"

Is it possible she just hasnt seen it, or is she oviding it somehow so that it doesnt say "seen"?

Would it be too desperate of me to text her in a few days if it stays the same?

>> No.8375764


you can pretend that you didn't notice that she didn't respond


if i txt a grill saying "do you want to go to this thing" and she doesnt respond, i txt her again and say "remember to bring my book you borrowed" or "oh i forgot it starts at 6"

sometimes they genuinely didn't see it, and they'll be around when you txt again, or they think they can get away with ignoring 1 txt, but 2 is stretching it

>> No.8375774

it was on facebook though, also now thats it is summer, not much to say again

i asked if she wanted to hangout

>> No.8375799

you can read messages on mobiles without the message being marked as read, she's probably seen it but forgot to reply/ignored it

>> No.8375818

out of interest, how do you do that? without clicking it?

she most likely ignored it then

>> No.8375959

does it hurt you more that she constantly dates other guys or that she's a closeted lesbian?

>> No.8377193

There's a /fit/ picture of a guy trying on his sisters panties for sexual shit.
Picture makes me laugh every time
> requesting that picture

>> No.8377235

>be in the club with the girls
>grinding on cutiepatootie boy in gothninja get up
>his hair is so soft
>he says in my ear, 'i'm wearing girls undies, do you want to see?'

just kidding that's never happened. would be cool if it did!!

>> No.8377594

how big is you shlong?
also, doesn't the size of your balls also factor in?
every time i get a boner in panties it gets uncomfortable

>> No.8377620

so sick..

>> No.8377646

this. Bump.

>> No.8377657


>> No.8378396

>doing laundry in student housing one time
>pair of frilly panties ends up in my basket
>horny af already so figure why not
>couldn't get them halfway up my leg before feeling like an enormous faggot
>take them off, fap into them
>dispose of

that's about as far as i've been

>> No.8378657

why the fuck is this thread still going

>> No.8378669
File: 5 KB, 158x251, 1388728838344.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is the best watch for poor fags?
>50$ and under

>> No.8378690

A seiko military 5, you'll be able to replace the canvas strap by a leather one later if you want

>> No.8378700

which colour should i get ?

>> No.8378701

>degenerate thread still going

/fa/ truly is filled with your kind

>> No.8380365

No that anon, but I have a blue one that I like

>> No.8380466

>peddling genderfluid bullshit
>telling the other guy to go back to reddit


>> No.8380476
File: 2.70 MB, 438x383, 1401512657947.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why don't you retards stay on your own board

>> No.8380577
