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File: 130 KB, 500x390, sketti errywhere.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8371602 No.8371602 [Reply] [Original]

Is anyone addicted to anything (besides buyin clothes) here? I don't personally think addiction is effay, buy do you all have different opinions?

>tfw when addicted to buying clothes (obviously)
>tfw addicted to H
>tfw when I've started drinking every night, and its hurting my aesthetics cus I'm gettin fat

H-help me /fa/

>> No.8371607
File: 51 KB, 580x465, ms1-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you check your ex's tumblr several times a day out of compulsion

>> No.8371615


>> No.8371630

I'm addicted to porn. Plz help. I'm serious. I downloaded k9 web protection, but it won't let me browse 4chan, every time I try to allow 4chan it still won't let me :/

>> No.8371637

you're only perpetuating your momentary infatuation, risking a shift to obsession
block that shit, clear cache and cookies so it doesn't automatically appear in the url, or something

get over it ya fagnerd or I'll fucking boot stomp your face

>> No.8371650
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Addicted to the internet and Japanese pencils

>> No.8371710

I still check my ex girlfriends facebook... The other ex always deletes me, but I use to check hers, too.
I don't know why I do it. It just makes me upset. I just can't stop.

>> No.8371762

>tfw addicted to sucking dick and buying raf owens

>> No.8372183

Tell me more about these japanese pencils, they seem interesting.

>> No.8372360

>Addicted to internet
so bad really that I ignore most places if they don't have some kind of Wifi.
>addicted to to them sheckels
Not even Jewish matey
>addicted to pain meds
Yeah, this one's not so good.

>> No.8372389

ya i wanna kno about this shit seems worth while

>> No.8372390

i have the same internet addiction that most people here have, it's pretty bad. my only other addiction/compulsion was nail biting but i finally quit earlier this year :) now my nails are long and gross!

>> No.8372403

>checking qt3.14 crushes instagram every 5 mins

>> No.8372414

I quit for a month or two, it was great
then I slipped
try /r/noporn

>> No.8372438

What I did was say to myself, if you dob't watch porn for 30 days you can watch it then. Not like quitting cold turkey.

wasnt too hard but as soon as a i watched it again I went back to fapping to porn like every second day and feeling like shit.

>> No.8372546

how often do you whack off, i need to know if I'm addicted

>> No.8372578

cool story bro
>getting fat while addicted to glorious opiates
> top kek

>> No.8372581

Is it normal to do it three times in one boring day? If i don't have the privacy, I can go days without it

>> No.8372588


Addicted to H as well. How are you fat!?

>> No.8372597

Im only addicted to weed and cigerattes, although weed addiction is pretty bad, i smoke every night

>> No.8372612


addiction is not defined as how often you do it, its if it impacts negatively on the rest of your life. so if you're missing work or exams etc to jerk off then you're addicted.

best of luck with your efforts bro. best i ever got for nofap was 67 days but i've never gotten that close again.

>> No.8372635
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>tfw meth addiction
I'm either going to end up losing my teeth, my nose, or my liver.

But fuck it, we all die in the end anyway.

>> No.8372637

I only whack off twice a day usually, but I've been whacking off twice a day for like a year or two, and I have to whack off at least once a day. I can't stand not having whacked off the night before, it fucks the whole next day up. I'd say three isn't that bad if your just lazing around on the computer for most of the day.
I don't think it's really affected any other sections of my life, except that I definitely set some time out of the day to jerk it, so I guess I'm fine.

>> No.8372643

nothing besides buying clothes just yet, but i won $1600 at the casino lsat week and the urge to go back has been bothering me ever since

>> No.8372644

holy shit dude stahp, don't do meth. if you stopped now you could live much longer and healthier, and come to find things that will make you impossibly happier than meth ever could.

>> No.8372933

I have that feeling that if I go to casino I will win some shit
good thing Im still underaged for this country's casinos

>> No.8373022

what does meth feel like?
watching spun right now

>> No.8373028

>cigarettes, one pack a day, doesn't bother me (yet)
>coffee, bothers me a lot since I get the worst headaches if I don't drink at least 2 cups
>alcohol, slowly getting myself conditioned to drink before sleeping so I don't get insomnia

Past addictions
>cocaine, 6 years of use/abuse
>IV cocaine, every other weekend
>ephedrine, would help me get shit done
>promethazine, only thing that would knock me out and not give me horrible nightmares
>dimenhydrinate for self-induced coma, lasted 2-3 days

The only drug I'm afraid of is Morphine, took it 5-6 times for surgeries. I would probably kill myself if I ever had the option to do it whenever I wanted.

>> No.8373044

I used to smoke Meth all the time in HS, haven't done it in years though, I will admit that I miss it.

>> No.8373058

Coffee with crack added, that's what it's like. It even has a bitter taste like coffee too.

Snorting it's like getting punched in the face, but right after the comeup you're in the clouds, standing on top of the fucking world.

Smoking it has no filter, it's the full on tweak high. Paranoia, edginess, and a huge rush. Doesn't last very long.

>> No.8373075

>self-induced coma
I wonder what's that like? Like, do you see/feel anything?
And yeah Morphine is pretty nice

>> No.8373118

It feels like sleeping, but without dreams, without feeling uncomfortable (you don't wake up if you fall out of bed).

Dimenhy doesn't cause waking comas (like some other drugs), it acts by forcing you to fall asleep pretty hard. The bonus is... Even if you wake up, your brain won't function. Someone can shake you, slap you, throw water on you, and you will barely wake up, falling instantly back asleep.

Think of it like "Sleeping Beauty". You're not aware of anything at all.

Only downsides are... extended effects (good luck being a zombie for 2 days after waking up), and blurred safe dose. For me, it's 2-3 for feeling faint, 4 for passing out, 6 for possible hospital visit, 9 for a couple days in Hell (all those in the highest ammount per pill).

>> No.8373128

>addicted to pain meds
Sucks, don't it? Been the same way myself for over a decade. For about 4 years I was taking these shitty neurofen plus (200mg ibuprofen, 12.8 mg codeine phosphate), but obviously to get a decent hit off of weak assed shit like that I was taking 14-16 at a time, 6-8 times a day. Spent 6 months in hospital though, having various parts of my digestive system removed/repaired, so I don't take those any more (nor can I eat solid food anymore for that matter). As luck would have it though, I now get scripts for vast quantities of...

>The only drug I'm afraid of is Morphine
That's the shit right there, aint it? I get 200mg of MST a day, split in to 2 doses (allthough you can't really get a nod off that. It comes in time release capsules, which when you open them up are full of tiny white spheres. The outer layer is morphine sulphate with a slow release binder, then there's a non digestable layer, and inside that is some naxalone. You can't chew/crush/etc the spheres to release all the morphine in one go without breaking the inner sphere, releasing the naxalone, rendering the morphine useless). I also get 4x 50mg severedol tabs a day, which are pretty fucking sweet, and have a contact who sells me two botles of Oramorph a week.

My only slight concern is that because my tolerance is so high now, coupled with the fact that at some point my doctor is bound to bring up the "so Anon, you're absolutley sure your post operative pain hasn't improved at all even though you've been out of hospital for 8 months now?" at which point I'm going to be fucked, but I'll cross that bridge when I get to it.

>> No.8373210

christ i'm leaving this board bye

>> No.8373338

benzodiazepine addiction.
I think that its pretty effay tho i feel like shit every morning until i take my pills

>> No.8373590

Have you ever had IV morphine? Is it any different from the pills, in terms of high?

I was because I'm the anon you replied to (coke and IV coke ex-addict) and oh boy, was it different. IV coke feels like having a feather pillow explode on your face, then your head is made of cotton, then you slowly realize you can think of solutions to every problem you have. Then you feel sleepy at the end of the high. It's one of the best ways to end a night when you spent the last 7 hours trembling and jumping around in a nightclub or some shit.

>> No.8373606

I am addicted to adderall, the internet, and nicotine.

I have an e-vape(e-cig) for when I am at home, but I smoke cigarettes when I am out with people. The e-cig has helped cut back on cigarettes.

>> No.8373618

Im addicted to buying clothes, nicotine, assessing my hairloss in the mirror,possibly sex

>> No.8373619

I'm addicted to dicks.

>> No.8373623

oh and internet and porn obv

>> No.8373637

Im addicted to 4chan (no less then 4 hours a day), anime, and procrastination. I'm lucky that I like running and fashion or else i'd be a fat shit

>> No.8374785
File: 37 KB, 500x720, feelips.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

addicted to shitposting

>> No.8374814

been addicted to weed for a year, smoking daily. side effects suck.

>> No.8375149

OP here. I'm not really that fat, but I'm gaining fat around my belly for sure. I don't really know how other than the booze. I don't eat why much, I track my calories too. Generally between 1500-1800 a day at 6'2 180. I (was) lifting and running a couple times a week, but I've taken 2 weeks off and now I'm too lazy and too fucked up to go most of the time. so now I'm getting fatboy, because of those untracked beers and wine calories.

I'm not so much concerned with my addiction to black (west coast, would def go for ecp if I had access to it), but that I am getting drunk a lot more too and it's hurting how I look.

If I could find roxys id be so much happier, I fuckin love that high.

>> No.8375228
File: 255 KB, 1024x768, 15SINJI1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

internet and porn i guess, maybe coffee, not really.
internet addiction is pretty bad, not gonna lie, i live most of my life on the internet.
i dont think im overly addicted to porn though, i just think it affects me in negative ways and i for some reason keep looking at it.

>> No.8375241

I'm addicted to looking at myself in the mirror.

I like to find my best angles and admire myself. It's probably not great though because I probably look like I'm insanely self-conscious while out in public.

>> No.8375292
File: 505 KB, 800x500, bic_pen_cap_by_rodrigodsct-d5fnzk0[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I shove pencaps in my ears and pick around. They scratch my ears and in a few hours the scratches itch. Then I pick around with the pencap again and get shivers down my spine from the relief of scratching the itch. I threw them all out though because my physician always gives me shit when he looks in my ears.

>> No.8375318

>psychological addiction to anxiety meds/weed
can't sleep without smoking or popping a few anti-axiety pills
>addicted to weekends
all I ever look forward to is the weekends, so I can get drunk and preferably get laid
the other days of the week I spend in chemical hibernation, bored out of my mind, waiting for the weekend

>> No.8375331

Starting to get addicted to coke, I think.

I pretty much don't even like doing it anymore, but every night when I say I'll just hang around or have one beer, I end up calling one of my dealers.

I remember I used to have fun with friends and chase girls on it, now I pretty much just keep to myself and think about the next line.

Didn't get a promotion and almost lost my job because of it

>> No.8375333

>addicted to shekels
>addicted to pain meds

>> No.8375339

I'm addicted 2 dat pussy

Also internet chat rooms

>> No.8375358

I have a confession to make: I'm addicted to Reddit. I don't even enjoy it, I just keep on scrolling through all the shit on there and all it does is annoy me but I can't stop, because when the little envelope in the top right turns red or I get a load of karma I get this surge of validation and it makes me happy but then I just need more of it.

>> No.8375369

>tfw not addicted to anything at all.
maybe i game too much, tho
>tfw addicted to gaming and can't do anything productive

>> No.8375713


yeah man reddit and 4chan are definitely addictive. you get that little burst of dopamine when you open a link or someone responds to your post. it doesn't help that theres pretty much infinite content on both sites

>> No.8375719

>tfw was slipping into dxm addiction and then the last time I did it I realized I was only feeling a buzz

shit sucks man, but at least I'm getting out of it before I end up having to chug more than one bottle of that ish

>> No.8375726


>> No.8376095

I'm addicted to buying really unhealthy foods and throwing them up after eating.

I know it should be called bulimia but if I eat say a salad or something healthy I don't do it.


Also addicted to stool softeners. I know it's probably killing me but I can't stop. i've tried and it wont' work.

>> No.8376106

I'm like a fuckin kid
>tfw rather eat M&M's than taste pussy

>> No.8376111

trust me m&m is a far more pleasant experience 95% of the time

>> No.8376136
File: 13 KB, 223x214, le lemon face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw your ex knows your checking her facebook and tumblr cause of apps that show the exact location of every visiter.

>> No.8376152

holy fuck your generation is gay as fuck

>> No.8376446
File: 9 KB, 300x247, car-keys-616444-m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are u black?

>> No.8376486
File: 1.37 MB, 2303x2421, dopamine internet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8376493

>go to NYC after saving up a couple paychecks
>go consignment shopping
>literally have to stop myself from buying every other thing in the store even though it's so cheap
>tfw come back home with a suitcase full of black clothes
>rinse, repeat every month

At least I look good.

>> No.8376515
File: 8 KB, 227x222, sadfrog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw addicted to porn and fapping

Its hard but ive installed a porn blocker software and made the password so long i cant remember it. Now i CANT watch porn. I also cant browse /b/ or /pol/.


>> No.8376518


If you have it set up right, it should only block certain boards. Mine blocks /b/ and /s/, for example, but i cant still go on /fa/ and /fit/. Go to the custom option at the bottom of the menu

>> No.8376561


Drank and injected everything under the sun for years.
Do AA and haven't drank or drugged in 3yrs.
Just cop sick fits

>> No.8376568
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well idk if im addicted but i definitely go in phases where ill collect different shit and have that on rotation
like i collect a shit ton of comix i remember buying over 200+ issues of SPAWN because its always been impossible for me to find,

then i for the last few months i started getting very interested in collecting and making my own vinyl/resin art toys like that kid robot/ kaws/frank kozik shit
and ill get addicted to working out for the endorphins afterward,and lately ive been drinking alot more than i usually do and keep thinking about wanting to do some rec benzo's while i play vidya and paint

>> No.8376575

Tell me that you at least tried to extract the codeine first.

>> No.8376619

addicted to fapping bruh

>> No.8376672

>>mfw your ex knows your checking her facebook and tumblr cause of apps that show the exact location of every visiter.

Wait wait elaborate on this shit?

>> No.8376716

alcohol drugs and sex
been homeless because of it
6 legitimate suicide attempts probably 3 cries for help
two rehabs and a psych ward and lost my friends and family
used to shoot up dirty needles in public toilets
a year and a half sober now doing a lot of AA happier than ive ever been even before i picked up any substances or had sex
live in a very nice part of melbourne now, do uni full time and have everyone back in my life + way more people

ps if you are addicted to anything, its only going to get worse until you die or stop altogether. 12 step programs have a 100% success rate if you work them as hard as you can

>> No.8376734


>> No.8376778


>> No.8376801


>> No.8376814

12 step programs have a 5% success rate and are a cult. There is no god.

>> No.8376819

Was in that boat recently.

After breaking up with my girlfriend on a nasty comedown I reassessed my usage. Is this shit fun anymore? Is it worth the money? Is it worth wrecking my sleep habits? Am I becoming that guy always complaining if theres no drugs around?

Just stop man. Its over hyped. Not even cool or glamorous just played and meh.

>> No.8376824
File: 163 KB, 2560x1440, f7162faa-f511-4dbd-b15c-437393497.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol I'm a smoker but honestly I don't think its that bad for you. All the shit you see on TV is paid actors

>> No.8376827

it's only glamorous and cool to people who havent been around it long enough

>> No.8376857

Holy shit, most retarded comment of 2014 right here.

Smoking is directly related to three of (#1, 2 and 4) the leading causes of death.

If you want to smoke yourself to death, fine, but at least know what you're doing to yourself or you will regret it.

>> No.8376927

theres apps/extensions you download that tracks visitors ip adresses, then show where your at. If they notice your area or something fishy , they can look further and find your exact location on google maps through the app. Btw its a tracker/counter as well, so they can see how many times you visit. It works with tumblr anonymous messages as well.

>> No.8376944

whats your favorite candy :3

>> No.8376950

go outside

>> No.8377004

Stop being 16

>> No.8377014

did u kno that driving a car is a leading cause of auto related death

>> No.8377037

addicted to vinyl

>> No.8377043

i feel you :\

>> No.8377063

Did you know that breathing is related to all causes of death?

Look, if you want to be a retard, be a retard.
I don't give a shit.
Let's see how you feel about it in a couple years when the initial effects sink in and you're not able to stop.

>> No.8377068

damn i keep doing this... FUCK

>> No.8377236

post links you spitefag so we can tell you how right you are

>> No.8377282

wait like what exactly? I've been going crazy this whole summer and I have yet to notice anything but slight grogginess.

>> No.8377297

He's probably gotten fat

>> No.8378263

>addicted to stool softeners

>> No.8378280

i've thought of this, but always just kind of assumed none of my ex's are savvy/paranoid enough to employ.

>> No.8378301

i've been wondering about this too.

mom's in aa and always says shit about god, and resigning to a higher power and purpose, and shit. like, it's not her responsibility to stay clean, but she has to double-think her way into it's part of somebody else's plan she do so...

i don't wanna tip any fedoras, but i cringe every time i hear that shit. like, why does god have to be a part of being sober? are people so weak-willed they can't even just be clean cos they want to and they wanna do it for their family?

to me it's like these sports players that say god helped them hit that homerun or win that fucking trophy. like, why aren't you asking him where the fuck he was when you struck out or lost?

like fuck man. whether or not you want to believe it, god isn't the reason you made it to the finals, you are, and all the time you spent working for it. and fuck, mom, god isn't keeping you sober, you are. have some fucking pride in that at least, and take responsibility for doing good on your own, cos you fucking wanted to...

shit. i'm starting to resent her for it...

>> No.8378402

dude you have to realise the primary reason all that god shit became so popular is because people's lives are much easier this way, your mom and her habit is a good example.

>> No.8378422

i'm addicted to not having a gf

>> No.8378436

>are people so weak-willed they can't even just be clean cos they want to
Theres the problem bro. They don't want to be clean. What ever makes them an addict is a fundamental flaw in their personality. They're clean because they have to be not because they want to be. all that god shit is just like an ex-smoker eating sunflower seeds or chewing gum.

>> No.8378533

>making my own vinyl/resin art toys
really? how do you do it? also can we see one?

>> No.8378762


My ex is honestly not that smart.

>> No.8378767


I'm a med student, lots of doctors and other "high-achieving" types have various addictions.

When I was interviewing for medical school in Las Vegas, a doc was testing me about how I'd handle a situation where a fellow doc is obviously alcoholic and comes in drunk--he says, "We all have our addictions."

I've never heard truer words--everyone in the modern Western world is addicted to something or another for our happiness--socializing, TV/shows/NetFix, escapist movies/media, celebrity gossip, buying clothes, fatty foods, soda, vidya, porn, hookers, cocaine, whatever. Our primitive animal brains were never meant to be able to actually have access to enjoyable stuff that we can now so easily create with our science/technology, so it's no surprise we are all helpless addicts.

>> No.8379554

I'm addicted to being depressed

>> No.8379634

I'm addicted to pornography. Have been for years.
Recently went almost a month without it.
Sudden massive cravings give in fap like a mad man.
Realize how socially wrong this is and how much of a creepy weirdo it makes me.
Look up how bad masturbating is when you do it yourself to porn or no porn.
Look up it takes months to get your brain back to normal and the withdrawal symptoms are ducking horrible.
Explains why I could have a lot of the personality flaws that I have because I'm going through withdrawal.
Fuck my life.

>> No.8379660

Making molds aren't that hard, youtube it and just google the chemicals they use
Making a good figure everyone likes is a fuckin challenge
>tfw u love action figure and vinyl shit yet u can never work for hasbro/bandai/NECA/kidrobot..etc.. because you never learned graphic design
how2reset life?

>> No.8379672

i'm afraid of getting a job and having an income because i know i'll abuse it

i feel bad about buying cigarettes because it's my mom's money

i know i'll just spend my entire paycheck on cigarettes, booze, clothing, expensive food, and maybe harder drugs

but yeah only addictions right now are internet, gaming to a lesser extent, and cigs

>> No.8379684

Porn (Just watching/collecting it, I very rarely fap nowadays)

Afraid of getting addicted to cigs ;_;

>> No.8379686

>tfw you will never work for lego and rub against astrid

>> No.8379717


>> No.8379851

where do i download this please respond babe