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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 8 KB, 200x200, labels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8347534 No.8347534 [Reply] [Original]

Have you or anyone you know ever started your own /fa/ label?
If so tell me all about it, good bad,whatever...

>> No.8347545

no but it's one of my life goals

probably gonna start one when I raise enough money in like 1 or 2 years

right now learning all bout sewing

>> No.8347562

how much do you need?
what do you have planed?
talk about it!

>> No.8347567

i sketch out things and ideas for clothing that i have, but they're probably not gonna come true since textile game too hard, and i'm a sucker for having things they way i planned them out!!

anyway if anyone's curious, my stuff is inspired by tranquility, meditation, and things like that (mainly concerning with introspectiveness). hopefully i translated those into clothing well enough.

>> No.8347591

I have about £200 but as I want to start a streetwear brand and would want to start with 2/3 t shirts, 1/2 bucket hats and a hoodie I'd need about £1500 for all the manufacturing designing help and so on and so on

currently have a lot of prints designs logos vectors ideas drawn/written down all collected in one folder

got a £130 sewing machine frmo John Lewis 1,5 weeks ago but I still don't know shit haha, it's gonna take time to learn this shit

I dont really know what else could I tell u, bought a couple books about running a fashion label etc, ebooks about history of fashion, patterns, I wanna know shit before I go to the toilet

I think the most important thing is having a good taste, if your taste is shit and you don't have a) connections b) a lot of money c) a good idea how to jump on the current trends then you're gonna waste time and money

>> No.8347621


sounds really interesting, post your sketches would be cool to see

>> No.8347625

>John Lewis
where in the UK?

>> No.8347627

London Oxford Street

>> No.8347638

good luck with your goal

>> No.8347641

thanks mate, w-we're all gonna make it /fa/

>> No.8347655
File: 83 KB, 640x562, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to.

I think one of the most critical parts to it is not only the technical aspects on how to make clothes but the creative aspect. I explained a few days ago about my method on how to do this, it's the basis of how everyone makes things.

But none of you ever care what I have to say ever? Like one minute I could be revealing the location of the holy grail and the next ill talk about how sexy natalie looks and guess which one people pay attention to?

That's right. I don't care though, if people want to learn they will learn.

>> No.8347665

Those are really really bad drawings batty boy

>> No.8347669

Hold on how sexy did you say Natalie looks?

>> No.8347678
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Tbh id rather talk about her anyway. :)

>> No.8347742
File: 1.97 MB, 1742x1236, Screen Shot 2014-06-12 at 10.41.59 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's a few doodles i guess! they're all under the concept of "ripple". i tried to emulate the feeling of containing and expanding, but hm let's see /fa/'s opinion on this lol

>> No.8347747

Can you explain a bit more about your thought process behind it? I think it interesting.

>> No.8347760

ripples are caused by water droplets, and albeit these water droplets start out small, they begin to propagate within the "solvent" as they drop down. by using the concept of the ripple, i aim to illustrate how such a contained, small thing could be expanded, likewise with the mind -- with one thing acting as a trigger, many other things could be excited from it!
sorry if what i have typed is confusing, i'm very sleepy right now!

>> No.8347763


This Anon is the type off blaggard who will do grate at collage and can't work in the real world.
I really hate you

>> No.8347767

it's a sketch not a collage you dweeb

>> No.8347769

anybody own something made by knoch? does he tag his stuff?

>> No.8347770


dumb and dumber

>> No.8347777

man, why 'hate'? at least offer constructive points du

>> No.8347778

My next question would be what part of the clothing shows that concept of expansion? Do you know what I mean?

>> No.8347787

defo!! i tried to play around with familiar styles of clothing and then tried to make them a bit 'wonky' and 'let loose'. with parts that are oversized, or even whole items that are cut perfectly, then oversized (i guess i didn't illustrate it that well.. i'm not too good at drawing!), the idea of containment -> expansion is made.

>> No.8347791
File: 2.64 MB, 400x225, 1355857946734.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all those retards making sketches

How about learn to sew.

>> No.8347815
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>not realizing my first post in this thread was to derail from cut and sew to conceptual work
>not realizing I've been on this board for years and its taken me that long to even begin to share anything personal of mine to you all
>thinking this all I ( or we) have to offer, not realizing pattern making and seeing is actually pretty fucking straightforward and even my mom can do it
>expecting everything to be handed to you because you are a spoiled brat

Go fuck yourself. Seriously. Entitled fuck shit

>> No.8347822

this u? pls b in SE London

>> No.8347826
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Being good at drawing is not really necessary, just look at how some top designers sketch. What's more important is that you nail things like silhouette, proportion, texture etc.

On another note, the reason I am asking you these questions is because I am trying to see how your creative process fits in my "system" that I've been talking about for a while. I'm going to go ahead and save your drawing and your explanations and use them as examples for the future if that's okay with you.

When I have everything in a cohesive presentation I want to share it with you all :)

>> No.8347832
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Depends. How much you make a year?

>> No.8347835

I work at JD bb I can get you some sneakers 25% off

>> No.8347849

>implying I wasn't being ironic

>> No.8347858

i'm not a fashion major or anything, and i forgot to mention that i do not know how to sew ~_~ although this might make things seem worse on my half, sketching things out is a crucial foundation in creating something. it's the bare bones of what creates something, and sometimes it's even easier to tell what is going on in a sketch than a photo of an actual product, since you're just rendering something that's supposed to be 3d into 2d. with the confusion that 2d photographs have of 3d products, it is much easier to show a sketch or drawing to someone rather than to just hand over a photograph and say "yeah i'm aiming to do this".

np du!! i'm glad that my work will serve as an example for something, even though it's not that refined :) by being good at drawing, i meant that i didn't emulate those feelings and sensations that well;;
i'm looking forward to the work that you're gonna produce!

>> No.8347859
File: 36 KB, 622x562, 1360943554907.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You being shit trip for years means nothing, and drawning sketches with pseudo-intelectual "conceptual" ideas behind them, that don't even resemble realistic human bodies means nothing as well.

Just because your mom can fix a hole in a cotton fabric with a needle and a thread doesn't mean shit because you couldn't make pattern for a single piece of clothing that you have drawn, not to mention that you wouldn't know how to sew it together.

>> No.8347866

Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamn, Fucking rocked 'em

>> No.8347868
File: 123 KB, 682x711, bear-blinkkig-eyes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

think about your concepts
i know we are on fa and we want to be avaunt garde all the time but it wont make you any money.
you can have a collection that is edgier but ensure that the majority of the line is easy to sell. dumb down the fashion for the public.
remember you have to sell it not just look at it.

any fashion line needs a huge backing income wise
you need to plan every detail out
think of a manufacturer
turkey makes decent quality garments.
china is good and cheap
italy is just a name. but quality is there wont lie

think of where you going to sell
online flagship, flagship storefront, or market it to retailers. charge a markup and sell to local or even big clothing stores.

marketing is huge. you need a professional to launch this and give you a huge online following.
you cant just tell your pals on fb

hope this helps.
this is 1/19 from my experiences in the fashion/retail world.
i was typing on my phone so there are going to be errors

>> No.8347869
File: 81 KB, 640x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not surprised that everything I said went completely over your head.

When I said I've been here for years i was talking about how I've gone this long without talking about my personal life and skills. You don't anything about me idiot, just because I posted some sketches I did doesnt mean anything.

As for not resembling humans?
No being able to piece together patterns?

Ha you honestly are giving way too much credit to this craft, the most difficult part will always be the conceptual creative aspect to it, unless of course you are doing something tedious like mass embroidery that requires hours of work.

Anyway you're just an asshole anyway that girl and I came into this thread with good vibes and good intentions, and you come in here just beig an asshole. Not really a surprise but nothing I say will change that about you.

Don't bother replying, ill read it but I won't type anything back

>> No.8347872

>I've gone this long without talking about my personal life and skills
You should keep that up
>You don't anything about me
And I think I speak for all of /fa/ when I say we don't want to.
>I posted some sketches I did doesnt mean anything.
I agree, they're awful.
if you can't handle criticism you're on the wrong board Donte.

>> No.8347874
File: 162 KB, 500x700, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi thanks for everything I'm going to go speed run snake eater on European extreme ttyl bye :)

>> No.8347878

Lmaoing my butt off at this guy :)
I know I said i wouldn't reply but this is just too good B)
"Constructive criticism" hahaha

>> No.8347892

log off pls

>> No.8347904

I appreciated that you had the balls to post something you made and the concept behind it. Is it good? I find it too obvious, too contrived. I secretly love processing the glistening chaos of my creative mind into a tangible thing, but yeah, assholes will always put you down unless every other asshole thinks its good. Keep trying, because, we both know its fun :)

>> No.8347911

what a horrible world we live in

>> No.8347922
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2nd from right are the zara pleated shorts

>> No.8347923
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That wasn't me.

>the most difficult part will always be the conceptual creative aspect to it

But do you think designers just draw sketches and mail them to China where they are sewn together? They know how make patterns. They know how to sew clothes.

Not to mention that "conceptual aspect" matters only if the clothing article is actually made.

Also you having tits really doesn't matter.

>> No.8348009
File: 806 KB, 1000x1000, 1 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Working on starting one right now, will release everything in a few days probably. Streetwear brand starting with snapbacks/tshirts. Any advice?

Starting with 2 different tshirt designs for men, and 2 different coloured snapbacks.

>this pic cause i dont really wanna give away the logo/name yet

>> No.8348027

its all about hype.
generate ahuge following
viral and word of mouthy marketing is huge.
find some local style ambassadors. approach them with the idea of repping the gear and spreading word of mouth.
offer sale codes or special sales.

it may be hard at first. its near impossible for a company to make money in the first year

ask any more questions if you nee to

>> No.8348038
File: 4 KB, 85x101, computer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do pixel art and have always wanted to do Windows 98 inspired large prints.

>> No.8348081

I agree with some of your points. Gareth Pugh is a good example of your first assertion that you need to cater to consumers as well as your perceived 'fashion as art' demographic. Pugh started going way out there with his designs, many of which were unwearable outside the runway. It was only with the financial help of Rick Owens that Pugh was able to keep his label going and he's since created more accessible clothing for purchase, although the high price is still limiting.

However, there's something to be said for passion, design, and luck. Gareth Pugh earned support and financial backers through his radically oversized and whimsical design. There's another English designer whose name escapes me that started out buying scraps from street markets in London and sewing them into clothes for himself. He caught the eye of the editor of i-D magazine and became famous in England.

You can make clothes for yourself without hoping for market success and if the right connections and paths open up, you can expand later.

>> No.8348085

You'd be surprised how many big designers know next to nothing about pattern making.

>> No.8348090

The thing is pretty much all famous rappers (Rappers are good ambassadors, since both they and their fans wear streetwear) in the country and all dat are already sponsored by another brand as far as I know. Would you advice us to target bloggers? Give em some free shit, give em a discount code to give to their readers etc.

>> No.8348098

That's kinda trendy right now. It's being called vaporwave and it started as a musical movement, notably from the label Beer on the Rug. The old computer imagery has a '90's feel that fits in with normcore.

I think vaporwave in music died out a couple of years ago, but I see people here posting clothing like you're describing all the time. It's mostly a cottage industry that uses Bigcartel.

>> No.8348105

Go for the local music scene. Obviously you're not gonna get A$AP Rocky to rep your brand, but all the big name rappers started somewhere. Odd Future made Supreme a household name, but they were wearing it before they got big.

>> No.8348112

That ship is sailing, but, if its truly good it will have a place, why not put your own spin on it? Use pixel art, combine it with something new ,go someplace the vaporware / nostalgia movement isn't

>> No.8348122

this dude already beat me to the punch.

do local fashion shows. promote your line on the local scene

>> No.8348123

I gotchu, I just have no idea where to find these people. No local hip hop events, or anything like that as far as I know. There used to be a battle league based here, but they've been shut down for like a year.

I'll definitely dig into this now though.

>> No.8349288

>be me
>got my career fucked up because of partying
>started learning how to sew
>fabric is very accesible in my country because >muh manufacturing region
>started making some sketches
>i think i can sell some dresses and coats first
>this is the only thing i know that will save my future

i need this to survive or else the only option is suicide

>> No.8349358

i have some tips for you m8

>NEVER draw a face in a sketch
it makes it look weird and distract the attention to the overall fit, just draw the basic face lines

>draw first the body structure
this is important when designing becuase it makes you see the proportions of the design also it makes it easier to design the cuts and seams

>draw a solid pose then a fluid pose
do this to see if the design looks proportioned in all the body and if its fluid and actually wearable

i might post my sketches but i cant findmy scanner, maybe i´ll make a thread

>> No.8349379
File: 10 KB, 275x183, mach.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can you rate my situation?

>i´m 18 yo with a pretty good amount of free time
>have a really old sewing machine, still works fine (pic related is something very similar)
>fabirc and thread are rather cheap in Mexico
>the market is filled of shitty pleb clothes like Hollister so i guess some regular decent designs to start up would be enough to get a kickstart
>i would make garments by demand
>pretty good skills in sewing and cutting

so wut do you say? should i invest in a new machine? i´m thinking in only making coats first by demand and with close friends then expand and move to jackets, buttoned shirts and dresses