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/fa/ - Fashion

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8324836 No.8324836[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I'm not trying to start a MFA vs FA thread but, can someone explain why shit like this reaches the front page and /r/all?

"The difference in getting my clothes tailored."

>> No.8324837
File: 381 KB, 2560x1920, aTX6ibI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and shit like this.

"Going bald. Should I shave it or stick with a buzz cut?"

Hows this fucker going bald is already bald.

>> No.8324840


are you retarded

this is actually a good picture to use an example of tailoring vs not tailored, only reason it's bad is cause he's fat

>> No.8324846


>should I shave it or stick with a buzzcut

What the fuck does that even mean

how is that already a buzz

what the fuck

>> No.8324847

wowitsfucking nothing.jpeg

>> No.8324850

This really is a snapshot of what I imagined the average redditor looked like
>laughable goatee

probably fucking insufferable to be around aswell

>> No.8324863


Holy fuck I understand you can't do anything about being bald and short, but drop some fucking weight, sort out that fucking awful facial hair and for the love of god stop dressing like that

>> No.8324872

And that is a snapshot of how the average 4chan user verifiably looks.

>> No.8324896
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>can someone explain why shit like this reaches the front page and /r/all?

Only if you can explain why you're on the front page of Reddit in the first place.

>> No.8324955

>shit fa says

Goddamn nigger are you blind or just acting retarded?

>> No.8325063


Does this guy have a neck? Clothes maybe tailored but they still look like crap.

>> No.8325070

>this is actually a good
>only reason it's bad

>> No.8325091

word of advice to anyone reading: if you have a goatee, go shave right fucking now or commit to a full beard. you do not make it work. people think you look like a child molester.

>> No.8325190

because reddit has a bigger audience and an older age range and think fashion is dressing like you go to private school. everyone here is 15-25 and gay for rick owens.

>> No.8325199
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>> No.8325205

the jacket itself is kinda cool

but it just doesnt work with that normalcore clothing

>> No.8325223

video game inspired clothing looks like shit 99% of the time

>> No.8325254

Because people on reddit are afraid to make people feel bad by using downvotes so they Upvote everyone instead

Guaranteed everyone saying this doesn't look bad is either in their first yr here or a reddit migrant

>> No.8325273

Weight loss will be his main issue, full bald, full beard and dress simply and appropriately for his age. He'd look much more imposing like skinheads or cholos, but without the tattoos and clothes.

>> No.8325293


>things can't be good but also have a bad part

nigger there's this word, called perfection, it means no flaws, good means it's less than perfect, which implies falls

>> No.8325294

needs fingerless gloves and anime hairdo

>> No.8325354

Fuck. I was about to post this shit. I'm giving up on the subreddit. No fucking idea w hat's been happening in the last year or so but I don't care. I'm finally done.

>> No.8325372

Could have pulled some shit from /r/mfa that would have been just as bad. Pulling from /r/masseffect is like pulling from /mlp/ or /b/ to prove a point.

>> No.8325423
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Am I ready for summer ?

>> No.8325506

whats with all the salmon colored clothing ive been seeing here the last few wees?

>> No.8325557
File: 109 KB, 576x1024, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You must definitely be new here

>> No.8325590

w-what if I am?

>> No.8325650

And 100% of the time when worn by unfit white guys

>> No.8325664

>white guys
White people are pretty much the most /fa/ people on earth.

Deal with it shitskin.

>> No.8325688

except that isn't what you said at all. you said it's bad - that's pretty conclusive/final. you're just making shit up now hoping it sticks

you're the type of person who does their thinking after they say something instead of before

>> No.8325706

I've stopped going to MFA for the last 2 years. It's literally the same self congratulatory bullshit you get in all the popular subreddits.

I only go there to laugh

>> No.8325717

>unfit white guys

fuck off mate you took his entire quote out of context. silly retards just taking every insult and being a bitch about it. also black people are the most /fa/ and i'm not even black, so just deal with it faggot.

>> No.8325724
File: 284 KB, 491x491, lel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>also black people are the most /fa/ and i'm not even black

>> No.8325731

go back to /pol/ or /b/. We don't need shit posters like yourself. This board is bad enough as it is. If you insist on staying please refrain from shitposting

>> No.8325737

Bruh it's just the internet lmfao

>> No.8325740

o vey very nice goy. there will be many burgers for you.

>> No.8325759

what do jews stand to gain by saying that black people are most /fa/

this is how disconnected some of you are from real life

>> No.8325770

>video game inspired clothing

jesus it's t shirt and jeans there's nothing inspired about it

>> No.8325775

Anything to put whites down you mongoloid. They're evil! Remember?! 6 gorillion!!!

>> No.8325777

It's the normalization and dehumanization process. They are trying to make you feel inferior and promote race mixing.

>> No.8325875

no way, his posture is also totally fucked in the before pic. looks like aids either way

>> No.8325943

That fuckin neckbeard do people not see how hideous this looks?

>> No.8326013
File: 587 KB, 636x479, Screen shot 2014-06-06 at 8.39.10 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: pure mad

>> No.8326049

You're an idiot. I didn't say white people couldnt be effay, I said that unfit white guys (the people who tend to wear clothes inspired by video games) always look terrible in those types of clothes. I'm not even black you dumb fuck

>> No.8326063

The pants still look like a shit fit

>> No.8326067
File: 146 KB, 580x800, 1389470574632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MFA has been shit for a while now, I actually used to go there pretty frequently. There were so many posts with "Where can I find this sweater?" with 500 comments even though they have threads specifically for that. Same deal with the "I just bought *blank*, what will go with it?" and no matter how shitty it looks if you try to say that all you get is downvotes. I once told some guy nothing would look good with his fucking galaxy print shoes and I just got downvoted and told off. They're too worried about feelings and being nice there, which is why, as shitty as this board is, I prefer /fa/. MFA used to be alright but it got too big for its own good.

>> No.8326072

yea the hugbox mentality is infecting so many boards, its terrible.

>> No.8326117

Wow luke, you are a cool man.

>> No.8326123
File: 348 KB, 1232x1600, fashion creases.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will Laren is so based

/fa/ related

>> No.8326146

That nigga was going bald in 1988. Now he's just bald.

>> No.8326216
File: 79 KB, 960x720, fish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow he magically got taller in that after pic.

>> No.8326227
File: 321 KB, 1582x1047, 8025102-image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went to a reddit meetup once, about 90% of the males fit that description. pic not related.

>> No.8326233

>I went to a reddit meetup once

>> No.8326238


you're a retard

like I can't even argue with you

>> No.8326898

I always wanted that Max Payne 3 shirt

>> No.8326928

I just fucking vomited.

>> No.8327215


>> No.8327218

>look like trailer trash
>bothering with tailoring

why? absolutely no one is going to notice. they'd go more compliments by wearing under armour

>> No.8327570

Is that the licensed one or the one made by the same company without the r* branding?

>> No.8327911

It's the original by RJC.
I believe R* version is the exact same shirt, only with their branding added on. If you're gonna binge drink and pop pills daily, the shirt is a must cop.

>> No.8329199

nigga got swag

>> No.8330117

Leave plebbit. Don't ask questions just do it. Once the reddit deception wears off, you'll see the load of b.s. it truly is

>> No.8330198

haha. jesus, fucker find a goddamn iron!

people do. he doesn't.

are you at prison?

>> No.8330220

is there a better sub, mfa is now basically a containment board

>> No.8330870

>STEM major goes to the club alone

>> No.8330912

If your into that stuff
/r/malefashion is pretty much /fa/ lite

>> No.8330931
File: 228 KB, 860x684, 1360451660199.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that guy

>> No.8330954


He's clearly in some changing rooms, he must have gotten that off the peg

>> No.8330993

Ok. I usually stick up for mfa when the threads are posted but fuck. Me. If this is the sort of person who makes up the community of reddit I no longer have any pity for them.

>> No.8330997

4chan yes, /fa/, no

>> No.8331006


>> No.8331014

>tailoring bad clothing
I mean yeah I guess it's a good thing that he figured out tailoring (clap clap) but why bother when no one will notice

>> No.8331146

pleps notice the stupidest most inane shit. even if
>tailoring bad clothing

>> No.8332014

What are y'alls thoughts on /r/malefashion and /r/streetwear ?

>> No.8332156
File: 23 KB, 614x383, 21HkEQo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was in a band that had just formed, and we were looking for easy gigs. We threw our hat in the ring and got picked to play. It was a house party/meetup in Chicago with free kegs. someone had sex in the stairwell with a 16 yeast old girl, if memory serves.

>> No.8332325

JIDF pls go

>> No.8332352

george is gettin upset

>> No.8332849

malefashion is practically a really slow /fa/ (it looks like it shares its userbase) in a reddit layout

streetwear is really hit or miss, but that is also because streetwear is a really vague interest. Expect to have really cool post on one day(posted yesterday: https://imgur.com/a/0pxBE#0)) and crappy loud waywt from teenagers on the next day.