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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 56 KB, 507x250, Wiki views.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8307700 No.8307700[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Holy shit, people actually read the wiki?

Maybe we should make it suck less

>> No.8307710

lol i forgot we had a wiki

ok op what's the plan what will we work on first

>> No.8307720


The problem is that there's so little consensus on /fa/ about what the basics should be

>> No.8307722

fuck I don't know

it's our fault it sucks in the first place, I doubt we could actually make it better

>> No.8307728

just make it open for editing.

on second thought, a lot of aussies have been taking a dump on this board lately so probably keep the editing to an elite few.

>> No.8307729

are there pages for reviews? i glanced and apparently the admin of the wiki doesn't like the idea of reviews?

>> No.8307743

a lot of people were really worried about names being attached to anything when it was first made. The big fear was that tripfags would shitpost and peacock and it would ruin the perfect objective wiki that was supposed to be made

the truth is I think a grand total of like four people put in a bit of work then gave up, everybody else sat around complaining about the handful of things that were added. Most anons would rather say "what the fuck is this? remove it now" than actually contribute.

so the main problem with the wiki is that /fa/ is lazy

>> No.8307751

as for whether you can do reviews, the problem is there's nothing built in for it right now. the question is do reviews link from the brand pages, or do individual reviewers have pages on the wiki where their reviews/pictures can all go? and if the latter, how do we link those to the front page without everyone getting mad that someone is looking for attention?

>> No.8307755

I was a little miffed that all the shit reccomended on the wiki is dadcore whereas the consensus on /fa/ is that that kind of stuff is boring.

as a whole it's pretty useless to be honest, where did /fa/ learn about fashion?

>> No.8307773

I agree, pretty much everything just redirects to young stalin or thefaggotstore (which is btw dead)

>> No.8307788
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inspo pages for pieces
>gallery of fits and pics containing individual items

inspo pages for styles
>because this would be subjective, people should vote or complain on the respective discussion page

>who gives a shit if tripfags get associated with certain brands
>if there is outright vandalism, lock the page or just ban ips, etc
>pics, unboxing vids, reviews, info on sizing, fits

>> No.8307789

There needs to be lots for the UK users of /fa/. I know there's a lot of us but unlike Aussies I almost never see any threads.

>> No.8307801

would "fit of the week" be too much?

>> No.8307804

there'd probably be a collective shitstorm each week because nobody would come to a consensus on it

I like this

>> No.8307808

I think the wiki was sort of meant to be a "here are the absolute basics if you are an idiot from /b/ who wears WalMart jeans and tees with sassy nerd slogans and a fedora" so that those people wouldn't constantly and repetitively start threads about how to become fashionable, what to buy to get started, etc.

The clothing suggestions are very conservative, but that's because it's the sticky for people who don't even know how a shirt should fit or what a button-down is. Or people who just got a job and don't know how to dress business casual.

>> No.8307809

make that Fit(s) of the Week
make a thread and have everyone vote
i'm sure it won't last long but it'll be fun while it lasts

>> No.8307811

Maybe there could be a voting poll where you can vote which fit is the best? Or is that a little too much?

>> No.8307820

we'd probably end up with some dadcore fag as the fit of the week because of the lulzy folks of /fa

>> No.8307822

>inspo pages for pieces

actually this is a pretty good idea.

the /fa/ wiki/sticky should just be a collection of inspo pics of different styles that keep getting reposted in the inspo thread. simple enough.

that way we avoid the retardation of prescribing a """"""/fa/ uniform""""" with certain brands and pieces of clothing to people that want to get into fashion

>> No.8307824

i agree with the first 2

i think sizing info and DIY is cool too

because we english, what do you expect

>> No.8307830


Yes, just look at the waywt threads. They already have shitstorms on a daily basis.

Making the wiki better is a good thing but it's going to be hard to keep the trolls away.

>> No.8307831

Also i feel like there should be better info on how clothes should fit. With decent, detailed diagrams.

like fuck... i want to know how perfect fitted jeans should look and the difference in mid/high tier denim

>> No.8307836

I agree, young stalin is really dated

>> No.8307845

There should just be more store recommendation. different from the current
>MIDTIER ........

and have 3 shops suggested. Not very helpful. And it's a bit out dated. Maybe work on styling tips. Other than that is should probably have an embedded link to MFA's guide etc... Just so people that actually wanna learn the basics can get a good idea.

>> No.8307862
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will edit wiki for dogecoins

>> No.8307921

goat fit

yea, editing the wiki would be helpful for newfriends

just a list of good retailers like très bien would be helpful allready

crowd sourcing is the way forwards

>> No.8308190

>because we english, what do you expect

I don't know, what should I expect.

>> No.8308192

There's already lists and lists of good retailers you dumb fuccboi.

>> No.8308200

the wiki entry about how warm/hot water opens up pores is kek

that's completely false

>> No.8308210
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>perfect objective wiki


>> No.8308216

of course we can. fewer than a dozen people contributed to the sticky in the first place and only a few of those people contributed to how bad certain portions of the sticky are. It only takes a few people to fix it

>> No.8308238


Yeah but it's out of the way and old af

>> No.8308246

Come on guys, we need an actual plan

I'm down to help fix the fucking thing, but who even can edit it at this point and who's willing to do 10 min of work on it

>> No.8308249

just add more content in terms of recommendations of what to buy/not buy for newfags and explanations as to why or why not you should cop shit from certain brands/stores

>> No.8308252


No, just set up a fucking poll and tell everyone not to bitch about it

we're a cohesive enough community to agree on 5 fucking fits a week

>> No.8308260

I feel like that would be too high maintenance. A folder of good waywt pics would be great, but we don't need an ongoing, weekly thing. Not that there's anything wrong with that. Someone would just have to keep up on it, make a poll, and then post the winner on the sticky.

>> No.8308264


That's what they put on barbasol cans, who gives a shit how accurate it is it's accepted

Guys let's give up and make tuxbell redirect to the mfa wiki

>> No.8308270

newfag here

what's wrong with mfa?

>> No.8308279


Leddit is gay and stupid and we hate leddit


Nothing really, we have all the same gripes about them they would about us if they knew about us. A lot of fits they have are shit, most are horribly executed menswear or edgy bullshit (just like here tbh).

It's really just the rival community to here, like /mu/ and /r/music

>> No.8308280

lurk more

>> No.8308289

Fuck off tripfag scum

>> No.8308292

it's too subjective

>> No.8308296

Is this your first day on /fa/? This is the board of tripfags

>> No.8308303


This place is gay as fuck.

>> No.8308311
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we need le upboat system xD

>> No.8308313


yeah, but there are certain ways a shirt should fit, trouser leg should break, blazer should be buttoned, tie tied etc.

Jeans are admittedly too subjective but infogrgaphics on shit would be nice

>> No.8308331

I hear people complain about it, but never any specific criticisms. What, specifically, is wrong with it, what parts, etc? I ask this as one of the people who contributed a fair amount to the sticky when it was first created. Parts of it I know are awful because there was a lot of infighting and instead of starting an editing war I laid off certain areas. The areas I did contribute to suffered due to incompleteness, I'll admit, but almost everyone abandoned the project no more than 2 weeks after we started up on it. Was hard to stay motivated at that point.

>> No.8308337


Nobody even uses it enough to know the problem bruv

I'm just going through adding shit and fixing errors atm, I figure if everyone does that it'll be fine

>> No.8308391

it heavily pushes prep and dadcore.

and in that case, we might as well redirect to mfa.

>> No.8308395

Hahaha the example pics on the style page are killing me

also who added normcore, isn't it like 4 days old atm

>> No.8309118

What it NEEDS is places to expand

Alot of the nerds spend all their time discussing fashion that they see here. and thats it. theres like maybe 10 people that bring in news and stuff from the outside.

put blogs and designers sites to follow

>> No.8309445

yea more links would be nice for inspo

>> No.8309498

There are these HUUGE pages on companies which only make moccasins, unnecessary. Big designers deserve pages, most other companies would be fine with just a small blurb (which isn't copied from wikipedia).

The list of stores should be a tagged system so that people can tick "cheap" and "goth ninja" and then see a list of all budgetninja stores.

The basics pages should mirror the current consensus of /fa/ and recommend the 'techno interests me' minimalist look. It should also be a lot shorter.

There should be pages for each fad each with a small gallery showing examples.

Split the grooming page into a skincare page, a haircare page.

The landing page should be a newfag FAQ which mirrors the most common questions that are currently being asked.

>> No.8309525

I made those pages back when the wiki was starting.

Go ahead and make the pages that are more "necessary". No one will do it for you.

>> No.8309527

Could shoes and common fashion pieces have their own articles

Nike Roshe Run

(picture of roshe run)
Brand: Nike
Designer: Dylan Raasch
Initial Release: 2012
Type: trainer/running/casual/streetwear/techwear
Price Range: 60-80 USD
Exclusivity: Common

(Colorway Photos/Inspo Pics)

Similar Shoes:
Adidas ZX Flux
Adidas Element Refine

[Shoe Portal]
[Nike Portal]

>> No.8309722

A reminder to filter all Australian trips

>> No.8309755

it should be like a wiki talk page
people just kind of post opinions of the subject
obviously focusing on quality of the brand and shit, not so much aesthetics since the user can judge that for himself

and moderation should be limited to removing explicitly useless statements like "it's just shit"

unless it gets to be too many opinions (which I think is unlikely), then just wipe out anything that isn't more or less 'in depth' and trim those that are too long / get overly specific

>> No.8309872

theres still nothing on there about socks

>> No.8309907
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i have lots of garbage saved from my few months lurking here (most of its srs inspo, some funny pics) that could be put on an inspo section

it should be organized like a slideshow (with a grid intially, similar to how imgur galleries work) with different each style having its own slideshow, and below each pic should name each item in the fit, so it'd reduce w2c asking

maybe it shouldn't be in the wiki though. I mean if you look at what a wiki should be, it should just tell you things that you would want to search, like the history of different designers and companies, types of denim, stuff like that, inspo pics dont really fit. I feel like a dedicated thing would be better than the wiki or youngstalin. its probably best for people just to use tumblr and follow each other.

>> No.8309915
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u wot m8

>> No.8309921

Those all look like shit.

Also back when I started lurking here I saved tons of inspo that I delegated awhile back and it was gigs....not mere mb

This place is so fucking dead

>> No.8309939

yea a lot of people say most stuff looks like shit, which is my point why we should probably just use tumblr or some other blog service so you can just follow people that you enjoy and ignore the shitty ones (like mine probs would be). wikis shouldn't have subjective stuff, just information, and maybe it could have a page where people could put up their blogs with one image to sum it up so that you could follow the ones you'd like

just trying to throw ideas around. a lot of people probably dont give a shit about the wiki or anything and just enjoy board discussion

>> No.8309962

why must you always be so negative
i agree. i really think it just needs to be a platform to move on to places that aren't /fa/

>> No.8310719

I'm Australian and I have both donated content and money to the wiki so keep your mouth shut... CUNT!

>> No.8310750

yeah the wiki needs serious work on it. i tried contacting the mod of the wiki but he hasn't responded yet so ~_~ maybe we should attempt to make a new wiki? there should also be a new general FAQ area with most of the questions that are already asked answered, such as "how into basic bitch". plus the color section doesn't make the slightest sense to me at all, but i'm no expert on that sort of thing so i probably shouldn't bother doing anything on it.

also i feel that it's organised terribly?? or maybe that's just me.

>> No.8310779

>This place is so fucking dead

So where do you go for fashion/clothing related discussion?

>> No.8310789

my entire inspiration folder is on cloud and its fuckhuge but unorganized. I'd give a share link if some one wanted to use pics from it, since they are already hosted and it doesn't have to be uploaded to the wiki itself

>> No.8310803

Reminder: if you have asians (especially Koreans and Japanese) and tumblr shit in your inspo-folder, you are as un/fa/ as possible. If you are from Australia, then it is point of no-return.

>> No.8310824

man that racism joke gets me every time

>> No.8310842

there should be a gallery of fits of various styles ranging from basic all the way up to avante garde, some good and some bad and fairly in depth discussion on what works or doesn't work and why or why not.

Also there needs to be a serious clean up of everything related to health/fitness, it is full of annecdotal evidence and just general myth and whatever, it should be properly researched and referenced and sourced.

>> No.8310846

I did micro reviews way back when the wiki started. Just put a comments and reviews section up underneath a body article to separate more objective info from personal opinions.

>> No.8310849

>donated content and money

>> No.8310858

it could be automated easily, surely there's a web developer on here that could do it.

just have a script or something that downloads images posted to active waywt and creates a poll based on them, repeat once per week.

>> No.8310859

Color theory has never seemed very helpful to me.

>> No.8310863

yeah because you are using the color theory that applies to painting on canvas or drawing or w/e, which isn't the same thing as using colors in fashion

the best thing to do is just try shit on in diff colors and see what works and what doesn't

>> No.8310872

i think we should avoid info graphics as much as possible

/fa/ or an /fa/ wiki shouldn't really be about 'easily digested' chunks of information

>> No.8310875

>in depth discussion
>properly researched and referenced and sourced.
Top fixing lel. I'd love that but if it was that easy there wouldn't be so many lost people ask over the net

>> No.8310877

if we can't do either then there's literally no point doing a wiki

>> No.8310880

Yeah I agree. None of what I've read on color theory regarding clothing has been any kind of help to me.

>> No.8310884

in what sense? what about adding color to your fits do you find difficult?

>> No.8310886

this. infographs are mfa tier shit

>> No.8310899

And that's the irony of a fashion sticky. A sticky should be about easily digested chunks of information, but fashion doesn't lend itself easily to that sort of thing.

>> No.8310916
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if you can't read a few thousand words on a topic you're interested in, then you're not really interested.

it doesn't have to be easily digestible, nothing worth doing is easy.

I'm still a huge fuccboi after maybe a year or so of trying to be /fa/, I've got a long way to go but I've also come a long way. It's something that takes time and effort.

effay is a journey bruh

>> No.8310924

The watch section needs special attention

>actually recommending the Swatch Irony Chrono
Fucking hell. Go ask the watch thread how to fix that part.

>> No.8310977

You're confusing length with coherence. Something can be lengthy but still easy to understand

>> No.8311005

would be nice to email the mod and ask if there can be some people allowed to edit the wiki

>> No.8311026

What, is it completely shut out now?

>> No.8311036


anyone can edit yanoe, but yeah acct making is fucked

>> No.8311046

yeah, if editing was closed to the public and only allowed to certain people

>> No.8311393

The average guy who just wants to start dressing better should be dressing menswear, not streetwear. It's not an introcution to the world of fashion, it's an introduction to not dressing like a manchild.

the wiki isn't there for people like us. it's there for people who check out /fa/ for 15 minutes to ask for quick fashion tips.

>> No.8311419

it's a really shitty resource due to its lack of streetwear tho, b/c most people here are likely young dudes 18-24, not some 25-yr-old yuppies

>> No.8311465

This. Well it's what I had in mind when I wrote my bits anyway.

>> No.8311568

Hello, welcome to the /fa/ wiki. From here, select a style that you'd like to achieve:

Casual - casual yet current look that is considered "normal" by the standards of most.
(insert example picture here)

Formal - a formal look for formal occasions without looking like a fadora-wearing basement dweller.
(insert example picture here)

Prep - a preppy, semi-casual look.

Heritagewear - also known as r/mfa/-core, heritage inspired clothing and pieces that have a rugged classic look.
(insert example picture here)

Streetwear - for the fuccbois, a trendy, urban look with casual clothing and a slightly edgy style.
(insert example picture here)

Women - women's clothing and advice.
(insert example picture here)

Women can be expanded of course depending on how much the fuccgurlz would like to contribute. More styles can be added too, but nothing that's too micro (no weaboo-core, or whatever the fuck you want to make up).


>> No.8311582

I feel you, but that compromises the taste and style of anyone who's seeking advice.

Like a fresh high school grad who skateboards, listens to hip music, and wants to be associated with people who like that kind of stuff in college, they're probably going to want to be more streetwear in their look.

Meanwhile, somebody may have a wedding to attend but don't know how the fuck to dress in a formal occasion, there should be a page for that guy.

et cetera

>> No.8311671

I seriously think one of the most overlooked (yet important) aspects of fashion advice on the internet is the relevance of geography and class

I feel bad for all the middle-class teens in England buying Red Wings based on what a mid-30s hiker from Alaska recommends - likewise the mega-pleb from middle America doesn't understand that Rick and other avant-garde stuff (you know what I mean) can only really be worn in a metropolitan city

The difference in fashion between cultures is marked but given we're all anonymous on a supra-national image board all advice loses any context

>> No.8311688


>mfw I see a nigga wearing goofninja during august in southern california

>> No.8311700


Heritagewear is not mfa. mfa is dadcore 9 times out of 10.

Also needs avant-garde/goof/RORS, but I agree that this is the best way to introduce *styles*. Hair, grooming, and basics should still come before this part


Should be included in the style intros:

Prep- Don't wear if you live in buttfuck nowhere, Michigan.

Streetwear- Likewise, not suited for rural areas

Formal- For suit+tie office jobs and formal events, nothing else

Heritage- Don't wear if you have an office job, etc.

>> No.8311703

You faggots do realize that if you plaster nxt lvl shit all over the wiki /fa/ is going to be flooded with people asking basic bitch questions all the time right?

The wiki is basic because it's for plebs.

>> No.8311715


That's why you have categories. I agree that the largest portion should be normcore/ streetwear, but I really don't think it should be classic menswear. This is simply because the entire rest of the internet is dedicated to "how to find a good suit" and "what blazers to wear for whatever".

Funnel people towards normcore or streetwear, and people who stick around will pick up on other shit like goof or lunar or whatever by lurking like everybody does now.

>> No.8311821


>mfw still never seen a goof in all my years in florida


Hence the categories

>> No.8312009

No. Bad idea. Style genres should be avoided, overall.

And mfa doesn't have shit all to do with heritage or americana.

>> No.8312538

when something turns into a popularity contest, the creativeness drops substantially or it becomes political (see eurovision). week after week of voting who does black on black/white/grey would make waywts worse

there are already infographics on these things

there should be a diy page. sewing, altering, covering your shoes in paint- that kind of stuff.
I really want to know how to do these things but don't know where to start.


Austral-asian master race

man, geography and class doesn't mean shit today. If the settlers followed your advice when they settled america, /fa/ would be full of feather headdress threads, because they did their own thing and didn't give a fuck what the native americans thought. if that isn't bad ass, I don't know what is.

don't forget, you're posting on an imageboard for people love chinese cartoons. fitting in has never been the priority

this looks good, however it should have more than one picture under each category (and maybe a way to vote for pictures to be placed under the title)

>> No.8312626

that example of the native americans makes no fucking sense
I mean, of course its all subjective but the general consensus would be that Rick looks better in a grimy concrete jungle than it does in a corn field. Obviously this is the case with heavy clothes not fitting in where its hot and vice versa.

>> No.8312888

What I was trying to say is that location and class aren't important at all- what matters is if it looks good to them and useful (roshe runs are good for running, but not hiking).

Every piece of clothing has a stereotype attached to it, sure, but if you just follow stereotypes you'll become a stereotype yourself. Trust your gut, buy what you like, create your own local niche :)

Why not wear Red Wings in England? Is it any different than wearing Doc Martens?

>> No.8312902

It does not. That's absolute bullshit. I find the thing incredibly neutral.

>> No.8312910

Anon, take that post and frame it. And put that frame on the front page of the wiki.

>> No.8312919

Can we all agree that the 'General posting guidelines' are fucking hilarious? And helpful?

>> No.8314222

Hitler youth is terrible too fix that shit

>> No.8314249


Roshes are only good for waking.

>> No.8314283

Most of this could be search engine crawlers/bots

>> No.8314295

In addition, I wish a mod would edit the sticky to direct basic advice threads to the gulag generals (hair, fuccboi, etc.). We don't need ten "I'M GETTING A HAIRCUT WHAT DO" threads from off-boarders plaguing the catalog.

>> No.8314391

Its in the general posting guidelines under introduction.

>> No.8314528


Well, I guess we have like 200,000 lurkers or more.

>> No.8314712

Un-/fa/ grill here.

Please add make-up tutorials or something to the wiki.

>> No.8314836

breaking style down into cliques is an awful idea. the whole point of the wiki is to introduce people to thinking about style so they can develop their own vision for themselves.

If we turn the wiki into "here is some inspo so you can dress like we do; if you prefer this other style please go to mfa" then it will be making the wiki much, much worse than it is right now.

/fa/ at its best is a board that recognizes the validity of a wide range of styles. I think it's great that we've seen everything from menswear to lunarcore, gothninja to #sadboys to "normcore", etc. Recently things have been getting worse, though.

There is a certain demographic on this board that thinks fashion means pointing and laughing at people who dress badly. Coupled with this is a willingness to not understand any style that is not within the narrow range of styles they're interested in.

This general meanness of spirit has mainly had the effect of bringing the board toward the center (young adult casual not-quite-streetwear, minimal use of color), either by annoying posters from the various niches until they leave or convincing new posters that having their own taste isn't acceptable.

What 4chan used to hate most about Reddit was the way the upvote system encouraged unanimity and rewarded populism, and discouraged expressing unpopular opinions. With respect to the difference between /fa/ and mfa, I think we're soon going to have little justification for thinking we're any better than they are. And that's just reddit's advice board. Imagine if we compared mfa to our fuccboi generals.

>> No.8315000

oh. truuuue.

>> No.8315009

to be honest, there's youtube for that. searching for make up tutorials on the internet is easy as hell. this goes for all tutorials, but i really don't like the spoonfeeding approach that people seem to take. at least try to spin something or experiment with what you have.

>> No.8315024

>First time /fa/ a month ago
>"Wow this is actually somewhat helpful"
>see this thread

Ok then.


>> No.8315063

I believe any introduction to style should allude to the various self-contained fashion circles (without too much oversimplification, I'd hope) for the sake of making fashion's various forms easier to interpret, but there's no need to give specific advice about how to dress in X way. That's beyond the scope of a wiki. The wiki is there to clear up a few very basic questions about fashion: what is "business casual"? What kind of shoes should I wear to a job interview? I want to dress better, what should I do? A wiki should introduce people to how to think about fashion, and answer some common questions about what clothes are appropriate for certain occasions.

Part of the reason any introduction will talk about menswear is this: most people already know how to dress casually. "Casual" doesn't have rules. Menswear, on the other hand, is society's default for special occasions and for prestigious jobs; and menswear has a lot of rules. People don't know how to do menswear and they often come to places like this looking for help with it.

>> No.8315358

dont listen to him hes a newtrip ive never seen him before actually

>> No.8315376

no one starts out developing their own style though, you'll start out lurking /fa/ and mirin a few entry level fits and go from there.

There aren't that many different styles of dressing, if you're trying to do some real individual avant-garde shit and you need a wiki, you probably look like shit

>> No.8315381

there just needs to be a "what haircut should i get thread"

>> No.8315742

Jut do what actual wikipedia do, allow editing but keep rapid back ups and make it so you have to approve before changes are committed.

We should dump ALL the inforgraphics as well as inspo for certain /fa/ approved [insert word]core's

>> No.8315760

I seriously shiggy diggy

>> No.8316106

Do my actions not count if I am a robot?
Do my thoughts not mat.ter?

>> No.8316132
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>> No.8316512

Redid the "Basic Posting Guidelines" section of the Introduction page if anyone wants to look over it.

>> No.8317085

Fuck off robot

>> No.8317113


>> No.8318226

pretty much everyone looks like shit at first, that's just how it is

trying to copy fits from the internet doesn't make it any easier

>> No.8319047

Will work on it this week end keep the thead up so we can all gather our efforts here

>> No.8319087

Yo i'm the shitter who runs young-stalin and if you guys have any ideas or want to submit anything then i'm down for improving it, it's just been sitting there for months and I dont really know what to do

>> No.8319137

Guys.. I happen to be here for the first time and actually just read that sticky before I've seen this thread.

I think it misses some ideas for styles. Maybe some before after things? So like, some of you post their body and how you dress and WHY exactly so, maybe together with some old pics of how shitty your outfit was before. also, what message you want to send with your outfit. I mean, I assume that there is so much more behind this whole fashion-thing, I have simply no real idea of how to dress right now and that would help me a lot

>> No.8319182

Can you not shitpost please? Thanks.

>> No.8319253


the whole site is shit remove it

>> No.8319272

are you in contact with whoever runs the sticky wiki? shoot me an email if you are!

anyway the site is organized terribly imo but gj so far :>

>> No.8319390

Nope we never had contact but I appreciated him linking to my site.

Happy to overhaul my site though, I'm down for a new project. Maybe I should make a new thread for it.

>> No.8319397

oh okay! sorry for misunderstanding!
yeah a new project should be better imo, do you wanna talk things out? new thread sounds good!

>> No.8319416

Yeah I'm down to take input if you have any, I'll probably make a thread when this one starts saging so that I'm not flooding the board with useless stuff. I'll shoot you an email.

>> No.8319420
File: 372 KB, 1443x799, 2014-06-05_1443x799.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a better wiki would be boss

>> No.8319430

I mean it should be possible to create something that fulfils the same functions as a wiki within how the site already operates. I really dont want to spend all my time moderating a wiki though. Currently the site functions as a gallery of fashion images with the possibility to update that by uploading. People, however much they like to consume data, tend not to like creating it. I guess I could insentivise contribution with accounts and people could become trusted sources of information and that could allow text submissions?

>> No.8319452

i think 4chan and warosu already work well for image creation and storage.
a static site rather than a wiki is food for thought, i'd be happy to help with both

>> No.8319456

The thing I actually need help with, really, is a proper concept to work on then content creation

How do people feel about account creation? Or would people still prefer being able to make anon submissions? I am not really convinced that anyone would actually create text guides/submissions. I remember asking a few months ago if anyone would be down for making store guides, seasonal guides, regional based stuff, etc.

>> No.8319489

account creation done on backend with a small team of volunteers who write the (hopefully concise) articles/guides. with the expectation of sourcing future articles from /fa/ itself

>> No.8319499

I'd be interested in helping out. I enjoy really thoroughly researched and well written shit, particularly about skin care/acne etc

>> No.8319505

Having a small team of volunteers kind of detracts from the community sourced nature that kind of fostered this board so I'm not sure about that. Also I think you overestimate people being willing to spend time writing articles for a write with very limited traffic and 0 income.

>> No.8319530

you do make a point about that! however, some of us have a lot of spare time to roll around and type a bunch of stuff that would help a lot of people in the future. also, the fact that anyone could freely manipulate pages and stuff could result in horrendous things -- sometimes content has to go into moderation in respect of things like this, at least imo.

>> No.8319570

I wish there were more pages on individual brands
Like I want a good page on Japanese clothing, how to purchase it, etc.

>> No.8319581


>Japanese clothing

Yeah there's a shitton of clothes in Japan you're gonna have to be more specific than that

>> No.8319610


>community based nature

Please, you've been copying the same shit that about three tripfags started in 2008 and have never evolved past it.

>> No.8319747

I'm not sure it has any function besides hosting images at this point (which is really all it did anyways), but the design is so messy i don't see why we shouldn't use imgur or another image hosting service to do the job.

>> No.8319751

fuck off u weaboo

>> No.8319771


where do you think you are ?

>> No.8319772

yeah, the site design is pretty weak. Again, it's an issue of finding someone willing to put in the effort. The site creator I think had become disillusioned with the process like the rest of us. I know he was having a ton of problem with spamming. I was actually banned at one point because their was spam on my account page (I obviously didn't post it).

>> No.8319777

the kawaii ones

>> No.8321278

they treat fashion more casually, so more bad fits to lel at
also, it's reddit, so mfa is packed with underage autists that don't know shit

>> No.8323270

imo we need pages dedicated to individual types of pieces that talk about the history, the basic 'form' which is replicated, the types of style it's usually associated with, etc. And maybe a gallery that mixes typical fits with fits where the piece is recontextualized.

Like an article for boat shoes, where you have a picture of the typical boat shoe, a paragraph on the origin of the boat shoe, a bit about how they are perceived in the fashion world right now, a bit about moccasin construction and some specific features of boat shoes, a bit about how they are often tied to 'prep', their association with boats, companies that make mass market boat shoes and companies that make high-end boat shoes, how boat shoe designs are reimagined by brands like Visvim and Thom Browne, etc. And you could have some j crew catalogue core fit pics with boat shoes alongside some weirder fits.

pages like that would be very helpful to newcomers who still don't know about the nuances of individual pieces. "Are boat shoes effay?" could be answered as thoroughly as you can hope to: rather than saying 'yes', 'no', or 'it depends', the asker could be introduced to what boat shoes are, what they evoke, what associations they bring up, etc. Then they can decide for themselves whether boat shoes fit into their own aesthetic vision.

>> No.8323281


Nice post.

>> No.8323779

wow u think u sound so smart when u actually misunderstood the post
it doesnt make sense to follow the advice of ppl who live in completely different conditions
ie dont wear red wings if u live in swampland
also ur examples are weak af
wearing red wings is obv diff from wearing doc martens
the settlers did adopt native american dress because it was better fitted to north america than their pilgrim clothes
y do u think mocassins are still around and worn by so many ppl
headdresses are for war u idjit

>> No.8323830

sometimes i browse it and see spelling or grammar errors but im too lazy to try to make an account to do anything about it

>> No.8323838
File: 427 KB, 2000x1333, wQzBd - Imgur.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how about we make it just one link to the /r/mfa wiki? I mean this in a serious way. their wiki has the info on how clothing should fit, what to buy, where to buy it, and a shit ton of inspo. A wiki should just teach you the basics tell you where to go from there. /fa/ doesn't like MFA because its boring and very beginner. And thats what a wiki should be. You can write a wiki on how to look good in all rick because that takes experience and a lot of trial and error.

If not that, the /fa/ wiki should list the basic rules of fit, silhouette and color and shit. And then the rest of it should be all about quantity. Just a huge mash of recommended basics, inspo, other sites, and shit ton of stores at different prices and styles. Anything past that already exists online or you can learn through experience. You better have experience with clothing before buying trying to pull off geos.

thats way to much fucking work and nobody on /fa/ will put it in.

>> No.8323853

fashion shouldn't be about memorizing a dictionary of info. It should be some simple rules or recommendations and then the rest is about exposure and personal taste.

>> No.8323883

i agree with this. the wiki ought to educate people on the dos and donts and basics, and then point them toward further influence. gotta know the rules before ya break em

>> No.8323949

>read wiki for the first time
>come here and read that everyone on the wiki is a fucking lie and it's all shit

well.. fuck

>> No.8325794

I'm not really sure what you're suggesting- when someone comes here looking for advice, should we start pigeonholing them into categories? Location, class, social group, ethnicity, their position in the hierarchy of work/school, sexual orientation, family relations, impression they want to give- where do you draw the line?

The person who's looking for advice already knows way more about their home and the local taste than we can ever hope to know- so why try? Even, for the sake of argument, you do try and match clothes to location and class of the person, it's still just an artificial way of trying to look natural, not real naturalness.

Just recommend some damn clothes, and they will intuitively think of their location, class, and EVERYTHING ELSE - and think "gee, that looks good" (or not). Simple.

>> No.8327627

no one said that

>> No.8327808

Also, we should have a related items section, or at least tables that can show decent pairings with clothes, and things never to wear it with.

>> No.8327846

So, has anyone actually added anything yet or are all you faggots just talk?

>> No.8328379

I added an image to the toebox comparison page because the one that was there was an unfair comparison (different angles)

left the old one up so nobody would think I was trying to cover up anything, readers can decide for themselves which image is a better comparison

other than that, though... nothing lol

>> No.8328631
File: 194 KB, 2545x759, TreatmentProtocol1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


would love to add some things to the sticky.