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/fa/ - Fashion

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8304561 No.8304561[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is liking young girls /fa/? Do young girls like fashionable guys? What body types and fits do they like?

>> No.8304567

find their dads and look exactly like them

>> No.8304570

>is liking young girls /fa/
man... there is a line on "is this /fa/" questions and you crossed it... this just be dumb as hell

i also don't get why you would like a younger girl i kinda have an aversion to young people but to each his own

>> No.8304571

so dadcore?

>> No.8304573

Better yet, find the ones with no dads and you hit the jackpot.

>> No.8304578
File: 81 KB, 422x750, tumblr_n4jvkiWU0R1tq3bgfo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because they're sexy as hell and make my penis hard

>> No.8304909
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>tfw when 28
>tfw 19 y/o qt gf

>What body types and fits do they like?
depends on the girl, dumbass!

>> No.8304915

yeah but they wouldn't know what to do with your penis even if you managed to get off 4chan and catch one. Blind leading the blind.

>> No.8304917

dove cameron is going to age like cows milk

>> No.8304924

>tfw didn't fuck that 11 year old girl back when I was 13

>> No.8304937

CP thread?

>> No.8304954

If my gf and a I are both 17 and then I turn 18 and we have sex will I go to jail?

>> No.8304961

i'd teach them

why do you say that

was she hot

>> No.8304967

Yes she was. She was close to 12 so she had some nice tits.

>> No.8304980

Girls are hitting puberty earlier than ever. By 6th grade they're fully developed

>> No.8304983

Hi. It appears that you have posted a non fashion thread on a board dedicated to fashion. On behalf of /fa/ I would like to inform that your kind is unwanted here. Please stop posting topics that do not fall into the category of fashion. With your help we can return /fa/ to what it was originally planned to be - A board in which fashion and not random questions can be discussed (outside of fuccboi generals).


Sage goes in a fields

>> No.8305016

boys are okay thanks to hedi slimane. girls are not you fucking weirdo

>> No.8305018


>> No.8305019
File: 209 KB, 397x295, thisnigga.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8305040

oops! it's summer and nobody laughs at jokes about designers who aren't raf and rick

anyway you are all still weirdos

>> No.8305059

This thread is disgusting, tbh.

I'm not even broadly against May-December, or even January-December relationships. But the only argument that can be mounted for them against all the power dynamic stuff is that all relationships come down to individual, idiosyncratic, one-off chemistry.

Talking about "young girls" as a type, Tiqqun flashbacks aside, goes against all that, and the implicit goal of objectifying yourself to get a particular generic stereotype to fuck you is pitiably hollow and self-destructive.

>> No.8305064



>> No.8305073

>thinking youre patrician for mentioning the biggest hack in the fashion industry that /fa/ collectively abandoned in 2010

very haha

>> No.8305080
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it's natural to desire sexually developed females
they're ready to breed