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File: 355 KB, 739x661, rickowens.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8298438 No.8298438[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why does Rick avoid eye contact so much? Is he afraid? Does he have autism? Is he socially anxious like us?

>Adults with autism often have deficits in their motor skills, and it may be the case during their infancy, this extends to a reduced ability to control eye movements.


>> No.8298448

What if Rick was one of us
Just a fool like one of us

>> No.8298458

He was the first victim of the goofninja troll

>> No.8298460

back to hypebeast forums with you

>> No.8298463

ricky invented swagger?

>> No.8298469

Break is over, son, go back to class

>> No.8298593

swag is for boys

rick owens is for men

>> No.8299030

>What if Rick was one of us
shit dude, he probably is

just look at the way he comes off in those interviews

he probably cannot wait for each day to end so he can be alone/with michele

>> No.8299046

You think Rick is autistic? *Psh*, we all know that Rick Owens is the best fashion designer of all time.

*Sheathes katana*, now out of my way! *Slices you in half*.
Let this be a lesson to you fuccbois...

>> No.8299068


It's an interview of a fucking clothing designer. Did you expect him to smoke a cig and stare at the camera?

>> No.8299071

Sure, that's what Yohji did.

Yohji is a pretty quiet man on top of that.

>> No.8299076

oh shit, they're laughing at him during the interview ahaha

>> No.8299140



>> No.8299760

Autists don't dance.

>> No.8299870
File: 224 KB, 620x446, Swaggy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw swag is the new high fashion aesthetic

I always wonder how much of the theory fashion designers discuss actually informs their designs and how much of it is just bullshit they come up with on the spot to avoid saying "I just make whatever I think looks good".

>> No.8299875

>first time Ive heard rick speak
>i dont know what I was expecting

>> No.8299876

Not swag you dingus. SwagGER. It describes the way you walk and carry yourself. It's a word with hundreds of years of history.

>> No.8300068

He most certainly is mid to high functioning autism, or a case of asperger's. I can tell myself very easily, it's quite obvious. Perhaps not always to the untrained eye,

Source: I'm a graduating med student.

>> No.8300093

thats becuase ur a fuking summer faggot who doesnt know shit about fashion

>> No.8300099


Well japanese aren't autistic, just quiet and reserved

>> No.8300108

*stabs you in the balls*

>> No.8300152


"don't worry, they'll tell you".

son you don't need to be a med student to spot this, its pretty obvious

have fun with your $250k debt ;)

>> No.8300156

anecdotal pov
straight eye-contact is a form of physical aggression. (every d-bag alphallus male does this every 5 seconds)
eye-contact is also related to human-contact (which imo is off-putting. palm-palm contact? fukken gross).
eye-contact, when talking, requires absolute confidence in what you are saying (comfortably, i talk truthfully and mercilessly, so i have to "fake it"; being dishonest)
not religious, but being semi-terrorist has made male, and more so female, eye-contact hard to do.

>> No.8300447

hes thinking

>> No.8300623


>> No.8300658

yep, just yesterday

>> No.8300713

Rick was talking to the interviewer who was off screen. Never cared enough to watch Rick interviews, but that's not the voice I was expecting at all, I was thinking he sounded like an ogre.

>> No.8300749

cool roleplaying

>> No.8300750


>> No.8300869
File: 34 KB, 285x298, 1379365689201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>straight eye-contact is a form of physical aggression
Oh? Is there a book on it? How many times have you read it, front to back?

>> No.8300903

>not making eye contact with the person you talk to
pls tell me you do make eye contact /fa/
you can be an awkward fuck but if you have eye contact it makes everything a okay

>> No.8300928
File: 297 KB, 451x683, Screen shot 2014-05-30 at 10.05.19 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw face when i still don't know Rick's of Raf's last names

>> No.8300938
File: 154 KB, 334x461, Screen shot 2014-05-30 at 10.03.59 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well nevermind it says it in the beginning of the internerview. guess how high i am right now?

>> No.8300943
File: 362 KB, 577x697, Screen shot 2014-05-30 at 10.05.27 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm really high.

>> No.8300948

>>mfw face when i still don't know Rick's of Raf's last names

>> No.8300952




>> No.8300953

all this video confirms for me is that rick is a fucking genius

>> No.8300955

is everyone else in this thread drunk or just me

>> No.8300956

he's pretty smart, look at his other interviews
But I think most fashion designers are smart and knowledgeable unlike actors and music artists...

>> No.8300966

im sorta there

ive seen many of his other interviews. great stuff. im glad he's willing to give so many. looking hard in your direction, margiela

>> No.8300973
File: 87 KB, 310x374, Screen shot 2014-06-01 at 12.32.29 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm fucking loaded dude haha

>> No.8300978

holy shit i tried to respond but it takes me like 10 tries with the captcha

>> No.8300985
File: 80 KB, 290x314, Screen shot 2014-06-01 at 12.32.18 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8300993


>> No.8301018

he is actually talking to the interviewer, that's why he doesn't look the camera

>> No.8301021

someone archive this thread please

>> No.8301028

i said anecdotal.
not from a book.

>> No.8301065

shit for some reason reason I thought he'd be gruff and have some kind of cool accent

he just sounds like a pitchfork reviewer

>> No.8301194

The last 15 seconds confirmed Rick's inner shill

>> No.8301224


>> No.8301322
File: 66 KB, 500x335, 1400365150196.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you a woman from fucking islam or something

>> No.8301442


Are you guys fucking retarded?

>> No.8301451
File: 1.27 MB, 1024x1544, 4a0ec2d2bbba140731a21b883f5ee433.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i never go full goofninja