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File: 109 KB, 1072x1280, COMME_snapback_front__09610.1371074964.1280.1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8294796 No.8294796 [Reply] [Original]

Thoughts on snapbacks and comme des fuck down?

Any that you /fa/ggots finds interesting?

>> No.8295111

lurk the fuck more

>> No.8295175

outplayed af

>> No.8295177

Never liked them + outdated

>> No.8295181


>> No.8295201

More like
> *

>> No.8295356

Hijacking thread for monochrome snapback suggestions?


>> No.8295366


Just get a plain black one if you really want a hat. Never liked those with edgy words/brands on.

>> No.8295374

"Keep Calm ..." tier

>> No.8295377
File: 18 KB, 480x280, 394871_558498824177683_867987449_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actual Pain
City Approval

>> No.8295402


These look nice but unless you're actually 'Ballin' kinda lame imo.

>> No.8295411
File: 37 KB, 605x144, balmain-logo[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Play on designer brands are pathetic.

>> No.8295434

All cool suggestions thanks.

I especially like hats with detailing on the underside of the brim apart from Black Scale, who else make good snapbacks with this feature?

Also do you think Black Scale is played out given ASAP Rocky's exposure to the general public - will it turn into another Comme Des Fuckdown?

>> No.8295445

Edgy and ethnic

>> No.8295481

Holy shit is it 2007 again?

>> No.8297069


w2c City Approval OG snapback? they're all sold out

>> No.8297081

I never got the point of those hats / shirts.
It's like bragging that you know CDG, but can't afford them.

Might as well wear a tee saying "I heard about Comme des Garcons and all I got was this lousy t-shirt."

>> No.8297284

>"I heard about Comme des Garcons and all I got was this lousy t-shirt."
CDG Play explained

>> No.8297295

2010 called and it wants comme des fuckdown back

>> No.8297302
File: 2.00 MB, 367x359, nigga I'm stealin yo bits AND yo bitch.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the idea is just that you're in the know. Part of the thing with designers is not "bragging" about how much money you have necessarily, but rather that you know of the fashion house and, while you can't afford to buy their expensive stuff, you still like them and want to help support their designs. It's almost like giving a donation. Since you can't afford to give a lot, you do what you can and in return, you look a little trendier than some other people. The thing with Play is that I'm willing to bet a lot of people don't even know/wouldn't recognize the symbol anyway. That being said.....I have no Comme Des Garcons pieces (even from the Play line) and now I'm feeling self conscious about copping the super cheap Play CDG x Converse shoes. Should I, or is that douchey?

>> No.8297306
File: 13 KB, 333x508, 80CDG AW97 W.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

... No
This is stupid as fuck.

>> No.8297309
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play is just there to fund rei's mainline adventures, so calling it a donation on your part (a customer that is aware of and supports cdg in general) is pretty apt imo

i think it's a bonus for cdg that it's been eaten up so enthusiastically by the streetwear crowd

>> No.8297315

>This is stupid as fuck.
How so exactly? You're obviously not bragging about it since not many people know about it anyway, and plenty of people on /fa/ have the CDG x Converse shoes. Could you elaborate?

Exactly how I see it. Plus I'm planning on getting some more expensive stuff when I have the money, but I just don't want to have to wait that long to own some Comme Des Garcons.

Also, where do I find really nice CDG shit anyway? I'm on the Dover Street Market, but this shit isn't looking all that expensive to begin with... (and it's not "Play," am I looking in the wrong place?)


>> No.8297316
File: 11 KB, 333x508, 64CDG AW97 W.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What the fuck?
Do you cunts honestly think that buying a product is a donation on your part?
Like - can you get any more obnoxious?

I buy my mum CDG perfumes and my younger cousins cute CDG play things.
The line stands on its own.

>> No.8297322

>Do you cunts honestly think that buying a product is a donation on your part?
Well, maybe that was poorly worded. It's more like a contribution or a vote (if that makes any sense) to show that you'd like to support the company. I mean, that's what you're doing with your money anyway, showing what you support and would like to see in business and getting something from them in return.

Can you show me where the "nice" CDG stuff is then, m8?

>> No.8297328
File: 286 KB, 372x561, Les Arts Décoratifs 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think buying play stuff kind of is because it's literally just a moneymaker that allows rei to keep doing whatever she wants with her other lines
obviously the customer gets something out of the whole thing too but it's not a particularly interesting product

i think farfetch is one of the 'main' sites that has a pretty substantial buy of stuff from a bunch of cdg lines (i'm assuming you're a guy)

also you could just get shitloads of stuff second hand from jap sites

>> No.8297334

>i think farfetch is one of the 'main' sites that has a pretty substantial buy of stuff from a bunch of cdg lines (i'm assuming you're a guy)
Ok, thanks, I found it now.

I think you're a little lost here, buddy. I know you're initial instinct is to be elitist and "effay," but if you actually hear what you're trying to say, it doesn't make a whole lot of sense. Are you discouraging people from buying Play then?

>> No.8297348
File: 734 KB, 1280x1760, 3THE MAN WHO MAKES LIGHT AND SHADOW 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you honestly think Rei Kawaboko needs your support?
Like how conceited are you to think "oh uhhh I don't know anything about your product nor do I think it's valuable enough to consider meaningful so here's my donation to help support your little indie project."
No, designers aren't looking for handouts you shit head.
And if you're so concerned about 'looking' trendier with your little flecks of designer memorabilia or whatever that you're willing to dish out your hard earned cash for a little street cred than just have a real knowledge on the subject? Ass backwards.

CDG play is also iconic as fuck for a lot of people, climb out of your bunker gramps, we won World War Two.

That last line about being self concious about buying a pair of sneakers from a label you had just touted on about supporting... dear god you are a mess. Check yourself.
I'm honestly baffled by the sentiment, who the fuck are you?

>> No.8297367
File: 64 KB, 640x434, 1380437890436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do you honestly think Rei Kawaboko needs your support?
Ummmm, I think she wants it, that's kind of the point in selling the clothes...

>Like how conceited are you to think "oh uhhh I don't know anything about your product nor do I think it's valuable enough to consider meaningful so here's my donation to help support your little indie project."
Conceited? M8, I'm obviously not the only one contributing (if I was, then I could see you calling me conceited), I'm just saying I can't afford to support and buy the really expensive parts, so I'll do what I can.

me buying their shit =/= "handouts" ("shithead", really?)

>And if you're so converned about 'looking' trendier
Now hold on a second here, anon, my whole point was that this obviously isn't the reason for doing it (if you look back at my posts) because most people won't even recognize it, or at least nowhere near where I live. So the whole "street cred" part really isn't a factor.

>Climb out of your bunker gramps, we wong WWII
Wait wat? I'm only 19....

Oh yea, I was saying I was being self-conscious about buying it and posting it on here (mainly trying to see if I was going to get a bunch of shit from /fa/ for it). But you're proving to have a rather irrelevant opinion, so I think I'm going to cop them.

tinfoil seems to be on point though. I'm sorry to have made you so upset, anon (?)

>> No.8297386


Farfetch isn't an independant retailer who makes their own buys etc

they are just a platform to bring all the selections of a certain brand from various boutiques so you dont have to search in 10 different places

>> No.8297396
File: 683 KB, 1280x1792, HUSSEIN HUBBY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Makes 0 sense... Like what are you trying to say?
No I'm not, that's revolting, I don't have a single bit of clothing that is so blase about its branding so keep your ugly little assumptions to yourself.
And no, I don't buy clothing to tout my allegiance to whoever, I buy it because I like it and that's the end of it.

Nope, find it yourself, I have and you can.

No mother fucker, I'll explain what elitist is to you, the cunts that think they're giving donations to god damn Rei Kawaboko when they buy her products. Like you kids are fucking delusional.
Here's my favourite post I wrote against you little 'elitist posting shit heads'
Nm, fuuka is down.
tl;dr it was; there is a lot more value in supporting a good product aside from receiving a good product (cultural wealth, ethical).

I'm shitting on you in FB so I don't need to rebuttal this.

>> No.8297400

still popular here in korea

>> No.8297408

So why the fuck do you think you're giving a donation you vile sack of shit?
Do you not see how perverse your perspective is?
Like you're some god given saint giving out donations no one asked for...

What are you contributing with your Will Smith images or your dialogue? Really nothing but trash from the looks of it.

You're 19 and you don't see the global affects of the CDG franchise?
Wow...just wow.

Homie, maybe my opinion is irrelevant but its magnitudes more educated than yours.
I hope you enjoy your purchase, for your sake.

>> No.8297414
File: 63 KB, 467x712, 1377925784245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So let's get one thing straight here: what exactly do you think happens when you purchase a good from a company, faggot? Do you think you buy it and then grovel and then thank them for being so kind as to let you have the opportunity to purchase something from them? You are bumfuck retarded. Literally the entire reason for selling goods (especially diffusion lines like Play or other, more affordable lines from big names) is to fund their projects. I don't know if maybe you don't quite understand how businesses work, or you think that Play is a whole separate company or what, but all I have to say is that it's a good thing you don't trip, because you're making an ass out of yourself.

>"I buy it because I like it and that's the end of it"
>criticizes the purchases of others because it's not what he has in mind but apparently, for other people, that's not "the end of it"
Oh god the hypocrisy is hilarious. I think it's time for you to get off of /fa/, anon.

>I'm shitting on you in FB so I don't need to rebuttal this
top kek - so cool, I'm sure you'll show tinfoil

>> No.8297416
File: 101 KB, 500x500, Calm-DownTime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dude just relax

>> No.8297424

what is going on here

>> No.8297431


What are you even arguing about and pls post screencaps of shitting on tinfoil facebook lel

>> No.8297435
File: 33 KB, 320x480, 38AD AW06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are you asking from me...
The step by step like...transaction or my decesion making process?

I'm honestly just bewildered...
I just had this convo with tinfoil and he surrendered to my all powerful angry posting so you better have your shit on lock (well, clearly you don't or we wouldn't be arguing)

The market is different, the direction is different everything in the line is different - the only thing it shares with CDG mainline or any of the other lines (apart from perfume) is the CDG name. That's it.
You also don't know what a diffusion line is...
Actually, how about you answer that for me...
What is a diffusion line? give examples

Do you even know what the CDG consumer is like? They're hands down the most loyal fashion consumer in the market today, like the shit you see on runway that you're like "no one will buy this..." couldn't be further from the truth. They. Are. Primal.

I'm not denying products sell for money and that money goes places...like, did I ever deny that? But for people to think HAHA I AM A SPONSOR/CONVEY FOR THE GREAT CDG EMPIRE, HERE IS ME 120$ FOR YOUR GREAT MERCHANDISE - CONSIDER IT A ~DONATION~ is just fucking deplorable.

Play as far as you're concerned (although you may not realise it with your...'limited' knowledge) is independent aesthetically and in the market it occupies.

Learn to comprehension, I'm not critising anyone's purchases, I'm shitting on this alien dimension where you consider yourself grandiose messiahs who bend the wills of mere designers or something. Like, break yourself.

>> No.8297439


hi turnleft whats up

>> No.8297440

>anon thinks that it makes sense to show support for a company that you wish you could cop sick fits from (cut currently can't afford yet) by buying from their diffusion line (in this case it's "Play" by Comme Des Garcons)
>Other anon thinks that's "retarded" and that if you can't afford the most expensive CDG, don't buy any at all (not quite sure how the logic works with this one, because for him, if he "likes it" then he buys it, and that's the "end of it" - note: this is not the case for other people apparently).
>Other anon also happens to think it's "conceited" (not sure if he really knows what that word means) to buy cheaper CDG clothing because you think you're supporting the company (which, by the very definition of purchasing an item, is what you're 100% doing).

I think he's a little lost but just so far in at this point that he can't back out. I don't know, I'm expecting another long post though, we'll see what he says.

>> No.8297447


the popcorn's on me

>> No.8297448


PLEASE ride my cock tonight turny

there is nothing I desire more

>> No.8297453


I think the other dude simply meant

"Buying into PLAY is a way for me to buy into a part of a designer whose universe I respect, and since I cannot afford the more expensive pieces, I also consider my purchase a bit of an action of supporting their work, not exactly financially but in spirit"

I think you are over analyzing this, I'm pretty sure he's not actually meaning that his purchase would be a "blessing" or a "donation" he is bestowing upon a designer, he just somewhat worded it poorly and you are taking it too literally

I've read all the posts but they are too incoherent and filled with rage and remarks unrelated to what you are arguing for it to really have any lasting impression on me, I'm not sure what exactly you're trying to argue

>> No.8297459


What happened to you man, it's like ever since Anorak burned and rekt u to ashes you've adopted his style of aggressive posting, is there a psychological term to describe this?

But yeah I've noticed that you used to be alot more passive then ever since Anorak came and went and towards the point where you stopped tripping until now when you occasionally post as anon, you've become alot more aggressive and all over the place with your posts

>> No.8297463
File: 31 KB, 1151x264, you fuccboi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You also don't know what a diffusion line is...
Yes, I do, and you're seriously asking me to explain it to you? M8, I know you know what a diffusion line is, and I know what one is too (Play is a perfect example of that, genius).

And no shit man, of course the Play line is a whole separate aesthetic, of course they're heading in a different direction. In case you didn't notice, "Plat" is essentially just regular streetwear with branding (and no one is claiming it to be anything spectacular). They're not going for anything avant-garde or experimental, that's kind of the whole point. Play was created to help establish a larger customer base and to support Rei and CDGs designs.

Thank you, yes. This is what I've been saying, except that I believe financially as well. My whole point is that with lower prices, there are a lot more people who can buy in and, collectively, Play helps support Rei (not "me" alone, and I've said that like 4 times already).
You aren't understanding the argument; you're making up an argument that no one is claiming and going against that, trying to make yourself look good. What are you even trying to say? How did tinfoil buy into your bullshit?

>> No.8297464

I don't care dude, guy asked me to elaborate - better be ready to eat mountains of shit.
It's actually hilarious, I've been taken mistakenly for Anorak a lot recently.

I'll also take this minute to espouse the great Anorak - dude is rad af.

>> No.8297471

hes rad but you guys border on the same level of semi autism sometimes
u know what happened to him? some fag anon found his sufu account and he got paranoid that someone could link it back to him and the 4chan connection might ruin his professional career so he stopped tripping and deleted all his sufu posts and stopped posting anywhere

>> No.8297473

>better be ready to eat mountains of shit.
You're just making yourself sound dumber, anon. You're not furthering anything of substance, just arguing against a position that no one is advocating for because you think it's easy to respond to. Perhaps it's your poor reading comprehension? I don't know, but you're dumb as fuck.

>> No.8297475

also i could tell who u were cuz ur the only one who would reference fuuka in arguments

>> No.8297479
File: 50 KB, 434x500, tumblr_mrrx7jKBR51rspdwko1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we were debating whether the sole purpose of play is to fund rei's other stuff and i conceded that it does more than just that

>> No.8297487

Oh well yea, I mean obviously that's not the sole purpose of it. But I was just saying that that was one of the reasons I don't mind people buying Play is because it helps support the rest of CDG. He was the one who was getting butthurt over people buying it because it wasn't expensive enough for him.

These fuccbois

>> No.8297488
File: 48 KB, 640x960, 1975210_10202408441665551_489078224_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


tfw i habe dis coat swag

Just because you guys are here right now I will ask - it seems like trips always add each other on Skype, Fb, etc and often talk to each other and discuss fashion but how do you even do this

Like to learn about things I just read forums and books and interviews and whatnot, maybe it's because I haven't talked to the right people but in my experience fashion "discussion" with people has rarely ever resulted in anything

Alot of the time it feels like carefully curated exchange of "opinions" thrown back and forth because both parties are afraid of what the other party will think about their level of fashion knowledge

TLDR wtf do u guys even talk about and do you get anything out of it? I rarely ever feel the curiosity or need to actually discuss something with someone, I will just research it myself and say ok cool

>> No.8297493
File: 96 KB, 333x500, 9CDG AW99 W.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

omfg - are you throwing a wiki definition at me you pompous little shit?

Define it for me in your own words because that definition is too vague to have ANY merit.
Becuase you've failed to answer my question in any competent manner here it is.
DRKSHDW is a secondary line within Owens Corp but it features independently and crafts its own novel narrative outside of mainline.
Silent does the same
Play does the same
Noir does the same

Real true 100% diffusions (like, diluted cheaper alternatives of the exact same aesthetic as that offered on the runway but for a lower price bracket).
11 by BBS
T by AW
etc etc etc

Okay, look at the image. Do you ever see that in play on any level?

lmao you do not know what a diffusion line is when you're wiki'ing and then still getting it wrong...
Tell me HOW play is a perfect example.. because when I see play I don't see CDG I see a whole different market. In this sense it is not a diffusion

>And no shit man, of course the Play line is a whole separate aesthetic,
oh wow...oh wowwwww so then... it's a different aesthetic but still a diffusion... so it's... almost independent of the mainline so like... It stands as its own line and not exactly a diffusion? is that what you're saying here?
>Plat" is essentially just regular streetwear with branding
Spectacular way of saying absolutely nothing.

>hey're not going for anything avant-garde or experimental, that's kind of the whole point.
okay... I'm happy you've made that distinction
>Play was created to help establish a larger customer base and to support Rei and CDGs designs.
No one is denying that... Like... If it engaged the exact same market as CDG why would there be Play in the first place? And well done, I'm glad you've articulated how businesses work YES money can support business and YES business do deal in money!
What are all these fucking strawmans doing here?

No friend, the logic you run with 'donation' is the same im arguing against.

>> No.8297498
File: 242 KB, 1065x700, 243538928_2c12c7f352_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think he's taking issue with us using 'donation' to describe your intention to show support for the brand through buying play stuff

i mean i obviously know what you're trying to say, it's that you're into cdg and you want to show that in a small way until you're in a situation where you can buy mainline pieces, but he finds 'donation' to be kind of offensive... to him, the implication was 'rei kawakubo needs my money' when we described buying play as 'donating'. he's arguing both lines are legitimate and that rei doesn't use play for the sole purpose of funding her ~out there~ stuff because the cdg consumer base are committed dorks that are super enthusiastic about her work in the same way that the hardcore rick fans are


>> No.8297499


Also have you thought about getting your hair straightened? It's looking like 1700s wig tier

Do you keep in touch with User? Have you talked to him recently? How is he doing

pls respond this is the most exciting /fa/ has been in a while it is truly a fucking shithole nowadays but i cant leave cuz im a massive procrastinator and end up coming back for no reason

>> No.8297500
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>> No.8297507



>> No.8297514


This needs to be updated with Fumito Ganryu and Kei Ninomiya

>> No.8297518
File: 185 KB, 514x677, Screen shot 2014-05-13 at 10.27.03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lamy scust webm i hate your head

>> No.8297520

I take a line, watch a Juggalos video, and then tear out a battle cry.

then I lunge at my keyboard scraping my face along the jagged plastic.
Really the only way to engage 4chan.

>> No.8297526

tl is batshit insane, but hes right

you think tumblrslut #43 with her cdg play converses and and commes des fuckdown beanie is wearing that shit to ~pay homage~ to rei? its the most transparent form of frontin and you should be ashamed for deluding yourself into thinking that your mindless consumerism is
>a donation
and not owning up to the fact that its straight up posturing on your part, pure and simple

>> No.8297529
File: 65 KB, 390x593, 128VW SS96.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My hair is actually dope as fuck and you wouldn't know a 1980s wig even if you googled it.
I had several compliments today from very adorable old ladies who suggested I should pick up this vintage CDG jacket before they left the store.

I was posting yesterday with the Damir Shit and random references to Carpe diem, Sruli, Issey and Yohji.
Cats still tried to shit on me.

>> No.8297532
File: 304 KB, 1102x1138, u wot m8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yea I get that, and I totally see that part (which is why I said earlier that "donation" was a poor word choice, and that maybe "vote" sounded better). I don't know why he's stuck on that when, before he even went into his autistic rant, I said I should word it differently.


No, I don't know who the fuck you are, but "Play" is definitely a diffusion line, and I don't think you have a very firm grasp on what a diffusion line is there, pal. It is a cheaper line from a high fashion designer/fashion house and it certainly does not have to be "diluted cheaper alternative of the exact same aesthetic as that offered on the runway." I'm sorry if I'm not speaking in the purest form here, but colloquially, Play is definitely a diffusion line.

>> No.8297543

Hey bud, i do have to go though, it's already 6:30am here. Maybe I'll check this thread again later. I hope you sort out that whole reading comprehension issue and anger problems though. :)

>> No.8297546

taking the L like a bitch

nice one

>> No.8297548


answer my fuCKING quwestions right NOW

>> No.8297550
File: 239 KB, 1562x644, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is a critical mass of inane back pedaling here and I'm not going to address it or you.
You're shit and I'm a rockstar.
(I thought I had the one I made saved where I think Gilt labelled Rick Owens the master of edgyness and gothic fashion or something... I don't though ;s )

>> No.8297558


While your definition of diffusion line is also correct and I agree with, he is also right in saying that colloquially Play and pretty much any "second, cheaper" line by a designer is referred to as diffusion by like 99% of people

>> No.8297579

Yeah but the popular (flimsy) definition is not good enough for a meaningful discussion.

>> No.8297587

So what is a good definition then? I saw the one you(?) posted, but where did that come from and why did the thing >>8297532 posted call them "diffusion lines?" Do you have a specific source by chance, now I'm kind of curious.

>> No.8297596


>Real true 100% diffusions (like, diluted cheaper alternatives of the exact same aesthetic as that offered on the runway but for a lower price bracket).

And as for the various retailers calling it diffusion, he already explained that it is colloquially used to describe second lines, the interns or whatever entry level employees who manage retailers' ecommerce are alot less professional than you think

Inconsistencies, verbal diarrhea, typos, poor descriptions everywhere

>> No.8297601

>Real true 100% diffusions (like, diluted cheaper alternatives of the exact same aesthetic as that offered on the runway but for a lower price bracket).
Yea, I saw that, what I was asking for is where this came from. I don't want to take it at face value just like I wouldn't take the other guy at face value. I'm not saying that definition is wrong, I'm saying I'd like to see where it came from/why I should accept that as the "true" diffusion line....

>> No.8297612
File: 30 KB, 258x376, q-a-pugh1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't have a reference on hand for it but I think it's a more valuable definition because it cognitively diagnoses how lines like Silent, DRKSHDW, Noir, Play, Tricot etc etc are different to lines like 11, T, 3.1, (idk there are heaps, mainly within the more high street fashion house but I don't engage enough to remember).
And there is a very real difference in there both commercially and creatively.

You don't have to accept it but for me it makes a lot more sense.

>> No.8298071
File: 1.94 MB, 500x374, rick_chuckle.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw OP wanted people to tell him about comme des fuckdown and snapbacks but got shit throwing and a semantics debate instead

>> No.8298175
File: 301 KB, 1417x1549, 1382067544237.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ladies and gentlemen.....


>> No.8298210

No matter what board you're on, it's pretty much the inevitable fate on 4chan B^(

>> No.8298259

nigga i thought this was gonna be a thread about hats wheres muh hats

>> No.8299724

>this thread

Never change /fa/

>> No.8301299

Bumping for hat suggestions

>> No.8301307

this is a board for fashion not fashion victims he got his answers int he first 5 posts smfh