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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 112 KB, 499x750, 1377766043383.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8281016 No.8281016 [Reply] [Original]



EMAIL: akatsuki0@hotmail.com
tumblr: http://tesselvte.tumblr.com/

HMU if you are coming need numbers
will provide more details for people interested.

>> No.8281025

A photographer friend of mine is coming
shots are for only his portfolio.
we have around 10-15~ people coming
lets make /fa/ proud boys and grills
brisbane going to make it

please keep politics out of this

>> No.8281049

fuck off you strange talking rugby following fucks. when are we having this promised melbourne meet-up

>> No.8281059

not going because not in upside-downland but pls dont disappoint

>> No.8281062

When one of you SJWs step away from the pickets and organizes one.

>> No.8281065

tfw we are going to be beautiful models

>> No.8281073
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>> No.8281075

Really though, why are we doing this in SWOT vac week?

>> No.8281077
File: 244 KB, 778x809, why am i better than everyone else.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do any of you guys ever go to trainspotters? it's a free show put on at the grand central on saturday nights, usually like three or four local bands play. Maybe a bit 2indie but usually at least one of the bands will be decent. Would be cool to meet with some /fa/ bros there one night.

>> No.8281088

mfw this is just an elaborate plan to beat me up

>> No.8281089

>tfw nervous to go because of mild acne

>> No.8281093

it's okay man i still got some scarring and redness,
no judgment here

>> No.8281094

dude I dress like shit and I'm going
All that matters is that u believe in yourself and u wnt to imrpove

>> No.8281095

>tfw been trying to get rid of acne for the last three months for this meetup

why wont it go away

>> No.8281105
File: 195 KB, 800x1162, 1395956413183.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks /fa/ bros, you guys alright. You can count me in then

>> No.8281109

acne or not
defined jawline or not
u r all beautiful in ur own way
we should celebrate our differences not scorn them


>> No.8281114

wanna come, but underage and don't wanna be a drag

>> No.8281126

b-but i have acne and can't show myself in photographs

>> No.8281127

Don't bring it up, no one will notice unless you have a babby face. I'm no gonna be drinking or whatever anyway

>> No.8281129

kek, I want2cop qt tumblr gf tho
Srsly though, chill - some girl was organising one for vaguely 'winter' so we could wear our 'sick layers'
idk how that's going though

>I'm just going to the melb meetup to beat up caleb wong

no bully
we're all gonna make it aus/fa/m

lel really
this is straya
they'll sneak you in2 their dive bars or get pissed with you on a footy oval or something

>> No.8281133

na come bro its chill

>> No.8281135

sadly, manlet and babbyface, shit is hard.

>> No.8281136

my room mate is but he's older than me lel

>> No.8281140

alhambra always lets in underage grills

>> No.8281142

Lool i can get caleb wong to go if you want. i know him.

>> No.8281144

yeah man, shit is so goddamn annoying. i should probably be doing school shit anyway on the 6th. st00pid OP stuff yafeel

>> No.8281145

I know it's scary :(

>> No.8281146

w2c cutie gf in high waist jeans and doc martens in brisbane

>> No.8281147

you're joking right

>> No.8281148

>shots are for only his portfolio.
aye man, you best be posting those photos here too

>> No.8281149

thats why people at alhambra are always so cooked! #ComicRelief

>> No.8281150

Best place for a haircut in bris?

Is the UQ place any good? Seems so convenient

>> No.8281151

would it be cool if i rolled up? don't have much in my wardrobe game atm would just wear a light blue ocbd, a black overshirt some olie chinos and air force ones, maybe a bucket hat if its sunny, would that fly with u guys?

>> No.8281152

>tfw 21 and still babbyface + acne
life are suffering

kek, is he a good bloke?
he got cyberbullied pretty hard on here a couple of times, idk if he'd be down

>worrying about underage girls
live the dream

here you go >>8281088

>> No.8281153

you're right tho, extremely boring place to be most of the time if you're not heavy into pingers. especially since they fucked up the smokers area so bad

and knowing that a decent number of the girls there on any given night are under 18 is disconcerting to say the least

>> No.8281157

olive chinos*
nah hes a bit of a cunt, only wants to talk about his bodybuilding

>> No.8281159

everyone in the photos they post from there is so attractive though even the normal looking people are beautiful in a way

it's not fair

>> No.8281160

lol sometimes I feel like I'm the only one who finished high school with no further desire to fuck underage girls

>> No.8281161

rock up in your fuken trackies mate is doesnt matter

>> No.8281164

yeah man it doesn't matter what you wear just be yourself

>> No.8281166

really? I don't feel that the people there are that good looking on average, and it's even worse in person

don't spend too much time fantasising over the glamorised life you see in club photos man, they delete all the ugly/shitty ones lol

>> No.8281168

>Go to Caleb Wong's fb
>See his photo shoot
top fucking kek

>> No.8281170

eh it's probably just my self esteem

that damn thing

>> No.8281172
File: 38 KB, 516x242, Screen Shot 2014-05-27 at 10.30.57 pm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all that edge and you still aint make the cut

>> No.8281173

yeah fair enough, but even so those photos are carefully selected and edited to make everything look better than it is. not that going to Alhambra fried isn't pretty fun, but it's the exact opposite of glamorous.

good luck with the self esteem dude, i struggled with that shit in high school and it's fucking rough.

>> No.8281174

Yeah I will definitely some here but what I mean is that they won't be available publicly other than me , his portfolio and anyone from the meetup.

Other than that faces will blacked out unless stated otherwise

>> No.8281175

i don't even know what this is parodying

>> No.8281177

huge kek, figured - his instagram feed is so fucking conceited
and his tumblr is just his instagram feed again wtf?

you are
naw bruh idk it's not like I want to fuck girls that are specifically underage, it's just that if they're down and they're not unready in themselves/want to fuck me just to fuck someone then I don't really care if they're just underage or whatever
in fact, I'm fucking one right now

do it moite, nobody's gonna care
wear what you want, be happy, chill

kek, link pls
check out his instagram too

>> No.8281180

lmao I vaguely know Caleb, can someone fill me in on what the joke is with him on here?

>> No.8281182

It's half aus-core memes and half bris-core maymays.

>> No.8281186

do you actually not get any of the references

>> No.8281187

Prepare your sides;

>> No.8281189

can someone post the lad party meme?

>> No.8281192

Cut throats and powderpuffs in west end, $35 but I've never been disappointed.

>> No.8281193

Don't know if his profile is set to public, so you might not be able to see it

>> No.8281195
File: 333 KB, 1172x978, 1394361652264.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh my god why did they take the tumblr down

this one?

>> No.8281197

no i meant like eshay lad.
thanks anyway though.

>> No.8281198
File: 14 KB, 322x52, Screen Shot 2014-05-27 at 10.41.15 pm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all those comments

>> No.8281208

huge fucking kek
>Did you get a spraytan for this? if so its so even
>why is your skin so nice and hairless

hahaha they did? oh shit nigga we got onto something

>> No.8281215


this guy is the biggest 08 hypebeast in the world

but i'm mirin his body

>> No.8281249

Quick question, how many of you guys are Asian?

>> No.8281253

Not me, Irish-Aussie reppin
>Givenchy swag swag nigga

>> No.8281255

not me

>> No.8281260
File: 34 KB, 650x366, 015707-pauline-hanson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not being white

i seriously hope you are a white australian

>> No.8281261

who /sydney/ here

>> No.8281262

Me too, it just seems like all the fashionable people I see in Brisbane are asians

>> No.8281263

all them NB's

>> No.8281268

is that you ena

>> No.8281291

yes hi how are you

>> No.8281295

drunk and blazed, sorry I can't afford coke like you and your moneyed brother
pls b in canberra

>> No.8281345

Sharing is caring, it's alright.

>> No.8281374

>when my name is caleb too

When will the suffering end

>> No.8281375

you're qt
goodnight ena
get that qtbf

>> No.8281404

Life are suffering, anon.

>> No.8281415
File: 36 KB, 960x539, 10291869_238603369668443_588488267283067687_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i cant wait to meet all you lovelies <3

>> No.8281420

hi mint
it's yuy
vivid sucked

>> No.8281424

Thankfully nobody here knows a my last heh

>> No.8281437

Goodnight bb.

You went?

>> No.8281451

>be airline pilot
>on break
>go on flying fox for a laugh
>go back to work
>fly to india
>random air breath test
>no license
>suspended without pay

>> No.8281455

i feel bad, we probs should've returned it, what if we cause another mh370? :(

also go to bed already

>> No.8282928


>> No.8283094

Who mab125 in here?

>> No.8283412

Are you the guy asking to zoom in?

>> No.8283542

No I didn't have the balls to ask her to haha where you sitting?

>> No.8283579

I just left. Was near the back of the front left section, but not going to stick around for this ez shit

>> No.8283640


>> No.8283689

Definitely not. I sit by myself in almost every lecture and only have a couple of friends outside of 100 & 110 groups.

>> No.8283742

We should meet up

>> No.8284084

But anon, weren't you taught about stranger danger?

>> No.8284094

>stranger danger
>not wanting to meet mad /fa//fuccboi friends
anon it's like you're not even trying, just meet up with him already

>> No.8284108

DCA in the val

>> No.8284239

anyone else think that lesbian barista at rush express has a sick HY

>> No.8284339

She makes shit coffee though

>> No.8284347

Who /waitingforGYG/ here?

>> No.8284362

Would you meet up with an engineering student from 4chan?

>> No.8284367

I'm pretty sure it's just a universal law all asians are /fa/, just look at their hair

>> No.8284371

w2c best coffee on campus then

>> No.8284372

well yeah, you're on /fa/ so it can't be that bad
> I'm also an engineering student from 4chan

>> No.8284375

The asian girl who works there makes the best. Otherwise Merlot

>> No.8284379

>campus coffee

well theres your problem

>> No.8284386

tfw every cafe in KG sucks

>> No.8284389
File: 4 KB, 214x249, e34c10cd-e45a-42c3-8513-70cabdcfd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not getting coffee from based carl at gerbinos

I really seriously hope that you guys aren't doing these things

>> No.8284430

I went once and it was shit. I bet you went to Churchie you fucking gaylord.

>> No.8284459

Don't bring that edge to the meetup please anon.

I guess you aren't coming though, being underage and all. How's puberty going? do you have hair on your balls yet?

>> No.8284502

pls dont fight brisfam

>> No.8284517

punch on

>> No.8284544

my ballsack looks like dan bilzerian's chin cunt

>> No.8284567

changed my mind about before m8, ur not ideal and a little overweight but you'll do. i know a nice motel in the valley for after the meet. catch ya

>> No.8284569
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>> No.8284625

Has anyone even checked the weather for that day to ensure maximum layering can be achieved?

>> No.8284705
File: 143 KB, 720x960, tubbsy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pls b in woodridge

>> No.8284716

fuck I hate that guy

>> No.8284733
File: 34 KB, 500x483, e0f78699-bda4-4ac4-b1b2-6ae070195.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

free monster out the front of gp right now

>> No.8284844

UWS repping

>> No.8284855
File: 80 KB, 622x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


holy shit

>> No.8284861

Which campus

>> No.8284873

>caring what school anyone went to
>even thinking about it

underage or just turned 18 confirmed

>> No.8284885


>> No.8285149


USYD here

>> No.8285164
File: 29 KB, 320x198, 10 Bad Habbits.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tiny korean penis


>> No.8285178


>> No.8285195

im transferring there next sem

Should I give a shit about the upcoming exams if I already got accepted into transferring?

>> No.8285200

It honestly baffles me why anyone would want to meet up with people from 4chan, ESPECIALLY those from /fa/

Like 99% of people here have messed up / elementary understandings of fashion and are very judgemental

I've met 2 people from /fa/ irl including 1 well known trip, the other is completely fucking disgusting both in looks and personality.

Only people I'd want to meet are like twerk User Anorak poet fascist

>> No.8285205

I'm so sorry

>> No.8285210

who did it

>> No.8285213

who was the trip
and what were they like

>> No.8285217
File: 59 KB, 420x640, Noir Advertisement.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Idk maybe it's because I already have quite a few "fashion" friends or acquaintances that work in fashion

I've realized that when interest in fashion is the only thing in common you have with the other person, the relationship is unfruitful and rather empty

And fashion itself can be quite empty in the first place

I can kind of understand why you guys might want to meet up, you might not know anyone else interested in fashion and think it would be cool and / or an escape of some sorts

By all means meet up, I'm sure there are nice and interesting people in the bunch

But just speaking from personal experience. I find "fashion" people to be exhausting and difficult to connect with ESPECIALLY because it's difficult to a) find "fashion" people who are actually interested in it beyond a superficial level and b) actually genuinely discuss it with said person without it turning into a careful exchange of asserting crafted opinions because both parties are very self conscious of what the other person will think of their level of fashion knowledge

Yohji and Raf have both said something along the lines of them not finding "fashion" people that interesting, but rather find peace and inspiration in people who are involved in other areas of art like music, fine arts, or architecture

/rant take it with a grain of salt

>> No.8285221
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trunks, and I'm not going to comment on it because I know of his reputation here and I don't want this turning into a derailed shitfest, this thread is for you Australian guys to meet some new friends and I already feel bad for using this thread as a vehicle for random ramblings

All I have to say is that he is a chill dude, normal human bean just like u and I

I'm actually meeting up with him and a few others tomorrow so going to bed pce

>> No.8285226

i see what you mean completely but really I don't think too many of us are/will be 'fashion people'
we're basically a bunch of uni students who enjoy chilling, drugs and a good laugh

>> No.8285231

kek, I was going to say prophet
Personally I don't mind him at all; he's a good moite
pretty much an honourary aussie, and from the actual /fa/ side of things its been good to watch his transformation/progress

gnite bae, have fun

>> No.8285242


Yeah you're right I take shit too seriously sometimes and forget that not everyone has the same level interest / seriousness regarding fashion especially since it's late at night and I'm just saying whatever comes to mind so it might sound retarded

>> No.8285259

I doubt fashion would make up even 10% of the actual conversation

believe it or not a lot of us are actually not autistic and are in fact reasonably well adjusted people

I've been trying to develop a bit more of a satisfying social life recently and I think it might be fun.

>> No.8285428

20-50% off everything at apartment for the next 3 days. Whats everyone copping?

>> No.8285446
File: 316 KB, 800x1200, look_4_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone know who this guy is? see him around brisbane all time found this on the apartment website

>> No.8285464

I feel like I've seen him somewhere before, but I don't actually know him

>> No.8285562

Nah don't bother with exams, what course you transferring into?

>> No.8285594

>can't even beat nsw in the origin
get rekt briscunts

>> No.8286624


>> No.8287043

Morning brisbros

>> No.8287160

If QLD lose in Sydney I'm going to be fucking pissed.

>> No.8287166

i'm moving to brisbane in july, any tips????

>> No.8287314

Which subun do you think you'll be living in?

>> No.8287332

I'm going to study at the university of queensland, so i guess it will be St. lucia.

>> No.8287348

might be worth applying for a college, food and rent will run you up to pretty much the same cost (At a cheaper college)

>> No.8287379

usyd here too. Are you /fa/?

>> No.8287564

Did I just walk past someone in the way to apartment?

>> No.8287606
File: 9 KB, 184x200, wwwww.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah bro it was me,
mirin my fit?

>> No.8287676

yeah everyone I know who lived in a college in first year mase heaps of friends and had a great time.

wish I'd lived in a college, had a ridiculously difficult time makw decent friends

>> No.8287682

Yiu mirin my new Ebbetts Field Flannel

>> No.8287769

What's the hangup here?
Would you rather approach people with poorly crafted opinions?

Fashion is actually really rich in context you just need to have the comprehension and frame of mind for it.
References in any entity as long as it can be competently translated

>> No.8288118

How do I sign up for this meet up?

>> No.8288156

The brisbane one? I guess just email tesselate, his email is in the OP.

>> No.8288234

Do you really need to sign up? I don't particularly want to confirm going but if i'm in the city i'll have a peek at u qts, also any of you in chem 1100?

>> No.8288290

He just wants to know roughly how many people are coming so we can make appropriate plans.

>> No.8288297

you are right, fashion should just be a reflection of one's lifestyle, not the end goal. that gets confused often on online fashion forums. but this meet seems to be more about a group of likeminded friends gathering to hang out

>> No.8288445

bought a burger from there in first year

NEVER AGAIN. i fucking love the guildy though. hates goen hate.

>> No.8288447

just pop an email over, i'll give you details of the meet anyway if you decide to go/not go

>> No.8288458

Hey brisbros, where are you guys all living a the moment? I used to live in wooloowin/clayfield where i group up but im living in paddington now. Paddington i would say is a great suburb to be /fa/ in.

where abouts are you guys at?

>tfw 5 assignments due next week.

>> No.8288463

are there any other musicians in /fa/?

>> No.8288597

West End. Can be /fa, lots of hippies tho. Good cause it's so close to everything I have people over all the time for pres and that

>> No.8288608

oh sick I live in milton, just right near suncorp

Used to live on fernberg road in paddington a few years ago

yeah I play guitar and keyboard and sing badly

>> No.8288609


>> No.8288614
File: 1.84 MB, 1280x720, 1400652120099.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Theres atleast 15 confirmed people atm.
The meet is going to be bigger than I've anticipated. It would make the biggest /fa/ meet ever.

one small step for brisbane, one giant leap for /fa/.


>> No.8288638

I live at southbank campus student accommodation. It fucking sucks

>> No.8288646

Is it eggy?

>> No.8288692

The West End
It's mad, people around here are crazy
Close to everything

>> No.8288746

Alright so, seems like everybody likes West End. I don't know the place too well.

Name some chill places to eat , drink and lounge

>> No.8288775

that someone U18 can go hopefully
not 4 me though cause im old

>> No.8288795

Man it took me ages to figure out what you were trying to say

>> No.8288802

we're gonna need a pretty big space for 10-15 people and most of the places in west end are small one room type things. Archive and Rumpus Room are large but not U18.
i'm fine with heading to wherever if someone knows an ideal place

>> No.8288832


i fuckin love these things so much, i dont even have to get any of the references (dont understand this at all)

>> No.8289098

three monkeys cafe
pj cheese steaks
lock n load
the loft

>> No.8289105


>tfw when Helensvale
>tfw 1hr 15m travel every morning
>best sleeps of my life on the gold coast express

>> No.8289155

these places look sweet,cheers fam
dam those cheese steaks though.
craving real hard.

>> No.8289163

they are better than you can imagine

>> No.8289634
File: 43 KB, 426x363, 8 sleeps.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

goodnight brisbros~
7 sleeps left after this one

>> No.8289674

lmao, those tiny ass cabins and sluts bringing in foreign dudes to fuk em because they got kicked out of their rooms.

my heart goes out 2 u and that king single

>> No.8289697

s'doin, any of you syd fam feeling a meetup, the brisvegas one looks like its going to be fun

>> No.8291581

bumping back up

>> No.8291620

You don't know shit
>Half hour drive to robina station and 8am lecture

>> No.8291624


>> No.8291631
File: 40 KB, 355x192, aburame_clan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lel simply epin

>> No.8292232

Nana Judy
Violent Green
What are the other /fa/ stores in Brisbane?

>> No.8292502


I ended up doing two final assignments which were easy enough cause i figured ill pass at least two subjects and not be put on academic probation or whatever

>> No.8293647

cant let this die

Also, judging by the amount of people; if we plan to eat /chill at some place I may have to do a booking because theres going to be like 15 of us.

>> No.8293654

Just fucking march in and act like you expect proper service, right away, chaps.
Nobody's gonna mess with what they think is a bunch of ninja terrorists

>> No.8293676

15 intersted mean 3 will show up

>> No.8293733

Who's looking forward to wearing riotcore at G20 this year? Better start stocking up on bandannas

>> No.8293803

So what are you people actually planning on wearing to this kinda meet-up? Not sure whether to go dadcore blazer + chinos or tryhard drapey gothninja or what. Fuck this is stressing me out too much, maybe I'll just sit at home and jerk it to animu as per usual...

>tfw never met anyone from 4chan irl

>> No.8293825

go dadcore it will be funny when they take a group pic

>> No.8293827

wear ur most /fa/ approved fit obviously,
if u look like shit i'll spit on u

>> No.8293831


stance won't show up

i will eat a pair of cps and piss on my neighbours dog if he does

>> No.8293845


>tfw never posted a fit on /fa/ but get complimented by friends and qt acquantances a lot

w-what do i do guys, nervous enough as it is... anyone wanna dump 4chan meetup inspo? don't wanna be over/underdressed ;__;

>> No.8293850
File: 368 KB, 1920x1280, 1400054885649.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8293887
File: 35 KB, 333x306, krule.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i actually moved my dentist appointment forward a week so i could make it,
aint everybody a shut in like u homie
u probably wont be overdressed

>> No.8293895


>> No.8293905

are they black geos on the left?

>> No.8293909


what's wrong with your teeth bruh?

>> No.8293953

no they are raf onions geodudes

>> No.8293980


>> No.8293982

i'd go but what would we talk about

this sounds awkward

>> No.8293984

have a laugh, chill with some cool dudes from /fa/
I'm sure there won't be a shortage of salient topics

>> No.8293996
File: 253 KB, 600x896, 1099409-koolaidman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's just that you are awkward because you don't have anything to offer and talk about.
the kool aid man doesn't ring the bell of the door at a party and ask for invitation. he busts through the wall and rocks the party

insecure faggots smh...

>> No.8293999

funny meems and epic gets

>> No.8294226

u can talk about the hot boys over at fit what outfits you think will turn them on the most...

>> No.8295521

so many people ask this,its not strictly going to be about fashion ya know.

last meet we only talked about fashion for about 20 mins then we just got into other stuff like normal people

>> No.8296511

nice trips get m8

>> No.8296523

>epic gets

>> No.8297522
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>> No.8297527

Where abouts in the city are you guys gonna meetup?

I'm going to be skating in the city with some m8s that day so we might drop in for 15-20 minutes

cheers /fam/

>> No.8297539

probs cbd first, then west end
idk as of yet.

chuck me an email and i'll send the current plan
more details to be determined at closer date

>> No.8299471

o man ive been seeing him on my fb feed lately and just thought he was some regular gook

>> No.8300380
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>> No.8300716

which fast food restaurant in bris is most effay?

wanna work over the uni holidays to save money for some sick cops

>> No.8301123

adelaide meetup when :^(

we can walk circles in rhd for a few hours then hit up hq

>> No.8301132

Pls change day.

I'm at Uni all Friday :(

>> No.8301134

Guys how do I get a job in a good retail shop?

By good, I mean anything I can kind of wear my own clothes in within reason.

How did fallow bro get his job?

>> No.8301135

yeah cunt im keen

just kidding id be too shy

>> No.8301148

on his knees m8

>> No.8301158

it's okay we can just drink coffee at hey jupiter and not say a word

>> No.8301289
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>> No.8301315

im not a nigger m8

>> No.8301801
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>> No.8301821

Can we go to Violent Green? I wanna check out some shit and get feedback from my fellow /fa/ggots.

>> No.8301824

what the fuck is a goon sack?

>> No.8301825

Is this on a Friday or saturday?

>> No.8301827

The drink of kings

>> No.8301840

holy shit lmfao

look at that girl(?)'s calves yuuuuck she smells like fish even in the photograph

and that fucking clown fit on the right, oh godd

when are we having a melbourne meet?

>> No.8301848
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pls post photos

>> No.8301859

I'm not sure I want to go to a meetup with a judgemental cunt like you though, m8

>> No.8301866
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melbournians are not real australians

>> No.8301869

yikes, this board's gotten way too politically correct for me

>> No.8301874

it was just an unfunny mean spirited thing to say man keep it positive and constructive

>> No.8301875


Don't worry m8, most people talk shit on these boards but piss their pants in real life.

>> No.8301890

Friday m8

>> No.8301902

I'd be keen for one m8

>> No.8301912

hey canberra fam did that meetup ever happen?

>> No.8301927

oh god what happens when we walk in and the shop is like wondering why 15 nerds just walked in "y-yes w-we're f-from an anime f-forum"

>> No.8301939

I won't be able to come /fam/
next one should be on a Saturday!

>> No.8302007

They should be happy they're getting customers. The retail industry is having a hard time. Maybe we can get an /fa/ discount hehehe

>> No.8303434

i'm not even sure there would be enough interest, and i'm not even sure where we would go. with filter store and hause closed for good all we really have is rhd. any ideas?

>> No.8303799

copped some good shit last night, hope it arrives in time for the meet :^)

>> No.8304461

do you adelaide people know the band sincerely grizzly?

>> No.8304494

Where to get slouchy black pants like that?

I know it's really inspecific. But I want some shit like this. Could I wear them with flip flops?

>> No.8304529

Something like this? I wouldn't imagine they could be worn well with flip flops but I guess you could give it a go

>> No.8304624

She looks cute but you sound like a fucking douche, don't come to a Melb meetup or you may not walk out.

>> No.8304701

avoid iloveugly

pants like that are most likely yohji, damir doma, cdg or something.

and for the love of god dont wear flip flops with it, atleast sandals like birkenstocks or something.

>> No.8305483

So, any new details on the location of the meetup?

Should someone set up a poll?

>> No.8305591

Shame it's on during swotvac would possibly chalk the melbourne to brisbane trip

>> No.8305603

Where do you auscunts buy your clothes?

>> No.8305604

>utilising swotvac to study

>> No.8305669

tfw have an exam 8:30 saturday morning.

>> No.8305682

most of mine from kaeho.com, occasionally apartment when I want something real nice

>> No.8305936

melb hard cunts we in this

>melbourne to brisbane trip
yeah bruh glad to see someone else is keen

>> No.8305941

can't sort by anything or display more/less items, what a shit website.

>> No.8305955
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>> No.8305973

Should we organise a melb meet after exams?

>> No.8306034

usyd masterrace also reppin

>> No.8306100

usyd meetup when? See some pretty /fa/ asians in Carslaw 24h library in the early hours of the morning, but mostly tasteless asian hypebeasts pairing givenchy sweaters with nikes/converses.

>> No.8306111

wait no now that I think about it they usually rock givenchy with ugly ass jordans

>> No.8306149

>I can't wait to tell my m8's on the LAD bible about this

fucking kek

>> No.8306151

I'm down, it'd be fun and it seems like there's a few people interested, plus doesn't look like whoever was organising it at first is doing anything
should make a thread after the brismeet finishes

>> No.8306155

which city is more fun
Brisbane or Melbourne?

>> No.8306159

brisbane prob, depends what you're in to, what you want to do
melb more effay tho

>> No.8306246

Sounds good, look forward to it

>> No.8306270

>tfw northern hemisphere going into summer
>tfw we're going into winter
>all the winter shit is on sale

Any other Ausfags feel me?

>> No.8306346

Sure do and it's a glorious time

>> No.8306350

tfw no money