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/fa/ - Fashion

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8279872 No.8279872 [Reply] [Original]

>memorial day
>nothing to do
>decide to go to the mall
>feel like trying on some jeans
>go to barneys co op
>see only a few items on the racks
>ask them if that's all they have in stock
>"yea, actually were closing down for good at 5pm"
>nothing my size
>walk around
>catch a bunch of asian hypebeasts snapping pics
>nothing worth copping at Nordstrom
>window shop at SLP
>leave empty handed

Today was a total waste.

>> No.8279937

>wake up hung over
>grab some pho
>asian lady across the table won't stop staring
>grab boba
>little asian girls stare nd whisper as I walk by
>smile and wave
>They blush nd giggle
>sexy white girl next to me in line
>say hi

Grills my age never want me

>> No.8279947

>memorial day
>no sales worth a damn

>> No.8279955

Ssense sale is up nd running

Nothing really worth copping tho

>> No.8279966

>tfw all these club nintendo coins and nothing to buy

>> No.8279968

That's because you're like Xbox One and PS4:

>> No.8279971

>know this qt3.14 who wants to study to be a fashion journalist
>I'm from /fa/, so I automatically feel like I know more about fashion than she does
>She befriends my best friend, who happens to be gay
>turns out she really wants to fuck me
>she has a boyfriend, and I know the guy
>don't wanna be that guy

>> No.8279975

>don't wanna be that guy
the guy without a vagina?

>> No.8279981

>pop my head into Big W
>buy couple of cheap tees since I filled my last one with cigarette burns somehow
>they fit well
>made myself some delishous chicken wraps for lunch

Today was not a waste

>> No.8279984

>and I know the guy
That's the problem.
If you just know him because you've bumped into him once or twice, it may not be a problem, but even still it's easy for him to figure out who you are.

It doesn't matter if a girl is in a "relationship" most of the time, but when you know the guy you shouldn't pursue her. I know "bros before hos" is just some college expression, but really, if more guys stuck to that motto the world would be a better place.

>> No.8279985

You type an awful lot of words for saying not really much at all

>> No.8279986 [DELETED] 

Naw, that guy who your girlfriend cheats on. Fuck my sympathy.
She actually dresses p decent too.

>> No.8279991

Idk bruv. My conscience fucks with me.

She dresses p decent too for a pleb.

>> No.8279993

my life is a total waste

>> No.8280005

>She dresses p decent too for a pleb.
Whenever there's a girl I don't want to fuck I try to use her to my benefit in other ways. You can meet her friends, or bring her out with you to a social event to attract more girls.

>> No.8280007

I know, man. Broke up with my last gf cus she turned out to be bat-shit crazy + suicidal to garner attention. I showed her about /fa/ too, but she was a total fuccgirl anyways.

>> No.8280010


>> No.8280011

>starting to dislike my friends and gf for dressing like shit.
never thought this would happen...

>> No.8280023

>she has a boyfriend, and I know the guy

I don't really see the problem unless you're friends with him, hang out as casual acquaintances semi-regularly, or maybe even a co-worker. In which case definitely forget about her for the time being.

>> No.8280057



I'm gonna sound like a pretentious asshole, but I had friends with shit taste in everything and I just kinda stopped hanging.

>> No.8280058

>guy wearing navy tries to tell me he's 'fashionable'

try some real colors faggot. your navy/black/dark brown ensemble is not impressing anyone.

>> No.8280063

i laughed.

>> No.8280069

>tfw you want a girl who you know likes you but her overly protective boyfriend never spends a minute away from her

>> No.8280075

Fucking hell, I have the exact same problem...my girlfriend is not effay at all. Last time she asked me how she looked and I gave her a few tips on what to wear and she became sad about it for a couple of hours. God did she look stunning though..

>> No.8280080

How often do you hang with her? What does her BF do?

>> No.8280084

We all work together.

>hanging out with her

Lol. If I could hang out with her I'd have fucked her so well she'd never look at her BF again, that's why he would never allow it.

>> No.8280090


>> No.8280093

>be beta
>dress like a faghoth
>discover /fa/ last month
>realize what a piece of scum I am
>Start buying better fitting jeans
>Buttoned up shirts
>Ditch really old band shirts that have lost color
>Struggling to find a niche between being good looking and alternative at the same time
>wasted 4 years of highschool looking like garbage
>I could have gotten so laid..

>> No.8280094
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>> No.8280100


I'm not short and never felt insecure about my height, but apparently this website is great for guys who have.

>> No.8280109

Thank you for giving me back my self stem.

>> No.8280113

lol manlet

>> No.8280120

>that's why he would never allow it.
That's what i'm trying to help you with.
Realistically you shouldn't act like she's 100% ready to fuck you, but i'm sure compared to her BF you seem like a god.
What you need to understand is that her BF's pathetic ways will only end up helping you. Find ways to softly diss him in front of her, but don't be mean about it. She'll notice his passive reactions.

Sometimes girls don't care when their man is a little bitch, because he's a safe bet and her sex drive isn't very high. It's up to you how you isolate her, but you could probably set up a situation where you end up working with her alone.

>> No.8280121

>used to have beautiful feet
>actually got compliments on them
>get physically demanding job
>feet ruined with blisters and calluses

it was my best feature now i have nothing ;_;

>> No.8280124
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went shopping on friday to hit some sales. average looking girl at scotch and soda starts chatting me up. not typical employee banter, she seemed interested in me. kind of ended the conversation abruptly because i'm an autist. wished i was nicer and talked to her more later on because i'm lonely as fuck and would appreciate the company.

>> No.8280135

>expand tastes
>talk to coworkers/friends/fam
>They all say Im a hipster because they've never heard/seen/read it
>starting to think I'm trying to hard.

Or maybe not...

>> No.8280139

>put on a little weight recently
>decide to cut down on food
>pretty much starve myself for 4 days
>noticing progress already
>complexion is amazing
>face looks more toned which only compliments my high cheekboes and jawline

I don't think I'll eat again

But seriously, My skin has always been a little oily with the odd spot and I can get break outs if I eat some shitty food, but when I don't eat my skin is perfect. One time I was really ill and barely ate for a week and my skin had never looked better even though I felt like I was going to die.

>> No.8280141

If you know what she wants, find a way to expose how he can't give that to her and that it's not a problem for you.

But I think it's a mistake to pursue her if you care about your job. I've hooked up with girls i work with, and it's hard not to with all that sexual tension, but to bring that much drama with her BF won't end well for you. I most likely would do it, but only if I had another job in mind.

>> No.8280154

>bought zespys
>will probably regret it once they arrive.

>> No.8280200

are you me OP?

>memorial day
>nothing to do
>decide to go to the mall
>Barneys, Dior, YSL
>Uniqlo hasn't opened yet
>Zara opens in two days
>other high-end shops are women's apparel or jewelry

the highlight of my day was qts mirin me. I even met the most perfect asian girl while waiting in line in a cafe. I complemented her on her cops and she mockingly made fun of my empty hands. I was too beta to ask her out.

>> No.8280209


Are you in Costa mesa?

Cuz the zara opens in 2 days at south coast.

I was there today.

>> No.8280216

I have sort of a similar problem; not necessarily clothes-related, because I was only just becoming /fa/ at the time, but I sort of split away entirely from this group of people I knew because they were just the world's biggest plebs. Super into Vampire Weekend and shit, did nothing but smoke weed and lay around watching fucking Portlandia or whatever, had no real interests, ran tumblr blogs that were as bland as humanly possible, etc.

>> No.8280221

what malls are you people going to that have dior and ysl?

>> No.8280226

>have gf, am successful, fairly happy with myself
>read this thread
>suddenly remembering the time i was 9 and i dropped some coins and a girl picked them up for me

fuck you lame assholes i swear to god

>> No.8280227


South coast plaza.

Greatest place on earth. Dior, ysl, jcrew, salvator ferragamo...the list goes on

>> No.8280238


Same here. They just listened to anything rock form 60-90s, thought weed was the greatest thing ever, watched Philly nonstop, ate nothing but fast food and hated everything slightly higher end.

>> No.8280251
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>memorial day

>goes shopping

>> No.8280255
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>running errands
>feeling fresh in my errand running fit
>see old man on my way to pick up cops from post-office
>he's rocking beige pants, run-of-the-mill white running shoes, green and white anorak/parka, red undershirt
>think to myself "sick normcore fit"

>feeleridoo when

>> No.8280257

>scotch and soda

I really want to like these clothes but theyre somehow unwearable

>> No.8280259


Got 'em.

>> No.8280263

omg wow ur so coool

>> No.8280281

what backwater town do you live in?

>> No.8280287

i bought zespys.
Sweats are shit, chinos are good.
Don't dry them in the sun/wash them often, they will lose color.
black>>>army green>>>everything else, seriously

>> No.8280291

>move to another country, 8k km away from home for uni
>almost half a year here
>0 friends
>no gf
>nowhere to go, nobody to call/call me

somehow I still feel pretty good.

>> No.8280302

>fetishising the military

>> No.8280363

hey, at least now you got college. You'll prob get more there than you anyone does in high school

>> No.8280364

Just eat healthier and less, you'll eventually binge and lose everything if you starve.

>> No.8280381

>memorial day
>no friends
>go to neighbors picnic
>drink beer and eat hot dogs
>remember our fallen fathers who gave their lives for freedom
>think about my beer and hot dog
>realize that not everyone is free to drink beer and eat pork based hot dogs
>realize freedom isn't free

>> No.8280396


>> No.8280398

is not being /fa/ and having no motivation to be /fa/ but trawling the board an /fa/ feel?

>> No.8280422

>woke up had eggs and ham on sourdough toast
>no work cuz dead soldiers
>go to michael's and cop some art supplies
>memorial day sale is on
>do art all day and smoke cigs and drink coffee
>feel an itch to go out
>randomly decide to go to chinatown with roomy
>drive to chinatown with my roomy
>asian qts mirin my rick sweater
>eat at restaurant they shot rush hour at
>kungpao fish yum
>it was very tasty
>go down the street and theres a band playing at some bar
>crusty hipsters galore
>me and roomy stick out like sore thumbs with our designer fits
>qts mirin the shit outta us
>random hipster asks to take our picture
>takes our picture
>smoke cigs outside and don't talk to anyone
>go home and work out
today was a good day

>> No.8280439

Where do you live?

>> No.8280449


shitposting is allowed, but raf simons rick owens usuallly what you better be dressed in

>> No.8280450

>No Memorial day because not an American
>Woke up, coffee and cigs for breakfast
>Listening to Elliott Smith
>Going to a restaurant when gf finishes her classes at noon
>Nothing else I want to do
>Feels good

>> No.8280470


>> No.8280479

Just explore the city dude. You'll find cool stores, cafés..

>> No.8280493

i started getting laid because of /fa
just brag about people how good looking and well dressed you are they will eventually believe it

>> No.8280530
File: 494 KB, 245x136, i concur.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i started getting laid because of /fa/

Thanks guise.

>> No.8280621
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>tfw SLP puts the fw14 stuff on their website
>those varsity jackets

sorry ssense I won't be partaking in your sale today

I hope some other site gets them soon so I can pre order one ysl doesn't seem to offer shipping to nz.

>> No.8280635

huh the thought of someone wearing slp in nz makes me lol

except for me i havnt seen a single person skinny enough

>> No.8280656

Where do you live? I'm a hungry skeleton, but yeh I do get what you mean I haven't seen that many people who would be able to pull it off.

>> No.8280666

>eat at restaurant they shot rush hour at


>> No.8280683

>Load up SLP site
>Those tits
my heart

Email them and ask; they ship to Aus no problem and if you're dropping a couple grand on a jacket they'll probably do it special for you.
Fuck those jackets are tight.

>> No.8280684

christchurch innit
not even ""fashion ppl"" have flattering bodies its so rank

>> No.8280706

Yeh thanks anon I think I will, hard I think I'll go for the classic black and white one but that grey/black is nice too.

Oh I feel your pain. Wellington is a bit better, I've seen a few ninjas.

>> No.8280714

gl anon, good cop no matter the choice
>tfw I will never find the blue/white YSL varsity ;_;

>> No.8280724

can u link varsities

>> No.8280727

Thanks, stay strong and you will find your way to it one day.

>> No.8280731

stop sucking each other's dicks for a sec and lnk me those varsity jakets

>> No.8280732

yeah welly is tight

i saw budget tumblrgoths wearing kowtow rags in zambesi last time i was there tho

in fact theres some popping up in crimechurch more freq too

these ppl are a scourge smh

>> No.8280733

It's under ready to wear, just keep scrolling down theres a few of them http://www.ysl.com/au/shop-product/men/ready-to-wear

>> No.8280740


>> No.8280744

>2k ameribux

>> No.8280923

>Be me, get invitation to my sisters daughters birthday
>I'm super excited I love my niece
>two days before my sister calls me to ask me what I'm going to wear at the party
>my family is bunch of plebs
>"You're not going to dress weird anon? What will you be wearing?"
>"Raf Simmons, Rick Owens usually what I'm dressed"
>She googles them
>Why don't you sit this one out anon


>> No.8280970

I was gonna make fun but then it got all cute

>> No.8280981

>tfw you're a late bloomer
>18 years old and just now starting to get acne

Damn it, I thought I was got lucky and missed that part of puberty ;_;

>> No.8280985

How do you not get raped by customs? do you just bite the bullet? and pay?

>> No.8280986
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How do I into social life? I want to make friends outside of people I know at uni and improve my social skills. I don't really have any close friends, I found a few social meet up websites but seems to be mostly older people and I'm 21.

>> No.8281001
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>Walking in the street
>Walk past a group of guys
>Hear them say : "Look at his shoes." "They're cool.."
>Feels pretty cool because at least I know they weren't saying it to be nice.

>> No.8281022

>face still moonmode
> tfwwill never have dat chiseled jawline
Fucking genetics. I don't think losing more weight would help at this point

>> No.8281029


>> No.8281034
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time for that feel again, thanks doc.

>> No.8281053

whatever you do do it now and don't end like this dude>>8281034

yust get a hobby like i dont know photography and join the uni's after school photo course our something.

>> No.8281066

wtf you fat fuck
I am 193cm 75kg, so taller and weigh less, and I could lose more weight. Just keep on losing weight, you wimp.

>> No.8281070

>not accepting the past as the journey that brought you where you are today

>> No.8281071

Nah, I see guys who weight 10 kg more than me (and it's not muscles) and still have a well-defined jaw and cheekbones. It's a genetic thing.

>> No.8281083

>starving to lose weight
This is not really smart, you know

>> No.8281085

pfft. them having their jaw and cheekbones even with their weight might be genetic thing, nothing stops you from losing more weight and getting those cheekbones and jaw. but look how defensive you already got.
>it's genetic
>no point

ok, surrender then
no cheekbones for you, faggot, cause you didnt deserve them
cry some more and wait for approval posts, which will make you believe it's 100% genetic and nothing can be done.
then eventually feel better about your puffy roundface.

>> No.8281090

Feet are disgusting anyway you absolute filth.

>> No.8281100

I might as well push myself all the way to underweight aushwitz mode and finally get dem cheekbones but I'll lose all of my muscles in the process and do a serious damage to my health. And I'd have to stay starved forever for my pretty face to remain. I don't think it's worth it. You are welcome to try though.

>> No.8281162

just fuck her dude

>> No.8281169

iktf mang

>> No.8281194

w2c pants?

>> No.8281203

it's not being underweight, it's your body fat percentage you want to minimise

>> No.8281204

not worth it

>> No.8281225

>be out clubbing with friends
>notice some friend's brother's shoes
>they're really nice I should compliment him on them
>forget to because in the middle of conversation
>groups split, the guy with the nice shoes is in the other group
>go to get some take-away food at 2am
>guy with nice shoes is there again
>says "I like your shoes anon"
>compliment him back, tell him I wanted to compliment him on his too
>tfw talking about shoes at 2am with some guy you barely know

>> No.8281245

that's pretty gay

>> No.8281518

This isn't a console war thread.
>Pii U

>> No.8281566
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that's what happens the first year on /fa/

once you're /fa/ you won't care anymore about other peoples clothes

>> No.8281568

stop being afraid of fucking up or letting people get to know you

>> No.8281589

thx b

>> No.8281591
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>Being 19 with 200€/month income
>Wearing first pair of Dior 17.5cm jeans I bought from SuFu (this feeling was the enlightment)
>Addicted to Dior Homme
>Buy DH 17.5cm cargos from SuFu
>DH too expensive, settle for APC
>Sell Diors (50€ loss)
>Visit bigger city and Dior store
>Hooked again
>Sell APC jeans (120€ loss)
>Buy Dior raws and one pair of washed jeans after saving up all summer (750€ total)
>Discover /fa/
>Sell Dior jeans (400€ loss)
>Buy Acne ace cash, max satin chinos, john sweatpants (600€ total)
>Decide I want selvedge denim, sell Acne shit (300€ loss)
>Buy Rogue Territory 14.5oz and stealth jeans (400€ total)
>21 with no disposable income and want to get DH jeans again after I found my Dior Homme Intense EdP, hooked again, but required to sell RgT:s for at least 200€ loss.

Fucking pants man...

>> No.8281602

More general feels but

>make out with qt grill
>last 3 texts are yours from last night at like 8 PM
>not sure if I should text her good morning or wait for her to text me first

For /fa/ related feels

>$80 target giftcard
>looking at cologne on basenotes because shit sense in scents and want second opinions
>every time I find something that sounds good Target doesn't carry it

Ugh, I just need a scent for summer that compliments my Terre D'Hermes, I could always buy Chrome by Azzaro again as I get compliments all the time on it but I want to try something different too.

>> No.8281619

>buying cologne at target

>> No.8281625


Only because I have a giftcard, normally I go down to Sephora and try some then buy on Amazon or eBay. Surprisingly, Target has a pretty decent collect of cologne online.

>> No.8281666

>gf breaks up with me
>be sad and still love her for ages
>discover /fa/
>every time i think about her now i remember these fucking revolting boots she used to wear and her general lack of any sort of fashion knowledge at all
>so glad im single

>> No.8281675

dude just buy a bunch of socks and underwear

>> No.8281679

I was actually surprised at Target's fragrance stock last time I checked, e.g. YSL L'Homme. Nothing amazing, but I was expecting shit.

>> No.8281681

had never been in one before. didn't like it either
was more of me acting out of habit. didn't occur to me that it could have gone in a different direction until later. i'm a bit slow in that regard

>> No.8281688
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>tfw addicted to cigarettes
emphezema gets you pussy

>> No.8281691

>i'm a bit slow in that regard

>qt talks to me
>mumble some generic responses
>come up not even a minute after it's over with some interesting things to say

everytime, and not necessarily qts either. just people in general.

>> No.8281704

>>not sure if I should text her good morning or wait for her to text me first
you text her to arrange the next time you hang out
that's it

>> No.8281727

was talking to an old friend and she wanted some pics of me now and after I'd sent them she remarked that I looked really different. I looked back at some pics from around 2 years ago when I first started trying to care about how I was dressing... oh god it was horrible. Lots of preppy fits, hitler youth haircut which apparently is more popular now, lots of the clothes I can tell are really cheap shit, don't fit well and should have never been put together. Kind of made me feel good that slowly but surely I've been improving my taste levels and weeded the shit out of my wardrobe. still have a ways to go but i can see a big difference. we're gonna make it guys...

>> No.8281740


guys, come up and have a listen for a second!

ever thought that you yourself might be the problem? that all of your friends are plebeian because that is the kind of human that (for some reason) feels drawn to you? just going to leave this here

>tfw patrish friends

>> No.8281741
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except in 2 years you are going think what you wear now is shit, too.

>> No.8281747


>They just listened to anything rock form 60-90s

and that's bad why?...
fucking plebeians these days I swear

>> No.8281759
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I want to have this feel too

>> No.8281762

at least.... its more expensive shit and.. it wasnt horrible mall crap coordinated badly with other horrible mall crap. i toned it down a lot as well

>> No.8281777

>Already in my 20's
Is there any hope?

>> No.8281779

Don't text her again, until she texts you OR you text her to set up a date tomorrow.
Chill out and don't try to rush things.

Use the Target gift card for videogames and food/alcohol.

>> No.8281797

Tfw that beautiful black wool and white leather teddy will never be mine.

>> No.8281832


>> No.8281845

it's a hefty fucking fee

>> No.8281934

damn it /fa/ this is all your fault

>> No.8281964

i read that as 'at ye level'
like a site showing that kanye is short
and that didn't stop him
get to 'ye level

>> No.8281977

>going to do acid with friends on friday night
>/fa/ meetup next week

t-trying to stay positive g-guys

>> No.8281983

shouldn't be too hard for you, normalfag

>> No.8282512

don't eat less
just eat more healthy (ex. cut out all those doritos and mountain dew)

>> No.8282537

>walking around campus in raf velcros
>about to pass by this group of fratty kids sitting in a hallway
>one says "nice velcro shoes bro" as im about to pass them
>they all smirk and giggle
>"thanks, they're worth more than your entire wardrobe!"
>they just awkwardly laugh
felt pretty good because i managed to make good eye contact with that faggot and maintain spaghetti

>> No.8282568

>300 amerimoney shoes
>delusions of monetarian grandeur

They are only expensive if you are in highschool.

>> No.8282598

>complexion is amazing
Yeah, because you're eating less junk, not because you're eating less period. Don't conflate the two. Starvation over an extended period of time actually will cause you to break out.

>> No.8282613

>Round face
>I look like I'm 14

I can't pull anything off.

>> No.8282633

try obnoxiously cute androgynous looks if you're into that thing

>> No.8282637
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Eat more raw plant based foods and start sun gazing. It'll multiply the effect x100

>> No.8282686
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>tfw girlfriend tells me "you can dress me up as much as you want."
>tfw she tells me she's my doll

>> No.8282712

I know that feel.
>Used to moisturize every night
>Used to use pumice stone during each shower
>New work/school schedule
>Stop doing some of the time consuming/pampering extra things
>Feet now perma-callused

>> No.8282725


I'm not androgynous.

>> No.8282747
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I fell you bruh

I've got a nice face but that doesn't mean anything if people don't take you seriously just because you don't look your age

sometimes I think that the only thing that cripple my self-esteem and my personality in geral is the incoherence of my age and my looks

>> No.8282769

I know that feel bro.
My girlfriend dresses alright, but I'll plan what I'll wear to a party 3 days in advance, and she waits till the last minute.

>> No.8282779

>Met 8/10 /fa/ girl at party
>grinding, kissing etc.
>get her number
>she tells me I'm not her type
(I did kind of tell her I want a summer fuck though)

>> No.8282787

that would kill me dude ;(

>> No.8282796

Fuck, I know, any ideas how to resolve the situation? Nobody has turned me down before.

>> No.8282801

If no one ever turns you down why don't you find someone else?

>> No.8282802

Not many girls as good as her around this town. No good reason, she's just cute

>> No.8282853


>> No.8282860

>tfw fashion is the most expensive and least rewarding hoby
music and anime are free and entertainment. clothes are expensive and not entertaining

>> No.8282865

but clothes give you a temporary confidence boost

>> No.8282870

go back to /b/ you autist

>> No.8282876

fashion isn't entertainment, it's masturbation.

>> No.8282877

I guess

>> No.8282885
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>head injury literally put me in a constant state of panic for the last 14 months
>it's finally wearing off
>i'm remembering my life again
>starting to sell and throw away old clothes and random shit
>feel like a different person now
>starting to become happy again
>lost 75 lbs within the last 8 months while working out to muffle the panicky feeling
>everything feels like slow motion now and i absolutely fucking love it

I thought it would never end. Whatever this is...it's pretty fucking humbling.

>> No.8282890

try getting into cars as a hobby and you will know what "expensive" is

>> No.8282901

try getting into your mum as a hobby and you'll know what cheap is

>> No.8282914

>Dressed like a pleb
>Had a girlfriend that dressed like a pleb
>She broke up with me after putting me into so much shit
>Browse /fa/
>Become fairly fa
>She wants to get back together
>Say no
Did I make?

>> No.8282916

that's pretty kawaii anon

>> No.8282939
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>> No.8282940

I can relate. Had a concussion and no long term memory for a couple of weeks, depression, anxiety, agitation, insomnia, amnesia, personality changes and stuff. Took like a year to fully recover. Your story sounds worse though. Good to hear you are getting better though.

>> No.8282951

>most expensive hobby

Heheh, I got a slight smirk Anon, good one.
Versace, Gucci and SLP aren't the only companies out there you know? You're only limiting yourself if you can't afford to be fashionable.

>> No.8282954

nope dont do it. karma will go down on you hard in the future.

>> No.8283102

>Karma exists
Not really.

>> No.8283138

>tfw first two toes after big toe are webbed on each foot.
>tfw big toe on both feet are bent inward as fuck.
>tfw qt gf has perfect feet and always jelly.
Life is hard, man.

>> No.8283149

you made it

>> No.8283180

Do you smoke? If you do just go to where people smoke and ask for a lighter or some shit and have a little chat. Eventually you'll get to know people

>> No.8283183
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>tfw just saw swans and it was one of the bes gigs Ive been to
>tfw on the way back this qt was talking to her bf about what his favourite song was

>> No.8283197


go to your local library.

i bring my laptop and read some shit, do uni work, and play games.

there was a group of 3 guys who go there and just play for hours. they were always taking cig breaks so it was easier to talk to them about the game and other shit.

also dont feel the need to always be talking. when you want to be social you have to urge to ask questions and make yourself interesting, but fight that. find the right balance between being quiet when the situation asks for it. i hate this alpha/beta stuff, but you never see a high class guy try to light up the mood by doing pointless conversation.

>> No.8283205

>meeting smokers
If you smoke your value as a person basically drops by 30%

>> No.8283224

you are awful at this

>> No.8283251

>meme bands

Le death milk grips swans

>> No.8283258

what do you listen to thats better fuck boy

>> No.8283259
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>tfw just started working at an upscale salon/spa
>90% discount for all services
>tfw professional grade exfoliation/moisturizing/skin treatments for like 5-10 bucks each
>dress code is all black with blazer
>fully capable of pulling off great fits

I'm living the life now, things are looking up

mostly just excited to have a job tho

opinions on my feels, /fa/?

>> No.8283263

I get why people can see it as pretentious but they were genuinely amazing

>> No.8283265

sounds gay af but presumably you are too so it's all good :)

>> No.8283267


Similar feels
>working at 5 star restaurant/bar
>50-100% off all food depending on how the chef feels
>free drinks
>qts errwhere

Only problem is I have to wear an apron even though I'm bartender.

>> No.8283270

Ask your boss if you can wear clothes over the apron.

>> No.8283274
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>not wearing this and telling anyone who questions you to fuck off

>> No.8283277

best part is im not

but ill be working with 98% grills

plus bitches will love the sicc af discounts ill get them, nothing gets pussies throbbin like 25% off facials and body wraps

then i wrap their bodies and give them another facial gratis ;)))

>> No.8283287

are you retarded

>> No.8283354

lurk grailed and find people selling shit too cheaply and then resell it for more money to make up your losses

the secret is not to let on that you're not the original owner

>> No.8283359

>Get coffee with GF, friend who uses /mu/ and a few friends of theirs
>Go to 2 separate BBQs with GF
>Feel a little strange eating meat with her, she is vegan, was ok though, she is very chill about it.
>Meet people, talk with them, they seem to think i'm interesting, probably gonna hang out with one guy who was not only quite intelligent but also pretty /fa/
>Generally have a great time

Was a good day.

>> No.8283375


Delayed response, sorry. But, thanks, really. I'm glad you made it through that and went out of your way to say what you said.

How do you feel now?

>> No.8283434

fashion isn't nearly as expensive as other hobbies unless you insist on taking it overboard. i mean think about the autists out there who spend three or four thousand dollars putting together gaming rigs just so they can sit in their basements and get fat, whereas an /fa/ person could put together a small wardrobe of really incredible looking clothing for that money. not only will that improve their social standing somewhat and increase their confidence, but it also displays dedication to fashion as a real, respected artform, which is acceptable where video games or anime are not

i mean games cost what, 60, 70 dollars these days? just a console and ten games alone is going to set you back more than an outfit incorporating the absolute highest quality designer pieces would, and more than a few outfits incorporating brands like acne and apc. do you want to look great and have the respect of anyone who isn't a pleb, or do you want to have a way to kill time that makes you look like a manchild?

>> No.8283582

I wont challenge it if I were you.

>> No.8284013
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>tfw you just saw a pic of the back of your head

>> No.8284105

My ex is slandering me across school saying that I hit her when I didn't.

Anybody else feel that?

>> No.8284114

say bye to your social life m8
laugh it off and pretend you do care

>> No.8284120

o, hey mark.

>> No.8284130
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>tfw i say high to acquaintances
>they turn away and try to ignore me
>tfw i know she told them i hit her

>> No.8284145

>tfw only have basics

>tfw minimalist and hate buying cheap clothes

>tfw poor and all your clothes are from the mall

kill me

>> No.8284156

What do you call this haircut

>> No.8284164

>see almost any pic of yourself that you didn't pose for

i find myself more often than not hating my outfits in these pictures than anything else

>> No.8284197


>> No.8284201

>take the random photo of me shitting, on the computer, sitting, jerking off
>looks okay
no wonder bitches b miring

>> No.8284233


>> No.8284245
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tfw theres a Memorial Day sale but you can't order shit because you're moving soon and packages take 2 weeks to come

>> No.8284260

>too skinny even by /fa/ standards
>no clothes that I buy are good fits but if I go up or down a size they don't fit at all
>no money to get them tailored
>even shirts look weird because of my sunken chest
>tfw no gf

>> No.8284272
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>depression, anxiety, agitation, insomnia

That's my life.

>> No.8284281

>former 230 lbs. fatass
>slim down to 145 lbs.
>tfw loose skin bunches up around my waist when sitting down

i'll only be able to be casually shirtless when standing up ;_;

>> No.8284337

Right there with you.
I hit a huge financial wall in 2013 which left me homeless, carless, and jobless. But I'm VERY slowly pulling myself out of it.

>> No.8284345
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someone spoke to me at uni today please help

>> No.8284365

have u tried eating

>> No.8284383

>hanging out with a qt
>she reaches out to touch my $9 basic tee
>"anon, your shirt is really soft"

do u think she lieks me /fa/???

>> No.8284390

Yeh I just have to factor that in when paying.

>> No.8284392

Just don't talk to plebs.

>> No.8284395

>tfw ur qt gf wears your rick and damir doma tees after you fuck her cause they're so soft

>> No.8284400

>i haven't heard of something
>whoever has heard of it must be a hipster
>there can't be anything wrong with me
>i-it has to be them!

Sounds like your friends are kinda faggots. Unless they're just joking with you, in that case you're the faggot.

>> No.8284409

>hanging out with a qt
>"a-anon, your shirt is really s-soft..."
>"don't touch my shirt cunt"
>punch her in face, send her flying across hallway, her nose broken
>"don't fuck with rick"
>"shut the fuck up bitch"
>stomp her face with geobaskets
>cops come
>taken to court
>"your honor i declare guilty on the grounds of--"
>goofninja hood and cloak crawl out of pyrex shorts onto head.
>"bein a fresh ass mofucka"
>pull sword out of ass and stab judge in the face
>shot by cops, on floor bleeding out
>"....stupid fuccbois..."

>> No.8284485

why the fuck would you wear raf or rick at a children's birthday party? do you want the little whits to cover your cops with food and shit?

>> No.8284490

>get gifted a sweater, a couple shirts and a couple scarfs from RL
>costed ~$700
>could have bought some delicious Dior or SLP with that money

>> No.8284492

>Saint Laurent or Dior
Yeah, maybe one button up or dress shirt lmfao.

>> No.8284493


Yeah this is ridiculous. Wear basics to anything kids are going to be anywhere near.

Only exceptions are like boots or glasses.

>> No.8284507

More like a couple jeans.

And I fail to see your point.
It doesn't count unless it's a big purchase?

>> No.8284516
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Very bad storytelling
Didn't evan laff

>> No.8284521

you're tearing me APART, Lisa!

>> No.8284527


Good luck anon, financial hardships are shit. I thought the way around it was selling weed in highschool and uni, but that backfired and I'm poor now

>> No.8284543

bowl cut.

>> No.8284545

>finally find a parka I like
>check back an hour later
>discounted down to $450, within budget
>fug yes
>can't find debit card
>transfer money into paypal
>fug yes
>transfers take 2-3 days

There's only 2 in my size. I hope no one gets them.

>> No.8284564

>tfw find out I'm known as the guy who dresses really nice in my social group
> :)

>> No.8284574

I am :-)

>> No.8284580

Got damn old dudes have some great fits

>> No.8284582

Laguna Beach reporting in ;)

>> No.8284593

I was 200 and now I'm 127, the loose skin is unfortunately permanent unless you get surgery. hold me, anon

>> No.8284605


Santa Ana loc homie

>> No.8284619

>Santa Ana
I went to the IRS office there about a week ago and damn is it fucking ghetto.. Hard to believe my beautiful Orange County has such scum.

>> No.8284631


Yup this city is pretty shitty. They actually arrested a dude here who kept a girl captive for 10 years...but there is some dope lil places.

>> No.8284662

> height surgery forum
this is pathetic

>> No.8284670

> 6'4"
> 156 pounds
thanks mom

>> No.8285121

>Woke up at 7am with a giant red spot under my eye
>looks like some sort of underskin blood thing
>go through usual skincare routine and hope that would lessen it
>go to uni
>people are looking at me
>people ARE looking at me
>why are people looking at me
>remember the red spot
>come home
>red spot still there
>drink 2 cups of coffee because yesterday was shit and I feel like shit now


>going to a short film with my best friend in a few hours
>good fit


>red spot still there


>> No.8285150

not a normalfag first time ever doing normal fag stuff

>> No.8285288

iktf, especially when bf has fetish. i don't think mine are that bad but still. ;-;

>tfw not tall blonde w/ porcelain white skin
>ftw have olive skin and 4'10
>tfw want to be 90 lbs

>no friends with similar fashion sense, can't nerd out about clothes as much b/c conflicting styles

>> No.8285291


i had to deal with a half inch red cyst underneath my eye for like a year, it did fucking wonders for my self esteem you can imagine

it cleared up then a month later another one occurred under the other eye

by the time surgery got round to contacting me back it had gone

perhaps god hates me

>> No.8285305

>walking out in the entertainment district
>20 year old fuccboi in a varsity with his qt3.14 gf sitting on a bench
>fuccboi can't take his eyes off how /fa/ i am, ignoring his gf totally
feels good man

>> No.8285345

tfw told by a girl at a party she and her friend used to refer to me as "hands guy"
i blushed

>> No.8285696

how do I stop loathing and hating myself

I can't concentrate on anything and I need to do an assignment I'm so fucking tense and stressed like all through my body

what the fuck do I do

>> No.8285704

so basically this thread is all
>be outside for once
>somebody glances at me and the fit I spent hours thinking of and asking 4chan questions about
>feel validated and accomplished
>cancel remaining plans and head straight home to tell your bros on /fa/ about the whole thing

>> No.8286040

no bullying pls

>> No.8286043

>have qt albino bf
>dat pale god skin
>dirty blonde hair so everyone thinks he's just Euro, not a night dweller
>dem aesthetics
>look down at his shitty self designed tattoos
>those star things on his chest
>that flaming skull on his arm
>that Trans am emblem also on his arm
>to laugh? Or to cry?

>> No.8286076

>have qt albino bf
>dat pale god skin
>dirty blonde hair so everyone thinks he's just Euro, not a night dweller
>dem aesthetics
>look down at his shitty self designed tattoos
>those star things on his chest
>that flaming skull on his arm
>that Trans am emblem also on his arm
>to laugh? Or to cry?

>> No.8286083
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>be looking at photos of models
>every face I've seen in the last half hour or so has been really attractive
>go to bathroom, look in mirror

I'm not even so unattractive, maybe 6/10 in a good light, but damn

>> No.8286099

Wow americans are so fucken gay

>> No.8286114


I ask myself "Why haven't you killed yourself yet?" everytime I look at a reflective surface

>> No.8286133

>5' 4"
>180 lbs

>> No.8286153

same but when I look at really fit guys

>> No.8286156


>> No.8286259

>tfw too poor for acronym

>> No.8286916

Give him the D.

>> No.8286992

>160 pounds
>dont look emaciated enough

I just want my cheekbones and jaw to stand out more im happy with my body

>> No.8287129

>tfw 6'5
>160 pounds
>qt I've been talking to says "Anon you're so skinny! You're like a beanpole!"
>I say that's not a good thing for a man to be
>"It is, you're like Alexa Chung(?), I'm jealous!"

Does she want the dick, or am I fucked?

>> No.8287152

she already complemented you

if you react like "no nah i'm not that great" its an immediate turn off, its like here's the subtext:

"wow anon i'm interested in you"
and your answer is
"you should not be interested in me"

if you dont want to talk about yourself (which i can understand) just shift the attention to her (ex: her body i.e. "yeah i'm almost as skinny as you" or something like "you like skinny guys i bet") or make a joke that isnt self deprecating

>> No.8287167

>>don't wanna be that guy
You're a good guy.

>> No.8287168


Yeah her type is "tall, skinny guys" (basically me, not trying to be a dick) but she's shy to relationships (never been in a relationship, been kissed etc)

I'm just a bit sensitive about my weight because I'm aware I'm really skinny and I'm trying to put weight on

Might ask her out sometime, if you reckon she's complimenting me

>> No.8287178

are you jealous that they can dress like shit and not give a damn?

>> No.8287326

>been talking with some qt3.14 lately
>she seems to be into me, its pretty obvious
>afraid of screwing things up
>afraid of running out of things to talk about
>just want someone to cuddle with

>> No.8287352

>found out gf is talking to her ex

i'm pretty fucking mad

>have no summer clothes
>tfw live in south so i'm sweating my ass off

>> No.8287491
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I know that feel... with everyone though not just fashion


>> No.8287503


climb out of your ass and use the sun to navigate to a better perspective

>> No.8287514

Ayy nigga. Don't get with her just because you like the idea of dating somebody more than her as a person. It never works out; it'll end around 5 months in.

Trust me anon.

>> No.8287528

she's already fucked him bro! haha

the only time a girl will contact her ex is when she wants some foreign cock. just understand that you aren't providing her with what she needs and is looking elsewhere for validation. its okay to be a weak man that cannot keep his woman satisfied, in fact most guys are like this. just keep working on yourself and hopefully your next relationship your woman will respect you enough to not go behind your back and get some alpha cock.

don't worry too much about it if this isn't the first time it's happened to you OP, the world needs a lot of good dads to raise the illegitimate children from guys like me. take care and work on yaself

>> No.8287561

>Cant imagine myself wearing clothes
>Dont find any patterns for shirts appealing. Ever

Trying to find button ups and shirts is hell

>> No.8287567



pretty much all of my button-ups are flannel or gingham

>> No.8287588

>tfw no money for clothes and have to make use of a few items for like 6 months

>> No.8287595

Where do you buy button ups from.

Dont even know where to look really

>> No.8287601

>buying patterns and not solid colors

>> No.8287604

Mostly uniqlo, JackJones (massively pleb, but I'm a broke nigga in the UK)

>> No.8287610

Countless places.
Burberry, Gitman, Urban Outfitters if you are feeling fuccboi-ish, like you can find button downs fucking anywhere.

>> No.8287622
File: 122 KB, 319x479, 2014-04-28-15-31-51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whatchu talkin bout Willis?

Foot fetish is best fetish. I see tits everywhere I go.

>> No.8287624

nah, feet are disgusting.

>> No.8287654

kanker lekker

>> No.8287696

>that failed screenshot
try again please

>> No.8287711

thank you based /fa/

>> No.8287721

Eat healthy dumbass

>> No.8287727

gr9 b9 m9

>> No.8287733

fucking copy pasta.

>> No.8287761

>had friends
>frequently talked to girls
>discover /fa/
>start dressing better, start purposely having an angry demeanor (this was when i thought goffninja shit was ultra cool)
>no girls talk to me anymore
>occasionally they like me, but they dont meet my incredibly specific taste
>start becoming apathetic about everything
>become ultra boring to talk to, all conversations i have are empty and uninteresting
>lose all my friends
>eat lunch alone every day

but on the flipside
>get my car runinng, i can drive wherever and whenever
>got a job, so maybe i can meet new people

i know it's not /fa/'s fault that im a boring loser, at least i have a new hobby that i think is really fun and interesting

it kinda sucks whenever i think about my friends, but would you have shitty friends or no friends?

>> No.8287765

This sounds like bullshit but it is so true. Its like that "fake smile all the time and eventually you will be happy and real smile" shit, as long as you are charismatic just saying this shit to people makes them think better of you. Its weird.

>> No.8287833

>zara opened today
>decide to take sister
>walk around try on some jeans
>General manager comes up
>"how old are you"
>"do you have a job? You look perfect for our men's section."
>refuse the offer
>follows me out
>tells me to come in tomorrow for an interview.


>> No.8287843

Are you an idiot? Free money for standing around?

>> No.8287862

fucking dumbass

>> No.8287885

what the fuck

they are jeans

sort your priority's good god

>> No.8288095

and thats why you don't have any friends

>> No.8288146


Have a better job but I'll go tomorrow anyway. There was some qts

>> No.8288208

>Can't wear hightops
>Can't wear drapes
>Can't have stacks
>Can't wear long jackets

Jesus fucking christ, I get to spend my whole life being boring.

>> No.8288216

Unless you have a better job already I don't see why you'd refuse

>> No.8288243

any of you guys had any luck internet dating? thinking about making an Okc profile when I can get some reasonable pictures of myself

>> No.8288260

No, you can wear billowy yohji-like clothing. Something us giants cannot achieve.

>> No.8288267

you can wear what ever the fuck you want as long as it it tailored to your proportions.

>> No.8288282

have one good friend which understands you and is accepting towards you. do the same towards him, face him with equality even if the tastes don't match.

you may have some one who has the same tastes as you at some point or another, but that's exception. and if you do take care not to be sucked by admiration and to orbit that one person.

don't downplay old friends for new friends with nice tastes.

you probably don't need to hear most of this, I'm just saying.

>> No.8288295

Are u Chinese/ Asian

>> No.8288333

>be me, today
>go to work
>wear navy double breasted blazer, light beige slim fit pants white dress shirt, black suede dress shoes with laces that match pants, ray-ban clubmasters
>90% of the people I pass by look me up and down
>Can't tell if they're judging or admiring my fit
Help me /fa/?

>> No.8288345

Maybe some brown suede's would fit this outfit a little better.

If its all well-fitted, it could look really nice for menswear.

>> No.8288360

I've got chocolate brown Cole Haans, but I liked the lacing matching on the black shoes. I think its well-fitted, I'd post fit for folks to judge but I can't at the moment.

>> No.8288362

>tfw one side profile really good and the other meh
>tfw h-hairline where are you g-going?