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/fa/ - Fashion

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8268913 No.8268913[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>20 years old
>moving to seattle soon
>finally gonna be in a somewhat /fa/ city
>have had this last year + a few months until i go to work and stay at my parents house and make some decent cops/develop some style
>no idea what I'm gonna do when I get there besides transfer my shitty starbucks job

any seattle /fa/gs here? what's the fashion scene in seattle like? how can I get involved?

>> No.8269048

lel fashion in seattle is shit why aren't you moving to New York

>> No.8269057

Any montreal tips? Going to McGill this fall

>> No.8269210
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Yeah make sure 2 say hi 2 Grimes for me

>> No.8269217

What's good in and around Boston?

>> No.8269238

I like how her name describes the city and her atrocious appearance

>> No.8269248

pfpdsspahfhwahahha nice

still a faggot tho

>> No.8269265

Any fa shops in San Fran? Is there an h.lorenzo there?

>> No.8269275

New York City. Need some good thrift stores that aren't overrun by hipsters.

>> No.8269294

But you can't drive two hours and ski one of the world's snowiest mountains if you live in New York.


>> No.8269303


Hang out on Capitol Hill outside of Totokaelo or Glasswing. Or inside. Get to know the salespeople (they are all super cool). There's always some sort of fashion parties going on at these places, hang out there, meet the models, meet the photographers. Just be around.

>> No.8269314
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OP: Totokaelo. Somehow, Seattle has what's arguably the best boutique in the world.

>atrocious appearance
Grimes has the best personal style of any human I'm aware of; what the hell are you talking about?

>> No.8269338

Where ya from? I went to McGill this year. Get ready for the best fucking year of your life.

>> No.8269449

I live in Seattle. There's like 3 boutiques. Never seen anyone wearing any effay clothing, but I'm sure if you hangout on Broadway enough, you'll see some. Everyone tries to be tumblrcore. We have totokaelo though, beautiful store.

>> No.8269452

>never seen anyone wearing effay clothing

u srs? how is that even possible?

>> No.8269455

providence, rhode island

>> No.8269476

I go to UW, so my experience won't be perfectly representative of what yours will be.
That said, in Seattle, I've found that the best dressed people are mostly Asians, the worst dressed people are mostly Asians, with the white people generally dressing for comfort / utility in the middle.
Tumblrcore / bushy-bearded flannel "indie" (yikes) is the main aethestic, it seems.

That said, there's Totokaelo, a Barney's, and Blue Owl. I like it here.

>> No.8269525

Ne1 got any tips for Ottawa?

>> No.8269542


>Shop on Oxford Street
>club at Ministry, Fabric and, if you're edgy XOYO
>Boiler Room is grail-tier night out
>Go to Central Saint Martins
>Pop-up food stalls are the place to be

>> No.8269547

I'm from Washington, D.C
I can't fucking wait man,though is the bureaucracy as bad as everyone says it is?

>> No.8269565

ay i'm from dc too, fuck this place the only good places are barneys and rag & bone and the "dc aesthetic" is awful i can't wait to leave

>> No.8269568

Any acceptable stores in Mexico apart from Saks fifth, h&m, and gap??

>> No.8269572

Going to Paris for three months soon, any Parisians here have any tips for me?

>> No.8269574


dude get out more! You'll see more effay. You missed a few good boutiques:

Hammer + Awl

Barney's Seattle fucking blowwwwsssss

>> No.8269586


Not a parisian but been there numerous times.
The food is great, wine is better but the people are awful. Also for some reason it smells like piss everywhere

>> No.8269608

You don't like endless repeating Federal style buildings? what are you, crazy?
also, all those new pleb shops opening up on M street. I don't know a single person in Georgetown who would be caught dead at a Gap

>> No.8269613

>also, all those new pleb shops opening up on M street. I don't know a single person in Georgetown who would be caught dead at a Gap


>> No.8269616

Vienna tips

lol m8 wat the fuck r u doin

>> No.8269655

sorry brainfart moment, i saw a sign on the shops at georgetown building with some "coming soon" stores and thought I saw places like gap and tj max

>> No.8269665

yo i go to UW too

what you said about the asians is spot on. some are dressed really great and have dope streetwear stuff, but some are totally vomit-inducing FOBcore.

i've seen a few people here that i'm sure go on /fa/ tho, like i've seen a couple people with CPs and a guy with velcros. what kinda stuff do you wear?

>> No.8269697

Gonna be going to Pensacola for college. Any advice?

>> No.8269699

Seattle is a fantastic city, but not for fashion. Totokaelo is the best for effay shit, theres an alright selection of other stuff, but fashion is not a large thing here. Still, if fashion isn't your only hobby, you will love it here.

>> No.8269702

Moving to Manchester this September

I hear it's very student-friendly and bits of it are pretty /fa/, anyone got any proper knowledge though?

>> No.8269724

lots of slags with too much make-up wearing try-hard tumblr fashion. most people are fashionable there, but some clearly try too hard and end up looking ridiculous.

>> No.8270260


>> No.8270354

Seattle isn't the most /fa city but it's a pretty great place to live.

>> No.8270360

Catch you in Seattle m8, moving in 3 months or a year.

>> No.8270411

if u like undercuts ur in for a treat

if u like tumblr-core ur in for a treat

if u sound like a nob ur in for a treat

>> No.8270418

I'm just about to move into a nice area of alexandria, why the dc hate?

>> No.8270681

info on Texas?

>> No.8270687

Goin into second year, McGill's first year goes by insanely quick man, cherish that shit

>> No.8270699 [DELETED] 

>tfw i will never have the chance to live in an of these cool cities

>> No.8270718

georgetown is mad pleb

ppl there thinking bonobos is a good shop, lmao

>> No.8270726

18 years old, 19 by the time next year comes around.
Applied for a scholarship to Japan, will be moving to Tokyo or Osaka for the first year then 4 more years somewhere else.
I'm not /fa/ at all, though, I just like looking at /fa/ people.

>> No.8270735

god damnit i wish i lived in Seattle. I'm in fucking austin where everyone's a fucking bearded cargo shorts wearing slob. summer lasts 6 months here too and there's no winter. i want to be in the NW asap

>> No.8270748
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Los Angeles area anyone? I'm into streetwear and hip hop and nigger shit

pic related Iwanna wear some giuseppe zanotti space boots dere

>> No.8270751

moving to Annapolis this fall

how 2 /fa/ in annapolis

>> No.8270757
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see everyone talking about DC and georgetown and alexandria and shit.

fyi it sucks dick worst weather in the country and a lot more niggery type niggers than people realize and all the buildings look the same lots of military weirdos too, if you're a /pol/ stormfag u might like but meh. not trying to shit on you just giving my hoensts thoughts of the place

>> No.8270925

planning to move to baltimore in a few months, i know that hampden is "the williamsburg/bushwick/ridgewood". sort of banking on the idea that baltimore will go through a transformation like richmond, va has in the past five years.

any advice?

>> No.8271005

What are you going to Paris for?

Would you say that the positive outweighs the negative? Are the people really ~that~ bad? Are there at least some nice ones?

>> No.8271232
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>> No.8271236

Same. Uni?

>> No.8271252

no i've got a paid internship for the summer

>> No.8271261

>paid internship
those still exist?

>> No.8271284

STEM brah

>> No.8271339

Uuuh, anyone got anything on San Diego?

doesn't seem very /fa/ from what I've seen, but is it at least not a shithole?

>> No.8271341

they should be the only type that exists

>> No.8271351


>> No.8271360

I'm gonna live in Pittsburgh
How /fa/ is that

>> No.8271363

I live in Kirkland and saw a dude at the grocery store wearing geobaskets yesterday

>> No.8271369

nothing /fa/ about San Diego

but it's probably the best city to live in in USA, maybe the world
>70 F and sunny year round
>very little crime for its size
>biggish, but near LA if you want to visit the big city
>beautiful beaches, warm water
>2 good universities
>bretty cute girls
>excellent and real mexican food
>mexico right there, with cheap booze and legal 14 year olds

>> No.8271380

it blows D

>> No.8271448

moving to amsterdam from australia
pls help

>> No.8271465

any info for bay area, going to school there next year

>> No.8271497

sweet, thanks brah
thats the impression Ive been getting, and Im very glad to hear it confirmed

>> No.8271611

I'm heading to Chicago July 29 through August 4 for Lollapalooza and I have two whole days for shopping. Any good stores to check out near Grant Park? Preferably for quality basics and streewear. Thanks effay.

>> No.8271846

If I get the grades, I'll be going to Bath uni.

Wat r some gr8 things 2 c and do here

>> No.8271849

Moving to Warsaw from a small city in Poland, does it get any better in the capital?
Because all we've got here are a few H&M's and a Zara

>> No.8272019

fuck off we're full

>> No.8272022

lel bet you're fat.

Please leave and make more room.

>> No.8272033

>for some reason it smells like piss everywhere
Immigrants pissing everywhere

>> No.8272066

Moving to Stockholm for a few years any good tips? Places to visit, shops, restaurants etc?

>> No.8272086

>texas is Australia
this explains so much

>> No.8272111

just don't need liberal economic locusts fucking everything up.

>> No.8272157

>tips fedora

>> No.8272186
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>finally gonna be in a somewhat /fa/ city

afraid to b effay on your own anon? Need confirmation and acceptance from a community of /fa/ggots?

>> No.8272260

nah I just live in the boring suburbs outside a boring city and am excited to start over somewhere

>> No.8272324
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>planning to move to baltimore
>sort of banking on the idea that baltimore will go through a transformation
Good luck with that. Which area of baltimore though?

>> No.8272402

I'm moving to Phoenix.

Anything I should know.

>> No.8272410

say goodbye to layering

>> No.8272460


Yeah I live in LA, above Glendale though, not many fashionable people around. Most Asians are tumblrcore

>> No.8272475

twin cities

>> No.8273448

seems like every city mentioned in this thread got shit on, are there any fa cities besides Paris and ny?

>> No.8273498

im moving to london for uni
should i get a flat in islington (near angel) or spitalfields market and liverpool street station

>> No.8273500

I live in NYC, parts of it are /fa/ and parts are totally not. I imagine every city is similar in that regard.

>> No.8273506

ny is the least /fa/ city

we've been over this

>> No.8273507

400 square miles of vinyl siding and sprawl.
You have my sympathies.

>> No.8273512

the model at totokael needs to shave his goddamn beard but he's a nice guy irl. Robert at Totokaelo is also the coolest dude too.

>> No.8273518

Montreal was mentioned and I think it's the most /fa/ city in North America (which I'll admit isn't saying a whole lot).

>> No.8273521

barneys seattle has a pretty bad selection of clothes. But the workers there are all chill as fuck. The asian woman working there is fine as fuck and knows her shit when it comes to designers

>> No.8273522


Josh! He's a sweetheart. He is just signed to Heffner and has to trim his beard for an Amazon gig he just got. I'll tell him you said that, Anon,h aha.

Also, Robert's wife got a big job back in LA, they are gone! It's mainly Bryan down there now.

>> No.8273529


Fair enough. I'll keep a look out next time I'm there (for whatever reason, at least they have a decent Veilance selection which the Arc'Teryx store can't even seem to get)

>> No.8273532
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Moving to Brussels, went for two weeks a little while ago.

Where the hell is cool for gigs, clothes, music, nightclubs etc?

>> No.8273534

Ah you shitting me? That blows....

You hang out at Totokaelo a lot?

>> No.8273538

Yes, it's called London


>> No.8273547


Went to some club there, I'm British Indian as are my friends, we got turned down, the racist cunts.

>> No.8273552

From Nottingham, what are some /fa/ places to shop? End up buying most of my shit online.

>> No.8273556


He seemed really happy for it, so I wish him the best. I think they moved up here from LA for Totokaelo.

Yeah, I do. Josh is a good friend of mine, he's in a rap group (Triceracorn) with a guy I grew up with and I met my girlfriend through him. I work next door so I stop by to kick it with the guys all the time, I waste a lot of time and money there...

>> No.8273576

Hook it up with some food at odd fellows lol. Josh raps? I'm gonna need to look that up. I tend to stop by and talk to Bryan about stuff every now and then but hey man if you're ever down there and see an effay black guy wearing rafs, feel free to say hi.

>> No.8273582

HAHA! loser. Feels bad not to be catered to for being a foreigner doesn't it?

>> No.8273597


Haha, I work in the Oddfellows building, not for the cafe. I ain't got no pleb serving job ;)

Here's his video borrowin' some toto clothes and his own of course:


Yah dude, likewise. Tall skeleton white guy, bleach white hair here - see you around.

>> No.8273613


>> No.8273615

Houston, TX

>> No.8273687

lol for more than a decade Texas has mostly gotten more in federal money than it pays in taxes

ie Texans are locusts feeding on the hard work of the citizens of other states. fuck off moocher

>> No.8273707

What are you basing that claim off of?


>> No.8273894

Is this a serious list? The :DD is throwing me off.

Going for a few nights out over the summer, so a couple of good clubs would be appreciated.

>> No.8273903

pls respond

>> No.8273914
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i'd also like to know this

>> No.8273936


fucking lol. people from texas are so delusional.

>> No.8273941

i know that feel bro
Have you been to austin? youd think that place would be fa but jesus christ its terrible

>> No.8273950

I went once for an event, but yeah. I don't get it. People in texas like to pretend they are different or something but it's literally exactly like the other shitty states surrounding it. that indoctrination koolaid or something who knows.

>> No.8273974
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>american cities
>not a glorious empire's former capital

>> No.8274011

people here seems to be more into the DIY thing. I'm talking about designer shit like Rick or Boris, but thats a little narrowminded. When people I know talk about designer clothes, they either say: "Who the fuck would spend money on that shit" or "Versace versace" and then proceed to spend $1000 on weed every month.
I see plenty of asians wearing streetwear, swagfags, white people wearing northface, black people also wearing northfaces that don't fit. I'm moving to NYC, but Seattle is a great city. It doesn't rain every second like people think it does, there's perfect summers, you can breathe, there's plenty of trees, the best vietnamese food anywhere other than viet kong.

>> No.8274034

Dont know how far north youre going, but fucking everything goes here. Like, you wear anything other than blue jeans and a t-shirt and youre fashionable.

>> No.8274205

British Columbia?

there's gotta be some university students on here

>> No.8274294

Where do you DC fags shop at? It feels like there's nothing here

>> No.8274356

It's because there isn't

>> No.8274383

only good places are rag & bone and barneys, if u want the gay hipster shit go to buffalo exchange or that other one forgot the name, if u want that gay designer shit go to tysons 2 and saxfith avenue in mclean

>> No.8274433

salvation army, crossroads trading co

>> No.8274434

Where in Alexandria? old town or somethin? I'm from Alexandria, off the parkway in between Old Town and Mount Vernon bear Belle Haven.

And yeah DC is awful for fashion dude. It's all Vineyard Vines or peeps wearing Karmaloop tier shit from Majors, foamposites, and space jams. And lel Wale asking his followers on where to find the SLP leather biker jeans with the zippers. Like wtf dude ur a fat Manlet and ur just gonna wear lit with some ugly t shirt and bball shoes.

>> No.8274441

Kitchener/waterloo anyone?

>> No.8274449

San Francisco / Bay Area?

>> No.8274553

I would also like to know this

>> No.8274798

I have to move to Denver at some point for work. Most effay areas?

>> No.8274821

Sorry man; don't pay attention to that.

Check out resident advisor for these clubs: Corsica Studios, Dance Tunnel, Plastic People (anything by 'Electric Minds' or 'Tief').

Best shopping is in Soho (not far from oxford street); Try Albam, Liberty, Sunspel, YMC. and also in Shoreditch (Anthem, Goodhood, Present).

Good restuarants are everywhere, look at tripadvisor for whatever area you're in.

Pubs: Proper experinece look for Samuel Smiths pubs (lots around the City), for Craft beef Holborn and Shoreditch, also the Euston Tap is a great spot.

>> No.8274822


but it's a fun city

>> No.8274930

Redeem is the only decent independent boutique here. Otherwise I mostly shop online/at NYC.

>> No.8274942

Anyone in / been to Tokyo?

Not moving but going on a trip and staying for around 3 weeks, wondering if anyone had any general tips on getting around / things to check out or do

>> No.8274963

Hey, anyone ITT that lives in Seattle: are there any good venues / spots for underground electronic music?

Seems like

>> No.8274966
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>> No.8274967

whoops, was going to say "seems like there isn't much of a true local scene, but I'm probably missing something"

>> No.8275024
File: 66 KB, 600x399, 297a60e40c446520ae6ab624e3fb261e2baf465f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i live in phoenix.

scottsdale is fucking terrible and has no redeeming qualities. Phoenix and Tempe are actually fun places.

i'm moving to NY for college next year so this is my last summer in Phx but it has a good punky feel. a lot of zines, independent productions, underground shows, etc., go on in Phoenix. we get a bad rap but the cost of living here is so so soo fucking low. honestly, if it weren't for the heat and the lack of quality education, it would be a top-notch city.

i wanna keep talking about phoenix pls ask me more questions

>> No.8275025

I want to go to NYC in some years, but then again, i live in monkeyland(Brazil) and it's not very easy to do it

>> No.8275034

I went there last year, the city is overrun by arabs, it's kinda sad

>> No.8275122

just off the main street of del ray, around the intersection of commonwealth and mt vernon street. p stoked about it. I literally have nothing for the new place but my own art, some guitars and a mattress. time to get busy.
Do you still live in alexandria? king street looks dope.

>> No.8275125

Going to UWO in London, Ontario. help?

>> No.8275149

Top kek, scottsdale is fine

>> No.8275182

why, do you live here or something?

>> No.8275206

Wear Purple on Fridays.

>> No.8275275

only on fridays?

>> No.8275310

Literally nothing, everyone dresses like shit in Boston. I've seen maybe a handful or two of people that look good and I've been here three years.

>> No.8276020
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>> No.8276048

smoke weed err'day

>> No.8276457

Vienna is the most /fa/ city

>> No.8276479


>> No.8276523

Nitty Gritty is a great shop. Kharzami also has fantastic Persian food.

>> No.8276551


>> No.8276568

Nah it's fucking shit here. bless you want over priced crap from a charity shop. In which case, Lace Market is for you!
Or get your full fit from Foot Asylum and head str8 to Ocean for a banging night out wight the boys.

>> No.8276582

서울에 공부하러 갈건데 좋은 옷 가게 어디 있는지 아직 몰라 ㅜㅜ 혹시 서울에서 다른 /fa/ggots 있지?

>> No.8276585

Dude I'm in Manchester too, who knows maybe we'll end up having seks :^)

Which uni? (I hope you're not a Salford or MMU pleb)

>> No.8276593

Thanks, man, I'll check those out. Should I be expecting to be paying the same amount as the bigger clubs there? E.g. £20 otd, £5 + drinks?

>> No.8276596

Moving to Birmingham, UK in 3 months. Help me out /fa/

>> No.8276949

nothing near grant park. michigan ave is a tourist trap of shitty shores. so is lolla but w/e

head up and down oak street if you want the /fa/ show

>> No.8276953

islington or spitalfields?

>> No.8276962

Yes. Also during Homecoming.

>> No.8277008

pittsburgh is just barely emerging from 07 hipster style phase

but dont worry soon ill convert the entire city to spacecore

look at a map of the city before you get here so you get an idea of how confused and pissed you'll be trying to drive anywhere

also get used to the idea of 90 degrees 90% humidity summers and 0 degree winters

>> No.8277011

pissburgh meet up when

>> No.8277028
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I'm moving to Rome next year, what do you suggest?

>> No.8277036

moving to Milan

>> No.8277037

Broke student living in Chicago here, where are good thrift stores to lurk around here?

>> No.8277078

wow, great advice
however, I visited Milan this year, that city looked like shit, it's just a huge, grey piece of cement and people weren't so /fa/ like they're said to be
it's just full of shops

>> No.8277104

mpls here. Advice?

>> No.8277139


/fa/ cartier is antoine dansaert street and avenue louise for higher end brands but id go to antwerp aswell

best gigs are usually fuse and bazaar

>> No.8277166

Moving to Berlin next year, any tips?

>> No.8277172

milan also smells like fucking trash, and worse than other euro cities

>> No.8277278

Anything in New Haven besides the train to NY?

>> No.8277385
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can't get more /fa/ than this

>> No.8277392


>> No.8277396

for stores hit up gallery aesthete, rsvp gallery, and obviously barney's.

>> No.8277534
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been living in new orleans for a couple of years. seen some effay types on very rare occasions around the bywater and city park. any nola folks can clue me in on where to shop?

>> No.8277566

>tfw moving from MD to Pittsburgh
Can't get worst, everyone here dresses like a fratboy

>> No.8277731

Where? Because I sure as hell never see it.

You find one, you tell me. I've found some cool shit in thrift stores, but anything worth any sort of resale is barely worth checking out because they'll mark up whatever than can get, and places like buffalo & other wicker places do their homework. Maybe check out an Elliot's consignment. They sometimes have some quality shit, and they're reasonable and willing to negotiate.

We need a Chicago meetup. /fa/ minded people are so spread out here.

Fuck, it's a beautiful day today. I'd say Oak street beach meetup, then cruise down the Oak street high end retailers, but they all on holiday.

>> No.8277734

JUS is a cool shop

>> No.8277735
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>moving to Aspen in a few months to study art
>filthy rich asshole tourist styles everywhere
>i look homeless 75% of the time

>> No.8277740

weird question for this thread, but i'm studying abroad in beijing next year. anyone have an idea what i should look out for as an /fa/ person there? is there any good shit i can cop on the cheap in china? or is it all shit

i figure i should try and dress my most /fa/ while i'm there so maybe the new money rich kids in givenchy will like me

>> No.8277744

new york's thrift stores are all shit because everyone and their mom thinks "i bet there's a ton of great stylish stuff at these places!" and swarms them

if you live in new york just take advantage of the billion different designer clothing stores as often as your budget allows you to

>> No.8277747


Not that anon but I live in north scottsdale and it's not terrible, downtown scottsdale has some good places to be at that aren't the mega clubs like Maya and INTL (Mabels, Kaz etc).

I hate Barney's in the fashion square though, they treat me like a criminal every time I go to cop basics or sale items.

>> No.8277757

I want australian tips, i'm moving to brisbane in july. I'm going to the university of queensland.

>> No.8277762


>> No.8277794

Are you an incoming freshman at Brown?

>> No.8277918


There isn't a more shitty place on earth than China, don't do it

>> No.8277984


>> No.8278063 [DELETED] 

beijing is really really cool for eating out and having dumb fun

dont count on being too effay, people kinda dress like shit plus its hot as shit

no cheap shit to cop, but check out croquois/broadcast, it's a new chinese contemporary brand and its actually pretty sick would recommend if you like jap designers
price point is mid range, well worth it

fakes are shit and the only fakes you'll find will be pretty much mall tier crap brands
if you want to cop fakes go on taobao, courier shipping is dirt cheap in domestic china

if you a baller kinda person go nuts at the sanlitun village, MMM, Y-3, I.T. and all that shit there. I recommend staying at the opposite house there for a night if you're into boutique hotels, if you cant afford that at least get a coffee in the lobby, the interior of the whole building is rad as fuck

which university you going to?

if you go to tsing hua you already live right next to party town in wudaokou, else there's sanlitun around the worker's stadium
be sure to bring earplugs, chinese clubs dont give a fuck about blowing your eardrums out
casual sex def harder with locals than it is in the states or europe, but expats should be as usual (white girls are a little low in demand in bj cause all the white dudes want to live out their cultural fetishes you dig so they ez)

but yeah, beijing is not very /fa/, doesn't mean it can't be fun though.

the one place /fa/ would probably like is the 798 art district and the hutongs around the llama temple(greatest sushi I ever had in beijing was in a hole in the wall place, forgot the store name tho) with its bo-bo hipster crowd

so yeah um, just take your time mang
just dont hang around white ppl places exclusively

I'll be going back july august so when you see a navy jaguar(govt kids all drive audis or amg or some shit) parked the back of the village where migas/apothecary you know its me

>> No.8278087

Moving to San Luis Obispo after summer for school.

Whats the fashion like there? I assume its swagfag/fuccboi heaven.

>> No.8278108

not sure where i'll be yet, i'll be a sophomore this fall and i'm not going until my junior year so it's still up in the air. thanks a ton for the info tho

you seem really knowledgeable, so i figured i'd ask; my eventual goal is to teach english in china, how much do you know about that? are the positions/pay any good? am i going to be able to maintain my /fa/ lifestyle if i get a government teaching gig or will i be living in poverty for the sake of being able to live somewhere cool, etc

>> No.8278117

beijing is really really cool for eating out and having dumb fun
dont count on being too effay, people kinda dress like shit plus its hot as shit
no cheap shit to cop, but check out croquis/broadcast, it's a new chinese contemporary brand and its actually pretty sick would recommend to check out at least
price point is mid range, well worth it

fakes are shit and the only fakes you'll find will be pretty much mall tier crap brands
if you want to cop fakes go on taobao, courier shipping is dirt cheap in domestic china

if you a baller kinda person go nuts at the sanlitun village, MMM, Y-3, I.T. and all that shit there. I recommend staying at the opposite house there for a night if you're into boutique hotels, if you cant afford that at least get a coffee in the lobby, the interior of the whole building is rad as fuck

which university you going to?

if you go to tsing hua you already live right next to party town in wudaokou, else there's sanlitun around the worker's stadium
be sure to bring earplugs, chinese clubs dont give a fuck about blowing your eardrums out
casual sex def harder with locals than it is in the states or europe, but expats should be as usual (white girls are a little low in demand in bj cause all the white dudes want to live out their cultural fetishes you dig so they ez)

but yeah, beijing is not very /fa/, doesn't mean it can't be fun though.

the one place /fa/ would probably like is the 798 art district and the hutongs around the llama temple(greatest sushi I ever had in beijing was in a hole in the wall place, forgot the store name tho) with its bo-bo hipster crowd

so yeah um, just take your time mang
just dont hang around white ppl places exclusively
you're most likely just gonna hang out with your coeds tho

ill be going back in july august
see you there maybe

>> No.8278157

your best bet would be to do private tutoring.
people pay up to 200 usd an hour if you've got good enough rep just to get their kids over that damn bare minimum (top kek) IELTS or TOEFL hurdle needed to study abroad

have a degree from a big name private uni, look white as fuck, speak fluent chinese and have inhuman social skills(without this youre so fucked, credentials are still king though)

lots of money to be made there
like shit tons

your best bet would be to try.

dont know how govt teaching pays, I imagine it pays like shit

>> No.8278187


Uni of mate, what you studying?

I'm guessing you're a bloke as well

>> No.8278203

anyone from Los Angeles?

Moving out there next month.

>> No.8278216

meet me

>> No.8278226

what part?

>> No.8278253


>pop-up food stalls

You must eat at food trucks and enjoy bacon and sriracha

>> No.8278285

I am, what do you want to know?

>> No.8278322

well il be staying with my cousins who live there, so i'm sure they will take me around and stuff but i just wanted to know the rundown on fashion related things, and other fun stuff to do for a young person (food, concerts, nightlife)

>> No.8278376


>> No.8278408
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Say hi to scrotie while you're there
>pic related

>> No.8278448

> East Hollywood to start. may be moving around. I've lived out there before. Looking for descent second-hand places that aren't too expensive.

>> No.8278465


>> No.8278479

lol all my friends give me shit for him but for me it was actually a selling factor in going to risd. where u at dawg?

>> No.8278623

for /fa/ advice just walk in Paris, clothes everywhere, A great place for men is St-lazare/Opéra where you'll find Uniqlo, Printemps/Galaries lafayette, both retailers of a lot of brands. And a shit load of individual shops around. Or in Le marais for more independant brands.

For food you wanna check thefork.com, don't know for others cities but works great for Paris (higly recommends Pizza Wawa on it, cheap tasty pizza! or Mamie Tavennec for pancake!)
For burger some say that bigfernand.com are the best..
For nightlife, it could be anywhere really, bastille, châtelet, pigalle, grands boulevards.. people says that parisians are rough, but we are all the same few drinks later!

>> No.8278645


Get the bus to Montréal as often as you can.

>> No.8278663
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Toronto. Well, Oakville actually but it's way closer to Toronto than I was before.

>> No.8278895

Anybody else in Detroit? I moved here a few weeks ago.

>> No.8278906

The only thing we have is a Givenchy for women, everyone here dresses like shit.

>> No.8278966

Newbury St. downtown is where most of the shops are at

Back Bay, South End, and Beacon Hill are /fa/ I guess

>> No.8278974

Pittsburgh here
New here m8s

>> No.8279073
File: 89 KB, 941x346, boulderhome1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boulder, CO for the next 4 years. Probably more /out/ than /fa/. Wasn't my first choice but I'm sure I'll like it and I'm fully willing to transfer though

>> No.8279089

crust punks, old hippies, shitty college kids, and yuppies = Boulder.

>> No.8279216

>from seattle
>moved to LA to get sober
>made a life here but the fashion blows
>sister just got a job at totokaelo
>gonna be back home for a week in jun if any /fa/ friends wanna kick it
>also looking for /fa/ brethren in the LA area to shop with and shit

>> No.8279230

Found a renovated factory loft that I liked in Bushwick.

>> No.8279233

>moved to LA to get sober

>> No.8279241

they gotta ton of rehabs

>> No.8279242


>> No.8279290

Nomad for your designer stuff
Kensington Market for your thrift shopping and marijuana paraphernalia

>> No.8279333

Currently live in DC. Going to Seattle for a week because I've never gone west of here and it seems awesome. Any cool spots to hit up while I'm there? Totokaelo I'll definitely be visiting.

>> No.8279424


Fellow Detroit here

Midtown is the more hipster area of the city because of the art schools and WSU.

Downtown is mostly young business professionals working in the cubicles.

If you are from the suburbs its pretty much suburbia America like other regions. Ann Arbor and Royal Oak are growing into their own, mostly for new college grads.

>> No.8279436

how are there this many people from /fa/ in dc? seems a little weird cause I've never once seen anyone that I would think browses here. and when are u going? il be going for a week the first week of july cause my gfs never been and wants to check it out before we move there in a few months

>> No.8279438

aspen is fucking great i went there for new years, just go to bars and shit and hook up with rich girls

>> No.8279452
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yeah im surprised at the metro area presence

>> No.8279462

we shud have dc meetup, everyime there's a meetup thread there's at least 5 people from here

>> No.8279478

damn yeah it's really weird to me that there are this many DC people. I actually work in one of the shops in Georgetown. I'm going to Seattle from July 7th to the 14th, will you still be there then?

>> No.8279485

just now actually getting around to building a decent wardrobe, worried ill look like basic bitch

>> No.8279531

Going to Portland this fall (school).

>> No.8279542

Anyone got insight on Florida?

>> No.8279552

everywhere else is expensive or a shit

>> No.8279579

stay outta westlake plaza, rainier beach and the CD.

>> No.8279606

yes! il be there until the 9th, hmu if u wanna hit up totokaelo or somethin

>> No.8279634

fuck off, stay in your fucking town. why can't people stay where the fuck they were born at these days? everyone has to move here, fuck off we already have bullshit rent prices and cost of living from you faggots

>> No.8279649

are you real

>> No.8279665

Austin TX
seems kinda /fa/

>> No.8279671

awesome. yeah I'd definitely be down for that

>> No.8279780


Moving somewhere in Germany this fall. Possibly Aachen, Heidelburg, Munich, Berlin... Maybe even somewhere else like Zurich, Vienna, or even Amsterdam. Advice?

>> No.8279788

cool it bruh

>> No.8279797

It's not, at all

It's where hipsters go that cant do NY, Portland, or a city in CA

>> No.8279798

u never added me on skype :[

>> No.8279879

going to fucking Gainesville in a week. there's nothing in Gainesville.

>> No.8279889


you moving here? West Palm or Miami are the only places to be, Orlando excluded.

don't go to north fl. it's practically the deep south.

>> No.8280087

Seattle seems cool but after you live here you'll see.

>> No.8280111

lmfao oakville

>> No.8280143
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Gonna be in NYC for my summer associate analyst position with a boutique Wall Street firm; is NYC still the most /fa/ American city, or just jaded at this point?

>> No.8280166
File: 38 KB, 127x115, 1rhineboat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nothing to GAINE?

>> No.8280173


>> No.8280197

Heading off to Philly next year for school. Any advice is appreciated

>> No.8280354

il be in seattle around the same time

>> No.8280639

Damn which store do you work in? We should have a meet up there or something.

>> No.8280649

Berlin if you're an extrovert
Vienna if you're into culture
Zurich if you'r prepared to spend 10 dollars on a coffee
Amsterdam would be my choice

>> No.8280659

Amsterdam is a tourist infested shithole.

Den Haag or Rotterdam. S/O

>> No.8281287

Anyone got some tips for Ghent, Belgium?

>> No.8281316

visiting amsterdam in two days. which stores should i check out ?

>> No.8281325

there's a google map shop route blabla thingy you can find in the archive

>> No.8281339

i thought you left /fa/ a while ago.
good to see ya back pepyn

>> No.8281351

Here is the route Pepyn was talking about, i saved it a while back

>> No.8281369

if you streetview the shops they arent really that great.

>> No.8281399

Minneapolis college student here, advice?

>> No.8281401

yeah i dont really know what kind of shops they are, some anon reccommended them.
its possible that the list is really oudated and full of menswear. idk, i havent looked into it.

>> No.8281443


Pittsburgh is on the up and up in terms of culture. Bloomfield/lawrenceville area is pretty sweet and has some fashionable young people. South Side is full of degenerates. Oakland can be great at times if you avoid the locales of the normal college stereotypes. Generally the East Side is the youngest/best place to live right now.

>> No.8281820

KEK good one m8 hahahaha

>> No.8282467

Literally nothing effay around here. Mall of America and nicolet mall are decent if you know what you're looking for

>> No.8282789

>Implying I'm going to live in a city
City living is faggot living.

>> No.8284210


Also sober in LA. Not sure what you mean about the fashion. You're probably just hanging in the wrong parts of town.

The biggest issue with LA fashion is that it's warm 11 months out of the year. Not many opportunities to layer.

>> No.8284224

Where to shop and how to be /fa/ in Atlanta?

>> No.8284229

>Beacon Hill

pls tell me you can find me a cheap apt. in beacon hill

>> No.8284243

shit tier city scrubs keep telling yourselves this

>> No.8284323


what do you mean by this? Seattlebro?

>> No.8284336

>probs gonna move to Cleveland like the rest of my 20 something friends that never made it out of state
>hella depressed

Is Cleveland good for anything?

>> No.8284341

Cleveland is good at being shit at sports

top lel

>> No.8284342

What up philly bro

>> No.8284350

Any words on Portland?

>> No.8284382


no really, like, does cleveland have anything going for it?

>> No.8284393

what school ninja

>> No.8284396
File: 309 KB, 1600x1240, lake-erie-cuyahogafire1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it has the most flammable rivers and lakes

>> No.8284548


Fuck, I laughed. Thanks for the input, anon.

>> No.8284603

drexel! ok school, but my major is top notch

>> No.8284627

boston, ma

>> No.8284665

Portland I believe is still hipster tier or just plain gay.

>> No.8285100

Serious question: What's the best/most affordable European city to sit in your apartment and do nothing?

>> No.8285105

At the minute? Probably Donetsk

>> No.8285321

>19 years old
>sick and tired of syracuse

Ideally, I'd like to be able to live in Paris for a little while at least, but fuck if I know how to make that happen with no money at all.

Meanwhile, I've been looking towards New York. Something even remotely close to the city would be nice. Is it even possible for one to be able to afford a 1bedroom apartment near the city without seeking roommates?

>> No.8285576

Buy all basics at american apparel and thrift/internet sale the rest. everything is so over priced.

if you must though
>>club monaco
>>this is a recommendation for young poor people.

>> No.8285618


>> No.8286173

listen to trap

>> No.8287159


living in G-ville currently, place is alright but everyone here dresses really shitty

are you going to UF? its pretty shitty in some ways but really nice in others

>> No.8287195

I'm moving from DC to Hamilton right outside Toronto in the fall, what do?

>> No.8287209

dude im moving to seattle too and ill be trying to get into the scene thanks for the thread op

>> No.8287210

Moving to Santa Cruz.
Tell me something

>> No.8287217

Moving to Pittsburgh very soon. What the hell is there to do?

>> No.8287229

yeah Portland has a pretty hipster-esque style.
Local, 'natural' stuff.
Stay away from super urban style shit.
Buy some rain jackets

>> No.8287236


>> No.8287251


>> No.8287277

Nottingham is haggard m8, move away

>> No.8287295

Unlucky m8.

>> No.8287322


moseley is kicking man. place is /fa/ as fuck

>> No.8287327


Northern Quarter. Holy shit that place is just mini-shoreditch, you'll love it

>> No.8287336

Barcelona: Don't buy the drugs pakis sell at night.

Do buy the cheap beer they sell for 1 buck the can, but clean the can before you drink on it (Not gonna tell you how the pakis keep the beer cold all night long)

>> No.8287343


and do not fuck with the beer mafia. i love that if you pay with a note and they don't have change, they leave all their shit and run to find somewhere to change it

>> No.8287364

The beer mafia? You mean the pakis that sell beer?

I never heard anyone calling them like that

>> No.8287369


nah that's just what we called them

>> No.8287376

you from barcelona? Enjoying Primavera Sound?

>> No.8287448

np man! glad it helped you, maybe il run in to you around seattle sometime

>> No.8288465


Store called wish