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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 37 KB, 720x540, nzBKl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8276083 No.8276083 [Reply] [Original]

Am I physically attractive? Please be honest, I'm just trying to figure out my league so I know if I'm good enough for a cute girl.

>> No.8276087

why the fuck would anyone post their face on /fa/?

Are you fucking retarded?

>> No.8276090

You might look ok but that hair's gotta be fixed

Like, now

>> No.8276095

there's so many factors to attractiveness it's not just even the face. right now you look like a 3/10 for this shitty selfie. potential to go up to an 8 but you look like your taste fucking sucks it might take a couple years.

post an example of girl you wanna get

>> No.8276122

Your hair is beyond retarded, post front pic

>> No.8276133
File: 52 KB, 1024x768, TYe7Z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8276136

Your hair is fucking trash and you give off a weirdo vibe.

lookin' like the type of nigga who shoots up a school. get a decent haircut, some decent clothes, and confidence and you'll be good.

>> No.8276139

Bro wtf is that hair? Like for real. Thats step 1.

>> No.8276141

You look like such a fucking creep.

>> No.8276149

wtf is wrong with your hairline?

who cut your hair? kill your barber /hairdresser pls. you have potential to be good looking, pretty much anyone does unless you're severely odd looking.

not even joking, you can even fix your facial structure largely doing certain facial exercises.

i suggest you get a decent haircut, rectify your skin cause it looks greasy and dirty, gain some confidence, and dress nicely.

you'll be fine then.

>> No.8276152

You look like a fucking inbred. Not even joking.

>> No.8276158

How can anyone be this fucking oblivious to their shitty haircut? If you do notice it, why haven't you fixed it?

>> No.8276161

You actually look like a whiter version of this guy I know.

You have the same facial structure as him, except he has dark hair and olive skin.

Get a better haircut is my immediate advice to you.

>> No.8276166

Addendum: I forgot to mention, this guy is actually good looking.

He pulls a decent amount of girls, he just doesn't look weird like you.

>> No.8276167

Is there any actual proof that facial exercises work?

>> No.8276168
File: 48 KB, 640x474, 1373908633574.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I probably am that guy
what's his initials

>> No.8276171

If your hair is that shitty, I can only imagine how awful you dress.

I bet you rock Tapout tees you fucking lame.

>> No.8276173
File: 726 KB, 936x1400, tumblr_m2t9gamEFb1qar3aho1_1280[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yup. I am proof, not even joking. I wanted to get flat model-esque cheekbones like Johnny Depp, did facial exercises for them, and it worked.

The results started showing after about a week. I used to have real chubby cheeks too.

>> No.8276176

Can you explain which ones you did? Thank you.

>> No.8276177

What sort of exercises did you do? I have a bit puffy cheeks too

>> No.8276180

so, what do to get god-teir cheeks?

>> No.8276185

>cute girl

You mean cute boy right fag lord?

>> No.8276187
File: 96 KB, 308x258, catching the bait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>facial exercises

>> No.8276191
File: 145 KB, 990x1500, 12228_gq03_122_232lo[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you get em? I see tons of celebs and shit with them.

>> No.8276194

>implying I can let you in on da Hollywood secret

top kek


>> No.8276196

You get them when your dad fucked your dad. Unless you have a layer of fat on your face, you dun goofed

>> No.8276197

I knew it was bs

>> No.8276198
File: 112 KB, 398x599, GeH2KOv[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't be a fakkit, tell.

there's no way they have these naturally.

>> No.8276203

They come out when you drop your carbohydrate and sodium in take
Provided you're skinny.

>> No.8276206

the way he shaves his stubble accentuates it

>> No.8276214

Why do you think cage fighters and boxers all have prominent facial structure?

It's because they stress the shit out of their face with mouth guards, getting hit, etc.

Your face becomes stronger and changes shape subsequently.

>> No.8276216

You're a creepy lookin dude bro, I think your hairline is too far back to put all your hair back so you need something with a fringe, also lose some weight, I'd give you a 5, a number isn't going to determine if a girl of a differing number will be interested in you though, there are so many factors

>> No.8276218

Is that guys name Sam?

>> No.8276224

No, Dean.

>> No.8276236

you give me a strange vibe
that hair aint for you

>> No.8276249

andrei why can't you take us to the promised land instead of these shitty ass /fa/ threads

>> No.8276664


>> No.8278900

le creepy mane face

>> No.8280028

ugliest person to post here in a long time. youre not good enough for a cute girl. youre not in a league. dont post here again please.

>> No.8280039

OP you look like a creepy fuck, but as a fellow man with long blond hair, i can give you a few tips.

try slicking that shit back and dressing up instead of dressing down. You got a pretty ugly face, but you can totally own it by going for the mob-boss/bad guy look.

Its all about how you style yourself. short hair and no effort= shitty. long hair and no effort, super shitty.

>> No.8280041
File: 1.01 MB, 400x300, 1395459809414.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw look similar to this guy, tfw all hope is lost

>> No.8280064


this, get to it.

>> No.8280950

>I know if I'm good enough for a cute girl
Certainly not. You look creepy and are just plain ugly. Please aim for uggos/landwhale. And it is not sure they will say yes.

>> No.8280956

my cheekbones are very similiar to these dudes, feels good. thank god my model tier mom sexed a heroin tier punk guy and created the beauty that is now me.

>> No.8280958

>thank god my whore mother had sex with a junkie for a fix and created me

>> No.8280963

you look like what happens if you pick randomize on oblivion

>> No.8280965

How fascinating. Oh wait I'm shedding a tear.

>> No.8280966

heroin tier as in looks. tho he probably did heroin. theyre still together dumbnuts, no need to be buttmad.

>> No.8281026


>> No.8282729

>heroin tier punk guy

I think I just figured out what I want inscribed on my tombstone.

>> No.8284654

woah adam what the fuck man
nobody must know about the promised land
oy vEY (|:^|

>> No.8285809

You're not hot, but judging from the second picture your face isn't actually very ugly and you have potential to look good.
Everyone else is already saying this but you NEED a different hairstyle. Your hairline makes it so that pushing your hair back on that one side is unflattering. I'd suggest wearing your hair totally down and either growing it out and parting it or keeping it a little shorter and better maintained and go for some kind of bangs.
It also looks like you have some minor stubble/fuzz on your face. I'd also suggest keeping that off of your face until you can grow a full beard. Guys that can't grow good facial hair look 10x better when they stay consistently clean shaven.

>> No.8285816
File: 102 KB, 749x960, 10415602_543373515771664_2178769804978293249_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8285823

post pic of parents

>> No.8287174 [DELETED] 

You look like some kind of dodgy drag queen

>> No.8287424

Shave and get a buzz. Also, either clean up your face a little bit or use bb cream. Your skin isn't horrible and your facial aesthetics are pretty normal, so I wouldn't consider you ugly, but the hair is just way to distracting and the stubble looks unkempt.

>> No.8287462

main to do list:

>wash/exfoliate skin daily

can u grow a beard?