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/fa/ - Fashion

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8267306 No.8267306 [Reply] [Original]

How do beautiful people get that soft, baby skin look where they have no pores?

It's not makeup or photoshop. I know a few ppl irl that have this type of complexion.

>> No.8267311
File: 51 KB, 800x441, patrick-bateman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Batman had it in american psycho

>> No.8267323

If you see a women in public, she is wearing makeup. I've seen girls without it though and it's honestly terrifying. It also pisses me off that they can be so naturally ugly and inflate their standards.

>> No.8267326

Makeup and Vaseline. It can make almost anything look good. They even rub it on hamburgers for commercials to make them look more appealing. Disgustingly effective.

>> No.8267329

Idk, I've just got it and I don't really do anything. I've got really dry skin so I just wash work water and put moisturiser on.

>> No.8267335


some ppl have perfect skin
i think its mostly genetic though

>> No.8267341

if /fa/ is to believed, Bale actually did the american psycho skincare routine prior to and during the filming
so that's how

>> No.8267346


>> No.8267350


if you saw a high res picture of her face you could instantly tell the texture is fucked up and she has 1inch of foundation on...

or if you saw her in person.

>> No.8267360

>It also pisses me off that they can be so naturally ugly and inflate their standards.

I just saw a girl on a site saying men approaching her must be taller than her in heels, in her profile.
Those unhealthy shoes seem to give girls higher standards than their genes entitle them to have.
I have a theory that it's only the middling ones that do it.
Short girls are used to basically everyone being taller, right? And tall girls are used to the idea that men can be shorter than them. Plus, they might have anxiety about their height.
I know a girl who is only slightly tall and I think several of the guys she has been with were shorter than her.

Another problem with this: high-heels are basically for attracting men, right? So that statement is basically
>I need to wear these shoes for the purpose of attractive other men, even when we're on a date. You have to be tall enough that I can do that without feeling uncomfortable.

>> No.8267371

Heels are more about showing off to other women about how many guys want to fuck you.

>> No.8267372

>I just saw a girl on a site saying men approaching her must be taller than her in heels, in her profile.

That's pretty common and understandable. They want to go out and look fancy and not how to bend down to pick you up and kiss you like a child. Manlets...when will they learn?

> high-heels are basically for attracting men, right?

No. It's more to keep other women in high-heels at bay. It's to show off since high-heels are a default fashion trend.

>> No.8267376
File: 66 KB, 604x604, average romanian 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>heals about showing off to other women

dat hivemind

>> No.8267381

But if they aren't tall they deserve a manlet man, don't they? This is a case of womanlets not learning.

>> No.8267385

>But if they aren't tall they deserve a manlet man, don't they?

Women aren't tall. All women deserve men taller than them by at least 3-4inches to make up for the heals.

Manlets will never learn.

>> No.8267390

Do you honestly find heels attractive? They look goofy as fuck.

>> No.8267391


>> No.8267392

except it is make up in that picture

but other than that genetics+good skincare regimen

>> No.8267394

I'm 6'0. So barely tall enough that it probably wouldn't be an issue unless the woman was legit' tall, in which case I'm not sure it matters because they are used to being taller.

I'm not impregnating some irrational short girl, I'll never get viking sons like that.

>> No.8267409

>Do you honestly find heels attractive? They look goofy as fuck.

No I don't but women like them for some reason so it's best to compliment them and play along.

>> No.8267418

>for some reason

Women want to get the best genes in their wombs that they can get. They typically disregard men that are shorter than they are as being unhealthy or simply manlets by nature.
When they put on the heels they extend the filter to include average men.
In their minds they are hotter and entitled to more alpha genes when they are in heels.

>> No.8267455


Heels make girls taller and usually require a certain posture and walk which can be very sexy.

Also they lift up the ass quite a bit and allow for more hip movement when they walk. Guys don't look at the shoes, but the effects are noticeable.

>> No.8267466

To what end? To getting higher status men's seed.
This even goes for the "competing with other women" excuse. What is the end goal of competing with other women?
To get the best seed.

>> No.8267468

holy fuck this post is autistic go back to wizardchan u fuken geek

>> No.8267479

>To getting higher status men's seed.

to attract men in general so that they are better able to get the one they want. Not necessarily high "status men"

>> No.8267481

Nice counter theory there, bru.

>> No.8267486

Two different ways of saying the same thing.
They're not doing it so they have a shot at the manlet that cleans toilets, are they?

>> No.8267500

literally dead @ this dudes post jfc do ppl like this actually exist ahaha

>> No.8267506


A superior, well-adjusted fellow such as yourself should be able to mop the floor with an autist like me, right?
So where is your argument?

>> No.8267514

hos and tricks

>> No.8267527

>They're not doing it so they have a shot at the manlet that cleans toilets, are they?

no girl goes after manlets on purpose.

But if they find a funny and charming dude who has his shit together, they'll over look the fact he's a janitor

>> No.8269042

[citation needed]

>> No.8269192
File: 125 KB, 600x600, model-polaroids.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wearing makeup
The majority of the time, however not necessarily.
I have an Asian friend who doesn't wear any makeup but puts a lot of effort into her skin, and even though she's never completely happy, it looks damn perfect to anyone else. And no, she isn't wearing BB cream.
You can also see it in some model polaroids, which should be mostly sans makeup.

>> No.8269199


>> No.8269221

angry manlets pls go back to r9k thanks

>> No.8269378

for real?

>> No.8269424

>>>elliot roger

>> No.8269427

Makeup and strong frontlight (like a camera flash)

>> No.8269499

Yeah, i'm a fag... so when i read that shit from women(and dont kid yourself, the majority of women feel that way. They might not say it on their profiles, but they all joke and giggle with each other about how its the case) i'm super thankful for my love of cock.

When that shit does nothing for you sexually, you can objectively see just how fucking conniving and manipulating most women are.
Pro-tip: 90% of their fashion industry is about tricking men into fucking them, or flaunting their(or more likely, their bf/husbands) disposable income to other women.

And that isnt just the case with attractive women. There are plenty of fat women who play the same game, albeit much less successfully.

>> No.8269562

high heels give the aesthetic illusion of longer, slender legs. you're really over-thinking and objectifying this aesthetic way too much

>> No.8269939

cold showers are great for your skin

but you need to stay in them for like 10 minutes

>> No.8269964
File: 1.45 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw hate women but not gay.

>> No.8271389
File: 31 KB, 500x632, this_feel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8271395


it's called a scottish shower. you blast that shit full cold for the last few minutes. james bond did it in the books. perks ya up for sure

>> No.8271433

could this bitch brush her tongue before she leaves the house god damn that's disgusting

>> No.8271446


trannies are the future my friend.

>> No.8271467

elliot rodger, coming back from the dead already?

>> No.8271500
File: 2.31 MB, 320x240, iStgqj4.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw happier jerkin it that I ever was fuckin hoes
It's the best. I figure either I find that one-in-a-thousand girl with stability/personally compatible crazy and settle down, or I hang with bros and spend my cash on myself for the rest of my life.

>> No.8271538
File: 33 KB, 620x410, 1297908264997.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8271690

What height do I need to be to be attractive to most women and taller/as tall as most of them when they wear heels?

This question is kinda stressing me out, since apparently even 6'3 dudes wear inserts now...

>> No.8271883


I'm just asking what the true cutoff is starting from which I can be considered and visibly noticed as tall or at least above average.
Talking in the US, obviously not nordic countries

Also I think the 5'9 average is bullshit, since the age group that matters is the 18-25 one and younger people are taller now. So my question applies to that age group

>> No.8271887

lmao i noticed that too. it's yellow

>> No.8271914

My gf has it
She says good genetics but her mom is a beautician so I'm skeptical.

>> No.8271919

Yeah I was just gonna post that it looks like she drinks piss.

>> No.8271922

jojoba oil

>> No.8271938 [DELETED] 
File: 19 KB, 480x360, 1401005646450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>le elliot rodger face

>> No.8272073

>It's not makeup or photoshop.
Yes, it is.

>I know a few ppl irl that have this type of complexion.
They're either young or wearing makeup.


>> No.8272081

How do I get the balls to have a cold shower /effay/

>> No.8272085

This. Men wear make up too, you just don't know it because its just to help complexion.

>> No.8272087

This. You can't not have pores on your face. And pores have to be large enough to exit sweat, i.e. large enough to be seen on a high res photo.

>> No.8272089

High heels create a better posture. It's like walking on tip toes, try it, you instantly stand up straight.

>> No.8272091

You don't have a theory, you have a thesis. A theory needs evidence.

>> No.8272094

>It probably is BB cream, there's such a massive step up when azns use that cream

>> No.8272095


Except for children, nobody has good skin, just like nobody has a good figure without roids. Deal with it.

>> No.8272106


>But if they aren't tall they deserve a manlet man, don't they?
>Another problem with this: high-heels are basically for attracting men, right?
>It also pisses me off that they can be so naturally ugly and inflate their standards.
>Heels are more about showing off to other women about how many guys want to fuck you.
>No. It's more to keep other women in high-heels at bay. It's to show off since high-heels are a default fashion trend.
>But if they aren't tall they deserve a manlet man, don't they?
>Women want to get the best genes in their wombs that they can get. They typically disregard men that are shorter than they are as being unhealthy or simply manlets by nature. When they put on the heels they extend the filter to include average men. In their minds they are hotter and entitled to more alpha genes when they are in heels.
>To what end? To getting higher status men's seed.
>What is the end goal of competing with other women? To get the best seed.
>Pro-tip: 90% of their fashion industry is about tricking men into fucking them, or flaunting their(or more likely, their bf/husbands) disposable income to other women.
>There are plenty of fat women who play the same game, albeit much less successfully.
>What height do I need to be to be attractive to most women and taller/as tall as most of them when they wear heels?
>I'm just asking what the true cutoff is starting from which I can be considered and visibly noticed as tall or at least above average.

jesus goddamn this whole fuccen thread is so autism overload it smells neck pimples

>> No.8272319

Notice you're not telling anyone here why they are wrong.
You're just calling people autistic...
On 4chan...

>> No.8272772

Its cause he just realized he got caught in the game, and rather than do the mature thing and say
>Shit... I got screwed over by her..
he'd rather try to save face and tell everyone else they're wrong.
Its his life. He wants to be some slave to a fishy hole? Let him. I'll sit over here with my extra income and spare time.

>> No.8273699

It's not, lol. We've gone on winter/spring holidays together and I've seen her routine.

>> No.8275678

p-pls respond

>> No.8275694

you can do the same thing as a man.

just be an asshole, lift heavy things and train your posture.

/fa/ may still be expressive and interesting for guys, but its secondary for sexy.

>> No.8275709


not even 50 fucking posts and the manlets derail this SKINCARE thread into a fucking woman-hating competition. Amazing.

>> No.8276268

Your skin reflects whats on the inside. Eat clean and remove toxins.

>Fuck dairy.
>Fuck junk food.
>Fuck the hormones in most meat.