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8252339 No.8252339 [Reply] [Original]

Anybody have slight heel drag on Raf velcros? I mean, heel drag for all sneakers with vulcanized soles is pretty common, but has anybody ever tried to repair them at a cobbler or anything?

What do???

>> No.8252345
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>> No.8252349
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>> No.8252355

who gives a shit? they're sneakers, unless they're tattered beyond belief i don't see why you're trying to repair them. that picture doesn't even look bad. by all means though feel free to look like the world's biggest autist and take your velcro sneakers to a cobbler so they can tell you that there's nothing they can do to repair the soles on sneakers

>> No.8252356


Would any professional cobbler be able to do this? Or is this specialized?

>> No.8252357

Pick up your feet fatty.

>> No.8252359


my velcros are from 2009 and they're in a worse state than the ones in the pictures, but thanks.


I actually do, otherwise the heel wouldn't even exist anymore.

>> No.8252368
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This thread is EXTREMELY relevant to my interests

>> No.8252377
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Hot glue? superglue? a piece of sole off of another shoe? profit?

>> No.8252392


While I mostly appreciate DIY fixes, it is clear that these shoes:


were most likely professionally fixed. I just wonder if any cobbler can do it, or do I have to go to a specialty place?

>> No.8252397

try asking one

>> No.8252407


I actually did ask one recently and he gave me a fairly sketchy answer (saying that no sneakers can be fixed, but its clear that geobaskets can be fixed, so...), but I didn't want to tell him "you're wrong," so I figured I could confirm it with /fa/ first.

>> No.8252433
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well I think the fact that a cobbler you talked to said it was not possible suggests that it can't be done by any cobbler. are you dull?

it's obviously not common. most people would never consider repairing a sneaker. so email around until you find someone that will let you send your shoes to them if you're set on this.

but I agree with another poster that you shouldn't be worrying about repairing your sneakers. sneakers are sneakers. get new ones. if you can't afford new ones after five years, you probably shouldn't be fucking around with several hundred dollar sneakers to begin with

>> No.8252438


Well I suppose that the only issue that I have with this was that I generally assumed he was incompetent, and that he was the only cobbler that I had asked (since he was close to where I live in the suburbs)

I'll ask around the city for more advice, and I'll probably print out pictures of repaired sneaker soles for reference.

>> No.8252532
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>yfw servicing something thats meant to be disposable

top kek OP

>> No.8252543


geobaskets are meant to be disposable yet all of u fuccbois seem to repair them to retain the patina

fuk off nerds

>> No.8252547

dude you're a true fucking faggot

>> No.8252559

a decent cobbler will be able to repair them

a typical kiosk key cutting cobbler will not

>> No.8252560


>if you can't afford new ones after five years, you probably shouldn't be fucking around with several hundred dollar sneakers to begin with

Don't you fuccbois buy used Geobaskets all the time lmao get the fuck outta here

>> No.8252563


OP here.

Thanks, this was the most useful post in this thread.

>> No.8252566

>throwing away grails from a particular season when the only structural problem is the sole which can be easily repaired

what a fucking casual.

>> No.8252579

Pick your feet up when you walk you neanderthal.

>> No.8252630

>What do???
throw out and buy a new pair

if you don't want disposable shoes don't buy them

just enjoy them whilst they last

>> No.8252633

citation needed

>> No.8254103
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cobbler could have done a better job

>> No.8254126

>not walking like a fairy so your heels never touch the ground

>> No.8254132


this looks horrendous

jesus christ what the hell happened here

>> No.8254283

jesus don't baby your shoes
just throw them away and get another pair

>> No.8254359

I just realised I actually have an archive link to the thread where I got the pictures in

Don't know if it's useful.


>> No.8254496

>heel striking
Get some padding that makes you full foot strike when you walk and you will never get localized wear like op

>> No.8254574
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>tfw my Feits have a goodyear welt


>> No.8254771
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>tfw no local clobber

>> No.8255385

>people who either have always been showered with cash and have no idea what the actual value of their items are or are too retarded to take the most basic care for their footwear

This. Nothing wrong with trying to rejuvenate a pair that has seen better days, especially if it's an expensive shoe. Just because it's a sneaker doesn't mean you should let it get damaged, especially it can be avoided/repaired. I'm all for wearing sneakers that look like they've gone through stuff and lived a little, but throwing a pair as soon as the heel starts wearing off is retarded.

Also as that other guy said, this is caused by the way you walk and the first step (no pun intended) that you can take to remedy that is to try to walk less "on" the heel, and/or to cycle through different pair of shoes to delay the wear.

>> No.8255489
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Is that a strip of leather covering the welt to make them look like vulcanized sneakers?

Jesus christ how horrifying

>> No.8255913

tfw i'm going to do this to my common projects

>> No.8255948
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>find alteration shop
>call and ask if they had one
>We used to, but he moved

>> No.8255973

Jesus jumped up christ. All of these people that just don't give a shit about their clothes. Insane.

>> No.8256031

well, for the most part...you guys need to learn to fucking walk correctly and not drag your feet when you step. every time you drag your feet you shoe wears down a little more. remember that!!!

>> No.8258278

It's not necessarily caused by dragging, but some for some people, when they put their foot down, the first part of shoe that hits the floor is the heel. The wear is aggravated if you walk pretty fast.
Of course dragging is bad but let's remember it can also be other things.

>> No.8258762

Commun Vans

>> No.8258902

thats why they are cobblers dipshit

>> No.8258907
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had the same thing done a few weeks ago
>tfw need to go back soon for rest of sole

>> No.8258908

that shit is delicious btw
i don't care how much fecal matter is in it

>> No.8259726

>>people who either have always been showered with cash and have no idea what the actual value of their items are or are too retarded to take the most basic care for their footwear
I just buy decent things that aren't meant to be thrown out.
Have some willpower and save up for decent things and you won't be living in shit all the time.

>> No.8259734

Learn to walk properly

>> No.8259758
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What kind of piece of clothing is "meant to be thrown out" ? I have no idea what you guys are on about, and a pair of sneakers definitely isn't worthy of basic care just because they're sneakers and not dress shoes. At least, not most of the sneakers that have been posted ITT. Are the geos not expensive enough justify trying to maintain them in good condition ?

If you meant that it isn't the same for a pair of nike blazers I can understand it (and even then it would have not to be a rare model or something similar), but apart from that I'm not sure what's so upsetting about people wanting to maintain the sole of their shoes.

>> No.8259889

fucking idiots
this is why you have a rotation of /fa/ shoes.
don't just put the same pair on for the rest of your life.

>> No.8260027

This is why expensive sneakers are stupid.

>> No.8260668

>he gave me a fairly sketchy answer (saying that no sneakers can be fixed
That's not sketchy at all.

>> No.8260695

Supination isn't really walking incorrectly.

>> No.8260697

This only lengthens the amount of time between resoles. Granted, /fa/ slavers over shoes that can't be resoled these days.

>> No.8260714

>This only lengthens the amount of time between resoles.
Not only.
Rotating does extend the life of the shoe in general because it allows your manky monkey sweat to dry the fuck out.

Wearing the same half soggy shit every day decreases shoe life.

All leather linings help in this because the cloth/fiber ones retain the sweat like a sponge.

>> No.8260747
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Anyone in this thread saying you can't get this done or that you shouldn't is fucking retarded.

I've only ever had two cobblers and both of them have done this for about $35. Just make sure there's a little bit of sole left when you take them in and try to go to someone who cares and knows about shoes rather than some desperate dude trying to make some money however he can.

supposedly you're wrong.

The leather needs to time to rest and move back into a less stressed position or something.
Also needs time for any of the moisture on the inside or outside to evaporate.

>> No.8260765

resole geobastards
don't resole geobastards

more likely the thin leather uppers will tire out before the sole does

>> No.8260835

is it worth putting shoe trees in your leather sneakers?

>> No.8261311

>look like vulcanised sneakers
Do you even know what vulcanised means?

It's a chemical process that makes the rubber more flexible, nothing to do with the appearance of the shoe.

>> No.8261531

depends on the sneaker

if something like a pairbof cp's, acne, nat stands, lanvin, buttero etc., that are pricier and leather lined can't hurt.

if it's those reconstituted leather vans and converse with fabric inside probly wouldn't need to bother

in either case don't wear rhebsake pair every day.