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File: 1.87 MB, 1920x1280, hairstyles.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8254266 No.8254266[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hello /fa/, I'm aware that this board is more about clothes than other looks-related things, but humor me. I've got two major issues with how I look right now that I need your advice on.

First thing, as you can see, my eyes look tired as fuck. I'm not sure what to do about it, it's been like that for at least 8 years now, but I feel I'd look a loot better if I fixed it and stopped looking like a zombie somehow.

Second thing, my hairstyle. I haven't bothered doing anything with it in quite a while soon and will cut it in one way or another pretty soon. I personally prefer long hair but mine is in terrible condition, pic is best case scenario right after a shower, it gets worse pretty quickly. From time to time I comb it back and use gel as you can see to the right, which feels a little less unkempt, but I'm still not that happy with it. As much as I like long hair, I'm afraid it might be time to stop living in denial and accept that if I'm anything like the rest of my family genetically, well...let's just say that that hairline isn't going to get any better. So, what do you reckon I should do with it? Any tips are welcome.

>> No.8254272

shave that fucking beard

>> No.8254277

>cut the fucking hair
>shave the fucking beard
>lose some fucking weight

>> No.8254278

>that hairline

my dude

do yourself and everyone else a favor by shaving it

>> No.8254280

shave beard buzz hair

moisturise eyes

>> No.8254291

Shave head, grow beard with everything not just that dumb chin hair. Drink lots of water, get enough sleep and use a good anti-age cream with retinol in it, I suggest RoC deep wrinkle night cream, only like 15 bucks online and works well.

>> No.8254293

How old are you?

I feel like my hairline will be the same as yours in a few years.

Agreeing with everyone else that you should probably just shave your head.

>> No.8254308
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>lose some fucking weight
Funny you should say that, I actually did. Sitting dude in green shirt used to be me I don't know, maybe 6 years ago, about 230 lbs. I'm around 175-180 now.

Soon to be 23. Fuck receding hairlines, man.

So, seems like mostly everyone thinks I'm better off without the beard. Haven't been beardless in god knows how long, but maybe it's worth a try.

>> No.8254309

About that black under your eyes: can you 100% freely breathe with just your nose?

>> No.8254323

Not him but similar eye bags and no, I cannot.

Is there a connection?

Every once in a while, I can breathe through both nostrils perfectly. It's the most amazing thing, but it never lasts.

>> No.8254327

Yeah, as far as I know, but I'm guessing it could be better, I'm not positively sure about this since I can't check it that easily myself, but I think I do some very slight snoring while I sleep. Got a father who snores like a fucking orchestra, but I doubt that's genetic.

>> No.8254347
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For reference, here's two pictures from about a year ago, used to have a 'stache back then, have since dropped it. Probably for the better, but some people have hinted that it looked good. Pretty happy with that long-haired look, but unfortunately it's a bad case of profile picture syndrome, didn't look anywhere near as good in reality.

>> No.8254363

buz you hair and lose all facial hair

>> No.8254370

Chronic Sinusitis. Even stopping smoking had no effect. You need to see a doctor, anon.

>> No.8254374

Did you feel comfortable with your hair slicked back like that?

My bad hairline is the main reason I don't do it, but it's not quite as far back as yours here.

Did people ever comment on it?

>> No.8254380

your eyes look fine nobody except you notices that kind of miniscule shit

>> No.8254383

Oh dear, why didn't you take fin

>you could have stopped it

>> No.8254389

Huh, this makes a lot of sense. I used to get headaches a lot, and I suspected it was because I wasn't breathing properly.

But we're talking since childhood, and I haven't had any other symptoms I can think of.

Will definitely ask my doctor about it, thanks Anon.

>> No.8254395

Just buzz it, dude.

Go with the Statham look.

>> No.8254410

Dumb question: why don't people with receding hairlines just grow long fringes/bangs? Is it still obvious?

>> No.8254416

lol the 'statham look' is for people who look like statham, for anybody else, having a shiny egghead is a suffering you should avoid by taking fin.

>> No.8254422

What's the medication anon?

>> No.8254440

this only works if you have good density apart from the receding hairline. Most guys with receding hairlines don't have good density, especially not those as receding as op.

i couldn't style a fringe before taking finasteride, my hair was just too whispy and shit, but now i could conceal my less than perfect hairline if i wanted.

>> No.8254445

O my god, sweetheart, buzz your hair to 0,5 cm. And then grow a beard, not only on your chin, but on your whole face. You will be complimented by everyone that sees you.

>> No.8254457
File: 133 KB, 263x338, 436234545.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, since I'm used to seeing myself as someone who has long hair it's a little unusual of course, but I rarely get comments on it, mostly from one of my closest friends teasing me about it because he stopped trying to have long hair 5 years before me, pic related, it's him. I can't see myself with that style, but I guess that might be because I've never tried it, slicked back feels a lot more comfortable than I ever would've imagined too.

Oh, they do. It's not just visual, my eyes grow tired pretty quickly, so they're rarely fully open. It's pretty much tradition at this point for the staff to suspect me of being high as a kite whenever we're out drinking, but I never am, I just look tired as fuck, doubly so when drunk.


Well, as you can see in the first pic I posted, I do grow it pretty long in the front, but it's not thick enough to even almost fool anyone. Used to be, and god knows I loved that, but the happy days are over. :)

>> No.8254471

My hairline's quite far back and slowly receding, but I have a ton of hair. Generally I've just been combing it down and sideways so it's not obvious.

I don't think this will last though.

Damn, I remember being a kid and thinking people didn't have these problems until they were about 50. Stupid genetics.

>> No.8254476

If being balding bothers you

and you don't at least try fin

you are retarded

>> No.8254481

You look loads better in the second pic you posted.

Hairline is fucked, nothing you can do but buzz it

Shave the beard or grow full stubble if you can

TAN, will make you look better overall and provavly help with your eyes

Moisturise and you can get roll on things for your eyelids

>> No.8254500

>you can get roll on things for your eyelids

How effective are these? I had one but ended up throwing it away when I cleaned my room, which I now regret.

I think at some point I also had one with some sort of foundation/concealer built in. It looked pretty good but it threatened my manly heterosexuality and I'm uncomfortable with the idea of relying on makeup.

>> No.8254502


hair's a lost cause, let it go.

for the beard Id say shave it down and let a full beard grow, and ultimately go with a circle beard. experiment with full beard/shaved head.

should your beard not fill in well, give it time. some of your beard hairs grow much slower than the rest, so over time it will thicken. if it does not end up looking good, go clean shaven.

don't worry about head shape or any insecurities about having a very short buzz or even shaved bald head. it's your only choice so take this in stride.

>> No.8254507
File: 162 KB, 960x716, 74537436456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's too late

>fix it with fin anyway

I'm sorry, but I'm recieving mixed signals here.

Another fun sidenote, pic related is back in the days when I used to have long hair that actually looked nice. Probably just before I started growing facial hair, and had just started to get that tired eyes shit. Used to get a lot of compliments back then. The hair is never coming back, but who knows, maybe I can get a different but equally good look with some effort.

>> No.8254511


>> No.8254512

well u should have got on it earlier, but get on it now.

>> No.8254513

Also, the large man is my father, that's where I get the hairline from. The guy in the back, my cousin, is probably the baldest person I've ever seen who's my age these days.

>> No.8254515

You will get the compliments back when your hair is shaven off. I know it hurts, but it looks nasty right now.

>> No.8254522
File: 197 KB, 210x131, X84nn.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>take synthetic drugs to grow hair

>> No.8254523

I think your father is quite sexy.

>> No.8254527

i actually quite like how you look on the right picture. go get a shorter cut and do something like that. and get rid of the beard while you're at it

>> No.8254532

Get the stache back and cut your fucking hair
you're hair genetics aren't good enough for it. I'm sorry but its too thin

>> No.8254535

Those facial features would look great with a bit of estrogen... and no facial hair... and a dress...

Just saying...

No homo...

>> No.8254536

what's the problem?

>> No.8254538
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>> No.8254541
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He is, in his own way. Much better back then 8-9 years ago than today though, he's about 330 lbs now. But the hairline aside, he gives some hope about my genetics. If he has that beard, I might have the potential to be a fucking viking too. We're swedish, by the way.

On an unrelated note, the man in this picture is damn near mancrush levels of sexy in my opinion, would kill to look like that. Got a feeling I weren't dealt those cards though.

>> No.8254545

Baldness is a bigger risk to your sex life.

>> No.8254549

im not opening that bullshit article i don't care what it says. There's extensive research to prove that finasteride is well tolerated

>> No.8254550
File: 190 KB, 720x964, recedinggg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


OP how bald were you at 19? This is me now and I fully believe I will have to start shaving my head at ~21ish (1.5 years)

top pick is how it looks fully scraped back and bottom pick is how it can look when i mess it around a bit

and inb4 that propecia kid preaches, im not risking a faulty dick, id rather be 100% NW7 bald

>> No.8254551


save up and get hair implants, until then you have to buzz. man up and get it done.

>> No.8254554

>calling your dad sexy
fucking wrong man gtfo. go be bald somewhere else

>> No.8254560

Ah, the obligatory excuses people give when you suggest they actually do something about their problems other than just sit around and whine.

Can't be arsed to fix your hair? Don't complain when it goes away.

>> No.8254563

lol there is hardly any risk. And if you had problems you could just stop taking it. If u don't take it and this shit bothers you...well then u just baffle me

>> No.8254566


Permanent Sexual Dysfunction Risk

"In most men who developed persistent sexual side effects (≥3 months) despite the discontinuation of finasteride, the sexual dysfunction continued for many months or years."

Reported side effected related to finasteride include:
Erectile dysfunction (impotence)
Abnormal ejaculation
Lower ejaculatory volume
Abnormal sexual function
Testicular pain
Gynecomastia - development of male breasts
Depression - Merck added this side effect in December 2010
Prostate cancer - The FDA added a warning that finasteride may raise the risk of high-grade prostate cancer.

yeah fuck that.

>> No.8254571


honestly man I value my life too much. I also don't want to be bound to the pill.

>TFW 25 and becoming increasingly anxious about hairloss, knowing that the day will arrive when propecia either loses it effect or causes me some problems such as gyno, mild ED, weak cum, prostate cancer and the anxiety of these problems coming to haunt me.

>tfw I stop taking propecia at 25 and all of my hair falls out in 3 weeks.

That'd crush me more than just accepting it and going bald by ~23 and moving on with life

>> No.8254581


I'm 23 and going bald also. I'm not going to take any risky drugs or get surgeries. I feel like its being a woman about it. spending money and taking risks for that shit, might as well go buy makeup and get my nails done If I gave a shit that much.

I used to have really thick wavy hair, but it was annoying to manage and I didn't really enjoy my hair. I know it kind of sucks and its weird because its a change, and its kind of the first noticeable change you are getting older.

be a man about it op

>> No.8254583

So the side effect tends to last a while if you first get the side effect...

Now, how many get that side effect to begin with?

>> No.8254588

^^Its just so rare....at the end of day you have to ask yourself if having a decent head of hair is worth the miniscule risk.

>> No.8254589
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>> No.8254592


peoples opinions vary. People who are pro-anti hair loss drugs usually say around ~2% experience dick problems but others suggest 5-10%. some people also have to quit due to problems such as gyno, ball pain, nipple pain, brain fog etc

It seems quite strange to proceed taking it despite these issues SOME people get, but I guess lots of people value their aesthetics over there wellbeing.

>> No.8254593


worst case scenario: some of your hair comes back and you cant get hard anymore, or any combination of those side effects, so you have to stop taking it.

>hair falls out and your dick is still broke

>> No.8254597

Stop posting here and shave your head already.

>> No.8254604

but lol starting and stopping wouldn't make you lose hair any faster...with fin the reward/risk factor is stacked heavily in favour of reward, according to every study that's ever been done. I just understand the thought process of young, fretting guys who wont take it

>> No.8254606
File: 1.02 MB, 960x1280, shvae.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't really recall, but if you feel like doing some math, this picture >>8254308 is the release date of Wrath of the Lich King (yes, that was a big contributor to why I was fat, and yes, fat people digust me even more these days that I know how easy it is to fix) and I'm turning 23 later this year, so there's a rough estimate for you. Don't mean to scare you, but your hairline might be even further receded than mine, but that might just be the angle.

So, buzz cut sounds like it'd work, can't recall ever seeing a person looking terrible in one. Seems like some consider it easy enough to do yourself rather than go to a barber shop, is it? I'm not sure I have faith in my barber expertise, considering how not very good I am at shaving, especially after having been awake for 26 hours for some reason, don't handle sharp tools when you're sleep deprived, kids.

And yes, that hair, kill it with fire.

>> No.8254611

don't understand*

>> No.8254614

>pping wouldn't make you lose hair any faster...with fin the reward/risk factor is stacke

What I'm saying is as soon as you stop taking propecia, your hair will fall out pretty fucking quick. I would seriously be more worried about that and how others would think about me over a slow transition to being bald over the next 5 years or so. At least then I can progress in live without any hair anxiety shit

>> No.8254627

I say this because I definitely do not want to be taking a pill every day for the next 10+ years, I'm also fighting against my body because I am 100% destined to become bald, my cousins were shaving their heads slick bald by 18 so yeah, I'm lucky not to bald now tbh lol

>> No.8254628

Do you have a brother named Sven ?

>> No.8254631

dude there's not going to be any reason to stop taking it. In all honesty. Unless u go completely broke or something

>> No.8254633
File: 45 KB, 320x240, 60957.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So does minoxidil really work?

I recently watched The Simpsons episode "Simpson and Delilah". Watching that for the first time in 10+ years...fuck, it gives me feels.

>> No.8254635

Nope, I'm an only child. Why, do I remind you of someone?

>> No.8254643

You can do it yourself with a tondeuse, five minutes work. Don't go totally bold with a razer.

>> No.8254646

it does what it says on the tin. Stimulates hair growth. Wherever you apply it. It just doesn't tackle the underlying process of mpb, so wont stop you from going bald.

>> No.8254648
File: 131 KB, 855x571, sidewards pics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


my hair probably is worse than yours was at 19, a lot of the pics i take look flattering because of the angle.

I can already see the island forming when I pinch my hair together lol.

Also yeah OP I'd definitely recommend buzz cutting, it will look stacks better.

>> No.8254652

I can't fight my hair genetics, im fukked brah'

as long as im not a 100% bald bro for the first few years of college then im all good, id srsly be happy to go bald

>> No.8254655


I'm 23 and just posted about my steady balding, and I've accepted it at this point. hate to tell you but even mines not that far back yet.

i didn't start balding until i was 21, and its recently got more noticeable after I finished college.

I talked to my doctor about it and he told me there's a chance it could come back if I reduced stress (very stressful job and I work many hours) and focused on having a healthy scalp with special shampoos.

I think in the end its about how much you care about your hair and also how well you can pull off a buzz/shaved head.

>> No.8254661

>i didn't start balding until i was 21, and its recently got more noticeable after I finished college.
>I talked to my doctor about it and he told me there's a chance it could come back if I reduced stress (very stressful job and I work many hours) and focused on having a healthy scalp with special shampoos.

yeah man i lost the genetic lottery with hair, hope i got the face to pull off buzzcut in a couple year

>> No.8254665


known to work but once you stop using it your hair falls out.

>> No.8254673

My hairline is itchy.

Does this mean it's about to recede?

>> No.8254675


wouldn't say you lost, you had really nice hair while it lasted. It's just a part of growing up for a lot of us. don't feel bad about it. .

>> No.8254677


Probably. When I was 17 I noticed my hairline itching I thought it was because of sweat.. Few month later I noticed recession.

My hairline itches every fucking day. I notice it waking up on a morning etc.

>> No.8254678

So before 21 you didn't notice any hair loss whatsoever?

No slight temple recession, no scalp thinning etc?

>> No.8254687

just because something is part of your genetic make-up, doesn't mean it cant be prevented. If this were true, well medicine would serve no purpose at all. finasteride prevents further loss in practically all men who take it. For 10 years at least(15 year studies aren't out yet) and is well tolerated. It works and works well. Don't listen to internet muh dick hysteria.

>> No.8254693
File: 59 KB, 545x770, l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I look at this man I barely even mind balding. I'm nowhere near patriotic most of the time, but vikings, man.

>> No.8254694

lmao do you work for the pharma industry
shilling finasteride on every occassion

>> No.8254698

just looking out for you guys :3

>> No.8254701
File: 20 KB, 260x226, Xenogears.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stealing your thread, OP. But

What to you fuccbois do about hair loss? Anyway to prevent it or taking care of your scalp?

>> No.8254705


I'm fine with it tbh, but I look a lot better with short hair and buzz cuts than long cuts. I could never pull off the crazy stuff some of u guys do no matter what my head of hair was like haha.

If I was really down for those hairstyles or looked like shit with a buzz cut I'd have more to gripe about, but I'd still accept it.

the only good option is really hair transplants, not concerned about it anymore though

>> No.8254724

read the thread. Finasteride bro. Pill a day keeps the ht doctor away

>> No.8254728


that's right. It was all uniform density/thickness slightly wavy hair when it got longer. no temple recession or anything.

why, are you 20 and getting nervous? lol

>> No.8254734
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>> No.8254774

Is the hair gone already?

>> No.8254860
File: 144 KB, 395x527, buzzed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did it. thanks guys

>> No.8254867

S-s-so much better! Now grow a beard on the whole face and you're done.

>> No.8254881

Holy shit is this the OP?

>> No.8254888

That actually looks pretty good. You look tough and respectable instead of depressed and dishevelled.

I think you'd suit a beard but maybe a shorter, full beard instead of just the chin.

>> No.8254893

nice OP

take a pic at the same angle as ur original pic and same pose so we can see coolio difference

>> No.8254901

how did you grow your sideburns that fast

>> No.8254903

>S-s-so much better!

>> No.8254907


>> No.8254915

>reverse image search
>four results

Can't tell if this whole thread was a ruse or just this one picture.

>> No.8254922

Just that picture.

>> No.8254927
File: 2.21 MB, 1920x1080, Screenshot - 03252014 - 12:08:46 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

obvious ruse, the beard, sideburns, and face are all different
plus now he's brunette? yeah right

OP should do something like this though

>> No.8254932

I always imagined baldchan would look exactly like this man in the right image.

>> No.8254933
File: 22 KB, 453x326, image002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah seems to be.

Though I think it does show how OP could benefit from a buzz cut.

>> No.8254934


shit man I actually thought it was him lol


>> No.8254946
File: 1.50 MB, 1920x1080, Screenshot - 03252014 - 12:12:04 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8255010

Try finasteride, but anyway:
looks shit in both pictures
holy fuck, dat right pic. bring back the mustache.

>> No.8255062

long stringy hair looks awful as fuck. If you're thinning, own up to it and shave your head or buzz it. Grow out your facial hair.

>> No.8256045


yeah its not him, I literally googled balding buzzcut and found this and it looked almost exactly like OP so I had to post it.

OP is real.

>> No.8256083

I stopped taking propecia after 3 years and it took about 1 year and a half for me to start losing my hair again. I was taking biotin everyday though.

>> No.8256086

Ps. I hopped back on that shit. No regrets

>> No.8256326
File: 6 KB, 225x225, disgusting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buzzcut your hideous hair. You look like a child rapist, especially with that balding going on. Either grow a full beard or shave that shitty goatee, goatees NEVER look good, ever. And either lift weights and get buck or do cradio be an /fa/ aushwitz mode fag. And dont dress like an autist

>> No.8256621


>> No.8256636

really? damn, you look at least in your 40
i think it's that hairline. just buzz it off man

>> No.8256678

When did you notice regrowth the first time around?

>> No.8256725

>calling article BS before opening it
>that denial

I`m guessing you take fin and also don`t understand how statistics work?

>> No.8256824

My hair line started receding between ages 18-19, it was shoulder length it falling out like crazy. Then I got a HY and since then its barely coming out, 20 now. Shorter hair = less likely to recede?

>> No.8256882
File: 54 KB, 460x537, 27844_392299268057_6790690_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u look like that guy from the room

>> No.8256909

Oh... Oh wow OP. This is intense. Um, I dunno man. I think all you can do is shave your head at this point, there is no saving that. Also get rid of the beard, you look euphoric.

>> No.8257495

no, i don't think so. go to a doctor. it could be some other thing but i don't recall its name.

>> No.8257520
File: 101 KB, 664x475, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Balding people's.
I just got a hair transplant. It's covered area was about $2500

>> No.8257625

You look like a Finnish man.

>> No.8257631

damn man why would you take out all that hair

>> No.8257643

Fucking nice, man.
Is this a permanent solution ?

>> No.8257648
File: 64 KB, 480x640, 1375812365745.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Grow out a full, but not crazy unkempt, beard (with the fucking mustache chin straps are literally always bad), and shave your head.

>go for this, but if your hairline looks terrible with the hair in the pic just shave it completely

>> No.8257653

how old are you? If youre young the hair behind the transplanted is no doubt going to fall out too, cause that's just how it works. You'll need fin to prevent that hair from falling out, i hope your doctor has told you this. Tbh hair transplants in young men aren't a great idea, because you have so many years ahead of you to lose a lot of hair....

>> No.8257654

lennic is gay

>> No.8257675

post a before and after once it grows in

>> No.8257680

holy shit you actually listened to the 'just shave it off' idiots. You look awful, you look like a fat pikey. There are now 0 clothes you can look half decent in. Congratulations. Might take ages for those miniaturized hairs to grow back, they might fall out before they even have time to. You are now essentially bald

>you could have stopped it

my advice for you now is to take up a life of crime, being a scumbag is the only thing that will suit you

>> No.8257685

you look well for your age, mr Buscemi

>> No.8257961
File: 95 KB, 576x756, brian-eno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But Brian Eno was able to rock it.

>> No.8257981

Because he was beautiful and effeminate.

>> No.8258029

Anyone have any receding hairline inspo?

>> No.8258488

The scary downside of finasteride isn't sexual, man. Fin blocks neurotransmitters too, and fucks up the myelin sheaths of a part of your spinal cord(look it up). That's why I'm not taking it.

>> No.8258518

LOL what absolute drivel

>> No.8258524

end it all mang

>> No.8258909

asked my doctor about a fin prescription and he said he won't write them anymore. he's a young doctor and seems really up to date on his journals etc

said he had a patient get permanent ED and refuses to prescribe it. recommended minoxidil :/

>> No.8258926

just buy it off inhousepharmacy. My doc refused me too...idiot

>> No.8259034

find a bald dermatologist if possible
my derm was completely cool probably because he knows that balding feel
I did go in very well educated on all the studies and possible side effects so that might have helped

>> No.8259054

brb character creating a derm

>> No.8259177

Instead of listening to the trolls telling you to cut your shitty hair of, try introducing some volume to it so it won't look as vile and flat.

>> No.8259718

Semi permant.
So long as you stay on the medication and etc you won't recede further than it, it sall about your willingness to keep your other existing hair.
Take it out? I just moved it.also my hair was only half as receded as the image shows, the rest had to be shaved away as it was thinning slight,y. It definitely still there.
I'll make a topic when I'm back in country
I'm 20, I'm basically trans which made it okay for me to get the surgery as I don't have a male hormone balance. Just posting to show it as an actual option for people

>> No.8260013

What do you take other than fin, brah?

>> No.8260033

how do I avoid getting too tan? Also how can i lighten my tanned skin (forearms and hands mostly)

I naturally have very pale, almost porcelain like skin (If you look at areas of my body not exposed to the sun such as my thighs and upper arms this is evident) But i tan very very easily and my forearms pretty much remain an olive color throughout the whole year, even darker in the summer

I think i can use sunscreen to keep myself from getting darker - however I dont know what to do to actually lighten my skin

>> No.8260049

No him, but I do 1% Nizoral daily, and T-Gel once or twice a week. They're both mild topical antiandrogens, and Nizoral has been shown to be just as effective as Rogaine. It however shrings the sebacuous glands, while Minox makes them bigger--that appears to be proof of some antiandrogentic activity.

I wouldn't say they'll prevent you from going bald if you have really agressive MPB, but it has seemed to thicken my hair, and slowed everything down.

>> No.8260070

im like you except that in winter i get pale and look horrendous.
but why would you want to be pale? people always looks better when tanned.

anyways research for asian whitening creams, they have millions of them

>> No.8260363
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To the people here rejecting finasteride and a honing that'll stop hairloss.
Try toppik or some other hair finer.
You'll still lose hair but it looks pretty decent so long as you don't,let your hair wet, or stung winds

>> No.8261873
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Hijacking, but this thread scared me. Is it as bad as I think?

>> No.8261879

i'm 31, have a receeding hairline and have more hair than this, should answer your question.

>> No.8261982


>> No.8261988

Sorry man, I know this sucks

>> No.8262012

Guess I should maybe talk to my doctor about finastride or something then..

>> No.8262245

Is it fine to take minoxidil and finasteride together

>> No.8262346

23 and balding
also attract 30something milfs

>> No.8262430

alot people do
just remember that minoxidil takes a big commitment

>> No.8262807

its more about if ur hairline is changing and if from a face on position you have a u shape developing. if its still straight across you might just have a high hairline. people ont his board not very good at telling

>> No.8262890
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g-give it to me straight, doc

>> No.8262976

hair loss is present.

>> No.8263077

I realized recently under strong lights that I lost a lot of density on top especially upfront, and perhaps on the sides, but in a normal setting it's not noticeable and looks ok. My hairline is receding for at least 4 years (18-22) at least now, but i thought I was simply maturing like my dad. I'm not too far from NW2 I guess.
Anyway I'll try to get a prescription for finasteride asap, and thought about microdosing at first up to taking 0.25mg/day, while taking zinc+fish oil supplements. I hope I'll be able to avoid most sides, and hope CB 03 01 will be released in 2018 and be better than fin... but I doubt it. I already bought liquid minoxidil but I don't plan on using it for my hair because it's a pain in the ass to use it. Is my plan ok?

>> No.8264147
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I think you should lose the goatee

>> No.8264161

>cop RO clothes
>get ottermode

>> No.8264264
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>> No.8264325
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>> No.8264327

Get yourself down to 150