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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 83 KB, 500x747, Jon_McNaught_012-e1273672699696.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8235474 No.8235474 [Reply] [Original]

if i'm kinda ugly, what's the point of looking effay anyway? isn't that sort of like putting expensive trim and aftermarket parts on a '95 honda?

don't get me wrong, i like style and beautiful things too, but who would i be kidding?

>> No.8235483

Check out Tuason at Dandy Project.
His face is average for a filipino at best, and he just does whatever he likes.

>who would i be kidding
you're kidding yourself.

>> No.8235514

If you're not overweight and you dress well, you can turn yourself from a 4/10 to an 8/10.

You're not kidding anybody. You're taking charge of your appearance and morphing yourself into an attractive being.

Sure, you won't look as good as beautiful people who dress well, but you'll look better than you do now.

That's what counts, and that's what you should do if you care about your appearance.


>> No.8235528

i'm not overweight but i have some unfortunate genetics. i have really thick thighs and a bubble butt but i'm a guy :(
i'm pear shaped and the most flattering thing i can think of is to wear baggier clothes. i like close fitting attire but i know enough to avoid it. this is my fate i guess. oh well.

>> No.8235533

dont give up

>> No.8235542
File: 209 KB, 920x1382, gothninjaforunfortunateguy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh noooooo :(
that's really unfortunate

you can try wearing clothes that drape over you
if it's done right it can look really nice, but it's often pinned as the "goth ninja" look

personally i don't like it as much as other styles, but it'll look good with your body type

go and try it out when you have some time

>> No.8235552

it's not my ideal but it doesn't look too bad, and i think it might look decent on me. i'll definitely consider it. thanks!

>> No.8235555

/fit/izen here, you should visit the board and lurk a little, you can still tune that honda to get the best out of it. Lots of us changed our bodies even with wide hips. You just gotta put some mass on your chest back and arms always help. I used to be skinny-fat, looked horrible due to shitty genetics but I started eating right and lifting (ive worked out my whole life tho) and in a few months I fixed lots of body image issues. Now girls even touch my arms and chest all the time and they talk to me out of no where. Im not even handsome.

>> No.8235567

you're welcome
i'm always down to help others with their fashion choices (◕‿◕✿)

if you live in the US, a few good retailers are Archive (San Fran), Atelier (NYC), and Oak (NYC)

a lot of people on /fa/ like the gothninja look, so you'll be able to ask for more help

but if you walk into a store ask for "artisanal" or "avant-garde" clothing, or else people will look at you funny

have a nice day & go dress in some rick owens and look great

>> No.8235659

eh what do i have to lose? i may try this out too. i'm afraid that my lower body will balloon even more though, but i don't really know. you're right though, i would look better if my upper half were bulkier than it is now. thanks to you too, anon.

>> No.8235674

>work out
>shave your legs
>get girl clothes
>become a male prostitute
>get money
>use it for plastic surgery

>> No.8236205

dont get rid of it i love guys with bubble butts

>> No.8236224

could someone explain op's comic to me?
for some reason I have no idea what is going on in it.

>> No.8236395

its suppose to evoke rainy day feels

>> No.8236412


this post is painful and reeks of first week on /fa/

actually learn stuff before you try to give (shit) advice to strangers

sure is blind leading the blind in here

>> No.8236443
File: 20 KB, 640x360, 069e4bcc-6d39-485d-ae55-da2114060.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im inclined to agree, a shape described thusly would not be helped by the longer, draped top layers that are so essential to goth ninja.

I'd honestly go so far as to say its the farthest away from a desirable shape for goth ninja.

op, look more into whatcha might call workwear or heritage clothing. it will often carry more bulky, rugged lumber-jackery type silouhettes that you could use to your advantage while also avoiding very slim pants, the taper of which would accentuate the pear shape (I see that shit all the god damned time with people wearing tapered sweats/track pants/dropcrotch).

honestly though if its that bad /fit/ is the best answer

>> No.8236452

zyzz looked like he crammed chiclets in his mouth and talked like an oaf
>at least he fucked a ton of whores and died in a suana tho

>> No.8236471

Websites often feature good looking models, but a lot of runway models don't fit the stereotype of what we call 'beautiful'. Some runway models will even have their faces covered with masks or swaths of fabric.

Clothes serve as an accent. If the engine is fine and it has a nice coat of paint, the make and model won't matter too much. Taking care in your appearance and educating yourself on some basic fashion dos and dont's will benefit anyone. Take time to look through the sticky and see what you like. Dont run out and buy a bunch of shit right away either, let your style develop naturally.

>> No.8236491

atelier is shut
oak is owned by american apparel
>asking for ""artisanal"" clothing

just log out

>> No.8236521
File: 241 KB, 567x600, 1374532087729.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this a meta post or am i being too optimistic

>who would i be kidding
you're hopeless OP, give up

>> No.8236524
File: 44 KB, 640x360, 1400218981494.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8236551
File: 104 KB, 500x747, 1400199381924.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8236577
File: 331 KB, 960x1280, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is me anon,

It was about two years ago that I decided I have to change in order to escape from the norm that society places upon us.

I told my self I will be the sickest cunt in this world. Or at least the world that I know of, I'm a university student now here in Japan( got out of the service sometime ago) and have an amazing Japanese girlfriend. I started changing my style, my attitude and external perception of people and the world around me. I started opening more books, started a passion in photography, started to learn a third language, started lifting, started telling myself I can most importantly.

Don't be a little beta bitch, inject your balls with some yes I can and get your ass out there and get to work, don't ever forget you are better than me and any other cunt in this world, you just need to take the first step.

>> No.8237082

r u derek zoolander

>> No.8237268


>> No.8237270
File: 12 KB, 480x359, 1353277075438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but if you walk into a store ask for "artisanal" or "avant-garde" clothing, or else people will look at you funny

>> No.8237275

r u 5'2

>> No.8237280

im going to eject my sperm into ur arse

>> No.8237302

>Walking past a bmw full of wankers.
>they do look like gym-clubs kind of guys.
>"Is that even a man"
>don't even notice it at the moment, think my own thoughts.
>Raise my head and all their eyes are on me
>Feel fucking shit, even tho my fit was pretty decent.
how do i live with myself?

>> No.8237333
File: 101 KB, 620x388, casanova_2070755b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apparently Casanova wasn't very good looking (big-ass jewnose and a bit of a manlet iirc), but he got the ladies going wild for him. He did that by looking like he took care of hiumself and being charming. That's why.