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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 174 KB, 1024x768, studio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8228425 No.8228425 [Reply] [Original]

So I'm moving out soon, into my first apartment (small studio) and I need some inspiration. Post your rooms! Preferably studios but everything is welcome.

(not my room)

>> No.8228471


>> No.8228480
File: 506 KB, 1306x980, untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my apartment is shit but my parents have a rad midcentury modern house
only pic i have atm tho

>> No.8228490

LA? Vegas?

>> No.8228500

bumfuck southern california lol

>> No.8228508 [DELETED] 

Studio in SF. Shitty black ikea blinds to keep out the sun.

>> No.8228510

southwest has a lot of great mid century homes. I like what your parents have done.

>> No.8228516
File: 876 KB, 2688x1520, IMAG0070 - Copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Studio in SF. Small and fucking expensive.

Shitty black ikea blinds to keep out the sun.

>> No.8228529


Dat Eames chair. Color me jelly.

>> No.8228533

its pretty cool, when i visit home ill take more pics for next time we have one of these home design threads

my dad is super into this style of home design and has tons of zines and shit on it. The house was built in the 60s and had a really shit remodel done on it before we moved in, where the fireplace is used to be covered up and a wall straight down the line separating living room and dining room/kitchen, we ended up tearing the whole thing down and making the entire house really open. It's a neat feeling not having walls separate rooms since that's most homes I've ever lived in

>> No.8228538

This would look a lot cleaner if you had hired a contractor to recess the television into the drywall or pull the wall out to frame it. would get rid of the wire too.

>> No.8228544

tell me about it man. i live with 4 other people in a 2 bedroom and my share of rent could get me a studio in any decently priced place of the country

shits comfy B)

>> No.8228670

What's that gear on the right there that looks like you stole from a 70s computer lab?

>> No.8229113

Why do you have an oscilloscope

>> No.8229208

Anyone got the picture of a panoramic window setup overlooking a skyline with a mattress as the single piece of furniture?

>> No.8229209

At least you live in SF. I live in a pretty boring and cold city in a 18m2 for 600 euros/month.
Feels bad.

>> No.8229211
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>Mah desk two/three years ago.

(looks almost exactly the same today)

>> No.8229356
File: 186 KB, 1200x900, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my room..

>> No.8229359
File: 170 KB, 900x1200, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

..and desk

>> No.8229360

that's a lot of plants. you're not afraid it'll attract insects and create mold?

>> No.8229365

if it does i will replace them
The ones on top are just 2euro cat grass

>> No.8229366


>> No.8229388

Who told you plants create mold

>> No.8229545
File: 439 KB, 1920x2160, newbs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i recognize this battlestation

I'm starting not to like this area of my apartment, too matchy matchy plus it's red and black. idk, I want something more comfy so I'll probably change everything in this room

>> No.8229633


Again, turn that Tizio the right way round.

>> No.8229646

Recessed into the wall is a shitty option for any TV that isn't gigantic, better to just run the cord through the drywall.

Or if he doesn't want to dig into the wall, they make covers for just this sort of thing.

>> No.8229649


An oscilloscope and what looks like a power supply of some sort.

>> No.8229655
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>> No.8229660
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messy as fuck but w/e

>> No.8229665

I think it's cool. I'd just get rid of the carpeting, the Star Wars stuff, and all the hard media.

>> No.8229674

>and all the hard media.

You do realize that books are good for you, right?

>> No.8229685

I love to read, but I own an e-reader so I can't really convince myself to own hard copies of any non-textbooks, and those I only keep because it's not comfortable flipping back and forth between pages on a reader.

>> No.8229687

whats with Americans and shit color carpets ?
DAT chair
DAT fireplace
nice speakers
nice desk i really like it W2C ?
/fa/ as fug
w2c dat lamp look pretty col

>> No.8229692

>deep rims for no reason at all

>> No.8229693

what's up with the thinkpad how is it

I need a new laptop for school and I was thinking about getting it, would you recommend?

>> No.8229694

>whats with Americans and shit color carpets ?
If you spill things it doesn't show as much.
Remember, we eat in our bedrooms.

>> No.8229697


You are the cancer that's killing this generation. I have an ex girlfriend who fell in love with me because I was the only other person her age she'd met with a full bookshelf. And neither of us are intellectual or literary types.

>> No.8229700

>w2c dat lamp look pretty col
its pretty cool, its a design classic and very functual
liking something for its looks is enough of a reason to me
its pretty cool I guess, I got it from University but the frame broke on 20 out of 30 people at the exact same spot

>> No.8229705

>You are the cancer that's killing this generation.
That's harsh. Why should I honestly own a full library? It sounds like your only reasoning is to impress others with the collection, regardless of however much you actually sit down to read.

The literature is above what it's printed on.

>> No.8229706

>w2c dat lamp look pretty col

Artemide Tizio, tfw I have one as well, baby's first design lamp.

>nice desk i really like it W2C ?

5+ K for a single module, mah expensive Italian office design
(No I didn't pay for it.)

>> No.8229711

can you just already tell this guy how your daddy gifted it to you and we can all move on with this thread?

>> No.8229713

oh , i see now
thank you

>> No.8229715

I hate full novels. That's one thing I like about Locke, he gets to the fucking point. I don't need to be babbied into your point with some gay ass story, just tell me.

>> No.8229718

>oh , i see now
The worst part is I wasn't joking. :(

>> No.8229720

Plants get watered and stand in the sun.
Heat + high level of humidity in a biological mass like potting compost = mold

>> No.8229721
File: 1.64 MB, 3704x5191, Rails_Competencies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


watcha visualizin' there bud?

>> No.8229742
File: 223 KB, 1500x1000, Zanotta_Cavour_05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


He, not denying it, long live design firms and their idiotic tendency to completly throw out their entire interior every few years to stay 'fresh'.

I'm pretty happy with it but would never pay retail for it. (nor could right now) besides, the Cavour desk is the one I really want. This setup just came on my path.

>> No.8229755


I'll agree that a ebooks are better than no books at all, but actually holding it in your hand and flipping the pages while you're reading is such a better experience.

>> No.8229775

>but actually holding it in your hand and flipping the pages while you're reading is such a better experience.

Not for me. I dislike the weight, I regularly read outside so when it's breezy the pages need to be held down, they take up a lot of space that could be better occupied, and I can read in virtually any position comfortably like laying on my back.

I don't feel the experience is any different. We're still receiving the same content. Unless you're some kind of faggot who cares about what people think of him while he's reading, that's just inexcusable.

>> No.8229796

water + sunlight is what keeps a plant alive you dingus
living organisms dont just rot and produce mould for no reason
this is shit you learn in primary/elementary school
you may not be mentally qualified to be using the internet please leave

>> No.8229815

you are stupid.

>> No.8229818

>water + sunlight is what keeps a plant alive you dingus
yeah right I didnt deny that.
>living organisms dont just rot and produce mould for no reason
mold/fungus develops in the SOIL your plants grow in, because it is moist/humid ground and since your room probably has an average temperature of around 25 C° its warm enough for mold to develop. Have you ever been to a forrest in fall and spring? Where do you think all the leaves go?

>> No.8229821


>> No.8229824

But Brawndo's what plants crave, it's got electrolytes.

>> No.8229880


>> No.8229905


in 1 gram of soil there are well over a million micro-organisms.

Hell, 3-4 pounds of your bodyweight is bacteria including potentially pathogenic ones.

If you are worrying about a bit of soil, in such manner then you might as well live in a plastic bubble.

>> No.8229969
File: 18 KB, 316x301, 6393a4e5-40e6-4b04-81cf-315a40039.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet you genuinely believe vinyl sounds better than digital as well

>> No.8229978

yea I'll probably get rid of the star wars stuff, except I'm not sure if I can put away that lightsaber. I actually like collecting books and reading so those won't go away, and yea I can't get rid of the carpeting because I live in an apartment that doesn't let you do that, but once I get my own house after this I'll probably do that.

>> No.8230019


w2c bedframe

>> No.8230036

not that guy, but I agree on the superiority of actual books. Holding them and physically seeing your progress just makes it more substantial. Also, just having books you like around is cool.
It's just my preference though, I grew up reading books and that's how I like them, I've read a number of ebooks and I didn't hate it by any means.

As for vinyls, of course lossless digital files sound better, but I like to be able to hold the cover and inspect the artwork.

>> No.8230037


No, I think vinyl sounds worse unless it's a very good recording on a brand new record. And even then you need a good turntable.

I'm not saying the words are more meaningful in a real book. Just that it's a better reading experience. But I didn't grow up with 24/7 access to a computer so maybe people who did can't appreciate it.

Speaking of vinyl, one way it is superior is the album art. A digital format will never replicate the massive fold-out embossed covers some LPs come with.

>> No.8230060

>not lending qt's your books

>> No.8230066
File: 24 KB, 413x395, 1385315878806[2].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8230073

For me actual books are kind of an "escape" from looking at a screen all day. I do enough of that at uni and at home, I tried reading on my iPad for a month and had the worst headache at the end of the day because it was just too much on screen time for my eyes to handle.

>> No.8230088


>> No.8230090
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>> No.8230095
File: 722 KB, 1536x2048, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8230106

I'm gonna be flogged for this, but why can't we have both?
I like my Kindle for many reasons, like being able to carry many books with me on vacation and read, and because they're free and so widely available. I can read a book in Dutch even when I don't live in the Netherlands and my local library has none. I don't have to order any magazines or papers online and wait for them to arrive.
On the other hand, books are a lot easier when it comes to studies. I would never be able to study from a digital textbook, scribble the shit out of it, etc. It just wouldn't feel "real".
Many of them are really old and valuable, many have emotional value, some are old hand-me-downs with dog ears and mustaches on pictures of important women in history, but that gives them personality.

>> No.8230120

you can for sure have both. I quite enjoyed my kindle before I broke it. I'm just saying that , if forced to choose, I would definitely go with physical books. Can't scrawl in the margins of a digital copy of Ulysses.

>> No.8230127


>tfw I use the digital version of my medical text book just for being able to control+F because the registers usually suck and then open a physicall copy to that page.

>> No.8230374
File: 2.04 MB, 4320x2432, IMG_20140514_200600765.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not so nice but it's 150euro/month

>> No.8230373

nice, colour and carpet makes it look a lot smaller/darker though.

white walls + darkwood floor would make it so much bigger/lighter

>> No.8230422

looks cheap

not bad

>> No.8230440


Damn that's not bad, I could easily live there especially for that price. What's the area like?

>> No.8230441

where you live? can i move there place?

>> No.8230457

needs a carpet

>> No.8230476

yeah it's not too bad for that price but I'm planning to move out pretty soon. anyways it's in a tiny college town in Italy, so, kinda quiet. but at least i get to travel a bit. I've been thinking about carpets (already have two) but I didn't want to spend so much about it since it was just a temporary solution. (bothered with the tenembaums poster tho)

>> No.8230484

sorry, forgot to mention

>> No.8230497

>tiny college town in Italy
so effay

>> No.8230547

are those flowers carnations ?

>> No.8230562

about twice as big as my room and I pay twice what you pay

>> No.8231023

so i can move to italy and live for 300 euro/month?

>> No.8231240
File: 772 KB, 1737x597, most-distortion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Something I promised last tthread: world's most distorted panorama ever.

>> No.8231313

they might be haha. my girlfriend bought some vases at a garage sale and left them in my car, so I brought them inside, bought some random flowers that I thought looked nice and I put them in. First time I ever bought a plant for decoration. Something wrong about buying carnations or something?

>> No.8231320

>Obama sticker on the fridge
into the trash it goes

>> No.8231332

literally all you're saying is "I DON'T LIKE THAT YOU ARE NOT READING BOOKS THE EXACT SAME WAY I'M READING BOOKS". Who gives a fuck, you're both reading the same shit, if he enjoys reading them like that more, it doesn't matter, it doesn't change the fucking story of the book. I like reading physical books too but don't try to convince me that the medium through which he reads those words change the experience of the story itself, which is the only thing that matters. Everything else is personal preference, it's like me arguing that reading by a tree is the best way to read books and if you read indoors you're the cancer that's killing the generation.

>> No.8231454

Never did I imply that "my way" of reading was in any way superior. I just said WHY I enjoy reading this way more.

>> No.8232215
File: 284 KB, 1024x683, mu4y5kM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Something wrong about buying carnations or something?

Not at all. They are cheap and yet elegant flower imho, but not easy to arrange. Right side of your bouquet is good, but left side is not as pleasant to the eye because all flowers are at the same level, revealing the stem. Shorten some of them or add some greenery and you'll be just fine.

>> No.8232525
File: 1.14 MB, 3264x2448, WP_000101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my studio

>> No.8232556

fucks the tv there for?

>> No.8232567

It's a studio apartment, you have to cram everything into like 250 square feet.

>> No.8232571

to watch movies. i dont have any channels though

>> No.8232587
File: 6 KB, 206x210, 1395426048392.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw talking to a two party pleb

>> No.8232588


looks cozy

>> No.8233145


So people actually buy Kartell Mobil's?

Why the old iMac?

>> No.8233655


Too fucking matchy

>> No.8233728

you mean hotel room right?

>> No.8233745

Diggin it, but is that a window or your closet?

>> No.8233747
File: 2.22 MB, 4128x2322, giddegadde[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my tiny underground apartment.. i need to clean this place up

Is that super smash in the n64?

>> No.8233775

looks really nice, where you live?

>> No.8233778


>> No.8233780

hvor meget koster det om måneden for dig?

>> No.8233807

2500 kr, vilket är ingenting, men jag hade gärna betalat dubbla för ett finare ställe

>> No.8233821

2500 sek er sku da meget godt, >>8233747 ser rigtig godt ud, men ja altså du ser ud til at have pengene hvis 2500 er ingenting så et bedre sted er vel ikke umuligt for dig

>> No.8233847

Jag har ändå bara lägenheten till september så ny lägenhet är ett måste. Att bo i en källare har både nackdelar och fördelar. Jag kan spela hög musik och ha fest, men jag saknar samtidigt fin utsikt.

>> No.8233947

Actually, most e-readers have have functions that allow you to write notes and such. Unless you're doodling pictures of penii in your copy of Ulysses, you can pretty much do with a digital copy what you can with a physical copy.

I think, really, it just comes down to comfort. You can't always explain why you're more comfortable one way or the other, you just are. Don't try to justify it, do how you do, and let others do how they do. Stop worrying about it.

Actually, I bet most modern e-readers/tablets will let you doodle penii in your digital copies. Or at least, attach pictures to certain notes you make in them.

>> No.8233951

Did you do the stencil?

>> No.8233959

the correct plural for penis is penises, not penii. you fucking poser faggot gay nigga son of a whore.

>> No.8233963

I can tell you enjoy the penii as much as... i...

>> No.8233979

>Unless you're doodling pictures of penii in your copy of Ulysses
What else would you do with your copy of Ulysses?

>> No.8234099

i know that you've posted them before, but what headphones are those?

>> No.8234232

american pyscho

>> No.8234424


It was 50% off, needed a drawer on wheels anyway.

iMac was for an old film scanner that I no longer use, the software and drivers only worked on that. (oh and OG C&C)


No Luis. It's not me. You're mistaken.

>> No.8234532


That's like a combination of a sushi bar and a love hotel. Weird shit.

>> No.8234567
File: 7 KB, 378x378, IMG_6092.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that shit taste

>> No.8235712

not that guy but they are akg k702 on top and sony mdr 7506 on bottom

>> No.8235738
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>> No.8235754
File: 2.03 MB, 1800x1040, thecave2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8235776

nice to know im not the only person interested in flower arrangement/ floristry

>> No.8235781


>> No.8236518

Can anyone ID this bedframe?

>> No.8236711
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>> No.8236713
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>> No.8236736

Neato, is that really your room? What's the rest like?

>> No.8236837

Welcome to /fa/ friend.

>> No.8236919

empty like my life

>> No.8236940

id on all 3 pairs of shoes, please

>> No.8236951


>> No.8236955

w2c phone

>> No.8236966
File: 122 KB, 1000x718, home.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no wide lenses on hand so this is what you get.

>> No.8236991

Looks like a hotel room.

>> No.8237013
File: 270 KB, 354x264, 1396217014552.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>white apartments

>> No.8237106

Damn, how big is that place?

>> No.8237138

Do you mean the color of the walls or just white people's apartments?

>> No.8237146

walls, floor and ceiling
and furniture

>> No.8237236

Dark colors suck, white & grey is the way to go.

>> No.8237292

hnnnngg so /fa/

>> No.8237297
File: 24 KB, 225x300, rickowens.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Nice place, nigga.

>> No.8237748
File: 1.16 MB, 5184x3456, IMG_8068.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mine, posted it already in a thread couple of weeks ago

>> No.8237759

where? siena?

>> No.8237790

hey I remember your supreme bag on the wall

your room is pretty dope

>> No.8237801

cool ass room man

>> No.8237989

Are you serious? Do you understand how ridiculous you sound? You are your own recipient of the insult you're dishing out.
Just by the fact you've called him that you've proven you're some sort of close-minded asshole that seriously doesn't understand that there are preferences that other people prefer that differ from your own. Especially in a case like this. I like owning physical books and I while I do believe it is an entirely different experience in reading them, I would never chastise a person for owning an e-reader and preferring to read all his books on it. Seriously though, if anything people like you are the ones that need to be removed from society.

>> No.8238002

you can definitely have both, anyone else who says otherwise in this thread is an autist.

>> No.8238027

oh shit that was meant for

>> No.8239035

how much do you pay on rent? An apartment that size is my dream comfy pad

>> No.8239054

thank you

>> No.8239126

HA you only have one penii??
Can I see it?

>> No.8239129
File: 67 KB, 900x469, batcave___reinvented_by_boc0-d5cd36r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good ventilation

>> No.8239177
File: 3.30 MB, 4272x2496, bsnig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8241190

More pictures please.

>> No.8241222
File: 84 KB, 523x600, surprise.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



baldchan never leave

>> No.8241390

Windows meida player.

>> No.8242384

I like your style

>> No.8242478

are you from denmark?