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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 5 KB, 250x130, gothninjaracksfrankyangswaifu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8210837 No.8210837 [Reply] [Original]

/fa/ 1 - /fit/ 0


>> No.8210844

getting laid by a chinese girl as a foreigner takes zero skill. they basically line up for you.

>> No.8210848

manlet detected

>> No.8210860

what the fuck is even happening there?

>> No.8210874

im 6'3 nice try small fry

>> No.8210878

nope. 5'9 and that's when you have shoes on. must sux being azn.

>> No.8210881

dat asian guy is pretty fuckin awkward

>> No.8210886

U know your close to death

When a 4/10 albino steals your bitch out your arms

And you don't even resist

>> No.8210894

So what the fuck happened there??????

>> No.8210898

damn... that's depressing
why do people gotta be mean man

>> No.8210906

how in the fuck are you imagining that im short and asian from anything I said in my post. god damn low iq is real.

>> No.8210912

>why do people gotta be mean man
why are people such fuckin betas

>> No.8210915


>> No.8210923

I'm not a scientist but it would appear that the whiteboy stole that japs bitch

>> No.8210945
File: 128 KB, 405x326, deadgiveaway.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being this mad

>> No.8210950

Asians as a whole take the loss here, let's be honest

Dude just single handed just set Asians back some 10 or so years

>> No.8210951

ye but how exactly? like they were sitting near, and then white guy justs starts to hug asian guy's girl, and asian does nothin? like, nothing! is she like a slut or sth, cause otherwise asian is an omega.

>> No.8210961

all asians are beta. every single one of them. not even generalizing.

>> No.8210978

Not the ones that don't play the roles
>I'm black so I better be gangster as fuck!
>I'm asian so I'm nothing but a beta faggot!
some try to stray out of the image by becoming a fuckin douche or a /fa/ faggot who looks really nice

>> No.8210982

bleh this happens 24/7 in japan.

>> No.8211000

>the other girl had to stop him from holding her friends hand

oh my god

>> No.8211005

Most ugly asians are really bitter
my roommates were fucked in the head last semester
They thought EVERYONE was judging them lmao
I was like "nigga they don't even know you exist"

>> No.8211021

she ugly

but the guy is even uglier so I guess it's a good match

>> No.8211063

too hard to watch, the asian guy looked like a deer caught in headlights the entire time

although the girl looked like she received more physically contact from the white dude than she'll ever get from the asian - plus wtf youre going to do afterwards, fuck a vagina filled with smog or dump her ass 5 minutes later

lose lose for all

>> No.8211106

when hes kissing her and shes still holding the other guys hand

women are heartless

>> No.8211112

this was fucking depressing.

>> No.8211128

was the asian guy crying

>> No.8211140

asian guy should've went bruce lee on his ass. no one would've called it unnecessary or anything.

>> No.8211147

We're they friends? Shitty friends albeit Woburn it seemed like they were a group of 'pals'.

>> No.8211149

Whats funny is if this guy posted a picture on /fa/ everyone would talk massive shit on him
But somehow it is a win for /fa/ only because the guy isn't buff
Like another anon already said, gaijin hunters

>> No.8211156
File: 1.27 MB, 296x160, lel.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all black fit
>wearing a v-neck

asian women have appalling standards

>> No.8211163

good post samson

>> No.8211167

Who is /fit/ supposed to be, I'm assuming the Asian is guy is but he isn't even buff. Also that skinnyfat blonde guy's outfit is basic as fuck, not sure if he's supposed to be /fa/ or not.

Bad thread overall OP.

>> No.8211169

when aren't they tho

>> No.8211179

where can I sling 6/10 azn grills so easy?

>> No.8211186

Is that asian guy supposed to be their friend? It's such a strange video. I NEED ANSWERS DAMMIT

>> No.8211195
File: 45 KB, 500x430, ekGrONc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


im an ugly as fuck white guy with no personality and shit taste

can i too get with an off the boat azn grill?

maybe bonus points if I can find one whose dad owns a sweatshop or something and is a tuhao

>> No.8211200

in Asia

>> No.8211203

if you go to china you can pull chinese pussy literally all day and night just by being white.

>> No.8211204

>tfw chinese
>tfw have a white 8/10 qt gf

thank the based god everyday that i dont have to deal with asian sluts

>> No.8211216


wuts a good azn spot to go to?
not like island nigger asia

>> No.8211221
File: 50 KB, 406x382, kid feel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw went to hong kong last summer and didnt get any bitches
guess i should have gone to lan kwai fong after all since thats where this video is at

>> No.8211223

post her pic. calling it now she's a 5.

>> No.8211225

shanghai is pretty much the only hip city . in china anyway. Seoul is really nice.

>> No.8211229

I dont know, I've never been
Any nice city in the university area is bound to be full of easy asians looking for foreigners, white ones mostly

>> No.8211233
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>dat density

why do I love shit like this?

>> No.8211235
File: 508 KB, 2000x1419, kai tak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hong kong, tokyo, osaka
korea and china are lame af

>> No.8211238

>tfw asian
>tfw white girls are not attracted
>tfw asian girls are not attracted
>tfw nobody is attracted
>tfw not korean, chinese, or japanese so that at least they are attracted respectively

should I quit life?

>> No.8211240

sad weebs smh

>> No.8211243

pino? so sry for you m8

>> No.8211245
File: 2.23 MB, 1720x1192, hong kong 1996.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw the hong kong of late 80s/early 90s is gone
>tfw will never chill in kowloon with all the signs and shit and planes landing at kai tak

>> No.8211246


why are jap grils so qt?

>> No.8211253

no, at least not pinoy
ppl often think I'm jap or korean

>> No.8211254

>tfw pogi

>> No.8211255

hong kong is a disgusting shithole.. how could anyone legit love china. you must have been there long.

>> No.8211260


>go to chinatown
>all the stores are fighting for sign space

such an interesting aesthetic
that and neon commercialism

>> No.8211262

>you will never live in interbellum Shanghai ;_;

>> No.8211264
File: 84 KB, 300x288, trying to kill my vibe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hong kong

>> No.8211275

not too bad. the video was interesting.

>> No.8211278


>uploaded 14 minutes ago.

r u david bond

>> No.8211280

jesus christ...

>> No.8211281


lame how? I've actually been to mainland China and Hong Kong and its great

>> No.8211283

what about a nigga? would the situation be the same?

>> No.8211284

>angry chinaman detected
come on bruh

>> No.8211285

nope. just clicked the dude's profile and saw this. i can understand how the coincidence may lead you to believe i am though

>> No.8211286
File: 88 KB, 1024x681, peking road 1993.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i was born in 1998

>> No.8211289

This video is fucking depressing. I should go get a easy club slut for myself...

>> No.8211290

this makes me so fucking mad

>> No.8211299


so mad that you can't defend their honour with your katana?

>> No.8211304


>> No.8211306

If this chubby faced idiot can pull asian bitches like that. Then I would fucking clean up. Strong jaw and Cheekbones masterrace.

>> No.8211309

That's not China, that's South Korea. Are you guys stupid?

>> No.8211316

*tips fedora*

>> No.8211323

That's HK, look at the taxis. The Hard Rock that they walk past at the end even says Hong Kong right under it.

>> No.8211327

wow it's hong kong you racist snow nigger

just because someone has slanted eyes not not mean they are from korea

>> No.8211330
File: 13 KB, 500x500, 1382941861958.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the fuck can someone be that beta?

Also HK girls are slutty as fuck, this vid is no surprise.

>> No.8211332

>just because someone has slanted eyes does not mean they are from korea
[citation neede]

>> No.8211334

muh beautiful nippon women

>> No.8211336

already been posted you dingus

>> No.8211339

>mfw slanted eyes according to most everyone I talk to
>always asked if I am asian
>not even asian
Activated almond eyes masterrace

>> No.8211344

u avvin a laff cunt?

>> No.8211348

You can tell that albino was american

By his robotic voice, when he started talking lol

White Americans are like all autistic as culture, like your culture was created around a autistic person

>> No.8211349


>> No.8211352
File: 27 KB, 707x490, le usa face.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not even american but u sound mad bruh

>> No.8211353

>not activating your almonds for max gainz

>> No.8211355

Honestly /fa/ what would of been an appropriate response for that situation.

I know you're saying beta this, beta that, but what would of you actually done if you were in his shoes, hit your 'friend'?

>> No.8211366

come on down to 6th street i'll stomp a mudhole in your ass boy/

>> No.8211368

But I said they were activated, I want max gains

>> No.8211372

Was the asian guy supposed to be their friend? I just assumed it was some random guy. It's beta either way though.

I would have hit the guy as soon as she started touching his thigh, I wouldn't say I have anger issues, just a very short temper. It's the Greek in me.
The guys both looked like bitches anyway.

>> No.8211376

seriously he was just holding her hand while she was in his arms like he didn't even say anything

>> No.8211378

>you will never be white and pick up ez asian qts

>> No.8211383

how come aussies like this all seem to have massive chips on their shoulders? we get it, its hard measuring up to a country 10 times your size in population and literally a million times the size in cultural and economic significance. do you have to be so butthurt about it though? New Zealanders seem so chill in comparison...

>> No.8211384

Where are all my HK homies at

>> No.8211387

Lmao you'd throw hands over a random club slut?

Low test beta confirmed

>> No.8211388

typical american cant take a bit of banter
cry more bitch

>> No.8211392

that's a good thing.

>> No.8211397

>wanting to be white
top fucking kek

>> No.8211398

I wouldn't slink away like a child sent to their room like you.

>> No.8211399

how is bein asian or anything non white a good thing?

>> No.8211400

u nuffin but a ciggy butt brain m8

>> No.8211402

>tfw 5"6 asian with small dick

kill me

>> No.8211404

you may have down syndrome

>> No.8211410

dont worry bro u just described the avg asian male

>> No.8211417

because at least you're not a white beta faggot who can only pull the local club whores.

>> No.8211422

>tfw 6'3 asian with medium dick

still want to be white, what's the point in being asian? if you're white you attract white, asian, brown girls. if you are asian, you only attract asians, and even then, whites are more likely to get easy asian pussy.

ye well I guess

>> No.8211424

viet scum.

>> No.8211429

If I did, people wouldn't ask me if I was Asian, they would ask I had the downs

>> No.8211432
File: 77 KB, 640x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

them american feelings

>> No.8211438

not viet
you probably wont guess.
as I said, people mistake me for korean or jap often.

>> No.8211439

dude you're supposed to leave and find a better looking chick.

>> No.8211440
File: 6 KB, 157x153, smug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8211450

Pathetic. Asian guy did not even stand up for himself. Just put his hands on head and could not believe what was happening to him. How can I respect a man that doesn't respect himself.

>> No.8211454


>> No.8211464

lol wtf y u gay bitch.

>> No.8211470

that'd be weirdo shit, u a creepdog, u a definition 4chan repressed weirdo, that's high school shooter level repression loser

fighting someone over a girl you just met, c'mon dog

u know better than that sieg

>> No.8211475

lol nigger that's china. nice try, trying ot make us think korea/koraens are this heartless. korea is coo as fuck. china is gay nigger shit coldhearted faggts

>> No.8211514

typical australians have to get the last word because they are the international equivalent of manlets. stay bitter fags :^)

>> No.8211520

i kno right? as a white woman i would NEVER find an asian man attractive. it's not racist it's just my preference.

>> No.8211522

>have to get the last word
what are you, 12?

>> No.8211524

Exactly!! :)

>> No.8211527

how about an australian king bb?

>> No.8211536

new trip? or just an impostor?

>> No.8211539

umm probably not, no. i hate the accent (sounds like a speech impediment lol) and to be honest i like a guy who can i trust to be able to support me and take care of me who is ALSO going somewhere with his life. most aussies I've seen don't seem to have very good jobs or ambitions in life. no offense

>> No.8211543

pls b england

>> No.8211556

>>it's not racist it's just my preference

>> No.8211557

shameful begging for attention from females online. only a pathetic beta would do that
fucking #REKT

>> No.8211558

asian cities are so damn /fa/

can't wait to go to taipei next year

>> No.8211565

>>to be able to support me and take care of me

lol Gold digger

Any man with self worth would steer the fuck away from you, trust me sweetheart. There's a reason you've only encountered scrubs hahaha.

>>most aussies I've seen don't seem to have very good jobs or ambitions in life

>> No.8211564


I don't think its indicative of a chip on anyone's shoulder. It's simply indicative of the fact that americans are the butt of everyone's jokes.

>> No.8211572


>i hate the accent (sounds like a speech impediment lol)

What you think of as the Australian accent is basically the equivalent of an American redneck southern accent. People from say, inner-city Melbourne do not sound anything like that.

>> No.8211573

>There's a reason you've only encountered scrubs
>miffy drops dat #REKT

>> No.8211576
File: 86 KB, 640x430, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

White americas in this thread like

"It's them Aussies again"

>> No.8211581

Asian AND living in Australia. Talk about worst of both worlds. Sorry you're so mad that a white woman no matter how fat, ugly and uneducated would never consider fucking you let alone settling down with you. Truth hurts I guess.

>> No.8211586

Im a white american in this thread and I haven't said anything about aussies until this post

>> No.8211587

I've heard a few actually from Sydney and Melbourne. I think Brisbane too. They were studying over here in cali. They loved it so much they didn't want to go back. I guess it's not fair I base my ideas of Australians on some lazy college students but they didn't get very good GPAs and just kind of drifted along with things, you know? Now British guys? That's an accent I do like and I've met some that really are go-getters. You can call me a gold digger or pathetic, but when you're an attractive white woman you don't have to settle for trash guys.

>> No.8211588

This is what would happen if it were Viets.

And to anyone who thinks punching an albino for stealing your bitch is beta, you probably grew up in the suburbs and never had to back your shit up.

>> No.8211591
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>> No.8211592

she does have a point m8s. i think centrelink and a lazy culture in general have really fucked us over this generation

>> No.8211593

shiddd forgot the video


>> No.8211596

damn u know australias gotta be p.bad when even aussies are talking shit lol

>> No.8211597

hahahahah ahhh man, the best part about reading that is that right now at the age of 28, my life is better than yours will ever be hahhaa. But hey, you've still got this place. Nice one.

>> No.8211599


Most of my experience with Brits, outside of Britain itself, has been with British backpackers - who are the most obnoxious people on earth.

>> No.8211607


Speak for yourself. Plenty of us have postgraduate degrees and solid careers. Bogans will be bogans though, I guess.

>> No.8211608

Spend a good second reflecting on this post.

>> No.8211610

lol those white faggots got fucking bashed lol. ive seen this happen in sydney as well. 2 white dudes got rekt by 4 chinese or viets

>> No.8211611

Spend the rest of your life reflecting on yours :)

>> No.8211613

Mif you are such a fucking faggot holy shit, I used to think you were okay but you're such an egotistical fuck who flaunts way too much. I wouldnt expect tall poppy syndrome from a fellow aussie but you are such a fucking typical example of it.

>> No.8211616

28 and on 4chan? yea sounds like ur living the high life haha. nice projecting u have no idea how good or bad his life is

>> No.8211618

post graduate and a degree and posting on 4chan. sounds like a real "go getter' . i dont think u will be her type, sorry

>> No.8211619

the term beta has been worn down so much that it essentially just means "not a blatant misogynist" now

>> No.8211620
File: 1013 KB, 672x589, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

try again

>> No.8211622

this can't be the real mifune. he can't be this dumb to try and argue about how "good" his life is with some anons, really...

>> No.8211623

This, I think we've just gotta relax up and realise how good we actually do have it.

I've lived in HK, Shanghai and England and NYC and SF back in the college days. I wouldn't swap Sydney for ANY of those places in terms of real standards of living.

The only thing that we fall back on truly is in the arts and culture sector (we're not awful but no way could we compare in real terms) and perhaps on high the cost of living is becoming, especially in the larger capital cities.

I find it hard to believe that people who have genuinely experienced life in those would deny how great it's living in Aus.

>> No.8211624


>> No.8211625


>post graduate and a degree and posting on 4chan.

Yeah, posting in the super sekret 4chan club is really pathetic. It isn't as if its one of the most popular boards on the internet - with like 30 million unique visitors per month.

>> No.8211628

Your loss.

>> No.8211629

gaijin is a japanese term you dingus

>> No.8211630

so some quarter asian filo chubby 5/10 has a half chinese homo fit boyfriend (high test means they gravitate towards the chubby ones and will pound ANYTHING when on cycle)

you sure showed me

>> No.8211634

boo hoo fucking have a cry ya cunt. Get a hold of your own life and stop bitching. For the record I always thought you were fuckwit.
>>thinking i give a fuck

I forget I'm talking with kids. So i suppose you win on that point alone.

nah nah it's me bro. I'm not arguing how good my life is, it's about being in a pretty good place with myself regardless of the apparent downside of living in Aus :)

>> No.8211639

I really don't think you get life. But sure, my loss :)

she seems like she's got a nice set of... personalities.

>> No.8211644

*tips fedora*

>> No.8211647
File: 13 KB, 300x359, jacob-barnett-300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This kid's has achieved things you never will.
Get a grip.

>> No.8211650

>>This kid's has achieved things you never will
Thank Christ for that.

>> No.8211651

if you're gonna go on 4chan to seek validation and convince everybody you're a cool guy, then you really should give up

>> No.8211656

I don't think anyone can be on 4chan and claim to be "a cool guy".

Let's face it, we're all in this together, for better or worse. Mostly worse.

>> No.8211657

Is that you?

>> No.8211658

this is just someone using mif's name. no way its him guys

if it is you then jfc... ok you're happy. that's great. why try to argue with some anons about it? im sure theres 45 year old bogans dying of cancer who never passed year 10 that are happy too. it doesnt mean anything. if some white chick doenst want to date asian or aussie guys, then who cares? whoever you are, you seem insecure as fuck

>> No.8211660

See what I mean about Aussies being insecure with a huge chip on their shoulders? It's a thread about some white dude stealing an Asian guy's date/gf and in no way involves Australians at all. Yet here is a handful of them trying to force their way into the conversation and talking up how good their shithole country actually is. Pathetic.

>> No.8211661

Of course it's Mif, if you've ever paid attention to his posts over his long career of tripping you'd realize how much of a dick he really is, but pulls it all under a ridiculously forced attempt to be all friendly and shit.

There's something seriously wrong with his head.

>> No.8211662

It all fits with the persona he's been crafting thus far, the guys trash and nothing but.

>> No.8211663

like strawtengu?

>> No.8211664

80% is probably just samson or asok samefagging and some dumbass pretending hes mif. i doubt its more than 2 people given how retarded the comments are

>> No.8211665

Strawtengu is nicer and that's saying alot, his jeans are still too tight though.

>> No.8211666

Mifune is icey cool.

>> No.8211668

>>There's something seriously wrong with his head

You're thinking of turnleft, the only genuinely bat shit insane person to ever grace /fa/ really glad that fucktard is gone

Miff has always been a bro he doesn't take shit but I don't get how that makes him a dick. Read this thread and it's him responding to people calling him out, what you expect him to just lie back and take it?

I did lol at the gold digger comment though, that bitch is totally just wanting to be a fat and married bitch that relies on everyone else to live her life.

>> No.8211669

that guy is just insecure but not really offensive at all. and who can blame him for being insecure as a heterosexual male who is 5'5" and weighs about 90 lbs? Gotta be fucking tough.

>> No.8211671


Mif has been a dick longer than Asok has even had any presence on this board, plus the posting style is exactly the same between his dick and 'niceguy' posts. You have to realize Mif is just a really fickle ass person.

>> No.8211672

hmmm you seem like you're trying really hard to come at Miff. Why is that?

Don't want to start anything but are you TL? Are you still butthurt when miffy called you autistic?

>> No.8211674

>implying that was a actual chick and not a troll
>implying 95% of women don't want a guy who actually has money, a career and assets to settle down with

>> No.8211675

>i doubt its more than 2 people given how retarded the comments are

o my friend you're deluded

source: brief period of moderating this shithole

>> No.8211677

Just because he tries to be amiable every once in awhile doesn't make him a bro. Plus there's better ways to not take shit then pull the holier than thou corner he always puts himself into whenever someone criticizes him. You'll realize most of his retorts come down to HURF DURF I LIVE SUCH A BETTER LIFE THAN YOU $$$ SUCCESS MORE MONEY THAN YOU'LL EVER SEE IN A DAY.

>> No.8211679

Your absolutely correct.
Rick Owens should step onto /fa/ and flop around with the water trash, needs to prove himself.

>> No.8211682

some study showed that women up to 35 or so, dont remember exactly, but certainly up to 30, mainly cared about physical appearance, and not about career/money/etc

that being said, too bad I wasnt born a blue-eyed fair-haired guy from, say, Netherlands, but was born asian instead. But oh well, I could have dark skin, toad face or be filipino, so it's not THAT bad I guess.

>> No.8211683
File: 981 KB, 300x219, FOH.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8211685

Jesus. Do you have that much of a hard on for me?

That's really really interesting. I actually do think it's Turnleft now as well, because he's been the only person EVER to be as autistic enough refer to the archives as a point of reference. Seriously, I don't think anyone else on /fa/ has ever done that.

to be fair, I read through some of the archives myself and there are a lot of cases of other people posting as me, not in this thread though. I own up to my shit.

>> No.8211686

Probably until 30 when they realise that this is it, nothing is getting better and they need someone stable quick or else they're fucked. Asian guys I'd imagine are way more attractive to Asian girls to settle down with anyway. Most of the ones who marry white guys seem like skanks anyway.

>> No.8211687

Wow this whole thread is horrible

Y'all take the internet to serious

>> No.8211690
File: 230 KB, 427x361, BSoqnzTCYAAPFhb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That's really really interesting. I actually do think it's Turnleft now as well, because he's been the only person EVER to be as autistic enough refer to the archives as a point of reference. Seriously, I don't think anyone else on /fa/ has ever done that.

Oh boohoo, someone's talking shit about me it must be turnleft! There's more than one person who thinks you're a fucking faggot. The day you drop the act is that day I gain back the little respect I had for you in the beginning, as it stands I'm sussing you've got BPD or some other related mental affliction.

>> No.8211692


>> No.8211694

If that's what you read into it I'm sorry to tell ya buddy but the problem is you. He's more amiable than anything else and the only time I've seen him be a dick is times like now when he gets attacked. You need to do something else with your life Turnleft.

>only person EVER to be as autistic enough refer to the archives as a point of reference

fuuuuuuck you're so right about that

what did you do to him Miff to make he come at you all the time?

>> No.8211696

Turnleft caught :^)

>> No.8211697

>mifune dickriders in a nutshell

one more step and it might as well be a cult.

>> No.8211706

You people are fucking ridiculous, look at the fevor in disregarding anything said against Mif as Turnleft out for revenge, especially based on something so petty as using the archive when every fucking person on this board uses the archive. Fucking ridiculous. When will you retards smarten up.

>> No.8211708

hahaha ahhh I didn't initiate the idea, but you certainly are welcome to express your anger. Glad I mean that much to you, if you're missing intimacy in your life, I'm more than happy to stand in for you here.

Won't lie to ya buddy, I'm not going to waste time checking that :D

No idea really, I jus think he flipped a switch somewhere. I went from offering him a place to stay in Sydney to filtering him. Sad cause we did get along quite well and he actually helped me heaps with searching for Yohji grails.... but yeah... he kinda went a bit too nuts for my likings.

>> No.8211713

Thou doth protest too much...

>> No.8211715
File: 105 KB, 900x900, disappointed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ausfags ruin another thread with their incessant shitposting and tripfag drama bullshit

>> No.8211719

But seriously, I'd rather just contribute proper content. I was trolling the trolls a little bit here for fun.

Let's just drop all this bullshit arguments, it's counter productive.

>> No.8211722


Keep going buddy, any criticism against you must surely mean that's what their life is all about, -you-. An enemy to you is a vain cunt who's got nothing better to do with their time than talk about you.

You think too highly of yourself Mifune, I've sparing 15 minutes of my day to call you out for something that needs to be called out for. If you want to argue pettiness, why not trying focusing on the fact that for someone as important and successful as you, you're still responding? For all your complains about this board being filled with kids and all your use of it as an argument against people's use of time, you sure do like to lower yourself to the same level.

And that's exactly why I'm here talking shit about you, because cunts need to be called cunts and you frankly, are a huge fucking cunt. I hope I never pass you in the city.

>> No.8211725

TL checking damage control

>> No.8211727

Google the definition of witch hunt.

>> No.8211728


rofl I was going to say that as well


seems more and more likely

If i let you accomodate me in Sydney, would you buy me ricks?

>> No.8211731
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>> No.8211732

not gonna waste time reading, but i will write out several 200+ word replies!
topkek just because you're not a hopeless retard who lives at home with his mum like samson and asok do doesnt make you anything special in the real world m8

>> No.8211733
File: 284 KB, 491x491, 1398065108256.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

three lefts make a right, strike yoooouu're OUT

>> No.8211735

put your trip back on miffy

>> No.8211737

lol sif u'd roid with that shit amount of mass a dyel could put on in 6 months natty.

>> No.8211740

Hate to break it to you but you are not chinese.

>> No.8211742

Won't lie to you, I didn't bother reading that. The fact that you responded a whole paragraph to a sarcastic comment made by me kind cements you caring about this too much. Hence why I'm changing my tone here. Just relax and let it go mate, we're just shit posting. I don't know what's happened in your life for you to want to go at a stranger on the internet, but I'm telling you that it gets better. You're going to be okay, just believe in yourself.

wow... this is just seeming way too real now...

hahaha like if I get the honour of hosting you, I should buy you Rick too?......sure why not :D

They were to other people silly :) ...unless you just unwittingly admitted to same posting TL? hahaha

>> No.8211743

> world star hip hop
lmfao, it's like the nigger's efukt

>> No.8211744
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>> No.8211748

Passive aggressiveness.

You just keep making yourself look worse and worse, is there anything fucking real about your personality.

>> No.8211750

put your trip on turnleft

so true

yes buy me all the ricks please yes yes yes i want to wear Geos on my hands

>> No.8211751

why are aussies such drama whores? is it really that boring down there that they have to start meaningless arguments over nothing online? no wonder its such a insignificant country

>> No.8211754

are you mexican or something like that?

>> No.8211756

hahaha, that implies you know anything about my personality. You are sounding more like TL with each post.

>>i want to wear Geos on my hands
hahahah bro i'd buy them for you just to see that :)

Seriously though, are you coming to Sydney? You can totally crash at mine if you need a place, I mean I'd need to be in proper contact beforehand to make sure I don't get murdered haha but yeah totally.

>> No.8211758

I wish no money to travel Miff

buy me a plane

>> No.8211764

3/4 close enuff

nah im natty m8 :^)

>> No.8211766
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you're just not supposed to have your fucking chick do that, there is no alpha response to that situation except not having that situation happen to you


>> No.8211767
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This thread is so uneffay

>> No.8211768

This happened to me once at a party. I was smoking a bowl with a qt outside and when I got up to grab a beer, I came back to see her with someone else. The difference is, I turned around and went inside to her friend and got with her instead.

>> No.8211769


I don't have that kind of money dude haha.

But just post up if you ever head Sydney, I'll make sure you're looked after one way or another.

>> No.8211780
File: 857 KB, 320x240, barkley-head-shake-o1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mifune is a fat boring old cunt tbh

loves to parade around his dreary upper middle class lifestyle. woooo you drive an X5 and do coke with lawyers at gaudy, inane sydney parties wooo good for u sensei

loves to talk about rick leathers that would barely accommodate his frame

loves to abuse the word 'mate' in a passive aggressive manner thereby ruining it for everyone else

loves to talk about his watch collection that nobody gives a fuck about and abuse anyone who criticises him in those threads

loves to fuck his sister

>> No.8211783

Mifune ya 3 egg

Let me hold a dollar

>> No.8211788

I bet you're that obnoxious white ugly bitch with a nosejob who would spam her instagram all the time. fuck you, you cunt.

>> No.8211795
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>> No.8211803

lol all these retards catching feelings getting all suicidal and shit l m a o
get them mifune

>> No.8211807
File: 1.76 MB, 219x186, 1399209318421.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know, when I was younger, i'd probably be a little offended.
But now that i'm older, i'm glad I dont gotta deal with bitches like you, gad damn meng.

>> No.8211809

you're white as fuck.
Asian chicks would fuck the shit out of you.

>> No.8211811

More videos like this?? I don't know why but I kinda liked it.

>> No.8211812

nope they'll probs ask to take pictures but thats about it

>> No.8211844
File: 131 KB, 669x667, im not misbehaving i have autism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread
where the fuck are the mods or even a janitor

>> No.8211846

R u cambodian or sum weird shit m8?

>> No.8211852

weird shit - maybe
not cambodian tho

>> No.8211867

lol they were obviously bar girls or escorts

of course the dude doesn't care

>> No.8211870
File: 101 KB, 283x218, img_0110.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

especially when i looked like a fkn anime character

>> No.8211874

azn or arab asian

>> No.8211884


whabout Shanghai?

>> No.8211886


>Going to Japan this summer
>Be Korean
>Be unattracive

Japanese girls seem to have cool personalities from my experience of meeting 3 of them tfw no master race qt Japanese gf

>> No.8211887


>> No.8211892

thanks based Allah for not being pinoy
what the fuck is arab asian
asian tho, yes

>> No.8211901

disgusting mainland shit

>> No.8211913

you talk asian

>> No.8211920

arabs r part of asia

so u cud consider htem asian

>> No.8211924

great logic mate
russia is partly in asia too
guess you could consider russians asians
and russians are slavs
so slavs are asians too

>> No.8211927

Imagine the most boring, hobby-less, superficial white girl (think: tumblr 'activist' girl)

That's what the average Jap girl is like. When I was in Korea for a year I'd go over to Japan for a week at a time to meet up with friends, we'd go out and 100% of the time we'd land attractive Japs (I'm not even attracted to them but I'll take a good looking one).

They're so boring and they're all exactly alike, all you have to do is act like you don't give a fuck and get laid all the time and they'll be all over your dick. My friends are ugly as shit and they still banged some of the hottest Japanese chicks I've ever seen, the kind of chicks that wouldn't even talk to an average guy in America.

>> No.8211934

2/10'whitemchicks will get laid like no other in japan, esp if they're blonde with blue eyes as long as they're not fat

>> No.8211939


Maybe I see them as more "interesting" because I have a negative bias towards Korean people and culture (hivemind, groupist) but now that you mention it and that I think about it I guess Japanese girls can be the same just in a bit of a different way, I just seem to see them as cooler because I don't understand their social structure / culture as much as I understand Korea's

>> No.8211942


Wait but you're white I don't have that advantage as an Asian wow u got me excited and now I'm sad time to go fap to Japanese porn

>> No.8211948

u aiin't a king boy coz u just a toy B^)

>> No.8211958

stand your ground maybe? lmao all you have to say is back off she's my girlfriend

>> No.8211966

she's ugly as phuck cuz

>> No.8211996

girlfriend/boyfriend usually means nothing

>> No.8211997

>tfw only 5'11 or 6'0
could this possibly work?

>> No.8212328

haha, I know this guy. neither /fit/ nor /fa/,
Just good Game.

(ps. the guy is just a random dude who tried to pick her up, we found out later.)

>> No.8212336

norwegian dude....

>> No.8212342

I can tell you would react just like the asian in the video, you're missing the point

>> No.8212349

the asian in the video looks way better than seig ever did or ever will too

>> No.8212450


giggled a bit

>> No.8212461

he needs to practice his ENGLIUSH pronunciation
He sound like a fob

>> No.8212470

>dat lifeguard at the end
omg fuckin chinks are so beta

>> No.8212509
