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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 275 KB, 1920x795, waywt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8200682 No.8200682 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.8200688
File: 677 KB, 587x2109, spooky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8200699

Not those, sadly.

>> No.8201773

How to get a mod? This needs to be deleted.

>> No.8202061
File: 667 KB, 1536x2156, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8202075

Why do you care so much if there were a bunch of WAYWT made?

>> No.8202083

That niqqa got a preme water canteen. fuuuuuuck

>> No.8202096

>skateboards on the wall

oh christ

>> No.8202100

I'm still more controversial than your PEnees

>> No.8202114
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>> No.8202118
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>> No.8202122

just the worst
fuck bucket hats
fuck that shirt, you look fat in it
fuck those pants
fuck those shoes
fuck your acne

get it together mane

>> No.8202126

>zip off pant legs/cargo
>hawaiian shirt
>bucket hat
>acne face

>> No.8202128

you look like a tourist

>> No.8202149


you look like you smell like playdoh

>> No.8202150
File: 1.13 MB, 2048x1529, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

plan 4 tmrw

plz halp idk which shoes to wear ;__;

>> No.8202152
File: 449 KB, 1917x2013, IMG_1217.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yer a spooky skellington
not a fan of the shade of blue on the shirt but looks p. good otherwise

w2c that sweater bud

>> No.8202162
File: 260 KB, 1084x1028, chino1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well i assume this is the thread we're gonna use then.

>> No.8202167

w2c jacket and pants

>> No.8202168
File: 302 KB, 948x1440, chino3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i wish i had more colorful stuff to wear. then i could be like a japanese editorial

>> No.8202174
File: 21 KB, 750x750, chino.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


jacket's just a wool/polyester nike varsity

chinos are undercover ss09

i was selling em but i decided to keep them after the longest time lol

>> No.8202176
File: 395 KB, 1266x1122, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8202183

looks good, w2c jacket?

>> No.8202197

not him but it says gyakusou

>> No.8202224


nice ankle veins

>> No.8202230

guuurrrlll dat jacket aint werking 4 u

>> No.8202234

that jacket is not creating a very flattering silhouette

>> No.8202250

carhartt knox

>> No.8202262
File: 133 KB, 563x885, neckbeard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Went to Goodwill and found some cheap birks.

>> No.8202264

is this the new steezy peezy?

>> No.8202267

Sorry no, I'm not a bad rapper.

>> No.8202276

i hate birks

>> No.8202278

hey dad, i didnt know you posted on 4chan

>> No.8202292

I really like this fit but, I doubt other people on /fa/ will

>> No.8202299

This is so inaccurate it's funny.

>find me a dad who wears tapered cropped pants
>find me a dad who wears docs

1/10 try harder

>> No.8202301


>> No.8202323

>find me a dad who wears docs
srs mate? they make menswear and workwear too yah know. dad magnet right there.

>> No.8202370
File: 1.89 MB, 2040x2440, asdfasd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck is going on, currently 5 waywts in catalog.

also repost.

>> No.8202376
File: 110 KB, 960x720, 10259888_817319348298035_5776833157245177757_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8202392

lol, this place is just a fucciboi hive.

>> No.8202394

Docs have been around forever. Tons of older men wear them...

>> No.8202399

great background

>> No.8202420
File: 105 KB, 350x1136, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Common Projects

>> No.8202427

are the chinos always cuffed of did you do that for the picture?
would dig em with your docs

>> No.8202451

hi coco

>> No.8202452

w2c hat?

>> No.8202458


cuffed em cause i'm literally too short for them to be cropped enough for me lol

i like these with open-toe and low profile shoes personally--i didn't like them before because i couldn't wear stuff like boots with em

>> No.8202467

fit on the sweater is too boxy, it makes your body look weird

>> No.8202480

Not even that guy but seriously? Too boxxy? Never change /fa/.

>> No.8202485

its wide as fuck, its too big for him

look where the shoulder sits

>> No.8202490

>wearing the pants you're trying to sell
what a fucking joke

>> No.8202492

Yeah I copped a bunch of aa shit when I first started browsing fa, regret it so much. Quality control sucks and everything fits bad on my body type. What would u recommend for new sweaters?

>> No.8202496


>on grailed, "OFF THE MARKET"

>on sufu, "taking these chinos off the market."

>on tumblr, "Keeping them for summer"

serious dude?

>> No.8202512

>what is a marketing technique/advertisement.
Plus he isn't even selling it anymore? Can't you read?

>> No.8202524


>> No.8202532

1461s? lel.

>> No.8202603
File: 1.02 MB, 1075x712, fit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

meme shoes were bought meta-ironically but I quite like the way they work in the fit

how do I get rid of the stuck pixel guys ;_;

>> No.8202645
File: 1.21 MB, 2448x3264, CameraZOOM-20140507072536577.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the point in listening when your words are filled with lies, a spoken sense of burning down your bridges and your ties.

>> No.8202654



you are fucking rerarded bruv

I guess you're still in highschool though, keep at it :)

what happened to the limp wristed SLP jerking btw?

>> No.8202683

this is so bad man. Your proportions are really bad because of your height and he length of that jacket; and your hair looks very unkempt. you look like a dumpy little girl in this pic. the pants fit is alright but the sandals need to go (are they even black or just dark brown, they seem off). try untucking the shirt too, looks really tryhard.

>> No.8202698

cant see shit. learn how to take pictures

>> No.8202708


i appreciate the honest criticism but I disagree with basically 100% of your post

guess we can part ways with differing opinions though

>> No.8202711

shut the fuck up you fucking dork

shit fit too

>> No.8202717

obviously you disagree since u dressed like that in the first place. its just an anonymous internet opinion, no need to catch feelings. read it and move on

>> No.8202721

Damn Earth your mad

>> No.8202724


feelings not caught dw, i always keep em in mind though. glad people can be civil about it though

>> No.8202726

Is that Earth?

>> No.8202729

so confusing

>> No.8202737
File: 298 KB, 300x199, lol.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know you wanna wear my shoes anon ;)

>> No.8202738

Don't really like this fit. Like the chinos tho.

>> No.8202741


>> No.8202763

that terrible fit did in fact get me mad plus that caption smh god damn

>> No.8202765


why though??


:) thats why i'm keeping them

>> No.8202770

obv bc w one waywt u have all the attention on one thread therefore mor e posts and more replies
r u restartet

>> No.8202777

hows the aa crew? looks good for $40

>> No.8202778

fucking this thank you

seriously though shut the fuck up its obvious that you're a try hard little 15 year old like it's good that you're blocking out your face now but you need to post your fit and shut up

>> No.8202785

Maybe some af1s

>> No.8202787

This one fits me ok (kinda short and boxy like the other guy said though). I got two others though and they all fit differently like they really suck with making consistent product. If your low on cash just go in and try it on before you get it for sure.

>> No.8202798

Please be a troll

>> No.8202799

took me a few min to figure out your gender. its the shoes and your hair part. otherwise the fits not even bad really

>> No.8202804

yo if i see another faggot wearing sandals without socks on i am flaming them

stop wearing that shit literally NOBODY wants to see that shit

everyone thinks its disgusting


>> No.8202807

that's so awful it must be song lyrics

>> No.8202809


>> No.8202816 [DELETED] 
File: 670 KB, 1632x1224, photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8202820

It's not just that his hair is messy, it's way too much volume. Since he is short and slim, the big hair gives him the proportions of a child.

>> No.8202821
File: 682 KB, 607x813, Screen Shot 2014-05-08 at 12.49.24 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8202824

those are some healthy veins i bet you trigger addicts without realizing

>> No.8202831
File: 376 KB, 596x1744, img_998.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8202848

sup dad

>> No.8202853
File: 362 KB, 843x1050, Earth is a nobody....jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why can't we just agree that me and lemons are both twins from another mother in a semi different reality.

Also considering me and lemons as the same is kinda insulting to lemons because he clearly dresses better then me.

I don't mind it, but it is true.

Also no hate, but since I came back I've noticed more hate and posts of waywt's then ever before.

Is it the summer? And why is there a bunch of new bread coming in dressing like this?

Sure I don't dress "good", but all considering you guys like this >>8202370 because it's probably the most interesting and well put together fit on here and actually appeals to the 4channer of /fa/. But it shows that no one tries to make their own style and actually succeed.

I'm getting there, but it's a hard journey to actually learn, lurk, and inspo search this shit.

A flaw I have is that whenever I try to take advice I sometimes forget and that's why I kinda fuck sometimes with these fits...

>> No.8202862

good, but replace the sambas...

>> No.8202869

sup bitch

>> No.8202873


you gotta start blanking out that babby face dude

it's so punchable holy shit

i can't even see your fit

>> No.8202874

reigning champ

>> No.8202884

>visible undershirt
>sunglasses at night

Otherwise a passable workwear fit. Shirt and jeans are a little too close in tone.

>> No.8202892

did u get a chance to check out the surfers op shop stance? seems u got ur jeans there


>> No.8202893

honestly man just stop with the fucking walls of texts and just post your pic and be done with it

damn tired of all these constant derailments in the waywt.

please dont respond with another wall of text

>> No.8202900
File: 566 KB, 1632x1632, black on black.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


don't make me take a pic holding my first-born son while wearing bundeswehr pilotenstiefel

>> No.8202908

nah dude,
they're from arkive vintage, u been there? it's just near O'Reilly's

>> No.8202914


Ha... Black or white. Primary colors of thread/board.

Kek. This thread.

>> No.8202915

This please

Thanks I've looked at their zip ups b4 but il check out their sweaters

>> No.8202918


>> No.8202920

Post fit faggot or shut the fuck up about your superior color schemes

>> No.8202925

Ok ok ok. I got the message. Just that until now no one bothered to tell me this.

Captcha, quite urineday

>> No.8202938

BANANA /TOMATO!!!! you think youre so smooth

>> No.8202946

He has a point though.
We all agree that black and white are the shades/colors that are easy and lazy to use.
However, those two shades/colors are so diverse in layering though since it is easier on the eyes rather then color layering, which is a nightmare.

>> No.8202949
File: 656 KB, 2073x3110, iM5qVFb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8202956 [DELETED] 

i cant believe people actually go outside like this. me and my friends would be clowning on you kids.

>> No.8202959

if i saw some du pairing vtb with rick id be laughing too

>> No.8202963

i meant the entirety of the thread tbh

>> No.8202967


>> No.8202968

caught you slippin frend now everyones gonna know

>> No.8202969

mediocre, unimaginative

wouldnt look twice at ur fit if i saw you on the street

>> No.8202974

yea next to black coffee lyrics. it smells funny in there. i donated a deer skin cardigan i got there to the rsl op shop last week. u should check if its still there

>> No.8202978

pretty bad
stop posting these shitty fits

>> No.8202980


I like this a lot. Wait those are Nikes? What?

>> No.8202983

lol naw homie i dont mind either its p funny. thanks for the kind words but i dont think anyone really dresses better than another. its all preference.

this fit is alot better than your others imo. gothninja wasnt really working tbh.

anyway were both gonna make it brah

>> No.8202985

trig is that u

>> No.8203004

edgy. ugly shoes
waist up is horrible
lol sadboy wannabe much? do something with your life, piece of shit
i like it, the sweeter is meh, but as a whole is pretty nice
pants seem weird, meh silhouette
everyday now? just gtfo
you seem like you would stink in real life
so cool can i be your friend? nah jk fuck off
brocore, terrible
very safe, but looks good
nice too, i love the subtle change colors here and there
i'm not really sure if i like the fit, but i'm sure i would suck your dick, idk
horrible, horrible jeans, what are you doing tucking a t-shirt? jesus christ
boring, plain, forgettable, some times its better stand out for being bad that not stand out at all. you and your fit are a ghost, invisible
the fuck is this? like litterally, i dont see how someone dressed like this would have a normal social life

you suck /fa/, the goth ninja thing was at least exiting a couple of years ago and you did it well now everything suck jesus christ

>> No.8203019


what does "everyday now?" mean

>> No.8203023

u gud goi.
Thanks for the complement btw.

With all this, you should at least show a fit...
I see these walls and think, damn. This guy has shitty opinions, because we have no idea what is his ideal style is or what he looks like.

>> No.8203026

hate the silhouette of the shoes, they remind me of chunky dc skates

>> No.8203030

posting fits everyday or something idk tryhard dude who obviously spends too much time judging fits instead of posting them

post a fit faggot lets see how superior your clothes are

>> No.8203031 [DELETED] 
File: 2.34 MB, 1550x2469, 2014-05-05 09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8203036

this is really nice w2c that bomber

>> No.8203040
File: 224 KB, 800x1274, 2014-05-05 09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made picture smaller

>> No.8203042


lol this is the first fit ive posted in a while, others were some anon making fun of me

>> No.8203048
File: 1.10 MB, 1494x3920, 1398985986974[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't get any opinions last time. Florida bound. Shorts because it's hot.

>> No.8203047


>> No.8203049

shitty picture. detail shot of the shoes?

>> No.8203050

Rick Owens Vicious Flight Bomber

>> No.8203051


mm that full rick oufit

>> No.8203054

smh some nerds on here are so weird

>> No.8203056

Dat Trip name is obnoxious and you should feel bad about it.

Otherwise the fit is ok, it's actually middle of the road for you.

The bomber makes you look kinda big...
4 ME.

>> No.8203060
File: 137 KB, 468x655, 60744_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8203066

What the fuck is bro-core? It's just a shirt and some jeans.
Well I didn't really have a place to put my sunglasses and the sun was just setting lol. Also would it be acceptable if both the shirt and jeans were black?

>> No.8203068

nice, thoroughly jealous.

>> No.8203075

Has this guy even posted before?

Or is he an oldfag that doesn't leave the newfags alone.

>> No.8203083

Can't believe you spent so much cash on some ugly ass geo baskets. Why are those so popular here? I don't understand.

>> No.8203088

Selling my white ones and buying CCP derbies.

>> No.8203092


ppl spend their money on what they want, what they like. I don't think it's your position to judge them on that front.


being an "oldfag" really doesn't give you the right to anything though lol

>> No.8203098

oldfag here, been on /fa/ since '12, i can say our opinions are superior bitch, so many people came here from hypebeast in '13, but i came from sufu in '12

>> No.8203101

Those shoes are so clowny.

The only way to make them look acceptable is if you had a second layer on top.
But I'm guessing it's too fucking hot for you.
Or get different shoes that aren't some sort of leather or flat.
Otherwise boring and forgettable fit.
But would still get you the ladies since you are pretty fit.

Yeah you tell em' strawtengu-CHAAAN


>> No.8203103


then what does me being '08 oldfag make me...

still disagree that there's a marked difference though


You're making fun of me.

>> No.8203105
File: 468 KB, 1632x1224, geodog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you must be new here

>> No.8203109
File: 1.37 MB, 2240x2976, IMG_20140507_114358.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8203125

w2c that thing covering your mouth

>> No.8203126
File: 2.92 MB, 4608x3456, DSCN2540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

first waywt post


>> No.8203130


It was Akroe x Sixpack.fr but I bought it in like 2007. Been sold out for literally 7 years

>> No.8203135


looks nice (read:boring) but wear your shirt normally.

put on a statement piece/jacket and you're good to go

>> No.8203136

w2c black hat? srs

>> No.8203140


>> No.8203142

keep doing what you're oding

>> No.8203146

The best way to describe oldfags is that even though they have a bunch of experience.
It may vary on quality of looks and ware.

Some, like you are people who are up to date with their wardrobe and are searching for ways to improve and follow your passion.

Then there are some oldfags that wear the same shit like always and only update when they feel their clothes are becoming old or damaged.

I do like it that most oldfags fall into the prior, but when they become inactive for years and come back and complain. They are only biasing themselves of the time they believe was the prime of /fa/ which most of the time is untrue.

>> No.8203149



>> No.8203151

>[tomorrow intensifies]

>> No.8203154


I've been on /fa/ for years, it's always been a worthless piece of shit. Anyone who says there was a golden era is delusional :)

>> No.8203165


yeah that's partly what he's getting at

ppl who attention whored the greatest amount of time will claim that that was the board's greatest

>> No.8203171

oh shit sorry dude i should have worn my black jacket, my black t shirt and my black pants,
im looking forward to your next piece of wisdom,

>> No.8203173

What kind of layer? I don't really do cardigans.

>> No.8203175


so as the biggest attention whore currently on this board do you claim this current era as the greatest?

>> No.8203183

youve been on /fa/ long enough to know that goob ninja scapegoat shit dont fly

i dont care if your body is perfect for getting girls your age your hackneyed normcore-lite bullshit aint happenin

>> No.8203186


>biggest attention whore currently

that can be argued. I'm not going to say i don't like attention at all but this board was /soc/ level at one point

and I don't delude myself into judging the quality of the board lmao how does someone even do that

maybe when void and timber used to post though? that seemed like a good-ish time

>> No.8203187

cool acne

>> No.8203188
File: 119 KB, 480x640, photo (64).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

comfy guy pt iii. Wearing tje Same Thing Two Days In a Row

>> No.8203189

This is the age of Earth and Tight Pants Guy.

What else you gotta say?

Also it may also be the age of full black, because everyone wants to be a nigger.

>Inbfr /pol/
Because I'm not joking

Also Earth replaced Trunks. When it came to them not knowing what the fuck they were spending on.

>> No.8203204

you've got a solid point that i genuinely cant argue against,
im lazy

>> No.8203211
File: 312 KB, 728x600, muh crocs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can crocs be the new trend pls i cant afford dick ovens

>> No.8203212

did timber even post her fits? there are only hateful messages in my memory.

>> No.8203217


I think you are

you're definitely the most irritating


there is no comparison, earth is just stupid. at least trunks was entertaining in his whirlwind of retardation and aggression

>> No.8203221

earth is also very very ugly. like very very ugly. Did i say very already?

>> No.8203222
File: 163 KB, 500x558, 1394912246927.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.8203224


She definitely did post at least one or two.


sorry that you find me irritating, i'm learning and trying new stuff along with the rest of the board

>> No.8203225

r u tryin to ruse me? t

>> No.8203226


lol stop

>> No.8203230

>implying you wouldn't

>> No.8203232

u're not irritating straw, too bad you posted your profile face pic, now I dont want to fuck no more.

>> No.8203233

If only Tight Pants Guy and Earth were put together.

Imagine a Tight Pants guy that actually had the money and the passion to improve with advice.

>> No.8203234

Why did people give her shit?

>> No.8203236

who the hell is tight pants guy

>> No.8203237


>> No.8203241


shes awfully pretentious. amazingly, intimidatingly so. I wouldn't be friends with her, i'd probably laugh at her from far away with the rest of the people posting the "meltyface" pic

respect her knowledge/passion though


that wasn't me, that was some idiot who went through my tumblr and posted literally all my fits to be annoying

>> No.8203242

boston bombercore but pretty cool

>> No.8203244

w2c hat

>> No.8203248

the bathroom dude

>> No.8203250

guy who stands on top of the shitter

>> No.8203252


reminds me of this video: http://youtu.be/jDgGKoalXLs


>> No.8203255

earth is still hideous though

>> No.8203257

New guy. I would. Was she easy? She looks maybe a little lesbo too?

>> No.8203259

strawtengu do you know who this is?
dxf :^) shhh

>> No.8203264


hello friend :))

>> No.8203271

this is actually really good, you made...crocs...look good...

>> No.8203277
File: 49 KB, 500x476, tengu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you guys are retarded. strawtengu isnt a guy, shes a girl, thats why she always blocks out her face to avoid the thirst shit.

>pic related

>> No.8203279


>laugh at her with the people posting the meltyface pics

lol like people laugh at you and your gender confusion?

timber was cool and really not that pretentious

>> No.8203280

I just got it made at lids for like 20 bucks.

>> No.8203282


that's not me you idiot that's a picture of a model wearing siki im

people have seen my face on tinychat

>> No.8203286

and u 1 ugly mofo

>> No.8203288


sorry if that seemed cruel; i've never personally talked to her or anything. she just seems so deep into the more esoteric notions of fashion that it would be hard for anyone on this board except for a select few to even keep up their end of a conversation with her



>> No.8203291
File: 23 KB, 640x480, 110ekvc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

patrick is that u??

>> No.8203296

wtf with all straw hate?
like most friendly trip. this quarter japanese motherfucker, even tho he does it for some reasons, but who doesnt do that?

I think u got urself an autistic enemy, straw, beware, he's also forcing the whole OO LEL STRAW GURL shit.

>> No.8203298

hey alex

>> No.8203300

Uhuh, I bet he thinks that way when he's shitting all over other people's fits.

>> No.8203302


>> No.8203308
File: 265 KB, 556x1432, 1390489537897.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


smh this gimp had the nerve to do timber dirty like that

fall back

>> No.8203310
File: 2.68 MB, 3183x4466, 020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

early today

>> No.8203312




>> No.8203313

oops I think I changed my mind on fucking him


>> No.8203314

That's one ugly bitch right there.

>> No.8203315
File: 2.98 MB, 3456x5184, 021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same alphet, ebbets, ervell, kapital, rrl, trying to keep things simple

>> No.8203316

gimp is a hobo, used as a bdsm sex slave

>> No.8203320

plz be in calgary

>> No.8203329
File: 391 KB, 1280x1707, timbr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

timbers ugly? lmfao...ur retarded or gay

>> No.8203335

that's not timber though

>> No.8203348

>thinking that's timber

>> No.8203352
File: 514 KB, 425x612, Screen Shot 2014-05-08 at 08.13.29.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reposting since noone responded last time :(

>> No.8203363

i feel that the shoes don't match with what you're wearing. it's a safe choice anyway, hard to fuck up and you did well imo

>> No.8203373

lmao i follow that one girl meta claims is timber on tumblr. i hate white knighting but what the fuck man? she's cool why u gotta be an ass?

>> No.8203384 [DELETED] 

same here, she has a much better personality than timber from what i can tell and she actually creates her own clothing.

>> No.8203388
File: 68 KB, 385x1000, 1396950151847-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


are you telling me this is not the same timber?

>> No.8203391

same here, she has a much better personality than timber from what i can tell and she actually creates her own clothing/is talented at something.

>> No.8203395

the girl you're posting has had shorter hair for a while iirc. i don't know man, i know it's kinda pointless to say this here but it's seriously autistic to just post some random girl you think looks like your tripfag waifu, get it together m80.

>> No.8203396

Okay here it is for dumb retards:

This girl:

Is timber.

This is her tumblr: http://humalien.tumblr.com/

This girl:

is NOT timber

This is her tumblr where the pics are taken from: http://hikikogal.tumblr.com/

They are NOT the same girl.

>> No.8203400
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I'm looking at timber on warosu from like 2012 and her posts are quite lucid, knowledgeable and funny. she also dropped a ton of inspiration when lunarcore was in its infancy.

>> No.8203404


are you drunk?

get it together

>> No.8203405


a little :*)

>> No.8203435
File: 328 KB, 1536x1619, boiga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

burger waywt

shouts out 2 villes

>> No.8203436

not guy in pic but whats wrong with skateboards on wall? i have a friend who does it aswell although he only put up all his broken ones

>> No.8203437

look at this bowlcut paki twigger

>> No.8203439 [DELETED] 

levi? :D
ponyluv 69 <3

>> No.8203443

I should probably start tripcoding huh

>> No.8203447

shit fit
gr8 buns

>> No.8203454



>> No.8203462



>> No.8203470

>even more black
>twenty layers of black

Am i in edgycentral or are you faggots really are that boring ?

>> No.8203471

post fit

>> No.8203474

who turned effays little brother into a fuccboi?

>> No.8203475

shut the fuck up faggot and go to fucking r/teenmfa u fuckin bitch

>> No.8203476
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>> No.8203479

where is villys

>> No.8203492
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>> No.8203495

w2c shoes?

>> No.8203505

not liking the shirt, but nice.

>> No.8203511
File: 108 KB, 960x640, tumblr_n58yq8YRJE1s0sx3to1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Y's For Men
Y's For Men Red Label

>> No.8203512

up ur ass around the corner

>> No.8203515
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>> No.8203536


same deal as ever (iphone quality) but i love your style and you do it well. where's your backpack from?

side note, posture's killing me

>> No.8203537

u look gay

>> No.8203543

I honestly quite like the bottom half - you should perhaps change out of the hawaiian shirt and it would be a nice fit
Lovely as always
Fit on sweater is good but the idea is good.
I like it stancey

>> No.8203550

fuk off richfag

>> No.8203555

The only people who have bad shit to say about timber are thristfags mad because she wouldnt engage them or people who werent around when she actually posted. I dont know where anyone got the idea that she was mean, she drew pictures of everyones outfits for free and was one of the more knowledgeable posters we've had

>> No.8203568


I was around when she was active and from what I remember she was pretty informative / nice and synergized well with the other trips from the "golden age" eg. user twerk turn poet

on tumblr though she sounds like an insufferable pretentious girl who still hasnt gotten over puberty mentality

>> No.8203576

What do you mean? I dont have a tumblr

>> No.8203643

absolutely disgusting

>> No.8203648
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>> No.8203660

i hate you

>> No.8203682

genius lol, ive never actually seen someone take the piss on crocs on /fa/, next time don't post in black and white though.

>> No.8203697

w2c them zip off pants?

>> No.8203718

no one gives a shit about you or your even shittier opinions

>> No.8203735

oh yuck dnw

>> No.8203924

I thought this guy got banned... why don't you trip anymore?

>> No.8204644

Shirt colour :/
Not ok sry :o
Uhhh not ok
Shoes :/
Good :)
Ur hair <3
Not ok
Not for me sry :/
Ok :)
Bit 2 #edge mayb
Not working sry
Good :)
Shorts colour :/
Ok :)
Cuffs flare tho :/
Not ok
Not good sry :/
P ok
Shoes :/
Hat tho :s

5/10 thread

>> No.8204657

Tfw when validated

>> No.8204666

waifu status - achieved

>> No.8205447

8/8 b8 m8

>> No.8205470
File: 756 KB, 438x1206, tumblr.com.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pls respond /fa/
i've had a horrible year

Yohji Yamamoto
Ann Demeulemeester

>> No.8205484
File: 1.12 MB, 1536x2048, IMG_20140508_151341.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8205491

The fuck are you doing man?

>> No.8205495

Was this taken on a 2004 Nokia?

>> No.8205500

iPhone 4s

>> No.8205511
File: 1.12 MB, 1536x2048, IMG_20140508_151816.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Angle makes more sense here

>> No.8205514


Hate it. The proportions, the silhouette, everything.

>> No.8205636

this is so sick

>> No.8205688

so good, best fit in the thread wrap it it boys

>> No.8205723

pls be in usa
pls be in2 grills

>> No.8205730

im a girl in NY too omg

>> No.8205870

ok, I look forward to seeing what sandals you get for them.

>> No.8205876 [DELETED] 
File: 87 KB, 640x480, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

R8 fit

>> No.8206213
File: 160 KB, 640x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Polo hat
Burberry shirt
Levis 510
Airmax 2011

>> No.8206392

u buy that jacket from me off grailed?

>> No.8206854

i love the way that you dress personally but i must agree with the others, norm-core isnt going to attract any positive attention. especially not from women, they will think you are plain and they won't understand why you would ever dress like that

>> No.8206869

i want to kill you and your filthy dog and your rich family

>> No.8207001
