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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/fa/ - Fashion

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8197616 No.8197616[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Any UQ /fa/ anons wish to join me for lunch?
I'm in all black near kebab and co.

Don't be like the last faggots who just took pictures of me and didn't talk to me.

$6.40 for this shit. Look how much fucking calamari is in this shit.

>> No.8197651

N-no one?

I'm so lonely.

>> No.8197696
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Shit shit /fa/
A qt3.14 sat next to me.

What the fuck do I do

>> No.8197701

That depends, waywt

>> No.8197702

>I'm in all black
sorry i dont eat with goth ninjas

>> No.8197722

Shit, now I want onion rings.

>> No.8197725

Are you stupid?? This is calamari

>> No.8197731

SOrry that was rude. .Have a nice day and forget I said that! :)^

>> No.8197744

I-I'm a nice guy ;_;

Just wanted to share my calamari with someone so I wasn't so lonely.

>> No.8197747

luk liek onyan rangs 2 mi

>> No.8197752

that is fucking effay
10/10 OP
gonna make some tomorrow now

>> No.8197771

It was okay.

Just wish I could have shared it with someone.

>> No.8197778

aww bby
what sauce did u have with it?

>> No.8197780

Shoul have shared it with the qt.

>>hi, how are you?
>G-good, h-how are you?
>>good thanks.
>Could you....I mean will you...I mean, please eat this c-calamari.
>>Umm what?
>I j-just want y-you to eat.
>>Are you calling me anorexic?
>n-no. Please eat.
>>Look I don't know who you are. But fuck off. I don't want your calamari.
>P-please. ;____;

Such is the lonely life of an /fa/ anon

>> No.8197784


>> No.8197788

qt with no bootie

show her your geobaskets

>> No.8197793


Y does this make me sad :''<

>> No.8197799

What the fuck are you doing eating lunch at 10:30? I know that's calamari but I've gotta make some tempura onion rings now.

>> No.8197801
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>> No.8197808

6 am wake up. Had some shitty high GI cereal.

>> No.8197841

Rookie, cop 9 weetbix every morning to kick start your metabolism and keep you full until lunch. That's what I did when I had 5am starts at a cheese factory.