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/fa/ - Fashion

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8192035 No.8192035 [Reply] [Original]

itt the troof

>> No.8192189

yea its real hard to meet gay guys who dont dress like complete and utter shit

>> No.8192231
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god i hate those justgirlythings pictures

>> No.8192333

>tfw u dress better than most gay guys at uni ;_;

>> No.8192571

>Reading some magazine that came with a newspaper
>Fashion and Style section, including a bit where plebs write in for advice
>Recomending some pretty awful fits, H&M suit jackets, crappy bright trainers, etc.
>There's a grinning picture of the resident 'fashion guru'
>Bow tie, orange sweater vest, massive glasses, quiff
>Pretty obviously gay

Wow. It's amazing how people just assume LGBT people are somehow automatically style geniuses. Like this guy just walked in and they went "OK, better put him on the fashion section."

>> No.8192584
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>> No.8192592

>tfw your gay best friend Black jean shorts, a black short sleeve collar shirt and a green T underneath and says "I'm doing color pop!"
>tfw your gay best friend is a feminine top with no sense of style

>> No.8192602
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>> No.8192648

the assumption that women and gays are somehow automatically good at fashion is one of the most incorrect stereotypes ever made

>> No.8192717

Gay people dress like clowns, most of them.

>> No.8192751

This, women don't know any better because their surrounded by straight guys wearing nothing but Hollister t-shirts

>> No.8192978

frank has more autism than /b/

>> No.8192989

are this the new aviators/wayfarers?

>> No.8193016

i had one in high school
i miss him
he was hilarious
one time we got drunk and made out

>> No.8193077

there's nothing stylish about that guy. If he had a weak jawline and chubby cheeks he wouldn't be appealing at all

>> No.8193092

>if he was ugly he wouldn't be attractive
Someone bring anon a fucking nobel prize

>> No.8193095

congrats on solving one of life's mysteries
now cure cancer u fucking genius

>> No.8193103

stylish implies his fit is good. anon is saying no body would think his fit was good if he wasn't beautiful

>> No.8193108

Anon should learn how to words, then.
Appealing means attractive/interesting

>> No.8193111

yeah, it isn't really clear what he means

>> No.8193223

dat double overhand on 7 my gawd

>> No.8193235

do women actually want to seem as if they are just the most vapid and asinine creatures in existence like what the fuck

>> No.8193281
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>tfw no gay best friend

>> No.8193302

No more than you want to seem like a fucking retard for generalizing all women down to one group.

>> No.8193310

>tfw i am that gay friend with style

>> No.8193328
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>tfw no friend

>> No.8193350
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>tfw became my own friend
>tfw conversations with myself inside his head

>> No.8193353

had to stop myself from laughing out loud in the quiet section at uni

>> No.8193358
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>> No.8193406
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cop or not?

>> No.8193418

>do this for so long I actually whisper to myself in public

tfw no one to talk to

>> No.8193456
File: 76 KB, 680x684, EgYzTHI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw am gay best friend and try to help straight friend with his style and he doesn't listen at all and just plays it off as me being gay

>> No.8193503

>tfw straight but dress well so everyone assumes i'm gay
>tfw last gf dumped me because she thought i would make a better gay bff for her and her friends

>> No.8193508

This is the funniest video i've seen in a while

>> No.8193529


>> No.8193540

gays are like MFA, but whenever someone uses the term fashionista you generally know what to expect

>dont be afraid of colour boys!

>> No.8193558
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>tfw have a gay best friend
>tfw we discuss fashion all the time
>tfw girls always assume I'm gay too when they meet us

It's a mixed feel.

>> No.8193571

Dw anon. When I was in the closet and very straight acting, girls just assumed my best friend and I were a gay couple all the time. Now he dates the hottest girls on the planet.

>> No.8193594
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I have a gay friend... Well not so much now because I can't stand his bitching that any minority ever is a victim. But he dresses like a retarded 6 year old, bright coloured jeans, far to tight comic book tshirts and crap laceless vans you know the ones with black and white checkerboard. But everyone else thinks its awesome just because he is gay. I just don't know...

>> No.8193662

I am become this feel

>> No.8193667

It's just the chromosomes

>> No.8193767

Dude, us too.

>> No.8193837

>tfw dress better than ALL gay guys at uni
>tfw got hit on by gay guy at transfer orientation
>tfw gay guy whined when I wouldn't let him blow me
>tfw gay friends of my friends apparently whisper "he's so hot" whenever they see me
>tfw universally adored by the campus gays
>tfw virgin
>tfw no gf
>tfw this would be so much easier if I were gay

>> No.8193852

what do i do if the voice inside my head starts to bully me?

>> No.8193856

/fa/ is the only friend you need.

Oh what the fuck am I saying I'm so alone.

>> No.8193864

Dat completely raw double overhand 7pl8.

>> No.8193904
File: 243 KB, 1000x574, ae8ddf8f-2f73-47af-9f26-cba20db35.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh god this feel

>do you even like girls anon
>are you sure you're not gay?
>anon why don't you have a gf then

mum p-please

>> No.8194082

And it only gets worse the older you get. You just start getting weird looks from friends that are only made worse by the fact that you're attractive. If you're so attractive, what could be SO wrong that you're still alone?

>tfw aesthetic preferences aren't helping

>anon why do you like tall girls
>anon why do you like girls with short hair
>anon why do you like muscular girls
>anon why do you like girls with strong jaws
>anon are you sure you even like girls?


>> No.8194134


they just think you are a fag cause it is a nicer assumption than you being terminally awkward and unable to make romantic connections with people. They'll switch to the former if no other explanations come up. In time.

>> No.8194147

That is actually a really good point. Hmm. Thanks for the insight, anon.

>> No.8194160

I don't even understand how gay guys stand out from straight guys as fashionable. They dress pretty much the same except everything fits worse.

>> No.8194162


Dont stress bout it if you are under 25 or so. Took me quite a while to realise how much a homo I am. And on the other hand if you end up not lusting for dick (...) I was in a crowd with plenty o lovelorn guys. They figured themselves out, usually were after a committed thing with a particular type o girl, and they found it.

>> No.8194181


gay dudes have a tendency towards trying more 'fashion forward' stuff, even if it is just a typical gay look. Doing so, and being outside the norm - and confident about it - appeals to a large part of society. Remember whatever goofninja stuff probably appeals to you as the height of fashion has a very niche appeal. A lot of average joes would probably think you looked goofy in it, and you can extend that to the vast majority if you were an awkward fuck about it, which we need to accommodate as a factor communicating as we are on the forum of feels and frogs .

>> No.8194192


idk, most gay guys I see just wear like white roshes, cargo shorts, and a skintight purple v-neck. It's disgusting, and looks pretty much like what the average straight man wears except more pretentious.

>> No.8194199
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>dem feels
>tfw bisexual master race

>> No.8194218

Eventually, when he's bullying you, he'll create a giant run-on sentence based on something that makes sense for a second, then the voice turns into a "word salad" disjointed speech making up sentences.

>"The shower under door whispered into thought but couldn't without the"

Then you realize it's just all in your mind and you control it.

>> No.8194231


confirmation bias, mang. You, unless you are a particularly keen sort, probably only see guys you can obviously peg as gay. I'm talkin from experience of being a barhound and all the rest.

Bias cuts both ways too. People will more often peg well groomed or dressed guys as homo, without any real evidence. Self perpetuation n all.

>> No.8194239

Over groomed, expressions, poise and mannerisms

>> No.8194363
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