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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 60 KB, 628x584, normcore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8162100 No.8162100 [Reply] [Original]

How does /fa/ feel about Normcore, the next big fashion movement. I personally could not be more delighted

>> No.8162103

No no no noo

>> No.8162121

I think the compulsive habit of slapping some bullshit made-up label on every vague new trend is autistic to the max

that being said im unironically wearing baggy light wash dad jeans + baggy sweaters + halflinger clogs errday because they are comfy as hell and I really don't give a fuck about being /fa/ anymore at all

I still tailor all my shit, but now the goal is maximum comfy instead of looking good

>> No.8162134

Anyone who buys into this wants fashion to die

>> No.8162141

>next big fashion movement

dressing in affordable highly available clothing items has been going on for years, and some people are going to look good in them and some wont, this has to do with whether or not they are good looking.

fucking broke fuckboys trying to claim some shitting "core" fushen movement so they can justify not being able to afford actual clothes.

>> No.8162151

yea nah. It's fashion, and I think it looks good. Hipsterism pushed fashion to the max, time to put the clock back to a far less pretentious era. I personally love the general 80s-90s fashion look. I went out and bought a few Old Navy fleeces, stone washed jeans, and a pair of sketchers as soon as I heard about this. Been norm-core ever day for the last couple of months and a few girls have even chatted me up.

>> No.8162161

Haha you sound like a flaming homosexual. Calm the fuck down, dude.

>> No.8162162


fashion is for fags

I see all these little cunts strutting around in "le fashionable clothes" that don't fit them at all and just make them look bad. Just trying to fit in with whatever bullshit trend is popular this month.

I won't bother detailing my own philosophy of clothing because it would take too long and nobody really gives a shit

>> No.8162169

though just to be clear I am not saying that you shouldn't try to dress well, just that dressing well is not the same as being "effay"

>> No.8162172
File: 80 KB, 1080x1076, good bait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


yeah I bit hard

>> No.8162176
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>> No.8162199

true, following what I said to an extreme leads to a fedora-tipping/"class is for men" mentality if you're a socially stunted 14yo

my point is that the other extreme of obsessing over trying to copy trends is a losing game for loser faggots and its better to figure out your own style for yourself (while still taking into account what is currently socially acceptable)

>> No.8162212

it's cool. i really like it, it's like the fear of seeming try hard, an emphasis on casual wear, and dressing ironically have converged and we're back to dadcore again, but with a very different intent

>> No.8162233
File: 27 KB, 400x400, grills being grills.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he dresses like that because it's ironic or something.

>I don't know Jill, maybe he's just retarded or something.

>> No.8162243


do people still name their children that?

when was the last time you met a fucking jill?

>> No.8162275

45 year old Scottish woman.

>> No.8162392


It's great. Now everyone will look extra pleb compared to me.

>> No.8162435

why are you so upset someone is named jill

>> No.8162454



>> No.8162685

sick normcore fits on all of them

>> No.8162862

decide you like normcore,
all of a sudden the world is filled with people amazingly effay, and everything is a little brighter. pleb/patrician dichotomy is broken.

>> No.8162873

I've been dressing normcore all along. Rip curl, quiksilver, nike, oakley etc. I was never a goofy ninja

>> No.8162888

normcore is the pre-reflective understanding of fashion

>> No.8162897

but I need to feel superior to my dad in some way