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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 983 KB, 1520x2688, IMAG0114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8160541 No.8160541[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What shoes do I go for when wearing this basic look?
Boat shoes? Desert boots? Oxfords? I really don't have much of a clue and I usually just end up wearing something shitty like vans

I am new to /fa/ so I'm not too familiar with posting etiquette and asking for opinions. I am expecting a bunch of ridicule but if any help or advice actually comes from it I would be very grateful

>> No.8160545

Garden gnome lmao

Gain like 3 inches for u make this thread again manlet

>> No.8160559

I don't have much of a fashion sense either (this is something I am trying to change).
I can post some different outfits that I would wear casually if requested. Style tips are something I need

>> No.8160562

I'm 6'1, it must be the angle of the photo

>> No.8160568

I'd say you're closer to 5'10. your hair doesn't count.

>> No.8160571

U a fucking midget dawg I should
Cyber slap your ass for even reaching

>> No.8160575

What type of phone is that OP?

>> No.8160581

you can tell who the manlets are when they call other anons manlets LMAO its funny i have yet to hear that term manlet outside of 4chan XD

samson are you ok with your height bro, or are you intmidated by men shorter than you haha

6'2'' guy here and no i dont use the term master race HAHA

>> No.8160586
File: 162 KB, 960x720, 1517595_10203469804728445_7711238761570809352_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really am 6'1, the mirror in my room is raised

>> No.8160587

Ride the dick

>> No.8160592

HTC one

>> No.8160594


>> No.8160602

please dont try to prove yourself you fcuking not 6'2'' you almost made it but you a manlet LMAO

average frustrated chump

>> No.8160606

I said 6'1, and I really don't mind if you think I'm not, I'm just after some tips

>> No.8160609

air force 1s

>> No.8160612

I wear slip on white vans or boat shoes with a fit like that. You could wear trainers also. Red, blue, white, and brown are the colors I would mess with.

>> No.8160614

I don't know if I could pull off the sneaker look without looking 5 years younger

>> No.8160615

AF1s are classic dude

>> No.8160617
File: 980 KB, 1520x2688, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8160620

here is a tip bro, you see that manlet next to you with a women in each arm, ask him to dress you, and ask him to how to get laid whuile youre at it you manlet

>> No.8160622

lmao thats pretty funny, but obviously it's perspective

>> No.8160626

im fcuking laughing so hard over here XD oh my sides

>> No.8160636
File: 906 KB, 1520x2688, IMAG0146[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're pretty persistent on this lol
This is what I mean when I say my mirror is raised

Thank you, I actually need to buy some new boat shoes

>> No.8160666

fuck ur tan chinos
fuck boat shoes

ur at least in ur 20's stop dressing like ur <18

>> No.8160689

You are completely right!
I'm after this criticism, I just need to have an idea of where to start

>> No.8160695


get not terrible sneakers

get some black af1lows

>> No.8160696

black skinny jeans
get levis 510s or cheap monday if ur poor
get good quality basic shirts
get af1s

>> No.8160707

if ur actually 6'1 u have the height to pull off whatever u want
browse inspo general
observe what u think looks good and why u think it looks good
read sticky
take advice with truckloads of salt (ur on 4chan)

>> No.8160719

Thanks, I appreciate it.
My pitfall is my skinny legs, I am working on them but they will always be naturally thin. So big shoes look pretty funny due to my smaller ankles/calves

>> No.8160731

rock that skinny dude

skinny is /fa/ af, you dont see fat models walking in hedi do you lmao

>> No.8160737

skinny legs are fa u just need the clothes to support it

longer tees
boxier fits
tapered pants

ur overshirt thing here
makes ur legs look awkward
ur jeans fit okay
ur shoes are high-school tier

>> No.8160739
File: 90 KB, 500x707, 1397128042614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

posting some basic inspo op, let us know what you like/dont like about each picture.

>> No.8160742
File: 118 KB, 374x640, 1395954216804.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8160745

ur pitfall is that ur basics are cheap and made for shorter ppl which makes ur torso look disproportionate to ur legs

>> No.8160747
File: 222 KB, 1000x1500, 1396092494418.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8160751

I don't even know where to start getting /fa/ as fuck. I only own like two pairs of shoes, they're not /fa/ at all. What do I do? Not sure what clothes to get either

>> No.8160752

I probably should note that I live in Australia. Although winter is coming up, most of the year it is pretty fucking hot so multiple layers aren't that popular. But... winter is coming.
Not a huge fan of spray on skinny fit jeans either, I TRY to keep it fairly masculine.

>> No.8160754

It's funny, if he held the camera at a better angle you wouldn't know

>> No.8160755
File: 76 KB, 508x508, 1396347244047.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i live in australia too dont worry

>> No.8160756

I like this, nice and basic

This is cool too, although if I wear knitwear I tend to have the full sweater instead of what this is (I don't know my shit) :/


>> No.8160759

OP you sound like a decent guy get out of here while you still can.
Your chinos ensemble looks nice and functional

>> No.8160760

lurk a lot and save images u think look cool
once u get a grasp of the details of each fit and how they work together u can create ur own style by finding pieces that look similar

>> No.8160761
File: 160 KB, 853x1946, 1396397067104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

most skinny jeans ill post aren't spray on either, althouth that really depends on your personal definition

>> No.8160764

I hadn't thought of that for some reason.
for the record, I'm a skinny-medium build manlet. Anything I should avoid?

>> No.8160765
File: 1.66 MB, 821x1726, 1396142345223.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i would say only my first image is spray on skinny jeans so far

>> No.8160768

spray on skinny isnt really popular here anyway

>> No.8160769
File: 143 KB, 403x640, 1396077038023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh and in case you haven't noticed im just posting b/w stuff because that's popular here, but as a result if you add a single colour piece it wont look as bad as there is no "room for error" as far as colours go, per se

>> No.8160772
File: 189 KB, 768x1024, 1396075557299.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'd say this guy pulls of the "masculine fashionable" pretty well

>> No.8160775

I appreciate it, I get annoyed clothes shopping though and I think I get a bit fussy (which is fucking stupid). So here I am

I like this as a casual look too, I just don't think I could pull off the boots with my legs

I also need to buy more nightlife outfits too. Clubs, parties, and more formal looking attire

>> No.8160776
File: 705 KB, 1280x1920, 1396347472088.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

while im at it, does anyone know the proper name for these 3/4 skinny nigger pants?

>> No.8160778

being a manlet isnt as bad as /fa/ makes it seem /fa/ has a hardon for japanese streetwear but 90% of asians are manlets anyway so
if by 'medium build' u mean fat then ur gonna want to lose weight because any excess weight is gonna fuck with ur proportions making u look shorter
wear slim/black/avoid ostentatious details
if ur proportionate u can literally pull off most things anyway
if ur jeans are too long dont cuff them too much/make the cuffs big ur gonna want to either hem or pinroll

>> No.8160779

what sandals are those?

>> No.8160783

This is good look too. What style/cut jeans are these? Just normal skinny?
And what brands do you recommend?

>> No.8160789
File: 74 KB, 373x560, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and for summer
"nightlife" stuff all looks crap 90% of the time
honestly you could substitute the CP achilles for white vans authentics when it looks like your stuff might get damaged eg. party night clubs

depends on budget
for low range go with levis 510s / cheap monday
mid range a.p.c, acne, nudie,
high range slp, dior

>> No.8160790
File: 140 KB, 620x930, 7543396db6f58422caaaefb1f165a932.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was meant to upload a photo here

>> No.8160791

Not fat, I'm just not hungry skeleton. I'm basically on the lower end of average, if that makes sense? Weird to explain

>> No.8160792
File: 130 KB, 480x720, 1396380606920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and here some pants that aren;t black lol

>> No.8160795

a big problem for ppl starting out is a lack of knowledge of what to get so u go clothes shopping w/o purpose waiting for something to jump out at u and it never works

u need an idea of what u want
start with basics (tees, jeans, some outerwear)
ur in australia so avoid the low-tier shops like cotton on, factorie, yd etc because they're not gonna look good on u
once u have good quality basics u can work on fleshing out a wardrobe
dont be afraid to spend more on clothes because they're going to last u
a $50 plain white shirt that has a nicer cut/fit will look better and have more value than 5 $10 shirts (usually)

>> No.8160798
File: 1.28 MB, 710x1710, 1396075806605.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more summer fits

cant be bothered posting any more op, but ill stick around for advice if you want any

>> No.8160813

The main problem I tend to have when starting out with basics is usually outwear and shoes. I need to upgrade the shoes mostly I think.

These are cool shoes, what are they?

>> No.8160815

cp chukka

>> No.8160818

I hate your knees because you have such nice forearms/wrists

>> No.8160822


>> No.8160825

Chukkas. Depends on your budget for shoes.
effay will probably hate me for saying this, but If you in melbourne hit up h&m have decent cheap sweaters. also AsColour has good cheap stuff too. do some research and lurk a biit, cop nice not twice they say
not me lol

>> No.8160828

I hate that guy's knees because he has such nice forearms/wrists.

>> No.8160833

shoes can be hard but for u i'd suggest some casual sneakers roshe runs/flyknits or some nb 574's
vans are always a safe option but ur gonna want to move away from them with time
converse is good
get the most monochrome colours u can (usually black)

>> No.8160852

How are these nigger pants when only white people and asians wear them...

>> No.8160856

ive only seen black people wearing the shorter ones that look like chinos pushed up past the knees

>> No.8160867

>black people
Maybe you have, but no hood niggas wear that so stop being racist plz

>> No.8160878

lol hood niggas dont exist in australia

>> No.8160882

Nigga just lurk more and stop being a fag

>> No.8160910
File: 16 KB, 273x300, black-man-crying-377x414-273x300[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then why call them niggers, dick.

>> No.8160915

cuz they black

>> No.8161098

first i thought he was a kid or something because of the vans and such shitty fit, but after seeing his chunky little body i realized he was a gnome in the garden of /fit/

>> No.8161100

>dat potato face tho

>> No.8161110

i would kill to have skinny legs