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/fa/ - Fashion

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8154645 No.8154645[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

/fa/ names thread.

Have you ever considered changing your name?
I mean, I really don't feel like a "Tyler." It's like I've been misfiled.

>> No.8154655

I wanna change my name to Gwap

>> No.8154671

Go for Sebastian. Or maybe Dmitri.

>> No.8154710


>> No.8154726

changed mine
had a very exotic name though i am a mix and can pass as white. picked a name which was white canon but rare - it entirely changed peoples perception of me for the better. i am western as fuck so my new name fits much better.

tyler is often what i hear as the most hated name sorry bro.

>> No.8154735

What did you change it to? How does one even research and choose a life long new name?

>> No.8154738

How /fa/ is Charlie?

>> No.8154742

My name is Taylor and I'm a grill, is my name /fa/?

>> No.8154743

My name is Addison, girls always seem to love it.

>> No.8154745

no not at all. All Taylors smoke meth and are attention whores.

>> No.8154746

Have known a Taylor or too. Can Confirm

>> No.8154750

what's a /fa/ grill name then?

>> No.8154754

Cynthia, Gweneyth, Penelope

>> No.8154758

Cynthia is a gay ass name, sounds like a stripper but the other two are okay.

I think I'm just going to start telling people that my middle name is my real name.

>> No.8154761

Whats your middle name?

>> No.8154762

Claudia. Simone. Something Latinate.

>> No.8154766


>> No.8154772

Yann, I don't like it

>> No.8154775

Don't really like it. You have the ability to rename and reinvent yourself though.

>> No.8154776

Chad is pretty effay

>> No.8154779

how /fa/ is Miles?

>> No.8154780

>Chad is pretty /r9k/

>> No.8154783
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>my parents named me Sidney
>I'm a guy

>> No.8154786

I think it's pretty /fa/ as long as you're not gawky and weird.

>> No.8154788

Yeah, it's kind of sexy and androgynous. And I love girls with male names like Ryan or Sam (short for Samantha).

>> No.8154791

Kilometres is pretty trendy now

>> No.8154795

I'm actually a male with the name Addison.

>> No.8154797
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The name cynthia gibs me a bonar

>> No.8154798

>Ragnar The Hag
>Grod The Skullkrusher
>God Emperor

>> No.8154799

You take that back. I knew a Taylor who was very nice and not at all into meth.

>> No.8154801

Lillian obviously

>> No.8154804

my full name is apolinaria but no one can pronounce it so everyone just calls me polina. i like my full name a lot better though rip

>> No.8154805

nice try taylor, don't you have a crack rock to cut up?

>> No.8154813

well my full name is Charlie Cameron Beaumont Ellison Palmer, how /fa/ is that?

>> No.8154825

am i /fa/?

>> No.8154827


>> No.8154835

ariga tomato

>> No.8154839

Are you one of those middle aged white women who comes up with names on Pintrest?

>> No.8154847
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>> No.8154852

Pretty cool, you could just write it as 'z'

>> No.8154856

I'm moving to a new city.
Would it be weird if I changed my legal name from Rob to Robert, then told people I met in social settings they call me Rob?
Rob's OK, but I want the full version - Rob is too casual, too buddy buddy, and introducing myself by my last name alone is too formal most of the time, so I want something in between too.

>> No.8154857

y-you too
my real name is josh it's not very /fa/, i need to become chinese

>> No.8154861

Robert/Rob is a fucking awful name, if you're going to change it, at least pick something good.

>> No.8154862

Is Kenny /fa/
Would you agree that Evans is a better name

>> No.8154865

My name is Jamie.
I'm a guy, is my name at all /fa/?

>> No.8154871
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>league names

>> No.8154872

Meh. It's mostly a status thing for me. I don't want a nickname for an official name.

>> No.8154875

Jamie Jamie
na na na na
Jamie Jamie
stupid and lamie
Jamie Jamie
little bit gaey
na na na na

>> No.8154876

andro names are bretty /fa/

>> No.8154877

There was this bitch I knew named Lineal, she literally emitted /fa/ness. I miss that bitch so much.

And there was also another really cool nigga I knew named Bastion. That nigga was suave as fuck.

>> No.8154878

if you really think it's worth doing all the paperwork/time/money to change your name everywhere and get new documentation then go for it, don't see why you need to ask us

>> No.8154880

Yeah seems pretty silly, beat your parents up

>> No.8154884


>> No.8154885

b-b-but I am a little bit gaey

>> No.8154895

na na na na
Jamie lamie admits he's gaey
na na na na
Jamie lamey is to blamey
na na na na

>when i was ten i went to Stanford and saw a hooker get raped

>> No.8154896

Inertia's a powerful thing. You could dissuade me just by making me less enthusiastic.

Will do.

>> No.8154898

I'll just call you Eli

>> No.8154899


>> No.8154903

Yeah I got that. Just saying I also like girls with andro names

>> No.8154905

Bastion sounds cool as fuck.

>> No.8154910

how fah is "Caleb"?

>> No.8154913

Is Vincent /fa/?

>> No.8154914

lieviticus here i go by levi
yea i heard every joke in the book already

>> No.8154923

is Connor /fa/

>> No.8154928

I know some guy named Yozla. He looks like a horse and a native american. His parents just ruined his life.

>> No.8154939

Raphael masterrace reporting in.
bow down fuccbois

>> No.8154942


>> No.8154988
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Morris - but spelled as Maurice

Womens: Bijou
Janique - pronounced Jannik

>> No.8154995 [DELETED] 

I love that Constantine was on the top of the list. I used to be in a band with that name, but he'd go by Dean. Whenever a girl was around though, who do you think won. Constantine or Addison?

>> No.8155004

not at all
No normcore
only if spelled Taylur

>> No.8155011

I love that Constantine was on the top of that list. I used to be in a band with a guy with that name, but he'd go by Dean. Whenever a girl was around though he'd go back to being Constantine.

Who do you think would end up with the girl at the end of the night though? Addison or Constantine?

>> No.8155012

How effay is Rubi if you are a guy?

>> No.8155014


>> No.8155017

agreed. do you have a middle name thats any better?

>> No.8155023

Axel or Aleksander

>> No.8155025

It's a cool name, just don't call yourself Vinny or let anyone call you that.

>> No.8155026

spell it Alikzander

>> No.8155029

Alikzander nah looks like shite

>> No.8155030

Is Rodrigo effay?

>> No.8155033

aleksander is pretty cool

>> No.8155038

Is Jacob /fa/?

>> No.8155042

Spell it with a K instead and call it Yakov.
I did that when I moved from Kansas to NYC and people fucking adore me.

>> No.8155043


I had a fantastic ex-employee named Jacob, so it has nothing but good connotations for me. Also, Biblical, but not TOO Biblical, you know what I mean?

>> No.8155057
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holee fuck thats genius

>> No.8155059

that's lame as fuck dude, you're from kansas and pretending to have a russian name?

>> No.8155062

How /fa/ is Avijit?

>> No.8155070

Lmao he just named league champs

>> No.8155077
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as long as you don't have a moustache you're good

>> No.8155084
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>> No.8155086

looks like I'm in the clear

>> No.8155090
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>> No.8155097

I actually am Russian.

>> No.8155099

I hope you get good use out of it Yakov :)

>> No.8155101

born in russia or just of descent? if you were born there it's alright

>> No.8155107


it's jewy, but I like it.

>> No.8155108

Is the name Carter /fa/?

>> No.8155111


>> No.8155118

It's not alright that I was born in Kansas :(

>> No.8155131

Latinate names are always good,
Claudia, Amelia, Julia, Aloysius etc.

>> No.8155134

idk dude just seems kinda lame, usually people don't use foreign versions of easily anglicized names if they're born here

>> No.8155148

Thoughts on Gavin?

>> No.8155157


love that name, especially for a girl. i guess i'm biased since it's my dad's name though and he's great.


what ethnicity are you?


i always liked the name Kenny.


my name is Jamie! except i'm a girl and it's spelled Jaymi.






it makes me think of ruby rhod, so yeah super green

>> No.8155164

Thoughts on Bryce? Personally, I like it a lot.

>> No.8155172

I don't know a single other guy with my name, its all girls... I've never seen your spelling before though, pretty unique.

>> No.8155190


come to think of it, i've never known a male Jaime either. it's always James.

oh and forgot to answer OP, yes i thought for years i would grow up and change my name. never thought it suited me. now that i'm older now (26) i feel like there's no point. this is who i am.

>> No.8155195


>> No.8155204

Evdokia is my full name, people call me Evie though
"Dasha" is the nickname used in russia apparently maybe ill switch to that

>> No.8155209

>tfw nobody ever spells it right

>> No.8155217


i imagined Sid from Skins

>> No.8155222

>no one can pronounce it
are people really that retarded?

its pronounced like a-poli-na-ria

>> No.8155227


lol sorry there are so many ways people spell it. no one can ever get my first or last name right.

>> No.8155234

that name is popular between the poor regueaton plebs in mexico

names like Caleb, Iker Yonathan (yes like that), Yobani are pretty popular between poor people in Mexico

>> No.8155238

i´ll keep that pic to start doing a portfolio

>> No.8155244

>very exotic name
What is it?

>> No.8155254

is Erick or Daniel combined with spanish surnames effay?

- E
Sent from my Laptop

>> No.8155269

My name is Ron. Everybody calls me Ronie. My nickname is longer than my actual name.

>> No.8155316

is your nickname Dr. Faggotson MD specialized in prostet exams and colonoscopies?

>> No.8155340

My name's Sebastian. /fa/ enough. I think Astrid is a /fa/ name for a girl and Eliot is the most /fa/ guy name.

>> No.8155367
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Anatoly reporting in.

But I'm not very /fa/

>> No.8155423

Too bad my name (Brady) will never ever be /fa/ enough.

>> No.8155430

pei here, dunno it's just short and normal and a bit tedious to get around with

so not /fa/

>> No.8155440


>> No.8155444


>> No.8155458

Yeah I don't know why but the "naria" part confuses most people and it just sounds like they're chewing their tongue.

>> No.8155462

my name is noah
i feel like it's pretty ubiquitous, what do you think though, and what kind of person do you image immediately

>> No.8155483
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how /fa/ is Paolo for a male?

>> No.8155488
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It makes an impression

>> No.8155491

Fellow Rob/Robert here. I've actually been called "Robby" my whole life and I'm not sure how i feel about it now that I'm almost 23 years old. It's so informal and kiddish. I've been told theres some charm to it but who knows. Rob is usually the nickname for my nickname bestowed upon me without my choosing. And its fine in its own right, more adult than fucking Robby but in a late teens pseudo cool guy sort of way. Or a 40 year old alcoholic.

We gotta step it up Rob. Robert is the way to go.

>> No.8155492

One too many, unless the last two are a double-barrelled surname?

>> No.8155506


Sebastian is a fantastic name.

>> No.8155509


A white guy with a jewfro, khaki shorts and a t-shirt

>> No.8155515


it's a qt name

>> No.8155518

are you murrkan? murrkans cant have good pronuntiation

they cant say Guillermo and it sounds hilarious

>> No.8155533

Sounds like a demon's name

>> No.8155538

I like William, and all its variations (Vilhelm, Wilhelm, Guillaume, Guillermo, Guilherme, etc) You can't go wrong with that name.

For women, my fave is Sofia.

>> No.8155544
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Is Manuel /fa/?

Assuming no shitty dirty hispanic genes.

>> No.8155557

I would love any of the following names:


>> No.8155565

R u from the 90's
U forgot skyler

>> No.8155575

Actually that's a good one, I'll add that to the list

>> No.8155579

>Assuming no shitty dirty hispanic genes.
even worse

>> No.8155581
File: 284 KB, 500x633, fuccthismountain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My name's Creed, never considered changing it.

>> No.8155587

Full name? I've only ever known one 'Pei' in my life.

>> No.8155589


>> No.8155611

>not emmanuel
i'm sorry

>> No.8155613

I can't understand why someone would give their child a boring generic name. I think the best names are unique enough that you have heard it before but don't know anyone with the name

>> No.8155620

And in the rare instance you run into another you're auto-friends because its the same way for them

>> No.8155704


>> No.8155736


lots of these >>8155557

>> No.8155758
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Name is Vivian.

>> No.8155797

My names Michael ppl call me Mike/Mikey or sometimes my full name. For girls I like Franceska, Mya and Sophia. For guys Atticus, Adonis and Malchi. My son or daughter will have dope names.

>> No.8155802

Kevin :(
I wish I was named something cool like Elias

>> No.8155805



jesus christ....

>> No.8155822

anneli, vivian, santana (even though people would call you satan or santa), heidi, yvette, sophie, bodil

>> No.8155824

my name is gestalt which is quite ridiculous

>> No.8155825

Pls b in london

>> No.8155828

is Nick /fa/
my middle name doesn't really work as a first so i hope so

>> No.8155838

My name is Steven and I generally dislike it. I wish I was named something like Darcia, Elijah, Shinji or Rust.

>> No.8155839

My son will be named William or John or something because I am not white trash.

>> No.8155897

What about Daniel?

>> No.8155917

only name your kid john if you use the diminutive form jack, bill and will are shit diminutive forms.

>> No.8155920

Tell me /fa/,

How do you feel about Josh or Joshua

>> No.8155921

Nah I'm Russian but live in America and you have to kinda roll your tongue with the "r" and Americans can't roll their r's for shit
Guillermo is a prime example of that lmao

>> No.8155922

all shit boring names

>> No.8155923
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John reporting in

>tfw normal as fuck name

>> No.8155942

Nickname: Lelus, Lilo, Liu.
Why: my father is a history teacher

>> No.8155967

is Josef /fa/?

>> No.8155974

Is "Brady" even /fa/ at all?

>> No.8155981

If Cedric Bixler-Zavala was a name I'd made up I'd change mine to it.

>> No.8155996

yeah thats pretty cool

>> No.8156011

for guys


how /fa/ are these names

>> No.8156015


that should be santiago* and kieran*

>> No.8156018



>> No.8156025

Nah, that names a little too religious for my taste.

>> No.8156030

my name is Willard
it's pretty unique
I used to dislike it and go by Will, but most of my friends just took to calling me by my full name and now I like it
I still introduce myself to people as Will though

>> No.8156035

>yfw you have a generic white name as your first, but you have the same chinese name as Mao Zedong

what the fuck were my grand parents and parents were thinking?!

>> No.8156080

they are pretty /fa/, except Mesut, Theodore(outdated), Per(too swedish) and Lukasz(drop the z and its /fa/ af)

>> No.8156108

South American mountains bean here. is Adolfo /fa/?

>> No.8156109

My name is Seth. How bad is that?

It's actually my middle name, but I've always been called by it. My first name is Jacob, I'm moving soon and considering starting to tell new people I meet to call me that..what do you guys think?

>> No.8156113

Willard is cool. My old family pharmacist is named Willard.

>> No.8156115

That's like a small, southern town cafe, cashiers name.

>> No.8156120

dickson lol fuck me

>> No.8156125

Seth's not bad
How is Luke on the charts

>> No.8156154

dasha is ugly as hell

>> No.8156177

ugliest name ever kid are you joking?
"rust" this nigga
hah. i'd call you lard

>> No.8156185

Is Alessandro /fa/?

>> No.8156190


>> No.8156287

Freya is only cool if your not from northern europe. Holy shit I'm sick of that name.

>> No.8156305

Name your kid Kenzo


>> No.8156526

Name's Jacky, and I'm male.
How's that?

>> No.8156543

My name is Ivan, and I've never considered changing my name.
I don't think my name is that /fa/, I think western and northern european names are /fa/ (not including the British Isles)

>> No.8156572

I wish my name was Nicholas, or Alice if i was a girl.

>> No.8156594

in my country, there is a kind of apple called like this.

>> No.8156639

What about Maja (female, European)?

>> No.8156696

Ivette doesn sounds so cool tho, it sounds vapid

>tfw not called Hedi, Rick or Raf

>> No.8156706

nice wetback name bro

>> No.8156708

soft j so its pronounced maya? thats p sick

>> No.8156715
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I`m russian so it`s considered as a male name, but i saw american actresses have the same name.

Also i have friends with names like Damir, Sergey, Artem, Amir, Igor, Alexander

>> No.8156739

Do you mean sick in the slang sort of way, like cool? Or sick like it's a bad thing?
And yeah, soft j

>> No.8156746

Louis Valentin
Come at me plebs

>> No.8156861

tink u want the /tg/ names thred

>> No.8156863

i like my name

>> No.8156965

my name is David
i-is my name /fa/ ?

>> No.8156978
File: 36 KB, 360x450, 9EXTD00Z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

effay af

>> No.8156995

it's jewish.

>> No.8157013

never really thought my name was worth complaining
seems to fit me although when i was younger people always said i should be a lawyer because of it

>> No.8157022

Is Leevi effay?

male btw

>> No.8157031

My name is Gabriel
My siblings names are Leo, Noel and Linnea
Get on our level

>> No.8157036

How about Francis?c

>> No.8157039

My name is Bei.

>> No.8157066

great tier:
traditional name of your homeland plus slight obscurity/antiquity/historical relevance (eg wilhelm in germany, edmund in england)

good tier:
traditional name of your homeland (north americans not applicable)
germanic names if german, nordic names if nord, slavic names if subhuman etc

okay/possibly good tier:
biblical names (john, paul, aaron)

bad tier:
edgy shit like >>8154988
anything traceable to popular culture at your time of birth
unisex "progressive liberal parents" names

don't even write on your suicide note tier, aka pray intelligence isn't hereditary tier:
nicknames (charlie, dave, ellie)
special snowflake "pointless but for slight inconvenience during phone calls and paperwork" spelt differently names (eg aimee,
not actually names(eg hope, savannah, ebony)

>> No.8157140

Is Evgeniy /fa?

>> No.8157144

...good job?

You spegered out about names better than anyone else in this thread, so I guess that's something.

>> No.8157150

you know what else is diminutive and shit
ur dick

>> No.8157163

My name's Eliott

Not sure if effay, I hear it too much to form an opinion. What do you think?

>> No.8157170

Wow this actually applies to me

Name's Stefan and I'm Polish

>> No.8157204
File: 149 KB, 1024x1024, Alto_Saotome_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does /fa/ feel about Leo? I got teased for it's relation with adult magazine and even got called by it's female variations.

>> No.8157207

>talk about names
>but don't spend five minutes writing a post, that's talking about names too much
who is the sperg here?

>> No.8157395

thats a really cool name

>> No.8157473

Everyone calls me Jules
is my nickname effay?

>> No.8157483

my name is fucking phelipe. fuck that shit.

high five to whoever can pronounce it correctly.

>> No.8157485

Nico here, rate

>> No.8157493

Fell-eap-ayy ?

>> No.8157495

No you dont

>> No.8157501

Is good, but worse than
Is worse than
Is worse than

>> No.8157508


>> No.8157512

What about traditional names of a different homeland

>> No.8157514



you're correct, though most people pronounce it Fell-eep, which i'm ok with.

Most people assume I'm French or Italian. For a while I went by my middle name - Gabriel - but it didn't work out.

>> No.8157515

What does /fa/ think of Garrett?

>> No.8157526

retarded pig grunt

>> No.8157527

Business card:
Charles E. Palmer
Charles B. Ellison


>> No.8157528


It's ok. Sounds rugged.

>> No.8157536

Mine's not /fa/ but I like it.
It's uncommon even here in Scotland where it's from.

>> No.8157541


No, Luthais is pretty fucking /fa/. It's memorable and doesn't sound retarded.

>> No.8157544

It's pronounced lew-ish...

>> No.8157550
File: 320 KB, 685x942, Alto_Saotome_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Why is it "worse"?

>> No.8157551


Ahah... that's pretty funny

Like your parents wanted to call you Lewis but weren't entiiirely certain about it

>> No.8157558

What are /fa/'s opinions on:
These are my favorite names but it might be a bad idea to give a kid some of these names.

>> No.8157560

yucky trend name

>> No.8157567

my first name is phelipe, middle name gabriel.

so, Fell-eep, Gabriel - does that sound /fa/?

>> No.8157582
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Mine is Jamal, I mean. It seems normal to me but to others you only think of some dude straight out of Compton decked out in like evisu.

I like to think I wear my name ironically.

Pic related is usually what I'm dressed in

>> No.8157587

How's Eli? Never thought anything of it. My middle name's Wolf though which I think is kinda badass sounding.

>> No.8157595

Fuck Imperion is effay af.

Is Andreas effay if you're a tall Scandanavian and not a hairy Greek or Mexican?

>tfw gonna name my son Elias pronounced ell-i-ess

>> No.8157602

don't like Charlie
go for Charles or Chuck

>> No.8157604

thank god you don't live in London
every posh little shit is called noah

>> No.8157605

Mexican as fuck

>> No.8157609

isnt that a nigger name?

>> No.8157616

i actually really like my name, I think Morgan is a pretty /fa/ name for a guy

>> No.8157626

My names Morten. I've always hated it. I'm Danish.

>> No.8157633


>> No.8157638

name's vivien

>> No.8157648

orientation's gay

>> No.8157655

I'm a girl

>> No.8157658

iq level's low

>> No.8157659

What's the consensus on Philip or Philippe

>> No.8157660


I recently became a fuccdad :') I named my son Soren, I like Danish names. Morten is honestly not that bad. It sounds a bit metal

>> No.8157669

>more like Souris

>> No.8157670

my name is Julius, though people call me by my last name

>> No.8157675

Is Przemyslaw /fa/?


>> No.8157681


just go by "prez"

>> No.8157688

Mine's Jair

>> No.8157692

lol, murkans brutalizing latin names

it should be spelled like Ya-eer

>> No.8157699

im actually hispanic.

>> No.8157714

what a weird way to spell it

>> No.8157718

We're Swedes though

>> No.8157723

Justin master race reporting in.

>> No.8157746

I like my name. Sami.

>> No.8157763

Eh, get that so often.
Might just start pronouncing it as Lu-fay-is to make it less funny. Or something

>> No.8157824


>> No.8157837

Adam here.
Is being first man effayyyyeee?

>> No.8157932

is the name Oskar /fa/

>> No.8157951

i have not met a single person named freja / freya and i'm from sweden

>> No.8157956

How /fa/ is Coby?

>> No.8157969

it's good
the wolf just makes it better

>> No.8157979

r u estonian

>> No.8157981

My last name is Monk. Not particularly effay, but kind of neat.

>> No.8157991

Sven here. Can't complain. I dont live in Germany/Sweden/Netherlands, so it's a relatively unique name here, and I don't mind how it sounds.

If I had to choose an alternative, I would go for Vergil. Vergil is a real man's name.

>> No.8157993

Been named Nathaniel since birth. Is it effay? I've never been quite sure how I feel about it.

>> No.8157999

effay especially if your last name is Brian

>> No.8158010

Did you guys fuck?

>> No.8158071

Is Emilio /fa/?

>> No.8158076


>> No.8158133

What :[

>> No.8158244

my name is julian
im not hispanic so its a hard j like justin
i used to dislike it but its cool now

>> No.8158267


>> No.8158274

i get a lot of that tbh

>> No.8158275

My point de exactly, haha.

>> No.8158308

Another Adam here. Opinions?

>> No.8158309

>tfw name is José

That's like the 2nd worst name, above muhammad

>> No.8158311

looks like tripskank's name

>> No.8158325

How about Victoria?

I feel Victor is /fa/ as fuck, but fate cheated me out of it.

>> No.8158330
File: 399 KB, 1334x1574, grouch-bg33a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oskar is my name, /fa/ as fuck, bitches love it.

>> No.8158339


Sounds too weird in short form (Stas) and too oficial in full.

>> No.8158342

It is a really good name

>> No.8158343

Ulysses sounds super fucking /fa/

>> No.8158355

My name is Oskar and I think it is /fa/. Being /fa/ is about being confident that you're rocking. Imagine having the name Julius and being a total push over, you have to make it /fa/.

>> No.8158362

My name is Oisín, I'm Irish. It's definitely /fa/. I haven't met another Oisín in Canada, but in Ireland Oisín is a common name.

>> No.8158369

King Bael
Duke Agares
Prince Vassago
Marquis Samigina
President Marbas
Duke Valefor
Marquis Amon
Duke Barbatos
King Paimon
President Buer
Duke Gusion
Prince Sitri
King Beleth
Marquis Leraje
Duke Eligos
Duke Zepar
Count/President Botis
Duke Bathin
Duke Sallos
King Purson
Count/President Marax
Count/Prince Ipos
Duke Aim
Marquis Naberius
Count/President Glasya-Labolas
Duke Buné
Marquis/Count Ronové
Duke Berith
Duke Astaroth
Marquis Forneus
President Foras
King Asmoday
Prince/President Gäap
Count Furfur
Marquis Marchosias
Prince Stolas
Marquis Phenex
Count Halphas
President Malphas
Count Räum
Duke Focalor
Duke Vepar
Marquis Sabnock
Marquis Shax
King/Count Viné
Count Bifrons
Duke Vual
President Haagenti
Duke Crocell
Knight Furcas
King Balam
Duke Alloces
President Caim
Duke/Count Murmur
Prince Orobas
Duke Gremory
President Ose
President Amy
Marquis Orias
Duke Vapula
King/President Zagan
President Valac
Marquis Andras
Duke Haures
Marquis Andrealphus
Marquis Cimeies
Duke Amdusias
King Belial
Marquis Decarabia
Prince Seere
Duke Dantalion
Count Andromalius

>> No.8158374

i think luke is a pretty good name. i've always liked ulysses but it's too outdated and weird sounding now. i think the most /fa/ name i've ever heard is Baptiste

>> No.8158376

most fa names
one is mine

>> No.8158381

I really like the sound of Lowen but apparently some tv show used it to name a race of were-people that attracted furries which is pretty lame.

>> No.8158394

Baptiste is pretty /fa/
I'm not that interested in male models but Baptiste Radufe's name stuck out to me because it seems so /fa/, same with Gerhard Freidl

Is Roderick considered /fa/?

>> No.8158431


My name is spelled Tayler. I am male.

>> No.8158434


In all latin america, they pick up names n english and write them in spanish how they're pronounced in english, no only names also words or phrases too.

I knew a girl called "Ladysnight" and other weird shit.

Also how /fa/ is Carlos (Charles)?

>> No.8158444

How effay is Denis

>> No.8158446


If you're hot mediterranean yeah, if not it's too beaner.

>> No.8158461


It's nice, it's almost godtier Sasha.

>> No.8158573

My full name is Maximilian David Jungheim, i think its effay as fuck.

>> No.8158620


I think it suits me since I'm low class scum

>> No.8158647

Mine is Gabriel. Angel-tier, at least I have a "unique" german surname to go with it (there are less than 30 people in the world with the same surname).

>> No.8159144

Thanks thought no one was going to respond

>> No.8159308

Samuel? I like it

>> No.8159417

i would love to have that name or some nice Russian name

>tfw german and english name with spanish surenames
>multicultural as fuck

>> No.8159424

kek, Gardnercore